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WWE Raw: Redefining 2004

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[i]This is an old diary I wrote last year. I'll post it here while I'm working on my current one.[/i] [QUOTE][IMG]http://www.wrestlingzone.ru/spoiler/card/veng04_card.jpg[/IMG] [color=red][b]WWE Raw Presents: Vengeance 2004[/b][/color] [u]World Heavyweight Championship Match[/u] Triple H def. Chris Benoit © with help from Eugene Dinsmore [u]Number One Contenders to the Women's Title Match[/u] Victoria def. Molly Holly [u]Intercontinental Title Match[/u] Randy Orton © def. Edge [u]No Disqualification, No Countout Match[/u] Matt Hardy def. Kane [u]World Tag Team Titles Match[/u] Ric Flair and Eugene Dinsmore def. La Resistance © Chris Jericho def. Batista Rhyno and Tajiri def. The Coach and Garrison Cade[/QUOTE] This is where I come in. The name is Johnny Dexter. I've been a writer for the Raw brand for a little over eight months now. With ratings going down, the WWE thought they needed to head into a new direction. With Brian Gerwitz taking ill, management decided to start asking us younger writers. It was decided right before Vengeance, that following the pay per view, that three of us, that being Thomas Berry, Doug Holiday will be temporarily taking over the booking team for the next month and a half. It's only a trial basis, though. The first thing handed to me was the complete Raw roster. I decided to organize it so it would be much easier to handle. After about half an hour I came up with a fully organized list. Here it is. [QUOTE][color=red][b]The Raw Roster, as of July 11th, 2004[/b][/color] [b]Main Eventers[/b] [color=blue]Chris Benoit[/color] [color=red]Triple H[/color] [b]Upper Midcarders[/b] [color=red]Batista[/color] [color=blue]Chris Jericho Edge[/color] [color=red]Kane Randy Orton[/color] [b]Midcarders[/b] [color=red]Al Snow[/color] [color=blue]Eugene Dinsmore[/color] [color=red]Gail Kim Jazz[/color] [color=blue]Lita Matt Hardy[/color] [color=red]Molly Holly[/color] [color=blue]Nidia Rhyno Tajiri The Hurricane[/color] [color=blue]Val Venis William Regal[/color] [b]Lower Midcarders[/b] [color=red]Chuck Palumbo Garrison Cade[/color] [color=blue]Maven[/color] [color=red]Rob Conway Rodney Mack[/color] [color=blue]Rosey[/color] [color=green]Steven Richards[/color] [color=red]Sylvain Grenier[/color] [color=blue]Victoria[/color] [b]Openers[/b] [color=red]Tyson Tomko[/color] [b]Managers[/b] [color=red]Ric Flair[/color] [color=blue]Stacy Keibler[/color] [b]Non-Wrestlers[/b] [color=red]Christopher Nowinski Eric Bischoff[/color] [color=blue]Ivory[/color] [color=green]Jerry Lawler[/color] [color=blue]Mick Foley The Rock[/color] [b]Injured List[/b] [color=red]A-Train (Due back in October) Christian (Due back in September) Mark Henry (Due back in November) Test (Due back next July)[/color] [color=blue]Shawn Michaels (Due back in September)[/color] [color=red]Scott Steiner (Due back in August)[/color] [color=blue]Shelton Benjamin (Due back in August)[/color] [color=red]Trish Stratus (Due back in August)[/color] [color=blue]Blue = Face[/color] [color=red]Red = Heel[/color] [color=green]Green = Tweener[/color][/QUOTE] Then I made a quick list of the champions and the pay per views for the rest of the year. [QUOTE][b][color=red]Raw Champions, as of July 11th, 2004[/b][/color] [b]World Heavyweight Champion[/b] [color=red]Triple H (def. Chris Benoit at Vengeance, 7/11/04)[/color] [b]WWE Intercontinental Champion[/b] [color=red]Randy Orton (def. Rob Van Dam at Armageddon, 12/14/04)[/color] [b]World Tag Team Champions[/b] [color=green]Ric Flair and Eugene Dinsmore (def. La Resistance at Vengeance, 7/11/04)[/color] [b]WWE Women's Champion[/b] [color=red]Trish Stratus (def. Gail Kim, Lita, and Victoria at Bad Blood, 6/13/04)[/color][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][b][color=red]Raw Events for the rest of 2004[/b][/color] [color=green]Summerslam - Split Brand - 8/15/04[/color] [color=red]Unforgiven - 9/12/04 Taboo Tuesday - 10/19/04[/color] [color=green]Survivor Series - Split Brand - 11/14/05[/color][/QUOTE] There were a few things I practically had to do. 1. Get Chris Jericho over as the main face on Raw, without making Triple H upset. 2. Make sure the "Victoria's stalker" angle ends without a horrible ending. 3. Continue the pregnancy angle with Lita, Matt Hardy and Kane without it going down in Wrestlecrap. 4. Push Randy Orton as World Championship material. 5. Do the same with Christian. My job begins the 11th, so I better get starting.
