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TNA 2007 - What does the future hold?

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[I]Disclaimer: This is a fantasy diary and is not associated in any way with real life promotions or workers.[/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/TNA2007.jpg[/IMG] 2006 has finally passed and TNA couldn’t be in a worst situation; Spike TV has dropped Impact, the crowd is losing confidence in its performers and they definitely aren’t gaining any popularity. With their two one-hour shows (Impact & XPlosion) only being shown in one area of the United States, (South East) Jerry Jarrett felt stumped. He thought to himself “Okay, I’ve gotten myself into this mess, how do I get myself out... I’ve been in this situation before, but things aren’t working out; what can I do?” Jarrett then thought of an offer he was made only a few short months ago. One that would be used to full potential at the moment. One that may corrupt TNA in the end, but the risk is worth while. He picked up the phone and called a man he had been keeping in touch with for a while now. His name is Rian. “Yes, Mr. Svatos? It’s me, Jerry Jarrett. Remember that offer you threw at me about three months ago? .. Is it still on the table? .. Very good, I knew you could help. Why don’t you make you’re way to my office so we can chat about you and your future plans as a head booker in TNA. .. Great! See you in a few. Rian dropped to phone on the other end, jaw wide open. His fiancé stared at him looking for answers. “No time to explain said Rian, but baby, we’re gonna be rich!” Rian ran out of the house and into his 1996 mustang, anxious to get to Jarrett’s office ASAP. “Stupid Car! Start!” after a couple of minutes the car finally started up and Rian was on his way ... on his way to change the future of professional wrestling ... On his way to fulfill his destiny... So he thinks. 130 km/h and almost a speeding ticket later, Rian opened up the door of his car and stepped out. Jarrett was waiting in the walk way for him as Rian slammed the door shut. He re-opened it and slammed it harder to secure it. “Damn car’s taken a beating” claimed Rian. Jarrett replies “Mr. Svatos, please, follow me. He did and was seated in Jarrett’s office. Jarrett began to speak “TNA is in some trouble Rian and I’m depending on you to get us out. Some of our talent is washed up and aren’t connecting with the crowd; it’s causing us to lose popularity and TV deals. What would you do to change this as Head Booker? Rian replies “The answer is obvious Mr. Jarrett; Get rid of everyone who aren’t connecting with the crowd. Most are on PPA deals anyway so it’s no big deal. Some you can just terminate without a story behind it and others we can work into a storyline. We can hire some new workers who can pull off great matches, who have natural charisma and who connect with the crowd. Get some new faces in. With the surprises every week, we’ll definitely gain viewers and revenue. We’ll be noticed, not only by fans but by other companies. That’s what TNA needs.” Jarrett looks pleased and replies “I don’t think that could have came out any better Rian, the only thing is cost; bringing in all these new names would cost us some cash don’t you think?” Rian nods and answers “But getting rid of the people we don’t need will save, see how that works?” “Well Rian,” says Jarrett, “Let’s sign the deal because it sounds like you have a master plan, but I’m giving you a few goals as of now that you need to complete before the time runs out or I’ll have to re-think my decision of you being my head booker. #1. The promotion must be more popular in its home area (South East, USA) when the time expires than it was as of now. You have 680 days to complete this goal, a lengthy amount of time; I expect the job to get done. #2. I don’t want you to be costing us too much money; therefore the promotion must have gained more money than it has lost by the time the time expires. Also 680 days to complete this goal. Do you understand?” Rian smiles, a bit if doubt flows in his head but he is a confident player and nods at Jarrett to get the job done.
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Just going to make a quick note here; after this post, there is only going to be 5 different kinds of posts made by me. They are as follows: 1. TNA Card – The Card/Preview of an upcoming TNA event 2. TNA Results – The Results of a TNA Event 3. Writer’s Note – Anything I have to say out of character 4. The Weekly Encounter – Once a week I’ll sit down with a worker and talk business 5. Internet Rumors – Rumors that may be true however may be totally made up... Should be interesting. I’ll try to keep them in order, probably going as how I’ve listed them above. -- Seeing as it’s now 2007, first of all Happy New Year  ... I’d just like to list a few significant changes that have occurred in TNA over the past few months. -Hernandez, Konnan, and Ron Killings put up an angle to leave TNA and go to another promotion which they followed through with, leaving Homicide as a singles competitor. -The Naturals were offered a job in Japan and followed through, leaving their TNA routes behind them. -A1 suffered a broken neck from the hands of Monty Brown and is therefore out of action indefinitely... Monty brown was released for refusing to go for more training. -America’s Most Wanted (Harris & Storm) as well as Matt Bentley were offered a written deal by a promotion with more prestige and therefore are no longer with TNA. -Jeff Hardy failed three drug tests in a row and therefore was sadly released due to bad influence on the backstage environment. -Jackie Gayda decided to spend time at home with her husband Charlie Haas and therefore has left the wrestling business for a bit. -Mick Foley debuted in TNA as Jim Cornette’s authority competition and took over the job, as Cornette is now a color commentator. -Randy Savage inked a deal with TNA as a color commentator along side with Mike Tenay and Jim Cornette. -Heidenreich was a member of TNA for a short two weeks until he realized that his push wasn’t good enough and wanted out; the offer was accepted. -When Mick Foley returned, he brought his Hardcore title along with him, making it a vacant title in TNA. Here’s the catch; guess who he brought back as the champion. His good friend; Terry Funk! -Although Impact is TNA’s prime show, XPlosion has now been guaranteed to have two matches a show, with one being a title match no exceptions; this deal was to keep networks happy. -Spike TV obviously dropped Impact; therefore TNA is not shown in many parts of America anymore. -Jeff Jarrett is still the NWA Champion and has been for a lengthy amount of time now... -Samoa Joe won the X-title back from Senshi after losing it in a triple threat. He beat Senshi in a humiliating six minutes for the title and is still undefeated. -The James Gang Kip & BG are the current TNA Tag Champions. -Team Canada lost Bobby Roode who broke from the gang and have been looking for a fourth member for quite some time now, still no luck as the group remains D’Amore, Williams, Young & Devine. -The stable Generation-neXt have been formed consisting of Roderick Strong, Alex Shelley & Austin Aries. As their manager, they have TNA Knockout Traci. -Gail Kim is Jeff Jarrett's full-time manager. -Spike Dudley left TNA to join WWE's ECW; Team 3D however, satyed with TNA -- That’s it for now; hope you guys enjoy it so far, the first card will be up soon. Also.. what'd you guys think of the graphic I made?
