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OOC: Hi, I'm Greta Gridlock. This is my first dynasty here, and it almost didn't exist. 

I only play Zen, and with The ZENith and the journey there (ZEN) by Eugh and ZEN: F.E.A.R Itself by Pteroid both being extremely good reads, I didn't think there was a place for another traditional ZEN Dynasty.

So, what follows is not a traditional dynasty.

This is a Demo Dynasty that will follow a singular worker's first three months of 2022.

What ZEN worker could we choose to carry a dynasty on their back?

Which of these zany characters will be our vessel as we travel together through the C-Verse?

Who deserves the honor?

       Bruce Strange.

You see, I made a mistake while offering new contracts, a mistake I discovered during my first tv.

And so it's with great humility that I present to you...

ȶɦɛ ֆȶʀǟռɢɛ ƈǟֆɛ օʄ ƈʀɛǟȶɨʋɛ ƈօռȶʀօʟ.


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                                                                                                               ZEN INFERNO
                                                                                                              THE ZEN TEMPLE
                                                                                                              ATTENDANCE: 177

                                                                                                               TOTAL VIEWERS ON WRESTLEWORlD OCEANIA: 3835
                                                                                                               SHOW RATING: 41

The first episode of Inferno for the new year opens up with the ZEN Temple alive with boos, the ZEN faithful letting the brand new viewers watching on WrestleWorld exactly what they're meant to think of the men working their way down the ramp at a leisurely pace.

"Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!" Comes the cacophonous chorus.

                                                                                                            Alien Fleet (Man O' War & Laguna The Loyal) enter the ring, Man O' War visibly laughing at the fans calling him a traitor. Ringside mic at hand, Man O' War waits for the crowd to quiet down before he addresses them.

"Wee bit stupid, aren't ya?" Man O' War asks, having dropped the familiar catch phrases and salty sailor language he was once beloved for when he turned his back on Zen. The crowd roars with hate at his insult. "ZEN's only ever had one traitor, and it's not me. Care to guess why? I'm still here." He grins widely as the fans boo even louder almost certainly wishing Man O' War would get a big fat RAW contract to disappear right now.

"Ya should all be nicer to me, because I'm going to give ya an amazing main event, isn't that right Laguna?" Man O' War asks his partner who carefully leans down to the mic Man O' War holds and says....


"Too right, Goony. Any main event we're in is amazing, but tonight? Tonight is going to be something special. These ingrate fans are going to get to see us defend the ZEN Harmony Championship against 3 other teams." Man O' War smirks when the crowd cheers at the thought of Alien Fleet losing tonight.

"And do any of ya know why?" Man O' War asks leadingly. 

"Because I know ZEN. Better than almost anyone. So, tonight, we're taking on every team in ZEN with the 3 points required to challenge us. And this Saturday, at Way of The Dreamer, me and Goony will have us a wee day off. Because after tonight, there wont be a single team left in this company that's earned the right to face us. 3 victories, that's all it takes, and only 3 teams have managed such a meager feat." Man O' War grins deeper as the reality sets in on the audience.

If Alien Fleet aren't defeated tonight, they wont even have to wrestle at Way of The Dreamer, freeing them up to corner the rest of Alien Armada in their matches against F.E.A.R 

"Now, tell them what's on ya mind, Goony." Man O' War says, once again raising the mic for his partner.

"BLAR-DE-BLAR!" Laguna shouts.

"Ya got it, mate!" Man O' War cheers supportively, and spares a few moments to teach Laguna The Loyal how to high-five. It only takes a couple of tries for the alien to get it right.

                                                                                                                    Maniac Monster w/ 'Queen of The South' DeAnna Desire vs Quicksilver

The Queen of the South leads her massive client to the ring and takes her place in his corner, mouthing back the riled up fans that are trying to get under her skin. Some of the ZEN Faithful old enough to remember Quicksilver pop appreciatively when he sprints to the ring, but it's a small smattering of applause. The bell rings, and the opportunity for the fans to get behind Quicksilver is almost immediately over. Maniac crushes Quicksilver right out of the gate, bouncing him around the ring like a rubber ball. Quicksilver tries to get back in the match using his classic faster than the eye can see moveset but unfortunately, he's not as fast as he once was. Age and wear and tear have left Quicksilver physically lacking, and his inability to stick and move? Leaves him stuck. Maniac Monster doesn't cease to dominate, and it's almost a mercy when the much larger man races across the ring and catches Quicksilver in the throat with a thumb strike.

