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Starting From Nothing

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[SIZE="4"][U]September[/U] [U]2006[/U] Its funny what life brings you. Like for instance finding a mobile phone on the sidewalk with the numbers of officials from numerous wrestling companies. Turns out that the phone belonged to a freelance referee called Karl Dexter. Upon returning the phone, he thanked me by offering to get my name in front of the owners and maybe get me a job refereeing. A week had gone past and i hadn't heard anything. I began to think that Dexter had been lying to me. Until i got a call. It was from Cliff Anderson of CZCW's secretary. She thanked me for applying but they wanted someone with more experience. Over the next few days, more rejections. MOSC, NYCW, and WEXVV all said they didn't want me. Then i got a call from British Samurai himself. He said he wanted someone with a fresh perspective and that was me. I thanked him and said i would referee to the best of my ability. After he stopped laughing he told me that i was their new booker, not a ref And then i think i fainted[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="4"][B][U]September 2006[/U][/B] The day after i was given the job was ROF's first show. Having no time to scout out the talent, i paired the workers off and told them to show me what they had. I got a called 2 hours before the show was due to start from UK Dragon. He just wanted me to know that he was exercising an option in his contract which allowed him to work for a larger promotion instead of us [B][COLOR="Red"]One Wild Night – Badgeridge Social Welfare Centre (Midlands UK) – 300 Attendance[/COLOR][/B] Merle O’Curle defeated Jay.B (D) Show Stealers (Matravers + Barnes) defeated Absolutely Flawless (Kelly + Lance Martin) (C-) Walter Morgan defeated K’Lee Hawkins (C-) British Samurai defeated Leo Price (C-) Stevie Stoat defeated Don Henderson (D) After the show i went into the locker room and check on my guys thoughts. All i heard was just how badly the referee was. So i checked our tapes. He was bad. He even tripped entering the ring and counted way too slowly one time. Poor ol' Referee Bailey would have to go. I got to work the next morning and spoke to our accountants. Those 5 matches had cost me £8,550 in wages. I had to pick up my jaw after hearing that. He broke down the figures for me. My boss, British Samurai was taking home £1,200 a month which meant that £6,350 was going on my talent. Phoebe Plumridge had a lofty £800 just for working backstage as well as Walter Morgan. These 2 would have to go and i arranged a meeting the next day to let them know they were no longer required. I would also need to find a replacement referee[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Remianen;137727]Nooooooooooo, not Phoebe! :( If you're looking for a ref, I highly recommend Heidi Robinette and Jez McArthuer. :) Sounds fun so far.[/QUOTE] Thanks for reading. I checked into those 2 names. Heidi doesn't seem to be in my worker list so im not sure if she is a future worker. And Jez McArtuer cant work in my area. Poor ol' Phoebe. She seems to have no luck so far in my game
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ack, sorry. I meant Lois Hudson, not Heidi Robinette (Heidi's a ref for IWA: Mid South). But now that I check, all the refs I'm familiar with are only available in North America (Dewey Libertine, Jay Fair, Lois, Jez, etc). Pee Wee Germaine seems to have decent skill. If you're using one of the datasets that includes the characters from WreSpi2, Heather Halo might be an option as well (if she's available in the UK. She was all areas capable when I imported her to my game). One suggestion I have: push Miss Information. Might make the boss happy to have his protegé turn out to be a star (makes him look good :p).
