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“It was my idea!”

“I came up with the name!”

“It’s a stupid name!”

“I don’t hear you coming up with anything better!”

Rich ripped another slice of pizza out of the box. He scoffed half of it down in one bite and jabbed the crust at Deion.

“I’m the one coming up with the real ideas” Rich said, his voice muffled by the chewed-up dough “so I should be the first to hold the title.”

“We’re not calling the promotion ‘Heavy Metal Deathmatch Wrestling’” Deion said, swatting at the crust. “Besides, I know the most about the business, so I get to decide who’s first champion.”

“You know jack about the business, what do you know?”

“I just know about the business.”

“What do you know?”

“I’ve been doing research”

“Watching Shane Sneer shoot interviews doesn’t mean you know the business you fricken mark.” Rich threw the piece of crust at Deion and dusted off his fingers.

“Dick-hole.” Deion said.

“Okay, well I’m the biggest here so I should still be champion.” Rich said. “That’s like, logical booking like they’d do in the olden days.” He reached down and grabbed another slice

“So we should put the belt on you cause you can’t stop stuffing your face.”

Alex laughed from the couch and Rich glared at him. There was a case of beers on the counter but Alex was holding a soda instead, sipping quietly on his drink while the other two argued.

“It’s called ‘bulking.’ You would know that if you had any muscle or played a real man’s sport.” Rich said.

“Yeah ‘football.’ Play for 10 seconds rest for 3-minutes, real manly.”

“If we wanna be realistic then… I mean… come on.” Alex said with a shrug and a smile.

“There’s no chicks here dude why are you smiling like that?” Deion said.

“I’m just saying, I’m the only guy here who’s actually wrestled.”

“This is pro wrestling not amateur wrestling.”

“Yeah but if it was a real fight…” Alex mimed a double leg and started shadow boxing from the couch, making explosion sounding punch noises with his mouth.

“Have you ever won anything?” Said Deion.

“Yeah don’t you always lose?” Rich said

“I went to State.”

“You came forth.”

“I was an All-American”

“Division 2.”

“That still counts.”

“Yeah if you wanna be realistic, shouldn’t we keep the belt away from you since you’ve never touched gold in your life?” Rich and Deion both chuckled and Alex slumped back in his chair.

“Well I’m just saying, who do you wanna have on the posters.” Alex muttered into his bottle.


“YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Someone yelled from down the corridor.

“What?! What is it?” Deion said.

Daniel’s head floated down the hallway, his face lit in the dark by a phone screen as he shuffled towards the light of the lounge.

“Blood Soldiers won the tag titles.” Daniel said.

“Were you watching wrestling on the toilet?” asked Alex.

“Rich is too cheap to buy Wrestleworld.” Daniel flipped his phone screen around to show the boys. “Blood Soldiers won the tag titles.”

On the mobile screen, Zombie Boy and Deathwish hoisted up the PSW Tag Team titles, both their faces streaked with blood.

“We gotta hire Zombie Boy when we start our promotion.” Daniel said, glueing his eyes back to the screen.

“Might be a lot of money to fly him from Pittsburgh.” Deion said.

Alex placed his empty bottle on the table. “So we really doing this?”

“I don’t know.” Deion said. “We could all probably get into a good wrestling school if we tried. Might even get into one of the big 3’s schools.”

Rich swallowed another mouthful of dough “I don’t wanna spend 5 years of my life playing grab ass with a bunch of Eisen’s kids in Rhode Island”

“Yeah and if we start our own promotion we can work with who we want.” Daniel held up his phone again.

“Like you said, I ain’t going to the Olympics – thanks for that by the way.” Alex added.

“And I know the NFL ain’t gonna draft a walk-on. What have we got to lose?” Rich said.

“Money, broken bones, being blacklisted for creating an outlaw mud show.”

Rich started chuckling. “Cause wrestling’s known for its professionalism.”

“Well,” Deion thought, “I saw myself opening a promotion at the end of my career. Maybe we do it at the start instead.”

“So we really doing this?” Alex said.

The four boys looked at each other. No one wanted to say yes first, but none wanted to say no either.

“We’re gonna need a name.” Deion said.

