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PSW - Bringing Violence to the Mainstream

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When Alex Braun decided to step down as PSW Head Booker, Mitch Naess put him an charge of finding a replacement.  That’s how I managed to get the job without ever meeting the boss, and how we came to be in an uncomfortable first meeting where he clearly thought that I wasn’t up to the job.


Naess: “Well, you’ve got a maximum of two years.  If we haven’t grown sufficiently by than you’re out of here.”


Me: “Yes sir, that’s where I want to be heading.”


Naess: “Of course.  The television show is there ready for you.  This is an opportunity for us when cannot be wasted, and although I would have liked more experience, I’ve got you, and Alex said it’s the best that we’ve got.”


Wow, that wasn’t exactly a vote of confidence.


“I’ve got some ideas.  The Main Event is running well, I’m going to push some life into the midcard.”


“So Alex says.  A couple of rules for you to follow though – we’re not a retirement home, so no wrestlers over 42.  Also, we’re not the Coastal Zone – none of those technical fliers.  That’s not us.  And you need to be careful with new signings – USPW are hiring, I hear SWF are about to unload RIPW so they’ll be looking to sign some development deals.  There’s no point someone getting the grand entrance and then being poached.”


“Hopefully TCW don’t realise that in Logan Wolfsbaine and Ernest Youngman they’ve got an awesome tag team that they could drop into their division.”


Naess raised an eyebrow.


“Did you know TCW offered Youngman a contract last year?  He turned it down.  But don’t think that will keep him safe – he’s loyal, and wants to be a star, but eventually he’ll move on.”


That was a surprise – it had never leaked to the press.  We concluded the meeting quickly before I left, to meet up with some other members of staff.  It was from Johnny Martin that I found out that Alex Braun had focused his booking on the Main Event, while Mitch Naess had been involved in in the midcard.  The midcard that I had criticised the booking of in my interview, which Braun had kindly shared with my new boss.


This was going to be interesting.




That opening write up completely changed after my first show, when I discovered that I have poor booking chemistry with Mitch Naess.  As such, I’ve used that to build up some tension between the two of us.


A quick introduction to this diary – it’s not graphical, it doesn’t have large match write ups, and not a lot of written promos.  This is more a diary of how I play the game.  I actually can’t really play TEW without writing a diary – it keeps me honest and helps me develop shows and storylines.  I've been doing this on a off since the very first edition of TEW, and I've always enjoyed the management that the games allow.  The development since then has been phenomenal, and the community has contributed to this.


Hardcore promotions are not my usual promotion at all.  It’s also a departure from my last two diaries (TCW and USPW), although I do prefer to book smaller promotions.  It will take me a while to get used to the product, but will also give me a good opportunity to discover some of this game’s new features.


The US economy is weak, and the wrestling industry is about as low as it can get, but if any promotion can get by despite this it’s PSW.


PSW – Steel City Smash

Dustin Deuce and Vendetta vs Sayeed Ali and Cerberus

Cowboy Buck Winchester and Xavi Ferrera vs Teddy Powell and Xavier Reckless

Hector Galindo vs Dumfrey Pinn

Jebediah vs Ernest Youngman

Edited by eayragt
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On 8/31/2024 at 8:57 PM, eayragt said:

Hardcore promotions are not my usual promotion at all. 


Good luck then!





Dustin Deuce and Vendetta vs Sayeed Ali and Cerberus

Cowboy Buck Winchester and Xavi Ferrera vs Teddy Powell and Xavier Reckless

Hector Galindo vs Dumfrey Pinn

Jebediah vs Ernest Youngman

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PSW – Steel City Smash


Alex Braun started the show, introducing any new viewers to PSW, and bringing out the champions Logan Wolfsbaine, Austin Smooth and Blood Soldiers.  They were interrupted by Dumfrey Pinn and Pinn Enterprises, with Pinn claiming that both the singles titles would be coming to the Corporation, with him taking PSW Championship at New Year Revolution (43)


Sayeed Ali and Cerberus defeated Dustin Deuce and Vendetta in 7:50 (45)

-We had to start off with a proper hardcore match, and the heels were well on top.  Vendetta did his crazy moves and seemed to really annoy Ali after emptying a full bin over him, which led to Ali hitting a GBH Driver on Vendetta onto the bin for the victory.


