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what have you done to the Angle system??

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what the hell happened to the angles? 

i bought this game happily and when i was trying to do a show the angle system destroyed my enjoyment

how i'm i gonna be able to raise low-popularity wrestlers now in angles?

literally all choices in the new system depends on popularity

please save me

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You have to get someone over, mostly, in this game to reap rewards of angle ratings.  

So, put unknowns/youngsters/etc in a few matches, losses will at least gain them a pop point if they're real low.  Then slowly, use the local worker to get enhancement to put your chosen worker over with and just keep plugging on the angle.  I managed to have Surfer Dude Lucas go from 0 in the US to 50 pop while drawing 75-80 on Work The Crowd and Character Development-after his initial 2 months were drawing 30's.

For some gamers, unfortunately, you can't just simply stat blast in an angle, using stars or major stars to put over workers rated on nothing.   Pre-Show, or B Show, are good places to try out putting your new worker over. --- there are work arounds, but, like the TEW 2020 engine, rating someone on something does better the more well they're known to your audience.


For example, I started over and Lucas once again had 0 pop... here's his first interview w/ another unknown (Asif Allam), followed by a promo in late Feb** and then a work the crowd in June.


January 5th: Screenshot_2.png.a2979f5e12f409d812d8442e6a6f71bb.png

Oops, Feb 27th*: Screenshot_3.png.ad9d0c77f331c46f7868f6b57d2c4366.png (Pope "Cut Promo", Silencer "Off Screen")

June 19: Screenshot_1.thumb.png.bc4877ff8d05433c334bc0a040cb6ed8.png

Edited by elmiticomark
edited to post screen caps
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Yeah, if you do it out of the box, and on a large exposure (like TCW fed or above), it can --- I believe --- cause a hit to their pop; which is why I'd suggest dark match them a few times, have them lose a few times but be on TV so people see them, then work dark angle or B-Show angles with them (you can sandbox this though, like if they have high menace, make it a "promo" in name only but rate them on intimidation).


If you mean like the 2020 style where you could do


Wolf Hawkins --> On Screen --> Entertainment --> etc

(Unknown) --> On Screen --> Nothing --> Major Positive

(Unknown) --> On Screen --> Nothing --> Major Positive

(Unknown) --> On Screen --> Nothing --> Major Positive


I don't think that's really an option anymore, though there are work arounds (create a storyline with your worker and an enhancement (local worker, free agent, etc, a short appearance contract) and then run angles targeting that workers strength and set the road agent angle notes to "Major Victory" etc)

Edited by elmiticomark
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I think part of the issue is I haven't seen people working in the new mechanics yet (or at least talking about them). Note I haven't tried this yet. If I was trying to get a brand new hire up the roster as quickly as possible, in addition to how I book them, I would spend my creative energy on: a gimmick idea, angle idea (preferably more than one), and creative finishes and preferably I would have at least some of them with a "Near Certainty" probability. I would be using all of these in anything the new wrestler is involved in:

- Gimmick Idea - maximize the chance of a good gimmick debut

- Angle Idea - improve the rating of any angle the new wrestler is being used in to compensate for the fact that they aren't popular yet.

- creative finish - improve the rating of any match the new wrestler is involved in.

Obviously there is lots of RNG here (ideas can be generated for specific workers which doesn't help and "Near Certainty" is 90% so any idea can still fail) and how many ideas you can save up will depend on how many you can produce so it favors companies with more shows a month. But you get the idea.

As MikeSc said momentum seems to be a bit more important so you can also spend all you character ideas (that aren't worker specific) on that wrestler as well to boost momentum. In fact character ideas seem to be OP a bit. I literally don't have a single wrestler with negative momentum atm and it's mostly because of character ideas.

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I've been playing a little bit with the new mechanics.  Mostly playing QAW though, so not a ton of points to play with or staff to get the points off of (or to pay the extra money really). 

I did like the gimmick deal and that helped me change some gimmicks I didn't like that came packaged with one of the major tag teams.

Creative finish is super hit and miss, and I'm not 100% that it helps until you are struggling to reach a the main event score you need to break even on a Show Rating level.  I can definitely see using it in matches with an underdeveloped pop worker with much bigger talent.  One thing you can do there is use 6-man or regular tags and have them go over someone their level just to have a couple of workers to bring the overall pop of the match (6-mans can be favorable here) up alongside giving them a win.

If you aren't doing that, having them show up in an angle that is bigger than their pop with enough workers could help also.

At the end of the day though, gaining pop as a fed or getting a worker up a from say Unrecognisable to Recognisable or something like that takes a long time without the shortcut of spamming Intimidation angles.  Your best bet is to make sure that worker doesn't lose (or if they do, two wins in a row after) to get Momentum up to White Hot.  Higher momentum = higher gains and better ratings.  That two wins to one loss will also keep them at white hot BTW.  This will mean sacrificing someone else's pop a lot, but that's what midcarders and Uncrecognisable workers are for.