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[SIZE="5"][B]Official Preview[/B][/SIZE] The New Year kicks off with a dose of XPlosion followed up with TNA Impact in what promises to be an interesting night. Already announced for XPlosion is an X-Division title match between “The Undefeated Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe© defending against “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels. Also on XPlosion, Christy Hemme is scheduled to be in action. Announced for this edition of Impact is another “Loser Leaves Town match”! That’s right, Sting has ended the career of many superstars such as Lance Hoyt, Spike Dudley, Shane Douglas and Heidenreich in TNA and now he looks to kill off the biggest beast of them all; Kevin Nash! One of these superstars is hitting the road; ladies and gentlemen this is a match you cannot miss! Also in the house, there’s going to be NWA champion Jeff Jarrett, Christian Cage, AJ Styles and many more!... [B]Confirmed Card:[/B] [U][I]XPlosion[/I][/U] X-Division Title Match: Samoa Joe© V Christopher Daniels [I][U]Impact[/U][/I] Loser Leaves Town: Sting V Kevin Nash [I][U]Final Resolution[/U][/I] No matches have been announced.
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/TNAXPlosion.jpg[/IMG] [B]Preshow:[/B] Jerry Lynn defeated Bobby Roode [B]TNA XPlosion[/B] XPlosion kicked off with Christopher Daniels in the backstage area warming up for his match later tonight. He cut a quick promo on Samoa Joe already declaring himself as the new X-Division champion. [I]NWA Tag Team Title Match:[/I] [B]The James Gang(Kip & BG James)© V Generation-neXt(Alex Shelley & Austin Aries) w/ Roderick Strong[/B] This was a pretty good match for both teams who were all able to get in their moves with a lengthy amount of time. The third member of G-neXt joined the color commentator booth along side Mike Tenay and Jim Cornette to replace Randy Savage for this match. To everyone’s surprise, Strong didn’t get involved. In the end, Aries got caught with the Dogg Pound for the win. Once the match was finished however, G-neXt formed behind the James Gang as they were celebrating. The crowd was a bit iffy, but to everyone’s surprise, G-neXt all extended their hands in respect... And it was accepted! [I]Winners: The James Gang[/I] All Attention was addressed to the titan tron for a hype video. Although they never showed the man’s face, the tattoos said it all. The crowd cheered heavily when a line of text came across the screen: “[B]See you... at Impact![/B]" [B]X-Division Championship Match[/B] [B]Samoa Joe© V Christopher Daniels[/B] In what was an incredible bout, Joe and Daniels battled it out for nearly twenty minutes! AJ Styles joined the broadcast booth to keep a close eye on the match and was very impressed. The bout definitely got the crowd’s attention and may go down as XPlosion’s greatest match ever. In the end, the more dominant Samoa Joe was able to cut off Christopher Daniels when he nailed a devastating Muscle Buster for the win. Joe stared down AJ at the announce table before taking his title to the back with him. [I]Winner: Samoa Joe[/I] Next, Christy Hemme comes out to a decisive pop and is prepared for her match. Suddenly, some familiar music blasts through the arena and Raven walks out. Weird, yet interesting thought some of the audience. Raven had a microphone and wasn’t afraid to use it, almost yelling at the top of his lungs at Commissioner Foley. The reason; because raven wasn’t booked in a match. Raven suddenly turns to Christy and launches her over the top rope and onto the floor below. He follows her out and believe it or not, delivers a devastating Raven Affect on the outside of the ring! Christy Hemme looked unconscious when security ran out to stop the beating. Raven turned to the announce table and grabbed Mike Tenay by the hair he doesn’t have... Suddenly Foley appeared with a microphone and yelled for Raven to stop the assault. Raven demanded to be heard and Foley agreed, stating that he would find Raven an opponent for next week. Raven looked satisfied and let go of Tenay before leaving through the crowd. [/CENTER] --- [B]Updated Card:[/B] [I][U]Impact[/U][/I] Loser Leaves Town: Sting V Kevin Nash [I][U]XPlosion[/U][/I] Raven V ??? [I][U]Final Resolution[/U][/I] No matches have been announced.
