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[SIZE="4"][FONT="tahoma"]From pwa.co.uk [QUOTE][SIZE="4"]On our next F’ The Fire, the identity of the Masked Man should be revealed. Upon his arrival in PWA he made it clear that he was here for the owner Adam B and intends to meet him in the ring at Blood Showers. But who could the masked man be. Adam B has his share of enemies. It started at Ring of Fire with the firing of Stevie Stoat and Justin Blackham and since that day both men have made public announcements of their dislike for him. Then a vast roster cull at ROF led to Lance Martin’s insulting of Adam B and Chuck Frisby spitting in his face. A rash of cheating in ROF led to Adam B’s Dismissal and since that day ROF has never won back some of the fans. This could be due to repetitive booking by their management but British Samurai blames it on previous booker. Could The Masked Man be someone from Ring Of Fire come to exact some form of revenge. Or could it be someone from his PWA era. When PWA first started there was a tournament for the title belt. Toby Juan Kanobi claimed that if he didn’t win his first match that he would leave PWA. He lost and almost 2 years later still hasn’t been seen again. Or could it have been Harry Wilson. He was injured in a match with “Bullet” Bob Cronin and let go to recover. The next show Maxx was injured by Cronin and again released. Both men may have held a grudge against the management for improper treatment. The next suspects were tag teams. Evil Inc and The Northerners feuded for what feels like forever without anyone getting a win. Then finally The Northerners win a match and both teams are let go. While the Evil Twins rarely work apart, could either the Scotsman or Dublin Destroyer be back? Since his defeat at the original New Blood, Brilliant White jobbed for a little while and then hasn’t been seen since. Although his former feud partner Arthur T Turtle has also been missing a while. Our final suspect come from the TV era. Adam B came to the ring and told Nate Manchester that his career was on the line tonight. Nate lost that match due to a fast count and left PWA. Anyone of those men could be back for “revenge” against Adam B. Or could it be someone from outside the world of wrestling. Someone he has wronged Tune in to F’ The Fire and find out[/SIZE][/QUOTE][/FONT][/SIZE] Any thoughts on who it is before the big announcement???
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[SIZE="4"][FONT="tahoma"]From pwa.co.uk [QUOTE][SIZE="4"]On our next F’ The Fire, the identity of the Masked Man should be revealed. Upon his arrival in PWA he made it clear that he was here for the owner Adam B and intends to meet him in the ring at Blood Showers. But who could the masked man be. Adam B has his share of enemies. It started at Ring of Fire with the firing of Stevie Stoat and Justin Blackham and since that day both men have made public announcements of their dislike for him. Then a vast roster cull at ROF led to Lance Martin’s insulting of Adam B and Chuck Frisby spitting in his face. A rash of cheating in ROF led to Adam B’s Dismissal and since that day ROF has never won back some of the fans. This could be due to repetitive booking by their management but British Samurai blames it on previous booker. Could The Masked Man be someone from Ring Of Fire come to exact some form of revenge. Or could it be someone from his PWA era. When PWA first started there was a tournament for the title belt. Toby Juan Kanobi claimed that if he didn’t win his first match that he would leave PWA. He lost and almost 2 years later still hasn’t been seen again. Or could it have been Harry Wilson. He was injured in a match with “Bullet” Bob Cronin and let go to recover. The next show Maxx was injured by Cronin and again released. Both men may have held a grudge against the management for improper treatment. The next suspects were tag teams. Evil Inc and The Northerners feuded for what feels like forever without anyone getting a win. Then finally The Northerners win a match and both teams are let go. While the Evil Twins rarely work apart, could either the Scotsman or Dublin Destroyer be back? Since his defeat at the original New Blood, Brilliant White jobbed for a little while and then hasn’t been seen since. Although his former feud partner Arthur T Turtle has also been missing a while. Our final suspect come from the TV era. Adam B came to the ring and told Nate Manchester that his career was on the line tonight. Nate lost that match due to a fast count and left PWA. Anyone of those men could be back for “revenge” against Adam B. Or could it be someone from outside the world of wrestling. Someone he has wronged Tune in to F’ The Fire and find out[/SIZE][/QUOTE][/FONT][/SIZE] Any thoughts on who it is before the big announcement???
