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WWF 1997: War Zone

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Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD
BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponents

Sulty gets over after Ahmed & Faarooq take each other out.  Garza's kid is watching.  Sincere craps himself on the way to the ring pre squash.  Stone Cold is taken out by Bret after defeating Edge and Christian.

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner
8 Man Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon

Mankind & the other guy go over.  In what appears to be a clear indication of substance abuse on the booking team in a 10 men compete in a 8 man match that Maivia kid comes out looking strong.  With no Mil in the match Pierroth & Cibernetico get to get a win.  The Goon mysteriously fails to win.

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
Crush vs The Undertaker

Marlena unleashes her magical puppy power distracting the King allowing Goldust to get the win.  The Bulldog gets revenge on Rocky after Owen distracts the youngster.  Taker crushes Crush.

Edited by alpha2117
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36 minutes ago, TheAwesomeZero101 said:

Now that I'm thinking about it, was AAA associated with WCW as well at the time?

That was the case through a lot of the 90s but we're in a very interesting time!

After a disagreement with AAA management, Konnan led a talent exodus from AAA to Promo Azteca in October 1996, taking with him all the luchadors that were WCW regulars - Rey Misterio Jr., Juventud Guerrera, La Parka, etc. From that point, WCW's relationship was through Konnan and Azteca. Ironically, Azteca would go out of business by 1998 as their biggest stars ended up working exclusively for WCW.

AAA would sign a working agreement with the WWF ahead of 1997's Royal Rumble but things had largely petered out by about April with the WWF not really knowing what to do with the AAA talent, and AAA luchadors were free to compete for WCW again. That's exactly what happened in the case of Hector Garza - he moved from CMLL to AAA with the promise of getting dates with the WWF, then once the partnership ended, he showed up in WCW.

Of course, who knows how things will go with this diary?

43 minutes ago, TheAwesomeZero101 said:

Is this an 8-man tag or just them fighting each other in that case I guess British Bulldog

It's an eight-man tag team match with over the top rope rules - the team that fully eliminates the other wins!

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3 hours ago, blaustein said:


Thanks to everyone that participated! I really enjoyed your amusing comments, but I have to give an extra point for two that made me laugh out loud: @Kieran_Lives "Bobby Duncum Jr. costs Bret on Raw and gets thrust into a main event feud" and @TheYEAHMovement "The best part of Sunday Morning Superstars was when the Goon said "Its goonin' time" and gooned all over the Undertaker"


Here's where everyone is as of the end of January Week 1! Two users lead the pack but there's still all to play for by the end of January, where the winner gets to choose a new signing to join the WWF roster!

10/12 - @Kieran_Lives @Kirby

8/12 - @sonny912 @phoenixnitro @CharDeeMacDennis @Dawn

7/12 - @TheAwesomeZero101 @Njord @alpha2117 @Blodyxe @Lord Byron 

6/12 - @arlovski

5/12 - @Teasenitryn @TheYEAHMovement

4/12 - @Jason Phoenix


The second week of 1997 features: a battle royal for the inaugural Shotgun Sheriff Badge on Saturday Night; the most sadistic and dominant competitor in the WWF is in action... against Sycho Sid on Sunday Morning; and there's a clash of super-heavyweights in Raw's main event! There are another 12 points to play for - 11 for guessing the correct winners of matches, and 1 for guessing any of Stone Cold's opponents during the gauntlet main event. You can make your picks up until Saturday.

WEEK 2 January 7th to 14th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD
BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponents

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner
4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
Crush vs The Undertaker



Mr. Bob Backlund (I wanted to go with The Headbangers via some sort of shenanigans involving Brother Love, but as I don't believe Battle Royals can have two winners, and Sultan doesn't speak, Backlund seems like the option that would provide the most storyline possibilities).

Heavy Metal & Abismo Negro.

The Undertaker by DQ after someone else also calling themselves Salvatore Sincere attacks The Undertaker.

Stone Cold defeats Chris Adams, Frogman LeBlanc, Rod Price, Brian Pillman and Ricky Steamboat, but falls at the final hurdle of Jake Roberts


Mankind & Executioner after a distracted from people dancing the can-can around the ring.

Team Leif Cassidy

Cibernetico & Pierroth

The Goon by DQ when The fake Goon (from my last prediction) and fake Salvatore Sincere attack The Goon.


Goldust & Marc Mero due to Jerry Lawler being too distracted by Marlena, leaving HHH all alone.

British Bulldog squashes Rocky Maivia

Double Countout 


(I don't know why the text size has changed half way through, but I can't do anything about it on this device as "Select All" also selects your post)

Edited by Jason Phoenix
Accidentally called Marlena, Terri and Frogman LeBlanc, Frogman DeFalco.
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1 hour ago, Jason Phoenix said:

The fake Goon (from my last prediction) and fake Salvatore Sincere attack The Goon.

I can't wait until Fake Goon and Fake Salvatore Sincere take on Fake Diesel and Fake Razor Ramon in a Lucha de Impostora match where the losing team reveal their real identities.

Either that or it's leading to WWF: Secret Invasion.

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My picks: 

Shotgun Saturday Night: Farooq, Hector Garza and Latin Lover, The Undertaker, and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin...

Sunday Morning Superstars: Can-Am Express, Rocky Maivia, Pierroth/Cibernetico, and Sycho Sid...

Monday Night Raw: Goldust/Marc Mero, Rocky Maivia, and the Undertaker...

