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WWE: RAW and Smackdown. A new direction.

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Hi. I have decided to start my own diary. It will be the WWE consisting of the Raw and Smackdown brands. ECW talent has been fired except for the likes of Angle, RVD and Big Show. Think of it as the ECW brand never happening. I am using the FOTROC database. There are a few slight changes to the rosters from the current reallife situation but nothing major. Also I have released The Boogeyman and Little B***ard. A few stars will be brought in as I aim to make this diary interesting, exciting and also unpredictable. The diary starts at the beginning of July and I start with no injuries I hope people enjoy reading this as this is my first diary attempt, wish me luck :D [COLOR="Red"]RAW[/COLOR] [U]MALE[/U] John Cena Edge RVD (WWE WORLD CHAMPION) Triple H Shawn Michaels Kane Big Show Ric Flair Carlito Johnny Nitro (INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION) (Manager - Melina) Umaga (Manager - Armando Alessandro Estrada) Shelton Benjamin Chris Masters Test Charlie Haas Stevie Richards Rob Conway Matt Striker Eugene Snitsky Viscera Val Venis Lance Cade Trevor Murdoch Sylvain Grenier Rene Dupree Robbie McAllister Rory McAllister Mikey (WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TAG TEAM CHAMPION) Mitch Johnny Kenny (WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TAG TEAM CHAMPION) Nicky Mick Foley [U]FEMALE[/U] Trish Stratus Mickie James (WOMENS CHAMPION) Victoria Beth Phoenix Ashley Lita Melina Torrie Wilson Candice Michelle Jazz [U]AUTHORITY FIGURES[/U] Vince McMahon Jonathan Coachman Shane McMahon [U]OTHERS[/U] Jim Ross (Announcer) Jerry Lawler (Colour Commentator) Lilian Garcia (Ring Announcer) Maria (Interviewer) Todd Grisham (Interviewer) [COLOR="Blue"]SMACKDOWN[/COLOR] [U]MALE[/U] Batista Rey Mysterio (WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION) Randy Orton Kurt Angle The Undertaker JBL Booker T (Manager - Queen Sharmell) Mark Henry Chris Benoit Great Khali (Manager - Daivari) Bobby Lashley (US CHAMPION) Mr Kennedy Matt Hardy Finlay William Regal Paul Birchill Tatanka Chavo Guerrero Gunner Scott Simon Dean Vito Joey Mercury Kid Kash Jamie Noble Paul London (WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPION) Brian Kendrick (WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPION) Psicosis Super Crazy Danny Basham Doug Basham Jake Gymini Jesse Gymini Gregory Helms (WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION) Nunzio Funaki Scotty2Hotty Akio Tony Mamaluke Mike Mizanin [U]AUTHORITY FIGURES[/U] Vince McMahon Theodore Long [U]OTHERS[/U] Micheal Cole (Announcer) Tazz (Colour Commentator) Josh Matthews (Interviewer) Kristal Marshall (Interviewer) [U]TAG TEAMS AND STABLES[/U] London and Kendrick (SD) Gymini (SD) Basham Brothers (SD) Pitbulls (SD) La Resistance (RAW) Spirit Squad (RAW) Cade and Murdoch (RAW) Highlanders (RAW) DX (RAW) King Bookers Court (SD) (Booker T, William Regal, Finlay, Sharmell) Gymini (SD) (Simon Dean, Jake Gymini, Jesse Gymini) DX (RAW) (Triple H, Shawn Michaels) Spirit Squad (RAW) (Kenny, Mikey, Johnny, Mitch, Nicky) Upcoming PPV's Great American Bash Sunday week 4 July SmackDown Summerslam week 3 August SD/RAW Unforgiven week 3 September RAW
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[IMG]http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n31/sebsyboy/WWESD.jpg[/IMG] Held at The Carrier Dome Syracuse New York to a crowd of 28,707 Test v Matt Striker in preshow match Test wins convincingly hitting the Test Drive in 10.25 [B]-C[/B] The camera pans around the arena as the fireworks go off in time with a pyrotechnical display of sparks and bangs. [B]Jim Ross[/B]"Hello everybody I'm Jim Ross and welcome to Monday Night Raw, eminating from the Carrier Dome NY in front of just under 29,000 fans. And boy will they be in for a treat tonight. WWE Champion Mickie James faces Ashley in a non title match whilst Stevie Richards goes 1 on 1 with the monster Kane. [B]Jerry Lawler[/B] "That's not all JR, Charlie Haas will face The Masterpiece Chris Masters tonight and JR, both men will be looking for a win in that match to get themselves a bit of recognition here on Raw. [B]JR[/B] "You're right there King, it's gonna be quite a night he...... JR is interupted as music starts playing over the PA, [B]JR[/B] "Well ladies and gentlemen Vince McMahon, the chairman of the WWE