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Hmm...interesting. Didn't realise you'd ticked quite so many people off in your time! Judging by the poor match the Masked Man had with Fly Boy last time out, it isn't likely to be someone like Stevie Stoat, whose overness would have made that match better. I'd be surprised if it was Arthur T Turtle, as he's a decent worker and I'd expect him to pull a better rating than that too. And judging by the photo of the Masked Man, it ain't going to be Maxx either!! His last interview was an F as well, so again I'd be surprised if it was someone with decent entertainment stats (e.g. Kanobi or Frisby). I can't believe you'd want to bring back either of The Northerners, as they are quite possibly 2 of the worst workers in the entire Cornellverse. So my powers of deduction would leave me with Lance Martin, Harry Wilson or Brilliant White. Or someone else entirely! Ah, the suspense...
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Hmm...interesting. Didn't realise you'd ticked quite so many people off in your time! Judging by the poor match the Masked Man had with Fly Boy last time out, it isn't likely to be someone like Stevie Stoat, whose overness would have made that match better. I'd be surprised if it was Arthur T Turtle, as he's a decent worker and I'd expect him to pull a better rating than that too. And judging by the photo of the Masked Man, it ain't going to be Maxx either!! His last interview was an F as well, so again I'd be surprised if it was someone with decent entertainment stats (e.g. Kanobi or Frisby). I can't believe you'd want to bring back either of The Northerners, as they are quite possibly 2 of the worst workers in the entire Cornellverse. So my powers of deduction would leave me with Lance Martin, Harry Wilson or Brilliant White. Or someone else entirely! Ah, the suspense...
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Possibly the biggest anti-climax ever [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] [B]- F’ The Fire Episode 7 - - Week 3 April 2010 - - Filmed at Parliament Square in front of 1000 and shown Live on Continental Sports X1 – 100 Viewers -[/B] Pre Show Segment #1: C Pre Show Segment #2: C- [B]- Match 1: Donny Damage Vs Glen Ward -[/CENTER][/B] Glen Ward is in the ring: [COLOR="Sienna"]“Persistence finally pays off. And at Blood Showers im finally getting a chance at a Championship Belt. That TV title will be mine. Just you see”[/COLOR] [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating D[/RIGHT][/I] Glen Ward seems to have gotten over whatever it was that was bugging him months back. Whatever it was almost got him fired. But his match with Donny Damage has given me some faith in him. Ward actually wins this one in 5:48 by pin fall. [I][RIGHT]Winner: Glen Ward Match Rating: C[/RIGHT][/I] Glen looks chuffed and starts celebrating his victory in the ring. That is until Rod ‘The God’ walks down to the ring. Glen looks at him waiting for Todd to make a move. Todd just points at Ward and makes a “your dead” gesture across his throat. [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating E[/RIGHT][/I] [CENTER][B]- Match 2: Nina The Psycho Ballerina Vs Miss Information – - Bra & Panties Match -[/CENTER][/B] Two hot women stripping down to their skivvies. What’s not to like. Some good action as well but I don’t think that’s what the crowd were looking at. They all seemed to be waiting for a nipple slip. Nina the Psycho Ballerina finally strips Miss Information to a massive cheer and a cry of “PUPPIES!!” [I][right]Winner: Nina the Psycho Ballerina Match Rating E[/right][/I] Suddenly music starts and the stage lights cut to the entrance. Standing there… Stephanie Hazel. She takes the mike and says just one word… “Surprise” [I][right]Angle Rating F[/right][/I] The cameras cut to the back and to Jamie Anderson. [COLOR="Red"]“You know what, for the last month or two I have been defended my belt whenever I can. Against some of our “hot” new prospects here in PWA. And yet Adam Matravers thinks that he should be allowed a shot at my title. How long has he been here for? What is it... 6 weeks or so? And he thinks he deserves a shot. My answer is this. NO!! Try again after you have been here a while”[/COLOR] [I][right]Angle Rating