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5 hours ago, blaustein said:


Thanks to everyone that participated! I really enjoyed your amusing comments, but I have to give an extra point for two that made me laugh out loud: @Kieran_Lives "Bobby Duncum Jr. costs Bret on Raw and gets thrust into a main event feud" and @TheYEAHMovement "The best part of Sunday Morning Superstars was when the Goon said "Its goonin' time" and gooned all over the Undertaker"


Here's where everyone is as of the end of January Week 1! Two users lead the pack but there's still all to play for by the end of January, where the winner gets to choose a new signing to join the WWF roster!

10/12 - @Kieran_Lives @Kirby

8/12 - @sonny912 @phoenixnitro @CharDeeMacDennis @Dawn

7/12 - @TheAwesomeZero101 @Njord @alpha2117 @Blodyxe @Lord Byron 

6/12 - @arlovski

5/12 - @Teasenitryn @TheYEAHMovement

4/12 - @Jason Phoenix


The second week of 1997 features: a battle royal for the inaugural Shotgun Sheriff Badge on Saturday Night; the most sadistic and dominant competitor in the WWF is in action... against Sycho Sid on Sunday Morning; and there's a clash of super-heavyweights in Raw's main event! There are another 12 points to play for - 11 for guessing the correct winners of matches, and 1 for guessing any of Stone Cold's opponents during the gauntlet main event. You can make your picks up until Saturday.

WEEK 2 January 7th to 14th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan- I unapologetically love Ahmed in all his sloppiness. He would of been something in Vince's WWF if he wasn't always hurt.
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover- tough call so going with who I know more
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker- squash city
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold - the goon is definitely making an appearance vs Opponents TBD
BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponents

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express - they win when mankind goes off the rails. vs Mankind/The Executioner
4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly- can't see Bulldog being happy losing to anyone on the other team
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler - love goldust but can't stand mero
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia - start of a long term feud but rocky isn't there yet
Crush vs The Undertaker




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Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan

-> Ahmed Johnson

Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover

Negro / Metal

Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker

-> Undertaker

Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD

-> Austin

BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponents
 -> Goldust

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner

-> Mankind / Executioner

4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly

-> Team Roberts

Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

-> Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon

-> Sid


 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler

-> HHH / Lawler

British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia

-> Bulldog

Crush vs The Undertaker

-> Undertaker


Edited by arlovski
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Mr. Bob Backlund
Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Steve Austin
One of Austin's opponents is LIL' SLAPNUTS, DOUBLE J JESSE JAMES

Mankind & Executioner
Rocky Maivia
Pierroth & Cibernetico
Sycho Sid

Goldust & Marc Mero
British Bulldog

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10 hours ago, blaustein said:

That was the case through a lot of the 90s but we're in a very interesting time!

After a disagreement with AAA management, Konnan led a talent exodus from AAA to Promo Azteca in October 1996, taking with him all the luchadors that were WCW regulars - Rey Misterio Jr., Juventud Guerrera, La Parka, etc. From that point, WCW's relationship was through Konnan and Azteca. Ironically, Azteca would go out of business by 1998 as their biggest stars ended up working exclusively for WCW.

AAA would sign a working agreement with the WWF ahead of 1997's Royal Rumble but things had largely petered out by about April with the WWF not really knowing what to do with the AAA talent, and AAA luchadors were free to compete for WCW again. That's exactly what happened in the case of Hector Garza - he moved from CMLL to AAA with the promise of getting dates with the WWF, then once the partnership ended, he showed up in WCW.

Of course, who knows how things will go with this diary?

It's an eight-man tag team match with over the top rope rules - the team that fully eliminates the other wins!

That makes sense, I had seen Promo Azteca before in mods but never knew it's history. Super interesting but funny that Konnan keeps screwing around AAA whether it's leading a talent exodus or booking complete crap at Triplemania. Thanks for the history lesson, seems like CMLL were doing their own thing at this time.

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Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD
BONUS: Barry Horrowitz
 Comments: The Deadman makes Salvatore dead, Sincerely

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner
4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon
 Comments: Snakes, bulldogs and smoking guns, my oh my it's all gone Sycho

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
Crush vs The Undertaker
 Comments: The Burger King of Kings...nah that'll never catch on

Edited by Teasenitryn
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WEEK 2 January 7th to 14th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan
Comments: If Ahmed can take out The Nation single handedly, he should have no problem taking everybody in this battle royal.
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Comments: Anything lucha is really a toss-up, but I'll go with Garza & The Lover, as their names I recognize
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker
Comments: If I was Salvatore, I would be sincerely looking for a new line of work. Especially if they saw what happened to Goon & poor Jimmy Cornette (Bless Mama Cornette's poor heart)
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD
BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponents
Guess: Aldo Montoya or Barry Horowitz

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner
Comments: The Can-Am Express continues full steam ahead but, I fear for the safety of The Executioner after seeing what happened to Owen last week.
4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly
Comments: If I had to guess, it's probably going to come down to Rocky & Bulldog in the final with the underdog Maivia getting the win, leading to Bulldog challenging him to a match on RAW.
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico
Comments: These guys are probably going to make a make a-a a good, good Luchas Lucha... Thing... (GOD DAMNIT! WOO!)

Sycho Sid vs The Goon
 Comments: I'll commend The Goon on his fortitude, but this is another win for The Master & Ruler Of The World!

