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TNA: Bringing Back Pro-Wrestling

Guest Ransik

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[quote] DISCLAIMER: This is fake. If you choose to believe this is real... stop now. You're only going to hurt yourself.[/quote] After the shock of Kurt Angle jumping to TNA had passed, Spike TV decided with this new aquisition to the company to give TNA 2 hours to the Impact program instead of one. On the very first addition of the program Angle made his debut facing the #1 Contender to the NWA Title; Abyss. Angle would go on to win the match by DQ when Abyss nailed Angle with the Black Hole Slam onto a bed of thumbtacks. Abyss would go on to Gensis to become the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, defeating Sting after Sting became so engulfed in his own rage that Abyss was able to his use his own momentum against him and nail a Black Hole Slam through a table to secure the pinfall. For the next couple weeks Sting would realize his personal issues and try to get Abyss to see his problems as well. Christian Cage how ever would interrupt them every time claiming he was the rightful #1 Contender to the Title and nothing would be solved as James Mitchell would lead Abyss away from Sting. Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe at Genesis was a 25 minute showstopper which ended up with Joe receiving his first loss. Joe applied the Ankle Lock to Kurt in an effort of one-upsmanship... but Angle was able to roll through it and quickly catch Joe with a 3 count. The two had a heated in-ring argument the following week on Impact and a rematch was quickly signed for Turning Point. *NOTE: Just assume everything else went just as it has... but there's now 2 hours of Impact instead of 1* Meanwhile on the other side of things, the WWE put on what is to be considered it's worst PPV ever over this past weekend. The show ended 45 minutes early with terrible booking and even more horrid matches taking place. Fans were upset, some demanded their money back while others just left the arena during the Main Event. Through all of it, a huge "TNA" chant begun reaching the pitiful millions who ordered the sorry excuse for a PPV... and now we'll see what effect this has Thursday night on Impact!
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[B][U][COLOR=blue]TNAwrestling.com REPORT[/COLOR][/U][/B] We're just 13 days away from [b]Turning Point[/b] which will come to you live on PPV! 4 incredible matches have been signed so far including the rematch we've all been waiting for! [B][U]SAMOA JOE vs. KURT ANGLE[/U][/B] - After Angle was able to turn Samoa Joe's Coquina Clutch into a pinfall and end the 18 month undefeated streak, Joe has been looking to get revenge on the Olympic gold medalist. [b][u]NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP ABYSS (C) vs. STING vs. CHRISTIAN CAGE[/b][/u] - Just a few nights after Joe's loss, Cage announced that since he is the only man in TNA to never be pinned he deserved his shot at the belt he never lost. This upset the former Champion Sting, and Jim Cornette decided to give everyone what they wanted; a 3 Way Dance involving Cage, Sting and the new Champion Abyss! [b][u]X-DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP CHRISTOPHER DANIELS (C) vs. CHRIS SABIN[/b][/u] - The disrespect that Sabin has been showing these past few months has enfuriated the Champion Christopher Daniels, and he has called out Sabin to either put up or shut up. X-Division pioneer Jerry Lynn is being rumored to be in the corner of the Fallen Angel in this bout, so we'll see how Sabin reacts to that one! [b][u]NWA TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP LAX (C) vs. AMW[/b][/u] - A feud that ignited when Hernandez gave Gail Kim the Border Toss a couple months back, Harris & Storm will finally be getting their shot at the NWA Tag Team Titles next Sunday night on PPV. Both Konnan and Gail Kim will be ringside for this explosive bout --------------------------------------- With more matches to be added we head into Impact this week with several contests already signed, with perhaps the biggest tag team Main Event we've ever had on Spike TV. Stay tuned this coming Thursday night for all the action on Spike TV... Thursdays at 9pm! -Sting & Kurt Angle vs. Christian Cage & Samoa Joe -Abyss takes on an opponent of Sting's choosing for the NWA Heavyweight Championship -AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin & Elix Skipper -The Naturals vs. Team 3D -Homicide vs. Petey Williams -The Voodoo Kin Mafia has also promised to "draw a line in the sand" this comnig Thursday night And many more matches!