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[quote][img]http://ourworld.cs.com/FlamingPunk77/Raw.JPG[/img] [color=red][b]Raw Preview for July 12th, 2004[/b][/color] Last night at Vengeance, Triple H defeated Chris Benoit to win the World Heavyweight Championship for the ninth time. But he needed help from honorary Evolution member, Eugene Dinsmore, who won the World Tag Team Titles with Ric Flair last night also. In our main event, Chris Benoit will try to get some revenge, when he teams up with Edge to take on Eugene and Ric Flair in the main event for the World Tag Team Titles! Randy Orton retained his Intercontinental Championship by beating Edge last night. But will he retain his title tonight when he faces Matt Hardy tonight? Will Kane get involved? Who will be the next contender to the World Heavyweight Championship? The Intercontinental Championship? The Tag Team Titles? Is Edge upset over his loss last night? Will The Coach want revenge over Rhyno and Tajiri after they humiliating him and Garrison Cade? Stay tuned for Raw, 9:00 ET / 6:00 PT, only on Spike TV! [u][b]Confirmed Matches:[/b][/u] [u]Intercontinental Title Match[/u] Randy Orton © vs. Matt Hardy [u]World Tag Team Titles Match[/u] Eugene Dinsmore and Ric Flair © vs. Chris Benoit and Edge Rhyno and Tajiri vs. La Resistance[/quote] ......
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[img]http://ourworld.cs.com/FlamingPunk77/raw5%20copy.jpg[/img] [size=4][color=red][b]WWE Raw Results for July 12th, 2004[/b][/size][/color] [i]Show Rating: 79% Television Rating: 5.98 Attendance: 7042 Ticket Sales: $281,680[/i] Before anything begins, we're cut to the parking lot. A black limo pulls up, and the limo driver opens the back door. Out come Triple H, Ric Flair, Batista, Randy Orton, and Eugene Dinsmore. Triple H has his usual post-PPV bandage over his forehead and his World Title, Randy Orton has a huge gloat on his face, and Eugene seems upset. All four except Batista have titles now. All five start walking through the parking lot. [b]Eugene[/b]: Triple H? [b]Triple H[/b]: Yeah? [b]Eugene[/b]: Triple H, I feel bad. I hurt Chris Benoit last night. [b]Triple H[/b]: Why would that make you feel bad? You helped me get this *points to World Title* last night. You did a good thing. [b]Eugene[/b]: Do you think Chris Benoit is mad at me? Is he still my friend? [b]Triple H[/b]: Haven't you realized it yet? Chris Benoit isn't your friend. He never liked you! *starts yelling* He was just being nice! He was using you! *calms down* Eugene, I'll let Randy and Dave tell you about it all. I need to talk to Ric. Randy Orton and Batista pull Eugene aside and start talking to him. Triple H and Ric Flair keep walking. Ric Flair: What am I supposed to do? I have to defend these tag titles *points at World Tag Team Title* with that kid! I can't even stand to be around him! Now I have to be his tag team partner in every match until we lose these! What the hell am I supposed to do? [b]Triple H[/b]: Look Naitch, calm down. Just deal with it for now. Wait, hold on. *answers cell phone* Yeah? He's busy. *puts cell phone away* [b]Ric Flair[/b]: Who was that? [b]Triple H[/b]: Chris Benoit, trying to talk to Eugene. Anyways, its just another title reign. Plus if he does anything wrong, you wont have to worry about him at all. Lets go, you two have to fight Benoit and Edge, and Orton has to beat that Hardy kid. *yells* Randy, Dave! Orton, Batista, and Eugene come up to Triple H and Ric Flair. [b]Triple H[/b]: So Eugene, do you understand? Eugene: I understand.. [b]Triple H[/b]: Good, now lets go. [b](84)[/b] "Across the Nation" by Union Underground starts playing, and the Raw intro starts playing. When its over, we're back in the arena, where the usual pyros are going off. [b]J.R.[/b]: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Raw! We've got a full packed show for you tonight! In our main event, its Chris Benoit and Edge taking on Ric Flair and Eugene for the World Tag Team Titles! [b]Jerry Lawler[/b]: Why do Edge and Chris Benoit get title shots? They both lost their title matches last night! [b]J.R.[/b]: They were both screwed out of their titles, and you know it! And right now, we're going to have some tag team action. Rhyno's music hits, and Rhyno and Tajiri run out to the ring, playing to the crowd, they wait for their challengers. All of a sudden, The Coach's music hits and Jonathan Coachman comes out on the stage with a microphone. [b]Coach[/b]: You think you could humiliate me last night? Well since Mr. Bischoff isn't here tonight, the Coach is in charge! And Mr. Bischoff told me about a plan he had. Tonight, we'll start a tournament, a tag team tournament! The winners will face Ric Flair and Eugene for the Tag Team Titles at Summerslam. And your opponents, hand chosen by the Coach are... La Resistance's music starts playing, and they shake hands with the Coach as Coach goes to the announce booth. [b][u]Tag Team Title Contenders Tournament[/u] Rhyno and Tajiri vs. La Resistance[/b] Tajiri