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Pro Wrestling Unleashed! (Cornellverse)

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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;164853]Just read the last 2 shows, good work on them. I noticed it was yet to be nominated and was missing, so I just nominated this diary as a last second add in the GDS DIARY AWARD thread.[/QUOTE] Wow, Thank You very much. It is nice to know that other people enjoy this.
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif [/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 3 in February 1,983 in attendance At The Den[/COLOR] [B][URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Revenge begins.[/B][/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] Skip starts the show in the ring and he does not look happy. He calls out the Extinction Agenda for the beating they gave Puerto Rican Power at the end of last weeks show. He says he blames himself for putting Luke and PRP in that situation and that a mistake like that will not be made again; however, that does not mean the Extinction Agenda will not pay for their actions. He tells them that at Beat Your Heart Out, the Extinction Agenda will be involved in a tag match, and their opponents for that match will be announced later. In fact one will be announced during the Main Event, as Axel will find out in a 1 on 1 match up. He further stipulates that if any member of the Extinction Agenda gets involved tonight he will be forced to show the full force of their punishment and unleash the other member as well. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]2) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kitayama.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG]M & N [COLOR="Purple"]vs. [/COLOR]Rayne & Payne[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Rayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Payne.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Kitayama and Kazuma were preoccupied the entire match. Both were obviously waiting for Mitch to come out and start an attack. This left the duo vulnerable to Rayne and Paynes high flying attack and ultimately led to their upset defeat at the hands of the girls, who capitalized on every lapse in focus from M & N. [CENTER][B]Winner: Rayne & Payne ([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Mitch came out, in fits of manic laughter. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“You know I was going to come out and surprise you two, but after watching from backstage it was clear that two girls was enough to take care of you. You two are an example of what’s wrong with PWU! You aren’t willing to go the distance, and that’s why we are making you our first example. The Hardcore Renaissance is about to begin, and if you think you can handle it, we’d be more than happy to make you the first casualties at Beat Your Heart Out.” [/COLOR][B]([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [B]3)[/B] Once again in the bowels of the arena, The Violator torments the Masked Wrestler. This time Masked Wrestler is chained up to various ropes and pulleys, at which one end Victor pulls on a rope that tightens everything else and stretches the Masked Wrestler’s limbs. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Why are you doing this”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Why? Why!? Such an insignificant question is Why. Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet? Some things are, just because that’s how they need to be.” “No.” “A better question for you to ask would have been, When. As in, When will you learn to embrace the suffering? When will you learn that pain is the ultimate reward and those that run from it are doomed to be tormented by it. And when, my dear child, will you finally become Immortal.” [/COLOR][B]([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]4) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Jubal.jpg[/IMG]Jubal [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Rafael[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Rafael.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Once again Jubal is showing his more aggressive streak. Both men are very good technical wrestlers, however, rather than a technical feast, Jubal is once again displaying a surprise aptitude for power wrestling and brawling. The style worked quite well for Jubal in fact as he was still able to reverse and counter much of what Rafael attempted, but, was able to wear down Rafael with a combination of suplexes and slams. The match ended when after a devastating powerslam, Jubal grabbed Rafael by the legs and put him in an eleveated boston crab. Jubal reared back, his knee thrust into Rafael’s back, and put a tremendous amount of pressure on Rafael’s weakened mid-section. Helpless, Rafael had no choice but to submit. [CENTER][B]Winner: Jubal ([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] Rafael continued to slam his hand to the mat, hoping that Jubal would release the hold. But an enraged Jubal had no sense of mercy. He continued to rear back putting pressure on Rafael, who was fading fast. Finally, Manuel DeLa Vega and Dominique made their way down to the ring and with the help of PWU officials were able to pry Jubal off of an unconscious Rafael. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5)[/B] Before his scheduled match, The Alcatraz Kid comes out with mic in hand: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“When will you embrace the suffering? When will you become immortal? Hey Violator, I got one for you. When will you stop hiding behind that overgrown mime and come face me yourself? If you really want to experience pain and suffering, I’ll be the first in line to give it out, all you have to do is meet me at Beat Your Heart Out.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TAK.jpg[/IMG]The Alcatraz Kid [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] General Savage[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/General.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] After the last segment, it wasn’t too much of a surprise to see The Alcatraz Kid pick up the victory. However, TAK and General Savage were able to put on a very entertaining bout in which the General was just beat to every punch. The Alcatraz Kid was pumped up and eventually ended the match with a [I]Superkick[/I] [CENTER][B]Winner: The Alcatraz Kid ([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]6) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cypher.jpg[/IMG]Cypher [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] El Chupacabra[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Chupa.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was a decent cruiserweight bout. El Chupacabra was much quicker than Cypher and was trying to wear the veteran out; however, the wily (as all veterans are wily) Cypher had too much experience to bite. This forced El Chupacabra to break his game plan and take chances one of which was shooting star press which Cypher was able to stop, getting his knees up just in time. From there, Cypher showed El Chupacabra just why he has been able to last in the business so long; eventually ending the match with a [I]Frogsplash[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: Cypher ([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match we cut away to the back where Cyndi was watching the match from a monitor. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C-[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] Axel comes out and begins to talk about Skip’s decision. He says he’s not scared of whoever Skip has planned for him, as he’s sure there is nobody within the entire company that he can’t take care of. That’s when [URL="http://song2play.com/h/hoobastank-3799/hoobastank-17378/crawling_in_the_dark-230552.html"]Luke Leblancs music[/URL] hit. Axel was shaking his head in disbelief as Luke made his way down to the ring and as Luke entered Axel interrupted and began to speak. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“You have got to be kidding me. You’re one of the big surprise opponents for Beat Your Heart Out? How many times do I have to beat you, kid? Let me guess, our other opponent is Puerto Rican Power?” [/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“There’s only one way to find out right”[/COLOR] Luke said, right before throwing a right cross that knocked Axel right down to the mat. The ref called for the bell, signaling the start of the match and immediately went to check on Axel. This gave Luke to throw a small object from the ring leaving Stephanie and the audience to wonder about what they just saw. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B- for the taunt and reveal[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Luke.jpg[/IMG]Luke Leblanc [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Axel “Ironhorse” Smoker[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] With the ref finally out of the way, Luke wasted no time taking it to Axel after the surprise punch. He realized that he was going to have to act quickly before Axel had time to react. So, as Axel began to sit up, Luke rebounded off the ring ropes and nailed him in the jaw with a seated dropkick. The blow sent Axel on his back and must have knocked him for a loop because the ref got to about 2 2/3 before Axel lifted his shoulder and got out of Luke’s quick pin attempt. This didn’t deter Luke however, as he kept moving, striking Axel with chops and kicks; continually keeping Axel off balance. And the blow from before must have worked because, Axel just could not keep up and was peppered by shots that he didn’t even seem to see coming. This went on for quite awhile until it was obviously clear that Axel was too out of it to continue and the ref called for the bell. [CENTER][B]Winner: Luke Leblanc ([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Chastity made her way to ringside along with The Icon and Asgard. They blocked the exit but made sure not to enter the ring as Chastity walked around apparently looking for something. Seeing something, Chastity picked up a small object and grabbed a microphone from the ring announcer. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“A roll of quarters? What the hell is this? You can’t beat us fair, so you resort to this….”[/COLOR] This prompted Skip to make his way to the top of the ramp. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Just fighting fire with fire little sister. You guys can’t seem to play nice, so, I felt it was time you saw what the other side of the coin looked like. Don’t worry though, at Beat Your Heart Out you will lose fair and square. Now get out of here before I get upset and let my other little surprise out of the bag.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“You know what Skip, I say, we just let it all out now!”[/COLOR] Before Chastity even finished The Icon and Asgard were in the ring and surrounded Luke; but before they could attack, the lights died down and [URL="http://song2play.com/m/metallica-3373/ride_the_lightning-15150/for_whom_the_bell_tolls-200627.html"]The Bell Tolled[/URL]. When the lights came back on The Icon and Asgard were no longer surrounding just Luke, but they were face to face with Forsaken Angel as well. The appearance definitely caught them by surprise as Forsaken Angel laid into The Icon and subjected him to a [I]Fall From Grace[/I]. Asgard who was tied up with Luke was then double teamed and thrown out of the ring; all while Chastity watched with a look of horror on her face. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Surprise, little sis. Meet your opponents for Beat Your Heart Out!”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B for every angle involved[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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[U][B]Good News for a Change[/B][/U] As we were wrapping up the booking meeting, Chastity received a call. It was actually a call that we had all been anticipating as the implications of this call meant a great deal to the future success of PWU. Chastity wasn’t saying much, she answered with a series of “uh huhs” and “yes’s” that forced the rest of us wait on in suspense. I had the sneaking suspicion that she knew this and was quietly taking delight in her silent torture. Finally Chastity threw us a bone and actually spoke to the person on the other end of the line. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“That sounds great, I promise, you won’t be disappointed.”[/COLOR] A collective sigh of relief filled the air as it was evident that PWU would be back on television in just 2 more weeks. Chastity hung up the phone, smiled and gave us the details. PWU Revenge would air from 10:30 pm to 12:00am every Thursday night on National Pride TV.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif [/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 4 in February 2,000 in attendance At Pennsylvania Park[/COLOR] [B][URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as Sue and Stephanie announce the crowd that PWU will return to television next week on National Pride TV.[/B][/CENTER] [B]1[/B] The show starts out in Skips office where once again Chastity is pissed off and yelling at him. She says that last week he pulled a dirty trick on her and EA, but now that they are prepared for Forsaken Angel they won’t be so easy to defeat. Skip tells her that that’s good because tonight he’s booking a match between any EA member and Forsaken Angel in the main event. This sends Chastity into a tirade which she ends by warning Skip that he better watch out because he’s going to get his soon. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]A[/COLOR] for the argument about Forsaken Angel [COLOR="Purple"]B+[/COLOR] for the match announcement)[/B] [B]2)[/B] We’re in the parking lot where Cypher has just arrived. Before he can step out of his car he’s approached by Cyndi Smythe. She compliments him and tells him that she’s been having a lot of trouble in the ring lately and was wondering if he had any more advice to help her get over the slump. Cypher responds by saying he’s taken quite an interest in her matches and sees a lot of potential in her. He then offers to help her train but only if she’s willing to take direction and not question his techniques. Before he can finish, Cyndi excitedly squeals with delight and gives Cypher an unexpected hug, prompting Stephanie to comment: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Did you see the look on his face? It has got to have been decades since Cypher has had a 20 year old women jumping all over him. I don’t think he knows just what he got himself into.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR] for both the advice and mentor offer)[/B] [CENTER][B]3) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dominique.jpg[/IMG]Dominique Fletcher [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Manuel DeLa Vega[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Manuel.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This match went pretty well in the beginning as both competitors were comfortable with each other, both flying around the ring, exhibiting some good cruiserweight action. However, the crowd seemed to be expecting Jubal to come out the whole time, which took quite a bit of heat away from the match and lessened the impact of Jubal’s eventual interference. [CENTER][B]Winner by DQ: Manuel DeLa Vega ([COLOR="Purple"]C-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]4)[/B] Skip is just leaving his office when he is approached by The Icon and Axel. They immediately surround him and begin intimidating him and it’s clear they intend to do some damage, however, before they can do anything Luke Leblanc and Forsaken Angel round a corner and get in between them and Skip. The four of them begin jawing at each other before Axel and The Icon walk away. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]5) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Mitch.jpg[/IMG]Mitch Sanders [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Kitayama Moschino[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kitayama.jpg[/IMG] in a hardcore match[/B][/CENTER] Not a bad match, considering Kitayama’s isn’t exactly known for his expertise in this setting. Mitch was in control of much of this match, being in his element he really took it too Kitayama. However, Kitayama possessed the trump card in the fact that the chance of Kazuma Narato getting involved in the match was a strong possibility. The match came to a head when Mitch having control of the match took Kitayama down with repeated chair shots. He then rolled out of the ring, looked around underneath it, and somehow unearthed a sledgehammer. Upon entering the ring again he nailed Kitayama right in the back with the weapon. He then made a pin on Kitayama however, as the referee was about to make the 3 count, Mitch lifted his opponents shoulder of the mat. As the ref watched in astonishment Mitch once again grabbed the sledgehammer fully intending to use it on his downed opponent once more. The ref trying to stop Mitch, gave Kazuma just enough time to come out from backstage and grab a chair at ringside. He then turned Mitch around and nailed him with the chair, busting the man wide open. He pelted Mitch with the chair a couple more times before rousing Kitayama and helping his partner make the pin for the victory. The match ended with Kitayama and Kazuma heading back up the entrance ramp, arms raised in victory, as a busted open Mitch laughed maniacally in the ring shouting various things about the Hardcore Renaissance. [CENTER][B]Winner: Kitayama Moschino ([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]6)[/B] Backstage there is a brawl taking place between Victor and The Alcatraz Kid. The Alcatraz Kid is holding his own against Victor when suddenly he’s hit in the back of the head with a forearm from The Violator. The Violator and Victor then put the boots to The Alcatraz Kid leaving him down and out. Upon leaving The Violator leans in close the The Alcatraz Kid and says: “Be careful what you ask for, child, because you might just get it. See you at Beat Your Heart Out.” [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR] for the brawl [COLOR="Purple"]A[/COLOR] for the response)[/B] [CENTER][B]7) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cyndi.jpg[/IMG]Cyndi Smythe [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] General Savage[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/General.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Cyndi Smythe made her way to the ring with Cypher at her side. The addition of a mentor seemed to work wonders for Cyndi as she was able to take control of the match and wasn’t as easily frustrated as she had been in previous matches. Throughout the match Cypher could be heard giving instructions, which obviously worked as Cyndi landed [I]Southern Hospitality[/I] for the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: Cyndi Smythe ([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]8)[/B] The Icon comes out to the ring and begins apologizing to the fans. He says he’s sorry but due to Skips Main Event, he won’t be able to defend his title at Beat Your Heart Out. He says he knows that is the only reason many fans pay for the pay-per-views, but he has no choice but to stand by the EA in the main event. However, he announces since he won’t be defending his title at the pay per view, he’ll do so now to the next person who comes out. The next person to come out was, Luke Leblanc and he hit the ring hard to start the match. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR] for both angles)[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Luke.jpg[/IMG]Luke Leblanc [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] The Icon ©[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG] for the Unleashed! National Championship[/B][/CENTER] This was a straight up brawl between the two competitors. However, The Icon took cheap shots and cheated throughout the match. Midway through the match Chastity made her way to ringside and further skewed the odds. The match ended when Chastity got the refs attention, leaving The Icon with the opportunity to use dirty tactics. The Icon clotheslined Luke to the mat and rolled out of the ring, bringing a chair with him. By this time Luke was already up however, and as The Icon rolled in, Luke stomped the man down. He picked The Icon up, pelted him with a couple elbows to the jaw and DDT’d the man on top of the chair that The Icon had brought into the ring. Unfortunately, Chastity saw what was happening and as Luke drove The Icon head first into the chair, Chastity spun the referee around giving him a clear view of what just happened. The ref had no choice but to call for the bell and give The Icon the victory via DQ. [CENTER][B]Winner by DQ: The Icon ([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] The match is over and The Icon and Chastity are headed backstage, as they round a corner in the hall, they comes face to face with T-Rex, who taunts: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Nice defense “Champ.”[/COLOR] As T-Rex walked away, The Icon was visibly fuming and it was apparant he was contemplating attacking the man, however, Chastity dragged The Icon away telling him they had business to discuss with the rest of the EA. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]9)[/B] Ethan is backstage facing a camera. He says he’s tired of Victor and The Violator getting involved in his business, and he’s appalled at what they did to The Alcatraz Kid tonight. He says he doesn’t know what weird plans they have for him, but if they want a fight they can meet him in the ring at Beat Your Heart Out. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR] for both angles)[/B] [B]10)[/B] We’re back in the locker room where The Extinction Agenda have just made a decision on something. The Icon and Axel have huge smiles on their face, as they are rejoicing over the fact that “they have screwed up Skips plans once again,” however, off to the side is a very unhappy looking Asgard, as Chastity states: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Good then it’s decided, Asgard you’re in the match tonight.”[/COLOR] [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B+[/COLOR] for the discussion, [COLOR="Purple"]A[/COLOR] for the announcement)[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Asgard.jpg[/IMG]Asgard [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Forsaken Angel[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/ForsakenAngel.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Asgard never really had a chance in this match, and “surprisingly” The Icon and Axel did not join Asgard at ringside. Asgard’s only hope was for Chastity to interfere, however, try as she might, Forsaken Angel was much too focused on the match at hand and easily overcame her weak attempts. Asgard was finally put out of his misery after receiving a [I]Fall From Grace[/I]. [CENTER][B]Winner: Forsaken Angel ([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Forsaken Angel celebrated as The Icon and Axel watched from the top of the ramp. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]...[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
To anyone who reads this Diary, I just wanted to say that although I haven't posted on it in awhile; it surely isn't dead. With the holidays and TEW 2007, it's just taken a backseat for now. Once we are through new years I will get back on a semi-regular schedule with this. As for the TEW 2007 conversion, the database is pretty much completely set up for me to switch as soon as I get there in the diary (I'm exactly 2 months ahead in the game). However, if the Demo is anything to judge things by, quick run throughs are indicating that the mass signings of TCW, SWF, PGHW, and NOTBPW are going to cause havok for me. But I will make due as best I can and will continue with this unless my roster is decimated beyond recovery. I can already let you in on two casualties of the conversion. In my diary game I recently signed American Elemental and Champagne Lover, who were to form Elemental Lovers and begin competing in the tag-team division. Unfortunately, Champagne Lover is way to over in Mexico now for me to sign him, and I'd rather not knock him back to 2005 status, and American Elemental always signs with TCW.