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[B][U][SIZE=5][COLOR=blue] BREAKING NEWS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B][U]A HUGE WALK-OUT[/U][/B] A huge breaking development is shocking wrestling fans around the world today. Word is going around that shortly after arriving at the RAW tapings earlier this afternoon, [b]Paul Heyman[/b] became the scapegoat for the D2D PPV held just under 24 hours ago. Heyman was said to have been very vocal towards Vince McMahon, screaming at the WWE CEO for blaming him on the horrible show when it was McMahon himself who rewrote almost all of the PPV just hours before it went on the air because Vince didn't like what Heyman had booked. Paul E was said to not even care about his position in the company anymore and told McMahon if he didn't want creativity on his programming than he'd walk right out the door. Vince McMahon apparently told Paul and everyone watching the scene if they didn't like how he ran the shows they could all pack their bags, leave and never return. McMahon reportedly then began throwing a hissy fit not unlike the character he potrays on TV and began verbally assaulting several talent who were standing by watching the scene unfold. McMahon singled out several individuals, and insulted their characters as well as their ring ability... including people he didn't even know worked for the company! Folks... Paul Heyman did not leave alone this afternoon. A reported [b]70[/b] employees followed Heyman out the door within a couple hours leaving Vince McMahon completely at a loss for words. Talent including wrestlers... divas... road agents... all of them filed out the door when they were given the option to leave. What we know right now is that first and foremost, [b]Tazz & Joey Styles[/b] followed Paul right out of the building, not even bothernig to gather their things. Soon after, most of the ECW locker room filed out including [b]Mike Knox, Ariel, The Sandman, Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Al Snow, Rene Dupree, Elijah Burke, Shannon Moore, Terkay, Stevie Richards, Danny Doring & Balls Mahoney.[/b] McMahon was quick how ever to stop [b]Tommy Dreamer[/b] from walking out the door and told him he would not be allowed his release. Several stunned witnesses saw this as a play to keep individuals from walking out, but Dreamer assured them to just go on their way. The Sandman soon returned and told Tommy to simply walk out the door... but Vince assured everyone Dreamer would be "sued off his ass" if he did. From what we know all individuals who left will be given a full release as early as tomorrow morning to avoid lawsuits based on how Mr. McMahon conducted himself. To say though that the WWE is in a state of shambles would be quite the understatement. While mostof the Main Eventers chose to stay... reportedly one former World Champion who wasn't at the arena phoned into Vince McMahon earlier today and said he would not be returning to work if business would be conducted this way. No one knows just how RAW is going to turn out tonight... but it ought to be interesting!
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Alot of the WWE roster, wrestlers and staff, actually don't like Heyman that much, so I can't imagine why someone like Mike Knox etc. who has no loyalty to Paul Heyman and would never be booked by Heyman if he were in charge would walk out. I hope you explain it well. I love TNA diarys though.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;164683]Alot of the WWE roster, wrestlers and staff, actually don't like Heyman that much, so I can't imagine why someone like Mike Knox etc. who has no loyalty to Paul Heyman and would never be booked by Heyman if he were in charge would walk out. I hope you explain it well. I love TNA diarys though.[/QUOTE] It is certainly a stretch, but not an impossible one. . . some of the younger guys like Knox could be more impressionable about how the business works and follow suit thinking they'd all be taking on WWE and he'd be getting a better spot. Yeah, wouldn't really happen in the real wrestling world, but we've seen that same things in diarys before.