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[SIZE="4"][B][U]September 2006[/U][/B] My second week in the job was stuck behind of my desk working out the yearly schedule for events. The list was finalised as: New Years Hangover - January Febuary F*ck Up - Febuary Marching About - March April Show Offs - April We’re Going Down - May Summer Bash - June Champions - July Massive!!! - August One Wild Night - September British Is Best - October Explosive Parliment - November It’s Christmas - December Once those were past on to advertising, i started looking through wrestling videos for my new star JD Morgan, Jeff Nova, Razor Valentine, Jack Giedroyc, and Keith Adams all laughed at me when i approached them. Then promptly gave me a massive figure to sign them. I politely declined. Pee Wee Germaine asked for too much cash to sign so i settled upon Humphrey Woolsey who was more than happy to sign on to be my Referee, so Referee Bailey was given the boot Johnny Dyslexic signed for me for a very low offer. I then began wondering just how long he had been out of work. But still the bills would be too high. I had to cut costs even more somewhere and the only place i really could was the stars. First one to go was UK Dragon. He had told me that he was gonna opt for his other promotion on nights we clashed so we parted ways. Next up was Stevie Stoat who just hadn't impressed me even though i gave him a main event spot. British Samurai came up to me and told me about his so called "Protege" Miss Information and if i could use her. So i signed her and Nina The Pyscho Ballerina to the roster. Samurai also pointed out the face that i had fired our only Road Agent Walter Morgan so i looked around and hired Maxx to take his place. When finally the end of september rolled around, the accountants asked me to attend a meeting. They looked grim. He had lost about £3,300 in 1 month. Samurai told me that if this kept up, we would be bankrupt in less than a year[/size]
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[SIZE="4"][B][U]October 2006[/U][/B] The search for new talent continued through October. The first sunday i found a young lad called Robert Appleseed in an Asda store and knew that i had just found a new annoucer. I signed him and found that he would only cost me a quarter of what Justin Blackham did. Now have we had a brand new announce team of Appleseed and the repackaged Nina the Psycho Ballerina. Both young and eager to please. On Tuesday Adam Matravers came into my office. He told me that he contract was almost at an end and would like to negotiate a new one. He said that after Stevie Stoat and UK Dragon had left, he was the best i had on the roster and i should pay him a main event wage. I asked him what that was and he wanted at least £1,500 which was more than UK Dragon or Stevie Stoat had cost. I told him that there was no way that i could afford that and he stormed out the office. He leaves in 60 days [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]British Is Best – Featherstone Hilton Community Centre – 285 Attendance[/COLOR][/B] Johnny Dyslexic [B]defeated[/B] Merle O’Curle Don Henderson [B]defeated[/B] Billy Robinson [I]in 6:39 by pinfall[/I]. Rolling Johnny Stones [B]defeated [/B]Jay B. [I]in 9:16 by pinfall.[/I] Absolutely Flawless [B]defeated [/B]The Show Stealers [I]by pinfall[/I] Leo Price [B]defeated [/B]K'Lee Hawkins in 10:38 [I]when K'Lee Hawkins was bust open.[/I][/CENTER] Leo Price wins the Ring Of Fire Championship title. I had orginally decided to put Adam Matravers against Leo Price and let Matravers hold the belt for a while. But since our meeting, i thought Matravers might jump ship and the last thing i wanted was a vacated belt A drop in attendance since last month was certainly not a good sign for me. And i hoped that British Samurai would not notice that. But the capacity was only 300 anyway so a £90 loss from not having full attendance is ok by me. After the show my new road agent Maxx came up to me and said that the crowd certainly seemed to like the show and our pairings. He then mentioned to me that they were not interested in Heels and Faces against each other like i had booked. They just wanted to see talented althetes. So much new information i had to deal with and i began to wonder if Samurai had made a mistake hiring me. My accountants gave me this months figures. Lost £2,497 this month which while better than last month was still quite bad. But then i had an idea! [/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Clarity;138392][SIZE="4"][B]British Samurai came up to me and told me about his so called "Protege" Miss Information and if i could use her. So i signed her and Nina The Pyscho Ballerina to the roster.[/B][/size][/QUOTE] :) :) :) Great find in Nina as well. She's got the entertainment skills to do well. I don't think you can go wrong pushing Miss Info against the men. She's a technician and they usually blow up in Pure feds. Plus, for whatever reason, I've found that women's workers don't become nearly as expensive as men, even with superior overness and skill sets. Loving the diary btw. :)
