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Liga de la Legión de Lucha - An RTG story

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Event 1 - card

Glamour y Clase ( Glamourzonia & Carlotta) v Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos)

Tierra y Nieve (Toci La Nieve Leopardo) v Las Calaveras (La Dama Oscura & La Catrina)

Ganymede Jr v Styx for the LLL Mexican title

Ronin (Nakayama Switchblade Ibata & The Great Kendo) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm, Surfer Dude Lucas & Jonathan Wesker

Reinas Arana (Spider Isako Reina Hoshino) v The Ivy & The Vine (Charlotte Walker & Chloe Ryan) for the LLL FDL Tag Team Titles

La Bandida v Freya Tuck for the LLL FDL Warrior Queen title

Jackie the Ripper v Ms Miranda

Los Pecardos (Payaso Jr El Enigma & Veruda) v Club Exotico (Arco Iris La Cisne & La Cisne Negra) for the LLL FDL Trios title

Verano Sin Fin (Fuego Fantastico & Amante Del Fuego) v Los Demonios (Demonios & Devil’s Granddaughter)

Reinas Dragon (El Dragon Exotico Luna Borg) v Reinas Brujas (Ms Marie Lavuea & Santanico)

Edo Phoenix IV v Dama de las Pesadillas for the LLL FDL Triangle title

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Loving the idea of this, proper shindie Lucha vibes which TEW is really missing. Quite hard to judge what your pecking order is going to be, so just kind of going off vibes at the minute.

Glamour y Clase ( Glamourzonia & Carlotta) v Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos)

Tierra y Nieve (Toci La Nieve Leopardo) v Las Calaveras (La Dama Oscura & La Catrina)

Ganymede Jr v Styx for the LLL Mexican title

Ronin (Nakayama Switchblade Ibata & The Great Kendo) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm, Surfer Dude Lucas & Jonathan Wesker

Reinas Arana (Spider Isako Reina Hoshino) v The Ivy & The Vine (Charlotte Walker & Chloe Ryan) for the LLL FDL Tag Team Titles

La Bandida v Freya Tuck for the LLL FDL Warrior Queen title

Jackie the Ripper v Ms Miranda

Los Pecardos (Payaso Jr El Enigma & Veruda) v Club Exotico (Arco Iris La Cisne & La Cisne Negra) for the LLL FDL Trios title

Verano Sin Fin (Fuego Fantastico & Amante Del Fuego) Los Demonios (Demonios & Devil’s Granddaughter)

Reinas Dragon (El Dragon Exotico Luna Borg) Reinas Brujas (Ms Marie Lavuea & Santanico)

Edo Phoenix IV v Dama de las Pesadillas for the LLL FDL Triangle title

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News From the World of Wrestling 

Jan 2022



Bryan Howard here with all the news from the always volatile world of Sports Entertainment



USPW to announce a new TV Show

It's believed that USPW will be debuting a new show on Fridays named Wrestling Night.  Once again USPW creative must have been working overtime to come up with that one.


USPW signs two little guys ... nah just kidding!


USPW have signed Bruce the Giant's nephews K2 & Sagarmartha (which is the real name of Mt Everest apparently). The two guys were trained at the TITAN Factory 

A sensible booking team would hire Bruce to manage them and make them a monster Tag Team to try to recapture some of the glory days of Bruce's legendary career.  USPW will likely split them up and have them job to people like Funky Fedora because those guys have no idea how to build their own stars.   As always USPW will no doubt continue to fail upwards though.


5SSW signs ex Chinese Basketballer to Tour


Talking of giants or in this case giantesses Japanese company 5SSW has signed 7ft Chinese ex basketballer Xue Gao.  C'mon USPW you just signed two giants and this girl is just sitting there in Japan ... you've got a money stable just waiting for you.  Instead you'll just sit there hoping Alicia Strong gives up her foray into baby-kissing and glad handing and let your Women's division stagnate. 


Wrestling World in Chaos and Companies Go to War!