Rudy Velazquez and Wicked Lester were interviewed backstage about the Fatal Fourway at New Year Revolution (with Devil Dog) for Austin Smooth’s National Title, and it was an odd mix of Lester’s serious occult brooding, and Velazquez being more laid back.  There was a commotion and the cameras moved to find Devil Dog attacking Smooth, before the Latino Kings and the Legion of Blood bundled in… and segment only ending with a camera bump (36)


Cowboy Buck Winchester and Xavi Ferrera defeated Teddy Powell and Xavier Reckless in 10:19 (53)

-Teddy Powell and Xavier Reckless made a great team, which could be promising.  Nevertheless, they fell to the faces, Winchester hitting Reckless with a Neckbreaker.


Dumfrey Pinn defeated Hector Galindo in 8:28 (39)

-Dumfrey Pinn being my first worker pinged for time decline did not come as a shock, but the chaotic mayhem of this match his any of his weaknesses well, as the Latino Kings and Pinn Enterprises continued to fight.  As we said earlier, Pinn has a title shot, so he took victory with a Boss-A-Nova.


The Steel Circle made their way to the ring, pausing to soak up the boos.  Ernest Youngman cut a promo telling viewers that Alex Braun didn’t tell the world about the true strength in PSW – the most dominant stable in all of wrestling – The Steel Circle.  Youngman said that the Circle had controlled PSW for years, and he would take out anyone who stood in his way, starting with Jebediah tonight, and continuing with Cowboy Buck Winchester at New Year Revolution (37)


Ernest Youngman defeated Jebediah in 10:29 (61)

-As always, Youngman made his opponent look great, but after a number of near falls made him tap to a Steel Circle.


Overall Rating 50


It wasn’t surprising to hear fan feedback about the state to PSW storylines, but they did seem to like the pivot in Austin Smooth National Title defence from Dumfrey Pinn, the first proper creative idea that I pitched.  Mitch said it wouldn’t work, but let’s move on from that.  The first show was a sell out as… we kept our arena for New Year Revolution, and booked The Gymnasium instead with it's much lower capacity of 300 people.  Less upfront costs, less tickets sales, full crowd for the cameras, even if it looked little cramped.  The finances for the show were… less than impressive, but we achieved 17,000 viewers, so I’ll take that.


Nothing happened backstage, but the morale was surprisingly low.  Looking at some of the salaries, I could understand that, and I expect some impromptu meetings over the next few months. I drop the dress code and bring in catering to try and improve matters.  Antix looked confused as to why I didn't book him in the tag team match with Xavier Reckless.


The format of the show seemed to work – a main event with The Steel Circle / Wolfsbaine may be commonplace, a stable related match, and wild hardcore match and something to develop the mid card.  It may have been a bit predictable, as without knowing that Pinn was challenging for the PSW Championship @Wrestling Machine still pulled out 4/4 on the predictions.


·        VWA and EWA go to war, as do APW and DIW #

·        Rayne Man joins USPW, after a long gap in employment

·        Also joining USPW are Harry Allen, Knuckles, Texas Pete and Akima Brave.  Young wrestlers around the US are frustrated, while bookers are ecstatic

·        Acid II joins a slew of workers touring with BHOTWG… and that means he could miss his tag title shot at New Year Revolution

·        Samoan Machine will join the next SAISHO tour

·        SWF’s 50th Birthday Spectacular ends with Scythe walking out with the SWF World Heavyweight Title

·        Logan Wolfsbaine and Austin Smooth finish their BCG tour, having been decent, and even faced one another in pre-show singles competition.


