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TNA: The Primetime Revolution

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Hi all, I've decided to start another dynasty. Don't worry WWE: Rebirth fans, I'll be continuing that one too. I've just decided that I want to do a TNA dynasty as well. This isn't in the DOWWE stat pack, this is in a modified FOTORC-FBL update. I've changed contracts, turned workers, upgraded over etc so it's as up-to-date as I can possibly make it (at least, as far as WWE and TNA are concerned). Also, I made ECW separate from WWE, but as a child company, as I had a WWE game on this database and I didn't want to have to play ECW as well. Anyway, I'm TNA, starting as of today, it's Monday, December, Week 1. The week before Turning Point, I'll get started soon.
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"What do you mean 'someone to regulate me?'" Russo shouted. "It's just, the common feeling amongst everyone is, you have a lot of great ideas, and a lot of bad ones. We just need someone to filter the good from the bad. That's why we're appointing a Head Booker from outside the company." Dixie Carter replied. "And what about us?" Jeff Jarrett asked. "Well, the fans hate you. They think that your position means you're not really worthy of the push you're getting. If we put someone else in charge, it will lessen that somewhat." Dixie explains. "Well, this guy is only on a trial run." Dutch Mantell says. "Of course. If we fall into debt at any point in the next two years, he's gone and one of you guys is in charge." Dixie reassures them all. "Now I should introduce you all..." The door opens and a guy, no older than 18 steps in. "You're kidding me." Jarrett yells. "No I'm not. Like Dutch said, this is a trial run. It will be all your ideas, Cameron here is just a filter. He knows what the fans want, all fans, not just 'Mainstream' fans, not just the IWC, both. He also has final say on everything, so don't just think you can ignore him and he'll go away." Dixie concludes. "Oh, and so you can all get acquainted better, Impact and Xplosion won't be taped until Thursday." She adds, before leaving an angry room of bookers.
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[B]Tuesday, December, Week 1[/B] [B]PWFlashlight.com[/B] WWE have made some serious cutbacks in their roster, firing anyone not bringing in the big bucks, including a number of top road agents and rookie talents. Will TNA, ROH and the like capitalize on this? Or will TNA's new booking team just ignore it and work with what they've already got? Of course, WWE aren't the only ones to make cuts, every promotion in the world has done it. Except for TNA. Is this a sign of a waning interest in wrestling? Or is it just a massive coincidence? Only time will tell. Now, on to RAW news... Carlito to join DX? Well after that main event, it looks likely...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/250px-TNA_iMPACT.gif[/IMG] [B]Thursday, December, Week 1[/B][/CENTER] Tenay: Welcome to TNA iMpact and boy do we have a show for you tonight. I am joined by my regular broadcast colleague Don West and… Are you ready for it? I am also joined by the Mouth of the South Jimmy Hart! Hart: That’s right folks, Jimmy Hart is back in TNA, and I’m here to add a little style, a little professionalism and a little talent to the announce table. Tenay: You mean you’re adding more style, professionalism and talent to the table. DW: That’s exactly what he means Mike, more style, professionalism and talent to the table. Hart: Did you just repeat what he said? No wonder they need me… Anyway folks, we have a heck of a main event for you tonight, in the lead-up to Turning Point. Tenay: That’s right, it’s a fatal four-way match between The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe, The Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle, Captain Charisma Christian Cage and The Icon Sting! DW: That’s unreal! Joe, Angle, Cage and Sting all in a fatal four-way match. (Rating: B) [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/LowKi.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/SonjayDutt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/EricYoung.jpg[/IMG] Senshi vs Eric Young vs Sonjay Dutt [/CENTER][/B] In an X-Division showcase, we see three of the best stars fight it out. It’s a short match, but it shows off everyone’s skills. EY gets the victory over Sonjay. (Rating: B-) After the match, Eric gets the crowd going, but Miss Brooks comes down the ramp. “Our bikini contest at Turning Point is going to be pretty one-sided, but trust me, it won’t end there. Mr Roode has decided he’s taking a break from wrestling until I’ve shown to him that I’m good enough to be his manager. So I’m going to make your life a living hell.” She says, before storming off. (Rating: C-) We see AJ Styles walking backstage, he runs into Rhino. “You know what AJ? I’m sick of your arrogance. You insulted me last week, and all I wanted to do was help you out. You need to be taught some respect.” Rhino says. “I need to be taught respect? And who’s going to teach me? You?” AJ smirks. “Maybe I will. At Turning Point, you and me.” Rhino replies. “You’re on.” AJ says and the two glare at each other as the camera fades. (Rating: B) Christy: Still to come on Impact, another video from the Voodoo Kin Mafia. (Rating: C) Christy: And there’s also our huge main event, Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle vs Sting vs Christian Cage. (Rating: B+) Christy: But up next, we see Alex Shelley and Austin Starr take on the Diamonds in the Rough. (Rating: E) *Break* [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/AlexShelley.