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Booker Preference - "Prefer As Champion", "Upper Card Preference"

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Similar to hiring preferences. The idea is that not only can you hire from a limited range of wrestlers, but also have the booker "prefer" certain types of workers for the main event, and for title reigns. This simulates situations where Verne Gagne prefers Technicians as Champion, though he was willing to tolerate Hulk Hogan main eventing now and then - and even "willing" to give a title run to (in exchange for a very bad deal involving Hogan turning over Japan merch profits).

Prefer __________ (style, weight, skill level) as champion ________ (only, mostly, etc)

It could also simulate situations where ECW prefers "mostly" hardcore guys, but will accept Shane Douglas as World Champion.

It could simulate situations where Vince McMahon believes "only certain guys have IT, whatever IT is" - it lets you pick the IT which Vince sees or doesn't.

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Could there also be a possibility where if your booker is a wrestler, they would prefer themselves (or close family members) as champion?

I'm just thinking the position that guys like Gagne, Watts, etc., had where they felt "you have to trust your champion, and who can I trust more than myself" mind-set. It might even extend to "guys the booker has a deep mulutal respect for" can be champion...which would make for an interesting level of betrayal if a booker's most-trusted friend takes a contract with another company and leaves (for whatever reason) because the booker never thought they would leave.

(Yes, I recognize you could already have that scenario as things are now, but it would be a different dynamic if that was not only the booker's "most-trusted friend", but also the only guy on the roster the booker trusted to be the world champion. I'm just spitballin'.)



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