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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=The Stallion;176280]Like I said guys, Im not trying to be a prick or step on anyones toes Oh and Consrvtve, thanks for the props man. When somebody you dont even know give you a "thank you" it really makes it all worth it.[/QUOTE] You're not being a dick, you're like an anchor of sanity in a sea of crazy fanboys :) I love T-Zone and hate the war(s) in the Middle East, but I'll also say thank you to you for protecting your country. I wouldn't have the balls- errr... ovaries to do that. It's good to know TEW and T-Zone have a wide appeal T-Zone will reign supreme! :D [QUOTE=D16NJD16;176612]Is cyberkitten the only female to ever play TEW? I believe so.[/QUOTE] Lol, I'm sure I'm not. There's at least one other girl in the world who likes wrestling, but I might be the only one actively posting here :P
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Nah, there's definitely another girl who plays it, as I talk to her on a regular basis... she's just not active on this forum that much... Anyway, I can't wait until this is done... the Cornell-verse really just doesn't hold my attention. :(
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[QUOTE=forlan;176636]Not liking to double post but just to say that B-Unit has pulled a stellar performance and all the title histories info could be found on are done.[/QUOTE] So what else is left, now? Just finishing up the workers and gimmicks? Great progress!
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Well there will be pics released with the data but not pics for everyone as that would be way too big, its just the ones who didnt have one (Taking into account all the kyky as well as other packs that have been released, so if you dont have them your pretty knackered as my pics file for tew is hundreds of mb) and a few updated ones
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[QUOTE=cyberkitten01;176613]You're not being a dick, you're like an anchor of sanity in a sea of crazy fanboys :) I love T-Zone and hate the war(s) in the Middle East, but I'll also say thank you to you for protecting your country. I wouldn't have the balls- errr... ovaries to do that. It's good to know TEW and T-Zone have a wide appeal[/QUOTE] The funny thing is, I dont support the war myself and it constantly makes me question the fact that I am in the Navy. However I take a look and realize that besides this bogus war (thats my opinion, please lets not start a flame war), there ARE real threatsout there and I am part of the common good. Besides, Im only a cook. I dont push the buttons I, flip the burgers (on a Submarine no less). Sorry for going off topic, just wanted to respond to cyberkitten.
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[QUOTE=The Stallion;176784]The funny thing is, I dont support the war myself and it constantly makes me question the fact that I am in the Navy. However I take a look and realize that besides this bogus war (thats my opinion, please lets not start a flame war), there ARE real threatsout there and I am part of the common good. Besides, Im only a cook. I dont push the buttons I, flip the burgers (on a Submarine no less). Sorry for going off topic, just wanted to respond to cyberkitten.[/QUOTE] There was NOTHING bogus about this war. If you think it is bogus, don't back off, explain your reasoning. I think it will sound very humorous and nothing more than talking points that liberals have mislead you to believe. Saddam defied the United Nations resolutions countless times. Sanctions, embargoes, etc didn't work. Saddam openly supported terrorists organizations like Hamas who carried out homicide bombings in Israel. Hamas hates the United States as well. There is nothing to stop a group like Hamas from doing the same thing to the United States as well. Unless you're saying that the be all and end all of terrorism is Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, which is basically similar to sticking your head in the sand. The mastermind of 9/11, Khalid-Sheikh Mohammed was captured. Who cares if bin Laden is captured? He is just one of many faces to a cause that is radical Islam. I just find it odd that liberals in general will shout about WHAT ABOUT NORTH KOREA when they come out so anti-war about Iraq. Let's face it. A war with North Korea would be FAR worse than a war with Iraq. It's not the same at all, and you gung ho liberals who want us to invade North Korea would jeopardize MILLIONS of South Koreans, Japanese, and even the Chinese. The only thing that can be questioned is the after war planning. Don't be fooled. America won the war. A true war is against a nation state. Iraq is a democratic society, albeit struggling, thanks to our intervention. For you liberals to come out and act like the war was wrong is as if you're speaking on behalf of millions of Iraqis. Maybe YOU should've been living in Iraqi during Saddam's regime, then you wouldn't be so quick to say "this war was wrong." If you don't believe me, research whatever you want on Saddam. You're not going to find any positives unless you go to the New York Times or other liberal slanted websites (my favorite: he knew how to run a country).