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/TNAImpact.jpg[/IMG] The show opens up with Christian Cage walking into the office of Commissioner Mick Foley. Christian demands that Mick name him as the #1 contender for Jarrett’s title because there just simply isn’t anyone out there worthy enough. Foley agrees however stresses that he can’t just grant it to Christian by the snap of his fingers; that he’d have to prove it, in a match tonight, against anyone that Jarrett chooses. Christian smirks and quotes “Lay on, Jeff Jarrett” before walking out of the room, leaving his “Shakespeare” behind him. Pyros explode into the air as Impact officially kicks off. We see Mike Tenay, Jim Cornette and Randy Savage at the announce table to prepare us for the first match. [B]Tag Team Match[/B] [B]Team Canada(Johnny Devine & Eric Young) w/ Scott D’Amore V Team 3D(Brother Ray & Devon)[/B] Interesting match to say the least but what was the most interesting happens in the end. Scott D’aMore distracts the referee while two Canadian men run from the crowd and into the ring. At the exact same time, they each superkick Johnny Devine and Eric Young before squirming out of the ring! Devon recovers and throws his arm across Young, unsure of what happened. The bell is sounded and the match is over. The crowd is speechless as Petey Williams runs down the ramp-way. Four men enter the ring and put a beating on Devine & Young. Those four men... Scott D’Amore, Petey Williams, Teddy Hart and Lance Storm! After a lengthy beating, D’Amore grabs a microphone and laughs, stating that the new Team Canada is here, and are unstoppable. Petey, Lance & Teddy hold their hands in the air as the crowd boos to the max. [I]Winners: Team 3D[/I] Backstage, we see Rhino entering the office of Commissioner Foley who was playing mini-sticks against his sock. The crowd laughed it up and Rhino had a weird look on his face but proceeded. He asked if Terry Funk were here tonight as he would really like a Hardcore title match. Foley shook his head declaring that Funk needed the night off to take care of some family problems. Rhino looked upset and booted open the door as he left with Foley smiling, thumbs up. [B]Singles Match Sonjay Dutt V ???[/B] Remember that hype video last show? Well.. Have you been wondering? Great! No need to anymore. As Sonjay Dutt prepared for a superstar to make his debut in TNA, music blared through the PA system and the crowd suddenly became speechless. Brock Lesnar!! Sonjay Dutt was also speechless and may have been better off walking out of the ring... Too late, because in seconds Brock was destroying Sonjay. After a couple of minutes of total domination, Brock hit an F-5 followed up with the Brock Lock. Sonjay didn’t submit however! He was already knocked out previously, so the ref called for the bell. Brock grabbed a microphone a quoted these exact words: “I’m Baaaaaccck. Hahahah, just when you started to forget me.. Boom! I am the World’s Most Dangerous Man, and no one, no one will stop me!” Brock dropped the microphone and left the ring as paramedics surrounded Sonjay. [I]Winner: Brock Lesnar[/I] Backstage, cameras caught up with Sting on his way to the ring for his bout with Kevin Nash. Just as he was about to walk to the curtains, Brock came threw them and bumped Sting on the shoulder, telling him to watch his way. Sting ignored it and looked toward the camera. He stated that he’s ended careers before, and tonight he’s going to add the greatest one to his list yet, when he ends Kevin Nash in the loser leaves town match. [B]Loser Leaves Town Sting V Kevin Nash[/B] Sting stayed true to his word in a phenomenal match against Kevin Nash. When this bout was over, the crowd was actually on their feet clapping at the performance of these two men. The psychology was incredible and the quality was great. Jerry Jarrett might have to think about re-signing Nash back after a performance like this. Anyway, onto the match; pretty simple, Sting locked him in the Scorpion Death Lock and considering the condition of Nash’s legs, he had no choice but to tap out. [I]Winner: Sting[/I] With the crowd still hot from the match before, Jeff Jarrett makes his way out to ruin it all for us. Just playing. He made his way to the announce table and sat next to Randy Savage without putting a headset on. Christian Cage came out to a huge pop as usual and entered the ring with his eyes on Jarrett’s title. He waited for his opponent as Jarrett grabbed a microphone. He stated that if Christian didn’t guess who his opponent is by now, then he’s new nick name should be Captain Idiot because not a lot of people like Jarrett in the wrestling world. Suddenly sirens echoed through the arena and everyone knew who was about to step out. [B]#1 Contendership Singles Match Christian Cage V Scott Steiner[/B] A short, but good match to say the least. Probably had to keep it short so Steiner didn’t get all blown up is my guess but who knows. Christian went for the Peep Impact but Jarrett got on the apron and distracted Cage. Without hesitation, he let go of Steiner and ran over knocking Jarrett flat on his ass. As Christian turned around, Steiner pressed him over his head, however Christian fell behind Big Poppa Pump and hooked his arms for the Unprettier! The canvas shook and the ref counted to three as the crowd went wild. [I]Winner: Christian Cage[/I] Christian grabs the microphone straight after his victory and yells at Jarrett in his exact words: “[B]You’re Mine! And so is that title![/B]" The crowd cheers as the segment fades off the air.[/CENTER] --- [B]Updated Card:[/B] [I][U]XPlosion[/U][/I] Raven V ??? [I][U]Impact[/U][/I] No matches have been announced. [I][U]Final Resolution[/U][/I] NWA Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Jarrett© V Christian Cage
