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Too Hot vs. Air Attack Weasel Canadian Gangsta vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] IF HE DOESN'T WIN YO A DEAD MAN YO DEAD lol [B]Nomad & Raphael [/B]vs. Warren Technique & Calvin Dark Nomad seems to be getting pushed [B]Phenomenal Excess [/B]vs. Mighty Fine Non-title Guess Steve Flash vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] He is like unstopable
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Too Hot vs. [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] - AAW is my underdog fav. [B]Canadian Gangsta[/B] vs. Canadian Dragon - Gangstanators! [B]Nomad & Raphael[/B] vs. Warren Technique & Calvin Dark - I love you for this team. [B]Phenomenal Excess[/B] vs. Mighty Fine - Only by DQ though. Steve Flash vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] - No one can take him alone unforunately.
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Too Hot vs. [B]Air Attack Weasel[/B] [I]AAW is still moving foward after his short feud with Technique before he can seriously challenge anyone else[/I] [B]Canadian Gangsta[/B] vs. Canadian Dragon Dragon was furious with the way he lost, will that aid or ail him? [I]Dragon is alittle to fluster to think clearly and Gangsta is on a roll (even if it a roll assisted by Mighty fine). Gangsta doesn't even need to cheat to win this one but he adds insult to injury with a beatdown leading to a big feud[/I] [B]Nomad & Raphael[/B] vs. Warren Technique & Calvin Dark Two future prospects again a prospect & veteran. This is a great tag team to win sadly Technique will have to lose but he can take it out on Calvin Dark later. On a side note Dark shoul dbe on the Job Sqaud with Too Hot. Phenomenal Excess vs. [B]Mighty Fine[/B] Non-title Will the champions cheat once more? [I]Yes they will although I see phenomenal Excess winning in two future singles matches which willlead up to a rubber match at the next big event with a possible win for them.[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Puerto Rican Power Will Flash fare well against the bulldozer that is PRP? [I]You can't bulldoze a man with as much raw talent as Steve Flash... it doesn't say non-title is this for the 4C CHampionship?[/I]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBest12.jpg[/IMG] [u]195 people in attendance[/u] Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the big Main Event match up. As soon as he finished, out came the Gods of Strong Style, Fire Caller & Darryl Freeman. Parent got booed out of the building, but he strutted to the ring anyway. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] Gods of Strong Style vs. Alan Parent[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylFreeman.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/HellFire.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Parent tried to defend himself, but it was too much • Fire Caller leapt off the top rope into a corkscrew splash • Alan kicked out at two. • Freeman came in and nailed rolling German suplexes • He then locked in a Freedom Gain lock he invented. • Parent struggle for the ropes. • He gets dragged back into the middle • He immediately taps out[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Gods of Strong Style in 5:01 [B]C[/B] The fans chanted “You suck! You suck! You tapped! You tapped!” causing Alan to run out of the hall. Terry Smith went on about the next match. Air Attack Weasel then entered to a relatively decent round of cheers, and posed in the ring. Out next was Too Hot, who dance to and in the ring. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Air Attack Weasel vs. Too Hot[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TooHot.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Air Attack Weasel didn’t hold back • He landed all sorts of kicks on Hot • Hot came back with a powerslam, followed up by a moonsault for the 2 • AAW then backflipped into a ‘rana for a 2 count. • Too Hot landed badly on his knee after a belly to belly. • However, AAW went for the Air Raid and got the 3[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Air Attack Weasel in 10:38 [B]C-[/B] Terry said he was glad to see Weasel making a comeback. Out ran Canadian Dragon, who was cheered slightly as he posed and took of his cape. Gangsta came out a chorus of boos next, but he ignored it. [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Canadian Gangsta[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Dragon and Gangsta showed true hatred here • Dragon refused to make clean breaks, and instead slapped Gangsta several times • Gangsta came back with a missile dropkick and an elbow • He got a 2 count. • Dragon spun around and nailed an enziguri before delivering a face buster. • He then got a 2 count himself • Killah came out to assist, but Gangsta superkicked him out of the ring • He then managed to reverse the Canadian Salute into the Gangsta Thrill • Dragon couldn’t kick out[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Gangsta in 9:47 [B]C-[/B] [I]We cut to a commercial break.[/I] Katie promoted the magazine next [B]B+[/B] Nomad & Raphael headed out next, to huge cheers, mainly for Nomad. Warren Technique & Calvin Dark headed out after, and got a solid round of boos. [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Nomad & Raphael vs. Warren Technique & Calvin Dark [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Nomad & Warren started off • Nomad kicked Warren into the corner, before getting caught in a leg whip • Warren then locked in 5 consecutive leg locks • Nomad screamed in pain • Raphael went up top and nailed a picture perfect crossbody that crushed Warren • Nomad got up, but fell back down again. • Warren picked him up to taunt Raphael, but Nomad managed to dropkick him sending him outside, but Nomad grabbed his leg afterwards. • He crawled towards Raphael, and got the tag. • Raphael nailed a beautiful dropkick on Dark as he ran in • Raphael then body pressed Warren on the outside • Both men got in by the time the ref got to 8. • Warren then threw Raphael over him, but Nomad tagged in • Warren laughed, only to be caught in a Steppe Slam[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Nomad & Raphael in 15:47 [B]D[/B] Smith was impressed by Raphael’s skill in that match Phenomenal Excess headed out to cheers, with Mighty Fine heading out to extreme boos. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Phenomenal Excess vs. Mighty Fine[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Big E. and Devine started things off. • Big E managed to dominate early on, never letting Devine up. • Devine managed to turn the tide with a flurry of punches, followed by a dropkick before tagging out to Jett. • Jett came in and dropkicked Excess off the apron, before dragging Big E back in. • He went to work with an enziguri and a snap suplex. • He nailed the Cleared for Take Off afterwards. • He went for the pin but Excess booted him off. • He complained to the referee as Big E got up. • He turned around into a Phenomenal Experience though. • Big E then booted Devine off the apron and got the 3[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Phenomenal Excess in 15:14 [B]C[/B] Katie Cameron shot shirts next. [B]B+[/B] Steve Flash jogged out next to cheers from the crowd. Puerto Rican Power headed out, Kingman in tow, and was as ready as ever. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Steve Flash vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Barry Kingman [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Steve nailed PRP with a flurry of kicks, ala Nomad, but PRP was unphased. • PRP then just demolished Steve Flash with a clothesline. • Flash tried to fight back throughout • But PRP just sent him right back down. • Flash jumped off for a dropkick, but PRP threw him to the mat. • He then grabbed a chair handed to him by Kingman. • He destroyed Flash with the chair, leaving him a bloody mess.[/QUOTE] [b]Winners:[/b] Steve Flash in 13:59 [B]C [/B] Overall Rating C- Success, should have increased popularity. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][quote][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] [U][FONT="System"]Card for 4C Presents...Canada's Best[/FONT][/U] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBest13copy.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Raphael vs. Calvin Dark[/B][/U] [U][B]Canadian Gangsta vs. Canadian Dragon II[/B][/U] Dragon was asking for another rematch [U][B]Joey Poison vs. Warren Technique[/B][/U] Can Warren reclaim his singles streak? [U][B]Phenomenal E w/Duberry vs. Jacob Jett w/Devine[/B][/U] What will happen in a singles version of tonights match? [U][B]Nomad vs. Tim Westybrook[/B][/U] Team 4C's newly elected captain after what happened last week, Nomad, will take on the 2nd member of Total Power. [/quote] [/center] Predictions welcome...
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[B]Raphael[/B] vs. Calvin Dark Raphael will keep his momentum going Canadian Gangsta vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] II Dragon was asking for another rematch [I]Dargon needs to pull out a win here plus he's a better worker than C.G.[/I] [B]Joey Poison[/B] vs. Warren Technique Can Warren reclaim his singles streak? [I]Not over Joey Poison he can't, Poison should be poised for a title run soon after Steve Flash[/I] Phenomenal E w/Duberry vs. [B]Jacob Jett w/Devin[/B] What will happen in a singles version of tonights match? [I]Since Phenomenal Excess won the tag match Mighty FIne will cheat to win the singles matches.[/I] Nomad vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] Team 4C's newly elected captain after what happened last week, Nomad, will take on the 2nd member of Total Power. [I]Nomad is good but Westybrook is by far better[/I]
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[B]Raphael[/B] vs. Calvin Dark - Dark is terrible. Canadian Gangsta vs. [B]Canadian Dragon II[/B] - Dragon will win this time. [B]Joey Poison[/B] vs. Warren Technique - Warren has no chance. Phenomenal E w/Duberry vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] w/Devin - Jett will wipe the floor with E. [B]Nomad[/B] vs. Tim Westybrook - Nomad needs this.
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Up to 25.6 pop in Ontario. [CENTER][quote][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] The end of another successful month for 4C has come, and we thought we would once again reflect on it [U][FONT="System"]Month Summary: July[/FONT][/U] [U][B]Successes:[/B][/U] [U]Nomad[/U] Still impressing, sadly doesnt have any tag chemistry with Raphael. [U]Steve Flash[/U] Ratings ratings ratings [U]Darryl & Fire Caller[/U] Gave us the greatest matches ever in 4C [B][U]Failures[/U][/B] [U]Nomad & Raphael[/U] Impressed with their matches, but have no chemistry whatsoever. [B][U][FONT="System"]Best Matches of July 2006[/FONT][/U][/B] [U]Team 4C def. Total Power[/U] [B]C[/B] [U]Phenomenal Excess def. Mighty Fine[/U] [B]C[/B] [U]Fire Caller def. Darryl Freeman[/U] [B]C+[/B] [U]Fire Caller def. Tim Westybrook[/U] [B]C+[/B] [/quote] [/center]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBest13copy.jpg[/IMG] [u]300 people in attendance[/u] Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the big Main Event match up. As soon as he finished, out came the “Messiah of Canada” Raphael, who got a few cheers. Out next came Calvin Dark who got boos scattered across the arena. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] Raphael vs. Calvin Dark[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Calvin managed to fend off Raphael early on • He nailed a tiger suplex for a two count • He then got caught in a spinning roundhouse followed by a cross body. • Raphael waited for Calvin to get up • He kicked him in the gut and nailed the Rule Breaker[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Raphael in 11:16 [B]C-[/B] The fans cheered for Raphael as Nomad came down to celebrate with him. Terry Smith went on about the next match. Out ran Canadian Dragon, who was cheered slightly as he posed and took of his cape. Gangsta came out a chorus of boos next, but he ignored it. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Canadian Gangsta[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Dragon brought his all here • He flurried away with moonsaults and several holds. • Gangsta once again stopped Killah interfering with a superkick • Gangsta then turned around for the Canadian Salute • But Dragon didn’t stop there • He went up top and delivered a 360 stomp he now calls Dragon Breath[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Dragon in 12:14 [B]C-[/B] Terry was pleased with how Gangsta was put in his place. He then went on about how Warren had been on a roll in singles matches lately. [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Joey Poison vs. Warren Technique[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Warren took Joey down right away • He locked in spinning holds and a chinlock. • Joey escaped from them all • Joey then kicked away at Warren before nailing a snap suplex • He then picked him up and went for the sunset flip • Only a 2 count • He then did the same, only catching Warren in the Antidote Web • Warren was too tangled to kick out[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Joey Poison in 15:06 [B]C-[/B] Katie shot shirts next [B]B+[/B] Puerto Rican Power was out next, Kingman in tow, and got booed loudly. Out next was Alan Parent, who nobody acknowledged [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Puerto Rican Power w/Barry Kingman vs. Alan Parent[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Alan covered up initially, but then got smashed from behind by Barry • Power then Press Slammed him to much applause. Strangely. • Power threw him from corner to corner. • Parent managed to get one kick in • Power then chokeslammed him following a powerbomb[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Puerto Rican Power in 8:30 [B]C[/B] Smith was glad to see Parent decimated Jacob Jett headed out next, to many boos. Big E got a few cheers. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Phenomenal E. vs. Jacob Jett[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Jacob was amped for this match • He flew around the ring • He dropped Big E after an Emergency Landing and went up top. • He nailed a frog splash • But only got a two count • Big E got up and hit the Phenomenal Experience out of nowhere • Jett kicked out at 2 • Jett then hit the Cleared for Take Off • Big E crumpled and couldn’t kick out[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Jacob Jett in 10:04 [B]C-[/B] Katie Cameron promoted the magazine again. [B]B+[/B] Nomad ran out next to huge applause. Westybrook headed out, PRP & Kingman in tow, and was pumped. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Nomad vs. Tim Westybrook w/Barry Kingman [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Nomad kicked away at Tim, trying to get him off his feet • Tim just powered through Nomad, almost killing the kid. • Terry applauded Nomad for his bravery. • Nomad seemed poised to lose when out ran all of Team 4C, even a limping Steve Flash • The demolished PRP & Kingman, before entering the ring • They knocked Tim down and all landed their individual finishers • Nomad then got the pin and the huge upset.[/QUOTE] [b]Winners:[/b] Nomad in 16:29 [B]C[/B] [FONT="System"][B]Overall Rating C-[/B][/FONT] Success, should have increased popularity Completely sold out arena! Woo TEW says that 449 fans should be expected now. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][quote][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] Will Phenomenal Excess ever gain singles victories, 4C.com hopes so Team 4C proved themselves to be an important factor, what will Total Power say to them this week? [U][FONT="System"]Card for 4C Presents...Canada's Best[/FONT][/U] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBest14.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Raphael & Warren Technique vs. The J.O.B Squad (Too Hot & Calvin Dark)[/U][/B] With their new name, will Hot & Dark gain a victory? [U][B]Canadian Gangsta vs. Canadian Dragon III[/B][/u] The rubber match. [U][B]Joey Poison vs. Alan Parent[/b][/u] Will Poison prove himself again? [U][B]Duberry Excess vs. Darryl Devine[/B][/U] What will happen when the other halves of Mighty Fine & Phenomenal Excess collide? [U][B]Nomad w/Team 4C vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Tim Westybrook & Barry Kingman[/B][/U] Nomad will take on Total Power's leader, PRP in a singles match up after the upset last week. [/quote] [/center] Predictions welcome... And any comments on the new match writing style? Would you like the old way back? And also, how do you guys like the new designs for the show banners?
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[B]Raphael & Warren Technique[/B] vs. The J.O.B Squad (Too Hot & Calvin Dark) With their new name, will Hot & Dark gain a victory? [I]Woo hoo an actual J.O.B. Squad, they'll of course do whatthey're paid for.[/I] Canadian Gangsta vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] III The rubber match. [I]Dragon is a better worker and should be getting a push maybe some matches against Joey Poison[/I] [B]Joey Poison[/B] vs. Alan Parent Will Poison prove himself again? [I]Parent the greatest Main event Jobber in Canada[/I] Duberry Excess vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] What will happen when the other halves of Mighty Fine & Phenomenal Excess collide? [I]Another cheating win by Mighty Fine leading to the rubber match at the next big event in tag team action[/I] Nomad w/Team 4C vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power w/Tim Westybrook & Barry Kingman[/B] Nomad will take on Total Power's leader, PRP in a singles match up after the upset last week. [I]Nomad's gotta be stopped some time and PRP is probably the man to do it.[/I] Predictions welcome... And any comments on the new match writing style? Would you like the old way back? And also, how do you guys like the new designs for the show banners? [I]The bullet points are nice very simple easy to follow and I like the Main Event being the picture for each banner.[/I]
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Raphael & Warren Technique vs. [B]The J.O.B Squad (Too Hot & Calvin Dark)[/B] With their new name, will Hot & Dark gain a victory? Canadian Gangsta vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] III The rubber match. [B]Joey Poison [/B] vs. Alan Parent Will Poison prove himself again? Duberry Excess vs. [B]Darryl Devine[/B] What will happen when the other halves of Mighty Fine & Phenomenal Excess collide? Nomad w/Team 4C vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power w/Tim Westybrook & Barry Kingman[/B] Nomad will take on Total Power's leader, PRP in a singles match up after the upset last week.