“I can draft up a roster!” Daniel jumped to his feet.

“Well it just so happens I have a bunch more ideas.” Rich said as he tore off another pizza slice. “And I know you didn’t like the last one, but you’ll love this…”



Bloodsport Wrestling

(Coming Soon...)

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Hey everyone, welcome to my new diary project. For this save I’ve started a custom company in the default database that will run as one part diary, and one part 0/0/0/0 challenge (depending on how well I play the game).

This story will feature a mix of Cornell-verse and original characters all trying to make a name for themselves in the world of wrestling. I chose the name Bloodsport Wrestling because I’ve always thought the name and logo for the real-life company was badass, and it perfectly represents my custom promotion’s in-ring product, which will be revealed shortly.

There are a couple more prologue posts before we dive into the first show, so with that, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

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PROLOGUE (part 2):

Rich: Who do you think would win in a fight; Eddie Peak or Mitsushibo?

Deion: Eddie Peak or who?

Rich: Cause everyone’s always going on about how good the Japanese guys are, but I bet in a real fight Eddie Peak would whoop ‘em.

Deion: Do you mean Mushashibo?

Rich: Yeah or whatever. Any of them.

Deion: You think Eddie Peak is tougher than Yoshimi Mushashibo?

Rich: People are always glazing puro guys cause they got stiff strikes and fancy shoot moves, but you ever figure that the baddest wrestler in the world might be the big guy who’s really good at swinging a steel chair?

Deion: Puro is based off real martial arts so they would know how to fight better.

Rich: But does martial arts work in the streets though?

Deion: They’re fighting moves, why wouldn’t they?

Rich: Yeah but can you punch someone as hard as you can hit ‘em with a chair?

Deion: Okay fine but that doesn’t mean Eddie Peak is tougher than Mushashibo.

Rich: Sure the guy is tough but he ain’t hardcore.

Deion: Strong Style is pretty hardcore.

Rich: It’s not real hardcore though.

Deion: Do you know what a ‘burning hammer’ is?

Rich: Does it hurt as much as landing on thumbtacks?

Deion: Okay fine…… What about a burning hammer on thumbtacks?

Rich: Dayum, now we’re talkin.

Deion: We could combine the two.

Rich: What, like a style versus style thing.

Deion: No, what if we combine hardcore wrestling and Japanese strong style into one product.

Rich: Shiet I don’t know, what would you call that?

Deion: I don’t know, maybe Puro Hardcore…

Rich: Hardcore Strong Style…

Deion: Something cool like… Urban Strong Style.

Rich: Urban Strong Style, that’s pretty badass.


Footsteps tapped up the deck stairs outside. Through the glass slider, Alex stepped into view, blocking the glare of the sun through the trees. He pushed open the door but instead of stepping inside just stood there with his hands on his hips.

Alex: Do you have an ice pack or something?

Rich: Yeah, what for?

Alex: For Danny.

Deion: What the hell did he do now?

Alex sighed and beckoned them to follow.


BSW was lucky enough to have its own exclusive venue. As long as it didn’t rain and you didn’t mind the smell of cow crap, it was the perfect place for a backyard fed to get its start. Grandma Reagan’s yard stretched into a meadow that sloped downhill. It leveled off into a small field before a line of trees, and in the middle of that field, between a rusted campervan and a tire swing on a big oak tree, was an old boxing ring. The meadow grass stretched higher than the ring apron, much lower than that of a real pro wrasslin ring, and sitting on that grass, Danny leant back on one of the ring posts, massaging his ankle.

Deion: We haven’t had a match yet and you're already hurt?

Danny: I was practicing.

Deion: Diving off the top?

Danny: I thought Alex was gonna catch me.

Alex: I didn’t know you were gonna try flip. He tried to do a dive off the tire swing.

Danny: I thought if I swung high enough, I could pull it off.

The only reply Deion could give was a long jumbled groan. Rich laughed and pat Danny on the head.

Rich: You’re a dumb crazy bastard you know that?

Danny couldn’t help but smile.

Deion: How are we gonna have a show with three wrestlers?

Danny: What about the roster list I made?

Deion: We don’t have money to pay anybody.

Danny: I’m all good dude. I’ll heal up in time.