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/BYHO2.gif[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Sunday, Week 4 in February 10,961 in attendance At the Oregon Gardens[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]1)[/B] Before the show even begins we see The Icon swiftly walking through the hallway with Chastity behind him. She’s pleading with him not to do something; saying that he’s going to put the Extinction Agenda in jeopardy, however, he’s too focused and determined to even acknowledge what she’s saying. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]The credits roll and [URL="http://song2play.com/k/killswitch_engage-2965/the_end_of_heartache_bonus_track_album-12973/the_end_of_heartache_alternate_version-171557.html"]The End of Heartache[/URL] begins playing as PWU: Beat Your Heart Out goes live on Pay-Per-View![/B][/CENTER] [B]2)[/B] As the show opens up we see both The Icon and Chastity in the ring. Chastity appears to still be pleading with him, however, The Icon shoots her a sharp look, warning her to keep quiet, and grabs a mic: [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“You know, for the past several weeks all I’ve been hearing from people, is I don’t deserve the Unleashed! National Championship. I’ve been told that I haven’t had one clean title defense and that I rely on attacking my opponents before the match starts. I’ve even been told that I’ll never be a true champion because the Extinction Agenda will always interfere in my matches”[/COLOR] at once, the crowd erupted and chants of “Paper Champ” filled the arena. Nodding his head in agreement, The Icon, looked at Chastity and said [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“And since that’s the case I have to ask you to leave the ring and let me do what I have to do.”[/COLOR] The Icon pointed to the entrance ramp, indicating he wanted Chastity to leave. Plea as she might, Chastity could not get through to The Icon and reluctantly left. The Icon addressed the crowd once more. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Are you all happy now? I’m supposed to be wrestling in the Main Event tonight, but, I’ll be damned if I’m going to have anybody question my championship pedigree. So if any of you cowards in the back, have the balls to try and take my belt, now’s the time to do it!”[/COLOR] The arena was absolutely silent, waiting to see if anyone would accept The Icon’s challenge, however, after a short while in which nobody came out the Icon chuckled, commenting [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“I didn’t think so.”[/COLOR] The Icon dropped the microphone and began to leave the ring when fireworks went off at the top of the entrance ramp and the crowd went nuts, as T-Rex came out with a ****y grin directed straight at The Icon. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]A[/COLOR] for the challenge, [COLOR="Purple"]B+[/COLOR]for the response)[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TRex.jpg[/IMG]T-Rex [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] The Icon ©[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Icon.jpg[/IMG] for the Unleashed! National Championship[/B][/CENTER] These two really match up very well, and the crowd was really into this one. Neither man could keep the other down and the result was a very intense match between two very capable brawlers. The match went back and forth as each man performed various slams and suplexes, however, T-Rex gained a considerable advantage when he piledrove The Icon onto his head. Wasting no time he locked in the Jurassic Crush. The Icon tried to power out of the hold but T-Rex was locked in tight. The Icon continued to fade, and eventually went limp. The referee called for the bell as The Icon was out cold. [CENTER][B]Winner: T-Rex ([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match T-Rex grabbed the National Championship Belt climbed a turnbuckle and celebrated while the fans went wild. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]3)[/B] We are in the hallway where Jubal is having a rather heated discussion on a payphone. We can’t hear who is talking to Jubal but he is very distressed and screaming at the top of his lungs. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“No! No! I can’t do that, he’s my friend; this match means a lot to him. …….. I WONT! …….. Stop saying those things, we’re going to be the tag team champions”[/COLOR] The conversation continues with Jubal becoming more and more somber. Finally, Dominique comes up to him excited about their title match tonight. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“I Understand. Ok.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Jubal, man, stop talking to your woman. We got a match to get ready for. We’re about to be kings; Tag Team Champions of the world, baby.”[/COLOR] Jubal instantly perked up and was much more excited about the match he and Dominique had coming up. He slapped Dominique on the back and said that tonight was going to be the greatest match of their lives and he couldn’t wait to have the belt around his waist. As the two walked back toward the locker room, the camera man panned down to a piece of paper lying on the ground in front of the payphone, that read: [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Web%20Pages/OutofOrder.gif[/IMG] [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]4)[/B] Back to the ring where M & N have a microphone in hand. They are taunting Mitch Sanders, saying they had no trouble taking care of him in a hardcore match already, so they aren’t too afraid of whoever he got to team up with him. At that moment Mitch Sanders came out at the top of the ramp with two kendo sticks in his hand and smiles at M & N. Suddenly the sounds of a bomb exploding blasts from the speakers as this man emerges from backstage: [CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/NevadaNuclear.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Stephanie announces that he’s Nevada Nuclear as the two extremists make their way to the ring. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C+[/COLOR] for the taunting, [COLOR="Purple"]C- [/COLOR]for the reveal)[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kitayama.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/KazumaNarato.jpg[/IMG]M & N [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Hardcore Renaissance[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Mitch.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/NevadaNuclear.