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler
Comments: Two reasons for this pick. 1. Sable. 2. Marlena.
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
Comments: I believe Rocky will win this one, likely by DQ.
Crush vs The Undertaker
 Comments: Crush will likely be crushed by Taker, barring an appearance of Vader, then likely a DQ.

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 Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD
BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponent: The Stalker

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner
4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
Crush vs The Undertaker

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What exactly is the Shotgun Sheriff Badge? Is it like a general manager or commissioner role cause it sounds like it.

5 hours ago, Vandal said:

 Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD
BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponent: The Stalker

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner
4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
Crush vs The Undertaker

I'm making the same choices as this guy cause they sound the most accurate.

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 Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD
Freddie Joe Floyd.

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner
4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
Crush vs The Undertaker

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Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD
BONUS: Flash Funk will be in the Slobberknocker.
 Comments: Love the stark contrast that Shotgun has compared to Raw. It makes it so interesting to read!

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner
4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon
 Comments: Heart says Goon, Brain says Sycho. Also a bumper sticker in Hot Topic!

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
Crush vs The Undertaker
 Comments: You’ve done such a phenomenal job of making the WWF really feel like it did at the time across all programs. Loving this!

Edited by phoenixnitro
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Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD
BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponents

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner
4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
Crush vs The Undertaker

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 Shotgun Saturday Night #2 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan
Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover
Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker
Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD
BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponents
 Comments: Sherrif Bob Backlund has a good ring to it, he's clean cut and fits the role the most? Steve beats Russo, Sunny, Pillman, but spares JR cause he needs to drink some beers. Jim develops a fandom for Austin, rest is history

 Sunday Morning Superstars #535 
No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner
4v4 Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly
Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico

Sycho Sid vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #193 
Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler
British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
Crush vs The Undertaker
 Comments: HHH is not that guy yet, and Lawler is an announcer, so if Goldie has a chance to beat them, it's now.

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Major changes are afoot in industry leader WCW - with Ric Flair's ongoing injury, the Four Horsemen faction has been disbanded, and Kevin Nash is being positioned as the new leader of the nWo stable. Monday's Nitro featured a main event of Hollywood Hogan and Vincent over The Giant and DDP, Eddy Guerrero defending the WCW U.S. Heavyweight title against Syxx, and Lord Steven Regal retaining the WCW Television title over Jeff Jarrett and Dean Malenko in a three-way dance.

The Dirt Sheet can exclusively reveal that WCW have signed top free agent Warrior! Best known as the Ultimate Warrior, this face-painted colossus returned to the WWF at Wrestlemania 12, but the notoriously volatile and egomaniacal Warrior's stint ended in July after a series of no-shows and creative disputes with Vince McMahon. It remains to be seen whether Warrior can be a difference maker in WCW.

On the other hand, the WWF have invested some time and care in a team bonding session with the locker room's leaders, including the Undertaker, Bret Hart and more. We can also report a high-profile backstage intervention for Jake Roberts, who many of the boys are worried for - Roberts responded well to the concern and promised to try and address some of his substance abuse problems.


Dark Matches:
Flash Funk/Alex Porteau def T.L. Hopper/D'Lo Brown in 5:18 [37]
Shawn Michaels/Aldo Montoya def HHH/Brakus in 8:05 [58]

Welcome to Shotgun Saturday Night! 
Episode #2, January 11th 1997 - New York City, NY


Our commentary team tonight is Vince McMahon, Brian Pillman & Sunny! Vince looks utterly baffled by the raucous rock music, rowdy nightclub crowd and chaotic scene of wrestlers starting to fill the ring. "Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the second-ever edition of Shotgun Saturday Night!" Vince opens in his usual manner. "I'm Vince McMahon, joined by the outrageous and unpredictable Brian Pillman and the ever-gorgeous, always controversial Sunny at ringside on what promises to be an incredible night of action."

Pillman perks an eyebrow, asking mischievously: "Who are you calling outrageous, McMahon? And where the hell is J.R.? Did we scare him off already?" Vince lets out a half-chuckle, responding: "Jim Ross is attending a family event this evening, and we wish him and his loved ones the very best tonight." Pillman snorts in response: "Sure, whatever. Now how about you tell us more about this scoop of yours, Sunny - this Shotgun Sheriff Badge everyone is wrestling for!"

"Glad you asked, Brian," Sunny smirks. "The winner of this battle royal is gonna walk away with the ultimate fashion accessory - but it's more than a shiny little trinket! This badge gives you power, it gives you authority! Whoever slaps that thing on their chest is calling the shots here every week on Shotgun Saturday Night! And all the winners from last week are going to have a shot at it." A bewildered McMahon comments: "Not quite, Sunny. Last week we saw the Headbangers and the Godwinns go to a double draw, but they appear to be back in it tonight. And--"

"WAIT A MINUTE," the voice of Mr. Bob Backlund wails over the house microphone. Pillman mutters lowly: "I thought the dinosaurs all went extinct." Backlund marches into the ring, surrounded by the other participants, and yells: "I REFUSE TO ALLOW THIS SHOTGUN SHERIFF BADGE TO FALL INTO THE HANDS OF DEGENERATES!" He looks wide-eyed at the other participants. "I'M ENTERING MYSELF INTO THIS BATTLE ROYAL - BECAUSE SOMEONE NEEDS TO MAINTAIN LAW AND ORDER ON THIS SHOW!" [73]



Tim White calls for the bell. "So Backlund is in it now?" Sunny asks. "This badge is supposed to be for someone who brings a little zip, not the guy still living in the '70s!" Pillman snickers, adding: "Not a little 'Skip?' Backlund doesn't need a sheriff badge, he needs a warm glass of milk and a long nap." McMahon looks between them, adding feebly: "Well, Mr. Backlund -is- a former two-time WWF Champion. And regardless of how we feel about it, the referee's decision is final and the bell has rung!"