F[/right][/I] [CENTER][B]- Match 3: Jack Giedroyc Vs Leo Price -[/CENTER][/B] A second match between these two to see if the first was a fluke. Nope. They both put on an excellent match. It ended when Jack Giedroyc locked in a submission making Leo Price tap out. [I][right]Winner: Jack Giedroyc Match Rating C+[/right][/I] [CENTER][B]- Tonight’s Main Event – - Blood Showers Contract Signing Between Adam B & The Masked Man -[/B][/CENTER] Adam. Burton comes to the ring first and takes a mike: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Tonight is the start of a monumental event which will lead to finding out just who has been plaguing this show for weeks. And as an added bonus, at Blood Showers, you will see him get his ass handed to him but yours truly…” [/COLOR] The Masked Man’s music cuts Adam B off mid flow and he heads to the ring handing out some T-Shirts as he goes. Once at the ring he also takes a mike [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m no fool, if you want to see just who has put the fear of god into you then you have got to sign that first. I’m not being tricked. Not again.”[/COLOR] Adam B takes the contract and signs it [COLOR="darkred"]“There you go, signed and waiting for you. If you’re brave enough”[/COLOR] Masked Man takes a second to ponder things over and signs it. He drops the pen and starts unclasping his mask... [FONT="Arial Black"][I][CENTER]--- Had an accident at work. Did you accidentally staple your hand to an important document and have to make the presentation anyway. Did you and your mates in the warehouse think it would be a good idea to try breaking things with your head and now having trouble remembering things? “Hi im Phil McCrevice. I had been drinking at lunch and upon arriving back at the office, I slipped off my chair and banged my head on the desk. 2 stitches later and 1 lawsuit and im now £1000 richer” “My mates and I play darts at lunch. But with nowhere to hang the dart board, one of us has to hold it. That’s how I got a dart in my head. I sued the company I worked for and now I own them” “If like them you were completely stupid and injured yourself at work. Then welovesuing4you is here to help. All the money goes straight to you. All we ask for is your first born child as payment. So if you’re an idiot. Remember welovesuing4you is here to help” ---[/CENTER][/I][/FONT] After the commercials the masked man is still waiting in the ring. [COLOR="blue"]“Damn commercials”[/COLOR] He finally gets the last clip off and takes off the mask revealing himself [COLOR="blue"]“The last time you guys saw me was September 2009 when I was unfairly fast counted by Adam B in a match against The Minor Annoyance. That match loss meant I was fired from PWA but luckily for me, I know some of his business partners and they signed me a new contract without him knowing. For the new fans that don’t know. I had a bust up with my tag partner at the time. You may remember him. Manchester Fly Boy. The guy I got rid of at New Blood. He sided with the boss instead of trying to stand up to him like it did. So at Blood Showers. I’m finally going to be able to get my hands on the man that has caused me no end of hell for the last 6 months. Adam B”[/COLOR] [I][right]Angle Ratings: 3 x F & C+[/right][/I] [CENTER][B]Final Rating C[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE]I know people are probably going to be wondering whats my reasoning behind bringing Nate Manchester back so here goes. Those that have read this dynasty for a while may remember the old line up when i couldn't afford the bigger names. Well Nate Manchester was the last person i had left from that old era and wanted to give him one last story before leaving that era behind. The only original line up members left now are Glen Ward and Nina[/QUOTE] Thoughts, opinions & discussions welcomed
