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T-Zone 2007

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TNA is just as **** as WWE, indies are much better, i have multitudes of indy dvds from all over the world, love them. Anyhoo, someone suggested written contracts, thats not able to be done since 3/4 of TNA also works at lots of indy promotions
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TNA's booking has been absolutely awful lately. Having the World title switch hands at a PPV by disqualification? I could understand if it were a lower card title, but the World frickin' title changing hands by DQ at a big event is ridiculous. What makes it even worseis that days before, Abyss had done the job to Kurt Angle on his debut, which didn't even have any relevance to either storyline - if you want Kurt to go over, why have him go over the guy that's gonna win the world title in a few days? Kurt Angle beating Samoa Joe on their first encounter was retarded. They could of at least built the feud up before they go and make Kurt Angle defeat the most entertaining undefeated streak for years. I would have liked to see them build up to it similar to the Rey Mysterio/Eddie Guerrero storyline, having Kut frustrated that he can't beat Joe. And don't get me started on VKM... Just because they got primetime, TNA basically think that they own, and go and declare war on one of the most powerful companies in the world. They need to seriously step up before they go to war with WWE, or they'll get crushed.
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[QUOTE=forlan;180174]TNA is just as **** as WWE, indies are much better, i have multitudes of indy dvds from all over the world, love them. Anyhoo, someone suggested written contracts, thats not able to be done since 3/4 of TNA also works at lots of indy promotions[/QUOTE] That's the problem with TNA's system when it comes to this game. In reality, the talent is contracted, and TNA books them on indy shows. They aren't allowed to work for any company that has national distribution of DVD's or television, minus CZW and ROH. In the game, that doesn't work so hot.
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It's really not Forlan. Just my *2 cents*. TNA is unwatchable at times but its due to the writers and storylines that they come up with. Or the WWE jabs that they continue to do, the difference between TNA and WWE is that TNA has some very good matches on a consistent basis. That's their saving grace. WWE is bad on both ends (Although the ladder match at Armageddon was good). I agree that indies are better, but they are more "wrestling" than "sports entertainment" with storylines and writing. I, myself, can't judge them on the same scale because of this. They are different types of promotions, it's like trying to rate NFL, CFL, AFL. Sure they all play football, but they have a lot of different rules that make it difficult to judge them all on one big platau.
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I played a conversion mod and i tryied to do a roster split. Here are the problems 1. Now you can't have more than one parent company. So OVW can't be the development territory of RAW, Smackdown and ECW. 2. The good thing is that you can set the owner to have Small or Medium roster, which allow to have only 30 wrestler in your company while being at Global. 3. They say you don't have enough big names for your size. Maybe the popularity of the worker in this mod were too low but the smaller your roster is, the less big names you have.
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[QUOTE=misfit103;180177]That's the problem with TNA's system when it comes to this game. In reality, the talent is contracted, and TNA books them on indy shows. They aren't allowed to work for any company that has national distribution of DVD's or television, minus CZW and ROH. In the game, that doesn't work so hot.[/QUOTE] ROH doesn't have a national deal, it's only available through their webshop. Don't know about CZW's deal though.
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I'm still very excited about 07, but the thought of WWE signing a bunch of short Indy workers to PPA deals is bugging me. I thought you could edit Vince to only sign big musclebound roid heads? I wish it wasn't like that, that kills the realism for me.
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Another thing is, I wish TEW had some kind of match engine like TNM. It really wouldn't be too difficult to code but it seems like Adam doesn't like the idea. It'd be nice if we at least had the option, because I'm sure at least some of us would like to read the match results.
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[QUOTE=MrBriggs;180473]Another thing is, I wish TEW had some kind of match engine like TNM. It really wouldn't be too difficult to code but it seems like Adam doesn't like the idea. It'd be nice if we at least had the option, because I'm sure at least some of us would like to read the match results.[/QUOTE] We had a discussion about this on the TNM Forums. Oliver Copp has allowed anyone to use the source code from TNM 6.2. Additionally, Oliver has a lot of experience in the wrestling industry. He would be an invaluable source for wrestling knowledge, especially on the business side. There's really no excuse to not have a match engine similar to TNM. Unless Adam thinks his customers have short attention spans.
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[QUOTE=MrKain;180388]ROH does have a national deal now. They're available through FYE/Saturday Matinee, and also through Barnes & Noble stores.[/QUOTE] no, they don't. a handful of early shows - clipped versions at that - were put out by the World Wrestling Network through Takedown Masters/Liquid 8 Records, who have/had a distribution deal with Navarre Distribution. the most recent of these was released well over a year ago, and the other two back in 2004. unless something happened VERY recently, none of the shows from 2003 to the present have been released through any national distribution.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;180475]We had a discussion about this on the TNM Forums. Oliver Copp has allowed anyone to use the source code from TNM 6.2. Additionally, Oliver has a lot of experience in the wrestling industry. He would be an invaluable source for wrestling knowledge, especially on the business side. There's really no excuse to not have a match engine similar to TNM. Unless Adam thinks his customers have short attention spans.[/QUOTE] Well, I remember the explanation simply being "no one reads them and they are a waste". People subsequently disagreed but I guess not enough.
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[QUOTE=MrBriggs;180471]I'm still very excited about 07, but the thought of WWE signing a bunch of short Indy workers to PPA deals is bugging me. I thought you could edit Vince to only sign big musclebound roid heads? I wish it wasn't like that, that kills the realism for me.[/QUOTE] Yeah it should be something like a popularity limit to who big promotions will sign, and if they sign anyone lower then will 100% of the time go to developmental.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;180502]Yeah it should be something like a popularity limit to who big promotions will sign, and if they sign anyone lower then will 100% of the time go to developmental.[/QUOTE] If they were sent to developmental it would be fairly realistc, as long as Vince fires them 6 months later without being called up :D
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[QUOTE=Tree;180490]no, they don't. a handful of early shows - clipped versions at that - were put out by the World Wrestling Network through Takedown Masters/Liquid 8 Records, who have/had a distribution deal with Navarre Distribution. the most recent of these was released well over a year ago, and the other two back in 2004. unless something happened VERY recently, none of the shows from 2003 to the present have been released through any national distribution.[/QUOTE] Meh... must be because I'm in their home area. I live in Jersey, and I see a lot of their stuff showing up... must be just local distribution. :confused:
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[QUOTE=MrKain;180522]Meh... must be because I'm in their home area. I live in Jersey, and I see a lot of their stuff showing up... must be just local distribution. :confused:[/QUOTE] Here in Texas, you very very very very very rarely see any ROH dvds... I think I've seen a couple once at Best Buy...
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[QUOTE=Johnny Fenoli;180541]Here in Texas, you very very very very very rarely see any ROH dvds... I think I've seen a couple once at Best Buy...[/QUOTE] Then it must be because of where I live. They have a show near me at least 6-7 times a year. Four in Rahway and then three in Edison. Sorry... derailed the thread again. Sorry, Forlan. On with the show.
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[QUOTE=MrBriggs;180473]Another thing is, I wish TEW had some kind of match engine like TNM. It really wouldn't be too difficult to code but it seems like Adam doesn't like the idea. It'd be nice if we at least had the option, because I'm sure at least some of us would like to read the match results.[/QUOTE] Mind if I ask what is TNM?
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TNM is a wrestling simulator, im not gonna post the link in case i get into trouble lol, but i had version 6 a while back and its quite poor, i think its on around version 7.2 if you search for TNM simulator on google it will come up but its not really worth it in my opinion. its about $65 dollars as well if i remember rightly
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