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was a very brutal match as Mitch and Nevada used every weapon they could find to use agains M & N. Kazuma and Kitayama fended the two off as long as possible but in the end Nevada put Kitayama through a table with a [I]Mushroom Cloud[/I] to finish them off. [CENTER][B]Winner: Hardcore Renaissance ([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]5)[/B] Back in the locker room the Extinction Agenda are arguing about what to do in the Main Event since The Icon appears to be in no condition to wrestle. Axel is visibly angry about the whole situation accusing Chastity of not being able to control The Icon and calling The Icon a prima donna who only looks after himself. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]6) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Dominique.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Jubal.jpg[/IMG]So Fresh and So Clean [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Los Brasiguayos[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Rafael.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Manuel.jpg[/IMG] for the Unleashed! Tag Team Championship[/B][/CENTER] Jubal was obviously un-focused for this match. He could be seen pacing on the ring apron and was visibly agitated, at times Stephanie commented that he seemed to be talking to himself. Despite this, Jubal and Dominique were able to hold their own with the tag team champs throughout the match. However, no matter what they did, Manuel and Rafael had an answer. In fact, Manuel and Rafael eventually managed to isolate Dominique, never letting him out of their corner of the ring. This seemed to infuriate Jubal, who appeared to be talking to himself in a more frenzied manner. Finally, Jubal seemed to have had enough and he tore into the ring taking our Rafael, who was wrapped up with Dominique. As Manuel attempted to help his partner he was greeted by a dropkick from Jubal that sent him out of the ring. Jubal quickly rolled out of the ring and picked up a chair from ringside. He laid into Manuel who was just recovering; pelting the man several times in the back after he was down. He then took the beating to Rafael, sporting a crazed smile the entire time. In fact when Dominique attempted to calm his partner down he was spared from a chair shot of his own only because of a well timed duck that sent Jubal flailing about wildly. Dominique then took the opportunity to rip the chair away from his frenzied partner, as the ref called for the bell. Disarmed, Jubal calmed down as he looked about wide-eyed at the carnage he had just created. [CENTER][B]Winner by DQ: Los Brasiguayos ([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Dominique was upset with Jubal and began to argue with him about why he used the chair. The two argued back and forth for a bit before Dominique got fed up and left the ring; with Jubal following, still trying to plead his case. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [B]7)[/B] A video airs showing the events that have occurred between Victor, The Violator and Sir Ethan Oughton. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Ethan.jpg[/IMG]Sir Ethan Oughton [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Victor[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Victor.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Victor was the aggressor throughout this match and had Ethan on the ropes for the majority of it. However, Ethan would not stay down even as Victor continued to pound on him utilizing his superior size and strength. Ethan finally caught a break when Victor uncharacteristically attempted a top rope maneuver. As Victor was setting Ethan up for a top rope suplex, Ethan kicked the man off sending him crashing down to the mat, as Victor recovered, Ethan let fly and hit him with a missile dropkick off the top rope. The change in momentum served Ethan well as he never let up and eventually picked up the victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: Sir Ethan Oughton ([COLOR="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match Ethan jumps into the stands and celebrates with the fans. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]C[/COLOR])[/B] [B]8)[/B] The Extinction Agenda come out in full force; The Icon has a bandage over his head, but appears to be in decent shape. Chastity grabs a microphone and begins to address Luke and Forsaken Angel. She says that The Icon made a very bad decision earlier in the night, however, they are not going to let their opponents off the hook that easily. In fact, she states, Axel and The Icon, at 50%, are still good enough to beat them. She says she is so sure of the Extinction Agenda’s superiority that she doesn’t have any concerns about putting a fatigued Icon in the match. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [B]9)[/B] The Violator and Victor conducted some weird satanic ritual in the middle of the ring. Stephanie and Sue were caught completely speechless at the spectacle which involved voodoo dolls and weird chanting. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TAK.jpg[/IMG]The Alcatraz Kid [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] The Violator[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Violator.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] The match was a tale of speed versus power and in this case speed dominated most of the match as The Alcatraz Kid was able to utilize a hit and run tactic against his much more powerful opponent. In fact TAK seemed prime to pick up the victory when he tried to perform a hurricanranna on The Violator that went horribly wrong. Instead of performing the move, TAK was sent down to the mat on his back hard as The Violator countered the move into a powerbomb. He was then able to ground his opponent and finish things off after a time with the [I]Last Rites[/I] [CENTER][B]Winner: The Violator ([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]10)[/B] The Icon and Axel are seen arguing again in the locker room, over comments Axel made earlier in the night. Things get heated and Axel looses it and suddenly hits The Icon. The two begin to brawl and in the process The Icon is knocked out after being thrown head first into a locker. Chastity is pissed and tells Axel he and Asgard will have to face Luke and Forsaken Angel, tonight, because even if The Icon woke up there is no way he could wrestle in the main even that was to take place next! [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Asgard.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Axel.jpg[/IMG]Extinction Agenda [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Forsaken Angel & Luke[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/ForsakenAngel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Luke.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Forsaken Angel was a man possessed in this match as he was hell bent on getting revenge for the injury the Extinction Agenda had caused not too long ago. The loss of The Icon hurt the EA extremely as well as Asgard was in way over his head, and was easily handled by Forsaken Angel and even a pumped up Luke. This left Axel to pretty much fend for himself, in which Sue commented [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“That serves him right since he’s the one that put his partner out of commission for this match to begin with.” [/COLOR] Eventually trying to handle both Forsaken Angel and Luke was too much for Axel to handle by himself and he was put away with the [I]Fall From Grace[/I] [CENTER][B]Winner: Forsaken Angel & Luke Leblanc([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] Luke and Forsaken Angel celebrate as Axel and Chastity argue at ringside. [B]([COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="Purple"]B[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [/QUOTE] [I]OOC-----just wanted everyone to know that from now on I am going to be very brief in the match descriptions (except when absolutely necessary) as I think it will help me to post most often, and it's the least enjoyable part of for me. And Thanks For Reading![/I]