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[CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"]Writer’s Note[/SIZE][/U][/B] First of all I’d like to say that I’m really enjoying this diary so far and I can’t wait to proceed with my ideas. I appreciate the replies so far, although I’d like more hahah, I appreciate it. One thing that I think would help me however is a signature. If someone could tell me where I can access my signature, that’d be awesome; because I go to my control panel but can’t seem to find where I insert one, so if someone doesn’t mind taking the time to explain it to me, that’d be sweet. Secondly, I’d like to say that I hate PPA contracts; someone gets signed to a written deal and then has to leave the company and I need to come up with a storyline to justify their leave. So for the most part, when someone leaves in a, I don’t know... Loser Leaves Town match or something along those lines, then it’s probably because they have signed with another company. Just wondering what you guys think of everything so far? I’d like to have as much feedback as possible, positive and negative. -[QUOTE]Very Good back story, can't wait till some of the cuts, hopefully it is not anyone young.[/QUOTE] – Trell Thanks Trell, I usually don’t put that much thought into a backstory but for this one I took my time writing it. As for the cuts, most of them were released without notification because they weren’t that big of stars, others, I’ll be and have been working into storylines. That’s the interesting thing, when someone leaves, you don’t know if it’s because another company picked them up or we just don’t want them. [QUOTE]I like it, its got a very good TEW feel that alot of diaries are missing![/QUOTE] – The Ego Thanks dude, although I’m not a big fan of writing the rating at the end of the match or night, I appreciate the comment. The reason I don’t write the rating is because they are results and therefore the teller of the show gives their opinion on the match or angle; I just find it more realistic this way. But yes, I do like to have it relate back to the game as much as possible. [QUOTE]I like this diary so far. Traci is in the new ECW though. Either way I like this and I can't wait to see what happens.[/QUOTE] – juggaloninjalee Thanks for responding, and damn! I forgot hahah. I guess I messed up everyone, point and laugh it’s okay. I haven’t been keeping up with WWE too much recently therefore missed it. The weird thing is however, Traci is still on the TNA website, unless she’s just working for WWE under a verbal contract. I guess I could have just said that we both have her, but I’m not going to lie, so thanks for pointing that out. She’s not going to play an important role really anyway, so I’ll just keep her as G-neXt’s manager :) [QUOTE]All hail Brock Lesnar!!!!!!!! Love that you've got Foley as an authority figure but Funk as a champion - will he be the first wrestler to keep going past the age of 100? Very good shows so far.[/QUOTE] – Sheepy Hahah, sweet dude thanks for the comment. I know everyone has Brock in their diaries pretty much, but the storyline ideas I have for this guy are endless, therefore I felt it was worth it. As for Foley, WWE released him believe it or not so was an easy pick up. We all know Foley as commish is the best, so I had to do it. As for Funk, well he’s the hardcore champion. And he is the king of hardcore really... Plus it made sense for Foley to give the title to him. Although something happened in my game recently which is going to be played out over the next few shows involving the Hardcore title and the people involved with it, so keep your eyes open for that. Thanks for all the comments everyone, the next post will be the Weekly Encounter where I sit down and have a chat with a worker from TNA. This week I’ll be chating with jerry Jarrett. Should be a very interesting post; check it out once it’s up! Here is the official poster for this months PPV – Final Resolution. We have two more XPlosions and two more Impacts to go through before the PPV, so look for some more matches to be announced. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/FinalResolution.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/Encounter.jpg[/IMG] I went straight to Jarrett’s office the minute I got off the phone with Mick Foley. This was huge and needed to be talked about right away. He answered the door and before I knew it we were both talking business. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “Foley told me he called and gave you the news; that’s the reason I’m here. He failed to mention to you about the hardcore title he brought to TNA; what’s the deal now? Do you think he kind of screwed us over?” [COLOR="Red"]Jerry:[/COLOR] “Well Rian, you can’t really say he screwed us because these types of things happen. As for the title I don’t know and don’t really care. It made the impact when it was first brought in, now it’s not that big of a deal. Plus, you’re in charge and I know you’ll come up with something. Nice shirt by the way.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “Thanks, but I’m just concerned about the impact this will have on the audience; I have a great idea for the storyline so everything will hopefully play into place but I’m still a bit concerned.” [COLOR="Red"]Jerry:[/COLOR] “don’t be concerned, these things happen all the time and the audience always gets over it in the end. If you say you have a story planned for it then I trust you that everything will flow fine.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “Man this sucks, but in my opinion, I still think he screwed us over.” [COLOR="Red"]Jerry:[/COLOR] “You can look at it any way you want to Rian, but what are you going to do about it?” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “Well, that’s more of a surprise you see, surprises is what makes wrestling so great. If you knew what was going to happen day in and day out, no one would watch it... But let’s just say Foley’s going to do what he does best in these next two shows. [COLOR="Red"]Jerry:[/COLOR] “I trust you Rian, by the way how is that signing coming that you were so anxious about?” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “Oh, Jack Evans? Not so good. He’s already working for three other promotions and doesn’t want another contract as he feels it’s too much already. My idea kind of goes down the drain but I’ve put him on my shortlist so the minute anything happens I’ll know right away.” [COLOR="Red"]Jerry:[/COLOR] “Good job Rian... Was that all you wanted to see me about?” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “For now yeah. But I’ll be speaking to you a bit more at the next show. Rian and Jarrett shook hands as Rian persuited out the door. Rian turned to make one final remark. [COLOR="royalblue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “Oh, by the way... I like your shirt too... It’s too bad someone like you has to be wearing it.” Jarrett and Rian both had a laugh as Rian walked away with a lot to think about. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/Rumors.jpg[/IMG] [I]Here is a list of the top 3 stories found on a wrestling rumor website. Keep in mind that only approximately 60% of all stories are true while others are either totally made up or have been exaggerated to the extreme.[/I] Sources indicate that Mick Foley has reportedly signed a written deal with CMLL (Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre). Details have not been released about the wage or length of the contract, but can confirm that Foley will be leaving TNA in a few short days. Indications also show that Foley will be taking his hardcore title to the new company with him. The hardcore title, brought to TNA only a few short months ago is currently held by Terry Funk; Foleys good friend. It’ll be interesting to see where TNA goes with this angle. Brock Lesnar, Lance Storm and Teddy Hart have all recently debuted in TNA. Brock Lesnar, whom also works for NJPW currently has a wresting record of 13 wins, 0 loses and 1 draw since his departure with WWE. Sources indicate that TNA and NJPW met together recently in talks of Brock Lesnar and agreed to have Brock look as dominant as possible, losing few matches. As for Storm & Hart; TNA felt that Devine and Young weren’t connecting with the audience enough and therefore needed some new names to replace them. TNA also felt that the old Team Canada didn’t seem like a threat anymore, therefore with new talent it would make them look fresh. The stable still seems to be missing that extra member however, but it doesn’t look like TNA are going to be putting anyone there soon, keeping the stable as is. (Scott D’Amore, Petey Williams, Lance Storm & Teddy Hart) Devine and Young have reportedly been released. Sources indicate that Eric Young was very upset however Johnny Devine was very professional about the decision. Both competitors still work for BSE in Canada. Chris Jericho has recently taken control of WFS (Wrestling Factory Stars) and was on a radio show to talk about his success. While on the air, Jericho reportedly took a cheap shot at Dwayne Johnson, AKA The Rock, concerning his acting skills. In a live interview with The Rock by Entertainment Tonight, The Rock addressed that he has lost total respect for Chris Jericho and hopes to never see him alone in an alley. Seems like the two are going to be having some problems in the future; we’ll be the first to keep you posted on anymore happenings.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/TNAXPlosion.jpg[/IMG] [B]Preshow:[/B] Abyss defeated Jerry Lynn [B]XPlosion[/B] Xplosion starts on the titan tron showing the stable Generation-neXt. From what it seems, two out of their three members are in a match against Team 3D tonight but they can’t decide who gets to wrestle. Traci gets an idea and leaves the room for a second. She comes back with three straws. After a bit of discussion, Roderick Strong, Austin Aries and Alex Shelley all pick a straw. By the looks of it, Shelley got the shorter straw meaning Aries and Strong will be in the match. Alex Shelley looked upset as XPlosion officially kicked off. A small display of Pyros started off the show along with a video of the recent happenings between Christian Cage and Jeff Jarrett. [B]Tag team Match Team 3D (Brother Ray & Devon) V Generation-neXt (Roderick Strong & Austin Aries)[/B] Both teams came out looking good which got the crowd involved more than it should have. Alex Shelley wasn’t at ringside with his stable, just Traci. The crowd was back and forth here for this match, basically 50/50 the whole bout. In the end, Aries and Ray ended up brawling to the outside leaving Devon and Strong in the ring with the referee trying to get the men on the outside back to their corners. Alex Shelley ran down the ramp to a surprisingly decent pop. He entered the ring, hitting the ropes. He bounced off trying to nail a spinning heel kick on Devon... Guess what. Devon ducks and he corks Strong accidentally. Before Shelley can realize what happened, Devon throws him to the outside before nailing the Saving Grace on Strong for the referee to turn around and make the three count. Shelley ran through the crowd, hopping that his teammates wouldn’t see him, but to no avail, as Aries, Strong and Traci looked extremely upset. [I]Winners: Team 3D[/I] The cameras cut down to the announce table to see Mike Tenay, Jim Cornette and Randy Savage. They all promoted the X-Division title match coming up on Impact between Samoa Joe and AJ Styles. A quick video was shown from the last Impact to hype Brock Lesnars debut in TNA, destroying Sonjay Dutt. Suddenly, the screen cut backstage to view Sting standing in the shadows. He walks out and cuts a promo of how many careers he’s ended here in TNA with the most recent being Kevin Nash. He finishes off the promo issuing an open challenge to anyone willing to compete in the loser leaves town match against him. [B]NWA Tag Team Titles Match The James Gang (Kip & BG)© V Team Canada (Petey Williams & Teddy Hart)[/B] Incredible match here; definitely PPV quality, just too bad it was on XPlosion. Kip really shined in this match and got behind the crowd. The outcome was amazing as well as BG & and Kip collided with each other on the apron; Kip flying to the mat. BG was left alone with both members of Team Canada who ended the match when Petey hit a superkick and Teddy came off the top rope with the Triple Bypass. 