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Possibly the biggest anti-climax ever [FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="4"][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/adambn/TVShow.jpg[/IMG] [B]- F’ The Fire Episode 7 - - Week 3 April 2010 - - Filmed at Parliament Square in front of 1000 and shown Live on Continental Sports X1 – 100 Viewers -[/B] Pre Show Segment #1: C Pre Show Segment #2: C- [B]- Match 1: Donny Damage Vs Glen Ward -[/CENTER][/B] Glen Ward is in the ring: [COLOR="Sienna"]“Persistence finally pays off. And at Blood Showers im finally getting a chance at a Championship Belt. That TV title will be mine. Just you see”[/COLOR] [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating D[/RIGHT][/I] Glen Ward seems to have gotten over whatever it was that was bugging him months back. Whatever it was almost got him fired. But his match with Donny Damage has given me some faith in him. Ward actually wins this one in 5:48 by pin fall. [I][RIGHT]Winner: Glen Ward Match Rating: C[/RIGHT][/I] Glen looks chuffed and starts celebrating his victory in the ring. That is until Rod ‘The God’ walks down to the ring. Glen looks at him waiting for Todd to make a move. Todd just points at Ward and makes a “your dead” gesture across his throat. [I][RIGHT]Angle Rating E[/RIGHT][/I] [CENTER][B]- Match 2: Nina The Psycho Ballerina Vs Miss Information – - Bra & Panties Match -[/CENTER][/B] Two hot women stripping down to their skivvies. What’s not to like. Some good action as well but I don’t think that’s what the crowd were looking at. They all seemed to be waiting for a nipple slip. Nina the Psycho Ballerina finally strips Miss Information to a massive cheer and a cry of “PUPPIES!!” [I][right]Winner: Nina the Psycho Ballerina Match Rating E[/right][/I] Suddenly music starts and the stage lights cut to the entrance. Standing there… Stephanie Hazel. She takes the mike and says just one word… “Surprise” [I][right]Angle Rating F[/right][/I] The cameras cut to the back and to Jamie Anderson. [COLOR="Red"]“You know what, for the last month or two I have been defended my belt whenever I can. Against some of our “hot” new prospects here in PWA. And yet Adam Matravers thinks that he should be allowed a shot at my title. How long has he been here for? What is it... 6 weeks or so? And he thinks he deserves a shot. My answer is this. NO!! Try again after you have been here a while”[/COLOR] [I][right]Angle Rating F[/right][/I] [CENTER][B]- Match 3: Jack Giedroyc Vs Leo Price -[/CENTER][/B] A second match between these two to see if the first was a fluke. Nope. They both put on an excellent match. It ended when Jack Giedroyc locked in a submission making Leo Price tap out. [I][right]Winner: Jack Giedroyc Match Rating C+[/right][/I] [CENTER][B]- Tonight’s Main Event – - Blood Showers Contract Signing Between Adam B & The Masked Man -[/B][/CENTER] Adam. Burton comes to the ring first and takes a mike: [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Tonight is the start of a monumental event which will lead to finding out just who has been plaguing this show for weeks. And as an added bonus, at Blood Showers, you will see him get his ass handed to him but yours truly…” [/COLOR] The Masked Man’s music cuts Adam B off mid flow and he heads to the ring handing out some T-Shirts as he goes. Once at the ring he also takes a mike [COLOR="Blue"]“I’m no fool, if you want to see just who has put the fear of god into you then you have got to sign that first. I’m not being tricked. Not again.”[/COLOR] Adam B takes the contract and signs it [COLOR="darkred"]“There you go, signed and waiting for you. If you’re brave enough”[/COLOR] Masked Man takes a second to ponder things over and signs it. He drops the pen and starts unclasping his mask... [FONT="Arial Black"][I][CENTER]--- Had an accident at work. Did you accidentally staple your hand to an important document and have to make the presentation anyway. Did you and your mates in the warehouse think it would be a good idea to try breaking things with your head and now having trouble remembering things? “Hi im Phil McCrevice. I had been drinking at lunch and upon arriving back at the office, I slipped off my chair and banged my head on the desk. 2 stitches later and 1 lawsuit and im now £1000 richer” “My mates and I play darts at lunch. But with nowhere to hang the dart board, one of us has to hold it. That’s how I got a dart in my head. I sued the company I worked for and now I own them” “If like them you were completely stupid and injured yourself at work. Then welovesuing4you is here to help. All the money goes straight to you. All we ask for is your first born child as payment. So if you’re an idiot. Remember welovesuing4you