          "Oh, dear sweet marmalade!" Sparky Sparks cries out in horror from the desk. "Maniac Monster hit the Death Thumb! It's over! That Maniac! That Monster! He's killed Quicksilver!"

                                                       "Quick! Somebody cut to backstage! We need a segment! Any segment!" Dustin Thane chimes in frantically.

WrestleWorld viewers get to see medics running down the ramp in a hurry, and DeAnna stepping into the ring to raise her client's hand as the ringside bell sounds to signal the end of the match. 

                                                                                                                           Winner: Maniac Monster. (29)

                Hez Jendell is backstage and gives a fired up interview, calling out Karrg The Insidious for the heartless destruction of Hez's planet, and promises that Karrg wont be allowed to destroy Earth or to terrorize ZEN any longer. Hez swears on the memory of all of Karrg's victims, that at Way of The Dreamer, Hez Jendell will be the one to take the ZEN Master Championship from the would be world-conqueror.

                                                                                                                              Booster Boy  vs  Vertigo

              Another Zen Alumni in Vertigo takes on the young man that Zen Loyalists hate to hate, Booster Boy himself! This match is by it's very nature much faster than the previous, exposing the sheer athleticism of both wrestlers. Vertigo and Booster put on a clinic of flippy lucha nonsense, doing their best to pick the crowd up with a myriad of dives, reversals, and counters. It's such an exciting match that you might forget that someone just died. Vertigo despite being a decade older, proves just too lightning quick for Booster Boy to deal with. Vertigo finishes the youngster off, reminding everyone why he was one of the Sky Kings, besting Booster Boy with a truly masterful shooting star press off the top rope that looks painful to both men. Vertigo makes the cover, and there's the 3!

                                                                                                                              Winner: Vertigo. (40)


                                                                                                              Azazel & Moonchild vs The Ghost Hunters
If the last match was a back and forth athletic competition? This is a comedy showcase. The simple story being told? Azazel is a pretty divine being with face paint, and Moonchild makes up for being the lankiest and cleanest cut hippie you've ever seen in your life by also being a clearly stoned goofball with large hips, making him a hippy hippie. The two of them are wrestling mean looking bruisers that happen to have a poorly defined grudge against supernatural entities. The bruisers don't waste time asserting themselves. Mister Hyde blasts Moonchild with a pump shotgun big boot, just incase the hippie is a Zombie. Bruce Strange stuffs a half dozen cloves of garlic in his mouth, sloppily chews them, and then with most of the garlic falling wetly to the mat, blows his breath into Azazel's face incase the Fallen Angel is in actuality a vampire, and then just to make sure, when Azazel recoils in horror at the stench Bruce grabs the back of his head and smashes a knee into Azazel's mouth just to shake loose any fangs. The Ghost Hunters beat the Angel and The Hippie like they're werewolves that owe them money. Azazel does manage to get in some pretty angelic highflying offense that impresses the smarks and makes the women in attendance swoon. Moonchild works in a nice comedy spot where he throws a bag of Funyuns into the ring, causing both Bruce and Mister Hyde to scramble around trying to get the snack, just being in contact with Moonchild having given both big men the munchies. But it's all for naught. Bruce Strange calls Azazel a duck, and absent a large barrel of water that he and Mister Hyde can drown the witch in... The Ghost Hunters just hit The Fallen Angel with The Cleansing for the 3. 

                                                                                                             Winners: The Ghost Hunters (38)

With their victory, The Ghost Hunters earn a point towards challenging for the ZEN Harmony Championship. Two more and they'll have the right to challenge any team that holds the titles.
                                                                  Ferdy Lloyd is backstage and bumps into Celestina Cherish they smile at each other politely and introduce themselves.

"Hi, I'm Fredy Lloyd. My thing is I do a slightly better flip than anyone else." Ferdy nods. "I'm Celestina Cherish, my thing is I like pickles and the people that are mean to me on social media are really mean to me." Celestina says, before turning to blow a kiss at the camera, holding up a peace sign, and slapping another across it. "Hashtag Trailblazer." She winks playfully. 

Before either of them can speak again, footsteps are heard, and the two of them turn to look at an unseen figure. "Oh, hey! You're new, right? What's your thing?" Both Ferdy and Celestina ask in unison.