1..2...3! You know what that means? New Tag Champs! Petey and Teddy couldn’t believe it and Lance Storm came down the aisle to enter the ring with Scott D’Amore to celebrate a clean and hard win. The crowd gave out mixed-reactions as Team Canada fled to the back. [I]Winners: New Tag Team Champions; Team Canada (Petey & Teddy)[/I] Kip and BG meet face to face in the ring, speechless that they lost their tag titles. They began to argue believe it or not with neither wanting to back down. Eventually, BG left the ring and walked away without his tag partner at his side. Raven made his way to the ring geared up and ready to go with a microphone in his hand. He called out Commissioner Mick Foley and ordered that his opponent come out and fight him as he was promised. Mick Foley made his way out from the back and told Raven that he was sick and tired of the way Raven’s been acting lately. Foley stated that what he did last week to Christy hemme and almost did to mike Tenay was not professional, therefore he could suspend Raven if he truly felt like it; but Foley felt like a giving person. He then smiled and told Raven that if he doesn’t win this next match however, that indeed Raven would be suspended indefinitely. Raven laughed and said that there was no man who could defeat him under those circumstances and that he wanted his opponent to come out immediately. Foley replied “[B]He’s already out here.[/B]"The crowd went nuts as Foley raised the stakes. “Raven, I’m so confident that you’ll get your ass whooped tonight; I’m willing to put my position on the line against your career.” Raven told him to ring the bell and get the match started. [B]Loser Loses Position Raven V Mick Foley[/B] Did I mention that the crowd went nuts? Because they did, trust me. As for this XPlosion, I have to say that we may never get another show this great ever. As for the match, well... again, great. This was definitely worthy of being a Main Event of a PPV. I have a feeling that the ratings may go up the next couple of XPlosions after a show like this. Anyway, Foley did surprisingly well in a normal singles match. In the end however, believe it or not, Foley doing well wasn’t good enough! Foley kicked Raven in the gut and hooked his arms for the Double Armed DDT, but Raven twisted out of the hold and spun Foley into the Raven Affect. The crowd was speechless again as the referee’s hand hit the mat for the three. Raven stood over Foley as the audience began to launch drinks and hotdogs into the ring. [I]Winner: Raven[/I] [/CENTER] -- [B]Updated Card:[/B] [I][U]Impact[/U][/I] X-Division Championship: Samoa Joe© V AJ Styles [I][U]Xplosion[/U][/I] No Matches Have Been Announced. [I][U]Final Resolution[/U][/I] NWA Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Jarrett© V Christian Cage
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/TNAImpact.jpg[/IMG] The night starts off to boos echoing throughout the arena as Scott Steiner appears on the titan tron. He reminds everyone of Sting’s promo on XPlosion, about how he is looking for someone to step up to the plate and face him in the loser leaves town match. Steiner then smiles and states that he’s going to have a lot of fun ending Stings career here in TNA. At this point, Mick Foley walked by the scene, turned and came back. “Speaking of XPlosion, in case you haven’t watched it, I got my ass kicked. By doing so, tonight is my last night as being commissioner here in TNA. *boos* However, I am still commissioner for one more night, so... Steiner, you want to accept Sting’s loser leaves town match? Well, you got it! At Final Resolution... because before the show, Christian Cage came up to me asking if he could have Jarrett in the ring tonight, and I told him I’d figured something out. Well, I just did; Christian Cage & Sting V Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner in the main event, right here in San Francisco, California! The show officially kicked off with a great display of pyros. To open the show we have our X-Division title match. [B]X-Division Championship Match Samoa Joe© V AJ Styles[/B] Wow is about all I can say as these two put on a definite MOTY candidate. The superstars were given the perfect amount of time to put on the best match a crowd has seen in a while. Definite A+ match. Christopher Daniels came down ringside about 15 minutes into the bout to watch the final minutes. AJ was in a dominating position during this point of and went to the top rope looking for a high impact move to possibly finish off the match, when out of no where he dives to the outside and begins pounding on Daniels! The crowd roars as AJ gets up telling Daniels to stay out. He climbs back in the ring to be floored with a running straight kick to the head from Samoa Joe. He then picked up AJ on the turnbuckle and delivered the Muscle Buster for the win. Daniels fled to the back as AJ lay motionless in the ring. [I]Winner: Samoa Joe[/I] In what was a touching segment, Mick Foley came out to the ring to speak the honest truth. “You know, I really enjoyed being TNA commissioner while it lasted, and I really did and still do enjoy performing in front of you fans. However, my family and I have made a difficult decision in our lives which may not seem like the best move, but it is finalized. What exactly that decision is, is that I will be moving from North America to relocate in the ever popular Japan. I know it seems odd, but my family and I have been discussing it for months and we think it may be best. Face it; I’ve already headlined all the shows and made all the money, I don’t need to be sticking around any longer. I guess what I’m saying is, Bang Bang! Mick Foley is leaving TNA and the wrestling business for a while. So while my contract is about to run up with TNA, I will be back sooner than later and It hurts me to say it, but I’ll be leaving quite soon. So soon, that this will be my last show as of now. Meaning that if this is going to be my last show, I need to make it one to remember! Terry Funk! Get your little ass out here!” The hardcore champion made his way out to the ring with his title on his shoulder. Mick continues to speak: “You’ve been my best friend for quite some time now and I even gave you that Hardcore title to defend here in TNA to show it. My request to you however, is that we have a wrestling match, you and I, a hardcore match for that hardcore title to give these fans a memory.” Funk doesn’t pause a second to agree with a handshake when all of a sudden, the music of Rhino blares through the arena. Rhino runs down to the ring and grabs the microphone. “No, No, No, NO! I asked for a hardcore title match last week and never got it! Now, if you win the title Mick, I’ll never ever get my shot! I