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[B]The Aftermatch[/B] [LIST] [*] First things first......TCW's The War to Settle the Score recieved a rating of [I]B[/I] from the critics. So, the gamble paid off and the quality of Beat Your Heart Out was as good as TCW's product. This still did not quiet Chastity completely however, as TCW pulled in buys of 130,000. [*] In comparison our PPV recieved 8,335 buys which is at least 2,000 less than we could pull in uncontested. [*] Dominique was a bit overused. [*] We all felt that the Nevada Nuclear debut went over well, especially since he's virtually an unknown. [/LIST]
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/PWURevenge.gif [/IMG] [COLOR="Red"]Thursday, Week 1 in March 5,000 in attendance At The Gorski Ballroom[/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B]1[/B] The show starts off with Axel and Chastity having a discussion in the hallway. Axel is still angry with The Icon for the impromptu National Title defense at Beat Your Heart Out. He says The Icon’s stunt cost the Extinction Agenda the match and cost him yet another defeat at the hands of Forsaken Angel. Throughout it all Chastity tried to calm him down by promising to talk to The Icon; in fact she went on her way to do go find him, but not before pleading with Axel to not do anything rash in the meantime. [B]([Color="Purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][URL="http://song2play.com/n/nirvana-3485/nirvana-15719/you_know_youre_right-208146.html"]You Know You’re Right[/URL] begins playing as PWU Revenge! goes live on National Pride TV.[/B][/CENTER] [B]2)[/B] When we return from the opening credits we are greeted by Axel whose backstage and facing the camera. He begins ranting about The Icon and repeats everything we’d just heard him say to Chastity into the camera. However, this time he spends more time blasting Forsaken Angel; calling the man a coward who won’t face him one-on-one. He says he’s tired of the tag matches, and that Luke could never be a real challenge for himself. He goes on about how Forsaken Angel is the last real test for him within PWU and how it’s unfair how Forsaken Angel is unwilling to face him. Finally Axel throws out a challenge for a one-on-one match against Forsaken Angel at the next pay-per-view, stating that he’ll go as far as banning the Extinction Agenda from ringside if Forsaken Angel will agree to the match! [B]([Color="Purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]3) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Rayne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Payne.jpg[/IMG]Rayne & Payne [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Los Brasiguayos[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Rafael.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Manuel.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Manuel and the girls let loose and flew around the ring. This was a very entertaining match in which Rayne and Payne more than held their own. In fact they looked as if they were going to win the thing, when Jubal, dressed as an army seargent for some reason, came down to the ring and nailed Rayne in the back as she was atop a turnbuckle. [CENTER][B]Winner by DQ: Rayne & Payne ([Color="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] As the referee called for the bell, Jubal entered the ring and took Manuel out with vicious clothesline, he then dropkicked Rafael over the top rope and out of the ring. With Rayne already nursing her wounds, Jubal went to work on Payne. He got the woman down with a series of punches and then slapped on a Crossface Chicken Wing. He locked in tight and refused to let go of the hold as Payne screamed in pain. Referee John Miller tried to pry Jubal off of her, but his attempts were in vain. Finally Dominique Fletcher and a recovered Rafael were able to pull the Jubal off. As Rafael tended to Payne, Dominique watched with a stunned look on his face as Jubal sprung to his feet, saluted him, and then sprinted up the entrance ramp to the backstage area. [B]([Color="Purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]4)[/B] The camera cuts backstage and this time it’s Forsaken Angel whose decided to talk to the camera. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Well, Axel, what a short memory you have. Have you already forgotten that I beat you fair and square in a one-on-one match up at End of Days? Heh. Maybe all you remember is how you and your little goon squad ganged up on me and put me on the sidelines for a couple months? The fact is, I don’t owe you a damn thing, you had your shot months ago, and you lost. I’m looking for a real opponent now, someone with heart and fire; not some two bit punk that needs a whole crew to do his dirty work. Tonight I’ll match up with one such person when I face Sir Ethan Oughton in the ring.” [/COLOR] [B]([Color="Purple"]A[/COLOR])[/B] [B]5)[/B] Back in the ring we see The Violator and Victor. The Violator has a microphone. The Violator begins scolding Victor for failing to bring him “his prize” at Beat Your Heart Out. He says that plans needed to be altered now that Ethan has slipped their grasp. So tonight he has made preparations for Victor to face a new target, one that shouldn’t be as difficult to overcome: Tim Westybrook! The Violator turned to leave, but turned back and with a smile on his face warned Victor that punishment would still be forthcoming, and that if he wanted to be one of his “Immortals” he’d better prove himself now. [B]([Color="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Victor.jpg[/IMG]Victor [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Tim Westybrook[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TimWestybrook.