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[b][size=7][u][color=red]TNA IMPACT![/b][/u][/size][/color] [b]PRE-SHOW:[/b] Eric Young defeated Sonjay Dutt with a Big Elbow. [b][u][color=red]HOMICIDE w/ Hernandez & Konnan vs. PETEY WILLIAMS[/b][/u][/color] Williams was out to get revenge on LAX for beating the living tar out of him a couple weeks prior for stopping them from burning the American flag but his rage let Homicide control most of the bout as Williams was too fueled up to handle himself properly and his mistakes allowed for several distractions by Konnan. Petey was able to turn his luck around when Hernandez tried to get on the ring apron, and he whipped Homicide into his partner, and quickly rolled him up to get the 3 count. LAX then tried to gang up on Petey, but he was able to get out of the ring and head through the crowd to safety. [b]WINNER: PETEY WILLIAMS[/b] [i]After the match we go backstage to where [b]Kevin Nash[/b] is continuing his tests on X-Division workers for the Paparazzi Championship Series which take place at Turning Point. We first see Nash dressed up like a physician. He's standing with a cup in his hands just staring straight ahead. After several seconds we turn to see [b]Senshi[/b] staring back at Nash with that "ready to brawl" look he always has on his face.[/i] [b]Nash:[/b] Blink damn you. [i]The staring goes on for a while longer as the camera pans back and forth between both men and eventually we see Senshi blink and Nash starts gleefully yelling and high-fiving [b]Austin Starr.[/b] Senshi lets out an annoyed grunt and grabs the cup, disappearing into another room.[/i] [b]Nash:[/b] You never, EVER bet against the 16 time Staring Contest Champion of the World! Whooo! Hey Lethal... I won and Senshi's making a deposit right now so I think you owe Alex some money. I told you I was gonna get that damn urine sample from him... I knew he was on the juice when he wouldn't just give it up. [i]Lethal rolls his eyes and hands Shelley a $10 bill.[/i] [b]Shelley:[/b] I told you, no one can out-stare Kevin! [i]We then cut to a different time in the day where we see [b]Alex Shelley[/b] running on a treadmill. Nash is standing with a clipboard in his hand writing down what we presume to be results but the camera pans in over his shoulder and we see he's just drawing a stick figure running on it's own little treadmill with stink lines. Senshi walks back into the room and hands his cup over and then walks back out without saying a word. Nash hands the cup over to Austin Starr and spills a little bit of it on the floor.[/i] [b]Nash:[/b] I thought I told that bald midget to put the damn lid on! [i]We then cut to [b]Sonjay Dutt[/b] being held back by Nash, who has his hand on Dutt's forehead.[/i] [b]Nash:[/b] Now in this exercise you need to simply get a shot in on me to show you can think under pressure. [i]Sonjay swings a few times hitting nothing but air, and Nash turns his head to crack a joke to Austin, and Sonjay kicks him in the shin.[/i] [b]Nash:[/b] Hey I wasn't ready yet! [i]Nash then focuses his attention back, and Sonjay tries to kick him again but Nash pulls his leg back. He then starts laughing and Dutt immediately kicks him in the other shin. Nash tries to go after him but Starr grabs ahold of Big Kev, who tosses his clipboard at Sonjay's head.[/i] [i]We then go back to Shelley who is still on the treadmill, only he's struggling to stay on and sweating buckets.[/i] [b]Austin:[/b] Hey Kev, I think he's had enough man. He's been on that thing for an hour, I think he's going to pass out. What's the purpose of this test anyway? [b]Nash:[/b] No real purpose... I just thought he might benefit from losing a couple pounds is all. [i]Hearing this, Shelley immediately falls down in exhaustion and rolls off the treadmill face first onto the floor. Nash grabs a bucket of ice he had set off to the side and dumps it on Alex and as he screams we see the "logo" for the PCS and cut to a commercial.[/i] [b][u][color=red]RON KILLINGS/LANCE HOYT/BROTHER RUNT vs. THE SEROTONIN[/b][/u][/color] Runt starts off the bout working against Kazarian and Bentley who work a much more ground-based style than we've seen previously from them. Runt eventually tagged out to Killings who began hitting his opponents with lightning quick (or is it Kwick) kicks and forearms before Raven entered the ring and cut him off with a shot to the back. Killings eventually was able to make the tag out to Hoyt who came in and cleaned house on Frankie and Bentley while Raven stood in the corner doing nothing. After watching his minions destroyed, Raven tagged himself in and shoved Runt into Killings causing the two to tumble to the floor, and as Hoyt went to check on them Raven spun him around and nailed him with the Raven Effect to get the 3 count. Raven then walked out leaving Kazarian and Bentley down on the mat without saying a word. [b]WINNERS: THE SEROTONIN[/b] [i]Backstage we see the X-Division Champion [b]Christopher Daniels[/b] and [b]AJ Styles[/b] standing by with a few words.