and Robert Conway start things off first. The two hook up, Tajiri goes under his arms, and trips him from behind. Tajiri tries to his a standing moonsault, but Conway moves out of the way, and tags in Grenier! Grenier starts punching Tajiri, punches him on the ropes, whips him to the other side of the ring. Grenier goes for a clothesline, but Tajiri ducks, runs back, and hits a spinning heel kick on Grenier! Tajiri locks in an armbar on Grenier, 1...2...3...4...Tajiri lets go of the hold. Tajiri picks up Grenier, but Conway distracts the ref as Grenier hits a low blow! Grenier hits a DDT on Tajiri. Grenier picks up Tajiri a whips him in to the turnbuckle. Greiner starts running a tries to hit a clothesline, but Tajiri jumps up and locks in the tarantula! 1...2...3...Conway pulls Tajiri off of Greiner! Conway pushes Grenier out of the ring, only to get clothesline out of the ring by Rhyno! The two try to gather themselves as we go to a commercial break! [b]---Commercial Break---[/b] We're back from the commercial break and Rhyno and Robert Conway are in the ring now. Rhyno starts punching Conway, then knees him in the gut. Suplex on Conway. Rhyno picks up Conway, but is low blowed while Grenier distracts the referee. Tajiri runs in and tries to stop Conway, but the ref forces Tajiri back in his corner. Grenier goes and gets the Quebec flag, and slides it into the ring. Conway picks it up and turns around to hit Rhyno, [b]but gets Gored! Rhyno pins, 1...2...3![/b] Grenier tries to get in the ring, but gets hit by a martial arts kick from Tajiri! [b]Winners: Rhyno and Tajiri[/b] [b](71,64,78) (**3/4)[/b] [b]J.R.[/b]: These two are on fire! This is their second win in a row as a tag team! [b]Jerry Lawler[/b]: They could even win the tag team titles! [b]Coach[/b]: That was just lucky! Excuse me gentlemen, but I've got some business to take care of. Coach gets up, and starts walking down the ramp, and he stops right before the ring. Rhyno and Tajiri are calling for Coach to get in the ring, but suddenly get attacked by two men with steel chairs, who came from the crowd! It turns out to be Garrison Cade and Chuck Palumbo! [b]J.R.[/b]: This must be Coach's secret weapon that he was talking about! [b]Jerry Lawler[/b]: I think Coach struck gold with Chuck Palumbo here. He's probably the strongest guy on the Raw roster! Coach, Cade, and Palumbo celebrate up the ramp as we cut backstage. Edge is in his locker room watching a tape of his match last night as Chris Benoit comes in. [b]Chris Benoit[/b]: You ready? Edge ignores him. [b]Chris Benoit[/b]: Edge? [b]Edge[/b]: Yeah? [b]Chris Benoit[/b]: Come on, we have to go train for our match. Edge ignores him. [b]Chris Benoit[/b]: What the hell is wrong with you? [b]Edge[/b]: You don't know how pissed off I am. I had Orton in the grasp of my hands last night, but he got away with the belt. That should be my belt Chris, MINE! [b]Chris Benoit[/b]: I know you can beat Orton any day. But maybe last night just wasn't your night? [b]Edge[/b]: Wasn't my night? Every night is my night! I'm Edge, I'm the one who beat Kane in my debut match! [b]Chris Benoit[/b]: You did use a cast... [b]Edge[/b]: SO? Nevermind. Lets just get ready for our match. Edge gets up and the two leave Edge's locker room as we go to a commercial break. [b](78)[/b] [b]---Commercial Break---[/b] "The Game" by Moterhead starts playing, and Triple H walks out by himself, wearing his shirt and tights, and carrying his new World Title on his shoulder. The fans taunt him on his way down, but he just ignores it. He finally gets to the ring after all of the taunting, and waits for his opponent. Val Venis's music then hits, and he taunts the women as he comes down to the ring. [b]J.R.[/b]: Oh, this is just despicable. I guess this is Triple H's open challenge. [b]Jerry Lawler[/b]: What are you talking about? Val Venis is a serious contender! [b]Triple H vs. Val Venis[/b] The two circle around, the hook up. Triple H knees Venis in the gut and sends him crashing into a turnbuckle. Triple H hits a running clothesline on Venis then starts hitting him with some left and rights. He grabs his arm, and goes for a clothesline, but Venis ducks! Venis starts to fight back, and starts punching Triple H on the ropes. He runs back, then forward, goes for a clothesline, but Triple H flips him over his shoulders, crashing into the outside floor! Triple H gets out of the ring and starts beating on Venis as the ref counts. Triple H picks Venis up, and throws him into the steel steps. Several fans start booing Triple H loudly, but he just plays to the taunts. When the ref is at count six, Triple H gets in the ring. Venis finally gets up, and tries to climbs up the apron at count eight, but Triple H runs and hits him with his knee, knocking him off the apron! As the ref gets to nine, Triple H gets out of the ring, resetting the count. Triple H then whips Venis into the steel barricade! He gets back in the ring again, and waits for Venis. Venis finally gets into the ring at count seven. Venis