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBest14.jpg[/IMG] [u]300 people in attendance[/u] Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the big Main Event match up. As soon as he finished, out came the “Messiah of Canada” Raphael, who got a few cheers. Then out came Warren Technique, who got a mixed reaction. Out next came Calvin Dark & Too Hot sporting J.O.B shirts, who got a few laughs and boos. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] Raphael & Warren Technique vs. The J.O.B Squad[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TooHot.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Calvin managed to fend off Raphael early on • Warren then came in and obliterated Calvin • Raphael hit 2 consecutive missile dropkicks but only got a 2 count • Raphael then picked up Calvin and nailed the Ruler Breaker.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Raphael & Warren Technique in 8:48 C- The fans cheered for Raphael & Warren. Terry Smith went on about the next match.. Out ran Canadian Dragon, who was cheered more this week as he posed and took of his cape. Gangsta came out a chorus of boos louder than last week, but he still ignored it. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Canadian Gangsta[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Dragon brought his all here once again • He sprung everywhere and nailed the Canadian Salute quickly • But Gangsta kicked out at 2 • Dragon then set him up for the Dragon Breath, nailing him with a facebuster • He nailed it and went for the cover.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Dragon in 14:49 C- Terry was pleased with how Gangsta was put in his place once more, and hoped he wouldn’t mess ever again. He then mentioned both Fire Caller & Air Attack Weasel were eager to get a win streak going. [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Fire Caller vs. Air Attack Weasel[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/HellFire.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• AAW managed to mount some offense • He took Caller down with a superplex pin for a 2 count • Fire Caller then leapt up and nailed an enziguri • Then a belly to belly, followed by a moonsault • AAW just kicked out at 2 & ¾ • Fire Caller then picked him up, and delivered a vicious Hell Fire Kick[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Fire Caller in 10:17 C We cut to a commercial break. [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Joey Poison vs. Alan Parent[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Joey had Alans number all through the match • He whipped him from rope to rope, dropkicking the breath out of him • Alan stood up, only to be taken down by a cross body • He just kicked out at 2 • Joey then pulled him down into the Antidote Web • Alan was too weak to kick out[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Joey Poison in 9:37 C Smith was glad to see Parent decimated again. Jacob Jett headed out next, to many boos, and said he would be replacing Devine in this match up following some problems. Duberry Excess got a few cheers. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Duberry Excess vs. Jacob Jett[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Jacob was amped for this match • He jumped off the ropes and sent Excess down several times • He locked in the Jett Engine after 6 minutes • Excess escaped and hit a shining wizard. • Jett kicked out at 2 • He then reversed a Excess Express into a Cleared for Take Off and went for the cover[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Jacob Jett in 10:12 C Steve Flash, still limping was in action next with Tim Westybrook. [b][u]Match 6:[/b] Steve Flash vs. Tim Westybrook[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Flash and Tim fought back and forth • Tim got an advantage after Flash favoured his right knee • The referee stopped the match at 9:59 • Tim was relentlessly delivering chair shots and Press Slams to a bloody Steve Flash [/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Draw in 9:59 C Nomad ran out next to huge applause. PRP headed out, Tim & Kingman in tow, and was pumped. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Nomad w/Team 4C vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Tim Westybrook & Barry Kingman [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Nomad kicked away at PRP like he did last week • But, also like last week, PRP ran right through him • Nomad put up a fight though, pulling off all his moves • But PRP was way too much • Team 4C attempted to interfere, but all were taken out by Westybrook. • PRP picked up Nomad, and slammed him down to the mat. • Nomad’s streak was over[/QUOTE] [b]Winners:[/b] Puerto Rican Power C Overall Rating C Success, should have increased popularity. Darryl Devine & Katie were working for USPW tonight, which is why Jett wrestled instead. [/CENTER] Well guys, thats it from me for the next 12/3 days. Hope you guys will still read it when I return.
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Howdy guys, hope I wasnt gone too long. [CENTER][quote][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] Dark & Too Hot haven't had any luck lately, will they keep losing? Nomad is said to not be at the show this week, his spirit broken following his loss last week. [U][FONT="System"]Card for 4C Presents...Canada's Best[/FONT][/U] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBest15.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Raphael & Air Attack Weasel vs. The J.O.B Squad (Too Hot & Calvin Dark)[/U][/B] Will AAW pick up a much needed win? [U][B]Alan Parent vs. Canadian Dragon[/B][/u] Dragon looks to prep himself for contendership against a former champ. [U][B]Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/b][/u] Two smoking prospects, who will draw the attention of Steve Flash or Total Power? [U][B]Big E vs. Jacob Jett[/B][/U] These two collide before their tag title match on Monday, who will gain the much needed momentum? [U][B]Steve Flash vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Westybrook & Kingman[/B][/U] Flash has been cleared to compete, as swears to avenge Nomad. [/quote] [/center] Predictions welcome... And any comments on the new match writing style? Would you like the old way back? And also, how do you guys like the new designs for the show banners?