PSW – New Year Revolution

Vendetta vs Sayeed Ali

Samoan Destruction Inc vs Rich and Famous

Xavi Ferrera vs Teddy Powell

Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Ernest Youngman

Blood Soldiers (c) vs Stuntman and Acid II? for the PSW Tag Team Titles

Austin Smooth (c) vs Devil Dog vs Rudy Velaquez vs Wicked Lester for the PSW National Title

Logan Wolfsbaine (c) vs Dumfrey Pinn for the PSW Championship

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PSW – New Year Revolution


Rich and Famous defeated Samoan Destruction Inc in 14:08 (50)

-Working on the theory that the TV show may have brought us some new viewers, we kicked off with a tag team match that we knew would deliver.  The Samoan’s were both off their game, but it was still a great way to kick off the show, with Venus Angeletti providing the distraction that allowed Jackpot Jordan to hit The House Always Wins on Rhino Umaga to take the victory.


Sayeed Ali defeated Vendetta in 9:49 (47)

-Vendetta annoyed Ali in their tag match on TV, and Ali got his revenge here, stuffing Vendetta into a bin before power-driving him from the top rope onto the mat.  Vendetta was barely conscious but still Ali hit a GBH Driver, making the pin with a look of disgust on his face.


Ernest Youngman cut a promo with the Steel Circle cut a promo, keeping it short but interacting well with the crowd, stating that they had ruled PSW for years, and would continue for years to come (45)


Blood Soldiers (c) defeated Devil May Care to retain the PSW Tag Team Titles in 10:03 (37)

-Acid II made it to the show after BHOTWG confirmed they did not need him, and he got rewarded by getting a broken toe after sloppy work by the tag champions.  He struggled with his moves after that, with Deathwish pinning Stuntman.


Xavi Ferrera defeated Teddy Powell in 10:38 (52)

-This was just an all out decent match, a little calmer than the matches that had preceded.  It was booked open, before Ferrera won after a Frog Splash.


Dumfrey Pinn cut a promo with Kammy Ling, hyping up Devil Dog telling the word he would destroy Austin Smooth, the pretend champion, before he would walk out of the main event PSW Champion (42)


Austin Smooth (c) defeated Devil Dog, Rudy Velaquez and Wicked Lester in 13:37 (48)

-A four man match, with ten men involved, once the Hot Taggs, Latino Kings and Blood Soldiers joined in.  As Devil Dog went after Smooth Wicked Lester directed the tag champions to pull off all type of crazy moves against the Kings, and at one stage Lester was left in the ring alone, cackling at the mayhem surrounding him.  Then Smooth entered the ring to hit a Fireman’s Carry Cutter on Lester take the victory, before rolling out of the ring a Devil Dog came after him.


 Ernest Youngman defeated Cowboy Buck Winchester in 13:26 (61)

-This was an Ernest Youngman match, so it was great.  Not just him, but his opponent as well, who looked good too  It went either way, was Angeletti providing a distraction which gave Youngman time to kick out, before he delivered The Hit to take victory.


Logan Wolfsbaine (c) defeated Dumfrey Pinn to retain the PSW Championship in 10:06 (58)

-Pinn’s a tricky one, he’ll get the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand, and then you get him in the ring and you see his obvious limitations.  Fortunately, in Wolfsbaine there’s an opponent who can work with anything, and this worked as they brawled in and out of the ring.  We even deployed our first creative finish effectively, as the Boss-A-Nova was reversed into the Belly to Belly Sequence that earned the champion the win.


Logan Wolfsbaine celebrated with his title when Rich and Famous jumped through the crowd to attack the champion.  He fought back for a while, but eventually fell, before Idol and Jordan held him firmly between them.  That allowed a smug looking Ernest Youngman to stroll down to the ring with Angeletti by his side, before circling Wolfsbaine.  Youngman grabbed the title and rubbed it against the champions face before calling him a traitor.  Youngman spat on Wolfbaine, before delivering The Hit on him, standing tall as the show ended (45)


Overall Rating 55


Logan Wolfsbaine is a fine champion, but boy is he hard to work with.  He got into an argument with a fan before the show and got grumpy when I had a quiet word, and then got me to tone down his post-match beatdown as he felt that the initial plan made him look too weak..  Deathwish was much more reasonable when I had to deal with him damaging Xavier Reckless’s car, but I missed Stuntman and Carl Batch apparently having a falling out that I have no idea the reasoning behind.