Backlund stands in the center of the crowded 16x16ft ring antagonising the other participants: "SKIRT-WEARERS, HILL-BILLIES AND THE DEVIL'S RAP MUSIC! IT'S NOT RIGHT!" He's quickly overwhelmed and dumped over the top rope by a combination of all the others, save for Ahmed and Faarooq who immediately start teeing off on each other, and the Sultan, who is unable to prevent his manager from being eliminated. Backlund has a temper tantrum on the outside before just leaving.

The battle royal then breaks down into a standard brawl. McMahon notes evenly: "This is certainly a preview of next Sunday's Royal Rumble match, live on pay-per-view!" Sunny smirks: "Nice plug, Vince." Vince seems baffled by her comment, before Pillman clarifies: "I think she's saying you have nice hair plugs, McMahon." In the ring, the Godwinns team up to dump the Sultan, before the Headbangers charge at them with tandem running clotheslines that send all four men spilling over the top rope! They're swiftly broken up by ringside officials before last week's brawl can restart.

Ahmed Johnson is left in the ring with Faarooq and PG-13, though when Ahmed is knocked to the ground and Faarooq has his back turned, both rappers try to chuck their Nation boss! "I love it," raves Pillman, "it's every man for himself - they're all gonna claw and scratch for a piece of that badge!" Vince hums, "By any means necessary is the slogan of the Nation of Domination, but I don't think that's its intended meaning." Faarooq lands on the apron and steps back in with tranquil fury as Clarence Mason tries to yell for calm at ringside - but the leader grabs both Wolfie D and J.C. Ice and throws them over the top rope!

As Faarooq scowls down at PG-13 on the floor, Ahmed recovers and comes up from behind with his trademark combination of power and agility and tips Faarooq out of the ring to score the win in 10:22! [59]



Faarooq storms to the back as Sunny hops up to to the ring and presents Ahmed Johnson with the Shotgun Sheriff Badge, giving him an unsolicited kiss on the cheek. Johnson clutches the badge in his palm and sticks it out into the camera as Vic Venom holds a microphone up, asking him: "Ahmed Johnson, you beat nine other men to win that Shotgun Sheriff Badge, and now the power is in your hands! What are you gonna do with it?"

Ahmed seems to ignore the question as he instead addresses Faarooq: "FROOK, I HEARD YOU RUNNIN' YOUR MOUTH AT ME, CALLIN' ME OUT - I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE FOR THA ROYAL RUMBLE!" He steps forward staring into the camera, his voice growing in intensity. "YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT YOUR NATION? WELL, I GOT MY OWN NATION - THE FANS, THE PEOPLE, THE ONES WHO KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE KNOCKED DOWN AND HAVE TO FIGHT BACK!"

He then stares at the Shotgun Sheriff Badge in his palm, and concludes: "VIC VEMON, YOU SAY I HAVE POWER IN MY HANDS? WELL, I'M GONNA USE THAT POWER TO RIGHT SOME WRONGS. IF YOU THINK YOU CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT ON MY SHOW, YOU'RE GONNA FACE THE LAW - AND I AM THE LAW!" Ahmed heads through the cheering nightclub crowd as Venom adds: "There you have it! Sheriff Ahmed is in town!" [61]



The young AAA prospects seem unusually at ease in the frenetic New York nightclub, as Garza and Abismo start off fast with an exchange of arm drags and counters. "I think these luchas got lost on the way to the Cirque de Soleil audition," Pillman snarks, before Sunny responds: "Say what you want, Brian - these guys have got moves! And that Latin Lover is a hunk." Indeed, Lover tags in and begins playing to the crowd, gyrating his hips and winking at the camera. "Now that's sex appeal," Sunny positively growls.

Abismo cuts Lover off and the rudo team isolate and wear him down with stiff kicks and a chokehold, as Shane Stevens begins to count! "You've got until 'Cinco'," Pillman urges Heavy Metal, who duly breaks just before the count of five. Lover manages to power out of of the smaller man's headlock and makes the hot tag to Garza, who explodes into the ring with a flurry of dropkicks on both of his opponents! The fans seem to actively ignore the action from the unknown luchadors however. As Lover takes Abismo out on the outside with a plancha, Garza finishes Metal off with a quebrada in 3:24- McMahon, who can't call the springboard moonsault, instead says: "Hector Garza picks up the victory with a sensational manuever!" [26]



The strains of the Argentinian Tango are heard as Salvatore Sincere comes out with a smug grin, wearing a "I ❤️ NY" t-shirt and blowing kisses to the crowd. Vic Venom meets him in the ring, asking him: "Sal, you're not on the format tonight, bro - what are you doing out here?" Sincere oozes fake charm as he addresses the crowd in response: "You-a cannot have-a Shotgun Saturday Night in the greatest-a city in the world, New York City, without the greatest-a wrestler from New York City! I'm-a talking about a clean athlete! I'm-a talking about a proud son of Italian immigrants!"