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] This was a very slow paced match between two brutes. Both men were very stiff with each other but The match came to an end when Victor seemed to have grabbed the upper hand. He put Tim down with a powerbomb and seemed prime to end things with a [I]Chokeslam[/I], however, a masked man slid out from underneath the ring and climbed a turnbuckle. The man was identified quickly as The Masked Wrestler by Stephanie, however, Sue noted that he was sporting a much more menacing mask and was bound in leather from head to toe. After climbing the turnbuckle he began taunting Victor, pointing at the larger man and making throat slashing gestures while perched on the turnbuckle. Victor seemed to have recognized the new look Masked Wrestler and rather than be taken aback by him, he seemed to be readying himself for an attack. However, before things went any further Tim Westybrook got behind Victor and hit him with a pumphandle slam, he then made a quick pin and got the three count on the stunned Victor. [CENTER][B]Winner: Tim Westybrook ([Color="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] Following the match Victor once again focused on The Masked Wrestler who was still perched on the turnbuckle. Victor was livid and charged the turnbuckle when suddenly the lights went out, when they went back up, The Masked Wrestler was perched on the opposite turnbuckle. Victor wasted no time doubling back and charging toward The Masked Wrestlers new position, however, the lights died down again and his target was yet again on a new turnbuckle. Hard headed Victor once again charged the tunbuckle, and once again the lights went out, except this time when the lights came back up, Victor ran straight into The Violator who knocked him down with a shoulder block. Victor looked up at The Violator in stunned silence. This slight hesitation was all The Violator needed to nail Victor in the face with a swift kick. He then began pounding on Victor, as the Masked Wrestler followed suit. The two laid into Victor until he was sufficiently in a daze; that’s when The Violator once again reached for a microphone. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“Take this as a warning, you shall not fail me again. As for Westybrook, my Immortal will take care of him”[/COLOR] he said gesturing toward the new look Masked Wrestler. [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“See to it that you assist him in any way he pleases. Maybe then will you begin to get back in my good graces.” [/COLOR] With that The Violator and The Immortal made their way from ringside, with a battered Victor limping his way after them. [B]([Color="Purple"]C+[/COLOR])[/B] [B]6)[/B] We cut to Skip’s office, where Skip is sitting at his desk apparently doing some paperwork. Suddenly the door is thrust open and in walks The Icon. The Icon begins demanding a re-match for the Unleashed! National Championship, saying that he’s one of the biggest stars in the company and it’s not right for him to be without the belt. Skip lets The Icon continue to rant for a while looking at him with feigned interest the entire time. Finally when The Icon has said his peace, Skip looks up and simply says [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“no.”[/COLOR] This sends The Icon into a frenzy as he starts throwing around expletives at liberty. Finally he sees that he isn’t going to get anywhere with Skip and heads out, but not before warning Skip that he’s not done with him or the National Title yet. [B]([Color="Purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]7) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Cyndi.jpg[/IMG]Cyndi [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] T-Rex[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TRex.jpg[/IMG] for the Unleashed! National Championship[/B][/CENTER] T-Rex was very pumped up for his first title defense; likewise, Cyndi was visibly energized as well. Most likely due to her new mentor, Cypher, joining her at ringside. The two matched up pretty well and Cyndi held her own for quite some time, however, it was apparent from early on that T-Rex would just be too much to handle as the match went on. Things went astray however, when The Icon made his way to the ring. T-Rex and Cyndi were locked up and The Icon climbed up on the ring apron and looked as if he were about to jump in. That’s when Cypher took matters into his hands and pulled The Icons feet down from under him; presumably to ensure that Cyndi had a fair shot at the title. This resulted in a brawl between The Icon and Cypher that gained the attention of Cyndi and the lack of focus on the match at hand, resulted in Cyndi being subjected to a Tyrant Slam. Giving T-Rex the tainted victory. [CENTER][B]Winner: T-Rex ([Color="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]8)[/B] As Stephanie and Sue were discussing what had just taken place a video began to play on the big screen. There were various shots of houses being blown over by a hurricane, a slow-motion close up of a bullet being expelled from a gun, a high rise building imploding. Throughout it all the words Unstoppable, Destructive, Powerful, Formidable, inter-spliced with the images on the screen. Finally a voice screamed out “CAN YOU FEEL THE FORCE?” as a single symbol was displayed on the screen. [CENTER][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Web%20Pages/2846376982.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]([Color="Purple"]B-[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B]9) [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/TAK.jpg[/IMG]The Alcatraz Kid [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Kamikaze Mike[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Kamikaze.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] A very good match between two high flyers. The Alcatraz Kid picked up the victory when he landed a [I]Superkick[/I] on his unsuspecting opponent. [CENTER][B]Winner: The Alcatraz Kid ([Color="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] [B]10)[/B] A video aired highlighting Forsaken Angel’s return from injury and his victory at Beat Your Heart Out. [B]([Color="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/Ethan.jpg[/IMG]Sir Ethan Oughton [COLOR="Purple"]vs.[/COLOR] Forsaken Angel[IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/Imarevenant/TEW%20Diary/ForsakenAngel.jpg[/IMG][/B][/CENTER] Ethan was able to hold up very well in this match and generated a little heat for himself, despite the overwhelming majority of the crowd being behind Forsaken Angel. The match ended in a draw however, as Axel made his way out to the ring, and while Forsaken Angel and Ethan were tied up, he slid in and clotheslined both of them. He quickly threw Ethan from the ring and began pounding on Forsaken Angel while the ref called for the bell. [CENTER][B]Winner: Draw ([Color="Purple"]B[/COLOR])[/B][/CENTER] After the match, Axel tried to continue the assault on Forsaken Angel, however, Luke Leblan quickly made his way down to the ring and was able to fight Axel off long enough for Forsaken Angel to recover. Axel slid out of the ring and looked as if he were going to jump back in, however, Ethan recovered and joined Forsaken Angel and Luke. Axel continued to jaw with the men in the ring, and was continually looking back toward the ramp as if expecting help. Though, after a while as it became apparent that no help was coming, Axel creped back up the ramp as the three men in the ring taunted him to try and attack once more. Sue noted [COLOR="SeaGreen"]“It’s weird that neither Asgard nor The Icon came out to even the odds.”[/COLOR] To which Stephanie replied, [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Well, Axel said he would be willing to face Forsaken Angel without the help of the EA. Looks like he got what he wanted.”[/COLOR] [B]([Color="Purple"]B+[/COLOR])[/B] [CENTER][B] Overall Rating: [Color="Purple"]B[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER][/QUOTE] [COLOR="White"]... [/COLOR]
