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TEW vs. other wrestling simulators

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Let me state that before I begin this post, this isn't meant to be a shill for any other simulators, but rather an attempt to gain more information. I have been a user of TNM for about 10 years now. I'm a beta tester, a moderator on the forums, etc. After 10 years, I'm still happy with TNM and what it can do. I'm always looking to expand though to other simulators if a game is quality. I have Total College Basketball from here, and have Baseball Mogul 2007 as well. That's just a little remark to show I don't have specific "brand loyalties." :) Basically, I'm looking for some more information on TEW 2005 (or even the upcoming 2007). I've played other simulators besides TNM and honestly wasn't that impressed, but I have never gotten to give TEW a good look (couldn't get the demo to work on my old computer). Since TNM is the simulator I'm very familiar with, what are the advantages of TEW over TNM? The disadvantages? Once again I'd like to say I'm not meaning this to be an ad for another simulator or whatever. I just love the simulator community and am always looking to expand my horizons. If this is viewed as inappropriate, I will gladly remove it. Thanks.
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TEW 2005 is simply the bomb :) However I haven't played any other simulator. I first discovered Extreme Warfare (whatever #) back in junior high I guess 6 or 7 years ago... I loved it, and continue to love it today with TEW. I'd give information but there is a heck of a lot to say about it. Really the best thing you could do is play the demo, if you can on another computer since you said it wouldn't work on yours (or your old one). It's really worth a try. I'm sure someone with more time might be able to give you a general overview...Or maybe they'd rather just go play it more :)
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[QUOTE=Snabbit888;139246]Since TNM is the simulator I'm very familiar with, what are the advantages of TEW over TNM? The disadvantages?[/QUOTE] They're different genres really, due to the different scopes. TNM is all about simulating a specific match, and there isn't really a lot of context outside of the actual bout. TEW is about the wrestling business as a whole, and so the actual details of what moves are being performed isn't really relevant, its what the match achieved in the context of that show that is important; how the fans reacted, what it did to the wrestler's skills and popularity, etc, etc. TNM would be better compared to Wrestling Spirit, as both concentrate on the matches.
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I haven't played TNM, but I have a good friend who swears by it. Like you, he has been involved in that TNM community for years. Hopefully he will offer his opinion in this thread, as I do not want to speak for him. Still... he is currently running a system that combines TNM and TEW; that indicates to me that neither game stands on its own as the 'end all to be all' (at least in his opinion).
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if booking matches ups and trying to get your fed to the top is your bag than TEW is the game for you and TEW2007 is shaping up to iron out any slight inperfections from 05. The fictional universe TEW is based in is ever expanding and highly entertaining. Plus on top of that there is vast array of mod makers making everything from ultra-realistic modern day data, to an early 80's scenario. The community is awesome, nearly everyone on the board is friendly and you always find someone to challenge your opinion (often me!) in summary - buy the game - you won't regret it!
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[QUOTE=panix04;139666]i tried googling it last night and it didn't look great by all accounts - by the looks of things you have to pay for various plug-ins, the screenies didn't look that great and there was no description of the actual game on the site either.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]"Never judge a book by its cover" as the old adage goes, though I agree that the site could be a lot more informative. In my opinion, TNM7 does an excellent job at simulating a wide array of wrestling matches, providing a move-by-move text commentary for each bout, while staying within the parameters that the user defines. Adam rightly pointed out, the simulators fall into totally different genres, and therefore, it would be totally unrealistic to compare them. As Boon eluded to, I run promotions using both sims in tandem. TEW provides:[/FONT] [LIST] [*][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]A dynamic game world for my circuit to exist within.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]A hiring/firing system.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Talent development.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]A way for shows to be ‘rated’ based on both matches and non-wrestling segments.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Numerous other possibilities, such as TV deals, promotion relationships, etc.[/FONT] [/LIST] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]While TNM provides:[/FONT] [LIST] [*][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]A chance to watch the matches played out move-for-move.[/FONT] [*][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Results and incidents that I base my TEW shows on and write around.[/FONT] [/LIST] [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I do this for a number of reasons, but primarily because that's how I [U]enjoy[/U] to play. I'll also openly admit that I'm not as creative as many of you guys when it comes to putting shows together, so TNM is a fine source for me to use in that regard. TNM probably wouldn't appeal to a lot of TEW users, and the reverse could also be stated .. it all depends on personal preference. Mine? I thoroughly enjoy both sims for what they are, and they both do what they set out to do extremely well, making me an extremely happy guy. :) [/FONT]
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:( you'd just crown somebody new, but you will never find someone else who bore a vague resemblence to jamie noble again! Atleast no-one English has started slating me yet! That could make for an interesting get together in October (cheap plug)
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tried the game and they are 2 totally different things... It was o.k., but you really have a lot of reading to do and I don't really like all the keyboard controls.. I prefer the mouse simple clicking... TEW is much better and I will not mess with the other one...
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Yes, the more I look, they are two totally different monsters. I think TNM gives slightly more control over the circuit if you want to book EVERY detail. It doesn't have finances and the like, so from running a "business" league it's certainly not where TEW is. I basically look at it as for match simulation and booking, I prefer TNM. If I was looking to play a game and try to build a circuit to a global force, I'd choose TEW.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Don't play to Panix's ego. You suck Queenie and it'll be a relief to have to read your dull messages. Anyone got a link to this TNM? Also whatever happened to Promotion Wars? That was the game that first got me into wrestling sims. It was like an evolution of sorts: - Drug Wars - Promotion Wars - EWR - TEW
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Don't play to Panix's ego. You suck Queenie and it'll be a relief to have to read your dull messages. Anyone got a link to this TNM? Also whatever happened to Promotion Wars? That was the game that first got me into wrestling sims. It was like an evolution of sorts: - Drug Wars - Promotion Wars - EWR - TEW
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[QUOTE=TCP1;148813]Don't play to Panix's ego. You suck Queenie and it'll be a relief to have to read your dull messages. Anyone got a link to this TNM? Also whatever happened to Promotion Wars? That was the game that first got me into wrestling sims. It was like an evolution of sorts: - Drug Wars - Promotion Wars - EWR - TEW[/QUOTE] Hey TCP what sits under a bridge and can't do sums.... A STUPID TROLL! :D As for promotion wars Adam Jennings was working on a PW2 when he got an out of memory error - or something like that, i believe he was just unable to do what he wanted to do with his slightly limited knowledge of programming. If you check out his homepage i think the original promotion wars has updated rosters. And there is still a very loyal community there.
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[QUOTE=TCP1;148813]Don't play to Panix's ego. You suck Queenie and it'll be a relief to have to read your dull messages. Anyone got a link to this TNM? Also whatever happened to Promotion Wars? That was the game that first got me into wrestling sims. It was like an evolution of sorts: - Drug Wars - Promotion Wars - EWR - TEW[/QUOTE] Hey TCP what sits under a bridge and can't do sums.... A STUPID TROLL! :D As for promotion wars Adam Jennings was working on a PW2 when he got an out of memory error - or something like that, i believe he was just unable to do what he wanted to do with his slightly limited knowledge of programming. If you check out his homepage i think the original promotion wars has updated rosters. And there is still a very loyal community there.
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