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Last night/ECW


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I really enjoyed the show until the MAIN EVENT. Also, Sabu misses his spots as much as he hits them. He didn't even make good contact with Big Show and that was supposed to knock him off ringside onto the table???? I do wish they would quit making Heyman be an "extreme" version of Vince. Kelly didnt dance!!!!!!!! That was the hottest she's been. I mean when she was bent over Dreamer's knee with her exposed bottom..... So much better than her "dancing".
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I liked CM Punk's match. They didn't uber push him by putting him over Angle (like I thought they would). It was a decent match. I thought the first match too. Test seems much better in-ring this time around. However, they've got to stop with the main events they've been running. For weeks it's been "Big Show vs. Random WWE Star". Will a true ECW star ever get a chance? I hope that at least Angle will. He actually has talent...
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I can only see two reasons for doing this big show vs. wwe star. 1. it allows heyman and big show to brag that they have beaten every big star. Allowing RVD to return and challenge show. 2. Heyman can say now that big show has beaten all the big stars that WWE (Raw and Smackdown) has thrown his way, a way of putting ECW over WWE. some will say that they did this to get themselves over with scifi during the trial run, but come on WWECW as proved themselves to scifi before this show vs. wwe star idea started. Because of that the idea that WWECW is getting in good with scifi is bogus.
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I think you hit it right on the head mystic. Since ECW was on a 12 week run, they had to hotshot some angles and matches to keep the ratings up. Hopefully, with the new long term deal in place, we'll see a decline in the crossover stuff and we'll have some new ECW stars being developed. Also, Show will be properly built up so that RVD or Angle or even Sabu eventually will go over him and it'll be a big deal. As an aside, did you guys hear what Big Show said during his match? The crowd was brutal and Big Show was facing the hard camera as he climbed to the second turnbuckle when he looked at a fan who was chanting "You Both Suck" and you could hear him say "Yeah, but I'm so rich though!" as he rubbed his thumb and index finger together. I thought that was the best part of the match! That crowd was almost unfair though. They didn't even give Test a chance, and he's actually had some good matches in his career (before he got paired with Albert) and has a good look. That hardcore match was closer to an ECW match than a crappy WWE hardcore match than anything ECW has run thus far.
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[QUOTE=Trashbear]That crowd was almost unfair though. They didn't even give Test a chance, and he's actually had some good matches in his career (before he got paired with Albert) and has a good look. That hardcore match was closer to an ECW match than a crappy WWE hardcore match than anything ECW has run thus far.[/QUOTE] It's not unfair! There is a very simple and legitimate reason for it: It's not ECW. I say this without any form of joke or exaggeration: I feel hurt and insulted sometimes when I watch WWECW. They've taken the name, the banner and the history and degraded it! If the new guys were put over in a sensible fashion then this wouldn't be the case and they would be given a fair go by the crowds but there is something you have neglected to realise. Test has nothing to do with ECW in any capacity (same with Mike Knox and Big Show)! Therefore, he should start at the bottom not be thrown straight into an angle with the likes of Dreamer, who worked his ass off for years to get the support of that crowd. The "He's Hardcore" chant started as a joke, at Tommy's expense, because the crowd didn't think he fitted in because he was small and wore stupid, brightly coloured trunks. It's now chanted out of respect because he proved everyone wrong and that took years. Test, on the other hand, has been pushed down our throats when he has no right to step inside an ECW ring alongside Dreamer! The fact that he was in WWE doesn't even enter the equation. BTW: I don't want to sound like I'm having a go at anyone (apart from Vince maybe). I just wanted to give the alternate explanation. [QUOTE=Franchise22]Yes, sabu seems to miss MORE spots than he hits. its embarrassing :([/QUOTE] This may seem strange to anyone who wasn't a fan of ECW back in the nineties but that doesn't matter. To any trueblood ECW fan, Sabu is an icon above Ric Flair, Hogan, hell, even Bret. The man gave his heart and soul in every ECW match he ever wrestled. He came in as a nobody and became one of the most respected men in the company and the respect of an ECW crowd is so hard to get! The reason he can't hit all the spots he used to is because his body is physically unable to do so. The only reason for that is because he risked his own safety time, after time, after time for the entertainment of wrestling fans. That man ripped open his bicep on barbed wire, taped it up and wrestled for a further ten minutes. That man performed at the first One Night Stand despite not being medically cleared to wrestle because he would not pass up the opportunity to give it his all in front of the fans who cheered him on for nearly a decade. Say what you want about him being "passed his prime" or "not worth air-time" but, if you knew anything about Sabu or any of the fans that saw him perform at Viking Hall, you would know that he could never, ever be an embarrassment! Quote The Raven Nevermore
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