tries to start fighting against Triple H, but gets knee in the gut, then gets a knee to the face! [b]He lifts Venis up, kick to the gut, Pedigree! Triple H pins, 1...2...3![/b] [b]Winner: Triple H[/b] [b](80,82,78) (**3/4)[/b] Triple H then gets his World Heavyweight Championship from the referee and orders a microphone from Lillian Garcia. [b]Triple H[/b]: You see this title? Nine times! Nine times I've held this title! And this time, no one is taking this away from me! Not Chris Benoit, not Shawn Michaels, not anyone! Not even this piece of crap! Val Venis is struggling to get up, and gets kicks in the side as a result! [b]Triple H[/b]: Like I said, not this piece of crap! Its official, I have beaten everyone on this entire roster! And its- Y5J...Y4J...Y3J...Y2J! Break the walls down! Chris Jericho poses, then turns around. [b]Chris Jericho[/b]: Would you please...SHUT THE HELL UP! You say the exact same thing every single week! Well I beat this guy. And this guy. Who the hell cares? [b]Triple H[/b]: Don't you remember, Chris? I beat you too! [b]Chris Jericho[/b]: SHUT THE HELL UP! Stop running your damn mouth and actually prove your talk is as good as your walk! Triple H throws the microphone down and tells Jericho to come down to the ring, only to get low blowed by Val Venis! [b]Chris Jericho[/b]: (laughing) Well Aitch, looks like your not ready to fight. See ya later, assclown! Chris Jericho continues laughing and heads backstage as we go to a commercial break. [b](98)[/b] [b]---Commercial Break---[/b] We're now cut backstage to Matt Hardy and Lita talking. [b]Matt Hardy[/b]: Are you sure about this? [b]Lita[/b]: Yes Matt, I’m sure. Matt hugs and kisses Lita. [b]Matt Hardy[/b]: This is the greatest day of my life! Now stay here, I have to go win the Intercontinental Title from Randy Orton. [b]Lita[/b]: Good luck. You can hear Randy Orton's music, and Hardy and Lita kiss, then Hardy runs off. Lita has an excited expression on her face, but you can see a tall shadow behind her as we cut back to the ring. [b](68)[/b] Randy Orton is in the ring now, gloating to the crowd with his Intercontinental Title. 10%...30%...70%...100%! "Live for the Moment" by Monster Magnet, and out comes Matt Hardy, V1. Mattitude Fact #1: Kane is not as cool as Matt Hardy. Mattitude Fact #2: Matt Hardy trusts his friends and loved ones. (I had to take a shot at it) Matt Hardy gets in the ring, takes off his jacket, and Randy Orton gives the referee his Intercontinental Title. [b]J.R.[/b]: Matt Hardy is coming off a huge win over Kane last night. Maybe he can win tonight too. [b]Jerry Lawler[/b]: You think so? With Kane lurking around this arena? I don't think so! [b][u]Intercontinental Title Match[/u] Randy Orton © vs. Matt Hardy[/b] The two hook up, and neither can gain an advantage until Orton knees Hardy in the gut. Orton picks Hardy up for a suplex, but Hardy slips out of it and hits a neckbreaker on Hardy! Hardy holds up the V1 sign to the crowd, but gets attacked from behind by Orton! Orton starts stomping the head of Matt Hardy, but is held back from the referee. He ignores the referee and locks in a vicious headlock! Orton lets go before the five count. He picks Hardy up, whips him into the ropes, goes for a clothesline, Hardy ducks, comes back, and hits Orton with the Side Effect! Hardy goes for a pin, 1...2...kickout! Out comes Batista. He watches the match closely as we go to a commercial break. [b]---Commercial Break--[/b] As we come back, Randy Orton is in charge of the match. Orton starts punching Matt Hardy, punches him onto the ropes, and clotheslines him out of the ring. Randy Orton starts distracting the referee, as Batista picks up Matt Hardy. He lifts Hardy up on his shoulders, and drops him face first on the steel steps! The ref starts counting. By count seven, Orton signals to Batista to put Hardy back into the ring. Randy Orton locks in a chinlock on Matt Hardy. After he has to let the hold go, he puts it back on, adding more pain on Hardy. He picks Hardy up, and tries to hit a European Uppercut, but Hardy moves out of the way. Hardy kicks Orton in the gut and goes for the Twist of Fate. Orton drives Matt Hardy into a corner, hurting his back. He tries to whip Hardy into the ropes, but Hardy reverses it! Orton runs back, gets kicked in the gut, Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate. BOOM! The turnbuckle pyros go out, but no one is coming out. Matt Hardy is in shock, and this distracts him enough for Randy Orton to get out of it and hits an [b]RKO on Matt Hardy! Orton pins, 1...2...3![/b] Batista comes in the ring and celebrates with Randy Orton as we go to a commercial break. [b]Winner: Randy Orton (79,80,78) (***)[/b] [b]---Commercial Break---[/b] [b]J.R.[/b]: Its time for our main event folks, and its sure to be a slobberknocker! [b]Jerry Lawler[/b]: You got that right. On one side you have Edge and Former World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Benoit. On the other you have "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and the man who cost Chris Benoit his World Championship last night, Eugene, the World Tag Team Champions. [b]J.R.