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Thanks... I was an avid reader of BriFidelity's NYCW diary which kinda made me want to do one of my own. But I wanted to try it from a different angle. One if a guy struggling to make ends meet in a job that he doesn't know much about
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[SIZE="4"][B][U]November 2006[/U][/B] Since i had started this job, i had lost them just under £6,000. I needed something to boost attendance and finally make a profit. After all British Samurai had offered to take me out for a curry when we finally do. Im not saying im easy. But i do like curry. I was watching the BBC news and i saw a piece on a old chap who was sharing his thoughts of life on UToob.com - A website to share videos - and he was number 1 in the charts. So if it was that easy for him to do it, why couldn't i get some of our shows on the internet. I talked to a friend in the know and he mentioned needing to find someone to host it and other technical jargon that was totally lost on me. I told him to see what he could do and get back to me about it. So the old brain had started ticking. I had heard that the TV Stations were looking for new shows so i blanket emailed them all hoping that one of the smaller channels might be willing to take a chance. They were all nice enough to reply. They all wanted nothing to do with ROF at this moment. They either thought we wouldn't make them enough money or they could earn more filling there time with infommercials. My friend got back to me with pretty much the same news. It would cost far more than we would get back to put on internet shows. Towards the end of November, i asked Adam Matravers back into my office and we talked for a while about how he performed in ROF and if he had any luck getting other work. He mentioned that nobody was hiring at the moment and if i would consider extending his contract at the current value as he had quite an expensive girlfriend to look after. I hadn't know when i fired her that he was engaged to Pheobe Plumridge. I replied that i couldn't quite match it and my value was about £200 a show less than what he got now. Which he actually accepted. I felt kinda bad but told him i would give him a title shot again Leo Price at the end of the month to make up for it [CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B]Explosive Parliament – Arkwright Center (Chesterfield) – 285 Attendance[/B][/COLOR] Lance Martin [B]pinned [/B]Jay B. [I]in 7:41 (D)[/I] Jonni Dyslexic [B]buried [/B]Miss Information [I]in 8:31 (E)[/I] Mike Peterson [B]ignited [/B]Merle O'Curle [I]in 10:11. (C-)[/I] Leo Price [B]defeated [/B]Adam Matravers [I]in 10:21 by pinfall [/I]( C)[/CENTER] I had cut down my show roster to just singles matches instead of a usual tag match thrown in and looking at it, maybe i tried to spice up the show a little bit too much. 2 gimmick matches in 1 evening and i think it was only Mike Peterson who made his match look good And poor Matravers luck was getting worse. He lost to Leo Price with Phoebe Plumridge in the audience looking quite annoyed. I began to dread the end of the month meeting with the accountants. But this time i was optimistic. I had reduced the roster cost and trimmed the show down to the bare mininum. They told me that i had lost £887 this month. At this rate i would either break even or make a profit next month. Things were looking up. Until Samurai came up and told me that our christmas show had to be something spectacular with every belt on the line. Ouch this was gonna get expensive [/SIZE]
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Great to see a ROF diary. I always play as them, although I've never kept them as a Pure fed myself (change to Traditional or Cutting Edge) so I'm very interested to see where you take them with this. I'm a bit confused as to why you didn't use British Samurai on the last 2 shows. Presumably as owner he's getting paid monthly on his lifetime contract whether you use him or not, so I'd have thought you'd be better off using him, particularly as he's a better worker than one or two others on the roster and will be more over. Anyway, keep it up. Will keep on reading!
