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TNA/ECW When Worlds Collide: The Stallion vs Nevermore

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[B]Thursday, week 1, December[/B] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/JoeyStyles.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Tazz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ShaneDouglas-1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Joey:[/B] Hello and welcome to ECW... [B]Taz:[/B] ...'F The Mainstream. [B]Douglas:[/B] I am your host, Shane Douglas, the only man at this announce table capable of completing a sentence without help from a broadcast colleague. [B]Taz:[/B] You're just bitter 'cos you don't get the intro line! [B]Douglas:[/B] [I]sarcastically[/I] Yeah, that'll be it. [B]Joey:[/B] Moving on swiftly, I'm Joey Styles alongside two former ECW Champions: Taz and Shane Douglas. [B]Douglas:[/B] Yeah, except one of them was only a transitional champion. [B]Taz:[/B] Aah, don't be hard on yourself, Shane. [I]Douglas glares at Taz as the camera cuts to ringside.[/I] [B]Bob Artese:[/B] Tonight's opening contest is one fall. To my left, from Wakayama Japan, Masato Tanaka. And, to my right, from Long Island New York, Cactus Jack. [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/MasatoTanaka.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/CactusJack.jpg[/IMG] The match quickly turns hardcore as Cactus Jack uses a chair to take out Tanaka. Cactus then picks up his opponent only to be clotheslined over the ropes. The two competitors proceed to brawl on the outside. In the tenth minute, Cactus Jack hits a Double Arm DDT on the concrete floor and rolls Tanaka back into the ring. 1...2...3 [B]Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Taz:[/B] Cactus Jack is looking very good recently! [B]Joey:[/B] Absoloutely, Taz, even Masato Tanaka can't out brawl him! [B]Douglas:[/B] And that's saying something 'cos Tanaka is one of the toughest bastards I ever stepped in the ring with! [CENTER][I]Paul Heyman enters the ring.[/I] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/PaulHeyman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Heyman:[/B] Over the course of the last week, several events have shaken ECW's vey foundations. We lost our international TV deal, two PPV companies backed out of their contracts with us and, to make matters worse, more than ten wrestlers, including some of our biggest names, walked out of doors and straight through those of the competition! [B]Joey:[/B] That's true. ECW has never looked quite as fragile. [B]Heyman:[/B] But there is something that fills me with confidence, there is something that makes me realise that there is no need to worry. That, of course, is the fact that our competition wouldn't know a good wrestling product if it slapped them in the face! [B]Taz:[/B] Haha, that's also true! [B]Heyman:[/B] If you don't believe me, look at their roster. They have Konnan, Scott Steiner and Bill Goldberg, who by the way are all ex-World Championship Wrestling has beens that couldn't even get out of that sinking ship before it was too late! [B]Taz:[/B] Shane, weren't you in WCW? [B]Douglas:[/B] Yeah, but I knew when to get out. [B]Heyman:[/B] Hell, even their big mystery man is rumoured to be Sting. Well, goddamn, who'd have thought it? Another ex-World Championship Wrestling waste of space! [I]A "Paul E" chant begins.[/I] [B]Heyman:[/B] So, Jeff Jarrett, I want to remind you of an old saying. A WCW by any other name still smells like sh*t! [CENTER][I]Cyrus The Virus, Steve Corino, Paul Burchill and Kensuke Sasaki appear at the entrance-way.[/I] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/DonCallis.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/SteveCorino.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/KensukeSasaki.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Cyrus:[/B] Mr. Heyman, The Network are not very happy. Frankly, your language is offensive and unwelcome. Therefore, I am issuing you with a verbal warning! [B]Heyman:[/B] Who the hell are you? [B]Cyrus:[/B] My name is Cyrus, I am the Network's CEO and you will address me with more respect! [B]Heyman:[/B] And if I don't? [B]Cyrus:[/B] If you don't, you will become better aquainted with my three colleagues... Corino, Burchill and Sasaki. [I]Heyman looks thoughtful for a second.[/I] [B]Heyman:[/B] Wait a second, Corino, Burchill and Sasaki? Their initials are CBS! [B]Cyrus:[/B] Yes, Mr. Heyman, we are The Network and we are here to stop your gratuitous swearing. [B]Heyman:[/B] Well, if you don't like bad language, allow me to be the first to welcome you to EC f**kin' W! [I]Corino, Burchill and Sasaki run into the ring.[/I] [B]Joey:[/B] Look out Paul [I]Corino grabs Paul E and holds his arms behind his back so that Burchill and Sasaki can assault the boss.[/I] [CENTER][I]RVD and Sabu sprint to the ring.[/I] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Sabu2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]They chase The Network out of the ring. RVD picks up a microphone.[/I] [B]RVD:[/B] So, you want to silence ECW, huh? Well, let's see if The Network are as good at wrestling as they are at pulling the plug on wrestling shows. Sabu and I are challenging two of you ass holes to a match here, tonight! [B]Joey:[/B] Wow, that's huge! [B]Taz:[/B] Oh man, I can't wait for that! [B]Douglas:[/B] Now, though, there's an elimination three-way tag gauntlet for the ECW World Tag Team Titles. [B]Joey:[/B] That's right, Shane. Los Increibles will defend their titles against both The Dudley Boys and The Iron Saints. [COLOR="White"]--------------------------------------[/COLOR][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ECWWorldTagTitle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ECWWorldTagTitle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ReyMysterioWCW.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/JuviGuerreraMask.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/BubbaRayDudley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/D-VonDudley.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/VitoThomaselli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/SalvatoreThomaselli.jpg[/IMG] The match is very even with all teams seeing much offence. In the fifteenth minute, Vito hit the Vatican Driver on D-Von at the same time as Buh-Buh Ray hit the Bubba Cutter on Salvatore. They both make the cover 1...2...3! [B]Match Rating:[/B] A* [B]Joey:[/B] So, both The Dudleys and The Iron Saints are eliminated simultaneously. [B]Taz:[/B] Yeah, I guess that means that Los Increibles retain their titles. [CENTER][I]The World Champion, Owen Hart enters the ring.[/I] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/OwenHart.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Hart:[/B] Everyone is talking about how ECW has lost countless fans, everyone is talking about how ECW no longer rivals the WWF as the number one comopany in the business. Well, regardless of how well ECW is fairing, I am still the best wrestler alive today and just to prove that I am issuing an open challenge. Any competitor from a four, six or eight sided ring can face me for the title but, when all is said and done, I will still be the ECW World Heavyweight Champion! [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/EddieGuerrero.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/LanceStorm.jpg[/IMG] The match is an evenly fought contest. Guerrero wins with a Frog Splash at 13:48 [B]Match Rating:[/B] A* [CENTER][I]Backstage Chris Benoit is making his way to the ring and bumps into Chris Jericho.[/I] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ChrisBenoit.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Benoit:[/B] What the hell are you looking at? [B]Jericho:[/B] You. [I]After an intense staredown, Benoit heads off for his match.[/I] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/SuperCrazy.