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RingRider's CVerse Renders

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4 minutes ago, Eugucgi said:

I feel ya. Never did mod TEW for the public, but always edit gameworlds for my own purpose. 

What AI are you using if I may ask?

And it would be great if you'd update download links in the beginning of th ethread. There are many cool looking render threads in this forum, but it's bit hard to get a gras sometimes.

Anyway, they look cool. Would love some vintage PGHW.


Funny enough, I just updated the first post with a link to an updated picture pack folder. There's definitely a lot of great renders on the boards. I am no @WalterSobchak for instance, but I do enjoy what I'm doing here and I've been very pleased with some of the results (others I have a "good enough for now" attitude). 

As for PGHW, I did start some rendering for them but my plan is to render them as they are in 2022 for now. I have flirted with the idea of going back to the CVerse 2013 mod I started for TEW2020 (and did some serious work) on before I stopped when the TEW IX announcement dropped. One of the things that's been fun thinking about is rendering an updated version of this pack with agers for workers. That said, I am still a bit overwhelmed by the external modding tools so I need some time to digest that more before I commit to another mod. 


And for the rendering software, I am simply using Microsoft's Bing AI image generator. Its free and I really like it. Once I have the image looking the way I want, I drop it in remove.bg; and dump the new image on the CVBlue. 

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2 hours ago, RingRider said:

Are there any promotion/workers that people are most interested in seeing next? I'm obviously working one promotion at a time, but in-between I like to make these smaller little packs to give my brain a break from some of the larger rosters. Random free agents, workers who have left the business, etc. in particular because there's no good, organized way of tackling them. Cheers! As always, feedback and thoughts welcome! 

Loving the work so far. As always I'm interested in some Europe stuff (VWA & EWA in particular).

Otherwise I'd be interested in some of the unemployed/future Europe workers that I usually book/look forward to book.

  • Moonsault Master
  • Jacques & Pierre DuPont
  • Notorious F.R.E.A.K
  • Behrooz Jafari
  • Crimson Comet
  • Espen Haugen
  • Giant Barak
  • Keyon Mohammad
  • Olga Mjolnir
  • Zoltan Kozak
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As requested by @Genking, here's a European Rando Pack!


Zoltan Kozak.jpg  Giant Barak.jpg  Espen Haugen.jpg  Crimson Comet.jpg

Zolton Kozak// Giant Barak// Espen Haugen// Crimson Comet 

Behrooz Jafari.jpg  Keyon Mohammad.jpg  Olga Mjolnir.jpg  Moonsault Master.jpg

Behrooz Jafari// Kenyon Mohammed// Olga Mjolnir// Moonsault Master

Notorious Freak.jpg  Jacques DuPont.jpg  Pierre DuPont.jpg

The Notorious F.R.E.A.K.// Jacques & Pierre DuPont


I cannot begin to tell you the amount of time the DuPont twins took. I ended up going down quite the rabbit hole researching the French Foreign Legion, specifically their nomenclature and history of official uniforms. I also looked at several key ways that they were portrayed in the media over the years. All of that research to get the AI to understand what I wanted. Alas, despite that, and well over 100 AI generated renders later, I did not like most of my options. Add on the fact their identical twins and I didn't want to use the same render twice, these were the pair I was most happy with. Hopefully it scratches an itch for ya! 🤣

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4 hours ago, RingRider said:

As requested by @Genking, here's a European Rando Pack!


Zoltan Kozak.jpg  Giant Barak.jpg  Espen Haugen.jpg  Crimson Comet.jpg

Zolton Kozak// Giant Barak// Espen Haugen// Crimson Comet 

Behrooz Jafari.jpg  Keyon Mohammad.jpg  Olga Mjolnir.jpg  Moonsault Master.jpg

Behrooz Jafari// Kenyon Mohammed// Olga Mjolnir// Moonsault Master

Notorious Freak.jpg  Jacques DuPont.jpg  Pierre DuPont.jpg

The Notorious F.R.E.A.K.// Jacques & Pierre DuPont


I cannot begin to tell you the amount of time the DuPont twins took. I ended up going down quite the rabbit hole researching the French Foreign Legion, specifically their nomenclature and history of official uniforms. I also looked at several key ways that they were portrayed in the media over the years. All of that research to get the AI to understand what I wanted. Alas, despite that, and well over 100 AI generated renders later, I did not like most of my options. Add on the fact their identical twins and I didn't want to use the same render twice, these were the pair I was most happy with. Hopefully it scratches an itch for ya! 🤣

They look amazing, can't wait to put them to use!