Brother Grimm has decided to put his company into a handicap match by going to war with not only Invincible Pro Wrestling and Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.  Good luck with that brutha! 🙄


The two Central European based companies haven't just broken off their talent sharing agreement but are now openly hostile to each other with both said to believe there is only room for one company in the region.   If history has taught us nothing it's that conflict in Central Europe always ends well.


In Australia the family friendly APW and cult hardcore DIW are also at war ... why?  It's not like your fanbases are the same.  I assume DIW are preparing to unleash Gyula Lakatos on the APW Locker Room in the hopes he ends the career of some more guys.


Finally in the far more civilised world of Puroreso PGHW and SAISHO have ended their talent sharing arrangement but aren't openly hostile ... not like there isn't enough free agents in Japan anyway.  Note to the other small companies - this is how you handle things - like grown-ups.   Although the drama queen side of me sort of hopes that they start poaching each others talent now.


Trying to fill the OLLIE void?


Down Mexico way  former OLLIE womens champ Luchadora Original has announced she will be opening a new promotion based out of Tijuana.  Early reports are it's going to be a Rainbow style product featuring factional warfare, lots of luchadoras and young rookie foreign talent and Exoticos.  The world needs more wrestling and putting it right up near the border and as far away from Mexico City based big dog EILL makes sense to me but Drag and Pro Wrestling just seems a strange combo.  Good luck Ma'am I'm preparing my article on the companies bankruptcy now but hopefully I never have to use it.


Edited by alpha2117
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LLL Club Exotico 1 

Jan 2022


from Lugar Genérico - Noroccidente with 122 people in attendance for a free show



To say I was worried was an understatement - we were going to bleed money and I had no idea if anything I had booked was going to work really.  That said I kind of didn't care - if LLL failed I would head home to Australia or maybe head to New Zealand and try to use my Lucha experience to get a job with ZEN.  I wanted it to work for the people though - most of them were just starting out like me and if this worked out they could have big futures in wrestling.  I steeled myself and gave a Churchillian speech about how this was a watershed moment for us all and that we should all go out there and give it our best and have some fun.  They seemed inspired and we were ready to go


The show opened with Styx attacking Glamourzonia and Ganymede Jr making the save.  Needed to hype the Mexican title match somehow and that will do.

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Portadoras De La Muerte def Glamour y Clase

So the Bringers of Death took on Glamour & Class for the non Spanish speakers. I had Glamourzonia sell the beatdown with a "Groin" injury and let the 4 exoticos go out and do what Exoticos do.  Lot's of spots involving Glamourzonia's groin played for laughs.  Calavera De Azúcar got the win after a particularly vicious looking low blow saw Glammy unable to continue.  It all seemed to work.


Las Calaveras def Tierra y Nieve

The Skulls def Earth & Snow. So my two good looking stoners with sugar skull facepaints took on a good looking girl dressed as a snow leopard and an Aztec Goddess of the Earth.  Did I book this a technical Masterclass ... of course not.  Old school Diva match it is.  The crowd seemed to enjoy it.


Styx def Ganymede Jr to become the first LLL Mexican Champion 

Styx is one of my big 4 and anyone who thought the young gay Luchador Ganymede Jr was going over has only themselves to blame.  I am sure the crowd didn't get the meta concept of Death always winning over Life in the end.  This was brutal for me to watch - both guys were off their game and they botched most everything including the creative finish the booking team and I had cooked up.  The fact that a title match was rated by everyone in attendance as worse than a Comedy bout and Eye Candy sums it up.  At least they didn't hurt each other.

Did a couple of hype segments for Ronin and then Los Oceanicos to prime the crowd for the 2nd quarter of the show.  Nobody knows these guys really so we need to build them up a bit.  Hopefully it helped people forget the stench of the Mexican title bout.



Ronin def Los Oceanicos

I needed to build trust with my roster and having the Japanese trio go over my mates was one way to do it. A good solid bout that got a decent enough reaction given everyone's obscurity.