is here to help” ---[/CENTER][/I][/FONT] After the commercials the masked man is still waiting in the ring. [COLOR="blue"]“Damn commercials”[/COLOR] He finally gets the last clip off and takes off the mask revealing himself [COLOR="blue"]“The last time you guys saw me was September 2009 when I was unfairly fast counted by Adam B in a match against The Minor Annoyance. That match loss meant I was fired from PWA but luckily for me, I know some of his business partners and they signed me a new contract without him knowing. For the new fans that don’t know. I had a bust up with my tag partner at the time. You may remember him. Manchester Fly Boy. The guy I got rid of at New Blood. He sided with the boss instead of trying to stand up to him like it did. So at Blood Showers. I’m finally going to be able to get my hands on the man that has caused me no end of hell for the last 6 months. Adam B”[/COLOR] [I][right]Angle Ratings: 3 x F & C+[/right][/I] [CENTER][B]Final Rating C[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT] [QUOTE]I know people are probably going to be wondering whats my reasoning behind bringing Nate Manchester back so here goes. Those that have read this dynasty for a while may remember the old line up when i couldn't afford the bigger names. Well Nate Manchester was the last person i had left from that old era and wanted to give him one last story before leaving that era behind. The only original line up members left now are Glen Ward and Nina[/QUOTE] Thoughts, opinions & discussions welcomed
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[QUOTE=eayragt;155894]Really liking this diary - but can't wait for Jamie Anderson to stop stinking up the Main Event![/QUOTE] Ditto! He seems like JBL: annoying, talentless hack who holds a title simply because creative can't think of anyone else to put it on. :) It might just be a difference in approach. I like to put titles (especially the top title) on people who can have a good to great match with damn near anyone on the roster. I think you have three workers who fit that bill (Adam Matravers, Jack Giedroyc, and maybe Leo Price). Jamie aint one of them IMO. Besides, you're hurting yourself more than you know by putting HIS match as the last match of the show (the main event) which has such a heavy weight when determining the show rating. I just know that I can't stand him. :p
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[QUOTE=eayragt;155894]Really liking this diary - but can't wait for Jamie Anderson to stop stinking up the Main Event![/QUOTE] Ditto! He seems like JBL: annoying, talentless hack who holds a title simply because creative can't think of anyone else to put it on. :) It might just be a difference in approach. I like to put titles (especially the top title) on people who can have a good to great match with damn near anyone on the roster. I think you have three workers who fit that bill (Adam Matravers, Jack Giedroyc, and maybe Leo Price). Jamie aint one of them IMO. Besides, you're hurting yourself more than you know by putting HIS match as the last match of the show (the main event) which has such a heavy weight when determining the show rating. I just know that I can't stand him. :p
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[QUOTE=Clarity;155895]Wow.. Jamie Anderson really seems to be disliked[/QUOTE] I would say that it's not his fault - but I think it really is. You've reached the stage where you're pulling off matches in the C region, but Anderson isn't one of the people doing it at all. He doesn't seem to have the skill or charisma to be the figurehead of your company. That's right - I've had Giant Redwood as my champion in my diary, and I'm criticising Anderson. Hello pot, this is kettle calling!
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[QUOTE=Clarity;155895]Wow.. Jamie Anderson really seems to be disliked[/QUOTE] I would say that it's not his fault - but I think it really is. You've reached the stage where you're pulling off matches in the C region, but Anderson isn't one of the people doing it at all. He doesn't seem to have the skill or charisma to be the figurehead of your company. That's right - I've had Giant Redwood as my champion in my diary, and I'm criticising Anderson. Hello pot, this is kettle calling!
