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Vince McMahon's WCW

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[CENTER][SIZE="5"]-BREAKING NEWS-[/SIZE][/CENTER] [B]August 22, 2006-[/B] Two days after WWE Summerslam, Prowrestling.com leaks the WWE's plans to possibly bring back WCW. After the success of ECW, Vince McMahon has put the WCW name back in rotation. A press conference is set up for Monday, August 28, 2006. [QUOTE] [B]-OUT OF CHARACTER NOTE-[/B] I have decided to cancel my latest dynasty "WCW: A Fourth Brand" I figure that creating a fourth brand extension will be way confusing. But dont worry, WCW is still coming, just in a completely different way. This will be WCW ran and controlled by Vince McMahon and the WWE. But it will not be a part of the brand extension. And I again, realize that Total Extreme Wrestling 2007 is coming out shortly. So I will start my dynasty with 05, and transfer my database to 07. Then I will start a new game in 07, starting with where I left off on the 05 game. [/FONT] [/QUOTE]
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WWE Unforigven/WCW Press Conference [CENTER][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]August 28, 2006-[/B] At the WWEs Unforgiven pay per view press conference in Stamford, Connecticut. Vince McMahon revealed that "World Championship Wrestling" will come back to the wrestling world this December. McMahon also states that WCW will not be a part of the brand extension. He goes on to say that WCW will be more than just a brand inside the WWE, it will be a company ran under the WWE to provide fans another option in WWE television. Especially for the long time WCW fans who want to see WCW make a return. In closing, McMahon assures fans that more of the WCW will go public over the next 3 months leading up to the WCW's return pay per view in December, where the WCWs premier ppv will return, "Starrcade"
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WCW Starrcade Logo Revealed After the 9/11 edition of Raw ended, the WWE logo flashed as usual, but was then followed by a WCW Starrcade logo. Then the logo appeared on WWE.com the following day as the official logo for WCW's Starrcade. [CENTER][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/Starrcade2006.gif[/IMG][/CENTER]
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WCW September Newsletter [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/Wcwlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]WCW September Press Newsletter[/B] [QUOTE]-After being confirmed in late August, WCW will return to the wrestling world on December 10 later this year. WCW Starrcade will return after a six year absence. No matches or superstars have been confirmed for this event. The WCW Starrcade logo has flashed at the conclusion of Raw, ECW, and Smackdown over the past few weeks. -WWE has also confirmed that WCW will not be a fourth brand. The general rumor is that WCW will be its own company inside the company. Vince McMahon feels that WCW would make a more successful comeback than ECW did in June. -WWE has also came to an agreement with the USA network to broadcast another weekly program. No actual word on which day the show will air. Many feel that the show will not be on Monday, Tuesday, or Friday, seeing at how that could affect the ratings of the WWEs other shows. -The WWE head office has contacted several former WCW stars, attempting to bring them back. Among those contacted were Stevie Ray, Billy Kidman, Mark Jindrak, Sean O'Haire, Bryan Adams, and Brian Clarke. Look for some stars already contracted by WWE to play a role in WCWs return, such as Chuck Palumbo, Dean Malenko, & possibly Ric Flair. The biggest name associated with WCW and its return is former Undisputed World Champion, Chris Jericho. WWE has in fact extended an offer to Chris Jericho. -A WCW website has been confirmed to open on December 1, 2006. -There is still many questions to be answered over the coming months about the WCW.[/QUOTE]