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[SIZE="4"][B][U]December 2006[/U][/B] British Samurai had promised all our sponsers that our Christmas show would be our best yet. And that we would have every belt defended. A very hard task to do while actually trying to make him a profit. December past quickly. MOSC and 21CW were consistantly putting on better shows than me and i heard rumours about after show parties getting flashier as they performed in front of sold out 1000 seater events. Our Christmas party was an event to be seen. Don Henderson and Petey Barnes were getting on a little too well and were seen leaving together however the main event involved Adam Matravers. He had brought Phoebe Plumridge with him and most of the roster were glad to see her again. Don Henderson was especially pleased and was flirting with her all night. But when it came to toast the new year, neither of them could be found. The next day Adam Matravers asked for a couple of days leave. He had split from Phoebe that evening when he arrived home and found Don Henderson there. Apparently Phoebe had brought him home for a good time but Don had declined. A few drinks later and Matraver and Henderson had buried the hatchet [CENTER][B][COLOR="Red"]It’s Christmas!!!!! – Hermitage Leisure Centre (Midlands UK) – 202 Attendance[/COLOR][/B] Don Henderson [B]defeated [/B]Chuck Frisby [I]in 10:31 when Chuck Frisby was bust open.[/I] Absolutely Flawless [B]defeated [/B]The Show Stealers [I]in 9:35 when Lance Martin defeated Petey Barnes by pinfall [/I]Don Henderson [B]defeated [/B]Mike Peterson [I]in 12:12 when Mike Peterson was pinned and could not beat a ten count.[/I] British Samurai [B]defeated [/B]Billy Robinson [I]in 11:34 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by submission after blatantly cheating.[/I] Leo Price [B]defeated [/B]K'Lee Hawkins [I]in 11:47 by pinfall[/I]. Absolutely Flawless make defence number 1 of there Ring Of Fire Tag Titles Leo Price makes defence number 2 of his Ring Of Fire Championship title.[/CENTER] The accountants told me that we lost £1,240 that month, which considering the size and number of people on our event was not bad. 2007 was fast approaching and i had yet to make them a profit. Worse still there seemed to be some dissent in the ranks and morale was starting to take a plunge and we had just hit out lowest attendance figure since i took over. I needed to make some changes yet again. And at that point i had an idea. I took out a pencil and start to draw...[/SIZE]
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Eeek.. People seem to be enjoying this diary.. So many expectations to live up too. [COLOR="Orange"]Marcel Fromage [/COLOR]- This is really the first time that i have played with a fed that isn't either REALLY huge, ie. TCW or a created fed that starts at zero with no workers so i never noticed that British Samurai got paid regardless of whether he performed. But i feel it kinda fits with the character im portraying. A newbie to the business trying to find his feet :eek:
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[SIZE="4"][B][U]January 2007[/U][/B] Everyone at ROF came back after a 2 week christmas break seemingly full of holiday cheer. Talk was light and cheerful in the locker room and our new guys had grown accustomed to our ways. My first stop upon returning to work was to see British Samurai carrying 2 cases with me. I had been working on this idea of mine since the last show of 2006. When i got there i was surprised to see Petey Barnes there with him. Apparently they had started hanging out after the christmas knees up. I originally thought Petey had started playing for the other team, but maybe he was trying to suck up to people that might get him better placed on our shows. He would be one that i would have to keep an eye on. After Petey left, i hit Samurai with my sales pitch. I told him that Ring Of Fire needed a radical revamp or we would never grow. I told him about the survey i had sent out to fans who had given us there details, and how they were concerned that we were getting too old fashioned. On the survey was a box asking where improvements could be made and i had already put some into effect. I opened the case and showed him what i meant. Inside the first case was a brand new title belt. The Ring of Fire European Championship. I told him that our Number 1 contender belt was mainly considered useless by the fans and that they would much rather see a lower level belt. I then followed that up by opening the second case. In it was the brand new Ring Of Fire World Championship Belt - Blue tinted silver. On it a globe with the letters R.O.F emblazoned on it. Minutes passed me by as Samurai just stared at the belts. I told him that these belts had been made using my own wages but if he liked them, then we could always revamp the Tag Titles as well.. I think Samurai was purposely making me wait. He finally turned to me and said... "I like them.. Good job" [CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B]New Years Hangover – Loughborough Student Union (Midlands UK) – 300 Attendance[/B][/COLOR] Merle O'Curle [B]defeated [/B]Jay B. [I]in 8:09 by submission with a Celtic Wreath.