want it!” At this moment the music of Homicide hits and he joins the commotion as well. Homicide stresses how he is never given opportunities and wants his shot. Mick speaks and decided that since he is still Commissioner, he’s going to make the following match a Hardcore 4-Way elimination match for the Hardcore title. Everyone seems pleased. [B]Hardcore Title 4-way Elimination Match Terry Funk© V Mick Foley V Rhino V Homicide[/B] What a match! Seriously, the past few matches that this fed has put on are definitely PPV quality matches and should be remembered for years to come. The weapons were brought in this match with Foley and Funk kind of making a pact and teaming up. Homicide was eliminated first when he was nailed with a Piledriver off the apron through a table by Rhino. That left 3. Everything was used here from chairs to sticks to Nintendo consoles. Foley ended up smoking Rhino in the head with a Fire Extinguisher when he ran at him for the Gore. That was enough to get the 3 count. Then there was two; Terry Funk and Mick Foley. Holy Hell did these two put on a show. You know those chop wars some people have? Well that’s what they did... Only with Chairs!! Smack, Smack, Smack. That was all you could hear in the back of the arena. The crowd was so into this match, it was hard to believe. The finish came when Funk actually climbed the top rope and Foley met him up there, delivering a Double Armed DDT all the way down to the canvas through a table. 1..2...3! Foley celebrated with his Hardcore title and his last match. Funk got up and they gave each other a hug as Foley left, thanking the crowd. [I]Winner: Mick Foley[/I] After the dust was settled, all attention was addressed to the titan tron. A series of cue cards were shown to the camera, never revealing who was behind all this. The cue cards read: Raven. See. You. Next. Week. At. XPlosion. Be. Ready. To. Fight. The crowd seemed pretty convinced then got ready for the next bout. [B]Singles Match Jay Lethal V Brock Lesnar[/B] Poor Jay... Never even had the chance. Brock killed him like he killed Sonjay, nailing an F-5, followed up with the Brock Lock. The ref called for the bell immediately and Brock grabbed a microphone. “Like I said last week; I Am The World’s Most Dangerous Man!” Suddenly, a kendo stick smacked the back of the head of Brock Lesnar sending him over the top rope and onto the floor below. He looked up to see none other than... Ken Shamrock standing in the ring, kendo stick at hand! Brock was speechless as Ken grabbed the microphone. “[B]Sorry, I think I miss understood... What’d you call yourself?[/B]" Ken dropped the mic and chased after Brock with the kendo stick as Brock fled through the crowd. [B]Tag Team Match Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner V Christian Cage & Sting[/B] As if the last segment didn’t have the crowd fired up enough, they went nuts to Christian Cage. The audience is strongly behind this guy and the future looks good. The match was short but long enough for each superstar to get their signature spots in. In the end, Cage & Jarrett ended up brawling to the outside, and away from the ring. They battled all the way to the back leaving Sting & Steiner to fight it out. Sting took advantage by locking in the Scorpion Death Lock for the submission finish as Steiner tapped out in pain. [I]Winners: Christian Cage & Sting.[/I] The cameras cut to the back to see Christian & Jarrett still brawling in the parking lot. Jarrett got the upper hand when he poked Christian in the eyes. Jarrett then ran to a limo that seemed to be waiting for him and hopped in the back, tires squealing as they drove off. Christian was able to reach the car before they got away however, punching out the back side window.[/CENTER] -- [B]Updated Card:[/B] [I][U]XPlosion[/U][/I] Raven V ??? [I][U]Impact[/U][/I] New Commissioner is to be named! [I][U]Final Resolution[/U][/I] Loser Leaves Town: Sting V Scott Steiner NWA Heavyweight Championship: Jeff Jarrett© V Christian Cage
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[CENTER] [U][SIZE="5"][B]Writer’s Note[/B][/SIZE][/U] Again, just like to say that I’m having a blast writing this diary and I hope everyone whose reading enjoys it too. Just a note though, if you are reading and don’t comment, could you please leave a few words? Because it’s motivating as a writer to proceed than when you have two people saying “nice show”... Understand? Good.  As for the people who do comment, thank you greatly and if you could, leave as much feedback as possible because it helps me as a writer and I love to hear criticism because it helps me improve. I want to know what you guys think so far, how everything is going etc. [QUOTE]i like this, and the format is great. In regards tro Traci/WWECW, is it not Trinity that is in it, not Traci?[/QUOTE] – hurricanendp (GDS) Thanks for the compliment and thanks for saving me :) hahah, I thought I had messed up but it turns out I didn’t. Thanks for pointing that out, seriously. [QUOTE]hold on raven wins and mick lose his spot as commission i hope you know what your doing and by the way great show.[/QUOTE] – jerlito (GDS) [QUOTE]looking good so far dude . I'm unsure about a few things though, like Shelley/Nash...they were working really amazingly well together and with johnny devine as well, and you've shunted shelley over to generation next...an awesome stable maybe, but one that i don't think can work very well in TNA. I think Shelley is better as a singles competitor. Samoa Joe back to the x division again? Come on, get him out of there, that's gotten stale now, in 2007 it'd be ultraboring, push him to uppermid of main event and let the high flyers go at it. looking good so far though keep it up.[/QUOTE] - Ignition (Corp-X) Thanks for the comments, like I said; I love criticism. As for Nash, well that was out of my hands. Shelley, well, it's interesting that you mention that is all I can say; keep reading the next few shows. As for Joe in the X, it was a major storyline for him to go back to the X because Joe was suspended from getting a heavyweight title shot due to his actions.