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Converter from 05 to 07?

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To convert it, you would have to somehow make it automatically change the new stats over, the styles would have to automatically just change somehow, and I'm sure there are a dozen other problems with the new features already announced, not to mention the unannounced ones, so, unfortunately, you're probably SOL.
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You would still have to change things such as the new promotion style, owner/booker style, and announcer stat, but besides that, I'm guessing the conversion will be pretty smooth. Seeing as Adam said that 07 is built over 05, I'm guessing they'll use basically the same file type and structure. So conversion should go smooth.
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[QUOTE=sitebender;141484]I would think because its based off of 2005 it could auto add stats and certain things, or match up the new style system based on the stereotypical old style systems.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I'm sure it would, but I think to better fit some promotions, you would have to change it anyway.
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[QUOTE=weirdo_man;141500]Man I hope that the world can't sustain 5 global federations in 07, cause that's completely ridiculous and unrealistic.[/QUOTE] With the right conditions, it would be possible, even in only 14 years or less. Really, a global promotion doesn't mean that it's the promotion that rules the world, it's just one that's very well-known world-wide. Hell, if rich people started running promotions and they got TV time for them on major networks (not hard if you're rich, or own the network) across the world, it would be possible. Not likely, bu possible.
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No, I really don't think it would be possible, because a global promotion isn't going to stay in business, even if hte owner has millions of dollars, if it's loses enormous amounts of money. No business owner keeps a business open if it is losing enormous amounts of cash.
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WWE isn't losing a lot of money (if any at all), and it's a global promotion. Since it's just about the only one right now, I don't see where you get it that they lose a lot of money. Sure, WCW did, but that's because of direct competition with WWE. If they didn't compete directly, they would probably have been fine.
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[QUOTE=Akki;141524]WWE isn't losing a lot of money (if any at all), and it's a global promotion. Since it's just about the only one right now, I don't see where you get it that they lose a lot of money. Sure, WCW did, but that's because of direct competition with WWE. If they didn't compete directly, they would probably have been fine.[/QUOTE] no, wcw didn't lose due to competition, but to poor management, such as over pruducing merchandise and such. they lost like 100 million in a year vs ecw loss of over 8 million
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I still think that if WCW hadn't been competing with WWE, they would have been able to get more people to watch they're shows, thereby boosting earnings. And the only reason WCW lost more than ECW was that they had more to spend.
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Akki, I get the idea that global promotions lose money IF THERE ARE 7 OF THEM. In the past, we've seen where 2 global promotions couldn't be sustained by our world, so how could 7 global promotions ever be sustained for any period of time? The wrestling industry almost NEVER has the strength needed to put enough money into promotions such that 7 global promotions could come out in the green.
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I wouldn't say that two promotions couldn't have been sustained; for a couple of years we had both WWF and WCW being red hot and making money, we don't know if they could have continued that success simply because WCW basically sunk itself, that was to do with management rather than the industry collapsing. While I agree that seven is a bit unrealistic, I don't think you could really discount maybe four being able to survive. The US is a big place after all, it's not like there's a shortage of potential customers.
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;141589]I wouldn't say that two promotions couldn't have been sustained; for a couple of years we had both WWF and WCW being red hot and making money, we don't know if they could have continued that success simply because WCW basically sunk itself, that was to do with management rather than the industry collapsing. While I agree that seven is a bit unrealistic, I don't think you could really discount maybe four being able to survive. The US is a big place after all, it's not like there's a shortage of potential customers.[/QUOTE] I think you're right, but what if it's not just the US? I could see promotions in Canada or the UK becoming huge. Any English-speaking country, really. I'm not discounting other languages or anything, but English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and would therefore be used for a Global promotion. That also isn't to say that a promotion in a non-English-speaking country couldn't use English as it's primary language, it would just be hard to sustain, especially when you're alienating your home fanbase.
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Agreed but if a non English speaking promotion got a cult following in the US it might be able to achieve Global (by TEW standards because in real life its quite arbitrary). The fed would have to present its product (TV show, DVDs etc.) with English subtitles and/or overdubs. Perhaps with interviews redone in English for the workers that can speak it. Of course an entertainment based promotion would have a much harder time but then again the USA is king of the entertainment based feds anyway. Fans of foreign feds are looking at the in ring product more often than not. Think about the Anime craze in the US. And the dialogue is so much more important (and more often than not butchered in the USA versions). Just a thought.
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Well I made 2 global promotions. I mean I found my way to TCW and brought them from cult to Global, I started my own promotion NEW. 5 promotions can exist, even when the Canadian Market is F and the money is F, they can all make millions of dollars a month, but the trick is strangling them off by declairing war :-) I am at war with SWF and TCW, TCW and SWF are at war too. I'm SLOWLY wittling away TCW, and honestly I'm surprised its still Global, but its good in Mexico too. I've stolen lots of talent for far too much money, I have no PPV at all, I'm only making 100,000 in profit a month, meanwhile everyone else is making millions and I have the most popular promotion in the US and Canada.
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