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Card for 4C Presents...Canada's Best Raphael & Air Attack Weasel vs. The J.O.B Squad (Too Hot & Calvin Dark) meh Alan Parent vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] DAMN YOU! DRAGON ALL THE WAY lol Joey Poison vs. [B]Fire Caller[/B] Big E vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] Steve Flash vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power w/Westybrook & Kingman[/B] Power needs a winlol
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[B]Raphael & Air Attack Weasel[/B] vs. The J.O.B Squad (Too Hot & Calvin Dark) Will AAW pick up a much needed win? [I]I hope this pair turns out not working because Raphael is gonna be a huge singles talent. AAW does need the win though and it's not time for the J.O.B. Squad to become famous yet.[/I] Alan Parent vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] Dragon looks to prep himself for contendership against a former champ. [I]And Parent helps another talent rise in popularity. If you keep him around I see him becoming leader of the J.O.B. Squad and then maybe they can start a comeback.[/I] Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller Two smoking prospects, who will draw the attention of Steve Flash or Total Power? [I]No contest leading to a 3, 5 ot 7 amtch series for these two top workers.[/I] Big E vs. [B]Jacob Jett[/B] These two collide before their tag title match on Monday, who will gain the much needed momentum? [I]The villains need to be super strong before finally being crushed at the next big event.[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Westybrook & Kingman Flash has been cleared to compete, as swears to avenge Nomad. [I]DQ Finish as all three men try and take out Flash. Nomad, Dog Fyte, Fire Caller and Joey Poison run in for the save after the match. With POison and Fire caller hopefully facing off in a series of matches I see a siz man tag between the remaining guys coming soon.[/I]
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Raphael & Air Attack Weasel vs. [B]The J.O.B Squad[/B] (Too Hot & Calvin Dark) JOB Squad all the way! Alan Parent vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] Teh CD all the way! [B]Joey Poison[/B] vs. Fire Caller I like Poision [B]Big E[/B] vs. Jacob Jett IDK why. Steve Flash vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] w/Westybrook & Kingman PRP!
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CCanadasBest15.jpg[/IMG] [u]300 people in attendance[/u] Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the big Main Event match up. As soon as he finished, out came the “Messiah of Canada” Raphael, who got a few cheers. He was followed by Air Attack Weasel. Out next came Calvin Dark & Too Hot sporting J.O.B shirts, who got a few laughs and boos. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] Raphael & Air Attack Weasel vs. The J.O.B Squad[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TooHot.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Raphael immediately worked on Calvin • Calvin managed to reverse a backbreaker and made the tag to Too Hot • Raphael was in trouble • AAW flew into the ring and blasted Calvin & Hot with vicious enziguris. • Raphael finished Calvin with the Rule Breaker[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Raphael & AAW in 12:36 [B]C-[/B] The fans cheered for Raphael & AAW who celebrated together. Terry Smith went on about the next match.. Out ran Canadian Dragon, who was loudly cheered. Alan Parent slowly made his way to the ring, nobody cheered, just laughed. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Alan Parent[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Dragon blasted away at Parent with quick dropkicks and clotheslines. • Dragon threw Parent into the turnbuckle • He then nailed the Super Tornado Bomb, now known as Dragon’s End • But he wasn’t finished • The crowd a truly behind Dragon at this point. • He put Parent away after the Dragons Breath, followed by the Canadian Salute[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Canadian Dragon in 12:41 [B]C-[/B] Dragon was cheered very loudly after the match He then mentioned both Freeman and Warren wanted to prove themselves. [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Darryl Freeman vs. Warren Technique[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylFreeman.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Darryl had a little help from Fire Caller here • Darryl worked over Warren slowly. • Both men gave a good showing. • Warren even nearly managed to lock in the Machine Clutch • But Freeman escaped and quickly hit the Dog Byte.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Darryl Freeman in 10:34 [B]C[/B] We cut to a commercial break. [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/FireCaller.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Both men gave what they are known for, a solid match. • Fire Caller fired off several kicks – pardon the pun • But Poison nailed the Poison Drop • Caller kicked out at 2. • Poison went for the pin again, but so did Caller. • The ref counted, and declared the match a draw[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Draw in 8:31 [B]C+[/B] Terry was pleased with that fabulous showing. Jacob Jett headed out next, to many boos. Big E. received a fair number of cheers. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Big E. vs. Jacob Jett[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Jacob was amped for this match • So was Big E. • They both traded chops • It was draw for a long while • Jacob levelled Big E. after a low blow while Katie distraced the referee. • Jett then set him up for the Jett Take Off • Big E. was still stunned.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Jacob Jett in 7:43 [B]C[/B] Katie shot some shirts [B]B+[/B] Steve Flash headed down to the ring, with a little trouble, but received a huge ovation. PRP headed out, Tim & Kingman in tow, and was pumped. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Steve Flash vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Tim Westybrook & Barry Kingman [/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Flash managed to dodge the big man in the early going • PRP was way too slow and plodding. • Flash painfully kicked PRP in the chest and back. • He knocked him down after a missile dropkick. • Westybrook grabbed the referee, while Kingman attacked Flash. • Caller & Freeman jumped the guard rail and aided Flash • Joey Poison suddenly ran out and knocked Westybrook over. • PRP was being triple teamed in the ring • Suddenly some familiar rock music sounded • Terry screamed “It’s NOMAD!!!” • Out ran a battered and bruised Nomad, who was furious • He kicked away at PRP with anger. • PRP began to bleed which caused the ref to make it a draw.[/QUOTE] [b]Winners:[/b] Draw in 18:55 [B]C [/B] [B]Overall Rating C-[/B] Success, should have increased popularity.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][quote][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] The climax of many recent build-ups arrive tonight. Nomad is still injured, but refuses not to fight. [U][FONT="System"]Card for 4C Presents...Demolition Derby [/FONT][/U] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CDemolitionDerby2.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Raphael vs. Dark & Alan Parent[/U][/B] Will the self-proclaimed "Messiah of 4C" beat the 'unbeatable' [U][B]Canadian Gangsta vs. Canadian Dragon IV[/B] For the 4C National Title[/u] The re-named title is in Dragon's reach, but will CD retain? [U][B]Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/b] Match 1 of 5[/u] Both these men requested a series to determine the next #1 contender. [U][B]Phenomenal Excess w/??? vs. Mighty Fine w/Katie Cameron[/B] For the 4C Tag Championships[/U] Finally the title match has come. But PE have a secret manager, who could it be? [U][B]Nomad w/Darryl Freeman vs. Tim Westybrook[/B][/U] As Darryl has no match, he was allowed to aid Nomad. [U][B]Steve Flash vs. Puerto Rican Power[/B] For the 4C Championship[/U] Flash & PRP finally clash for the gold. [/quote] [/center] Predictions welcome... Any offers for a PPV Banner?