The response is the sudden screech of unidentifiable house music being played. Time itself seems to crawl as someone almost glides into frame. They're walking in slow motion, but it's more like they've never walked in their life. This person doesn't walk. This person floats.

A stunning Japanese woman fills the frame.

                                                                                                              The bass drops.
                                                                                                千ㄩㄚㄩҜㄖ 卄丨Ꮆ卂  flashes across the screen in stylized writing so large it almost covers the woman up entirely.

Her hair is slow motion blowing in the wind. A quick adjustment of the camera to Celestina and Ferdy who are very clearly NOT in slow motion, reveals the two of them to not be worthy of sharing Fuyuko's wind. She has her own breeze. "Woooow...." Celestina and Ferdy whisper in awed unison. The camera switches back to a still slow motion Fuyuko who is now wearing aviator sunglasses. Inside. She is so cool! Fuyuko slowly raises a hand, and snaps her fingers.

The House Music is still loudly playing, but the three are no longer backstage. They're all in a dark red 1971 Ford Mustang convertible, that's flying through the sky. Fuyuko is driv... well, flying the car, while Celestina sits in Ferdy's lap in the passenger seat, Fuyuko's companions both screaming in terror while she slowly bops her head in time with the house music and once in awhile turns the steering wheel.

The Mustang does two flips in the air, when it rights itself the first time Ferdy is suddenly sitting in Celestina's lap, when it rights itself the second time, the two of them are somehow sitting in each other's lap simultaneously in the passenger seat, while the driver seat is empty.


                                                                                                                                 SO AWESOME!

The Mustang suddenly adjusts course and flies towards the camera, getting closer and closer, and closer until...

                                                                                        Fuyuko Higa w/ Celestina Cherish vs Ferdy Lloyd.

The car drives down the entrance ramp into the arena, still accompanied by the banging house music, Fuyuko still surfing on the hood. Celestina is alone in the passenger seat, wearing a giant paper mache sculpture of her head on her head, blindly flailing her arms into the air. The car gently glides to a stop right outside the ring. Fuyuko hops down, circles to the trunk, and taps a fist on the trunk causing it to open. She drags a very confused Ferdy Lloyd also wearing a paper mache head of his head on his head out of the trunk, and leads him into the ring, guiding him to a corner. Fuyuko takes her place in the opposite corner, and a ringing bell a few seconds later means we have a match!

Ferdy Lloyd manages to get the head off just in time to really wish he left it on as Fuyuko hits him directly in the jaw with a stiff running elbow. What ensues is a butt whooping of epic proportions. Miss Perfection beats Ferdy in ways that are illegal to even imagine in most countries. Ferdy tries to fight back with better than average offense, but it's not going to work against Fuyuko. So much talent! So much skill! So much technique! She's just too perfect. A cleanly applied scorpion deathlock, transitioned into a high torque ankle lock, transitioned into three german suplexes spells the end for Ferdy Lloyd. A Higa Green Driver is the exclamation point.

                                                                                          Winner: Fuyuko Higa (50)

After the match, Fuyuko helps Ferdy to his feet, and hands him a pink tank top with black lettering on the front. It reads "Higa Beat Me." Ferdy shrugs and pulls it on without hesitation.

Fuyuko then hops into the Mustang, allows Celestina to exit the vehicle, and then backs up the ramp, leaving Ferdy and Celestina equal parts confused and certain that they now know what Fuyuko's thing is.

                                                                                                  Fuyuko Higa Wins.
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Alien Fleet (Man O' War and Laguna The Loyal) vs Kalliope Woodchuck & Devilfish vs Cyanide & Vortex vs The Horror Show w/ Guru Vishni for the ZEN Harmony Championship.

As the teams make their way to the ring, some of the younger fans are confused as to why Guru Vishni is accompanying a random team they've never seen before rather than his fellow Skullduggery members, and to those fans defense? Cyanide seems to share their confusion, yelling at Guru when he takes his original team's corner. One brave fan who absolutely remembers The Horror Show from years gone by reaches across the barricade, grabs Stalker by the shoulder and getting his attention loudly asks...

"Where ya been, mate!?!??"

Nightmare Stalker for possibly the first time in his career, breaks kayfabe. He smiles wide, recognizing the fan from the old days. Clasping the fan's hand, Stalker gives it a squeeze, before climbing onto the apron and tossing the answer to the question over his shoulder. "We were on smoko!"