The Ivy & The Vine def Reinas Araña to win the LLL LDL Tag Titles

Charlotte & Chloe aren't as good a workers as Reina & Spider but they look like a million dollars and tonight that was enough for them to get over the Spider Queens in what was very much old school Diva work. For all 5 title bouts I had got the booking team to come up with creative finishes and El Enigma had come up with a big gamble with Chloe reversing Spiders submission finisher into a pin - and it worked. Had Enigma not come up with that finisher I would have reversed the results of both this and the last bout but right now it's worth trying anything I can to get people over. The crowd enjoyed it even though it set serious women's wrestling back a decade.  We were half way through and other then Styx and Ganymede laying on a giant steamer in ring it was going okay.

Ms. Miranda and I came out and spoke in our heavy accents - but at least we could speak passable Spanish.  Miranda is technically a wrestler but really she is my back-up commentator and go to interviewer.  It worked pretty well.


Freya Tuck def La Bandida Jr to become the first LLL Warrior Queen Champion

Look this is little more than an indy show and I took one look at the roster and did what any sensible Booker would do ... put a belt on myself.  "The King" of Memphis would be proud.  A 3rd creative finish and this time it was the newest of the Bandido family who got to eat the pin in what looked more like a bedroom position than an actual pin.  It worked and I could now always claim to be the first ... Warrior Queen???  How a straight guy from New South Wales ended up pinning a 2nd gen Luchadora in a cramped hall in a Mexican border town whilst dressed like a showgirl will perhaps forever be a mystery to me but ... who cares I'm the champ!!!

Los Pecardos are out and Payaso Jr and El Enigma are going back and forth in quick fire Spanish that I cant quite follow whilst Texas Hangman in his new mask and Jackie The Ripper do their best to look menacing and intimidating.  I couldn't understand what was said and asked a native Spanish speaker who confirmed neither could they.  Both Payaso Jr and El Enigma just sort of rambled.  Ugh.


Ms.Miranda def Jackie The Ripper

So sending out a barely trained Burlesque dancer and an Asexual girl with a great look and the stamina of newborn baby bird in a simple eye candy bout ... what could go wrong?  Everything!!!  These two had all the chemistry of two inert compounds in that they just kind of sat there.  Jackie looked lost when trying to be sexy and Miranda just looked lost.  I dont care how good they look this was just brutal.  It didn't just set Womens wrestling back a decade but the sport as a whole back. 

I then gave my Club Exotico girls an elaborate sexy entrance because - heck the Swans and Arco look good and .. well they need some sort of heat before what's about to happen. The crowd liked them.



Los Pecardos def Club Exotico to win the LLL LDL Trios Titles

I was hyperventilating now.  The last two things prior to this matches entrance had landed with a thud and now I had sent out my loose confederation of Super-Villain knockoffs against a transexual and two girls dressed as Swans in what was essentially a human sacrifice.  Then it worked.  It worked really well.  Payaso Jr knows how to work and he knew how to structure this in ring.  He nailed the creative finish on Arco Iris and my little rainbow warrior sold it like she had been shot. Good girl.  

So we are in the home stretch now and that Trios bout has got us back on track.  Edo Phoenix IV comes out to try to cut a promo but then Valeria Gomez debuts her new Dama de las Pesadillas (Lady of Nightmares) gimmick to stare him down - and her gimmick comes off big time.  This Main event might come off.


Reinas Dragón def Reinas Brujas

Next out was the Dragon Queens and the Witch Queens - I have more queens than a deck of cards but it is Rainbow Entertainment and I'm rolling out a fire breathing transexual, a somewhat gender ambiguous knock-off of a Fantasy character and pitting them against two Exoticos running a mix of Foxy LaRue and a voodoo priestess and one doing Cobra meets that chick from a Horror film about Mexican Vampire strippers as gimmicks.  It shouldn't work ... anywhere but Mexico it probably wouldn't work.  And yet ... it did.  Everyone looked good and whilst this is not going to be remembered it officially took us into a new era from objectifying genetic Women ... to objectifying people in general.  Thats equality people!!!  I'm a trailblazer ... I hope nobody remembers that it was me who decided using everyone as eye candy was okay in a few years ... I think I need a shower after booking that.