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1 hour ago, MikeSc said:

I've been playing a little bit with the new mechanics.  Mostly playing QAW though, so not a ton of points to play with or staff to get the points off of (or to pay the extra money really). 

I did like the gimmick deal and that helped me change some gimmicks I didn't like that came packaged with one of the major tag teams.

Creative finish is super hit and miss, and I'm not 100% that it helps until you are struggling to reach a the main event score you need to break even on a Show Rating level.  I can definitely see using it in matches with an underdeveloped pop worker with much bigger talent.  One thing you can do there is use 6-man or regular tags and have them go over someone their level just to have a couple of workers to bring the overall pop of the match (6-mans can be favorable here) up alongside giving them a win.

If you aren't doing that, having them show up in an angle that is bigger than their pop with enough workers could help also.

At the end of the day though, gaining pop as a fed or getting a worker up a from say Unrecognisable to Recognisable or something like that takes a long time without the shortcut of spamming Intimidation angles.  Your best bet is to make sure that worker doesn't lose (or if they do, two wins in a row after) to get Momentum up to White Hot.  Higher momentum = higher gains and better ratings.  That two wins to one loss will also keep them at white hot BTW.  This will mean sacrificing someone else's pop a lot, but that's what midcarders and Uncrecognisable workers are for.

I think creative finishes can be super useful, but it sort of depends on your company's match focus. If you're looking only or mainly at the main event for rating, they might not be the best. In that case the value of turning an 89 into a 99 is probably less than the cost of turning a n 80 into a 70. But if you need three good matches and you have two great ones and 3 or 4 that could be good enough on the right day, then using even the riskier creative finishes on the matches that might be good enough can pay off. You don't really care if creative finishes misfire on matches that aren't going to count for show rating, so fire away at the midcard.

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1 hour ago, Doctor Crunch said:

I think creative finishes can be super useful, but it sort of depends on your company's match focus. If you're looking only or mainly at the main event for rating, they might not be the best. In that case the value of turning an 89 into a 99 is probably less than the cost of turning a n 80 into a 70. But if you need three good matches and you have two great ones and 3 or 4 that could be good enough on the right day, then using even the riskier creative finishes on the matches that might be good enough can pay off. You don't really care if creative finishes misfire on matches that aren't going to count for show rating, so fire away at the midcard.

Has someone broken down the bonus or determent that a successful/failed creative finish/angle/character/gimmick.  Is it really a 10 point swing? 

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21 minutes ago, JD Gans said:

Has someone broken down the bonus or determent that a successful/failed creative finish/angle/character/gimmick.  Is it really a 10 point swing? 

I haven't broken it down, but I have had at least a few matches that came in well above my expectations. I'd be interested if someone had done the math.

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On 8/25/2024 at 10:22 AM, elmiticomark said:

You have to get someone over, mostly, in this game to reap rewards of angle ratings.  

So, put unknowns/youngsters/etc in a few matches, losses will at least gain them a pop point if they're real low.  Then slowly, use the local worker to get enhancement to put your chosen worker over with and just keep plugging on the angle.  I managed to have Surfer Dude Lucas go from 0 in the US to 50 pop while drawing 75-80 on Work The Crowd and Character Development-after his initial 2 months were drawing 30's.

For some gamers, unfortunately, you can't just simply stat blast in an angle, using stars or major stars to put over workers rated on nothing.   Pre-Show, or B Show, are good places to try out putting your new worker over. --- there are work arounds, but, like the TEW 2020 engine, rating someone on something does better the more well they're known to your audience.


For example, I started over and Lucas once again had 0 pop... here's his first interview w/ another unknown (Asif Allam), followed by a promo in late Feb** and then a work the crowd in June.


January 5th: Screenshot_2.png.a2979f5e12f409d812d8442e6a6f71bb.png

Oops, Feb 27th*: Screenshot_3.png.ad9d0c77f331c46f7868f6b57d2c4366.png (Pope "Cut Promo", Silencer "Off Screen")

June 19: Screenshot_1.thumb.png.bc4877ff8d05433c334bc0a040cb6ed8.png



Surfer Dude Lucas's pop is 52 in this angle, using the simple tried'n'true win matches cut promos formula, while this time mixing in "likely to succeed" or higher creative ideas.  He starts the game @ 0 in USA...  So, wins, highlighting your workers performance strength (work the crowd, character development, menace, etc) and mostly good creative ideas.  I don't use character ideas because if I can't see what it is, I'm not touching it... but judging on the creative idea function with angles/matches; that would probably work as well.  but most importantly, wins in the ring, it's still rasslin'.



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