(This storyline happened between August-December 06) The title changed hands a few times as it went from Senshi, to Christopher Daniels, back to Senshi, now to Joe. I think you'll like what I have planned for the X-Division title, so just keep reading and I'm sure you'll be pleased. Again, thanks for the comments. I do everything for a reason dude. I know it sucks but Mick was leaving in a few days and I couldn’t really come up with anything better than this storyline. Plus, I figure, job him to an up-and-comer and put someone over. He’s not going to be working for me anymore so why do I care. This way it makes sense when he loses his authority and someone gains from it. Also, on Impact, he wins the hardcore title back from Terry Funk. This was basically because the hardcore title wasn’t really working out, and Terry Funk sucks, hahah. This way, for his last show, he can put on one hell of a match and leave with his title back. Again, I really enjoy this diary and I want this to go far, by doing so I need as many replies as possible to keep me going. So by taking the time to write a little something something in someone’s diary can change that person’s perspective on writing. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/Encounter.jpg[/IMG] I knew this next meeting would be interesting, but I never expected it to break out the way it did. I finally got my office that I had been waiting for and called up the NWA Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett to come and meet me. He did and we began discussing business right away. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “I’m glad you could make it, thank you. I needed to talk to you about a few things involving mostly booking strategies that I need your opinion on. First, just wanted to get your opinion on who we should put as the new commissioner.” [COLOR="Red"]Jeff Jarrett:[/COLOR] “Well you need to play it smart Rian; put someone in that’s going to make an impact, not just some slapnutz idiot who’s only going to take orders and not think for himself. From the roster we have, I’d say you sign someone new.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “But the show’s are tomorrow; I can’t find someone that quick is the problem. But you say scratch Jim Cornette?” [COLOR="Red"]Jarrett:[/COLOR] “Definitely scratch Cornette. He’s a good commish, but he was already there and there’d be no point assigning him it again. I don’t know what you can do for tomorrow’s shows but I suggest getting somebody new.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “Fair enough. So at Final Resolution you’re defending your title against Christian Cage... I’m just wonderin...” Jeff Jarrett suddenly cut me off. [COLOR="Red"]Jarrett:[/COLOR] “I’m not losing the title; I refuse.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “Excuse me? I’m the booker here not you. What I say goes.” [COLOR="Red"]Jarrett:[/COLOR] “Hold on, you think that just because Jerry appointed you booker less than a month ago that you can throw your authority around like you own this place? Jerry’s going to be on my side no matter what Slapnutz, because he knows better than anyone that if I lose my title, I’m going to wrestle for AAA.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “What, do you expect to be champion for ever? You’ve had the title for like seven months now, it’s getting old. Do it for the fans dude.” [COLOR="Red"]Jarrett:[/COLOR] “Don’t dude me. I have to go down as the greatest champion ever, none of this bull**** Triple H. I need my reign to make myself look dominant and you’re trying to ruin TNA by doing so is what I understand.” [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Rian:[/COLOR] “Listen pal, I have a lot of respect for you but Jerry told me that I need to do whatever it takes to get TNA on top; not Jeff Jarrett on top! So, you can leave now while I make my decision about Final Resolution, thank you.” I honestly thought Jarrett was going to cork me one in the face before he left. He’s actually kind of scary when he gets pissed off. This is great though, I got the Heavyweight champion pissed at me and now Jerry Jarrett will probably be pissed at me. Life is great, right? Man this sucks. Now, I have a lot of thinking to do. I can’t believe that bitch called me Slapnutz! [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/0903/extreme_athlete33/Rumors.jpg[/IMG] Last week we brought you the 3 stories; Foley’s departure with TNA, Brock, Lance & teddy’s debut and the Jericho/Rock dispute. It seems that our sources were correct when we found out Foley was leaving the company, as he addressed it at the last Impact show, bringing his Hardcore title along with him. The real problem here is, Foley seemed to have lied to the fans, saying that he’s moving to Japan with his family, when in reality, he’s moving to Mexico as he signed a written contract with CMLL. TNA may have possibly paid Foley a bit of extra cash to give the false story. We’ll have more on this situation next week. Also, like we said, TNA and NJPW must have had their meeting about Brock lesnar seeing as his record since his departure from WWE is now 19-0-1. Ken Shamrock recently made his debut in TNA and is obviously expected to feud with Brock. We expect Brock to dominate his feud against Shamrock and remain undefeated however. Same deal goes with Team Canada. Devine & Young have indeed been released like we said last week, forming the new Team Canada of Scott D’Amore, Petey Williams, Lance Storm & Teddy Hart. At the last XPlosion, Petey Williams and Teddy Hart went over the James Gang, winning the NWA Tag Team titles. Sources indicate that TNA is trying to make Team Canada look extremely dangerous and by doing so, may feed either the X-Division or Heavyweight championship to Lance Storm. We’ll have more as time progresses. And finally, Mr. Ken Kennedy recently won an 8-man tournament for the United States championship after Finlay suffered an injury and had to vacate his title. Kennedy is expected to become one of the greatest US champs of all time as WWE seem to be pushing him on posters, commercials and other major forms of advertisement. Sources indicate that WWE are looking to make Kennedy a double champion as he is scheduled to win this months Royal Rumble and face the champion at Wrestle Mania.[/CENTER]
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