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Damn it! It's like Bitter Sweet news here. Yes I am very excited to hear TEW 2007 is beeing made. But I am very saddened to hear that I can't transfer my 05 game to 07! I spent over a year almost building my federation! I had people who were very green, and turned them into stars! I had A stable consiting of Brock Lesnar, Vader, Test and Lance Hoyt Vs the stable of Matt Morgan, Sting, Chris Jericho and Goldberg! I had the Extreme Championship fueds all lines up! And now...we get this news. I read some of the new features the game will have, and it looks very promising. Hopefully the game will have a feature where you can make the booker actually book a card on himself. This saves time for me. I know this sim is supposed to have you be the booker. But when your running 3 shows for a fed, it is very time consuming! Anyhoo, how do you all people feel about this news. Who is in the same position as I? And will you be getting the new game, even though you invested so much time in your old game. Risk
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Yup, cuz it's a game. But then, I'm an MMO fanatic so this kind of thing doesn't faze me at all. Besides, December is still a long ways off and as more features are revealed, it'll take even longer to get here (at least for those interested in the game). I've spent a great deal of time (around 500 hours or so, last time I bothered to keep track) on my current game, not including time spent designing the database (it's customized the way I like it) and testing it extensively. But I have no doubt I'll be able to transfer most, if not all, of the database elements I really care about (the worker, injury, and match file, for example) with only a few minor tweaks. And if not, so be it. Within a week of 07's release, I'll be back in the saddle either way. I would definitely say that my experience with MMOs has helped in this respect though if for nothing else than keeping my perspective straight. My game is great and I've spent a lot of time developing my workers, making unknowns into icons (and I don't play WWE so it was significantly harder, I'd wager) but I'd delete it in a second for just the features Adam has revealed thus far. Without a moment's hesitation. And so would you. :) A new, arguably more refined game engine benefits everyone and makes all games better, in my view. After all, I did it once, I could do it again....and again....and again. I'd probably get back to where I am much faster the second, third, fourth, etc time because I wouldn't make the same mistakes again. I will be getting the new game for myself and several clients (Christmas gifts for gamers/wrestling/management sim fans), on release day. Hell, I'd preorder it if I could (and I don't preorder much of anything). But I'd agree, 3 shows a week can be very draining on time and creativity (even for those of us who don't run Sports Entertainment promotions). It's even worse when all your shows are 3 hours long and your PPVs are 4 hours. :p
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3 hour shows and 4 hour PPV's! Whoa you are very dedicated my friend. I have to give you all the respect in the world for having the patiens < sp? for doing that. What's your fed called? by the way. Mine is WDI Inc. World Domination International Inc. So will you be investing more time with your old game until the new one comes out?
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Just because TEW07 is coming out doesn't mean you can't continue enjoying that game on 05. Maybe its not going to transfer over to 07 but nothing is stopping you from playing the save game your current;y enjoying on TEW05.
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[QUOTE=RIsk2005;138397]3 hour shows and 4 hour PPV's! Whoa you are very dedicated my friend. I have to give you all the respect in the world for having the patiens < sp? for doing that. What's your fed called? by the way. Mine is WDI Inc. World Domination International Inc. So will you be investing more time with your old game until the new one comes out?[/QUOTE] I started with the Cornellverse's AAA promotion and am gearing them up for a rebranding but so far, my women's fed that started out Regional, is now ruling the world. muahahahahaha *cough cough* And of course, I'm still playing this game until the new one comes out. Heck, as Maxi alluded to, there are still people playing TEW04 and even EWR!
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[QUOTE=Thriller;138423]Hold on a sec, you can play as the owner and have someone else as the booker? Or are you just hoping? :confused:[/QUOTE] that would be my requested auto booker feature, which I haven't had any comment on since I ask this a while back... I wish there is a way to have a booker make the matches and you can scan over them and change what you want..... So I'm hoping that this is a feature in 07'...
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[QUOTE=Remianen;138456]I started with the Cornellverse's AAA promotion and am gearing them up for a rebranding but so far, my women's fed that started out Regional, is now ruling the world. muahahahahaha *cough cough* And of course, I'm still playing this game until the new one comes out. Heck, as Maxi alluded to, there are still people playing TEW04 and even EWR![/QUOTE] I just happen to be one of those people that still play EWR and TEW04, and enjoy them along with TEW05. When TEW07 comes out ill get that one also and play all four games. :D
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[QUOTE=wooodaddy;138484]that would be my requested auto booker feature, which I haven't had any comment on since I ask this a while back... I wish there is a way to have a booker make the matches and you can scan over them and change what you want..... So I'm hoping that this is a feature in 07'...[/QUOTE] Assign each wrestler a number, download a dice roller, and roll. ^_^
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I'll prob mod what I need in 07 to get things to where they were for me in my 05 game. The only thing is that I am in the Navy and I will be underway for a 6-Month deploymen when this comes out. My wife said she would download it for me and send me the files on disk or something so I can play. All of the features sound like Adam has been listening to every bitch and grip from us and is doing everything in his power to fix everything. Adam is a god to us arm-chair bookers and I thank him for all the hard work he has done for us. I also want to thank all the modders out there that make TEW even more fun to play withreal world and fantasy mods that really bring out the potential of this limited only by your imagination game. Thanks everybody!
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I have this all the time, my USA-NWA promotion I started in EWR and everytime a new TEW came out after I would start the same company and make the computer generated guys and put them in and then just sign most of the talent I had the game before and clean up my company a bit and carry on.
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[QUOTE=Hands Like Feet;139047]I did like the old auto booker option, but it was a bit too crude. If it could be tweaked so maybe the human booker could still book one or two matches, then, say, leave the assistant/automatic booker/booking team to book the undercard.....[/QUOTE] I loved the Auto-Booker, but as you said needs to be tweaked a lot. Being able to say what workers you want on the show, maybe even give them a match with no restrictions, etc. Or total control of the show to the Road Agent or whatever.
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