Verano Sin Fin def Los Demonios

Devil's Granddaughter wanted to work hardcore growing up ... we explained to her that wasn't going to fly around here but her brawling skills would.  She's paired up with Masky in his new Demon look and they clicked well.  They still did their job though putting over the two guys with Fire gimmicks.  This worked well.   


Dama de las Pesadillas def Edo Phoenix IV to win the LLL FDL Triangle Title

Two of my big 4 are out for the Main Event.  At this point it's been a decent night but all anyone will remember is this for better or for worse. 

WOOHOO!!! They clicked big time and it was like the two of them had been fighting each other for years. It was smooth, it flowed perfectly and at the end Edo sold Valeria's creatively done finisher like the professional he is.   Honestly it was a shame this match was on an indy start-up show in Tijuana in front of some drunken Mexicans and a few curious tourists because there are established companies all over the world that would have been proud to put that out there.   I shed a tear watching it.  

The show was in the bag and I praised Valeria and Edo in front of everyone - of course I did.

I was very happy, sure we were going to go broke maybe as soon as next month but right now I didn't care  ... little did I know the dark spectre of death was looming over us and that it would change the future of Liga de la Legión de Lucha forever.


Edited by alpha2117
spelling bad lol
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4 minutes ago, kanegan said:

A very colorful first show. Your collection of characters make this promotion a must watch in a weird way, really can't explain but i loved the first show. 

Thanks ... It's a bit like your dark Lucha stuff - who knows why it works but on a strange level it does.   It's fun to book and write and I know for sure it's working in your diary and hopefully it works here.  I'm six months in with 12 shows in the bank and it's a fun ride. 

I've actually kind of been thinking of running a USPW save too just to do something that is the antithesis of a small quirky fed and alternate to keep me from getting sick of either game.  

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6 hours ago, AboardTheArk said:

Really good stuff, interesting to start the RTG with a free show.

Figured I would try to get people in to the show by making it free.  When I started this game it was just for a laugh.  When I created the bloated roster I figured I was going to send OL broke and I would get fired but there was a kind of realness to that appealed to me.  Honestly I dont care too much about the RTG.  It will take between 6 and 12 years of game time to get to the end goal and if I did that it doesn't really matter anyway, I mean it would be nice dont get me wrong but it's really about the journey not the destination.  It's sort of fun to have that structure though and I think thats really what the RTG is about giving you some sort of sense of purpose in your game.  I am super ill-suited to the challenge with my taste for the weird and bloated rosters.  I fully expect to fail but if I am going to fail I am going to fail spectacularly.   I am actually almost hoping to fail spectacularly because theres a sort of original ECWness to that.  

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This was such a breeze to read: an 11-match card featuring lots of unknowns could easily have been overwhelming but the short summaries and humour hit just right. It will take me a while to get used to everyone but I love how much of a variety show it is, as shown from the very start with having a comedy match, an eye candy match and a title match and, even though I guess it wasn't planned, it fit perfectly that the title match was the worst received in capturing the unpredictability of everything. I'm a big fan of you putting a title on yourself and the line about a straight guy from NSW, and then the native Spanish speaker being lost in the next segment. Then the contrast of taking a more serious tone for the main event and being moved by the outcome worked really well. Very intriguing sign-off line to tease the next part too.

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@GretaGridlock- 6/11

@AboardTheArk- 6/11

@KyTeran - 7/11

@Eugh - 4 1/2 /11 (you missed the Styx/Ganymede match)

Thanks for the feedback guys - I know it's always super hard to make selections with workers that you aren't familiar with.

Thanks everyone else for your kind words.

I havent figured out how to do the nice  @alpha2117 style of linking to people quite yet - I am old and incompetent  - but I did learn eventually 😉

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News From the World of Wrestling 

Feb 2022



Bryan Howard here with all the outside the ring news from the always volatile world of Sports Entertainment


Reverie gets a new rival

Reverie's dominance is under threat with a new challenger launching called CommPlanet. The new provider doesn't have quite the reach in English speaking North America but already has more coverage in Asia and Europe.  In terms of how this will effect wrestling I cant see anyone being of a level to meet the companies demands right now but it's something that I am sure they may be considering if they can ever get to that level.  