[/I] Mike Peterson [B]defeated [/B]Chuck Frisby [I]in 11:32 by submission[/I]. Rolling Johnny Stones [B]defeated [/B]Billy Robinson [I]in 10:48 by submission.[/I] Leo Price [B]defeated [/B]British Samurai [I]in 14:38 when Leo Price retrieved the item[/I]. [/CENTER] Mike Peterson wins the Ring Of Fire European Champ title. Leo Price makes defence number 3 of his Ring Of Fire World Championship title. The moment the show ended i knew British Samurai was going to be pleased. I just had that feeling. The accountancy meeting this month didn't scare me. She told me that we had sold out earning ourselves £2,700 in ticket sales. And with our sponsers and merchandising, against the cost of workers and venue, we had....... To Be Continued[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="4"]"Your right Samurai. That was a really good curry." [B][U]Febuary 2007[/U][/B] We had finally made a profit. It was only a measly £378 but it was still a profit and Samurai had been true to his word and brought me dinner. I tried the TV Stations again. I thought that after almost 6 months of shows under my control that things were starting to pick up and i might get a tiny little internet show or something. However nobody wanted to know yet again. The main news this month was about Merle O'Curle. He was at a show for 21st Century Wrestling and was scheduled to be in a match against Thunderbolt. The story goes that O'Curle had been drinking and bumped into Thunderbolt backstage. He imediately verbally assaulted Thunderbolt and then his fists started flying. Thunderbolt apparently got the upper hand and layed him out cold. The match then had to be abandoned. Rumor has it that they are now avoiding each other in the locker room and refuse to perform together. [CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B]February F*ck Up – Cleethorpes Winter Gardens – Attendance 285[/B][/COLOR] Mike Peterson [B]defeated [/B]Petey Barnes [I]in 13:32 when Mike Peterson retrieved the item. [/I]Leo Price [B]defeated [/B]K'Lee Hawkins [I]in 15:00 by two falls to one. [/I]British Samurai [B]defeated [/B]Adam Matravers [I]in 15:00 by two falls to one[/I].[/CENTER] Just 3 matches but it was our best yet. The crowd were more pumped than i had ever seen them and there were only a few seats left. I wagered with British Samurai that if we didn't make a profit then i would buy the curry. He wanted a Chicken Korma. We lost £213 this month[/SIZE]
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[FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="5"][B][U]March 2007[/U][/B] Looking back, this was the month that things started turning south. I had taken a few days off work to clear my head and had just been to a sneak preview of the Transformers movie. Upon leaving the cinema i bumped into Justin Blackham, my old announcer. I asked how things had been and where he was working now. He told me that after i had fired him, he had been unable to get another job in the wrestling industry and had took a job at CFK's to try make ends meet. He then told me exactly what he thought of me and that he and Stevie Stoat had been telling everyone they knew not to come see Ring Of Fire. And that he was still in contact with a few of my workers and wanted them to ruin things for me. I took my leave of him right away and that night my mind was focused on just one thing. Sabotage [SIZE="6"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B]ROF Marching About – The Mill Theatre – Attendance 285[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Miss Information [B]defeated [/B]Nina Ramone [I]in 8:17 by pinfall.[/I] Mike Peterson [B]defeated [/B]Maxx [I]in 12:31 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall after using a foreign object.[/I] [COLOR="Indigo"]Mike Peterson makes defence number 1 of his Ring Of Fire European Champ title.[/COLOR] Don Henderson [B]defeated [/B]Adam Matravers [I]in 14:06 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall after using a foreign object.[/I] Leo Price [B]defeated [/B]British Samurai [I]in 12:45 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall with a handful of tights.