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ChrisBenoit.jpg[/IMG] Benoit is able to keep Super Crazy grounded, which enables him to take the advantage. In the fifteenth minute, Benoit clotheslines Super Crazy to the outside and Crazy takes the opportunity to set up a table. Benoit just waits for him to climb on to the apron. He then rebounds off the opposite ropes, runs forward and leaps over Super Crazy's head to deliver a Sunset Flip Powerbomb. However, with a remarkable display of balance, Super Crazy is able to reverse it and deliver a Hurricanrana that sends Benoit through the table. [B]Joey:[/B] Oh my god! Benoit just flew over the ropes trying to hit an Apron Powerbomb through the table but, in fact, tastes the wood himself. [I]An "ECdub" chant begins.[/I] Super Crazy rolls Benoit back in the ring and makes the cover. 1...2..No! Benoit just lifts his left shoulder. Super Crazy assends the turnbuckle and hits a moonsault but Benoit rolls through to get the cover. 1...2... Benoit releases the pin and applies the Crossface. Super Crazy has no choice but to tap out. [B]Match Rating:[/B] A* [CENTER][I]While Benoit is celebrating, Chris Jericho runs in.[/I] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/ChrisJericho.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]He takes out Benoit from behind and locks in the Walls Of Jericho.[/I] [B]Joey:[/B] Oh, come on, Benopit just won his match. Someone stop this! [B]Douglas:[/B] That's what happens if you mess with Chris Jericho, Joey. He doesn't take crap from anyone. [CENTER][I]Backstage, Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman are talking over a beer.[/I] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/TommyDreamer.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/TheSandman.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Dreamer:[/B] I know, it sucks! We worked so hard for our spot on CBS as well! [B]Sandman:[/B] Yeah, and for what? So Raven can screw it all up by cutting some controversial promo. [B]Dreamer:[/B] Yeah, I know this ECW but that was too far. Regardless of the promotion, there is no call for racism in pro wrestling. [CENTER][I]The camera pans round to see Raven standing behind Dreamer.[/I] [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Raven3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Raven:[/B] Hey, Dreamer, if you've got something to say, you say it to my face! [I]He produces a Singapore cane from behind his back and takes out both Dreamer and The Sandman before striking his signatur pose and walking off.[/I] [B]Bob Artese:[/B] Tonight's main event is scheduled for one fall. To my left, representing The Network, Steve Corino and Kensuke Sasaki. And, to my right, representing Extreme Championship Wrestling, the team of Rob Van Dam and Sabu. [IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/SteveCorino.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/KensukeSasaki.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/RobVanDam.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j254/charliepag/Sabu2.jpg[/IMG] The match is an even contest but RVD and Sabu have to contend with constant interference from Cyrus and Burchill. In the thirteenth minute, RVD and Sabu hit simultaneous Legdrops on Corino through a table. 1...2... Burchill takes out referee Jim Molineaux with a C-4 An uncontrollable brawl breaks out, forcing ECW officials to come out and declare a no contest. [B]Match Rating:[/B] A* [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"][B]Show Rating:[/B][/COLOR] A*[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][U][B]Nevermore's Post Show Report[/B][/U][/SIZE] [LIST] [*]That really couldn't have gone much better, everything gelled! [*]Cactus and Tanaka had great chemistry (score). [*]So did Eddie and Lance Storm (booking flukes rule). [*]I was very happy with this show as an introduction to the anti-CBS "Network" angle. [*]I enjoyed writing Heyman's anti-TNA promo but I wonder if I've left myself open for retalliation :p. [*]Beat that Stallion! [/LIST]
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TNA Impact Results [CENTER][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/logo_impact.gif[/IMG] Held At Universal Studios in Orlando FL Attendance: 2,000 [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALTenay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALWest.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]The premier show of TNA Impact opens with a flurry of fireworks and screaming fans. The Professor Mike Tenay sits at ringside in the announce booth.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Tenay[/COLOR][/U] – Hello everyone and welcome to Total Non-Stop Action Impact. My name is Mike Tenay and my broadcast collogue sitting next to me is Don West. Don we have what has to be the best roster of established and young wrestlers ever to grace the TV screen wouldn’t you say. [U][COLOR="blue"]West[/COLOR][/U] – Oh absolutely Mike, what TNA has done is gathered the best talent the professional wrestling world has ever seen. This is THE environment for the established talent to showcase their abilities and for the young hungry guys to learn the trade. This is an exciting time to be a pro-wrestling fan. [U][COLOR="blue"]Tenay [/COLOR][/U]– Your right about that Mike, but now without further ado, we send it to the ring where the Head Of TNA Management Mr. Jim Cornette is standing by. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/B99TNAJimCornette.jpg[/IMG] [U][COLOR="blue"]Cornette [/COLOR][/U]– Thank you Tenay and West and to all the wrestling fans in attendance and all those watching around the world, welcome to TNA! Now I’m not out here to make myself famous by getting myself involved in storylines and such, I’ll leave that to the other promoters, and I’m also not out here to verbally abuse TNA’s competition. Ya see, TNA is all about competition; in fact we thrive on it. Without competition, the wrestling world would become stale and boring so we want competition and we want them to be great, because that would make us work that much harder at being great ourselves. Now I could come out here and say WWF this and ECW that, but that would not help become the greatest wrestling promotion in the United States today, and by God that’s what we are all about. We are about wrestling, pure and simple. Your not going to see cartoon gimmicks or matches where people bleed just to get a reaction from the crowd. Your going to see the best wrestlers and brawlers in the world get it on inside this new innovative 6-Sided Ring. Tonight, you are going to see Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, The Rock, Steve Austin, Christian Cage and many more. So sit back, strap yourself in, because you are in for the greatest 2-hours of wrestling of your life. Rating:[COLOR="Red"] A+[/COLOR] [B](Now that’s a great way to start a show)[/B] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/X-Division/STALStarr.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Woman/STALSocal2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALChristopherDaniels2.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Woman/STALDanger.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Austin Aires[/B] w/ So Cal Val vs. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] w/ Allison Danger o As the match was happening in the ring, both Val and Danger were verbally attacking one another on the outside. o In the ring the match was fast and furious. o At one point Aries hit Daniels with an amazing Corkscrew Elbow from the top turnbuckle! o Daniels fought his way back into it and scored with a Step Up Enziguri that rocked Aries! o After a series of back and forth reversals and counters, Daniels hit Aries with and STO and turned it into a Koji Clutch! o Aires fought threw the pain and was able to make it to the ropes. o On the outside So Cal Val and Allison Danger began to brawl after a heated shoving match. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALWest.jpg[/IMG] West – For some reason I’m tempted to yell out catfight right now! o Both Daniels and Aries jumped to the outside and pulled there opponents valet off of the other one so Daniels ended up holding Co Cal Val and Aries ended up holding Allison Danger. o They saw what was going on and just dropped the valets and started brawling on the outside again. o Aries knocked Daniels into the crowd with a huge Clothesline. o Aries quickly slipped back into the ring, bounced off of the opposite ropes and DOVE OVER THE TOP ROPE, INTO THE CROWD AND CRASHED INTO CHRISTOPHER DANIELS!!! o The crowd was going nuts at this point chanting TNA,TNA,TNA! o Back in the ring, Christopher Daniels was able to gain back control after he reversed a Diamond Buster into Swinging Neckbreaker! o Daniels was able to get the pinfall following The Angels Wings! Winner: Christopher Daniels in 10:54 Rating: [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALBorash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/SteveAustin.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]The camera goes backstage where Jeremy Borash is standing by with Steve Austin. Tonight Austin is not wearing his usual robes, but simply a black vest and black trunks.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Borash[/COLOR][/U] – Hello everyone, my name is Jeremy Borash and I am backstage with the one and only Stunning Steve… [COLOR="blue"]Austin grabs the mic from Borash[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Austin[/COLOR][/U] – Ya know something, I am sick and tired of being called Stunning Steve Austin all the time. You see these eyes, there the eyes of a Stone Cold Killer, not some pansy ass Ric Flair wanna-be. Now a lot of people are asking, Steve, why did you go to TNA, is it for the opportunity? Screw that, Steve Austin came to TNA to raise as much hell and drink as much beer as he damn well pleases. If I get to win a few titles along the way then so be it! Tonight I got a match with that tough as nails bastard Rhino, but Rhino, you are stepping into the ring with The Worlds Toughest Son-Of-A-Bitch so be prepared to get a mud hole stomped into your ass 6 feet deep. If you wanna see Steve Austin raise some hell and kick some ass gimme a Hell Yeah (HELL YEAH). So if you’ll excuse me Borash I got ass to kick and beer to drink, And That’s The Bottom Line, Cause Stone Cold Said So!!! Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/SteveAustin.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALRhino.jpg[/IMG] - Qualifying Match For NWA World Heavyweight Title 3-Way [B]Steve Austin [/B]vs. [B]Rhino[/B] o This match was a classic brawl between two legit tough guys. o No wrestling holds needed here folks; just good a ol’ fashion fight! o Austin hit Rhino with the Lou Thez Press followed up by a flurry of right hands to get the crowd going. o Rhino got back into the fight however with a huge Spinebuster! o Both men bounced off opposite ropes and collided with a Double Clothesline that put both men down and started the 10 count. o Both men got up by the count of eight and started throwing fists yet again. o Austin with a kick to the gut, setting up the Stunner! o Rhino pushes Austin off and charges with The Gore. o Austin moved out of the way but grabbed Rhino and used his momentum to slam him shoulder first into the ring post. o Austin then sent the next several minutes working over Rhino’s shoulder and wearing him down. o Austin threw Rhino into the corner and began Stomping A Mud Hole in him. o Austin once again went for the Stunner! o But once again Rhino tosses him off. o GORE!!!! o However Rhino hit Austin with his hurt shoulder and he cant make the cover. o Austin is able to get groggily back to his feet. o He goes to pick up Rhino but is met with another huge Spinebuster!! o Rhino gets fired up and crouches down in the corner, waiting for Austin to get up. o Austin stands. o GORE! GORE! GORE! o 1 o 2 o 3! RHINO WINS! Winner: Rhino in 13:03 Rating: [COLOR="red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/B99TNABGJames.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALKipp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALStorm2.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALHarris.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/B99EYESPYAlexShelley.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALDevine.jpg[/IMG] - [B]New Age Outlaws[/B] (Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad Ass Billy Gunn) vs. [B]Americas Most Wanted[/B] (Cowboy James Storm and Wildcat Chris Harris) vs. [B]The Paparazzi [/B](Alex Shelly and Johnny Devine) o “Oh You Didn’t Know? Your Ass Betta Call Sombooooooody!” o The crowd went crazy went The New Age Outlaws came to the ring. o Road Dogg – “Ladies And Gentlemen Boys And Girls Children Of All Ages, Total Non-Stop Action Proudly Brings To You, Its Soon To Be NWA Tag Team Champions Of The Woooooorld. The Road Dogg Jesse James, The Bad Ass Billy Gunn. The New Age Outlaws! o Billy Gunn – And If Your Not Down With That, We Got Two Words For Ya! o SUCK IT! o Road Dogg – Hey Vince, sue us! o After the vintage Outlaws intro, the match started up with one member from each team in the ring at any given time, almost like a Triple Treat Match. o It started out with Billy Gunn, Chris Harris, and Johnny Devine. o It was obvious that The Paparazzi were out sized in this match, but they had the edge in technical know-how and it worked to their advantage. o The match was another all out affair, showing that TNA lived up to the moniker of Total Non-Stop Action. o Towards the end of the match, Johnny Devine and Billy Gunn were on the outside brawling. o AMW tossed Alex Shelly high over the top rope and sent him crashing onto both Gunn and his partner Devine. o AMW then nailed Road Dogg with The Death Sentence (Holding Top Rope Leg Drop) for the 3 count! Winners: AMW in 8:41 Rating: [COLOR="red"]B-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALStevens.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALAndy.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]After the match, the young team known as The Naturals appears from the crowd and attack AMW from behind. They continue to lay the boots to an already exhausted AMW until TNA officials pull them apart.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALTenay.jpg[/IMG] Tenay: Despite the fact that this was a brutal and unprovoked attack by The Naturals, it has to make to realize that the NWA World Tag Team Titles, which will be decided next week on Impact, are just that damn important. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALAJEntrance.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALPunk.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/X-Division/STALDanielson-1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJoe3.jpg[/IMG] [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. [B]CM Punk[/B] vs. [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] vs. [B]Samoa Joe[/B] o This match was a bit different than most 4-Way matches in that only 2 people are allowed in the ring at anytime, with the other two standing on the ring apron waiting to be “tagged in”. o The match started out between Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe. o This was a hard-hitting action packed match that Mike Tenay described as what the X-Division is going to be all about. o One amazing sequence saw both Danielson and CM Punk on the top rope, and Joe and Styles nailing them both with an Interlocking Superplex that defies words! o CM Punk nailed AJ Styles with a Titlawhirl Backbreaker! o Samoa Joe nailed Bryan Danielson with a Running Corner Yakuza Kick!! o AJ Styles nailed Samoa Joe with a Kick Up Hurricanrana!!! o Bryan Danielson nailed CM Punk with a Cradle Back Suplex!!!! o Amazing move after amazing move. o Joe, Punk and Danielson were all on the outside when AJ Styles deftly leapt to the top rope and hit all three men with a sick looking Shooting Starr Press!!! o AJ and Danielson were on the outside brawling on the entrance ramp. o Back in the ring CM Punk and Samoa Joe were battling for supremacy. o Punk climbed the top rope; intent on going air, however Joe would have none of that. o He hit Punk with an Open Palm Uppercut that stunned him. o Joe then lifted him up and delivered The Muscle Buster!! o 1 o 2 o 3! This match is over. Winner: Samoa Joe in 14:32 Rating: [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALBorash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJarrett2.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Backstage Jeremy Borash is standing by with Jeff Jarrett.