However, a decent show that turned a small profit (not nearly enough to cover television losses).  Acid II made it and picked up a minor injury, and the card was probably quite predictable, but we’re moving tings into place.  @Dawnmanages 6/7 without even knowing the fed - not sure how much of the dripping sarcasm that I tend to deploy in The Dog Pound I can bring here, but I'll give it a try.


·        RAW and APW got to war

·        Eagle Kawasawa walks out on WLW


PSW – Steel City Smash

Galindo & Chavez vs The Hot Taggs

Austin Smooth and The Samoan Machines vs The Legion of Blood

Xavi Ferrera vs Cerberus

Logan Wolfsbaine and Cowboy Buck Winchester vs Rich and Famous

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PSW – Steel City Smash


The show opened with the PSW Champion Logan Wolfsbaine coming out looking banged up from his beatdown a couple of days earlier at New Year Vendetta.  Wolfsbaine called The Steel Circle out, telling Youngman that his behaviour showed why he left the Circle.  Youngman called Wolfsbaine a pretender who was nothing without the Circle, and told him he would fall again to Rich and Famous in the Main Event (51)


Galindo & Chavez defeated The Hot Taggs in 6:53 (41)

-After these two teams had butted heads in New Year Revolution’s National Title match they met here in a fast paced, crazy opener, Galindo delivering a Shooting Star Press for victory.


The Legion of Blood defeated Austin Smooth and Samoan Destruction Inc in 10:12 (44)

-Austin Smooth really stood out in this hardcore match, which wasn’t too difficult as only him and Zomboy were on their game.  However, Smooth’s Pinn Enterprises enemies meant that he was taken out of the match, leaving Wicked Lester to pin Samoan Machine.


Dumfrey Pinn cut a backstage promo telling Austin Smooth that he wasn’t finished with him, and he would be destroyed by Pinn Enterprises.  However, he was cut off by Rudy Velaquez who pointed out that he was not pinned in the National Title match, and he was still in the hunt.  Pinn pointed out that Devil Dog was also not pinned in the match, and we’ve set up a match for next week (44)


Xavi Ferrera defeated Cerberus in 7:53 (49)

-The wrestling wasn’t too bad in this match, but it wasn’t the sole focus, and cameras picked out Stuntman and Acid II watching from the audience, Acid II with crutches from his injury (look, I haven’t declared it’s only a broken toe, okay?).  This annoyed Carl Batch, and his argument with them distracted Cerberus, which allowed Ferrera to roll up his larger opponent.


Logan Wolfsbaine and Cowboy Buck Winchester defeated Rich and Famous in 14:40 (55)

-Ernest Youngman joined commentary and kept goading Wolfsbaine, but Winchester did a good job of calming his partner down and keeping him focussed.  When the match ended with Wolfbaine locking the Boston Crab on Jake Idol the champion’s eyes didn’t leave Youngman for a moment.


Overall Rating 55


Johnny Martin has found a new protegee and it’s… his son Chip.  I’m not sure that this is new.  Sayeed Ali becoming a Locker Room Leader is new, as is the budding relationship between Hector Galindo and Kammy Ling.  This time I was there to see Carl Batch and Stuntman having a full blown argument, although I still have no idea what caused it.  I did play to it with Stuntman and Acid II’s distraction leading to defeat for Cerberus.


Brimstone turned up wanting a match, and despite some protestations from staff members who were around when he first wrestled for PSW he wrestled a perfectly adequate dark match with Jebediah, Chip Martin and Brute Squad Bomber (who has joined to roster at the bottom of the card).


-EILL sign development deal with CZCW

-Samoan Machine joins SAISHO for a tour

-Shogun Watoga also walks out on WLW as they continue to resist increased wage costs

-Half the BHOTWG roster announce that they’re interested in working abroad… not sure what that says about the Japanese company

-Mitchell Aldred goes through Ade Nelson, Miller Fforde and Cheetah Boy to win the Rip Chord Invitational for the second year running

-Acid II’s BHOTWG tour ends after two matches, only one of which he was fully fit for

-The PGHW and SAISHO talent trading agreement comes to an end


PSW – Steel City Smash

Rudy Velaquez vs Devil Dog

Stuntman vs Cerberus

Chip Martin vs Sayeed Ali

Logan Wolfsbaine, Cowboy Buck Winchester and Jebediah vs The Steel Circle

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PSW – Steel City Smash


Cerberus defeated Stuntman in 7:16 (52)

-After Cerberus blamed Devil May Care for distracting him last week he got revenge here.  With Acid II ringside still on crutches the action in the ring was chaotic and… was there good chemistry there?  Cerberus hit a Watchdog Bomb for the victory.