"Bruno Sammartino?" Pillman quips over the top of Sincere, "wait, no - Steve Lombardi!" Salvatore gestures grandly to the crowd with a big wave: "From this-a day on, I promise to be here EVERY single week-a to represent you, the beautiful-a people of New York City! And--"

Suddenly the lights grow even darker in the dimly-lit nightclub as a gong sounds and smoke begins to rise from the entryway. Salvatore Sincere's confident grin fades as he looks nervously to the ramp and the Undertaker emerges. "Salvatore just got a whole lot more sincere," Sunny taunts, "look at that face!" The Undertaker steps into the ring slowly and deliberately as Sincere begins to backpedal into the corner, visibly trembling as the Dead Man stares a hole through him. "What's Undertaker doing here?" Pillman asks, "I didn't know Death Valley was in Brooklyn!"

Vince holds a hand to his earpiece as he reports: "This just in - I am told that the Sheriff of Shotgun Saturday Night, Ahmed Johnson, has made this match - it'll be Salvatore Sincere versus the Undertaker!" [54]



As the bell rings, Salvatore slowly approaches the Undertaker with a conciliatory smile, starting to talk to him - though we can't hear his words over the badly-miced crowd. "I think he's trying to reason with him," Pillman notes, "maybe this can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship." Without warning, the Undertaker's hand suddenly shoots out and he grips Salvatore by the throat - he lifts him high in the air and delivers a thunderous chokeslam that shakes the tiny ring! He pins Sincere with a foot in 0:33. "Maybe not," Pillman chuckles. "A man of few words is the Undertaker," Vince notes as the Dead Man leaves, "but that dominant victory has to be a signal to the Mastodon, Vader." [80]



After the commercial break, the sound of glass shattering heralds the arrival of Stone Cold Steve Austin, who jawjacks with the crowd and shoves hands aside as he makes his way to the ring. He strides over to the commentary table, locking eyes with Brian Pillman - who nervously shifts in his chair. For a long, tense moment, the two glare at each other, before Pillman finally rises to his feet to stand his ground - but Austin snorts and says: "I ain't got time for you, Pillman... yet." Austin rolls into the ring as McMahon notes: "No love lost between Stone Cold and the Loose Cannon after a home invasion two months ago." Pillman sits back down with a grumble, at a loss for words for once: "...Yeah."

Austin snatches the mic from Vic Venom as he paces back and forth: "So this is Shotgun Saturday Night, huh? You don't impress Stone Cold with your little ring and crappy nightclub full of crappy people." The crowd give Austin a mixed reaction as he continues: "Bret Hart, I gave you a taste of your own medicine on Monday. You say you can out-wrestle me? Well, I left your ass laying on the mat like a piece of trash - and that's all I got to say about that."

Austin scowls as he faces the entryway: "I -am- the toughest son of a bitch in the World Wrestling Federation, and I'm not here to talk, I'm here to prove it. Ahmed Johnson, you call yourself the law around here? Well, Stone Cold wants a fight - so send 'em out, one by one, ten by ten, it don't make a damn bit of difference. You bring 'em out and I'll knock 'em flat on their asses."

Ahmed Johnson comes out on the ramp, now wearing a denim jacket that has the Shotgun Sheriff Badge on its lapel, staring him down: "STONED COLD! GET READY, 'CAUSE IT'S ABOUT TO BE ON! I'M MAKIN' THE MATCH - IT'S YOU AGAINST ONE MAN AFTER ANOTHER UNTIL THE SHOW GOES OFF THE AIR! LET'S SEE HOW LONG YOU LAST!" Austin gives Ahmed a crooked smirk, clearing approving. [92]



"So what are the rules here?" Sunny asks as Jeff Hardy runs out towards the ring. Vince hums indecisively: "Well, I don't believe we've seen a bout quite like this before - but it seems to be a gauntlet match, and Stone Cold wins the contest if he outlasts his opponents with TV time remaining." Pillman chuckles, adding: "The rules are simple enough to me - two men enter, one man leaves. Then another man enters, and another, and another!"

Full of energy, Jeff unloads on Austin with a series of strikes, but Stone Cold catches him with a hard boot to the midsection and whips him into the corner with authority, before stomping a mudhole in the youngster! He pulls a dazed Jeff to his feet and hits a Stone Cold Stunner for the quick pin. Austin glares towards the entrance as the next opponent, Matt Hardy, sprints to the ring! Stone Cold ducks a clothesline attempt, catching Matt on the rebound with a quick Stunner and another pinfall! "These inexperienced young boys," Sunny chimes in mischievously, "they never last long!"

Jason Arnhdt is next down to ringside as Stone Cold immediately potatoes him with a right hand and begins stomping him into the mat. "Is that-?" Vince asks, before answering himself: "It is! Jason Arnhdt, the man who pinned Stone Cold on Superstars two weeks ago thanks to an assist from the British Bulldog." Pillman winces as Austin continues to punish Arnhdt: "I hear he's calling himself the 'new toughest SOB in the WWF'. Well, Austin is reminding him of his place." Austin finally drags a staggering Arnhdt to his feet and crushes him with a Stone Cold Stunner, covering for yet another victory.

Austin is beginning to sweat and breathe heavily as his fourth opponent, Freddie Joe Floyd, slaps hands on his way to the ring. The jovial Bow-Legged Cowboy outpaces Austin, hitting a big dropkick and then whipping Stone Cold into the ropes for a huge Spinebuster! Floyd manages to get a two-count, as Austin bails to the outside. "Freddie Joe Floyd has got Austin on the run," Vince notes, as Floyd rolls outside but gets blindsided by Austin and whipped into the post! Austin pulls his opponent into the ring and hits a vicious Stunner, sitting on the mat to catch his breath after the ref counts 3. [50]



Suddenly the mood of the crowd and Austin himself shifts as Bret Hart's music plays, and the Hitman appears at the top of the entrance ramp! "Wait a minute- here comes Bret Hart!" McMahon exclaims. "How much longer's on the clock?" Pillman asks, "Austin's already faced four men - can he hang in there long enough with the Hitman?"