A multi-team lucha match begins. In other words? It's a total cluster fudge. Each team is more than competent though it's clear that over a decade of working spot shows and regular jobs have left The Horror Show a little bit rustier than their opponents, and not having time to prepare themselves for a proper ZEN return, both of the Nightmares look outclassed. Guru Vishni is an invaluable asset to his team's survival, breaking out some old timey heel chicanery whenever it looks like Stalker or Slasher may be in trouble, which is often.

The need to repeatedly save his guys sees Guru employ trips, pulling legs and hands onto ropes to break pin and submission attempts, a kendo stick, an ether soaked rag, a fireball, a veritable rainbow of mists, chair shots, eye pokes, low blows, baby powder that misses the target of Kalliope Woodchuck and ends up blinding Cyanide, and in a tasteless display of the most egregious cheating possible... Vishni breaks the oldest rule in wrestling.

Guru Vishni punches with a closed fist.

Where Vishni faces the challenge at hand with pure evil, the team of Kalliope Woodchuck & Devilfish rise to occasion with no more potent a strategy than babyface pluck. Fortunately, this is ZEN, and pluck counts for like 85% of a match. Devilfish takes it to Cyanide, Man O' War, and Slasher whenever they dare to get near him, unleashing his ferocious nature he's a whirlwind of hard blows and uncontrolled spinning, The Devil is here in ZEN and all Shellfish is breaking loose! Kalliope outpaces her much larger opponents, the bubbly bodacious babyface breezing by bigger baddies. Kalliope leaves Stalker, Laguna, and Vortex worn out and resting in the corners, standing in the middle of the ring she throws her arms into the air and signals, much to the crowd's joy.

"WOODCHUCK!" The fans in attendance scream as Kalliope runs to a corner and hits Laguna with a jumping knee strike. "WOULD CHUCK!" They scream as she does it again. 

"WOODCHUCK!" A knee for Stalker. "WOULD CHUCK!" Two for the Nightmare.

"WOODCHUCK!" A knee for Vortex. "WOULD CHUCK!" And a second for the Skullduggery minion.

Laguna the Loyal staggers out of the corner stumbling towards the center of the ring, only to eat a superkick.  "WOOD!" The fans cheer. Kalliope pins the big alien, but longtime tag specialist Man O' War is there to save his partner with a quick break-up, preventing Alien Fleet's early elimination.

Cyanide and Vortex take over with superior wrestling, the master and his student showing technique that only the wiley veteran Man O' War can match, and he's not nearly good enough to deal with both Cyanide and his hand picked successor at the same time. The Skullduggery members tie their opponents up in knots and show why their stable is one of them most fearsome factions in ZEN's history. None of the teams can equal them in skill alone.

Fortunately, they don't have to. Guru Vishni getting carried away with his cheating and accidentally blinding Cyanide gives Kalliope the opportunity to put away her tormentor with the pluckiest babyface move she can think of. A schoolgirl roll up.


Kalliope and Devilfish are doing well until the numbers game proves too much, Alien Fleet and The Horror Show working together to wear down the babyfaces and never wasting an opportunity to double team them or cut off the ring. For a moment, it looks like Kalliope will be able to fight out of the desperate situation and bring Devilfish in with a hot tag, but that hope is put to bed when Man O' War muscles her up onto his shoulders, and powerbombs her head first onto a turnbuckle folding Kalliope in half.

The three count is academic, but Man O' War milks it to a chorus of boos, pulling Kalliope's shoulders up off the mat twice before finally pinning her by dismissively placing a foot on her chest and posing. 


If there was one thing that could an audience in 2022 wildly cheer for The Horror Show, it's Man O' War being the absolute worst. The crowd rallies behind the Nightmares and tries to will them to victory, but even with the love of the fans, and a truly spectacular low blow that Guru Vishni delivers to Man O' War, The Horror Show is simply too out of practice to measure up to the inhuman strength of Laguna. Goony dominates both Nightmares with alien savagery. 

It's Man O' War who lifts Nightmare Slasher's nearly lifeless body onto his shoulders and ends any hope of a Horror Show Comeback by screaming "GO BACK TO THE PAK N SAVE AND GET ME SOME SQUIGGLES!", and with that the back of Slasher's head bounces off a turnbuckle and the Nightmare is folded in half. 