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/AustinAriesTNA.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/ElixSkipper.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/DavidYoung.jpg[/IMG] Paparazzis vs Diamonds in the Rough[/CENTER][/B] Shelley and Starr are in control for the majority of the match, with Alex Shelley hitting the Shellshock and getting the pin. (Rating: C-) Austin Starr doesn’t look happy, and the two argue as the screen fades to… (Rating: C) Kip and BG James standing on the roof of a building. “Well folks, we’re here, still continuing our little war. Apparently Vincent Kennedy McMahon and his little buddies Paul Levesque and Michael Hickenbottom are still running those Dumb to the Xtreme segments on their show. So we’re here to show that anything they can do, we can do better.” BG says. “That’s right. There’s a little prank that they pulled a few months back that’s been bugging us. And they seemed to get it cleaned up pretty quickly. But we’re here to fix that.” Kip adds. “So what do you say we show them what we’ve done, hey Kipper.” BG says. The camera zooms out and shows that they’re standing on top of WWE headquarters, and in big DX-like letters ‘VKM’ has been written on the building. It’s all clearly an effect, and looks about as realistic as when DX did it. “So Vince, Paul and Michael, we’ve got two words for you!” BG says. “PLEASE STOP!!!” The both yell. (Rating: B-) Christy: Still to come, our fatal four-way main event. (Rating: B) *Break* Gunshots ring through the arena and LAX’s theme song starts playing. They come down to the ring in the usual fashion. “Cut the music!” Konnan yells into a mic. “We’re out here for one reason, and one reason only. LAX are the tag team champions, but we don’t have any challengers for Turning Point. We beat down those gringos AMW last week, and they’re not gonna be back for a long time esse. So we’re out here to make an open challenge, because noone in the TNA locker room can beat us!” (Rating: D) “Look out. Look out. Look out.” Plays, and the pyros go off. Team 3D comes out looking pretty pissed off. ”Konnan, Homicide and Hernandez… LAX… We’ve been backstage watching you guys for a while now, and we’re sick of you insulting our country, threatening our flag, and most importantly disrespecting our fans.” Ray says, to a huge pop from the crowd. “So we accept your open challenge. At Turning Point, Team 3D are finally going to become the NWA Tag Team Champions!” ”Oh My Brother… TESTIFY!!!” Devon adds. (Rating: C-) Tenay: We’ve just been informed that at Turning Point, Jim Cornette is going to make a HUGE announcement regarding the future of TNA. West: I wonder what it could be, I mean we’re already in Prime Time, what else could it be? Another huge signing? I doubt it could beat Kurt Angle. (Rating: C-) Hart: Well now we’re going to Turning Point central with Jeremy Borash… JB? “Thank you Jimmy. I’m back here at Turning Point central here in the Impact Zone. We’ve got a huge show lined up for you this weekend. We’ve got all the titles on the line… Chris Sabin vs Christopher Daniels for the X-Division Title. Abyss defending the NWA Heavyweight Title against Sting and Christian Cage in a triple-threat match. And just added to the card, LAX facing Team 3D for the NWA Tag Team Championships.” JB says. Graphics for the various matches pop up. “And that’s not all. We’ll be seeing the Phenomenal AJ Styles taking on the War Machine Rhino.” A graphic pops up. ”And Eric Young facing Miss Brooks in… a Bikini Contest.” Another graphic. “And of course the rematch of the century… Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle II.” The graphic pops up for that too. “All this and more this weekend at Turning Point, live in the Impact Zone!” JB finishes up. (Rating: D) *Break* [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/SamoaJoe.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/KurtAngle.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/Sting.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/Christian.jpg[/IMG](w/[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/Travis_Bane.jpg[/IMG]) Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle vs Sting vs Christian Cage (w/ Tyson Tomko)[/B][/CENTER] Everyone looks great in this match, noone appears to have the upper hand. Late in the match, Angle and Sting brawl outside the ring, and the referee follows them, trying to get them to come back inside the ring, where Christian and Joe are fighting. Joe gains the upper hand and hits a Musclebuster on Christian and gets him in the Coquina Clutch. Cage taps out, but the ref is too busy. Joe releases it and heads over to the ref, but Tomko jumps into the ring with a steel chair and nails Joe with it. Twice. He then tosses the chair out, drags Christian across Joe and gets the ref to pay attention. 1…2…3. Christian Cage wins. (Rating: A) Overall: C+ Attendance: 1000 Rating: 1, 181, 760 (On Spike)
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  • 2 weeks later...