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Borash[/COLOR][/U] – Ladies and gentlemen I’m standing by backstage with Jeff Jarrett. Now Jeff, your opponent tonight is Christian Cage in the qualifying match for the NWA World Title 3-Way later tonight. Your thoughts? [U][COLOR="blue"]Jarrett[/COLOR][/U] – My thoughts? My thoughts Borash are that I should not even have to qualify to get into this match. Hell there shouldn’t even be a match; the belt should just be awarded to me. [U][COLOR="blue"]Borash[/COLOR][/U] – Awarded to you? Why? [U][COLOR="blue"]Jarrett[/COLOR][/U] – Don’t interrupt me Borash I’m getting to that. If it weren’t for Jeff Jarrett, there would be no TNA. I’m the reason this company exists in the first place. If anyone deserves to be world champion, it’s me. But no, I have to face Christian Cage, Captain Charisma, well Christian, you better watch your back because I have many allies and if have to hurt you to get what I want, then that’s the way it’s gotta be. Get out of my way Borash. Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJarrett2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALCage.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. [B]Christian Cage[/B] o The fans were firmly behind Christian in this match and they fired 4C up. o Jarrett used all the tricks in the book to try and put a halt to Captain Charisma Christian Cage (4C, get it), but Christian just fed on the fans and kept fighting back into it. o Christian went for a Splash in the corner onto Jarrett but he pulled the referee in the way just in time to shield him from the blow. o REF BUMP!!! o Christian ignored this and went right back after Jeff Jarrett. o Kick to the mid-section. o UNPRETTIER!!! o Christian covers. o But there’s no referee. o Christian goes to check on the ref when out from the crowd comes Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner with his trusty lead pipe. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALSteiner3.jpg[/IMG] o He nails Christian in the head from behind, knocking him out cold. o Jarrett recovers just in time to see all this and collapses on top of Christian. o Steiner just picks the ref up by his belt and dumps him by Jarrett. o 1 o 2 o 3!!! Jarrett wins and advances to the 3-Way tonight. o After the match Jarrett and Steiner celebrated in the ring over the fallen body of Christian Cage. Winner: Jeff Jarrett in 10:53 Rating: [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/B99TNATheRock1.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]After the ad break The Peoples Champion The Rock makes his way out to the ring.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]The Rock[/COLOR][/U] – Over the years and years that The Rock has been in this business The Great One has faced and beaten them all. Triple H, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan you name them The Rock has pinned their asses 1-2-3! So The Rock comes to TNA hoping for a challenge, but what does he find? A steroid junky whose career went out the window with WCW, a Jobroni who clams to have built this company and a bunch of no name hacks. If this is what The Rock came to TNA far then I so no thank you. The Rock plans on beating whomever ass walks to this ring, winning the NWA World Heavyweight Title, and retiring right here tonight. Why? Cause The Rock says so that’s why. So Who’s Next for The Rock? Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [B](OOC Note: Since this is an alternate reality, The Rock and Goldberg have never faced each other before. This is the first time these two have been in the ring together)[/B] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/B99TNATheRock1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALGoldberg.jpg[/IMG] - [B]The Rock[/B] vs. [B]Goldberg [/B] o The Rock was not prepared for Goldberg who came to the ring like a house of fire. o Goldberg grabbed a mic “You wanna know Who’s Next Rock. YOUR NEXT!” o SPEAR!!! o JACKHAMMER!!! o 1 o 2 o 3!!!! GOLDBERG BEATS THE ROCK RIGHT HERE IN TNA!!!!! Winner: Goldberg in 2:55 Rating: [COLOR="red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALGoldberg-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJarrett.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALRhino2.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]A video airs that hype the upcoming 3-Way battle for The NWA World Heavyweight Title coming up next. The video highlights all the participants winning their matches here tonight. It shows Rhino pinning Austin, Jarrett pinning Christian after interference by Scott Steiner and Goldberg pinning The Rock after his surprise return to pro-wrestling.[/COLOR]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALTenay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALAngle.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]A video airs that shows a segment that was recorded earlier when Mike Tenay sat down with Olympic Gold Medallist and former WWF and ECW wrestler Kurt Angle.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Blue"]Tenay[/COLOR][/U] – Kurt, just let me thank you for joining us here today. As you know the fans have had a lot of question regarding your decision to come to TNA, a gamble to be sure, instead of re-joining with ECW. Can you give us any insight as to why you came to TNA? [U][COLOR="blue"]Angle [/COLOR][/U]– Well Mike it’s a complicated answer but I will try to keep it as simple as possible. It all boils down to the fact that I was tired of not being given the shot I deserve. Back in the WWF I was used as the funny guy, the dork, and in ECW I was never given a shot at headlining, at holding the World Title. I knew by talking with Dixie Carter that I would finally be given that opportunity here in TNA. I knew that somehow they would get the money to get this company off the ground, however it is a shame that ECW had to be the avenue for that. If they would have honored there word, then this would have never happened and I can tell you that Paul, thought a creative genius, is not a man of his word. [U][COLOR="blue"]Tenay[/COLOR][/U] – Some people compare you coming to TNA to when Hogan jumped ship to WCW in the early 90’s. That you coming to TNA will give it the chance it needs to make it big. [U][COLOR="blue"]Angle[/COLOR][/U] – TNA has all the tools in place to become the biggest promotion in the world, with or without Kurt Angles help. With guys like Steve Austin, The Rock, Christian and Rhino mixing it up with today’s hottest up and comers like AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe, there is no way this company is going anywhere for a long time. I’m flattered to be compared to Hogan in that manner, but the truth is I don’t deserve that comparison. [U][COLOR="blue"]Tenay [/COLOR][/U]– Any last words for the crowd or the guys in the back? [U][COLOR="blue"]Angle [/COLOR][/U]– To the fans I say this, if you think you have seen Kurt Angle yet, you aint seen nothing yet, and to the boys in the back, get ready, cause Kurt Angle is coming. Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALBorash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALRhino.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]The camera goes backstage where Jeremy Borash is standing by with Rhino.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Borash[/COLOR][/U] – Rhino, this has got to be the biggest opportunity of your life here tonight when you step into the ring with Jeff Jarrett and Bill Goldberg for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. What’s going threw your mind right now. [U][COLOR="blue"]Rhino[/COLOR][/U] – Jeremy, all my life I had to fight and scrape my way to get everything that I have every gotten. Nothing was ever given to me on a silver platter. I was always told that I was not big enough, was not good looking enough, and was plain just not good enough. Well tonight, I prove them all wrong. Tonight The War Machine, The Man Beast comes out to wreak havoc all over the Impact Zone and I will become the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Belts/NWAWorldMiddleweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALRhino2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJarrett.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALGoldberg-1.jpg[/IMG] - [U][COLOR="Blue"]NWA World Heavyweight Championship 3-Way[/COLOR][/U] [B]Rhino[/B] vs. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. [B]Goldberg[/B] o Jarrett looked like a scared little dog getting into the ring with both Rhino and Goldberg. o He stayed out of the ring while Rhino and Goldberg went toe to toe. o It was two goliaths brawling in the ring, the intensity of one matching the intensity for the other. o Rhino surprised everyone by standing with Goldberg and taking everything he had to give and more. o He surprised everyone even more when he hit Goldberg with a Standing Belly-To-Belly Suplex that hurt Goldberg! o That’s when Jarrett took his chance and attacked Rhino from behind. o Jarrett was able to keep control for a while, working on Rhino and then working on Goldberg, keeping them both grounded. o However the ferocious intensity of Goldberg was not to be contained for long and he “Hulked Up” as Jarrett tried to pound him back to the ground. o It was no use as Goldberg just tossed Jarrett like a rag doll more than halfway across the ring. o That’s when Rhino got his second wind and hit Goldberg with a Side Suplex. o For several minutes the action was back and forth between all three men. o Rhino was down in the corner after Jarrett hit him with a Diving Cross Body Block (yes Jarrett has done this before). o Goldberg went for The Spear on the unsuspecting Jarrett. o Jarrett saw it coming and pulled the referee in the way instead! o REF BUMP #2!!! o As Goldberg was checking on the ref Scott Steiner came from the back with his lead pipe in hand. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALSteiner3.jpg[/IMG] o He went to attack Goldberg but Big Bill saw it coming and clocked Steiner, the pipe flying out of his hands. o Steiner and Goldberg brawled up the isle and into the back leaving Jarrett alone in the ring with Rhino, the lead pipe and the fallen referee. o Jarrett picked up the lead pipe as Rhino was getting to his feet. o Jarrett had a wicked smile on his face when all of a sudden the lights in the Impact Zone went out. o Eerie music filled the arena and when the lights finally came back on Sting was standing in the middle of the ring in front of Jarrett. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALSting.jpg[/IMG] o Jarrett nearly crapped his pants and dropped the pipe. o Out of nowhere came THE GORE!!! o Rhino covers. o The referee slowly crawls over. o 1. Slow Count o 2 o 3!!!! RHINO WINS!!!!!! o RHINO IS THE NEW NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!!!! Winner: Rhino in 19:43 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALRhino.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]After the match Sting slowly leaves the ring while never taking his eyes off of the fallen Jeff Jarrett. Confetti falls from the overhead as an exhausted Rhino drops to his knees with the NWA World Heavyweight Title in his hands. The crowd is going crazy as Rhino has finally reached the pinnacle of his career. Impact comes to an end with a picture of Rhino holding the NWA World Heavyweight Title high above his head as tears stream down his face and the crowd going crazy.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR] [B]Bookers Notes: I was surprised that the main event only got an A, but I guess that’s what you get for putting Goldberg in an almost 20 minute match. However I could not be happier with the way things turned out. I think the X-Division is going to be huge judging by the crowd’s reaction to the 2 matches that I had. I have a lot of unknown men in the tag team division so it’s going to be an uphill battle to get them over. I went with a smaller venue tonight just to test the waters and see how good a reaction I would get. Next time I will book a larger venue. Hope you guys liked the show! [/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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TNA Impact Results [CENTER][SIZE="4"][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Logos/logo_impact.gif[/IMG] Held At Universal Studios in Orlando FL Attendance: 2,000 [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALTenay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALWest.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]The premier show of TNA Impact opens with a flurry of fireworks and screaming fans. The Professor Mike Tenay sits at ringside in the announce booth.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Tenay[/COLOR][/U] – Hello everyone and welcome to Total Non-Stop Action Impact. My name is Mike Tenay and my broadcast collogue sitting next to me is Don West. Don we have what has to be the best roster of established and young wrestlers ever to grace the TV screen wouldn’t you say. [U][COLOR="blue"]West[/COLOR][/U] – Oh absolutely Mike, what TNA has done is gathered the best talent the professional wrestling world has ever seen. This is THE environment for the established talent to showcase their abilities and for the young hungry guys to learn the trade. This is an exciting time to be a pro-wrestling fan. [U][COLOR="blue"]Tenay [/COLOR][/U]– Your right about that Mike, but now without further ado, we send it to the ring where the Head Of TNA Management Mr. Jim Cornette is standing by. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/B99TNAJimCornette.jpg[/IMG] [U][COLOR="blue"]Cornette [/COLOR][/U]– Thank you Tenay and West and to all the wrestling fans in attendance and all those watching around the world, welcome to TNA! Now I’m not out here to make myself famous by getting myself involved in storylines and such, I’ll leave that to the other promoters, and I’m also not out here to verbally abuse TNA’s competition. Ya see, TNA is all about competition; in fact we thrive on it. Without competition, the wrestling world would become stale and boring so we want competition and we want them to be great, because that would make us work that much harder at being great ourselves. Now I could come out here and say WWF this and ECW that, but that would not help become the greatest wrestling promotion in the United States today, and by God that’s what we are all about. We are about wrestling, pure and simple. Your not going to see cartoon gimmicks or matches where people bleed just to get a reaction from the crowd. Your going to see the best wrestlers and brawlers in the world get it on inside this new innovative 6-Sided Ring. Tonight, you are going to see Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, The Rock, Steve Austin, Christian Cage and many more. So sit back, strap yourself in, because you are in for the greatest 2-hours of wrestling of your life. Rating:[COLOR="Red"] A+[/COLOR] [B](Now that’s a great way to start a show)[/B] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/X-Division/STALStarr.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Woman/STALSocal2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALChristopherDaniels2.jpg[/IMG]w/[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Woman/STALDanger.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Austin Aires[/B] w/ So Cal Val vs. [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] w/ Allison Danger o As the match was happening in the ring, both Val and Danger were verbally attacking one another on the outside. o In the ring the match was fast and furious. o At one point Aries hit Daniels with an amazing Corkscrew Elbow from the top turnbuckle! o Daniels fought his way back into it and scored with a Step Up Enziguri that rocked Aries! o After a series of back and forth reversals and counters, Daniels hit Aries with and STO and turned it into a Koji Clutch! o Aires fought threw the pain and was able to make it to the ropes. o On the outside So Cal Val and Allison Danger began to brawl after a heated shoving match. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALWest.jpg[/IMG] West – For some reason I’m tempted to yell out catfight right now! o Both Daniels and Aries jumped to the outside and pulled there opponents valet off of the other one so Daniels ended up holding Co Cal Val and Aries ended up holding Allison Danger. o They saw what was going on and just dropped the valets and started brawling on the outside again. o Aries knocked Daniels into the crowd with a huge Clothesline. o Aries quickly slipped back into the ring, bounced off of the opposite ropes and DOVE OVER THE TOP ROPE, INTO THE CROWD AND CRASHED INTO CHRISTOPHER DANIELS!!! o The crowd was going nuts at this point chanting TNA,TNA,TNA! o Back in the ring, Christopher Daniels was able to gain back control after he reversed a Diamond Buster into Swinging Neckbreaker! o Daniels was able to get the pinfall following The Angels Wings! Winner: Christopher Daniels in 10:54 Rating: [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALBorash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/SteveAustin.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]The camera goes backstage where Jeremy Borash is standing by with Steve Austin. Tonight Austin is not wearing his usual robes, but simply a black vest and black trunks.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Borash[/COLOR][/U] – Hello everyone, my name is Jeremy Borash and I am backstage with the one and only Stunning Steve… [COLOR="blue"]Austin grabs the mic from Borash[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Austin[/COLOR][/U] – Ya know something, I am sick and tired of being called Stunning Steve Austin all the time. You see these eyes, there the eyes of a Stone Cold Killer, not some pansy ass Ric Flair wanna-be. Now a lot of people are asking, Steve, why did you go to TNA, is it for the opportunity? Screw that, Steve Austin came to TNA to raise as much hell and drink as much beer as he damn well pleases. If I get to win a few titles along the way then so be it! Tonight I got a match with that tough as nails bastard Rhino, but Rhino, you are stepping into the ring with The Worlds Toughest Son-Of-A-Bitch so be prepared to get a mud hole stomped into your ass 6 feet deep. If you wanna see Steve Austin raise some hell and kick some ass gimme a Hell Yeah (HELL YEAH). So if you’ll excuse me Borash I got ass to kick and beer to drink, And That’s The Bottom Line, Cause Stone Cold Said So!!! Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/SteveAustin.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALRhino.jpg[/IMG] - Qualifying Match For NWA World Heavyweight Title 3-Way [B]Steve Austin [/B]vs. [B]Rhino[/B] o This match was a classic brawl between two legit tough guys. o No wrestling holds needed here folks; just good a ol’ fashion fight! o Austin hit Rhino with the Lou Thez Press followed up by a flurry of right hands to get the crowd going. o Rhino got back into the fight however with a huge Spinebuster! o Both men bounced off opposite ropes and collided with a Double Clothesline that put both men down and started the 10 count. o Both men got up by the count of eight and started throwing fists yet again. o Austin with a kick to the gut, setting up the Stunner! o Rhino pushes Austin off and charges with The Gore. o Austin moved out of the way but grabbed Rhino and used his momentum to slam him shoulder first into the ring post. o Austin then sent the next several minutes working over Rhino’s shoulder and wearing him down. o Austin threw Rhino into the corner and began Stomping A Mud Hole in him. o Austin once again went for the Stunner! o But once again Rhino tosses him off. o GORE!!!! o However Rhino hit Austin with his hurt shoulder and he cant make the cover. o Austin is able to get groggily back to his feet. o He goes to pick up Rhino but is met with another huge Spinebuster!! o Rhino gets fired up and crouches down in the corner, waiting for Austin to get up. o Austin stands. o GORE! GORE! GORE! o 1 o 2 o 3! RHINO WINS! Winner: Rhino in 13:03 Rating: [COLOR="red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/B99TNABGJames.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALKipp.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALStorm2.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALHarris.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/B99EYESPYAlexShelley.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALDevine.jpg[/IMG] - [B]New Age Outlaws[/B] (Road Dogg Jesse James and Bad Ass Billy Gunn) vs. [B]Americas Most Wanted[/B] (Cowboy James Storm and Wildcat Chris Harris) vs. [B]The Paparazzi [/B](Alex Shelly and Johnny Devine) o “Oh You Didn’t Know? Your Ass Betta Call Sombooooooody!” o The crowd went crazy went The New Age Outlaws came to the ring. o Road Dogg – “Ladies And Gentlemen Boys And Girls Children Of All Ages, Total Non-Stop Action Proudly Brings To You, Its Soon To Be NWA Tag Team Champions Of The Woooooorld. The Road Dogg Jesse James, The Bad Ass Billy Gunn. The New Age Outlaws! o Billy Gunn – And If Your Not Down With That, We Got Two Words For Ya! o SUCK IT! o Road Dogg – Hey Vince, sue us! o After the vintage Outlaws intro, the match started up with one member from each team in the ring at any given time, almost like a Triple Treat Match. o It started out with Billy Gunn, Chris Harris, and Johnny Devine. o It was obvious that The Paparazzi were out sized in this match, but they had the edge in technical know-how and it worked to their advantage. o The match was another all out affair, showing that TNA lived up to the moniker of Total Non-Stop Action. o Towards the end of the match, Johnny Devine and Billy Gunn were on the outside brawling. o AMW tossed Alex Shelly high over the top rope and sent him crashing onto both Gunn and his partner Devine. o AMW then nailed Road Dogg with The Death Sentence (Holding Top Rope Leg Drop) for the 3 count! Winners: AMW in 8:41 Rating: [COLOR="red"]B-[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALStevens.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Teams/STALAndy.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]After the match, the young team known as The Naturals appears from the crowd and attack AMW from behind. They continue to lay the boots to an already exhausted AMW until TNA officials pull them apart.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]C[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALTenay.jpg[/IMG] Tenay: Despite the fact that this was a brutal and unprovoked attack by The Naturals, it has to make to realize that the NWA World Tag Team Titles, which will be decided next week on Impact, are just that damn important. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALAJEntrance.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALPunk.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/X-Division/STALDanielson-1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJoe3.jpg[/IMG] [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. [B]CM Punk[/B] vs. [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] vs. [B]Samoa Joe[/B] o This match was a bit different than most 4-Way matches in that only 2 people are allowed in the ring at anytime, with the other two standing on the ring apron waiting to be “tagged in”. o The match started out between Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe. o This was a hard-hitting action packed match that Mike Tenay described as what the X-Division is going to be all about. o One amazing sequence saw both Danielson and CM Punk on the top rope, and Joe and Styles nailing them both with an Interlocking Superplex that defies words! o CM Punk nailed AJ Styles with a Titlawhirl Backbreaker! o Samoa Joe nailed Bryan Danielson with a Running Corner Yakuza Kick!! o AJ Styles nailed Samoa Joe with a Kick Up Hurricanrana!!! o Bryan Danielson nailed CM Punk with a Cradle Back Suplex!!!! o Amazing move after amazing move. o Joe, Punk and Danielson were all on the outside when AJ Styles deftly leapt to the top rope and hit all three men with a sick looking Shooting Starr Press!!! o AJ and Danielson were on the outside brawling on the entrance ramp. o Back in the ring CM Punk and Samoa Joe were battling for supremacy. o Punk climbed the top rope; intent on going air, however Joe would have none of that. o He hit Punk with an Open Palm Uppercut that stunned him. o Joe then lifted him up and delivered The Muscle Buster!! o 1 o 2 o 3! This match is over. Winner: Samoa Joe in 14:32 Rating: [COLOR="red"]B+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALBorash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJarrett2.