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Alliance As Owner

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I would like to see Alliances have the ability to own companies.

I would like an Option for Alliances to have an Owner or Committee.

Owner: The Alliance is owned by "some guy" the way companies are. Uses their own Ownership bias to influence the companies in the Alliance. This person makes final decision (admitting new members, booting current ones, approve/deny Alliance Title changes).

Committee: The Owner of each company in the Alliance owns a Stake in the Alliance and has one vote. Admitting members, kicking members out, and approving/denying Alliance Title Changes requires a Simple Majority vote of the panel.

Can result in fun drama - or even an alliance falling apart or standing stronger.

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I like the idea of an alliance owner, it can be like owning a company with a child company; you decide who's in control of each of the alliance's companies. That seems a little overpowered, especially if it's a gigantic alliance, but it could be quite fun.

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To piggyback on this: I would like alliances to be able to own Training Facilities.

First Refusal would be offered to members in order of size/pop; biggest one gets the offer first, if refused, the worker is offered to the others.

If the facility is a performance center, alliance members can send workers to attend; slot distribution would also be based on the member's size, so the biggest companies (presumably the biggest contributors) get the most, and the smaller ones still benefit in a small way.

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1. The more workers you send to the alliance facility, the more upset the other members become "you are taking up all the space". Maybe let you have 2-3 there at a time before it kicks in.

2. I meant to have the player run a company in the Alliance, not the Alliance itself. This would require a lot of questions about Alliances and broadcasters.

3. I would like an Alliance to be allowed to own a Broadcaster, or vice versa.

If a Broadcaster owns an Alliance, that Alliance's members are treated as "friendly" and Non-Members are not preferred. The Broadcaster wants its money from the alliance, no matter how profitable any of the companies in it are. The Alliance in turn, needs to care about making profit from the companies. Alliances can charge a fee for borrowing alliance titles, workers from within the alliance, and maybe a small cut of the monthly profits. There should be a fail save to prevent a Media Group from killing the whole alliance right away which would be as annoying as when a pre-made company shuts down all of its child companies right away.

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Meddling: An Alliance President could (as said above) want a say in who the owners/bookers are of a company. If they are a CEO and the company is owned by The Alliance, the President of the Alliance could fire the CEO and can always fire (or hire or replace) a Booker. This person will use their own Owner biases.

Alliance President might pre-book a match for a company's show (X per month), wanting preferred Alliance Champions featured prominently across the allied companies), might want to change a product of a company, or the other things that Owners do to Bookers. Some kind of "Meddling Level" and maybe an Attribute that makes an Owner or Alliance President more likely to meddle and one to make them less likely to meddle.

It sure sounds like a fun twist to be an Alliance President! The Alliance stays in business by being profitable just like a company - but each company costs The Alliance to maintain the membership of. The companies have to provide some kind of money each month to The Alliance, who spends that money on "alliance maintenance". Alliance Titles could also cost a monthly maintenance. Being "owned" means the owner pays for all this, but expects a certain amount of money every so often. An Alliance President who owns one of the companies in the Alliance might have a very good or very bad relationship with the other members.

In a Public or Consortium Alliance the president has to be very careful to keep all companies standing and use the companies to build strong Alliance Champions you can pre-book on the major events and/or show segments of the companies. You want to build your Alliance Champions into people who can draw in all the regions and lift up any cards or help build stars.


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Alliance Draft - AI can be given a frequency like once every year or never. If set to never, the alliance members can "vote" to Draft. If owned by a President, that President can institute one. Having a draft, like a Gimmick Change, is welcome once in a while when things are right but not when done too often. Each company in The Alliance has its Top 5 put up for draft. Each company goes around the table. Each company may protect one person from being drafted. The president can meddle to influence a draft pick - those meddled with don't like it. Some workers might be happy or unhappy depending on various factors such as company size/prestige (and their own preferences of what type of company they want to work for), whether they have friends/enemies they are joining or leaving behind, and for smaller companies, if they have to travel farther than they already do would upset them (traveling far for the same contract money is no fun).

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