[/b]: You know Chris Benoit wants revenge after his own friend, Eugene cost him the World Title. Here we go folks! WOOOO! Ric Flair's music hits and out comes the Nature Boy himself in a green robe. Eugene comes out behind Flair, doing the strut. Flair looks behind him and Eugene stops every time Flair looks at him. The two get to the ring, but Eugene keeps tries to touch Ric Flair, but Flair wont let him. "Whatever" by Our Lady Peace hits and Chris Benoit and Edge come out to a huge fan reaction. Eugene has a worried look on his face, so he "tags" in Ric Fair and hides behind the ropes. Edge decides to start the match, ignoring Chris Benoit. [b][u]World Tag Team Titles Match[/u] Ric Flair and Eugene Dinsmore © vs. Chris Benoit and Edge[/b] Edge and Flair start things out, with Edge trying to fight, but Flair getting out of the way. The two finally hook up, and Edge drive Flair into the turnbuckle. Edge goes to punch Flair, but Flair moves out of the way. Flair his three vicious chops on Edge! He holds Edge by his hair and sends him into the ropes, but Edge reverses it. Flair comes running back, and gets tossed over his shoulders! Edge climbs up a turnbuckle and waits for Flair to get up. Missile dropkick on Flair! Edge tags in Chris Benoit. Benoit picks up Flair, whips him into the ropes, runs up, and hits a clothesline on Flair! Benoit locks in an armbar on Flair, but Flair gets to the ropes. Benoit hits a few running elbow drops on Flair to keep him down. He picks up Flair and goes for a German suplex, but Flair low blows Benoit with out the ref seeing! Flair spins around, and hits a backdrop on Benoit. Flair does his famous strut. Flair goes to pick up Benoit, but gets repeatedly punched in the stomach. Knee to the gut, snap suplex on Flair! Flair, out of desperation, tags in Eugene. Eugene slowly gets in the ring, and asks Benoit if he's mad at him, and Benoit says no. Eugene starts clapping and jumping up and down. Then the two hook up, and Benoit starts kicking Eugene in the gut until Eugene is in a corner, then starts giving him some vicious chops. He starts punching Eugene in the head, then Eugene starts getting angry. Benoit punches him again, but Eugene starts "hulking up." Benoit runs to the ropes, comes back, and goes for a clothesline, but Eugene grabs his arm and goes for a Rock Bottom! He can't budge Benoit through. He tries again, but Chris Benoit locks in the Crippler Crossface! It looks like Eugene is about to tap, but Flair breaks up the hold. Benoit gets up, and Edge gets in the ring and goes for a spear on Flair, but Flair moves out of the way and [b]Edge accidentally spears Chris Benoit![/b] Edge starts getting out of the ring, and [b]Eugene pins Benoit. 1...2...3![/b] Edge just realized what happen and starts getting furious. Eugene starts celebrating in the ring with Flair, but Flair tries to stay away from him. Chris Benoit rolls out of the ring, holding his stomach. He then starts arguing with Edge, and the two argue vigorously as we go off the air. [b]Winners: Eugene Dinsmore and Ric Flair (80,83,76) (***)[/b]
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[quote][img]http://ourworld.cs.com/FlamingPunk77/wrecen.jpg[/img] [b]Chris Benoit Injured?[/b] Rumor has it that Chris Benoit is telling fellow workers backstage that he is feeling numbness in his hands, fearing that someing is going wrong with his neck. He will be taking an MRI next Tuesday. If he does have an injured neck, then he would be gone anywhere from eight months to a year. Lets hope for the best. [b]Trish Stratus Update[/b] With a broken hand, Trish will be out of action until late August. Right now shes recovering at home, taking it easy so she can return to action earlier than expected. She's expected to stay with Tyson Tomko though, not sure about Christian though. [b]TNA Releases Several Workers[/b] In a turn of proffessionalism, TNA released several deadweight wrestlers. To released were: Onyx, Heavy Metal, Monty Brown, April, Eric Young, Andy Douglas, Scott D'Amore, Rick Santel, Slash, D-Ray 3000, Dallas, Traci, Hotstuff Hernandez, David Young, Abismo Negro, Chase Stevens, Kazushi Kiyamoto, Goldylocks, and Bobby Rude. WWE has expressed interest in a few of these wrestlers, notably Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas of The Naturals, and Monty Brown. Scott Steiner and Shelton Benjamin are scheduled to return on Raw next month. At a house show on Friday, Edge was getting a lot of boos from the crowd. So Edge worked as a heel on the Saturday and Sunday house shows. [quote][color=orange][b]Heat Results for July 18th, 2005[/b] Jimmy Snuka Jr. def. Bobby Lashley in a Dark Match Steven Richards def. Maven Chuck Palumbo and Garrison Cade def. The Hurricane and Rosey in the Tag Team Titles Contenders Tournament Val Venis def. Tyson Tomko Rodney Mack def. Tajiri with help from Jazz[/color][/quote][/quote] ...
