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Breaking News WWE bought out!!

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I'm gonna second that...if you follow the suggestions here a little bit you will have a reader in me. GRATUITOUS PLUG ALERT!!!! Go put up your predicitions in my ultra sweet dynasty for No Mercy. END OF GRATUITOUS PLUG....We now return you to your regularly scheduled dynasty.
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I'm gonna second that...if you follow the suggestions here a little bit you will have a reader in me. GRATUITOUS PLUG ALERT!!!! Go put up your predicitions in my ultra sweet dynasty for No Mercy. END OF GRATUITOUS PLUG....We now return you to your regularly scheduled dynasty.
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I kind of like it so far... You bought out the WWE, kept everyone there so far, and are going to bring in new talent, that will be headliner's. I don't understand the critique's so far really. I expected someone to say something about where the segment's appeared on your card, more then anything. I think the last match would have been better without the segment before it of Cryme Tyme for example, but it's actually something I think would have happened on the regular show. Gamewise though, if you would have put that closer to the beginning of the show, you would have probably got a better rating on the Cena match. I would like to see a Cena handicap match btw, so that I liked.
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I kind of like it so far... You bought out the WWE, kept everyone there so far, and are going to bring in new talent, that will be headliner's. I don't understand the critique's so far really. I expected someone to say something about where the segment's appeared on your card, more then anything. I think the last match would have been better without the segment before it of Cryme Tyme for example, but it's actually something I think would have happened on the regular show. Gamewise though, if you would have put that closer to the beginning of the show, you would have probably got a better rating on the Cena match. I would like to see a Cena handicap match btw, so that I liked.
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I have to admit the backstory is a little bit of a struggle to accept off the bat. I understand that this is your diary and you can have the WWE ran by aliens from another planet if you want, but the only thing I'd suggest is somewhere along the way throw in a bit more explanation for things. I know it's very hard to create a believable story where a player would take sole control of the WWE and keep all the McMahons around, but a little bit more depth would somewhat help. Why did Vince sell it? Is he broke? Why's he sticking around? Do you have dirt on him? etc Show-wise, I realise you're running things your way, but again, the TLC match with Edge and Carlito seems to just come out of nowhere with no build whatsoever, then there's the main event that lasts for 20+ minutes without anything really happening to justify that. Also you mentioned that you rushed to get the show out before work. To be honest, I'd suggest not rushing anything. It's always tempting to get things posted as quickly as possible and plough through event after event, but it a well throught out update that takes longer to post will often be received better than one that is just rushed and slapped up at the earliest opportunity.
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I have to admit the backstory is a little bit of a struggle to accept off the bat. I understand that this is your diary and you can have the WWE ran by aliens from another planet if you want, but the only thing I'd suggest is somewhere along the way throw in a bit more explanation for things. I know it's very hard to create a believable story where a player would take sole control of the WWE and keep all the McMahons around, but a little bit more depth would somewhat help. Why did Vince sell it? Is he broke? Why's he sticking around? Do you have dirt on him? etc Show-wise, I realise you're running things your way, but again, the TLC match with Edge and Carlito seems to just come out of nowhere with no build whatsoever, then there's the main event that lasts for 20+ minutes without anything really happening to justify that. Also you mentioned that you rushed to get the show out before work. To be honest, I'd suggest not rushing anything. It's always tempting to get things posted as quickly as possible and plough through event after event, but it a well throught out update that takes longer to post will often be received better than one that is just rushed and slapped up at the earliest opportunity.
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