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T-Zone 2007

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Thanks First off, I'm new to this forum but I have all the latest GDS games including TEW 07. I really am enjoying this game so far. I would love to play with "real" characters which leads me to this post. First and for most I would like to send thanks and apprieciation to the guys that work VOLUNTARILY on making these mods for us that don't know what the hell we're doing. I haven't used T-Zone but by the anticipatin that everyone is showing for the mod, I too have fell in line as well. Don't mean to ramble, just saying thanks for the hard work and glad to be here.
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[QUOTE=ccgmacc69;182026]First off, I'm new to this forum but I have all the latest GDS games including TEW 07. I really am enjoying this game so far. I would love to play with "real" characters which leads me to this post. First and for most I would like to send thanks and apprieciation to the guys that work VOLUNTARILY on making these mods for us that don't know what the hell we're doing. I haven't used T-Zone but by the anticipatin that everyone is showing for the mod, I too have fell in line as well. Don't mean to ramble, just saying thanks for the hard work and glad to be here.[/QUOTE] Welcome to the forum now get in line :p. Its refreshing to see someone who appreciates what the mod makers do as well. Its a difficult situation take your time on the mod and get flamed by impatient annoying people, or release it too early and get flamed by complaints from the same annoying people.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;182027]Welcome to the forum now get in line :p. Its refreshing to see someone who appreciates what the mod makers do as well. Its a difficult situation take your time on the mod and get flamed by impatient annoying people, or release it too early and get flamed by complaints from the same annoying people.[/QUOTE] Flamed if you do, flamed if you don't :)
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[QUOTE=TsuMirren;181986]You mean it's not about ****e garbage workers, pretending they've had a wrestling career and announcing a hiatus from the "business"???[/QUOTE] Are you SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY, calling LuFisto and Bryan Danielson ****ty? As I remember it, both are outstanding indy performers. Both were looked at by WWE at one point or another, in fact Danielson is being looked at right NOW... Both have been put through hell in their own careers, one, a guy who wrestles night in night out in, usually, the longest match of the night in ROH, the other, a girl who, at half the weight and half the height, takes on MEN in matches, and is respected enough backstage to actually WIN. Sure, they're not in the WWE, but they do their best to entertain, and unlike some, they actually have talent. Some people just don't make it to the big time because the WWE doesn't like their look. If the WWE went by talent, do you REALLY think that Sick Nick Mondo would have ever had to take that bump in CZW? If the WWE went only by talent, do you seriously think that The Great Khali would be in the WWE at all? *sigh* I've derailed this topic tenfold, and I'm sorry. But I ****ing HATE people who don't respect the indy wrestlers just because they might do hardcore matches... People have to find their niche... and if the WWE doesn't want to show them their niche, then they have to do it some other way. Now back to topic... T-Zone. :) Prepare for awesomeness, as I'm sure it will be. :)
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[QUOTE=forlan;182093]I actually think he "may" of been referring ro Simon "Ransik" Starr[/QUOTE] Possibly, but still, I get angry with people who say **** about wrestlers, but haven't been in a ring to understand the pain. Sometimes people just can't take it. I know I can't. I busted my back in the middle of a practice, and haven't been back since. Call me what you will, but don't get upset about the people who actually went out there and got hurt. Sheesh. So what if he's not the greatest talent. He tried. And this time, forlan, YOU derailed your own topic! Shame on you! lol
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Forlan Have heard a report that FWA (in the UK) have closed down :( but cannot substantiate it. Their website is down, but that does not prove anything. Can anyone closer to the UK scene confirm or deny? If true, this might save you a little work.
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[url]http://www.fwatraining.co.uk/[/url] Last show for the acadmeny which is shutting down but this is on UKFF regarding the FWA itself Dear All We would like to clarify that this announcement has no effect on the FWA proper, which will be continuing and fully intends to continue once we have seen to the small matter on March 16 in Broxbourne. Thanks Greg and Mark
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FWA's website moved a while back to [url]http://www.frontierwrestling.co.uk/[/url] instead of their old .com name. There's no indication of them closing down on some fan forums, the official site seems usual. The academy has definitely shut down though, shame. :(
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Don't know why he'd be referring to me, I don't even have a clue who the guy is. But yeah... last night I took minimal bumps and today my back is killing me and my knee is swollen up which is the reason why I'm done with wrestling full-time and why I'm switching over to becoming a referee. Even with my schedule being less than half of the normal Indy worker it's just too much for my body to handle from previous injuries in and out of the business... so meh. It's not like O ever did insane hardcore matches... barb wire matches... any of that stuff. I just have bad knees and as bad back and I can't keep it up anymore.
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