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Let's walk the King's Road with Pride, Glory, and Honour....

Nobuatsu Tatsuko.jpg  Shuji Inukai.jpg

CEO: Nobuatsu Tatsuko// Booker: Shunji Inukai

Major Stars:

image.jpeg  Kozue Kawashima.jpg  Masaru Ugaki.jpg  Seiji Jimbo.jpg

Choijiro Kitoaji// Kozue Kawashima// Masaru Ugaki// Seiji Jimbo


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  Ryoma Muruyama.jpg

Bussho Makiguchi// Magum Kobe// Ryoma Muruyama

Well Known:

Akinori Kwakami.jpg  Avalanche Takano.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Akinori Kwakami// Avalanche Takano// BISON Yano// Brute Kikuchi

Dean Waldorf.jpg  Hirobumi Takimoto.jpg  Kazushige Matsuki.jpg  Marv Statler.jpg

Dean Waldorff// Hirobumi Takimoto// Kazushige Matsuki// Marv Statler

Noriyori Sanda.jpg  Reaver.jpg  SATO.jpg  Tetsunori Yasuda.jpg

Noriyori Sanda// Reaver// SATO// Tetsunori Yasuda


Mighty Cavanagh.jpg  Eien Miyamoto.jpg  Goemon Komiya.jpg  Gonnohyoe Kada.jpg  Haranobu Kobayashi.jpg

Danny Cavanagh// Eien Miyamoto// Goemon Komiya// Gonnohyoe Kada// Haranobu Kobayashi

Hirokazu Yamanoue.jpg  Hirotsugu Satou.jpg  Hitomaro Suzuki.jpg  Mamoru Nagahama.jpg  Nobuyo Hikichi.jpg

Hirokazu Yamanoue// Hirotsugu Satou// Hitomaro Suzuki// Mamoru Nagahama// Nobuyo Kikichi

Omezo Shikitei.jpg  Shinji Mihara.jpg  Shozo Furuta.jpg  image.jpeg  Stone Yoshikawa.jpg  

Omezo Shikitei// Shinji Mihara// Shozo Furuta// Simon Flemmingway// Stone Yoshikawa

image.jpeg  Tsurayuki Kamachi.jpg  William Hayes.jpg  Yuri Yoshihara.jpg

Totoya Munakata// Tsurayuki Kamachi// William Hayes// Yuri Yoshihara


Cub Balowicz.jpg  image.jpeg  Matt Blackburn.jpg  Pavel Vanzycha.jpg

Cub Balowicz// Keishi Tagawa// Matt Blackburn// Pavel Vanzycha


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

PRIDE Koiso// Keiji Takeda// Sosa Morri

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Doppo Ibu// Shihei Nagano// Yugoro Adachi



The first post on the thread has been updated to include all the most up-to-date renders! 

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8 hours ago, Shifty425 said:

All the workers are signed at the moment, but i would appreciate The Mendoza Cartel, and The Gallardo Cartel. I can wait if you'd rather do the full companies.

I just started FCW recently and I have the Gallardo Cartel ready to roll. I don't mind sharing early. :)


Santiago Gallardo.jpg  Papa Gallardo.jpg  Diego Gallardo.jpg  Arturo Gallardo.jpg  Franco Gallardo.jpg

Santiago Gallardo// Papa Gallardo// Diego Gallardo// Arturo Gallardo// Franco Gallardo

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Here's a pack of common "Hidden Gems."

Mutant.jpg  Papa Swoll.jpg  Charlie Corner.jpg  Charlie Corner_alt.jpg

Mutant// Papa Swoll// Charlie Corner (w/ alt)

Joanna Silver.jpg  Xavi Ferrera.jpg  Prime Time Jack Pryde.jpg  image.jpeg

Joanna Silver// Xavi Ferrera// Prime Time Jack Pryde// Juggernaut Jones

Ernest Youngman.jpg  Ernest Youngman_alt.jpg  Ernest Youngman_alt1.jpg  Ernest Youngman_alt2.jpg  Ernest Youngman_alt3.jpg

Ernest Youngman (w/ alts) --you can tell I really enjoyed riffing on the "Assassin of the Squared Circle"

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Alright, I was able to button up FCW tonight. Here it is:

Puerto Rican Power.jpg  Handsome Stranger.jpg

Owner: Puerto Rican Power// Booker: Handsome Stranger

Major Stars-Stars:

Frederique.jpg  Mutant.jpg  image.jpeg  Santiago Gallardo.jpg

Frederique// Mutant// Ox Mastadon// Santiago Gallardo

Well Known:

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Arturo Gallardo// Bull Wrecker// Carlos Gonzalez// Davis Wayne Newton

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Diego Gallardo// Franco Gallardo// Giant Brody// Hell's Bouncer// Island Boy Apollo

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Kid San Juan// Marco Gonzalez// Ricochet Ramone// Rob Reynolds// Xavi Ferrera


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg    image.jpeg

Bret Kyle// Cobra// Curtis Shaw// Harlem Haynes// Juggernaut Jones

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Kanishoki// Martyr// Taylor Norton// Tex Tagan// USAce


Brandon Saito.jpg  Chico Casanova.jpg  Franky Figg.jpg

Brandon Saito// Chico Casanova// Franky Figg

Lockheed Larkham.jpg  Tristan Weaver.jpg  Wilfredo Morales.jpg  Xander West.jpg

Lockheed Larkham// Tristan Weaver// Wilfredo Morales// Xander West


Lee Bambino.jpg  Cueball Lynch.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Lee Bambino// Cueball Lynch// Kathrin Hendry// Ryan Holland

Papa Gallardo.jpg  image.jpeg  Rosa Gallardo.jpg

Papa Gallardo// Racquel Morales// Rosa Gallardo


When I get a few minutes tomorrow I'll update the main page with the newest folder.

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Here's a pack of randoms for you!


Death Row (w/alts)

Shady K.jpg Shady K_alt.jpg  Knuckles.jpg Knuckles_alt.jpg

Shady K// Knuckles

Grease Hogg.jpg  Lead Belly.jpg  Roger Monteiro.jpg  Air Attack Weasel.jpg

Grease Hogg// Lead Belly// Roger Monteiro// Air Attack Weasel

Zippy Deverell.jpg  Remmy Skye.jpg  Max Mayhem.jpg  Ace Youngblood.jpg

Zippy Deverel// Remmy Skye// Max Mayhem// Ace Youngblood

Wild Red Stallion.jpg

Wild Red Stallion

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Took a quick dip across the pond for some hard-hitting action and boring rest holds! Behold, CWW!

image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Owner: Curtis Jenkins// Booker: Jonni Leyland

Major Stars-Stars:

Gavin Owen.jpg  Jon Michael Sharp.jpg  Lenny Mochin.jpg  

Gavin Owen// Jon Michael Sharp// Lenny Mochin

Martin Heath.jpg  Neil Warburton.jpg  Padraig O'Hearne.jpg

Martin Heath// Neil Warburton// Padraig O'Hearne

Well Known-Recognizable:

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Glen Ward// Grant Taypen// Jermaine Granger// JK Lee

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Leighton Buzzard// Lynton Minehead// Myles Cross

image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Pinfall Peters// Vernon George


Aurelian Bradley.jpg  Bryn Archer.jpg  Kaden King.jpg

Aurelian Bradley// Bryn Archer// Kaden King


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  Guy McKenna.jpg  Jackie Goldstein.jpg

British Samurai// Cedric Du Preez// Guy McKenna// Jackie Goldstein


It also may be of note that the first post has been updated to the latest pic pack. 

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Decided to tackle 5SSW next and I'm really pleased with how these came out.

Sensational Ogiwara.jpg  DEVIL Karube.jpg

Owner: Sensational Ogiwara// Booker: DEVIL Karube

Major Stars-Stars:

Etsuko Arihyoshi.jpg  Fuyuko Higa.jpg  Gemmei Oonishi.jpg  Megumi Nakajima.jpg

Etsuko Arihyoshi// Fuyuko Higa// Gemmei Oonishi// Megumi Nakajima

Miwako Katsukawa.jpg  Monster Ishimura.jpg  Shiori Jippensha.jpg  Yuma Maruya.jpg

Miwako Katsukawa// Monster Ishimura// Shiori Jippensha// Yuma Maruya

Well Known:

Chiyeko Kita.jpg  Eri Sato.jpg  HEART Saitoh.jpg  Lady Lotus.jpg

Chiyeko Kita// Eri Sato// HEART Saitoh// Lady Lotus

MAYA.jpg  Sae Akutagawa.jpg  Maki Yoshifumi.jpg  Selina Svelte.jpg

Maki Yoshifumi// MAYA/// Sae Akutagawa// Selina Svelte

Talia Quinzel.jpg  Thea Davis.jpg  image.jpeg  Unstoppable Tai.jpg  Yu Hashimoto.jpg