Man O' War doesn't take a chance with Slasher and deeply hooks the leg for the 3 count.


Winners: Alien Fleet. Still ZEN HARMONY CHAMPIONS. (48)

As Man O' War and Laguna celebrate their hard fought victory, Guru Vishni disappointedly walks up the ramp not even waiting for The Horror Show to recover, before he can leave though a masked figure steps out onto the stage and stops him in his tracks.

                                                                                                   "Congratulations, Guru!" HalloWarped speaks into a mic, getting everyone's attention. "It's 2022, most men your age, that have been doing this as long as you, are considering retirement. Not Guru Vishni. You're still here week in and week out putting in your very best work for your clients." HalloWarped smiles.

"I admire you Guru, I always have. That's why I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on your victory Saturday. Because, at Way Of The Dreamer you're going to lead your team to victory and crown them the next ZEN HARMONY CHAMPIONS!" HalloWarped says to the fans, more than Guru. Drawing cheers, Vishni's confusion, and the rage of Man O' War and Goony who are still in the ring.

"Ya see, Man O' War is getting too old to be the brains of the outfit. He's still ALMOST bright, but he's starting to get a little spotty, forgetting things." HalloWarped smirks.

"There's still one team left in ZEN with 3 points, and Alien Fleet will be defending the ZEN Harmony Championship against them on Saturday, with you in their corner, Guru." HalloWarped explains.

Man O' War can't take his enemy's almost pompous attitude anymore and grabs a ringside mic so he can scream at the upstart.

"F.E.A.R DOESN'T HAVE 3 POINTS!" Man O' War shouts, popping the crowd at the idea of any combination of F.E.A.R taking the Harmony Championship from Alien Fleet.

"You're right. F.E.A.R doesn't." HalloWarped nods in agreement.

Nearly everyone in attendance is asking who, desperate to know which team they've forgotten who didn't lose a match and therefore lose their 3 points.

Nearly everyone.

                                                                                                               "No way, he can't possibly mean..."

Dustin Thane has often been made fun of for his vast borderline obsessive knowledge of obscure ZEN trivia. His dedication to a fun little lucha comedy promotion has cost him gainful employment in the real world, it's cost him friends, it's cost him any chance of losing his virginity before his 31st birthday. It's cost him the respect of his parents, his friends, and in his darkest moments it's even cost him his self-respect. But now? Right now? Dustin being a nerd means he knows the words that are coming before HalloWarped says them.

                                                                      "Alien Fleet! Saturday Night, you defend your titles against the last team in ZEN with 3 points!" HalloWarped howls.

                                                                                                          "You face... Warp-Jump."

                                                                       And the show ends before anyone can make sense of how that's going to work.


Edited by GretaGridlock
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                                                                                                             ZEN WAY OF THE DREAMER PREDICTIONS.


                                               Maniac Monster w/ 'Queen of the South' DeAnna Desire vs Azazel & Moonchild     

                                                                                                                                 Vertigo vs ZERO

                                                                                                                 Celestina Cherish vs Fuyuko Higa

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                                                                                                             The Ghost Hunters w/ ??? vs Crime Buster & Aukland Raider

                                                                                                       Deathwatch Beetle (C.) vs Pink Spider for the ZEN Conceptual Title.
                                                                                                                                  Rekha vs Devilfish
                                                                                                                   Alien Fleet (C.) vs Warp-Jump w/ Guru Vishni for the ZEN Harmony Titles.

                                                                                                               Trevor Feather vs Kalliope Woodchuck

                                                                       Buckminster Snark & The Malothian    vs    Halloween Knight & Pumpkin Jack

                                                                                                                  Hez Jendell  vs  Karrg The Insidious (C.) Ladder Match for the ZEN Master Title.


OOC: So, I gave Bruce Strange an overpriced creative control contract without realizing it. He informed me that losing to Moonchild wouldn't work for him brother, so now I have a dynasty about pushing Bruce Strange to the moon.

I do want to apologize for the length of the first tv post, and likewise the formatting issues that I'll still be getting the hang of days from now.

After Way Of The Dreamer, I intend to limit every match not involving Bruce to one line recaps absent detail, but seeing as this is my first Dynasty I did wanna go all out with the first two shows. 

I'll work hard to make things suck less ;)

Thank you all, for your time and your attention. 

Looking forward to the predictions, so I can give the winner a prize. ❤️


Edited by GretaGridlock
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