obviously has something to say and I wouldn't be surprised if it was something to do with DX [B]Lawler[/B] "I'd be surprised if it wasn't JR, the antics they've gotten upto the past few weeks, mainly at the expense of Vince and his son Shane". Vince, having made his usual strut to the ring stands with microphone in hand ready to speak. Vince with a big smile on his face clearly hiding his disdain for having to be out near the fans starts to talk "Hello, may I just say what a pleasure it is to be here in... well whatever godforsaken cesspit this is." The crowd start to chant A**hole A**hole. "Shut your mouths" Vince furiously orders the crowd and begins to talk again. "First off, before I get to the main reason I am out here, tonight in the Main Event, Edge will go one on one with John Cena. But that's enough about that. Now on to more pressing matters. DX have been running amok around here lately and it's about time it stopped. I am sick of DX. They think they are above the law here on Raw, well they aren't. That is why tonight DX will face Mikey, Johnny and Kenny in a handicap match" The crowd boo. "Tonight the SS will shut DX up once and for all" [B]A and B[/B] Vince grins smugly as his music starts to play again, he makes his way out of the ring and back up the ramp. [B]JR[/B] "Well, it looks like DX might be in some trouble tonight King, they've been booked in a handicap match against 3 members of the Spirit Squad and somehow I get the feeling the other members of the Spirit Squad are gonna be involved in that one". [B]King[/B] "I don't doubt it JR but did you hear what Vince said at the start of his speech? Tonight we're going to see Edge and John Cena fight it out and these pair really do not like each other. [B]JR[/B] "Indeed King, it all stems from New Years Revolution this year when Edge cashed in his Money In The Bank opportunity to defeat Cena after the champ had been involved in a brutal Elimination Chamber match. We all know Cena won it back, however, at the Royal Rumble just a few weeks later. Since then he lost it to RVD but the pair have never stopped fighting since". [B]JR[/B]"Anyway lets focus on what's coming up next, Mickie James the WWE Womens Champion takes on Ashley in a non title match". [B]SINGLES MATCH[/B] [I]Mickie James vs Ashley[/I] Mickie finishes off Ashley with no problem in 2.58 with a Mick Kick. [B]C-[/B] A video is played hyping tonights Main Event match between Edge and John Cena [B]A[/B] We cut to Jonathan Coachman sitting in his office. [B]Coach[/B] "Ladies and Gentlemen, Vince McMahon has just asked me to inform you that tonight we will see a number 1 contenders match for the Intercontinental Title. Carlito will go one on one with Shelton Benjamin for the right to face Johnny Nitro". [B]C[/B] Cut back to the announce table. [B]JR[/B] "That sounds like quite a match for later on here tonight, Carlito will face Shelton Benjamin for a shot at the Intercontinental Title in what is sure to be an athletic match". [B]King[/B] "These 2 guys have been very impressive of late and are both looking to regain the Gold they have held recently". Kanes music hits as flames erupt [B]JR[/B]" Kane making his way to the ring folks for a match against Stevie Richards who can not be looking forward to this one." [B]King[/B] "I dont like this JR we could be about to see Steven Richards get destroyed here tonight". [B]SINGLES MATCH[/B] [I]Kane vs Stevie Richards[/I] Kane beats Stevie Richards comfortably in 5.45 with a chokeslam, however Richards showed promising offence at times before Kane's raw power got the better of him. [B]C+[/B] Camers cuts to Vince's office. Vince is on the phone when we hear the door opened forcefully, DX come in and the crowd cheer. [B]Vince[/B] "What the hell do you two think you are doing, you don't just come barging in here, I'm the chairman of the WWE". [B]HHH[/B] "Hey calm down old man, we just wanted to come and say we don't think it's very fair you putting us in a handicap match, talking of handicaps, is Shane around tonight?" [B]Vince[/B] "Just what exactly are you implying?" Vince looks annoyed and clenches his teeth "and for your information, not that it's any of your damn business, but no, Shane is not here tonight" [B]HBK[/B] "That's a shame, no really it is, we were looking forward to beating the crap out of both of you tonight, looks like we'll just have to settle for you eh vince?" At that moment Mikey and Kenny come out of nowhere and launch a vicious