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My development federation UWF has apparently descended into absolute backstage chaos with the powers-that-be having lost control. I'm utterly baffled - I get daily emails about this however...

  • There are three chief enforcers, all happy, all tough 85+, all respected 90+, all positive backstage influences
  • Similar story with my locker room leaders in Bryan Vessey, Duane Stone and Frankie Dee
  • Brent Hill heads talent relations and travel organiser whilst SubUrban Legend is morale officer.
  • Kian Owens sits as my stooge. 
  • Only Duke Freeman and Dylan Drama are negative influencers - both are are "very happy"
  • 25% of the roster are "unhappy in some way" largely due to how incidents have been handled (out of my hands)
  • It's being run by Magnus Ivansson, who supposedly has 90+ for business, with Del Veccio (91) booking, having had a more professional attitude change.
  • The shows SUCK, despite being wrestling focussed and having an amazing roster where everybody has 70+ in their fundamentals and at least one wrestling style primary.
  • They have a weekly TV show on my own broadcaster.

Where's it going wrong exactly?!

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What's the backstage rating?

My first TEW9 game caught me in a backstage morale spiral. I let bad influences spread. They made a Very Poor backstage atmosphere. Which was bad enough as it was, but with every show, that was making my good influences unhappier, to the point where they also became bad influences. Show by show the hole was dug deeper, and I ended up firing 50% of my roster, including good Professional talent who had been tainted, and bribing those few who could be brought back. I then hired a dozen Class Clowns/Irrepressible talent to fill gaps. Skills between the ropes be damned.

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4 minutes ago, Self said:

What's the backstage rating?

My first TEW9 game caught me in a backstage morale spiral. I let bad influences spread. They made a Very Poor backstage atmosphere. Which was bad enough as it was, but with every show, that was making my good influences unhappier, to the point where they also became bad influences. Show by show the hole was dug deeper, and I ended up firing 50% of my roster, including good Professional talent who had been tainted, and bribing those few who could be brought back. I then hired a dozen Class Clowns/Irrepressible talent to fill gaps. Skills between the ropes be damned.

How do you tell in a child company?

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