Wrestleworld Puroreso launches

Wrestleworld has announced it will now have coverage in Japan with Wrestleworld Puroreso.  For smaller Japanese companies this offers a potential opportunity to get more eyes on their product but as always the question is can the demands of Wrestleworld be justified for it's limited coverage?


SWF refreshes their roster


SWF has called up Warwick Good, Rocky Weatherfield, Samson Sharpe, Hoss Handley & Bryan Jewett in an attempt to add some new blood to their roster and stave off the disaster that appears likely to befall TCW in the next year or so.  There's some decent talents in that group but I don't know if I see anyone who is going to be a difference maker in the seemingly endless war between the big 3 or stave off the Canadian threat from the north.  The biggest star I see is Samson's Moustache!!! At least none of them are ready for the retirement home like so many of TCW's roster.


Several new names have been signed to head to RIPW too including big Australian former Rugby player Gorgeous Gold.  I think he's a good signing for them as big natural heels are always useful.  Strangely they didn't sign his longtime Tag partner and fellow Titan graduate Flesheater.  It's seems a mistake to me because 7 ft guys with decent skills don't grow on trees and the big ex Rugby man offers a lot as far as I can see.  Admittedly I rarely understand the thinking or lack thereof of any of the Big 3.



I Smell A Squash!

After a few years of snarky comments about RAW not really being wrestling by various people in APW management and some in ring talent they have finally managed to rile Australia's big dog up enough that they decided to bite back.  Honestly this isn't going to end well for APW because they are bringing a butter knife to a Gunfight.


Oops he did it Again

So Augustus Bumblescoop is the latest worker to walk out on SNP after Owner Mark Carnie stiffed them.  The scene in the Isles is pretty poor and I get that people have to take the work they can get but c'mon we all know it's always just a matter of time before wrestling's most hated promoter screws you over if you are desperate enough to work for him.   Sleazebags gotta sleaze. 


Gone Before It Began?

I was sent shaky-cam footage of Lucha Legions first event in Tijuana and it seemed pretty decent but I've been seeing some rumours around them on Mexican Lucha sites and the word Muerte was mentioned a couple of times in said rumours ... my Spanish isn't the best but I know the word Death when I hear it.  Given their bloated Roster could it be that the worlds newest wrestling company is about to become wrestling's newest casualty and fold before it even holds it's 2nd show?  

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The Grim Reaper Strikes!!! 


As soon as I walked in I knew something was wrong.  OL was crying and Cass looked sor tof happy and sad at the same time.

AF: "Whats wrong?"

OL: "She's dead ... sob ... Wahhhh"

AF": "Who?"

OL "Wahhhhh"

Cass: "Craziya Catlaydie-Lopez"

AF: "Who?"

Cass: "Luchy's aunt darling... you remember the old lady with the cat ears at the first show"

AF "Oh yeah ... I am so sorry OL" (I didn't remember the old lady at all)

OL: "Wahhhh"

Cass: "We aren't going to be getting much out of Luchy today darling"

AF: "Understood"

Cass: "Every dark cloud though"

AF" "Why"

Cass: "She enjoyed the show and left us over 50 Grand"

AF: "She did what?"

Cass: "$56,609 US to be exact"

OL "Wahhhhhhhhhhh"

AF: "Thats a lot of money"

Cass: "Not for her"

AF: "Really?"

Cass: "She left 10 million to her cats"

AF: "Can we adopt the kitties?"

Cass: "Luchy's sister got custody"


Cass: "Luchy is a bit upset about that darling"   

AF: "So am I to be honest"

Cass: "We could off her sis and the cats"

AF: "A bit extreme"

Cass: "True ... but if you ever change your mind I know some guys darling"


I really wasn't sure if Cass was joking, I mean of course she was ... I think ... I wasn't going to murder a bunch of kitties for cash let alone Luchy's sister.  Still 50K made a huge difference straight away - we could probably survive at our current level for 3 or 4 years on that.  Things were looking up ... well not for Craziya Catlaydie-Lopez.  