[/i] [b]Daniels:[/b] 10 days away from Turning Point and all I've been hearing from everyone, fans and wrestlers alike is "what the hell is wrong with Chris Sabin?" I don't know what's wrong with Sabin nor do I really care. He decided to slap every single man who helped build the X-Division in the face over the last 4 years in the face including Jerry Lynn. Without Jerry Lynn some of us probably wouldn't even be here right now and at Turning Point my job is going to be to wipe the smug look Sabin carries around off his face and maybe, just maybe get him to realize why he has a job here in TNA. [b]AJ:[/b] Am I going to be allowed to get a word in here? I thought we were given this time so both of us could speak. [b]Daniels:[/b] I was just finishing up man, you're the one who told me to go first. [b]AJ:[/b] And I sure as hell didn't ask you to take up all of the time Mr. X-Division Champion. Are you too good now that you stole away my Title that you don't want anyone else cutting into your air-time? [i]Daniels turns and stares at AJ, and we then see [b]Rhino[/b] step in and try to get the two to separate.[/i] [b]AJ:[/b] Oh I see how it is, now you've got to have Dr. Phil here who conveniently shows up every time you need to face your ego trying to keep me from getting to he bottom of everything! [i]The camera shows some more arguing before finally going to a commercial.[/i] [b][u]color=red]SENSHI vs. ALEX SHELLEY[/b][/u][/color] Shelley was absolutely exhausted from his journey on the treadmill earlier in the day which made it easy for Senshi to basically kick him around the ring for most of the bout. Alex though was able to avoid the Warrior's Way and begin to lay in some offense but it was very obvious he was having trouble keeping himself up with the pace of the former X-Division Champion and eventually Shenshi was able to land a stiff kick to the head to pick up the 3 count. [b]WINNER: SENSHI[/b] [i]A video plays next hyping the rematch between [b]Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe[/b] for Turning Point. The video highlights their first encounter and what led to the match, as well as how Angle was able to turn the Coquina Clutch into a pinning predicament which led to Joe's first loss in TNA.[/i] [b][u][color=red]TEAM 3D vs. THE NATURALS w/ Shane Douglas[/b][/u][/color] Douglas went over to the announce table for this bout which saw The Naturals trying some new heelish tactics that Douglas obviously taught them, and it kept them in control over their much larger opponents for some time. Andy & Chase decided to get ****y though and tried to use the Whazzup on Brother Devon and this brought Brother Ray in who went to work, landnig several bionic elbows. After Devon made it back to his feet the half-brothers sent Andy packing to the floor and nailed the 3-D on Chase to pick up the win. After the match the Franchise made his way into the ring and began to kick Chase Stevens repeatedly. Andy Douglas tried to intervene but Shane pulled out a chain from his pocket and clocked him hard in the forehead knocking him out cold. Shane Douglas then kicked The Naturals once more for good measure and then walked off. [b]WINNERS: TEAM 3D[/b] [i]After a break we see the [b]Voodoo Kin Mafia[/b] standing outside of Jim Cornette's office. BG has a clipboard in his hand and Kip is just standing there with a weird smile on his face,[/i] [b]BG:[/b] Alright you see it goes like this. The guy who used to carry around the tennis racket has informed the both of us that we have been given the green light to make the final offer here tonight... to draw the line in the sand... to sign armageddon on the dotted line... [b]Kip:[/b] Wait until you hear this one folks, it's good! [b]BG:[/b] Ahem... as I was saying, James E. Cornette has granted us full authority to draw up two NWA-TNA contracts. What these contracts hold in them is a match for Turning Point. The VKM are calling out the degenerates to face us at Turning Point. In this contract is a blank time-frame... they can stay for one night or come and go as they please to try and shut us up. [b]Kip:[/b] And how can they turn down an offer like that? Paul and Michael are being offered a (BLEEP) load of money to finally put up or shut up. If I were them I'd jump all over the chance to prove their not ancient relics and show us who really made that group popular with the people. [b]BG:[/b] Think about it boys... you get a ton of money... almost 7 figures... just to come and go as you please and try and beat the bejesus out of us two country boys and if you get the job done you can go and brag about it all you want to Vince McMahon! [b]Kip:[/b] Two blank contracts... all you need to do is sign it... seal