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[B]Raphael[/B] vs. Dark & Alan Parent [I]Guy looks to be good, maybe a push in his future![/I] Canadian Gangsta vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] IV For the 4C National Title [I]Dragon. Always Dragon.[/I] Joey Poison vs. [B]Fire Caller[/B] Match 1 of 5 [I]Hmm, though, maybe Caller with the first match, and then a poision come back.[/I] Phenomenal Excess w/??? vs. [B]Mighty Fine[/B] w/Katie Cameron For the 4C Tag Championships [I]Cause they are "Mighty Fine!"[/I] Nomad w/Darryl Freeman vs. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] [I]I picked him cause his name won't get him any future pushes :p [/I] Steve Flash vs. [B]Puerto Rican Power[/B] For the 4C Championship [I]He's PRP. NEED I SAY MORE?[/I]
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[B]Raphael[/B] vs. Dark & Alan Parent Will the self-proclaimed "Messiah of 4C" beat the 'unbeatable' [I]A great worker against to big piles of suck.[/I] Canadian Gangsta vs. [B]Canadian Dragon[/B] IV For the 4C National Title The re-named title is in Dragon's reach, but will CD retain? [I]Canadian Dragon has the psychology to be a good champion Gangsta just doesn't.[/I] Joey Poison vs. [B]Fire Caller[/B] Match 1 of 5 Both these men requested a series to determine the next #1 contender. [I]I see Fire Caller getting the early lead in the series with this win and then come back for Joey Poison but I tihkn Caller takes it in the end.[/I] [B]Phenomenal Excess w/???[/B] vs. Mighty Fine w/Katie Cameron For the 4C Tag Championships Finally the title match has come. But PE have a secret manager, who could it be? [I]As if I wouldn't have picked the win for PE without it I must now evoke the mystery maanger clause for the win.[/I] [B]Nomad w/Darryl Freeman[/B] vs. Tim Westybrook As Darryl has no match, he was allowed to aid Nomad. [I]Nomad wins clean beause Darryl Freeman Single handedly keeps all Westybrooks buddies at bay.[/I] [B]Steve Flash[/B] vs. Puerto Rican Power For the 4C Championship Flash & PRP finally clash for the gold. [I]A true Canadian Champion for a Canadian company.[/I]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CDemolitionDerby2.jpg[/IMG] [u]415 people in attendance[/u] Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the big Main Event match up. As soon as he finished, out came the “Messiah of Canada” Raphael, who got a large amount of cheers compared to before. Out next came Calvin Dark & Parent came out, to laughs. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] Raphael vs. Dark & Parent[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Raphael fended both off well • He knocked out Parent quickly with an eye gouge. • Raphael was in total control. • Dark attempted to turn the tables • But Raphael caught him in the Rule Breaker[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Raphael in 8:43 [B]C-[/B] The fans cheered for Raphael once again. Terry Smith went on about the heated rivalry involved in the next match. Out ran Canadian Dragon, who was loudly cheered. Gangsta slowly moved down to the ring to boos. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Canadian Gangsta 4C National Title[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Dragon quickly went to Gangsta • He flurried with pure anger with kicks and punches. • Gangsta nailed an extraordinary dropkick to take him out. • He then set him up for the Gangsta Thrill. • Out came Hardcore Killah who had a chair ready. • He told him to turn back, which Killah did • But he turned around and nailed Gangsta instead!!! • Dragon then climbed up top to nail the Dragon’s Breath and get the pin.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner and new 4C National Champion:[/b] Canadian Dragon in 9:51 [B]C-[/B] Dragon celebrated for a while before we cut to a break. He then mentioned this match was the first of 5 between these two men. [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Fire Caller vs. Joey Poison[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/FireCaller.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Fire Caller dominated early in the match up. • But he missed an enziguri. • Poison then nailed a perfect German Suplex • Poison managed to hit the Poison Sting, but only got a two count. • Fire Caller then hit the Hell Fire Kick out of nowhere.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Fire Caller in 10:39 [B]C+[/B] [I]We cut to another commercial break. [/I] [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Warren Technique vs. Air Attack Weasel[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Warren simply dominated this match • AAW never managed to successfully gain any momentum • He escaped the Machine Clutch early on however. • He pinned AAW after the Warrant.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Warren Technique in 7:37 [B]C-[/B] Terry was surprised with how weak AAW seemed then. Mighty Fine headed out accompanied by Katie Cameron next, and were both booed & cheered. Phenomenal Excess received a very large amount of cheers compared to MF however. But also received more when out came Seduction, also known as Devine’s girlfriend. Darryl was irate while she just laughed. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Phenomenal Excess w/Seduction vs. Mighty Fine w/Katie Cameron For the 4C Tag Team Championships[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Jacob was ready for Excess this time • Jett tried to throw him off with speed, but Big E took him down with a vicious dropsault • Devine ran in only to be caught with the Excess Removal – A spinning sidewalk slam. • Then both members of Phenomenal Excess attacked Jett, before nailing the Excess Expressway together. • Katie entered only to be cornered and receive one herself for her previous troubles. • Devine was being attacked by Seduction and Excess outside • Big E finished off Jett with the Phenomenal Experience easily to get the 3 and the titles.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Phenomenal Excess in 17:11 [B]C[/B] Katie shot some shirts [B]B+[/B] Nomad then ran out with a few bruises to a great ovation, Darryl Freeman quickly behind. Westybrook arrived alone for once and was booed as loudly as ever. [b][u]Match 6:[/b] Nomad vs. Tim Westybrook[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Nomad kicked away at Tim with all his fury • Tim tried to cover, but Nomad was too much • Nomad repeatedly kicked at Tim, not letting him get up • Total Power then ran to the ring, only to be caught by two chairs to the face from Darryl, who had come prepared. • Nomad nailed a flying enziguri and quickly covered Tim.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Nomad in 4:54 [B]C-[/B] Steve Flash headed down to the ring, receiving a huge ovation. PRP headed out, alone and ready to go, received multiple boos. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Steve Flash vs. Puerto Rican Power For the 4C Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Flash levelled PRP quickly, with several kicks, punches and cross bodys • PRP managed to cover up before Flash could lock in anything • PRP simply stood up, however, with Flash still attached • He threw him to the mat with authority • Flash let out a yelp • PRP then lifted him up for a San Juan Bomb • But Flash reversed and flipped over, and kicked PRP in the face before rolling him up • He slightly pulled the tights, trying to stop the much larger man from kicking out. • But PRP still powered out • PRP then turned around, distraught with anger • But Flash was ready for the Flash Bang, and ended the match quickly.[/QUOTE] [b]Winners:[/b] Steve Flash in 11:36 [B]C [/B] Katie ended the show promoting the Magazine [B]B+[/B] [QUOTE]Quick Results: [B]Raphael def. Dark & Parent[/B] – C- [B]Canadian Dragon def. Gangsta[/B][I] to win the 4C National Title [/I]– C- [B]Fire Caller def. Joey Poison[/B] – C+ [B]Warren Technique def. Air Attack Weasel[/B] – C- [B]Phenomenal Excess def. Mighty Fine[/B] [I]to win the 4C Tag Team titles [/I]– C [B]Nomad def. Tim Westybrook[/B] – C- [B]Steve Flash def. Puerto Rican Power to retain[/B] - C[/QUOTE] [B]Overall Rating C-[/B] Success, should have increased popularity.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CDemolitionDerby2.jpg[/IMG] [u]415 people in attendance[/u] Terry Smith goes over the matches later on tonight, including the big Main Event match up. As soon as he finished, out came the “Messiah of Canada” Raphael, who got a large amount of cheers compared to before. Out next came Calvin Dark & Parent came out, to laughs. [u][b]Match 1:[/b] Raphael vs. Dark & Parent[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Raphael.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CalvinDark.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AlanParent.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Raphael fended both off well • He knocked out Parent quickly with an eye gouge. • Raphael was in total control. • Dark attempted to turn the tables • But Raphael caught him in the Rule Breaker[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Raphael in 8:43 [B]C-[/B] The fans cheered for Raphael once again. Terry Smith went on about the heated rivalry involved in the next match. Out ran Canadian Dragon, who was loudly cheered. Gangsta slowly moved down to the ring to boos. [u][b]Match 2:[/b] Canadian Dragon vs. Canadian Gangsta 4C National Title[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/CanadianGangsta.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Dragon quickly went to Gangsta • He flurried with pure anger with kicks and punches. • Gangsta nailed an extraordinary dropkick to take him out. • He then set him up for the Gangsta Thrill. • Out came Hardcore Killah who had a chair ready. • He told him to turn back, which Killah did • But he turned around and nailed Gangsta instead!!! • Dragon then climbed up top to nail the Dragon’s Breath and get the pin.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner and new 4C National Champion:[/b] Canadian Dragon in 9:51 [B]C-[/B] Dragon celebrated for a while before we cut to a break. He then mentioned this match was the first of 5 between these two men. [u][b]Match 3:[/b] Fire Caller vs. Joey Poison[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/FireCaller.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JoeyPoison.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Fire Caller dominated early in the match up. • But he missed an enziguri. • Poison then nailed a perfect German Suplex • Poison managed to hit the Poison Sting, but only got a two count. • Fire Caller then hit the Hell Fire Kick out of nowhere.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Fire Caller in 10:39 [B]C+[/B] [I]We cut to another commercial break. [/I] [b][u]Match 4:[/b] Warren Technique vs. Air Attack Weasel[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/WarrenTechnique.