surprise attack on DX. Vince has a big smile on his face as he watches DX getting beat on by the World Tag Team champs. Vince, Kenny and Mikey leave the room with DX lying on the floor in pain. [B]B[/B] A graphic shows on the Titantron hyping the Carlito v Shelton Benjamin match [B]B[/B] [B]JR[/B] "King it does not bode well for DX in my estimation, a handicap match tonight against 3 members of the Spirit Squad, and they've already suffered a beating before the match takes place". [B]King[/B] "It's not just the Spirit Squad that DX need to worry about though is it JR, Vince McMahon has got it in for them too". [B]JR[/B] "Let's move on anyway ladies and gentleman, Charlie Haas is about to take on Chris Masters as both look to gain some momentum here on Raw". [B]C[/B] [B]SINGLES MATCH[/B] [I]Charlie Haas vs Chris Masters[/I] Haas and Masters contest a fairly even fight and after about 6 minutes Masters goes to lock in the Masterlock. Haas slips out before it can be applied and goes for the rollup. 1...2... Masters raises his shoulder. Masters again goes for the Masterlock after 10 minutes but Haas reverses it and delivers the Haastruction and pins Masters. 1...2...3 [B]C-[/B] [B]JR[/B] "That's it King, Charlie Haas has picked up an impressive win here tonight against Masters" [B]King[/B] "Haas looks happy with that win JR really marking his name out here on Raw". Haas beats Masters in 10.31 As Haas is celebrating, however, Masters gets to his feet and starts to attack Haas while he has his back turned. [B]JR[/B] "What is wrong with Masters, King, theres absolutely no need for this, someone stop this". [B]King[/B] "Looks like Masters is none too happy with losing to Charlie Haas here JR". [B]JR[/B] "This is diabolical, what a coward, attacking your opponent while he has his back turned, and why King? why? just because he lost?" Masters leaves the ring as Haas is left battered and crawling towards the apron, officials come and help Haas to the back. [B]C-[B] Suddenly Kenny, Johnny and Mikey appear on the Titantron [B]Johnny[/B] "Hey DX" (Mikey blows an airhorn) [B]Johnny[/B] "So it's the two of you against the 3 of us huh? You really shouldn't mess with Vince guys coz now youre gonna get the crap beaten out of you by us, The Spirit Squad for the second time tonight" [B]Kenny[/B] "Yeh, you two don't stand a chance tonight, we're gonna leave you looking stupid, more so than normal anyway, you guys make us sick, how old are you? you're both in your fifties right?" (They all laugh) [B]Kenny[/B] "You thinktwo old guys like you can beat us, three athletically toned superstars like us? you have no chance" They all give Hifives and blow their airhorns before the camera cuts to Shelton Benjamin also in the back [B]B[/B] [B]Shelton[/B] "Carlito, I'm gonna beat you so easily tonight it's not even going to be funny. I'm going to reclaim my Intercontinental Title when I face Johnny Nitro and it's gonna be all the better doing it by beating you first, and that (Shelton grins smugly) that's gonna be cool" [B]B-[/B] [B]JR[/B] "Well that's gonna be one interesting match, King, Shelton Benjamin going one on one with Carlito for a shot at Johnny Nitros Intercontinental Title" [B]King[/B] "That's gonna be a great match JR, I can't wait, but what about The Spirit Squad, sounds like they're really up for their match with DX tonight" [B]JR[/B] "Can you blame them King? They're gonna be outnumbering their opponents, and you know it's gonna end up 5 on 2 anyway, it always does, and they've got Vince behind them, Vince should be a man for once and face DX on his own instead of sending these guys out to do his dirty work week in week out" [B]King[/B] "Ok JR calm down, you're gonna pop a vein or something" The camera cuts backstage again as Edge is in his lockerroom with his girlfriend Lita [B]Edge[/B] "Baby, I'm gonna beat Cena down tonight like he's never been beaten before, I'm gonna rip that two bit rapper apart" [B]Lita[/B] "I know you will baby" [B]Edge[/B] "And afterwards, I was thinking, maybe we should.. celebrate" Edge sports his usual huge grin and sticks his tongue out as he and Lita start devouring each others faces [B]B[/B] [B]JR[/B] "Ladies and gentlemen, coming up next, Carlito and Shelton Benjamin face off to decide the number one contender for the Intercontinental championship" [B]King[/B] "It's gonna be great JR, I'm so looking forward to this" [B]JR[/B] "Well theres no nned to wait any longer King the match is coming up