Danny tried to stand but his ankle buckled under him. He thudded back down against the ring post and sucked air through gritted teeth.

Danny: Maybe I’ll need some tape.

Alex: I know a guy.

Deion: Who?

Alex: You remember Miguel? He was on the team back at school. Huge wrestling nerd. Was only a 150 pounder back then but he had the highest vertical on the team. I think he’d be down if he still lives around here.

Rich: Shiet well call that boy up then.

Deion: Just another guy we gotta pay…

Danny: Nah dude I’ll be sweet, just get me some ice-

Deion: You missed a dive with two working legs, what are ya gonna do to yourself when you only got one?

Deion turned around and stormed off towards the house.

"Alright call him up."

He yelled, not looking back. “He couldn’t have saved it for the match?” He muttered under his breath.

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Oh hell yeah, love the idea of a hardcore strong style promotion and I feel like all your characters have a lot of personality which makes getting invested in a diary very easy. Can't wait to see what you do and these characters develop! 

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On 8/29/2024 at 1:56 PM, knkmaster69 said:

Oh hell yeah, love the idea of a hardcore strong style promotion and I feel like all your characters have a lot of personality which makes getting invested in a diary very easy. Can't wait to see what you do and these characters develop! 

23 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Urban Strong Style is a very interesting mix, good luck with this one ;) 

Thanks for the support guys. Now I just have to live in constant fear that the product will get my guys injured every show

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🔥🔥Danny’s Dream Team for BSW🔥🔥

Zombie Boy

Logan Wolfsbaine

Ernest Youngman

Aldous Blackfriar

Doug Peak (Rich must have written this one)

Frankie Perez

Canadian Hardcore

Taheiji Konoe

Raymond Diaz


Kozue Kawashima


Deion looked up from the list and at the four boys crammed around Grammy Reagan’s couch. Rich took up half of the couch by himself, Alex was splayed out at the other end, Danny lay across the floor in front, and Miguel, the newest and now the smallest of the group, opted not to squeeze between the two hogging the couch and sat on one of the arms instead.

Deion: You know Raymond Diaz is retired right?

Danny: That’s just a gimmick – wrestlers retire so they can have a comeback match.

Deion: Funakoshi? He's signed.

Danny: He does some indies.

Deion: Yeah - in Japan. And what’s this, Kawashima???

Danny: Pride Glory Honor might not be around much longer, so maybe he tours America if it closes?

Deion: Don’t even put that energy out there.

Danny: So did you get anybody on my list?

Deion: What? No.

Danny: Why? Wait, so who’s on the list then?

Deion: There is no list!

Danny: How can there not be a list?

Deion: We don’t have any money; this is all we’ve got.

Deion gestured around the couch. Danny looked at the others then back at Deion like he’d just been told his dog died.

Miguel: Aye don’t worry bro, we gotta start somewhere.

Rich: Hey just cause it’s only us five don’t mean there ain’t no list. We’re wrasslers now too, remember?

Deion: That’s right, the stars of the future right here in this room.


Deion “Catch” Carter


Rich: You’re just gonna use your real name?

Deion: It’s a good name already isn’t it?

Rich: What’s “Catch” supposed to mean?

Deion: I thought I could be a catch style wrestler like they have in Europe. Also I like the alliteration.


Rock Wilkins


Deion: “…Rock Wilkins?”

Rich: Figure I need a wrasslin name.

Deion: Why don’t you just use your real name?

Rich: Well I ain’t gonna use a Disney-ass name like Rich Reagan am I?

Miguel: I think it’s cool bro.


Alexander Bryant


Rich: Man you guys are boring.

Alex: Like Deion said, if it ain’t broke…

Deion: Are you gonna use your full first name or just Alex?

Alex: Aye I’m the one that’s gonna pull in all the people, so I want all of me to get all the credit.


El Dinamo


Rich: Now that’s a wrasslin name.

Alex: What’s it mean?

Miguel: “The Dynamo”

Daniel: Sweeeeeeet


Daniel Kowalsky


Danny: Hey how come I don’t get a cool name.

Deion: Cause you tried to slingshot yourself out of a tree.

Alex: You don’t need another name if you’re just the referee.