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So I'm completely gutted; I've done about a dozen test runs and in each one of them my roster gets completely decimated in a little over a month. I don't mind having to replace workers but when it's the majority of my roster it's too much. About the only way to make this work would be to edit everybody to written contracts and I just don't want to do it. For what it's worth here is where things were headed for the next two months. [QUOTE] March PPV----Nothing Else Matters Throughout March the Hardcore Renaissance was going to become the nuisance of the tag team division. Mitch and Nevada were going to interfere in every Tag Title leading up to the week before the PPV. Right before the PPV a 4-way Tag match for the #1 contendership was to take place {involving Rayne and Payne, M&N, So Fresh and So Clean, and Hardcore Renaissance}, which Rayne and Payne win (although they lose at the PPV).. This also set up a match between Hardcore Renaissance and So Fresh and So Clean. Speaking of So Fresh and So Clean, Jubal was going to continue to get worse as it's revealed he is suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. He finally settles on a personality that loves hardcore wrestling, which causes him to egg the hardcore renaissance on every chance he gets. As for the National Championship The Icon was going to continue his mini-fued with Cyndi and Cypher, in his attempt to get a rematch for the belt. He eventually does get a rematch but Cyndi plays the spoiler to him and ruins his chance. This sets up a PPV match between The Icon and Cyndi for the PPV. The National Championship ends up being defended against The Alcatraz Kid, who has built up quite the winning streak. As was seen in the last show, The Masked Wrestler re-debuted as The Immortal and joined The Violator in Eternal Darkness. With Victor failing to defeat Ethan,The Violator turns his attention to Tim Westybrook and in a twist sends The Immortal and not Victor after him; culminating on a match at the PPV which The Immortal wins. Also making his first appearance at Nothing Else Matters is The Force (Jim Force), who quickly squashes General Savage. While The Icon is focused on regaining the National Championship, Axel is left high and dry during his pursuit of the World Title. The Icon and Asgard keep leaving him to face Forsaken Angel and Luke alone. This results in Axel getting desperate and enlisting the help of The Violator, who takes out Luke with along with Victor and The Immortal. Forsaken Angel then agrees to face Axel in the main event at Nothing Else Matters, which he wins. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]April------Beautiful Agony Beautiful Agony is our mini royal rumble, which features 10 contestants the winner of which gets a title shot at our flagship PPV the following month. The Extinction Agenda is at each others throats, which causes Chastity to seek help. She brings in The Fixer, who is a character similar to The Wolf in Pulp Fiction who specializes in fixing problems. His help is greatly needed as the 10 contestants for the rumble are announced and the only EA contestant turns out to be Asgard. Pissed off, Chastity confronts Skip, who tells her there is one spot left that will be given out through a lottery the Thursday before the PPV. This is where the Fixer comes in; he runs down Puerto Rican Power with a car and kidnaps Elvia, forcing El Chupacabra to forfeit his spot. With three slots open he intimidates the lottery ball drawer into announcing the contestants as being, Axel, The Icon and Himself. Throughout this, Forsaken Angel is out to get payback on The Violator for his attack on Luke. It's pretty much just a quickie feud, between our two biggest stars, which is a very very good thing since they do not click at all, and gave me the worst possible Main Event for a PPV. Meanwhile Cyndi gets her long awaited shot at the National Championship against T-Rex and The Force squashes another opponent for the PPV. So Fresh and So Clean win themselves a title shot, unfortunately for them though Jubal is completely gone and turns on Dominique; he even goes so far as to bring out the Hardcore Renaissance, who decimate Dominique and Los Brasiguayos. During the PPV and the early goings of the Royal Rumble, the Extinction Agenda is back to their old selves and team up to dominate the whole rumble. The end predictably comes down to The Fixer, The Icon and Axel. Seeing the volatile situation The Fixer eliminates himself, arguing with Chastity, that those two need to have a no holds barred fight to settle their differences. The Icon eventually wins the rumble setting up a Forsaken Angel/Icon Main Event for Murder Death Kill, the next month. [/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Beyond MDK From there The Icon was going to have to overcome frequent attacks from Axel just to get to the next PPV. The riff between Axel and The Icon would eventually tear the EA apart as Asgard would go his own way and The Fixer and Chastity would become their own pair of hired guns, with The Fixer doing the dirty work and Chastity acquiring contracts. Jubal was going to officially join The Hardcore Renaissance, (who had huge plans, by the way; Eddie Peak eventually signed with me and was going to be debuted after MDK as the Hardcore Messaih and leader of HR). The Violator was going to be able to enlist Tim Westybrook into his ranks and The Ironman and The Immortal were headed for a tag team title. [/QUOTE] And that's how far I had got with the game; unfortunately not one planned story for MDK is able to commence as at least one participant in every single one of my storylines leaves the promotion. Frustrating as that is, I still look forward to getting into a long term game with 2007; maybe even a different diary down the road, who knows. So, if I do have any readers out there I'd like to say Thank You.
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