 (For those who have never played Road To Glory - You start with 1K and a base level character with NO booking skill and need to eventually have a 100 rated match in one of the Huge companies.  As you achieve milestones you get a random roll with one of 54 results.  I had started this save a as bit of a laugh and to play with some of the new toys.  I moved some people to Northern Mexico and figured I would play in a way guaranteed to fail and just see how long I would last.  I never expected to do a diary or play for any length of time.  Then I got a show rated above 25 after the first show and rolled an 8 on the random generator and the company inherited $56,609 and suddenly narratives started falling into place in my head and I realised I now had a story I could tell not just a throwaway game. The fact I can now potentially survive ... the fact I can now eventually use the 19 people who I had moved to Mexico but realised were 19 people too many.  I'll still probably send OL broke it will just take longer 😉"  )    


Club Exotico 2 - Card

The Great Kendo v Surfer Dude Lucas

Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm & Jonathon Wesker)

LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (Nakayama & Switchblade Ibata)

Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta)

La Dama Oscura v Ganymede Jr 

La Catrina v Toci

LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v La Nieve Leopardo

Arco Iris v La Bandida

LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Ms Miranda La Cisne La Cisne Negra) 

LLL Warrior Queen - Freya Tuck (c) v Jackie The Ripper

Demonio v Edo Phoenix IV

Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego)

LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Fuego Fantastico


Edited by alpha2117
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Club Exotico 2 - Card

The Great Kendo v Surfer Dude Lucas

Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm & Jonathon Wesker)

LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (Nakayama & Switchblade Ibata)

Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta)

La Dama Oscura v Ganymede Jr 

La Catrina v Toci

LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v La Nieve Leopardo

Arco Iris v La Bandida

LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Ms Miranda La Cisne La Cisne Negra) 

LLL Warrior Queen - Freya Tuck (c) v Jackie The Ripper

Demonio v Edo Phoenix IV

Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego)

LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Fuego Fantastico

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Club Exotico 2 - Card

The Great Kendo v Surfer Dude Lucas

Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm & Jonathon Wesker)

LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (Nakayama & Switchblade Ibata)

Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta)

La Dama Oscura v Ganymede Jr 

La Catrina v Toci

LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v La Nieve Leopardo

Arco Iris v La Bandida

LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Ms Miranda La Cisne La Cisne Negra) 

LLL Warrior Queen - Freya Tuck (c) v Jackie The Ripper

Demonio v Edo Phoenix IV

Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego)

LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Fuego Fantastico

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The Great Kendo v Surfer Dude Lucas

Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm & Jonathon Wesker)

LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (Nakayama & Switchblade Ibata)

Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta)

La Dama Oscura v Ganymede Jr 

La Catrina v Toci

LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v La Nieve Leopardo

Arco Iris v La Bandida

LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Ms Miranda La Cisne La Cisne Negra) 

LLL Warrior Queen - Freya Tuck (c) v Jackie The Ripper

Demonio v Edo Phoenix IV

Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego)

LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Fuego Fantastico

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Still a bit random because I'm figuring out how your roster plays out but what the hey, this is a very fun dynasty


The Great Kendo v Surfer Dude Lucas

Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Los Oceanicos (Lila Storm & Jonathon Wesker)

LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (Nakayama & Switchblade Ibata)

Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta)

La Dama Oscura v Ganymede Jr 

La Catrina v Toci

LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v La Nieve Leopardo

Arco Iris v La Bandida

LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Ms Miranda La Cisne La Cisne Negra) 

LLL Warrior Queen - Freya Tuck (c) v Jackie The Ripper

Demonio v Edo Phoenix IV

Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego)

LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Fuego Fantastico

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Ooh, fun swerve that The Grim Reaper ended up being a babyface this time and the death actually helped buy the company a longer life cycle, and cool background detail that this RTG roll was what led to you creating the dynasty. I really like the news round-ups too: lots of personality to them and, like the match write-ups in the first show, a strong combination of succinct and humorous.