it... and deliver it. We'll see you at Turning Point. [b][u][color=red]CHRISTOPHER DANIELS & AJ STYLES vs. CHRIS SABIN & ELIX SIPPER[/b][/color][/u] An excellent showcase from the X-Division wrestlers. This match saw AJ Styles keep out of most of the match as he kept assuring Daniels that he had everything under control. As the match neared the 10 minute mark Primetime was able to isolate the X-Division Champ in his corner and Sabin helped in assisting some double teaming. Eventually Daniels was able to fight back, landing an enzugari to Skipper and a running STO on Sabin. The Fallen Angel then tried to make the tag out to Styles but to the shock of the crowd, Styles hopped off the ring apron and then stood in the entry way as a betrayed Daniels was hit with the Play of the Day by Primetime, and Sabin added insult to injury by hitting a moonsault to pick up the 3 count. [b]WINNERS: CHRIS SABIN & ELIX SKIPPER[/b] [i]As Daniels continued to get pummeled in the ring, AJ Styles began to walk towards the ring appearing to try and help his tag team partner, but he shrugged it off and began walking away. As Sabin and Skipper began to draw blood on the X-Division Champion, [b]Rhino[/b] ran down to the ring to a huge pop from the crowd and began fighting off Daniel's attackers. He launched Skipper over the top rope with a belly to belly overhead throw and then picked up Sabin in a gorilla press and threw him out onto Primetime. As Rhino checked on Daniels, Styles made his way back into the ring and took a cheap shot on Rhino but the Detroit native turned around and laid down AJ with the solid right, and the two began trading back and forth blows until Rhino sent AJ into the corner. Rhino then went for the Gore, but AJ slipped out of the ring and took off to the back with Rhino giving chase.[/i] [i]After a break we come back to see [b]Sting[/b] standing by in the back for a few words with his trust bat in his hands.[/i] [b]Sting:[/b] Abyss... I have been trying to get it into your head for weeks now but apparently you will hear none of it. You would rather listen to a con man like James Mitchell tell you how to run your life and what you need to be doing like a little guinea pig. Look at the bigger picture here Abyss. You are now the NWA World Heavyweight Champion... and you're allowing yourself to be led around on a leash by a man who could never lace your boots. But you know what Abyss, if that's the road you want to take than I guess I'll just have to take the one thing from you that means so much to both you and James Mitchell... take the one thing away that brings out the evil in all men, even me; the NWA World Heavyweight Tile. Jim Cornette stated tonight that your Title cannot be on the line because the opponent I chose for you isn't under contract, but I hope you're ready for the challenge... of "The Total Package" Lex Luger! [b][u][color=red]NON-TITLE MATCH "TOTAL PACKAGE" LEX LUGER vs "THE MONSTER" ABYSS w/ James Mitchell[/b][/u][/color] Luger came out to a respectful ovation but the crowd was actually behind the Champion Abyss in this bout. Luger started off taking control over Abyss with several forearm shots but Abyss quickly came back with a knee to the gut and a side slam. As the match went on Luger was able to fight his way back to his feet and hit a back suplex on the Champ, but when Luger went for his running forearm Abyss was able to duck it and connect with the Black Hole Slam out of nowhere to get the pinfall and the win. After the match Sting came down to the ring to check on his friend, and Mitchell ordered Abyss to leave and save it for the PPV. [b]WINNER: ABYSS[/b] [i]We go to a pre-recorded interview with the man who claims to be the #1 Contender to the NWA Title because he is the only man left undefeated in TNA: [b]Christian Cage.[/b] [b]Cage:[/b] Ever since I came to TNA I have been out to prove that I'm more than just some mouthpiece on a microphone that does nothing but make other people look good. I did that the minute I stepped foot into this company. The past is gone... I stepped out of the shadow of my "brother" that everyone painted me into and I became the Heavyweight Champion of the world and not one person has been able to put me on my back long enough to claim they're a better man than I am. At Turning Point that freak of nature... both of them... are going to bow down to the superiority of Christian Cage. On one hand we have a guy who does nothing but preach all the time and then prove how much of a hyporcrite he is... a man who screwed me out of my NWA Title. And then we have a freak who is wearing my belt right now being used as a puppet because he's too weak-minded to think for himself. All these fans, as pathetic as they all are know who the real Champion is here in TNA and at Turning Point I'm going to reclaim it. As for tonight... that fat Samoan tapping-machine had better stay out of my way. I have an old score to settle with Angle, and Sting might just get what's coming to him tonight as well! [i]Elsewhere backstage we see [b]Samoa Joe[/b] doing some shadow boxing to prepare for the Main Event. As he fniishes warming up he drapes his towel over his shoulders and starts to walk off when [b]Kurt Angle[/b] walks up to him with a huge smile on his face.