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On 8/25/2024 at 8:16 AM, TheChef said:

Well, they do use their ability to get someone to like them in their promo. Charisma factors into everything a worker does to some degree.

From my understanding (and I might be wrong) Working the Crowd is simply trying to get the crowd to react through words and / or actions. Celebrating a win, for example. Different from Cutting a Promo, which is directly related to another worker, a match, a feud, etc. Of course, the crowd should react to this too, but the aim of it is to promote (promo) a match or feud and should be directed at another worker. Character Development would be something like vignettes building up a worker, a sit down interview, or an in-ring segment explaining a heel turn, a promo without a target, things like that. Acting would be skits, possibly romance angles, outside vignettes like the workers in a bar or something. I rarely use Acting.

Everybody plays the game their own way, of course, but what I like about the new system is that not every angle is a guaranteed rating if you book according to what people are actually doing. It means you have to figure out different ways to tell stories according to different workers' strengths and what you actually want each angle to be. Sure, you can book a high Menace worker in Intimidation angles all the time, but sometimes that's not the story, you know? Sometimes you might want them to show a bit of emotional vulnerability, for example, and if that tanks the rating, so be it.

Agree for the most part Charisma should factor into almost any type of segment even if its only a minor impact or a major one

The Working the Crowd seems like an ok definition from what im hearing but considering i've seen multiple players use it for Special Entrances and victory scenes is that its intended use?

As for Cutting a promo is another worker required to avoid penalties? Not all wrestling promos are targeted, sometimes heels would just insult a crowd mock the local sports team or reference something topical. Also wouldn't Vignettes fall under Subject of Video? If not what is the purpose of that? And as for the Sit down interview wouldn't being interviewed make more since?

Also what is Acting used for seriously? I don't recall ever seeing a real explanation that is seperate from the other choices which all involve acting

As for you enjoying the system im glad you like it, I feel the Crux of the issue is this new system is clearer for some players or at least that they are ok with tinkering to figure out what angle would fall under what, but for other players they don't want to have to guess if the angle they booked is working the crowd, Cutting a promo or character development when to a Lot of people those are all identical as Most promos use parts of all three which if you tried to use would probably tank your rating with Short Segment parts.

Also side note while i understand that selling an injury can work for the mystery backstage beatdown angle type, why would victim not work here is it because there is a possibility of injury with victim? I wish this kind of stuff was listed in the handbook 😕

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I had a question on something I noticed when trying to judge how much movement I get on certain things.

I have Millie the Minx feuding with Mariana Torres.  Torres was looking like she's going to take a hit on the feud in the net sense since Millie is going over on the PPV.  I tried to have Millie come out and cut a promo in section one, then Marianna jumps her in section 2.  The Line comes out to make the save.  I put the whole thing down as Mariana getting a regular victory over Millie in the storyline, made it so the angle as a whole affected that storyline and tried to be sure that each one was labeled as "Storyline Development".

This did not affect the storyline in any way. 

My guess is a few different things.

I gave it 2 minutes per segment, which may not be enough to hit a storyline?  I had a post-match beatdown go 5 minutes with one segment and the same RA notes/label and that did work.

I could have not labeled it properly on one segment.  Would that cause the whole thing to not register?

Is it possible that multi-segment angles don't affect storylines dues to a programming error?

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16 hours ago, MikeSc said:

I had a question on something I noticed when trying to judge how much movement I get on certain things.

I have Millie the Minx feuding with Mariana Torres.  Torres was looking like she's going to take a hit on the feud in the net sense since Millie is going over on the PPV.  I tried to have Millie come out and cut a promo in section one, then Marianna jumps her in section 2.  The Line comes out to make the save.  I put the whole thing down as Mariana getting a regular victory over Millie in the storyline, made it so the angle as a whole affected that storyline and tried to be sure that each one was labeled as "Storyline Development".

This did not affect the storyline in any way. 

My guess is a few different things.

I gave it 2 minutes per segment, which may not be enough to hit a storyline?  I had a post-match beatdown go 5 minutes with one segment and the same RA notes/label and that did work.

I could have not labeled it properly on one segment.  Would that cause the whole thing to not register?

Is it possible that multi-segment angles don't affect storylines dues to a programming error?


Maybe an error in the program... I just ran a 15 minute intro angle with all kinds of segments and different labels ("hype", "character development", "storyline development") including a wrestler not tied to any storylines but advanced both while not making a road agent note to advance [actually had no road agent notes, so maybe error related to agent input?]... and segments were 5x @3:




Edited by elmiticomark
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I think I figured it out.  I had been messing with the "Importance" because I plan to run this game long-ish, 10 years hopefully.

I wonder if you make it so it doesn't appear on the show history it can't affect the storyline.  The heading of "Importance" seems to suggest that.

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