Talia Quinzel// Thea Davis// Toku Kijmuta// Unstoppable Tai// Yu Hashimoto


Asami Okubo.jpg  Emiko Miyoshi.jpg  Hana Ajibana.jpg  Hoshiko Tagawa.jpg

Asami Okubo// Emiko Miyoshi// Hana Ajibana// Hoshiko Tagawa

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Kaede Sugiyama// Karen Bilous// Kinuye Mushashibo// Machiko Matsuda

image.jpeg  Rika Tsujimura.jpg  Rina Kasahara.jpg  Romi Yamato.jpg  Yukiko Matsumara.jpg

Paige Croft// Rika Tsujimura// Rina Kasahara// Romi Yamato// Yukiko Matsumara


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Ai Kira// Kiyomi Mazuka// Sayuri Honda


Kit Hatoyama.jpg  Kuniyoshi Chishu.jpg  Ochiyo Iijima.jpg  Tsugiharu Odaka.jpg

Kit Hatoyama// Kuniyoshi Chishu// Ochiyo Iijima// Tsugiharu Odaka

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Back for some more lucha action: CILL!

El Maestro.jpg  Mateo Iglesias.jpg

Owner: El Maestro// Booker: Mateo Iglesias

Major Star-Stars:

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  El Hijo Del Mephisto.jpg  El Pavo Real.jpg

Amazing Fire Fly// Aztec Prince// El Hijo Del Mephisto// El Pavo Real

Hush.jpg  Maribel Mercado.jpg  Monkey Man.jpg  Pinky Perez.jpg

Hush// Maribel Mercado// Monkey Man// Pinky Perez

Well Known:

Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr.jpg  El Jaguar.jpg  El Serpiente.jpg  image.jpeg

Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr.// El Jaguar// El Serpiente// Electric Dreamer

Entropy.jpg  image.jpeg image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Entropy// Estrella Blanca// Fallen Angel// Hypnotiq Jr.

Jaguar Queen.jpg  Mystery Pink.jpg  image.jpeg  Ragnar The Viking.jpg

Jaguar Queen// Mystery Pink// Phoenix IV// Ragnar the Viking

Rapido.jpg  image.jpeg  Uhtred The Viking.jpg  Wraith.jpg

Rapido// Tigre Salvaje Jr.// Uhtred the Viking// Wraith


image.jpeg  Border Patrol II.jpg  Catalina Vazquez.jpg  Celeste Moon.jpg

Angel Flyer// Border Patrol II// Catalina Vazquez// Celeste Moon

Crusader.jpg  Darkness Cat.jpg  image.jpeg  Hellspawn 666.jpg

Crusader// Darkness Cat// Hellcat Hernandez// Hellspawn 666

Phobia.jpg  Redeemer.jpg  Slayyer.jpg

Phobia// Redeemer// Slayyer

image.jpeg  Wildfire Inferno.jpg  image.jpeg

Tomonaga// Wildfire Inferno// Yunokawa


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Aio Bandai// Anarchist// Bizarro// Optimus Jr.// Yukio Yoshitomi


image.jpeg  Esteban Ferrer.jpg  image.jpeg  Victor Fernandez.jpg

Magik// Esteban Ferrer// Marta Vila// Victor Fernandez

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27 minutes ago, The Inquisition said:

All of these are great. Do you have a Wildfire Blaze to go with Inferno?

Thanks @The Inquisition. Appreciate it. You're putting a lot of great stuff out there on the General AI Render thread as well.


As for WIldfire Blaze, I only did Inferno as he's signed and Blaze is retired. I'll include him on my next mini pack though.

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Greetings once again from RingRiders House of Alts! Today I have quite an odd assortment. Starting with...

Young Workers Without Pics

Brute Squad Bomber.jpg  Brute Squad Blitzer.jpg  Kuroi Komagata.jpg  Miku Saito.jpgJigoku Orochi.jpg

Brute Squad Bomber// Brute Squad Blitzer// Kuroi Komagata// Miku Saito// Jigoku Orochi

Random Free Agents

American Machine.jpg  Rayne Man.jpg  Blue Dragon.jpg  Jules Night.jpg

American Machine// Rayne Man// Blue Dragon// Jules Night

Marcel LeFleur.jpg  Zebra Man.jpg  Conner Threepwood.jpg

Marcel LeFluer// Zebra Man// Conner Threepwood

Random Retired Dudes

image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Bryan Holmes// Wildfire Blaze

Next, I started doing workers from the Power 500 that I haven't yet completed. This next section will feature all of the workers I haven't yet rendered through #20. 