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Vince McMahon appears on Smackdown [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/SmackdownLogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]October 6, 2006-[/B] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="Navy"](Smackdown opens up with an unexpected visit from Mr. McMahon. McMahon stands in the ring as Smackdown opens up. McMahon is holding a microphone in his hand.)[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/VinceMcMahon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Mr. McMahon:[/B] As you all know by now, on December 10, World Championship Wrestling will make its much anticipated return. And everyone wants to know who will take over WCW and run the company as a new era begins in the sports entertainment world. The answer is real simple. So to avoid the constant harrassment by Degeneration X, I have came to Smackdown to make this announcement. I have turned over my ownership of WCW to the person who originally bought WCW, my son, [B]Shane McMahon[/B]. I firmly believe that Shane can restablish the success that WCW once carried. [B][COLOR="Navy"](Here Comes The Moneeeyyy......Shane McMahon makes his way down to the ring.)[/COLOR][/B] [B]Shane O'Mac:[/B] And not to let down the huge announcement that my father just made. I will announce the first signing of WCW right here, next week on Smackdown!!! [B][COLOR="Navy"](Michael Cole and JBL are exstatic after the shocking announcement they just witnessed. Next week on Smackdown, new WCW owner Shane McMahon will announce the first signing of WCW!!!)[/COLOR][/B] [/QUOTE]
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Friday Night Smackdown [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/SmackdownLogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]October 13, 2006- (Smackdown following No Mercy PPV)[/B] [QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"](WWE Friday Night Smackdown opens up with Shane McMahon standing in the ring.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Shane McMahon:[/B] Last week, it was I, Shane O'Mac, who was introduced by my father as the new WCW owner. And yes, it was me who was behind the idea to bring back WCW. And last week I promised to reveal my first signing as WCW owner. And he is here tonight, so let me introduce to..... [COLOR="navy"](Shane McMahon is cut off by Eric Bischoffs music. Eric Bischoff comes down to the ring with other plans for Shane O Mac)[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Eric Bischoff:[/B] No, no, no. There will not be any revealing of any superstar at this time. And the reason is this. Last week, when your father "gave" you WCW, that created a real problem between me and the McMahons. Let me take you back to when Vince first hired me. It was a long, drawn out process. It was difficult for Vince to sign me, because I didn't have the interest or trust in Vince, to work with him. When WCW folded in 2001, "Ted" sold the entire company to Vince McMahon, illegally. It was illegal because I owned 50% of that company and had the paperwork to prove it. So when Vince tried to hire me, I presented him with the paperwork. So to avoid a lawsuit, Vince hired me and gave me back 50% of the rights to WCW. So last week when he gave it to you, he became the second person to give away or sell what is half mine. And this time, its not going to happen. So take a good look at your new business partner! [COLOR="Navy"](Shane looks confused as Eric Bischoff gets in the ring and extends his hand for a handshake. Shane looks past Bischoff and exits the ring. Shane is making a phone call as he makes his way down the isle. Michael Cole and JBL are stunned at the new twist added in the return of WCW. They still wonder who the WCWs first signing is???)[/COLOR] [B][CENTER]_______________________________________[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="navy"](Later on in the Smackdown broadcast, [B]Shane McMahon[/B] is shown talking on his cel phone to his father Vince. Vince tells Shane that its true that he gave Bischoff 50% of the WCW assets when he hired him. Vince then tells Shane to deal with it on his own)[/COLOR] [B][CENTER]_______________________________________[/CENTER][/B] [B][COLOR="navy"]WWE FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN MAIN EVENT[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]TRIPLE THREAT #1 CONTENDERS MATCH[/U][/B] Batista .vs. Finlay .vs. Bobby Lashley [B]RESULTS:[/B] Batista def. Finlay and Lashley to become #1 contender for King Booker's World Title. [COLOR="Navy"](After the match Batista challenged King Booker to step inside the ring. King Booker and Sharmell mocked Batista from the announce table where they sat along with Michael Cole and JBL to call the match. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] then jumped the railing and tossed King Booker into the ring, where he was destroyed by Batista. After Batista tossed Booker out of the ring, Jericho climbed in the ring. Chris Jericho then took off his jacket to reveal a WCW t-shirt. Batista clapped at what is obviously the WCWs first siging, Chris Jericho!!!)[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [B][U]SMACKDOWN QUICK RESULTS[/U][/B] [B]-WWE US TITLE:[/B] Chris Beniot returns to def. Ken Kennedy for the title [B]-[/B]Vito def. William Regal [B]-[/B]Kane def. MVP by count-out [B]-[/B]Rey Mysterio def. Jamie Noble [B]-SIX MAN TAG:[/B] Paul London, Brian Kendrick, & Jimmy Wang Yang def. Idol Stevens, KC James, & Sylvan [B]-#1 CONTENDERS TRIPLE THREAT:[/B] Batista def. Finlay & Bobby Lashley
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Friday Night Smackdown 10/20 [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/SmackdownLogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]October 20, 2006-[/B] [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/ShaneMcMahon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/EricBischoff.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Navy"][/COLOR](Smackdown opens up to WCW co-owners Shane McMahon & Eric Bischoff standing in the ring.) [B]Shane McMahon:[/B] Unfortunately, I have been forced to head the WCW with the man standing in the ring next to me. But right now, that is not important. What is important is the announcement that I have for you tonight.... [COLOR="navy"](Bischoff interrupts Shane.)[/COLOR] [B]Eric Bischoff:[/B] Hold on Shane, I will make the announcement. I have been informed by Mr.McMahon that on Novemeber 20 on Monday Night Raw, WCW will hold its first "Expansion Draft"..... [COLOR="navy"](Shane then stills the mic from Eric.)[/COLOR] [B]Shane McMahon: [/B]Thank you Eric, yes, we will have an expansion draft and this is how it will work. On Raw that evening, Eric Bischoff here, and yours truly, will be able to select certain superstars from the other WWE programs to embark on the rebirth of WCW. [B]Eric Bischoff:[/B] Yes, we will be able to select 8 superstars, 4 from each of us to be contracted by WCW. [B]Shane McMahon:[/B] Yes, and each general manager from the three brands may select 10 superstars to be exempt from the expansion draft. And all respective champions can be drafted but will have the option on whether to come to WCW or not. That will be all from us, enjoy the show. [COLOR="Navy"](Eric Bischoff gives Shane a bad look, as if he wasnt finished talking. Eric decides to leave the ring with Shane. Michael Cole and JBL discuss the possibilities of the upcoming WCW Expansion Draft)[/COLOR] [CENTER][B]_______________________________________[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="navy"]([B]King Booker [/B]did an interview with [B]Kristal[/B]. Booker demanded that Chris Jericho not be lot in the building, and that Jericho stay out of his business.)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="navy"]FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN MAIN EVENT[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]WORLD TITLE MATCH[/U][/B] King Booker(c) w/Queen Sharmell .vs. Batista [B]RESULTS:[/B] King Booker retains his title by DQ, after ECW Champion Big Sh[B][/B]ow interfered. [COLOR="navy"](WWE Champ John Cena & ECW Champ, Big Show were at ringside for the match. Batista tossed Big Show outside the ring who then began to fued with John Cena on the outside. As King Booker fled up the ramp with Sharmell, [B]Chris Jericho[/B] again ran out and attacked Booker. [B]Finlay[/B] then ran out and attacked Jericho. Booker and Finlay laid a beating on Jericho until Batista ran up for the save.)[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [B][U]SMACKDOWN QUICK RESULTS[/U][/B] [B]-[/B]Kane def. MVP by DQ [B]-[/B]William Regal & Dave Taylor def. Scotty 2 Hotty & Sho Fuanki [B]-"LOSER LEAVES SMACKDOWN" I QUIT MATCH:[/B] Chavo Guerrero w/Vickie Guerrero def. Rey Mysterio [B]-[/B]The Undertaker def. Gregory Helms in a not title match [B]-WORLD TITLE MATCH:[/B] Batista def. King Booker by DQ, King Booker retains [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/SmackdownLogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]October 21, 2006-[/B] WWE.com reveals next week's Smackdown Main Event [B]ANNOUNCEMENT: [/B]It has been announced on WWE.com that next week on Smackdown, [B]Batista[/B] will team up with WWE Champ, [B]John Cena[/B] & WCW's first superstar [B]Chris Jericho [/B]to take on World Champ, [B]King Booker[/B], ECW Champ, [B]Big Show[/B] & [B]Finlay[/B]