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;176954]ya, and I do think that he didnt want to start a flame war.[/QUOTE] Oh please. If they didn't want to start a flamewar, they wouldn't have mentioned anything about their opinion on the war, one way or the other, in a thread about a mod to Total Extreme Wrestling. In my opinion, when someone outright says, "they don't like the war", in a thread like this, it is an invitation for me to explore why they don't like it. Now, if I had been the one who originally had said "While I love the fact we're being aggressive in fighting terrorism, a sharp contrast to the Clinton Administration of the 1990s..., but I don't want to start anything..." Then I would be fully to blame for any flamewars.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;176951]There was NOTHING bogus about this war. If you think it is bogus, don't back off, explain your reasoning. I think it will sound very humorous and nothing more than talking points that liberals have mislead you to believe. Saddam defied the United Nations resolutions countless times. Sanctions, embargoes, etc didn't work. Saddam openly supported terrorists organizations like Hamas who carried out homicide bombings in Israel. Hamas hates the United States as well. There is nothing to stop a group like Hamas from doing the same thing to the United States as well. Unless you're saying that the be all and end all of terrorism is Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, which is basically similar to sticking your head in the sand. The mastermind of 9/11, Khalid-Sheikh Mohammed was captured. Who cares if bin Laden is captured? He is just one of many faces to a cause that is radical Islam. I just find it odd that liberals in general will shout about WHAT ABOUT NORTH KOREA when they come out so anti-war about Iraq. Let's face it. A war with North Korea would be FAR worse than a war with Iraq. It's not the same at all, and you gung ho liberals who want us to invade North Korea would jeopardize MILLIONS of South Koreans, Japanese, and even the Chinese. The only thing that can be questioned is the after war planning. Don't be fooled. America won the war. A true war is against a nation state. Iraq is a democratic society, albeit struggling, thanks to our intervention. For you liberals to come out and act like the war was wrong is as if you're speaking on behalf of millions of Iraqis. Maybe YOU should've been living in Iraqi during Saddam's regime, then you wouldn't be so quick to say "this war was wrong." If you don't believe me, research whatever you want on Saddam. You're not going to find any positives unless you go to the New York Times or other liberal slanted websites (my favorite: he knew how to run a country).[/QUOTE] To keep this off subject.... I think someone who's participating in an event... like a WAR... has a more important opinion and a whole lot better view point, than someone who isnt. Why would you come at someone and attempt to belittle his opinion, when he obviously had NO intentions to start a debate on something so off topic. Maybe if you're looking for the proper forum you should give the people at CSPAN a call.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;176958]Oh please. If they didn't want to start a flamewar, they wouldn't have mentioned anything about their opinion on the war, one way or the other, in a thread about a mod to Total Extreme Wrestling. In my opinion, when someone outright says, "they don't like the war", in a thread like this, it is an invitation for me to explore why they don't like it. [/QUOTE] Well I dont like the war... Becuz I just dont like the way its been handled. We are in Iraq with an open ended objective, If you tell me that its not open ended I will slap you. When the president says that they wont get out until hes out of office, I consider that F'n open ended. But seeing as we are at war, I will support them and I if I get chosen to go when I enroll to the National Guard. I will want people to support me, like the war or not.
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;176970]Well I dont like the war... Becuz I just dont like the way its been handled. We are in Iraq with an open ended objective, If you tell me that its not open ended I will slap you. When the president says that they wont get out until hes out of office, I consider that F'n open ended. But seeing as we are at war, I will support them and I if I get chosen to go when I enroll to the National Guard. I will want people to support me, like the war or not.[/QUOTE] Wars should be open ended. Why? You're inviting the enemy to wait until the troops are out to strike again. If you come out and say, "We are withdrawing troops in X amount of months/years", it would be a disaster. I'd much rather have the job done right over there, with our military training the Iraqi army and police to do things right, so they can guard their citizens, then rush the job and have the country go back to tyrants worse than Saddam. I am telling you, it is people like you who would've done a grave dissservice to this country in the generation of World War 2. There is absolutely little to no patience with wars nowadays. Slowly, ever since World War 2, there's been an erosion in the culture of this country that is putting us at risk for something worse than 9/11...We don't learn from history. Islamofacists are the 21st century ****s. Watch the documentary Obsession to understand that. [quote]Why would you come at someone and attempt to belittle his opinion, when he obviously had NO intentions to start a debate on something so off topic. Maybe if you're looking for the proper forum you should give the people at CSPAN a call.[/quote] It's amazing how his initial post is fine and dandy, especially since you two share the same opinion about the war. Please, you lost your credibility there. If the roles had been reversed and I had said something in support of the war and said I was in the Navy, Army, etc, I would've been flamed. The point is, if he or you do not want an opinion shouted back at you, the common sense approach would be to say nothing at all in the first place.
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