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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;178260]Other forums? Like what?[/QUOTE] I write up game reviews and such at EWN (an eWrestling forum)... I also go to a few wrestling forums that have seen someo f the people actually get '05 back in the day because of me. So yeah, T-Zone was their fave last time, so I'm hyping them up against for it this year.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;178260]Other forums? Like what?[/QUOTE] Probably other area's for TEW and EWR talk. I don't know if he is, but he might be making another update with EWR as well, to go along with this. T-Zone is pretty popular outside of here.... For example, I heard about the T-Zone updates for EWR long before I come to find out about TEW period.... And I never knew of this websight before I knew of T-Zone (although I did know who Adam was, and Sophie, etc.). The EWR link was messed up in the EWR I played, far as trying to find THIS sight was concerned, I had to do a Search on Adam Ryland.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;178461]It gives me a banned message when I try to register at Extreme Warefare Battleground even though I haven't had an account there for 3 years and can never remember being banned[/QUOTE] That site is basically run by people comparable to Hitler. You can't say anything that the moderators and admins don't agree with. Generally, they are VERY anti-american too, so if you are an American, you'll be banned likely. You're not missing much by not being on EWB. I'd say these forums are much better and professional. I'm glad the official forums are here and not over at EWB. I think the forums were switched one time to another website and the EWB admins had temper tantrums until he came back. It was really embarassing to say the least.
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[QUOTE=forlan;177287]I'm doing a little now in a break from uni work and was wondering for Japan would people prefer me to include everyone thats currently working at present for the promotions or just the core people and let them pick their own freelancers and tourers for the majority?[/QUOTE] I'd say include them all, home talent, freelancers, everyone that is currently touring when the mod comes out include. Honestly the freelancers that tour with the promotions doesn't change all that much. Nor is there a lot of them in any given promotion. And they are guaranteed to be there for a month at least, normally longer though. The guys I wouldn't include are guys who are in a fed through a talent trade or working agreement. Like when Dragon Gate guys (by guys I mean Mochi :p) go to NJPW, those guys can be left out. But guys like Apache Army should be included in NJPW, they don't tour every month but the have been showing up for several shows for months now feuding with CTU.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;178504]That site is basically run by people comparable to Hitler. You can't say anything that the moderators and admins don't agree with. Generally, they are VERY anti-american too, so if you are an American, you'll be banned likely. You're not missing much by not being on EWB. I'd say these forums are much better and professional. I'm glad the official forums are here and not over at EWB. I think the forums were switched one time to another website and the EWB admins had temper tantrums until he came back. It was really embarassing to say the least.[/QUOTE] I still remember the days when the EWB boards were actually a happening place to post and when they were directly associated with Ryland and his EWR series. I remember first downloading EWR at like the 2.0 stage and clicking the link on his site and signing up at EWB... Those were the days..
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Here we go changing the subject AGAIN. For this topic I refer to this: [url]http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/356393[/url] Now. Back to the topic... I don't think I'm the biggest person working with Japanese feds, but I think that most of the common guys should be in the feds they're in, gaijin or not, just because they tour often.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;178504]That site is basically run by people comparable to Hitler. You can't say anything that the moderators and admins don't agree with. Generally, they are VERY anti-american too, so if you are an American, you'll be banned likely. You're not missing much by not being on EWB. I'd say these forums are much better and professional. I'm glad the official forums are here and not over at EWB. I think the forums were switched one time to another website and the EWB admins had temper tantrums until he came back. It was really embarassing to say the least.[/QUOTE] EWB was always kind of ridiculous. I was never a regular there, but on EWE. Do you remember EWE? I remember board wars between the two... What a great time in my youth, haha.
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[QUOTE=travislee;178670]EWB was always kind of ridiculous. I was never a regular there, but on EWE. Do you remember EWE? I remember board wars between the two... What a great time in my youth, haha.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I remember EWE. I could care less which site was better. I just wanted good conversation and to read other poster's booking styles. Instead, the egoes and low self esteem complexes that the EWB admins had ruined those forums and other forums as well because they'd send spammers over to disrupt everything. The other strange thing about EWB is that it doesn't matter if your show made absolutely no sense. As long as you had TONS of writing, all of a sudden it is "quality." Javert, for instance, perhaps the most overrated "diary" writer, wrote a lot of unnecessary writing. The only thing that matter is the booking, not an entire play by play of an imaginary match.
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come on people, lets keep the thread on topic, don't get me wrong it is interesting to hear about the political carry-on on the old boards but please make a thread about it in the off-topic section (the dog pound) rather than posting on this thread about the T-Zone mod.
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[QUOTE=panix04;178688]come on people, lets keep the thread on topic, don't get me wrong it is interesting to hear about the political carry-on on the old boards but please make a thread about it in the off-topic section (the dog pound) rather than posting on this thread about the T-Zone mod.[/QUOTE] what are you talking about? That was days ago... :rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=Steam☆Odin;178831]I think once this mod is finished... it should be delayed for no real reason... that stratagy works for Rockstar North.[/QUOTE] And then I will cry. I hate when companies do that. I REALLY hate it. I also hate when they give a store a street release date, then send the game/movie to the store a week and a half in advance. Then your'e forced to see it backstage but you can't have it. That's not nice at all. Don't be mean to us forlan... We've been kind in our drooling. Heck, I even mopped up last night. And the stuff I mopped up was NOT pretty.
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