Rich: How ‘bout “El Gringo Dumbo?”


Deion: Alright, the big day is coming up. We’ve got four guys and an hour of time to fill. I figure the best way to go about this is to have a mini tournament – two semifinals and a final to end the show.

Alex: So the winner is the first champion?

Deion: Not quite. The audience don’t know who we are yet - aside from family and friends we invite, which will probably be the whole crowd honestly – but they haven’t seen us as wrestlers before, so Rich has kindly made a trophy for us to fight over.

Rich reached behind the couch. His hand clasped around something, and he had to tense to heave it off the floor.

The “trophy” was a mess of rusted iron and wood Frankensteined together with wire, nails and a blowtorch. The base and body were made from what appeared to be parts of a fence post. Pieces of scrap metal and old horseshoes were welded together on top, which, along with the not entirely blunted barbed wire wrapped around it, resembled a medieval mace head more than some kind of prize. Two manual sheep shears stuck up and out on either side like rusted bird wing and a smoothed-out weight plate pinned to the front of the wood had been etched to read “King of Violence.”

Rich: I would’ve spray painted it gold, but I was told that wasn’t in the budget.

Deion: The tournament will be a good way to introduce us to the audience, and it gives us a reason to fight each other. Putting the card down on paper is the easy part. Now we gotta get in the ring and make it work.


BSW King of Violence

??? vs ???

King of Violence Tournament Final


Rock Wilkins vs. El Dinamo


Deion “Catch” Carter vs. Alexander Bryant

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Bloodsport Wrestling: King of Violence


Location: Grammy Reagan’s Farm

Attendance: 45

Deion Carter vs. Alexander Bryant

King of Violence Semi-Final



BSW’s first ever match. Carter and Bryant go for a classic collar and elbow tie up to start the match, only Carter fumbled in and accidentally headbutt Bryant. It was only a grazing blow, but it was an omen for the rest of the match to follow. The two boys tried to start off trading holds and chain wrestling but after they found out they had no idea what they were doing, the match devolved into a sloppy wild brawl. The saving grace of the bout for this dead silent crowd was the finish, when Bryant lifted Carter up and hit a nice looking Blue Thunder Bomb for the win. Alexander Bryant advances to the King of Violence tournament final.

Rating: 14


Rock Wilkins vs. El Dinamo

King of Violence Semi-Final


Like the last match this started off as a technical bout. Dinamo used chain wrestling to try wear down Wilkins while the bigger man tried to turn the match into a brawl. This dynamic made the opening stages of the bout more watchable than the last – Just one wrestler keeping the fight technical instead of two trying to do more than they were ready for. Wilkins was the first man to introduce weapons into a BSW match. He used a steel folding chair to take control and a series of slams and punches to keep the luchador grounded. El Dinamo rallied for a comeback with some surprisingly smooth looking springboard moves but was cut off when Wilkins threw the steel chair at him, hitting the luchador out of the air. Wilkins landed a stiff discus lariat and got the pinfall.

Although the match quality was slightly higher than the opener, it didn’t go over with the crowd quite as well. It felt like the match was cut short just as it was starting pick up momentum.

Rating: 13



Without a system or budget for mics, Rock Wilkins had to use a shabby looking megaphone to cut his promo before the start of the tournament final. At north of 290 pounds, Rock is an intimidating presence in the ring. He tried to evoke the kind of intensity seen in old The Force or Runaway Train promos from 20 years ago, but this resulted in a cartoonish monster growl in Rock’s voice, and his words didn’t have the kind of weight that they should have from a man of his physicality.

Rock went on about how he will become the most dominant force in pro wrestling, how he is the only one worthy of becoming the “King of Violence.” Bryant comes out and says nah-uh I'm the best. With only one megaphone they had to share, which made the segment even more awkward, but the audience seemed to understand that the next match had some stakes to it, and gave a few small cheers throughout.

Danny unveiled the trophy, grabbing it low by the base to avoid cutting himself on the jagged metal, then the match was ready to begin.