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LLL Club Exotico 2 

Feb 2022


from Lugar Genérico - Noroccidente with 123 people in attendance 

We started with a couple of quick angles to hype up Ronin and Los Oceanicos - nobody can speak good Spanish so it's about looks largely.


Surfer Dude Lucas def The Great Kendo

I'd been tossing up who should go over here then Kendo got into a shouting match with Masky in the Booking meeting ... I need to make sure they both understand thats not on so job time it is Kenny boy.  The match was good.


Reinas Araña def Los Oceanicos

Needed to give the girls a win after their jobbing last week.  I already have a long term plan how I want this feud to go and what will happen with the Tag titles.  I also discovered Jonno was willing to work eye candy.  That was a plus because it definitely upped the reactions from the crowd for a bunch of people they don't really know but look good.


The Ivy & The Vine def Ronin to retain the LLL LDL Tag Titles

This was going to be a test - Charlotte and Chloe have great chemistry as a team but they cant work eye candy here so can they put in a good match against two pretty darn good workers.  The answer is kinda.  It wasn't as highly rated by the crowd as the first two bouts but was close enough that I felt comfortable.   I knew putting this feud out in the 1st qtr was a potential risk given nobody really knows them here in Mexico but everything was solid so far.

Did a couple of hype segments for Pride and then Dia De Muertos.  The Pride underperformed in their comedy flavoured promo but the Day of the Dead worked - the Skulls are actually pretty good on the mic and the Exoticos provided comic relief mugging in the background whilst Styx did his stoic silent monster schtick - people might think I am undercutting his intimidation factor but this company might have a few darker gimmicks but no way are we going to go dark and violent like the Multiverse of Madness ... we are decidedly the fluffy bunnies of Lucha Libre. 


Glamour y Clase def Portadoras De La Muerte 

Out hop my Exoticos to fluffy bunny it up.  Comedic Groin shots galore and the rematch ends with Glamourzonia getting a modicum of revenge for last time by nailing a low blow that was missed by a clearly blind official before making the pin.  Comedy is hard and this didn't land quite as well as earlier bouts on the card but I knew that going in.  What was great was Calavera's new spot which was a new take on a head scissors takedown that was beautiful to watch.  What's become very clear, very quickly is Cal is just flat out better than the others - looks good and has more natural it factor and they are flat out a better worker.  Several people backstage have spoke to me about pushing Cal and I want to eventually but right now Styx is the guy for Dia de Muertos.


Ganymede Jr def La Dama Oscura

Last time out I had the dead sweep the Pride and I couldn't keep that going two shows in a row.  The Tecnicos ... not that we do the Rudo/Tecnico really thing need a win or two.  I got them to tell that story here about Life battling Death and it worked okay.   I'd chosen to sacrifice this qtr of the show to the gods of product demand and let the crowd settle down into a variety of match styles before pushing harder near the end.


Toci def La Catrina

  So guess what kind of match I had these two work ... a Deathmatch you say ... dont be ridiculous one day these two might be pretty darn good in ring as they both have potential but right now it's Diva all the way. It worked too.  I might not be proud of it as a human being but as a booker I am.


Styx def La Nieve Leopardo to retain the LLL Mexican Championship

Styx is really annoying me now.  Two matches - two crappy performances from him.  Nieve was fine but he stunk up the joint again.  At least he nailed the finish this time.  The match went over okay despite his rubbish performance.  I've been relying on my big 4 and right now one of them is proving to be unreliable.

Arco Iris is out doing a comedy promo about La Bandida - it works a treat.  I really like Arco - naturally funny and pretty decent in ring, certainly better than I expected her to be.


Arco Iris def La Bandida

Do you know what happens when you turn up late for a show ... you job.  La Bandida learned that valuable lesson tonight.  I don't care who your dad or brother are.

I somewhat bravely allowed Payaso Jr near a mic again to see if he could actually do it this time and he was a lot better thankfully.  I then gave the girls another elaborate showgirl entrance because ... let's face it that's what they are best at right now.