[B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/TNA_Xplosion.jpg[/IMG] Sunday, December, Week 1[/CENTER][/B] XPlosion opens with a video recap of iMpact, focussing on Alex Shelley and Austin Starr, Team 3D and LAX and the announcement of Jim Cornette appearing at Turning Point. (Rating: C-) [B][CENTER][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/ChaseStevens.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/AndyDouglas.jpg[/IMG](w/[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/ShaneDouglas.jpg[/IMG])vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/maverickmatt2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/FrankieKazarian5.jpg[/IMG] The Naturals (w/Shane Douglas) vs Seratonin (Bentley and Kazarian)[/CENTER][/B] In the opening XPlosion Xclusive match (that’s right, there’s more than one), Frankie Kazarian gets the win. (Rating: C) Raven and Johnny Devine come out into the ring and all of Seratonin beat down the Naturals and Shane Douglas. (Rating: D) *Break* A short video plays for the release of the new Kevin Nash DVD ‘Size Does Matter’ (Rating: B-) [B][CENTER] [IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/RoderickStrong.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/SharkBoy.jpg[/IMG] A1[/B] [B]Roderick Strong vs A1 vs Shark Boy[/B][/CENTER] We all know Shark Boy isn’t going to win this one, but he puts up a fight anyway, before A1 powerbombs him. However, Roderick Strong dropkicks A1 out of the ring and covers Shark Boy for the win. (Rating: C) A recap of Impact’s main event is played. (Rating: A) Christy Hemme comes out and fires the new LAX t-shirts into the crowd. (Rating: A) *Break* [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/ChrisSabin.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/PeteyWilliams.jpg[/IMG] Chris Sabin vs Petey Williams[/B][/CENTER] In a warm-up for Turning Point, Chris Sabin gets a clean victory over the man behind the Canadian Destroyer. (Rating: C+) *Break* [CENTER][B][IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/ChristopherDaniels.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/Hydro.jpg[/IMG] Christopher Daniels vs Jay Lethal[/B][/CENTER] Chris Daniels also wins his Turning Point warm-up against TNA’s youngest star. (Rating: B) Overall: B- Attendance: 1000 Rating: Pending (OOC: Will edit later and post it then...)
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K, I've got a couple of pic requests... I have a thread in the mod section for this, but I thought I'd give it a go here too: I need a current pic of Sting, with the red on his facepaint. Also, I wouldn't mind a couple of better pics of Seratonin than the screencapped ones that are going around. A1 is a must, I don't have a pic of him at all, and the only Jay Lethal pic I have is of him when he was Hydro. Anyone that can provide me with these can... I don't know, I'll think of something. Perhaps an extra point or two on the Turning Point predictions... speaking of, I'll post the commercial for it later today... Once I find a logo.
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[IMG]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i105/Jeeprhyme/TNA/TNATurningPoint2006.png[/IMG] [B]Rematch of the Century[/B] 'The Samoan Submission Machine' Samoa Joe vs 'The Only Olympic Gold Medallist In Professional Wrestling' Kurt Angle [B]NWA World Heavyweight Championship[/B] 'The Monster' Abyss vs Sting vs Christian Cage [B]NWA Tag Team Championships[/B] LAX vs Team 3D [B]X Division Championship[/B] 'The Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels vs Chris Sabin [B]Grudge Match[/B] 'The Phenomenal' AJ Styles vs 'The War Machine' Rhino All this and more, including a special announcement by the public face of TNA Management, Jim Cornette.
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My Turning point predictions [B]Samoa Joe[/B] beats Angle [B]Christian Cage[/B] over Abyss and Sting for the Title (I think he's the best in the ring of the 3 and I love heel champions [B]Daniels[/B] over Sabin [B]AJ Styles [/B]over Rhino ( AJ needs the victory with his new direction) [B]LAX[/B] over Team 3D
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