Alexander Bryant vs. Rock Wilkins

King of Violence Final


The promo segment lifted the crowd up, so they were at least awake for the final. Bryant must still have been warmed up from the opener because he performed noticeably better here. Rock however was clearly struggling, perhaps tired from his last match, perhaps out of his element in a slower paced, straightforward match.  The steel chairs came out again late in the match, and Rock used them to claim advantage, but a back suplex from Bryant on to one of the chairs turned the tide. The finish of the match got the crowd’s attention again, with Bryant showing impressive strength by hoisting up and spinning Rock through the air to hit the Blue Thunder Bomb for the win. Alex was awarded the King of Violence trophy and raised it high overhead to a polite but mild applause from the crowd.

Rating: 17


Show Rating: 16


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After the final bell, Alex celebrated with his newly won trophy on each of the turnbuckles. The crowd gave him a standing ovation, but they left their seats mostly to get ready to leave. It was nearly dark, and by the time they hit town, night’s arrival would be complete. Late enough to start drinking guilt-free.

Alex made the rounds at ringside, high fiving the fans, and group by group the crowd dispersed up the hill slope.

Deion watched from his hiding place behind the rusted RV. He squinted at the notes scrawled in his show journal, hoping when he read them back later, at least some of the pages upon pages would be legible. He didn’t want to forget any details that could be fixed to improve the next show.

Will there be a next show? He thought as he scanned the crowd. They had been a little quieter than he’d hoped, but as the line of fans left ringside, his mind was put at ease. Enough smiling faces passed by to tell him that when the next show rolled around, these people would be back to fill the seats.


Some fans were taking their time to leave, and Deion saw two more approach Alex near the ring. More friends of his, Deion thought, until he saw the two men were a fair bit older than Alex. They didn’t greet him like family either. Just with a handshake. Polite but distant. The larger one was saying something to Alex that Deion couldn’t make out. The stranger pulled up his shirt to show Alex something, and whatever he was saying turned the heads of the few remaining fans around them. Alex let the trophy fall to his side and clenched his other fist. His shoulders started to rise, pulling him forward like he was getting ready to charge. Deion rushed out from his hiding spot.

Stranger: You can’t be king unless you beat the best brother

Alex: Get out of my face you dumb hick

Stranger: You ain’t been toughened up yet

As Deion got closer, he saw a long jagged scar over the stranger’s stomach, and the closer he got the more scars he saw, including several dug into his face.

Stranger: Your skin’s still smooth as a baby's

Deion: Hey come on guys

Alex: Ugly freak

Deion got between them

The smaller man slurred out something that the boys couldn’t understand. He spoke like half his mouth was paralyzed.

Stranger: Yeah that’s right, we didn’t get an invite.

Alex: That fine, I can beat your ass right now.

Deion: Okay that’s enough

Deion glanced up the hill and saw Rich and Miguel coming down.

Alex: Nah these guys are talking like they want their asses kicked

The stranger laughed and gave Alex a big toothy grin. Deion squeezed between them again. Neither stranger was very large, but they were solid, and Deion found himself smooshed between them and Alex, no one backing down. Thankfully, Rich reached the bottom of the slope and relieved the pressure by shoving the two men back.

Rich: Yeah what’s up?

The stranger put his hands up to calm Rich, the toothy grin still on his face.

Stranger: Ain’t nothin big man, ain’t nothin. We was just paying our respects to the king.

The smaller man made a mock bowing gesture.

Stranger: Good work tonight boys.

He reached a hand out to Rich, who tentatively shook it, then the two men went and shook the hands of the other boys, all except for Alex, who turned his back to them and waved them away like they were pests.

Stranger: See you next time boys.

The strangers chucked to themselves and disappeared up the slope into the night.

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Bloodsport Wrestling: Sovereign of Blood


Date: Friday 18 February 2022

Location: Grammy Reagan's Farm

Attendence: 46


Fans enter the showgrounds of the farm to a slightly different scene this month. Two tall wooden posts rise on opposing corners of the ring and a long strand of fence wire runs between them. High above the center of the ring, clipped around the steel wire hangs a championship title belt.



ANGLE: Danny explains the rules of tonight's match


This is a four way match fought under elimination rules. Eliminations occur by pinfall or submission until only two competitors remain. At this point the bout will become a one-on-one ladder match, with the winner being the first man to retrieve the title suspended above the ring. The man who seizes the belt and wins the match will become the first ever BSW Heavyweight Champion.