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/AirAttackWeasel.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Warren simply dominated this match • AAW never managed to successfully gain any momentum • He escaped the Machine Clutch early on however. • He pinned AAW after the Warrant.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Warren Technique in 7:37 [B]C-[/B] Terry was surprised with how weak AAW seemed then. Mighty Fine headed out accompanied by Katie Cameron next, and were both booed & cheered. Phenomenal Excess received a very large amount of cheers compared to MF however. But also received more when out came Seduction, also known as Devine’s girlfriend. Darryl was irate while she just laughed. [b][u]Match 5:[/b] Phenomenal Excess w/Seduction vs. Mighty Fine w/Katie Cameron For the 4C Tag Team Championships[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/PhenomenalE.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DuberryExcess.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/DarrylDevine.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/JacobJett.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Jacob was ready for Excess this time • Jett tried to throw him off with speed, but Big E took him down with a vicious dropsault • Devine ran in only to be caught with the Excess Removal – A spinning sidewalk slam. • Then both members of Phenomenal Excess attacked Jett, before nailing the Excess Expressway together. • Katie entered only to be cornered and receive one herself for her previous troubles. • Devine was being attacked by Seduction and Excess outside • Big E finished off Jett with the Phenomenal Experience easily to get the 3 and the titles.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Phenomenal Excess in 17:11 [B]C[/B] Katie shot some shirts [B]B+[/B] Nomad then ran out with a few bruises to a great ovation, Darryl Freeman quickly behind. Westybrook arrived alone for once and was booed as loudly as ever. [b][u]Match 6:[/b] Nomad vs. Tim Westybrook[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Nomad.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Nomad kicked away at Tim with all his fury • Tim tried to cover, but Nomad was too much • Nomad repeatedly kicked at Tim, not letting him get up • Total Power then ran to the ring, only to be caught by two chairs to the face from Darryl, who had come prepared. • Nomad nailed a flying enziguri and quickly covered Tim.[/QUOTE] [b]Winner:[/b] Nomad in 4:54 [B]C-[/B] Steve Flash headed down to the ring, receiving a huge ovation. PRP headed out, alone and ready to go, received multiple boos. [b][u]Main Event:[/b] Steve Flash vs. Puerto Rican Power For the 4C Championship[/u] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/SteveFlash.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/MountainManRevealed.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]• Flash levelled PRP quickly, with several kicks, punches and cross bodys • PRP managed to cover up before Flash could lock in anything • PRP simply stood up, however, with Flash still attached • He threw him to the mat with authority • Flash let out a yelp • PRP then lifted him up for a San Juan Bomb • But Flash reversed and flipped over, and kicked PRP in the face before rolling him up • He slightly pulled the tights, trying to stop the much larger man from kicking out. • But PRP still powered out • PRP then turned around, distraught with anger • But Flash was ready for the Flash Bang, and ended the match quickly.[/QUOTE] [b]Winners:[/b] Steve Flash in 11:36 [B]C [/B] Katie ended the show promoting the Magazine [B]B+[/B] [QUOTE]Quick Results: [B]Raphael def. Dark & Parent[/B] – C- [B]Canadian Dragon def. Gangsta[/B][I] to win the 4C National Title [/I]– C- [B]Fire Caller def. Joey Poison[/B] – C+ [B]Warren Technique def. Air Attack Weasel[/B] – C- [B]Phenomenal Excess def. Mighty Fine[/B] [I]to win the 4C Tag Team titles [/I]– C [B]Nomad def. Tim Westybrook[/B] – C- [B]Steve Flash def. Puerto Rican Power to retain[/B] - C[/QUOTE] [B]Overall Rating C-[/B] Success, should have increased popularity.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][quote][IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/4CWebsite.jpg[/IMG] The end of another sucessful month. But it is not over quite yet. [U][FONT="System"]Card for 4C Presents...Canada's Best [/FONT][/U] [IMG]http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l19/GremlinatorReturns/Cornellverse%20Backgrounds/4CCanadasBest1-1.jpg[/IMG] [B][U]Raphael vs. Alan Parent[/U][/B] Will the self-proclaimed "Messiah of 4C" beat the 'unbeatable' Alan Parent once more? [U][B]Canadian Dragon vs. Calvin Dark[/B] For the 4C National Title[/u] Canadian Dragon will make his first title defense here. [U][B]Joey Poison vs. Fire Caller[/b] Match 2 of 5[/u] [I][U]Fire Caller leads 1-0[/U][/I] Both these men are eager to lead the series to determine the next #1 contender. [U][B]Phenomenal Excess w/Seduction vs. Thug Life[/B] For the 4C Tag Championships[/U] The first defense for the tag champs. Will Killah & Gangsta get along after what happened at Demolition Derby? [U][B]Nomad w/Team 4C vs. Puerto Rican Power w/Total Power[/B][/U] Nomad aims to get the revenge he seeks. [U][B]Steve Flash w/Team 4C vs. Tim Westybrook w/Total Power[/B] Non-title[/U] Flash faces another Total Power member. [/quote] [/center] Predictions welcome...
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