Bret heads down to ringside and steps through the ropes, the two staring each other down - but then Austin suddenly hops out of the ring, throwing his hands in the air and walking up the ramp. Referee Mike Chioda begins to count Austin out as Bret looks down on him, daring him to come back. "I think Austin's had enough," Sunny notes, "he doesn't want a piece of Bret Hart tonight!" Austin simply flips Bret off with a twisted smirk as he leaves behind the curtain and the ref counts 10, awarding the victory to Bret Hart!

The Hitman watches Austin with a calm bemusement before he spends some time glad-handing the crowd. "I think Austin thinks he's under Bret's skin, and Bret thinks he's under Austin's skin," Pillman speculates excitedly. "I don't think this result will satisfy either man," Vince adds, "and all roads lead to the Royal Rumble, next Sunday on pay-per-view!" Brian Pillman mutters something about hair plugs as the show goes off the air. [89]


Show Rating: [72]

Edited by blaustein
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Sherrif Ahmed vs. Cop Ronnie Coleman, a dream match you never knew you wanted to see until now.

Also, that Slobberknocker reminded me of a similar named game mode in SmackDown: Here Comes The Pain.. used to F5 20 odd people with BORK

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Hello! Due to feeling under the weather, there'll be a one day delay to the rest of this week's results - i.e. Superstars will be on Monday and Raw will be on Tuesday.

16 hours ago, Blodyxe said:

Also, that Slobberknocker reminded me of a similar named game mode in SmackDown: Here Comes The Pain.. used to F5 20 odd people with BORK

That was the inspiration! :D

Edited by blaustein
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7 hours ago, blaustein said:

Hello! Due to feeling under the weather, there'll be a one day delay to the rest of this week's results - i.e. Superstars will be on Monday and Raw will be on Tuesday.

That was the inspiration! :D

Get well soon.  Dont stress taking a little break for a day or few - it always has to be fun for you and when you are feeling off colour doing creative writing is sort of a chore.

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Over in Japan, NJPW have ended their working relationship with European-based Catch Wrestling Association (CWA). The Dirt Sheet are unable to provide a reason for this but don't expect wrestlers from either promotion to appear on loan going forward.

Mixed messages in AJPW this week, where despite signing a deal with Nippon TV to air tour highlights, the morale is said to be generally poor in the locker room. The notoriously isolationist president Giant Baba has seen his rivals sign working deals with big U.S. companies, while AJPW's domestic stars remain exclusively in Japan.


Dark Matches:
Mil Mascaras/Savio Vega def The Stalker/Fuerza Guerrera [61]
Marc Mero/Jesse Jammes def Barry Horowitz/Dr. X [51]

Welcome to Sunday Morning Superstars! 
 Episode #535, January 12th 1997 - Daytona Beach, FL   


Jim Ross, Honky Tonk Man and special guest commentator WWF World Tag Team Champion Owen Hart join us at the top of the show, as Ross narrates hurriedly: "It's a jam-packed edition of Sunday Morning Superstars, folks - there's not a minute to waste, so let's go to ringside with a match with major Tag Team title implications for the Royal Rumble!" The Can-Am Express are stretching and warming up as Mankind rocks in the corner with the urn and the Executioner stares coldly across the ring at his opponents, Paul Bearer shrieking advice to both of them.

Owen, sat at commentary with his tag title and Slammy Awards on full display and Clarence Mason lurking over his shoulder, waves a dismissive hand at Ross: "Let's be real, J.R. - this match is just to determine who's next to lose to me and the Bulldog!" Ross asks belligerently in return: "And where is the Bulldog, Owen? He wasn't with you on Raw either." Mason cups a hand as he whispers into Owen's ear, and the King of Harts just says: "My legal counsel says I don't have to answer that question." 

Furnas and Mankind start things off, with the Oklahoman powerhouse showing surprising raw strength and forcing his demented opponent back into the corner, hitting him with shoulder blocks to the midsection until Mankind manages to get a handful of Doug's hair and forces referee Earl Hebner to break it up! "Well, maybe you'll answer this question," Ross drawls, "which of these teams would you rather face at the Rumble?" Owen whispers confidentially back and forth with Clarence Mason again, before he responds: "Well, after Mankind stuck his fingers down my throat on Raw, my legal counsel is looking at a restraining order and damages for emotional distress - so maybe it's which of these teams can face us legally?"

Bearer's men have taken over in the ring, with Executioner isolating and pounding down on Furnas - until Doug manages to muscle out and hit a huge belly to belly suplex! "That's a 300lb man, folks," Honky excitedly shrieks, "He's heavier than a hog after Thanksgiving, but Furnas is hoistin' him like a hay bale!" Both men crawl to their corners to make the tag, and it's LaFon's agility that gets the best of Mankind with flying forearms and a snap suplex! LaFon locks in the Cobra Clutch as Mankind begins to squeal! "THE UUUUUURN!" shrieks Bearer, as he climbs onto the ropes and holds out the urn, and Mankind begins fumbling his way towards it with LaFon in tow! "Bearer's using that urn as bait to get him over to the ropes - to try and break this thing," Ross excitedly notes.