Devil Dog defeated Rudy Velaquez in 11:18 (43)

-This hardcore match saw the Blood Soldiers ringside with the Latino Kings for some reason, with the ref doing his best to minimise their impact to providing weapons.  Rudy took it on himself to fly out of the ring to take out the Blood Soldiers, but this allowed Wicked Lester to appear and hit a throat chop that staggered Velaquez before his opponent dragged him back into the ring.  As Galindo & Chavez chased off Lester Devil Dog applied the Rear Naked Chokehold for the submission victory.


The camera backstage (we’ve just got the one) found Lester with Dumfrey Pinn, both men smiling widely.  Pinn told Lester that he has done a good job, and pulled out a wad of cash, but a look of confusion went across Lester’s face.  He told Pinn that he does not take payment like that, he will take payment by blood, before grinning at Pinn and asking him who’s blood it will be?  Pinn shuffled uncomfortably, before telling Lester he would sort it, he would just have to wait for it (40)


Sayeed Ali defeated Chip Martin in 7:26 (51)

-Chip Martin’s first main show appearance since I took over the book and… wow, this was quite some match.  Now, a lot of that had to do with Ali, but Chip played his part, despite falling to a GBH Driver.


After the match Ali took a mic, and said that after Wolfsbaine and Youngman had settled things between one another, it was natural that there would have to be a new challenger for the title, and he claimed that no-one had the momentum that he had, and proclaimed himself next in line.  Out came Xavi Ferrera to make pretend scared at the big, bad Ali, who can just announce himself the next contender.  A serious Ali asked Ferrera what he was going to do about it when The Steel Circle’s music came out, with Youngman entering the ring to take the mic off Ali.  The Steel Circle leader called the two men squabbling teenagers, and told them that neither had earned the right to face him after he wins the title, and demanded that they both left the ring as The Steel Circle had a match (46)


The Steel Circle (Ernest Youngman & Rich and Famous) defeated Logan Wolfsbaine, Cowboy Buck Winchester and Jebediah in 15:55 (55)

-A long gimmick free match with a few midcarders in, and it was clear that the audience weren’t quite into it.  Point noted, a match this long needs main eventers or more violence.  Everybody got their spot, but the PSW Champion got isolated outside by Rich and Famous allowing Ernest Youngman to deliver The Hit to Cowboy Buck Winchester to end the match.


Overall Rating 50


Never one for a quiet locker room, Devil Dog and Dustine Deuce were in each other’s faces for some reason.  At least there was some positive, with Ernest Youngman giving tips to Kalder Tagg.  But the biggest concern was Cowboy Buck Winchester turning up way late, and we were worried about him even making the Main Event.  He got a fine for his troubles, and he wasn’t happy about it.  This was also why he took the pin in the Main Event.


February 2022

-The end of month finances look not so good, but hey, I’ve got no financial goal to worry about

-Saying I’m not worried, I put a bit more money into Merchandise, to see if we can make something of being on television while we can afford it

-I’m happy with the first month, but one thing that’s bugging me is how much Venus Angeletti is overwhelming all of the Steel Circle during matches.  I’m not going to split them up, but I’m going to have to think of the long-term direction

-Samoan Machine shows he’s not prioritising making friends by falling out with Jinzaburo Kakinomoto over at SAIHSO just before their tour ends

-IPW and GSW go to war

-Austin Smooth and Logan Wolfsbaine sign on for the next BCG tour


PSW Steel City Smash

The Latino Kings vs The Legion of Blood

Stuntman vs Teddy Powell

Xavi Ferrera and Chip Martin vs Reckless Antix

Logan Wolfsbaine and Austin Smooth vs Rich and Famous

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