[/I] [COLOR="Indigo"]Leo Price makes defence number 4 of his Ring Of Fire World Championship title.[/COLOR] [/CENTER] It was another solid show and it looked like the crowd were getting into it, but the results shocked me. All 3 matches had ended by cheating. Was this Blackham and Stoat's influence or was it just me being paranoid..... [/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT="Arial narrow"][SIZE="5"][CENTER][COLOR="Indigo"][B][U]April - May 2007[/U][/B][/COLOR] My paranoia was running pretty rampant by now so i began throwing myself more into other aspects of my work, namely getting a bigger profit. I had decided to call everyone together after our May event for a big announcement, yet even know people were talking about bankruptcy. I had decided last month that the majority of my matches were going to be in a 2 out of 3 falls format. I thought that it would spice up my events a little bit and apart from just 2 factors i thought it had done just that: 1) Mike Peterson - I had hired him to help the youngsters in the locker room and for his experience in the ring but after seeing his actions in the ring, i decided i would have to let him go 2) The cheating. The fans i had spoke to hadn't complained about it all that much but it was still quite bad. Another thing that had to go was event length. I had to fill an hour and the potential for 20 minutes more. It was just too much. My guys couldn't last that long and i couldn't afford to pay more people for 1 event. So future events were cut to half hour. That way i could always use the "dark" 20 minutes if needed With the times being changed i decided to change the day as well. Wednesdays had always been our day but after seeing that Family Tree, Crime Lab. NOTBPW Championship Wrestling and SWF Main Event all on the TV, that few would come out to see our shows. So fridays became our new night. I could see no other shows nearby that were on at the same time and the only things on TV were Miguel Guerrera Live and BHOTGW unexpected and both of these were on late [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"][B]ROF April Show Off’s – Arkwright Centre – 285 Attendance[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"][SIZE="5"]Matt Evans [B]defeated [/B]Mike Peterson [I]in 11:31 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall, illegally using the ropes for leverage.[/I] [/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]Matt Evans wins the Ring Of Fire European Champ title.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="Sienna"]Adam Matravers [B]defeated [/B]British Samurai [I]in 11:48 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.[/I][/COLOR] Dammit.. That was an awful event. My first problem was the fact that people were waiting around for a 3rd event which never happened and some people booed. My second problem was Stevie Stoat sitting in the crowd blatantly taunting me. And i snapped, Rolling Johnny Stone came up to me afterward and told me that he was sorry for being late. I laid into him verbally and suspended him for a show. The next morning and more complications. Merle O'Curle had signed a Non-Exclusive contract with 21CW. If they were to expand that is. So i looked at my local gym and signed Matt Evans for 9 months at £99 a show. That had to be a bargain A dismal month, but with 1 bright moment. I made £1,530 this month May came calling and yet again the TV Stations didn’t want to know again. I kept myself mainly to myself and spent most of my time pouring over event footage and contracts [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]ROF We’re Going Down – Grimsby Auditorium – 285 Attendance[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]Don Henderson [B]defeated [/B]Billy Robinson [I]in 6:33 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by submission after blatantly cheating.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]Matt Evans [B]defeated [/B]British Samurai [I]in 5:32 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]Leo Price [B]defeated [/B]Kelly Martin [I]in 7:34 by two straight falls, with the final fall happening by submission after blatantly cheating.[/I] [/COLOR] [COLOR="Indigo"]Leo Price makes defence number 5 of his Ring Of Fire World Championship title.[/COLOR] Cheating in matches was beginning to run rampant and i had to put a stop to it. So after the show i brought all of my roster to the ring. I then told all these: Johnny Dyslexic Maxx Billy Robinson Chuck Frisby K'lee Hawkins Mike Peterson Miss Information Rolling Johnny Stone Lance Martin Kelly Martin Petey Barnes That there services would no longer be required and that i had hired so new guys to take there place. In walked : Vic Walker The Minor Annoyance Ryan Death Martyn Staddon Tim Reed Chuck Frisby walked up and said he wanted to thank me. He however then spat in my face. Lance Martin stunned the poor cleaners with his language as he left. This didn't bother me when my accountant told us that we had made a profit of £1,282 this month[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT]