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[QUOTE][IMG]http://ourworld.cs.com/FlamingPunk77/Raw.JPG[/IMG] [color=red][b]Raw Preview for July 19th, 2004[/b][/color] As we ended Raw last week, Chris Benoit and Edge were arguing over their loss to World Tag Team Champions, Eugene and Ric Flair. This week, the two will take on two other Evolution members, and their Vengeance opponents, Triple H and Randy Orton. Can the two co-exist? Also last week, Coach announced Eric Bischoff's idea for a tournament to determine the number one contenders to the World Tag Team Titles. On Raw, the new team of Rhyno and Tajiri defeated La Resistance. And on Heat, Coach's new team of Chuck Palumbo and Garrison Cade defeated The Hurricane and Rosey. On next weeks Raw, the two teams will face off for the number one contendership, but they will fight in singles competition on Raw. Tajiri will take on Garrison Cade and Rhyno will take on Chuck Palumbo. After his interference last week, Matt Hardy has asked to fight Batista one on one on Raw! With this match, will Lita telling Matt that shes pregnant help his motivation? Or will Kane cost him his match again? Also, Raw will start off with the Highlight Reel, with special guest, William Regal! Stay tuned for Raw, 9:00 ET / 6:00 PT, only on Spike TV! [u][b]Confimed Matches:[/b][/u] Triple H and Randy Orton vs. Chris Benoit and Edge Batista vs. Matt Hardy Chuck Palumbo vs. Rhyno Tajiri vs. Garrison Cade[/QUOTE] ...
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[center][img]http://ourworld.cs.com/FlamingPunk77/Raw.JPG[/img] [color=red][size=2][b]WWE Raw Results for July 19th, 2004[/b][/size][/color] [i]Show Rating: 78% (-1) Television Rating: 5.56 (-.46) Attendance: 7042 (+497) Ticket Sales: $281,680 (+19880)[/i] "Across the Nation" by Union Underground starts playing, and the Raw intro starts playing. When its over, we're in the arena, where the usual pyros are going off, and Chris Jericho is in the ring with the Highlight Reel set. [b]Chris Jericho[/b]: Welcome to the Highlight Reel! And my guest has a lot on his mind. His name is...ladies and gentlemen, William Regal! William Regal’s music starts playing and he comes out wearing dress clothes to a decent pop. He gets in the ring and Chris Jericho hands him a microphone. [b] Chris Jericho[/b]: Nice to see ya Willy. Long time no see, eh? [b]William Regal[/b]: No time for chit chat, I’ve come here to address those bloody toe-rags of Evolution! You think you can stop me from seeing Master Eugene? I can’t even call him, or get within one hundred feet of the boy! Now I demand that you come down and give me an explanation! Or I’ll- “Line in the Sand” by Moterhead hits and Randy Orton comes out to the ring with his Intercontinental Title and a microphone. He walks down the ramp, but stop before the ring. [b]Randy Orton[/b]: You want to know why you can’t talk to Master Eugene, old man? [b]William Regal[/b]: See here you little- [b]Randy Orton[/b]: Do you want an explanation or not? (Regal calms down) I thought so. You see, Eugene has finally come to his senses. He realized that you were always against him. We even got some video footage. [b]Chris Jericho[/b]: Well then, show the footage, monkeys! Orton’s video starts playing. It shows from the first time Eugene debuted on Raw, where William Regal was forced to manage Eugene. Then it shows various matches Eugene had from Raw and live events, where William Regal was trying to screw him out of them. [b]Randy Orton[/b]: You see, William, that's why Eugene came to realize that you were against him. That's why as of last week, Eugene ordered a hundred feet restraining order from you! Looks like you wont be anywhere near Master Eugene again! Randy Orton does the Orton Pose, then walks backstage. Both William Regal and Chris Jericho have shocked looks on their faces as we go to a commercial break. [b](80)[/b] [b]---Commercial Break---[/b] [b]J.R.[/b]: How dare Evolution! Now they’re forcing William Regal to stay away from Eugene! [b]Jerry “The King” Lawler[/b]: How do you know they forced him to? Randy Orton have some pretty good evide- [b]J.R.[/b]: You know they forced him to, bah gawd! “Line in the Sand” by Moterhead plays for the second time of the night, as Batista comes down to the ring, surprisingly to a few cheers for being in his hometown. Then “Live for the Moment” by Monster Magnet hits, and Matt Hardy comes down to the ring with Lita. Mattitude Fact #1:Matt loves chocolate pudding. Mattitude Fact #2: Matt was always the best Hardy Boy. Hardy gets in the ring, and the ref starts the first match of the night! [b]Batista vs. Matt Hardy w/ Lita[/b] Matt Hardy was surely out for revenge after what Batista did last week, as Hardy pounced on Batista the second the bell rung. He punches left and rights over and over, until Batista grabs onto the bottom rope. The referee pulls Hardy off of Batista, which causes an argument. In the middle of the argument, Batista clothesline Hardy in the back of the head! He picks up Hardy and whips him in to the corner. Batista his a stiff clothesline on Hardy, followed by some hard-hitting elbows to Hardy’s face. He pulls Hardy out of the corner, and whips him into