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Thank you both. [U][B]My reasoning behind Jamie Anderson[/B][/U] I wanted to create an up and comer that managed to get hold of the belt and was too scared to lose it by wrestling against the best in PWA. Which was the inspiration for the new blood tournament. Jamies first few matches against Too Hot got him D ratings which was better than i was getting with everyone else on the roster at the time. At that point the new blood winner was pencilled in to feud with Glen Ward as part of the Adam B story that later got rewritten. Which left Anderson in the Fatal 4 Way Cage match that was left up to the 4 wrestlers to decide who won. Which Jamie actually legitimately won. And having a champion which could pull of D ratings costing only $99 seemed like a bargain. So upon learning i had got the tv show, i penciled in the story thats been currently running and his ratings just sunk. He can still pull off some E matches against people but he has been appearing earlier on the show to stop it stinking so much. Anyway. Anderson has carried the belt now for 3 months and the storyline for him does indeed end soon. Although i may tweek the ending considering just how much he is despised
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Thank you both. [U][B]My reasoning behind Jamie Anderson[/B][/U] I wanted to create an up and comer that managed to get hold of the belt and was too scared to lose it by wrestling against the best in PWA. Which was the inspiration for the new blood tournament. Jamies first few matches against Too Hot got him D ratings which was better than i was getting with everyone else on the roster at the time. At that point the new blood winner was pencilled in to feud with Glen Ward as part of the Adam B story that later got rewritten. Which left Anderson in the Fatal 4 Way Cage match that was left up to the 4 wrestlers to decide who won. Which Jamie actually legitimately won. And having a champion which could pull of D ratings costing only $99 seemed like a bargain. So upon learning i had got the tv show, i penciled in the story thats been currently running and his ratings just sunk. He can still pull off some E matches against people but he has been appearing earlier on the show to stop it stinking so much. Anyway. Anderson has carried the belt now for 3 months and the storyline for him does indeed end soon. Although i may tweek the ending considering just how much he is despised
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Just to let you know I'm not criticising your booking at all, it's just all Anderson hate! It's interesting doing a dynasty, because you give people title reigns when they deserve a chance, and if they screw it up you're stuck with them until you find a good point for them to drop the title. All the time you're aware that the fans are probably hating it, but you know that the next champion needs further grooming before being given the strap. Maybe I don't hate WWE bookers as bad as I thought I did. I never posted till today, but I should tell you that I've been reading this diary for ages. It's been a really interesting read, and you've completley done things your own way, which is always good!
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Just to let you know I'm not criticising your booking at all, it's just all Anderson hate! It's interesting doing a dynasty, because you give people title reigns when they deserve a chance, and if they screw it up you're stuck with them until you find a good point for them to drop the title. All the time you're aware that the fans are probably hating it, but you know that the next champion needs further grooming before being given the strap. Maybe I don't hate WWE bookers as bad as I thought I did. I never posted till today, but I should tell you that I've been reading this diary for ages. It's been a really interesting read, and you've completley done things your own way, which is always good!
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Anderson is only the 3rd PWA Champion in the 2 years since PWA's debut as well due to the every other month scheduling at the beginning. I think Jamie Anderson has become my Triple H. Everyone seems to hate him but he just wont drop the title Taker.. I almost went The Simpsons when i wrote that. I was gonna go "You may remember me from such infomercials such as...."
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Anderson is only the 3rd PWA Champion in the 2 years since PWA's debut as well due to the every other month scheduling at the beginning. I think Jamie Anderson has become my Triple H. Everyone seems to hate him but he just wont drop the title Taker.. I almost went The Simpsons when i wrote that. I was gonna go "You may remember me from such infomercials such as...."
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I actually think you've done a good job with Jamie Anderson - he's someone I always nearly bring in to my ROF game and then leave alone. I'd certainly never have envisaged him as a main eventer. I think when you put the title on him, it was a good move. Of the people vying for the belt at the time, he was probably most over. Its only since then you've brought in workers more able to carry the strap. But I tend to agree with what the others have said - now that you have Matravers, Giedroyc, Price and Damage, you need to get the belt onto one of those pronto. And Remianen is right - Anderson just can't hold up the top end of the card, which is important for ratings, and he's not skilled enough to get anything out of the lower-carders he's been up against with no overness of their own. The fact that he's avoiding better workers as part of the storyline is actually also stopping him from gaining any overness boosts himself, so you've got a bit of a vicious circle. I think I'd get the strap off him, have him job to the new main event set and hope that he has decent chemistry with one of them that might help him get an overness boost. Then insert him in the midcard title picture with the likes of Rod 'The God' and Glen Ward. He'd probably fit quite well in that part of the card. I do like the fact that you've turned Jamie Anderson - probably one of the least used and least known members of the Cornellverse - into such a figure of hatred! :D
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