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KHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! :( You fired Miss Info :( She's probably a lot more expensive in her home stomping grounds than she was for me. She's usually one of the first people released by ROF when I start a new game. I got her for a song in my game (seriously. Started playing some Maxwell and Brian McKnight and she signed right on the dotted line :p). I admit the first time I read the most recent entry, I was like "What the hell? Fired for cheating?!?" then I remembered ROF is Pure and that kinda stuff don't fly. Keep it up! I'm enjoying this diary so far. :)
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[FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="5"][I]A quick diary entry today. not much happened this month[/I] [B][U]June 2007[/U][/B] June became a bit of an experimental month for me. With my recent roster cull and new talent coming in, everyone was a bit warey around each other and trying extra hard to look good in front of me. However 2 of my roster were still making everyone else look bad. With my roster cut down to such a small size i thought that maybe i would keep them on if i could get them to sign a new contract for less. However they wouldn't hear of it and i had to let them go. Goodbye Jay. B and Merle O'Curle. I looked around the locker room and saw very few people who had been here before me. I went back to my office and had a look at the contracts. When i started there had been 16 workers and a few backstage people. [CENTER]Adam Matravers..............Merle O'Curle Billy Robinson..............Petey Barnes British Samurai..............Phoebe Plumridge Chuck Frisby..............Johnny Stones Don Henderson..............Stevie Stoat Jay B..............UK Dragon Lance Martin..............Walter Morgan Kelly Martin..............Leo Price[/CENTER] And from that list only 4 remained Matravers Samurai Henderson Price And now was roster looked this way Adam Matravers - Upper Midcarder - $750 a show Adrian Clean - Opener - $150 a show British Samurai - $1,200 a show Don Henderson - Upper Midcarder - $500 a show Leo Price - Main Eventer - $550 a show Martyn Staddon - Lower Midcarder - $125 a show Matt Evans - Midcarder - £125 a show Nina (the psycho ballerina) Ramone - Enhancement/Commentator - $325 a show Ryan Death - Midcarder - $425 a show The Minor Annoyance - Opener - $125 a show Tim Reed - Midcarder - $400 a show Vic Walker - Lower Midcarder - $125 a show At the cost of making a profit i had completely demolished the old Ring Of Fire and in its place stood something else entirely. However the company was making a healthy profit each month now and once the industy got out of its slump i reckoned we could grow quite well and now that Matravers had signed on for an additional 9 months i felt he could become the star of ROF [COLOR="Red"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="6"]ROF Summer Bash - Badgeridge Social Welfare Centre – 285 Attendance[/SIZE][/U][/B][/COLOR] The Minor Annoyance [B]defeated [/B]Vic Walker [I]in 6:37 by pinfall.[/I] Martyn Staddon [B]defeated [/B]Matt Evans [I]in 5:48 by pinfall with an Elevated Powerbomb..[/I] [COLOR="Indigo"]Martyn Staddon wins the Ring Of Fire European Champ title[/COLOR] Adam Matravers [B]defeated [/B]Leo Price [I]in 7:34 by submission.[/I] [COLOR="indigo"]Adam Matravers wins the Ring Of Fire World Championship title[/COLOR].[/CENTER] And you should have seen his face light up when he finally got the gold[/font][/size] [B]*Edit* Something went funny with my game at the end of August 07 (think someone played in the editor when i went out although it might have been something i played with - i dont know) so i may have to do some creative thinking here to counteract what i did. Better to be prewarned i guess[/B]
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The next entry was slightly delayed due to very long weekend of drinking games, anime, male nudity, female flashing, clubbing, airsofting, photography and another trip to the pub for more drinks and a quiz :eek: So yeah. Had a couple of ideas and might give the diary a bit of a revamp as soon as i get the next part ready *edit* oh and if you can think of anything to pep it up let me know
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