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]Backstage Jeremy Borash is standing by with Jeff Jarrett.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Borash[/COLOR][/U] – Ladies and gentlemen I’m standing by backstage with Jeff Jarrett. Now Jeff, your opponent tonight is Christian Cage in the qualifying match for the NWA World Title 3-Way later tonight. Your thoughts? [U][COLOR="blue"]Jarrett[/COLOR][/U] – My thoughts? My thoughts Borash are that I should not even have to qualify to get into this match. Hell there shouldn’t even be a match; the belt should just be awarded to me. [U][COLOR="blue"]Borash[/COLOR][/U] – Awarded to you? Why? [U][COLOR="blue"]Jarrett[/COLOR][/U] – Don’t interrupt me Borash I’m getting to that. If it weren’t for Jeff Jarrett, there would be no TNA. I’m the reason this company exists in the first place. If anyone deserves to be world champion, it’s me. But no, I have to face Christian Cage, Captain Charisma, well Christian, you better watch your back because I have many allies and if have to hurt you to get what I want, then that’s the way it’s gotta be. Get out of my way Borash. Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJarrett2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALCage.jpg[/IMG] - [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. [B]Christian Cage[/B] o The fans were firmly behind Christian in this match and they fired 4C up. o Jarrett used all the tricks in the book to try and put a halt to Captain Charisma Christian Cage (4C, get it), but Christian just fed on the fans and kept fighting back into it. o Christian went for a Splash in the corner onto Jarrett but he pulled the referee in the way just in time to shield him from the blow. o REF BUMP!!! o Christian ignored this and went right back after Jeff Jarrett. o Kick to the mid-section. o UNPRETTIER!!! o Christian covers. o But there’s no referee. o Christian goes to check on the ref when out from the crowd comes Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner with his trusty lead pipe. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALSteiner3.jpg[/IMG] o He nails Christian in the head from behind, knocking him out cold. o Jarrett recovers just in time to see all this and collapses on top of Christian. o Steiner just picks the ref up by his belt and dumps him by Jarrett. o 1 o 2 o 3!!! Jarrett wins and advances to the 3-Way tonight. o After the match Jarrett and Steiner celebrated in the ring over the fallen body of Christian Cage. Winner: Jeff Jarrett in 10:53 Rating: [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/B99TNATheRock1.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]After the ad break The Peoples Champion The Rock makes his way out to the ring.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]The Rock[/COLOR][/U] – Over the years and years that The Rock has been in this business The Great One has faced and beaten them all. Triple H, Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Hulk Hogan you name them The Rock has pinned their asses 1-2-3! So The Rock comes to TNA hoping for a challenge, but what does he find? A steroid junky whose career went out the window with WCW, a Jobroni who clams to have built this company and a bunch of no name hacks. If this is what The Rock came to TNA far then I so no thank you. The Rock plans on beating whomever ass walks to this ring, winning the NWA World Heavyweight Title, and retiring right here tonight. Why? Cause The Rock says so that’s why. So Who’s Next for The Rock? Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [B](OOC Note: Since this is an alternate reality, The Rock and Goldberg have never faced each other before. This is the first time these two have been in the ring together)[/B] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/B99TNATheRock1.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALGoldberg.jpg[/IMG] - [B]The Rock[/B] vs. [B]Goldberg [/B] o The Rock was not prepared for Goldberg who came to the ring like a house of fire. o Goldberg grabbed a mic “You wanna know Who’s Next Rock. YOUR NEXT!” o SPEAR!!! o JACKHAMMER!!! o 1 o 2 o 3!!!! GOLDBERG BEATS THE ROCK RIGHT HERE IN TNA!!!!! Winner: Goldberg in 2:55 Rating: [COLOR="red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALGoldberg-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJarrett.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALRhino2.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]A video airs that hype the upcoming 3-Way battle for The NWA World Heavyweight Title coming up next. The video highlights all the participants winning their matches here tonight. It shows Rhino pinning Austin, Jarrett pinning Christian after interference by Scott Steiner and Goldberg pinning The Rock after his surprise return to pro-wrestling.[/COLOR]Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALTenay.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALAngle.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]A video airs that shows a segment that was recorded earlier when Mike Tenay sat down with Olympic Gold Medallist and former WWF and ECW wrestler Kurt Angle.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="Blue"]Tenay[/COLOR][/U] – Kurt, just let me thank you for joining us here today. As you know the fans have had a lot of question regarding your decision to come to TNA, a gamble to be sure, instead of re-joining with ECW. Can you give us any insight as to why you came to TNA? [U][COLOR="blue"]Angle [/COLOR][/U]– Well Mike it’s a complicated answer but I will try to keep it as simple as possible. It all boils down to the fact that I was tired of not being given the shot I deserve. Back in the WWF I was used as the funny guy, the dork, and in ECW I was never given a shot at headlining, at holding the World Title. I knew by talking with Dixie Carter that I would finally be given that opportunity here in TNA. I knew that somehow they would get the money to get this company off the ground, however it is a shame that ECW had to be the avenue for that. If they would have honored there word, then this would have never happened and I can tell you that Paul, thought a creative genius, is not a man of his word. [U][COLOR="blue"]Tenay[/COLOR][/U] – Some people compare you coming to TNA to when Hogan jumped ship to WCW in the early 90’s. That you coming to TNA will give it the chance it needs to make it big. [U][COLOR="blue"]Angle[/COLOR][/U] – TNA has all the tools in place to become the biggest promotion in the world, with or without Kurt Angles help. With guys like Steve Austin, The Rock, Christian and Rhino mixing it up with today’s hottest up and comers like AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe, there is no way this company is going anywhere for a long time. I’m flattered to be compared to Hogan in that manner, but the truth is I don’t deserve that comparison. [U][COLOR="blue"]Tenay [/COLOR][/U]– Any last words for the crowd or the guys in the back? [U][COLOR="blue"]Angle [/COLOR][/U]– To the fans I say this, if you think you have seen Kurt Angle yet, you aint seen nothing yet, and to the boys in the back, get ready, cause Kurt Angle is coming. Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Staff/STALBorash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALRhino.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]The camera goes backstage where Jeremy Borash is standing by with Rhino.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR="blue"]Borash[/COLOR][/U] – Rhino, this has got to be the biggest opportunity of your life here tonight when you step into the ring with Jeff Jarrett and Bill Goldberg for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. What’s going threw your mind right now. [U][COLOR="blue"]Rhino[/COLOR][/U] – Jeremy, all my life I had to fight and scrape my way to get everything that I have every gotten. Nothing was ever given to me on a silver platter. I was always told that I was not big enough, was not good looking enough, and was plain just not good enough. Well tonight, I prove them all wrong. Tonight The War Machine, The Man Beast comes out to wreak havoc all over the Impact Zone and I will become the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/Belts/NWAWorldMiddleweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALRhino2.