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Friday Night Smackdown 10/27 [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/SmackdownLogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]October 27, 2006-[/B] [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="navy"](Chris Jericho's music hits as Friday Night Smackdown opens. Jericho grabs a mic after making his way to the ring.)[/COLOR] [B]Chris Jericho:[/B] Welcome to Smackdown is Jerichoooo!!!!!! You know, since being revealed as WCW's first hiring, I have tried to figure out what I can do to make my hiring worthwhile. And being from the old WCW, it was easy for me to see what the new WCW needs to re-establish itself as a top company. The WCW needs that World Title that the fraud of a king, Booker T holds in his hands. And me being counted on to revive WCW, it is my duty to take that belt. So Teddy Long, come out here and give me, the Living Legend, Chris Jericho a chance to take that belt back to WCW!!! [COLOR="Navy"](The fans go nuts as Teddy Long's music hits. [B]Teddy Long[/B] comes to the ring and shakes Jericho's hand before he speaks.)[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/TheodoreLong.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Theodore Long: [/B]Long time, no see playa. You see, I have no problem with giving you a title shot if you earn it. But I do have a problem with you wanting to take the belt to WCW. The only thing is that you are not the number one contender. After the events last week, I still consider Batista to be the number one contender. But since I am a fair man, I will do this. Next week on Smackdown, we will have a #1 Contenders Match between Batista and WCW's own, Chris Jericho!!! [COLOR="navy"](Teddy Long's music hits and he exits. Jericho smiles as the show goes to commercial.)[/COLOR] [B][CENTER]_______________________________________[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="navy"][B]FRIDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN MAIN EVENT[/B][/COLOR] [B][U]SIX MAN TAG MATCH[/U][/B] Batista, John Cena, & Chris Jericho .vs. King Booker w/Queen Sharmell, Finlay, & Big Show [B]RESULTS:[/B] Batista's team won the match after Chris Jericho pinned King Booker. [COLOR="navy"](After delivering a Batista-Bomb on King Booker, [B]Batista[/B] was thrown out of the ring by [B]Chris Jericho[/B] who then made the pin on King Booker. After the match, Batista got back in the ring and confronted Chris Jericho. Jericho responded by pushing Batista and the two men started brawling as Smackdown went off the air.....)[/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [B][U]SMACKDOWN QUICK RESULTS[/U][/B] [B]-[/B]William Regal & Dave Taylor def. Bobby Lashley & Tatanka [B]-[/B]WWE Cruiserweight Champ, Gregory Helms def. Matt Hardy in a non-title match [B]-[/B]Ken Kennedy def. Kane w/ help from MVP [B]-[/B]Kristal won a Trick or Treat Divas Battle Royal which included Jillian Hall, Michelle McCool, Layla El, & Ashley Massaro [B]-SIX MAN TAG:[/B] Batista, John Cena, & Chris Jericho def. King Booker, Finlay, & the Big Show
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WCW October Press Newsletter [IMG]http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g287/newwcw2006/Wcwlogo.jpg[/IMG] [B]WCW October Press Newsletter[/B] [QUOTE]-WCW Starrcade 06 will take place at the Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia. It is expected to be a sell when tickets go on sale November 1. -Chris Jericho is the only confirmed superstar on the WCW roster as of now. But there are several superstars rumored to be going to WCW, not though the Expansion Draft. The superstars rumored to go to WCW are Chuck Palumbo, Harry Smith, and Dean Malenko to name a few. Also many are speculating that Rey Mysterio may be drafted to WCW, even though that may end the fued he has going with Chavo Guerrero. Mysterio is currently sidelined after knee surgery either way. -Also it has been revealed that Mark Jindrak, Stevie Ray, and Peter Gruner aka Billy Kidman will all sign WCW contracts in the coming week. -ProWrestling.com has leaked that WCW Nitro may return on Thursday nights on the USA network, as soon as December 14. No confirmation on if this is true or not. -The WCW website will more than likely debut a few days sooner than expected to help promote Starrcade. [/QUOTE]
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