LaFon uses his own deceptive strength to pull Mankind back into the middle of the ring and lock the Cobra Clutch in tighter, adding leg-scissors to keep the bigger man grounded! "It's all over, baby," Honky proclaims prematurely - as a distressed Mankind instead reaches his right hand over his shoulder and clamps the Mandible Claw in on LaFon's jaw! The two men hold each other in their respective submissions until LaFon slowly goes limp and Mankind emerges with the submission win in 7:17! [69]



Owen throws his headset off, looking upset as Todd Pettengill heads into the ring nervously, holding a microphone up to Paul Bearer's men as he asks: "Congratulations, Paul Bearer - Mankind and the Executioner have earned a title opportunity at the Royal Rumble. Do you have any words for the WWF World Tag Team Champions, Owen Hart and the British Bulldog?"

The portly Bearer leans into the microphone, speaking eerily with a high-pitched voice: "OHHHH YES, TODD! MY EXECUTIONER AND MANKIND ARE THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE TAG TEAM IN ALL THE WWF! AND SOON THE GOLD WILL BELONG TO MEEEE!"  Executioner stands stoically and cracks his knuckles as Mankind clutches his hair and starts to address Owen Hart on commentary in a low disturbed voice.

"Owen... Davey... you may be brothers-in-law... you may be bound by blood... but the Executioner and I have something stronger than that. We're a family bound by pain, by agony, by the blood and sweat and tears we've given to destroy EVERYTHING in our path!" Mankind gives a sickening toothless smile as he adds: "And Stu Hart may have taught you well, but you've never known the comfort of Uncle Paul's voice in the darkness... telling you it's okay to hurt... telling you it's okay to HURT OTHERS!"

Mankind falls silent mid-sentence, before he reaches for the urn needily and cradles it in his arms like a newborn baby. He then whispers a final warning to his opponents: "Owen, Davey... at Royal Rumble, we'll show you the true meaning of family. Have a nice day!" A rattled Owen just scoops up his belt and Slammys and leaves, with Clarence Mason right at his heels. [66]



The next match-up features four of the six luchadores from the last edition of Superstars, with another, the legendary Mil Mascaras, joining commentary! "Thank you, Jim," Mascaras greets Ross with a heavy accent after his introduction, "it is a pleasure to be here in the WWF and competing in the Royal Rumble. I want to show all the fans the true heart of lucha libre - courage and honor." Honky Tonk Man sneers, responding: "Yeah, yeah - forget lucha libre, what I wanna know is how many of these guys can swing a guitar or sing a high note?" J.R. mediates between them, insisting: "These are skilled grapplers, not showmen, Honky. There's over fifty years of experience in the ring alone right now."

The four men wrestle a competent back-and-forth match-up but the crowd seem to be utterly dead. When Cibernetico downs Aguayo with a missile dropkick and Pierroth finishes Octagon off with the Pierrothazo Powerbomb in 5:30, there is barely any reaction. [14]image.jpeg


Todd Pettingill enters the ring for a post-match interview, before Pierroth grabs the microphone and begins to rant in Spanish to increasingly loud boos - it seems the crowd care now!

“¡Escuchen bien, estúpidos! ¡No me importa lo que piensen de mí! ¡Todos ustedes, fanáticos de la WWF, son unos ignorantes! No entienden lo que es el verdadero talento. No entienden lo que es ser una verdadera estrella. ¡Yo soy Pierroth, y soy mejor que cualquiera de esos supuestos héroes que ustedes adoran! ¡No son más que payasos! Mientras ustedes se sientan aquí, perdiendo su tiempo, yo dominaré este lugar y les demostraré que soy superior a todos. ¡Voy a ganar el 'Royal Rumble'!

Mil Mascaras rises to his feet as Pierroth continues to rant, marching towards the ring and stepping face to face with the veteran rudo. He takes the microphone, responding in English to the crowd's approval: "Talk, talk, talk - at the Royal Rumble, it won't matter how many insults you throw. Because when we step into the ring, I will send you over the top rope! And I will win the match for the glory of lucha libre! I will see you at the Royal Rumble, if you even have the courage to show up... pendejo." Pierroth seethes as we go to commercial. [55]



We rejoin the action as eight men fill the ring. "Next Sunday is the Royal Rumble," J.R. explains, "and these are eight of the thirty men competing - who's going to pick up the advantage in a special four versus four elimination match?" Honky grumbles: "I don't see the point in this, J.R. - at the Royal Rumble, nobody's gonna have your back. It's gonna be every man for himself!" Ross chuckles, before adding: "At the very least, you've got a lot of potential protégés in one place - you are still looking for one, aren't you?" Honky sneers, folding his arms: "I am - point taken."

Bradshaw immediately goes after Rocky, the pair exchanging punches. Clarence Mason directs traffic at ringside as British Bulldog and Crush team up to toss Bob Holly over the top rope. "Looks like ol' Sparky Plugg didn't get off the starting line," Honky snarks. Leif Cassidy is pummeling away at Jake Roberts in the corner, until he goes for a huge splash in the corner and the veteran ducks, sending the Rocker sailing over the top! Bart Gunn breaks up Bradshaw's attack on Rocky, but Crush and Bulldog are soon on the cowboy and force him up and over the top! "Bulldog and Crush make an effective unit," Ross notes, "and it's now them and Bradshaw against Rocky and the Snake."