[/i] [b]Angle:[/b] Well Joe it looks like Turning Point isn't going to be your second loss, it's going to be your third. I feel bad for you though having dominated everyone in TNA for so long and then someone like me comes along and just takes it all away from you. I know it must hurt Joe... knowing you can only be second best from now on. But don't worry about it. When I add a submission victory over you to the pinfall defeat you can go back to fighting in the X-Division while I claim the NWA Title, something that you couldn't even get a shot at being an undefeated monster. [i]Joe turns and stares directly at Angle... and then smiles and nods his head. Angle starts to laugh as well, and Joe smacks him across the face and repeatedly nails several chops and punches to Angle as security comes in to separate the two.[/i] [b][u][color=red]KURT ANGLE & STING vs. SAMOA JOE & CHRISTIAN CAGE w/ Tomko[/b][/u][/color] The crowd was split during this match due to wanting Joe, Sting and Angle all to win... but they were definitely against Cage. Angle & Sting worked well together for most of the bout and were able to dominate the undefeated Cage but eventually Angle started to grow an ego and tried to keep Sting out of the match so he could claim the glory for himself. After hitting the Olympic Slam on Cage, Angle was surprised when Sting tagged himself into the match and the two began shoving each other. As Cage got up to his feet, Angle decided to haul off and hit Sting, and he stumbled back to Christian who hit him with the Unprettier. Angle then left the ring as Cage went for the pin, but Joe tagged himself into the match and shoved Christian out of the ring and took the pinfall for himself. After the bell Joe helped Sting up to his feet, and both Cage & Angle tried to get back into the ring but Sting was able to get ahold of his bat and keep them at bay. As Impact went off the air both Sting and Samoa Joe had staredowns with Angle and Cage, who were on separate ramps. [b]Overall:[/b] B- [i][b][u]MATCHES TAPED FOR XPLOSION[/i][/b][/u] 1.) Austin Starr defeated Sonjay Dutt. 2.) AMW vs. VKM went to a no contest with LAX hit the ring and beat everyone down. 3.) Bobby Roode defeated Jay Lethal
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[COLOR=green][B][U][SIZE=5]TNAWrestling.com NEWS[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] Saturday, Week 2, December 2006 It appears as though [b]Scott Steiner & Buff Bagwell[/b] are officially done with TNA. Bagwell appeared twice earlier this year along with Lex Luger on Impact, while Steiner spent most of 2006 as the personal bodyguard for Jeff Jarrett, Bagwell was released due to their being no plans on using him again while Steiner is now gone because of contract disputes. Word has it Luger may be around for a while as an aide for Sting, and may be putting over some talent as well if things go right. Impact this week drew in [b]737,000[/b] plus viewers as well as an addition 250,000 households in foreign countries. TNA is said to be very pleased with the slow raise in ratings obviously. [b]Gail Kim & Traci Brooks[/b] may have some in-ring competition very soon. TNA is looking to finally start up a women's division now that Impact has gone to 2 hours, and several women are being scouted to possibly join the company. [b]So Cal Val[/b] is also being considered to be trained for the division. This past week the [b]Voodoo Kin Mafia[/b] layed out an open challenge to Paul Levesque and Michael Hickenbottom. In a shocking statement, Jame Cornette has told us that one of the contracts has indeed been signed, and this individual will be on Impact this week to answer the challenge! TNA has also spent the last week signing several individuals to written deals. With profits slowly rising, TNA realizes now is the time to lock talent into written deals in order to utilize them to their fullest potential. Top TNA talent like [b]Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels & Abyss[/b] have officially signed their deals, but will contiinue to finish up their promised Indy bookings. 3 big matches have also been signed for Impact this week, including a huge 4 Way Dance in the Main Event; -Raven vs. Ron Killings -Christopher Daniels & Rhino vs. AJ Styles & Chris Sabin -Christian Cage vs. Sting vs. Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe The final card for Turning Point will also be online after Impact, so stay tuned!
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