Los Pecardos def Club Exotico to retain the LLL LDL Trios Titles

Human sacrifice Mark 2 - This time Miranda got to take the pin after I gave her a win in last month's awful match with JTR. Payaso Jr was on fire in ring again and nailed another nice finish.  It wasn't a classic ... lets face it the girls are a ways off being able to do that right now but it was good.  Everyone has to start somewhere and jobbing to a bunch of Super-Villain knockoffs is where these girls are starting and they have done okay so far.

Pre match I cut a promo ... I sucked ... I am man enough to admit that even whilst wearing my ridiculous wig and I am dressed like a cheap showgirl. 


Freya Tuck def Jackie The Ripper to retain the LLL Warrior Queen Championship

As a wrestler Jackie makes a pretty good Manager especially with Payaso Jr and Verduga ... this time I decided I was going to take one for the team and go out there with her. It went better than expected ... I concentrated on us looking good and tried to make people forget it was a wrestling show - heck Jackie even managed to do the finish right this time.

Jackie's been jobbing so I let her nail me with a chair (across the back) post match ... I am not concussed and she maybe gets a bit of heat back.  Not that it really matters because she cant work more than 5 or 6 minutes solo so she ain't getting a push anytime soon but she's trying bless her and she did well tonight. 

I then had Dama and Demonio do a menacing staredown with Edo and Fantastico it's not great and Fantastico is about as convincing as a Kardashian trying to act.


Edo Phoenix IV def Demonio 

Masky is a good dude but that stuff with Kendo before the show doesn't fly and he was always going to job here anyway.  I kind of love Edo right now ... he's just so darn good.  They clicked well and it was a good bout certainly better than anything else tonight. Hopefully the others can bring it home.



Los Demonios IV def Verano Sin Fin

So I objectified 1 girl, 1 transwoman, 3 Exoticos and one person of unspecified gender ... am I proud ... kind of.  My job is to book a successful show and this was successful.  DGD grew up wanting to work hardcore and tonight she worked about as softcore as it gets.  Sex somewhat sadly sells.  

Post match they do a brawl to the back to get the crowd a bit fired up for the Main Event.  It was what it was.  I dont think I'm very creative with these angles right now and I've been using the team to come up with finishes for the matches that hopefully help but I know old school stuff like that works.


Dama de las Pesadillas def Fuego Fantastico to retain the LLL FDL Triangle Title

I knew this was going to struggle to reach the heights of last month - Fuego isn't anywhere near the level of Edo but he did well here and Valeria is just plain class in ring despite her lack of true star potential. The finish we'd come up with worked and everyone would have gone home happy. 

That last quarter all clicked and overall the show was only a smidge less well received by the crowd than last month.  I praised up Edo and Valeria again ... I know they are doing a heck of a lot of heavy lifting here.  One thing I learned was that people are sometimes going to make things harder - Kenny, Masky and La Bandida all annoyed me with their foibles tonight and the Styx issue is increasingly becoming a concern but I guess that's what OL is paying me $20 bucks a night to deal with.  Guess I will go grab a Burrito and prepare myself for the drudgery of my day job as a waiter in Tijuana's premier Burger joint. Lucas said the Surf report is good for tomorrow and that the Los Oceanicos girls are coming too - those three in swimsuits is definitely a plus.  My life isn't perfect but it's not bad either. 


@AboardTheArk = 9/13

@kanegan = 7/13

@KyTeran = 10/13

@1PWfan = 11/13

Thanks for the engagement guys. 


Edited by alpha2117
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Quite happy and pleased that this is not as dark as Multiverse of Madness. Cverse Mexico need more varieties than they have got. 😄

Great show by the way. Styx is proving a headache to you. Will be interesting to see who you use to take the belt from him?

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10 minutes ago, kanegan said:

Quite happy and pleased that this is not as dark as Multiverse of Madness. Cverse Mexico need more varieties than they have got. 😄

Great show by the way. Styx is proving a headache to you. Will be interesting to see who you use to take the belt from him?

I think you over-estimate Styx's willingness to job ... I might have to Montreal him.  I'm actually sort of in love with how truly problematic he's turned out to be.

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