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALJarrett.jpg[/IMG] vs [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALGoldberg-1.jpg[/IMG] - [U][COLOR="Blue"]NWA World Heavyweight Championship 3-Way[/COLOR][/U] [B]Rhino[/B] vs. [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] vs. [B]Goldberg[/B] o Jarrett looked like a scared little dog getting into the ring with both Rhino and Goldberg. o He stayed out of the ring while Rhino and Goldberg went toe to toe. o It was two goliaths brawling in the ring, the intensity of one matching the intensity for the other. o Rhino surprised everyone by standing with Goldberg and taking everything he had to give and more. o He surprised everyone even more when he hit Goldberg with a Standing Belly-To-Belly Suplex that hurt Goldberg! o That’s when Jarrett took his chance and attacked Rhino from behind. o Jarrett was able to keep control for a while, working on Rhino and then working on Goldberg, keeping them both grounded. o However the ferocious intensity of Goldberg was not to be contained for long and he “Hulked Up” as Jarrett tried to pound him back to the ground. o It was no use as Goldberg just tossed Jarrett like a rag doll more than halfway across the ring. o That’s when Rhino got his second wind and hit Goldberg with a Side Suplex. o For several minutes the action was back and forth between all three men. o Rhino was down in the corner after Jarrett hit him with a Diving Cross Body Block (yes Jarrett has done this before). o Goldberg went for The Spear on the unsuspecting Jarrett. o Jarrett saw it coming and pulled the referee in the way instead! o REF BUMP #2!!! o As Goldberg was checking on the ref Scott Steiner came from the back with his lead pipe in hand. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALSteiner3.jpg[/IMG] o He went to attack Goldberg but Big Bill saw it coming and clocked Steiner, the pipe flying out of his hands. o Steiner and Goldberg brawled up the isle and into the back leaving Jarrett alone in the ring with Rhino, the lead pipe and the fallen referee. o Jarrett picked up the lead pipe as Rhino was getting to his feet. o Jarrett had a wicked smile on his face when all of a sudden the lights in the Impact Zone went out. o Eerie music filled the arena and when the lights finally came back on Sting was standing in the middle of the ring in front of Jarrett. [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALSting.jpg[/IMG] o Jarrett nearly crapped his pants and dropped the pipe. o Out of nowhere came THE GORE!!! o Rhino covers. o The referee slowly crawls over. o 1. Slow Count o 2 o 3!!!! RHINO WINS!!!!!! o RHINO IS THE NEW NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!!!! Winner: Rhino in 19:43 Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g99/thestallion1025/STALRhino.jpg[/IMG] - [COLOR="Blue"]After the match Sting slowly leaves the ring while never taking his eyes off of the fallen Jeff Jarrett. Confetti falls from the overhead as an exhausted Rhino drops to his knees with the NWA World Heavyweight Title in his hands. The crowd is going crazy as Rhino has finally reached the pinnacle of his career. Impact comes to an end with a picture of Rhino holding the NWA World Heavyweight Title high above his head as tears stream down his face and the crowd going crazy.[/COLOR] Rating: [COLOR="Red"]A+[/COLOR] Overall Rating: [COLOR="red"]A[/COLOR] [B]Bookers Notes: I was surprised that the main event only got an A, but I guess that’s what you get for putting Goldberg in an almost 20 minute match. However I could not be happier with the way things turned out. I think the X-Division is going to be huge judging by the crowd’s reaction to the 2 matches that I had. I have a lot of unknown men in the tag team division so it’s going to be an uphill battle to get them over. I went with a smaller venue tonight just to test the waters and see how good a reaction I would get. Next time I will book a larger venue. Hope you guys liked the show! [/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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Stallions ECW Review - Looks like you finally took my advice and expanded on the match descriptions. Good job brother! - Haha, loved the TNA bashing, great job! Don’t worry about going to far, if this were real the three company’s going head to head to head would pull out all the stops. Go for it. - OK, CBS is hysterical, loved that segment. However didn’t ECW do that for real once? Not sure but it sounds familiar. Not that that’s a bad thing mind you, I was just wondering. - So did The Whole ****in Show disappear? I saw that you know have RVD and Sabu working together so I guess something must have happened to break up Shawn and RVD. - I like the Owen Hart promo and I’m glad he is your new ECW World Heavyweight Champion. The guy was fantastic R.I.P Owen! - The match between Super Crazy and Beniot was AWESOME brother! - Loved the show Nevermore, I have nothing even remotely bad to say about it. You’ve outdone yourself brother!.
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Stallions ECW Review - Looks like you finally took my advice and expanded on the match descriptions. Good job brother! - Haha, loved the TNA bashing, great job! Don’t worry about going to far, if this were real the three company’s going head to head to head would pull out all the stops. Go for it. - OK, CBS is hysterical, loved that segment. However didn’t ECW do that for real once? Not sure but it sounds familiar. Not that that’s a bad thing mind you, I was just wondering. - So did The Whole ****in Show disappear? I saw that you know have RVD and Sabu working together so I guess something must have happened to break up Shawn and RVD. - I like the Owen Hart promo and I’m glad he is your new ECW World Heavyweight Champion. The guy was fantastic R.I.P Owen! - The match between Super Crazy and Beniot was AWESOME brother! - Loved the show Nevermore, I have nothing even remotely bad to say about it. You’ve outdone yourself brother!.
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Cheers, dude, I appreciate that. WFS just disbanded amiably, I guess. This is purely 'cos I have other plans for Michaels and RVD. As for, The Network, yeah ECW did it back in the day. I decided to ressurect it in a slightly different way. Anyway, onto Impact: Great show and I am so stoked Rhino is the NWA Champion- he deserves it. Frankly, I'm surprised you booked bot Austin and Rock to lose but it gave your other guys some credibility! All in all, a great show. I'm gonna stick the TV Ratings up in a sec... Quote The Raven Nevermore
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Cheers, dude, I appreciate that. WFS just disbanded amiably, I guess. This is purely 'cos I have other plans for Michaels and RVD. As for, The Network, yeah ECW did it back in the day. I decided to ressurect it in a slightly different way. Anyway, onto Impact: Great show and I am so stoked Rhino is the NWA Champion- he deserves it. Frankly, I'm surprised you booked bot Austin and Rock to lose but it gave your other guys some credibility! All in all, a great show. I'm gonna stick the TV Ratings up in a sec... Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/header_logo.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/dave.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][COLOR="lime"][SIZE="5"]This weeks viewing figures in the "Monday Night War"[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/U] [SIZE="4"]ECW: 261,875 TNA: 1,535,168 WWF: 806,424[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/revnow/ratings.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/header_logo.gif[/IMG][IMG]http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/dave.jpg[/IMG] [U][B][COLOR="lime"][SIZE="5"]This weeks viewing figures in the "Monday Night War"[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/U] [SIZE="4"]ECW: 261,875 TNA: 1,535,168 WWF: 806,424[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/revnow/ratings.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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