the ropes. Hardy comes back, and gets hit with another clothesline! He picks him up, whips him into the ropes, but Hardy comes back and connects with a Side Effect! Hardy starts punching Batista, then hits a leg drop on Batista. Hardy starts taunting, Batista gets up, Hardy locks Batista in, Twist of Fate! Hardy goes to pin Batista, but the pyros go off! Out walks Kane, very slowly. Hardy runs out of the ring, and starts fighting with Kane. The two brawl down the ramp, then Kane starts getting a huge advantage. He whips Hardy into the steel barricade and keeps punching Hardy until he falls down. Then he [b]takes the ring announcer’s chair, walks back to Hardy, and starts beating him with it. The ref calls for a DQ![/b] Kane ignores it, and keeps hitting Hardy with that steel chair. He pulls Hardy up and makes him lean on the barricade, then hits him with a chair shot that can be heard around the arena! Kane slowly walks off, as Lita tends to a bloody Matt Hardy as we go to a commercial break. [b]Winner: Matt Hardy by DQ (76,78,74) (**3/4)[/b] [b]---Commercial Break---[/b] [b]J.R.[/b]: That sadistic son of a bitch, he deserves to be fired for his actions. [b]Jerry “The King” Lawler[/b]: You think Mr. Bischoff would fire Kane? He would end up worse that Matt Hardy just did! Tajiri’s music hits, and Tajiri comes down to the ring without Rhyno. He’s about half way down the ramp, and all of a sudden, he gets jumped from behind by Garrison Cade, Chuck Palumbo, and The Coach! The three pound on Tajiri, then The Coach takes off his belt and hits Tajiri with it! He then take a microphone out of his pocket. [b]The Coach[/b]: You think you can humiliate me Tajiri? Well guess what? Your match with Garrison Cade tonight? Cancelled! Because I got the boss to reschedule that match to next week. And it’s been changed to a special referee match! And guess who that referee is? Me! So you better- Out of no where, Rhyno’s music hits, and Rhyno runs down the ramp! Cade, Palumbo, and Coach Run down the ramps and jump into the crowd. Rhyno check on Tajiri as Coach tells Palumbo to get in the ring for his match. Which is up next. [b](69)[/b] [b]---Commercial Break---[/b] [b]Chuck Palumbo w/ Garrison Cade and Coach vs. Rhyno[/b] The match already started in the commercial break, so were already about two minutes into the match. Rhyno and Palumbo are battling it out with punching with Rhyno getting the advantage. Garrison Cade gets on the apron trying to distract the ref. While the ref isn’t looking, Palumbo pokes Rhyno in the eyes. He hits two punches, runs against the ropes, comes back, and Rhyno tosses him into Garrison Cade! The two fall out of the ring, and the ref starts counting. Rhyno gets out of the ring, and starts punching Palumbo. Cade gets up, but gets whipped into the steel steps! Rhyno keeps punching Cade, and gets in and out of the ring to restart the count. Rhyno gets punching Palumbo, Coach gets a chair out of the ring and is about to hit Rhyno from behind, but the chair gets taken away from his by...Tajiri! Coach turns around to get green mist sprayed in his eyes! As the ref’s count is at 7, Rhyno throws Palumbo back into the ring. He stomps on Palumbo a few times then picks him up. Rhyno hits a hard hitting suplex on Palumbo. He picks Palumbo up, goes for another suplex, put Palumbo gets out of it. Palumbo pushes Rhyno into the ropes, Rhyno comes back, GORE GORE GORE! Rhyno goes to pin Palumbo, but Coach gets on the apron and tries to distract the referee. Rhyno walks over to stop Coach, but Tajiri pulls Coach off, and he goes chin first into the apron! Cade walks over to stop Tajiri, but get a stiff kick to the face! While this is happening, [b]Rhyno gets rolled up from behind, 1...2...3![/b] Palumbo gets out of the ring quickly as Tajiri runs in. Palumbo gets Coach and Cade up slowly as they head to the back. [b]Winner: Chuck Palumbo (71,71,72) (**3/4)[/b] [b]---Commercial Break---[/b] We come back from commercial break and we’re now in Eric’s Bischoff’s office, with Evolution inside. [b]Eric Bischoff[/b]: Look, Chris Jericho was just in my office demanding for a World Heavyweight Championship match against you at Summerslam. It’s all up to you champ. [b]Triple H[/b]: Chris Jericho? The man who could never beat me? What has he done to deserve a *Ric Flair whispers in Triple H’s ear* [b]Triple H[/b]: You know what, I accept. But, only if he can beat a challenge of mine next week. Imagine this Eric, Chris Jericho versus Randy Orton! ...And Batista! [b]Eric Bischoff[/b]: I like it a lot Hunter, I like it a lot. [b](85)[/b] We’re now faded Chris Benoit’s locker room, where Benoit is doing pushups. Edge walks in. [b]Edge[/b]: Chris! Benoit ignores him. [b]Edge[/b]: Chris! Benoit still ignores him. [b]Edge[/b]: CHRIS! Benoit gets up and gets in Edge’s face. [b]Chris Benoit[/b]: Shut the hell up! You’re lucky I’m talking to you after what happened last week! [b]Edge[/b]: It was a mistake! [b]Chris Benoit[/b]: Sure it was. You get angry with me earlier in the night, and you’re saying that spear was unintentional? [b]Edge[/b]: I swear to you Chris! It was a *bleep*ing mistake! [b]Chris Benoit[/b]: You’re sure as hell lucky I’m a true competitor, or I would leave you alone in that ring tonight! Chris Benoit leaves the locker room and Edge is furious.