The terrible trio of heels beat down their opponents but soon begin to argue over who gets to finish them off, with Bradshaw demanding to be the one to eliminate Rocky! Crush picks Rocky up instead, leading to the Texan shoving the Jailbird, who pushes him back - and the two come to blows as the Bulldog tries to break it up and Mason jumps up and down at ringside! "What are those three doing?" Honky sighs. In the fracas, Rocky recovers and hits a running crossbody that staggers all three men, and Jake uses the ropes as leverage to tip Crush over the top!

From that point, a pissed-off Bulldog has had enough of Bradshaw and eliminates himself, heading to the back. Clarence Mason looks torn between both of his clients - but stays with Crush. Bradshaw is left alone to face both Roberts and Rocky - he gets hit square on the head with a patented Jake the Snake DDT, then Rocky lifts him up for the Shoulderbreaker, but instead tosses the big man from his shoulders over the top rope! "An unlikely win against all odds for the Blue Chipper and the Snake," Ross exclaims. "Huh," Honky murmurs as he once again looks at Rocky with an uncertain expression. [36]



Honky Tonk Man licks his lips nervously as he watches Rocky Maivia, before he rises up from commentary and heads down the ramp with a mic in hand. "Well, well, well, look at ya, kid! I've been watchin' you real close out there, and lemme tell ya, I see somethin' special! I see a star! A superstar, maybe! But ya know what, Rocky baby, you're missin' just one thing - and that's someone to show you the ropes, someone who's been to the top and knows how to stay there!"

Rocky looks confused at Honky, grabbing a microphone of his own as he asks: "And uh, who's that supposed to be?" Honky grins ear to ear as he enters the ring, letting out a giddy chuckle: "Who else but the greatest Intercontinental champion of all time, the Honky Tonk Man, baby? Kid, I see somethin' in you. You got the moves, you got the looks, but you need a little... pizzazz, a little shake, rattle and roll! What I'm offerin', Rocky, is to make you the next big thing in this business! My protégé! The next Honky Tonk Man!" He gives Rocky a big pat on the back, but Maivia's expression is becoming increasingly skeptical.

"I can see it now, struttin' to the ring in a jumpsuit, playin' a guitar and makin' all the ladies scream!" Honky raves before Rocky holds his hand up and replies insistently: "I respect what you've done in this business, but I'm not here to be the next anybody. I'm here to be the first Rocky Maivia. Thanks but no thanks." Rocky drops the microphone and heads out of the ring as Honky scoffs, looking utterly bewildered at being rejected. All the while, Jake Roberts has slithered into the corner and has watched both men with an enigmatic bemused smirk. [58]



We see a recap of last Monday's Raw, sanitised for the Sunday Morning audience - complete with Sycho Sid's non-apology to Shawn Michaels and Jose Lothario, Bret Hart losing to Vader after interference from Stone Cold, and Sid savagely attacking Lothario backstage as Shawn Michaels rushes to the back. "There are a lot of combustible elements right now," Ross adds, "will these men even make it to the Rumble? We'll find out tomorrow night on Raw!" [77]



"Business just picked up, folks," Ross notes ominously as the unstable monster Sid enters the arena. He proudly raises the World Heavyweight Championship high, arguing with fans on the way to the ring. The Goon is already in the ring, looking very apprehensive. Ordinarily, this is where you'd hear some snark from the Honky Tonk Man, but the rock 'n' roller seems completely muted after his earlier rejection by Rocky Maivia.

The bell rings and Sid advances towards his opponent - Goon tries to put up a fight with a few weak punches, but Sid grabs his fist and crushes it in his palm, then delivers a brutal chokeslam to the hockey player! "YOU THINK YOU CAN STEP INTO MY RING AND PLAY GAMES?" Sid rants as he lifts the Goon up and throws him into the corner. He begins hitting a prone Goon with hard rights as he continues: "YOU'RE NOTHING, SHAWN! I'M GONNA DESTROY YOU! IN FRONT OF ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS!"

Ross murmurs uncomfortably: "I... Sid is taking all his anger out on the Goon, as though he were Shawn Michaels. I won't comment on the possible mental state of the WWF Champion." Sid grabs Goon by the hair and screams at him, his face twisted in rage: "YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME? I'M SICK OF IT! YOU'RE PATHETIC! YOU'RE NOTHING, SHAWN!" With wild eyes, Sid turns the Goon upside down and drops him on his neck with a crushing powerbomb, before making the cover after 5:20 of a one-sided squash. "You could count to a million," Ross notes with an unsettled tone. [55]



At ringside, a fearful Todd Pettingill is holding a microphone but seems frozen in place rather than approach the WWF World Heavyweight Champion for an interview. Sycho Sid instead exits the ring, grabbing his title and then marching up to Pettingill, glaring at him until the broadcaster shakily raises his microphone. Sid looks at his championship title with an unusually thoughtful expression, before he turns to face the camera and delivers a message.


Sid grabs Pettingill by the collar, who begins to panic, before the champion releases him just as quickly and returns his gaze to the camera with bulging eyes: "THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING, SHAWN - STAY AWAY! GO AND LIVE A FULL AND HAPPY AND HEALTHY LIFE! BECAUSE IF YOU SHOW UP TO THE ROYAL RUMBLE... I'M NOT ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!" The show goes off the air as Pettingill quickly runs away and Sid stares into the camera with a mad grin, his chest heaving. [81]


Show Rating: [66]

Edited by blaustein
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