right now" [B]B-[/B] [B]SINGLES MATCH[/B] [U]Intercontinental Title No1 Contenders match[/U] [I]Carlito vs Shelton Benjamin[/I] The 2 superstars put on a great match with both men displaying amazing athleticism and high flying skills. After about 11 minutes Carlito hits the backcracker but Shelton rolls out of the ring. A couple more minutes pass by and Shelton goes for the T-Bone suplex only for Carlito to counter and roll up Benjamin, Carlito grabs the ropes where the ref can't see and gains the win in 15.47. [B]B[/B] [B]JR[/B] "That was one hell of a match King" [B]King[/B] "It was JR, a great match, but Shelton isn't too happy with the way Carlito gained the pin" Backstage Shelton is seen arguing with Jack Doan about the ending of the match [B]Shelton[/B] "What the hell ref, are you kidding me? he had the ropes, he couldn't have beaten me otherwise" [B]Jack Doan[/B] "I'm sorry but I didn't see anything" [B]Shelton[/B] "You are a joke" Shelton storms off looking none too pleased [B]B-[/B] [I]'Are you Ready'[/I] The fans go nuts as the music signals the arrival of DX to the ring for their match against The Spirit Squads' Johnny, Mikey and Kenny, who at this point have already made their way to the ring. [B]HANDICAP MATCH 2-3[/B] [I]DX vs Kenny, Mikey and Johnny of The Spirit Squad[/I] HHH and HBK are getting the upper hand until Kenny and Johnny distract the referee. Mitch and Nicky come running down and save Mikey from the Pedigree by HHH and beat on HHH and HBK while the ref is occupied. However, HHH and HBK turn things around and beat Mitch and Nicky and toss them out of the ring. Johnny and Kenny come running in but are also dealt with. HHH again sets up Mikey for the Pedigree and as Kenny again tries to make the save he receives a Sweet Chin Music from HBK as HHH simultaneously delivers the Pedigree to Mikey and gets the pin to win in 12.40 [B]B[/B] HHH and HBK celebrate in the ring climbing a turnbuckle each before signalling a crotchchop, again sending the fans into a frenzy.[B]A*[/B] [B]JR[/B] "They've done it King, against the odds, DX have beaten The Spirit Squad and it serves Vince McMahon damn right" [B]King[/B] "Steady JR, you don't wanna get on the wrong side of Mr McMahon like DX have" [B]JR[/B] " I don't care King, the man makes me sick I hope DX kick his ass too" [B]King[/B] "Whoa. I'm not gonna say anything else JR" A video starts playing, telling the story of the ongoing Edge/Cena feud [B]A*[/B] [B]King[/B] "JR, this is gonna be huge, I've waited all night for this, John Cena taking on Edge" [B]JR[/B] "King, i will tell you this, there will be no holding back between these two guys I can tell yer, this is gonna be one hell of a slobberknocker" [B]King[/B] "These guys are gonna beat the hell out of each other JR and it's comin up next" [B]B[/B] [B]SINGLES MATCH[/B] [U]MAIN EVENT[/U] [I]Edge vs John Cena[/I] A vicious match between the two as they trade solid punches and stiff clotheslines. 12 minutes in Edge goes for the spear after knocking Cena down with a Missile Dropkick. Cena just dodges out of the way and Edge goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Cena picks up Edge for the F.U. but Edge somehow manages to wriggle out and counters to nail Cena with an Impaler DDT. He goes for the cover. 1...2... Cena kicks out. A few more minutes pass by with neither man gaining a major advantage. Cena throws Edge out of the ring next to the announce table. He picks up a chair and takes it into the ring. The referee pulls it out of Edge's hands just before he can use it and goes to drop it out of the ring. Lita jumps into the ring and lowblows Cena, just as the ref turns around he sees Edge going for the rollup, unknowing of what has just happened. 1....2....3. Edge wins in 17.44 after interference by Lita[B]A*[/B] [B]JR[/B] "What a shame, What a damn shame, that was one hell of a match and Edge goes and wins it like that. That bitch Lita getting involved again King" [B]King[/B] "It was one hell of a match JR but no matter how he won it, Edge is the winner and that's what'll go down in the record books" Edge and Lita go up the ramp grinning from ear to ear as Cena lies in the ring with a pained look on his face [B]JR[/B] "Folks thankyou for joining us tonight for Monday Night Raw, we'll see you next week" Edge is shown at the top of the ramp smug and happy with his win The camera faeds to black as Raw ends. [B]FINAL RATING A[/B]
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