[b] (82)[/b] [b]---Commercial Break---[/b] Holy backstage segments, Batman. Now we’re backstage with Matt and Lita. [b]Matt Hardy[/b]: So you’re absolutely sure? [b]Lita[/b]: I really hope so. I’m going next Monday morning, then I’ll find out. But don’t be surprised if.. [b]Matt Hardy[/b]: If what? [b]Lita[/b]: I’ll tell you later. I just can’t tell you right now. Lita walks off, leaving Hardy in an awkward position. [b](73)[/b] We’re now back in the arena with J.R. and The King. [b]Jerry “The King” Lawler[/b]: Trouble in paradise? [b]J.R.[/b]: You call their lives paradise? With Kane ruining it? [b]Jerry “The King” Lawler[/b]: Well nothing’s perfect J.R. [b]J.R.[/b]: Anyways folks, lets look at the Smackdown Rebound. [color=blue]We cut back to last week’s Smackdown. It shows Vince McMahon announcing Paul Heyman as the new Smackdown General Manager, announcing Eddie Guerrero being injured, then JBL vs. The Undertaker ending in a no contest when Kurt Angle interfered, attacking both men.[/color] The second the video ends, “Line in the Sand” by Moterhead starts and out walks World Champ Triple H, and Intercontinental Champ Randy Orton, with Ric Flair. The three walk down to the ring, with a numerous amount of boos. They get in the ring, the ref tries to take their titles from them, but Flair takes them instead. He gets out of the ring, and holds one on each shoulder. “Whatever” by Our Lady Peace hits, and out walks Chris Benoit to an almost standing ovation, proving he’s still mega over. He walks down to the ring, waiting for Edge. No one. He starts walking up the steps. No one. He gets a nervous look on his face, then going to enter the ring. “You Think You Know Me?” hits and Edge starts running down to the ring. The two get in the ring, and start fighting, Benoit with Triple H, and Edge with Randy Orton. At almost the exact same time, Benoit and Edge clothesline Triple H and Orton outside of the ring. Looks like the two are finally on the same page. Ric Flair throws the titles at Lillian Garcia, and goes to check on the two as we go to a commercial break. [b]---Commercial Break--[/b] [b]Chris Benoit and Edge vs. Triple H and Randy Orton[/b] As we come back, Triple has Edge in his corner, and tags in Orton. Triple H stretches out Edge, and Orton delivers a hard hitting punch on Edge’s ribs! Orton hits a few stomps on Edge, then kicks Edge in the ribs when he tries to get up! Orton picks Edge up, knees him in the gut a few times. He picks Edge up for a suplex, but falls forward! Orton hops up, Orton pose! Edge starts to gets on his knees, but Orton hits a running dropkick on Edge! Orton starts pounding on the back of Edge’s head, then lock in the chin lock. He holds it in, 2...3...4...he lets go. He puts the hold back in, 2..3...4...only to be broken up by Chris Benoit. Benoit gets back in his corner. Orton picks up Edge and tags in Triple H. The two go for a double suplex, but Edge slips out of it! He goes to tag in Benoit, but Triple H grabs his leg. Edge flips around and kicks Triple H in the face! Edge tags in Chris Benoit! Triple H gets up and backs off as he see Benoit walking to him. Benoit starts punching Triple H, but Triple H trips him into the corner. His turns him around and starts hitting some punches on Benoit, but Benoit ducks and hits three vicious chops on Triple H! He pulls Triple H out of the corner, and whips him into the ropes. Benoit runs for a clothesline, but Triple H ducks. Benoit runs back and gets spinebustered! Sneakily, Orton grabs the World Title from Flair. Flair then tries to distract the ref. Triple H picks him up, goes for the Pedigree, but Benoit flips him over his back! Orton runs in, and tries to hit Benoit with the title, but Benoit grabs his arm and locks him in the Crippler Crossface! Orton starts tapping, but [b]Triple H hits Benoit in the back of the head with the title! Triple H pins, the ref turns around, 1...Edge tries to get in the ring, but Flair grabs his leg...2...3![/b] Edge kicks Flair away and runs in the ring. He starts attacking Triple H, but gets turned around and RKOed! Flair toss the titles and two chairs into the ring. Flair takes the titles, and both Orton and Triple H each take a chair. They wait for Edge to start getting up to hit him. [b]BREAK THE WALLS DOWN! Out come Chris Jericho and William Regal! Evolution runs through the crowd, and Regal and Jericho follow them![/b] [b]Winners: Triple H and Randy Orton (85,87,81) (***1/4)[/b] We’re now left with Chris Benoit and Edge in the ring, both starting to get up. Benoit is obviously pissed off at Edge not helping him. The two start arguing vigorously, both extremely pissed off. You can see Edge starting to pull his hair. Out of no where, Edge sucker-punches Benoit! He picks up one of the steel chairs and yells “You made me do this Chris!” He repeatedly hits Benoit with the steel chair then throws it down. He picks Benoit up and give him the Edgecution on the steel chair! Edge keeps screaming “You made me do this Chris!” as Raw comes to an end.[/center]
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