Previously Unrendered Power 500 (1-20)

Velocidad.jpg  Leigh Burton.jpg  image.jpeg  Multimillonario.jpg

Velocidad// Leigh Burton// Gino Montero// Multimillonario

Axxis Jr.jpg  Adam Matravers.jpg  El Mitico Jr.jpg  image.jpeg  Blake Belushi.jpg

Axxis Jr.// Adam Matravers// El Mitico Jr.// El Leon// Blake Belushi


6 hours ago, IronGraham said:

Love the new luchadors any plans for the other members of the Phoenix's love to see one for La Hija de Phoenix

Thanks for the kind words. I'll definitely get around to the other workers in the Phoenix line. As the La Hija de Phoenix specifically, is that a worker from one of the CVerse add-on packs out there? It's not a worker in the default database (to the best of my knowledge). I haven't had a chance to mess with those add-on's yet. I'm not opposed to rendering something, I'm just not familiar with the character.

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21 hours ago, RingRider said:

Thanks for the kind words. I'll definitely get around to the other workers in the Phoenix line. As the La Hija de Phoenix specifically, is that a worker from one of the CVerse add-on packs out there? It's not a worker in the default database (to the best of my knowledge). I haven't had a chance to mess with those add-on's yet. I'm not opposed to rendering something, I'm just not familiar with the character.

Yeah she's from the women's expansion as the name implies daughter of orginal Phoenix

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Here's another smattering of randos for you!

Random Non-Active Wrestlers:

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Terry Smith// Greg Sluchinski// Royce Greig//Craig Prince (re-rendered as I didn't realize he was obese and close to 300lbs!)

Randos I hired in one of my saves so I rendered them:

Jay Silver.jpg  Drop Kix.jpg  Flash Savage.jpg

Jay Silver// Drop Kix// Flash Savage

Previously Unrendered Power 500 #21-#40

image.jpeg  Tommy Cornell.jpg  Tommy Cornell_alt1.jpg

El Heroe Mexicano// Tommy Cornell (w/ alt)

image.jpeg  Swoop McCarthy.jpg  Swoop McCarthy_alt1.jpg  

Dr. Rudo //Swoop McCarthy (w/ alt)

image.jpeg  Soul Taker.jpg  Soul Taker_alt1.jpg

SUKI// Soul Taker (w/ alt)


Main post has been updated with a fresh download link with all completed renders thus far. 



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15 hours ago, michgcs said:

Dammit between yours and willrock's comic renders, I'm just constantly watching and waiting for you guys to finish the entire C-Verse lol I just came in here to say that Leigh Burton looks so cool  and keep up the amazing work!

I don't normally post the uncut versions of workers (but they are included in the pic pack). That said, you mentioned the Leigh Burton render and he was so difficult to cut because there was so much not included. Here's the whole thing (scaled down to post):


Leigh Burton.jpg

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Tackled IPW this evening:


Gil Thomas.jpg  Vin Tanner.jpg

Owner: Gil Thomas// Booker: Vin Tanner

Major Stars-Stars:

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Aldous Blackfriar// Deacon Darkhold// Frantic Ali// Lug Phelan

Well Known:

Deadly Deadshot.jpg  Deadly Deadshot_alt1.jpg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Deadly Deadshot (w/ alt)// Hugh de Aske// Hustle Muvva

image.jpeg  Gangbuster.jpg  Sasquatch McGraw.jpg

Lil Henry// Otis Von Battenberg (Gangbuster) // Sasquatch McGraw


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Alejandro Vargas// Ash Barnaby// Babau// Clark Smallbone

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

E-Z// Hellech// JOJI// Manny Alvarez

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Melvin Otto// Moroi*// Pedro Mendoza// Perry Longstaff

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Pierrot// PyschoMike// Sanchez Villano// Zach Rudge// Zombie Boy


image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Charlie Corner**// Cockroach Carter// Cole Taylor// Deuce Deadline// Sergio Mendoza


Luther Judge.jpg  Moses Makesh.jpg  Jeffrey Davis.jpg  Kurt Lovenkrantz.jpg

Luther Judge// Moses Makesh// Jeffrey Davis// Kurt Lovenkrantz

image.jpeg  image.jpeg  image.jpeg

Anslem Briggs// Cindy// Rafael Mendoza


*Shoutout to @Astil for editing the render for Moroi (adding the screen over the eyes).

**Additionally there are alts previously in the thread for Charlie Corner if you're so inclined. 

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9 hours ago, RingRider said:

I don't normally post the uncut versions of workers (but they are included in the pic pack). That said, you mentioned the Leigh Burton render and he was so difficult to cut because there was so much not included. Here's the whole thing (scaled down to post):


Leigh Burton.jpg

Yeah I can see how it'd be hard to cut and include all the details and keep things uniform. Great job on this!

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