(OOC: I've booked this as three separate matches to account for resets between eliminations and so guys don't gas out over one long match)


Deion Carter vs. Alexander Bryant vs. El Dinamo vs. Rock Wilkins

BSW Heavyweight Title


After a sloppy first show last month, everyone came out hot to start the night off strong. Wilkins doesn’t waste time pulling out the weapons. He throws a couple steel chairs into the ring as well as a metal trash can (not gimmicked whatsoever), which makes a loud clang as it hits the ring canvas. El Dinamo takes to the sky and lays Rock out before he can do too much damage. Deion is in better shape this month, his throws and holds a bit sharper, but it’s Alex Bryant who really shines in this match. He’s clearly been working hard to improve over the last month, and it shows, as he’s able put his technical skill and crisp looking suplexes to use even during the chaos of this opening part of the match.

The first elimination comes when Wilkins catches Deion with a nasty discus lariat and scores the pinfall.

Rating: 15



One down, two left. Wilkins continues to reap carnage in the ring. He crumples Bryant with a chair to the back. Alex tries to get up and Rock brings the chair down again. Winding up for another shot, Rock waits for Alex to get to his knees, this time aiming for the head. He rears back and just as he swings down, El Dinamo soars off the top rope and missile dropkicks the chair straight into Wilkins’ face. The sound cracks through the air like a gunshot, and the chair flies out of the ring. Unfortunately for the luchador, Wilkins somehow falls forward and by the time he can push the big man onto his back for the pin, Rock has recovered enough to kick out.

Bryant sneaks up and grabs Dinamo. German suplex! He suplexes Dinamo around the ring. A second suplex, a third, front transition and a release belly to belly. Dinamo lands on Rock. The ref counts – 1.. 2.. kick out. The big man stirs.

Bryants takes Dinamo to the corner and starts pummeling him. He loads up for a big punch and Wilkins sprints up behind him and bulldozes the two men into the turnbuckle. Dinamo rolls out of the ring and Rock gives it to Bryant, hitting him with a series of slams and stiff strikes. Bryant uses his technical skill to wrestle out of Wilkins’ grasp and a test of strength ensues. Both men try to get a good hold of the other to pick them up and slam them. Just as it looks like Rock might get the better of him, Bryant looks up to the top rope then dives out of the way. Holding a ladder, El Dinamo jumps off the top and hits a moonsault on Wilkins, driving the steel into the big man’s chest. On top of the ladder with Rock underneath it, Dinamo makes the pin




Rock Wilkins is eliminated

Rating: 13



Down to the final two. Both men look up at the belt suspended overhead. Pinfalls and submissions are meaningless now. All that counts is climbing up and grabbing the championship. Dinamo makes a dash for the ladder. Bryant kicks it away. Dinamo throws a kick but it’s caught and Bryant goes to pull him in – Enzuguri! Bryant wobbles on his feet. Dinamo grabs the ladder and charges. Bryant backs up to the top rope, pulls it down, and Dinamo goes tumbling out of the ring, and in an awkward fall bounces off the ladder. Bryant slides out of the ring to get the ladder and slides back in. Then comes the first climb of the night. What follows are a series of thwarted attempts at seizing the title. Alex climbs up and is thrown off the ladder either by a high flying attack, or some kind of athletic reversal as he fights Dinamo up top. Dinamo climbs up and either jump off, or the ladder collapses under him and Alex as they fight over the belt.

In the final minute of the match, the two men fight atop the ladder, A reversal from Dinamo slams Alex’s face on to the steel. Dinamo pushes Bryant’s head back, he leap frogs the top of the ladder for a frankensteiner, but Bryant catches him. They start to topple off the ladder but Bryant uses the momentum to twist around. He aims for the metal trash can – Powerbomb! The metal half crumbles and half rebounds Dinamo, bouncing him on to the back of his neck. Bryant wills himself up to scale the ladder. At the top, he strains until he rips the belt off of the harness over head.

Winner and NEW BSW Heavyweight Champion: Alexander Bryant

Rating: 20


Show Rating: 19


Edited by GreatreDRagon
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