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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;183431]I understand it would seem there would be a double standard. In fact, I wouldn't want any obscure american indy feds either. I'm of the opinion that for a first release, it should contain what the majority of users find important. I think that if a user wants numerous indy promotions it should be up to them to add them. After all, who is going to know more about a local indy promotion than someone who lives in that region to begin with?[/QUOTE] While I understand what you mean, and in some ways I agree, it's still entirely upto Forlan when he releases the data. If he still feels it's incomplete, and doesn't want to release it until it's so-so, then that's his perogative. I'm sure it'll be out soon, in the mean time, why not mess around with a converted version from 2005, or the "Montreal Aftermath" data that is already out?
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Perhaps you should add APW as a future promotion ? Premiering in June 2007 with Tabula Rasa, there promotion is ran by Kriss Sprules (that's right...) and they currently have Brent Albright and Sheamus O'Shaunessy scheduled to appear. [url]http://anarchywrestling.awardspace.com/index.html[/url]
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;183431]I understand it would seem there would be a double standard. In fact, I wouldn't want any obscure american indy feds either. I'm of the opinion that for a first release, it should contain what the majority of users find important. I think that if a user wants numerous indy promotions it should be up to them to add them. After all, who is going to know more about a local indy promotion than someone who lives in that region to begin with?[/QUOTE] The biggest draw to the T-Zone stuff is well..................It's always HUGE, GIGANTIC, USEFULL, EASY TO UPDATE (far as the stuff that happens in place's you care about). Tomorrow's stars have a way of already being included in T-Zone in these place's most don't ever look. You can find just about anyone that's popular today (far as that was working as a wrestler) in the last T-Zone dataset. It's his thing, it's what makes his mod Shine. FOTORC eliminates alot of the things your talking about, and it shines because of it's use of "what we want". There is various reasons people get certain mods... DOTT - Historical and for alot of us, just the remembrance of yesturday, nostalgia, type of mod. Watching us change history, and doing things how we feel it should be done. FOTORC - Great mod, feature's exciting worker's, promotions, and even some of the older superstars and legends of times before. If you want to get in and play as ROH, TNA, WWE, or whatever, all the favorites are there, and you get a great amount of worker's to start your own promotion up if that's your thing. Overall, a great modern day mod for the entertainment crowd of wrestling, as well as the modern crowds. T-Zone - Unsurpassable realistic modern mod of today. Unbelievable amount of workers, this is the mod you might find our famous "Senior Flamor" in it, without Weirdoman telling him to put him in it. If your looking for a mod that has EVERYTHING, you won't come closer then this mod. Bassically, it's what seperates the T-Zone from other mods such as FOTORC. If everyone made the same exact mod, using only what people "want" in it, we would get nothing but the same mods being released over and over again.
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[QUOTE=Maxi;183654]Perhaps you should add APW as a future promotion ? Premiering in June 2007 with Tabula Rasa, there promotion is ran by Kriss Sprules (that's right...) and they currently have Brent Albright and Sheamus O'Shaunessy scheduled to appear. [url]http://anarchywrestling.awardspace.com/index.html[/url][/QUOTE] No he shouldn't... EWB broke the story and now it's reported elsewhere... [QUOTE]Credit - [url]http://www.wrestle-zone.co.uk/uk_news.php?...amp;ucat=4&[/url] Failed wrestling promoter Kris Sprules who is most famously known on the UK Pro Wrestling scene as the promoter who drew only 10 people and 18 people respectively in 2 shows in Blackpool, England. Sprules ran these shows with no money to pay the booked talent and was relying on gate receipts to do so. Wrestlers, Promoters and fans launched an almighty backlash on Sprules, who in response constantly lied and to this day still owes several people money from the shows under his OPWO banner. Earlier this month a new promotion was being plugged on various wrestling forums and website including this one, and was billed as a real promotion run by a new promoter called Andrew Bailey and was being backed by venture capitalist Charles Buchan, with a debut show at the Coventry Skydome in June this year. In a story we broke earlier this week promoter Andrew Bailey was infact Kris Sprules using a false name. This was the name he used to contact wrestlers and staff. In an attempt to dupe them and hide his real identity. Today we can reveal that Anarchy Pro Wrestling is nothing more than a sham and what looks like an attempt to rip off fans and wrestlers alike. The Coventry Skydome a massive 3,000+ seater venue, have no booking from either APW, Andrew Bailey or Kris Sprules and no wrestling event has been booked. The Skydome are keeping a close eye on the bookings and say they have a strict policy on those hiring the facilities and to book the venue bookers/promoters must adhere to the rules on promoting an event which includes full Public Liability Insurance, Risk Assessment Plans and Deposits to be paid prior to any booking. In another sensational twist to this story, the so called venture capitalist Charles Buchan does not appear to exist and we have been reliably informed this was another lie from Kris Sprules, in an attempt to gain some credibility into this fictitious promotion. Now the truth is out about APW & Kris Sprules many of the original wrestling talent booked for the show, have withdrawn their services. Apparently today someone has reported him and his promotion to the police in fear that he is attempting to de-fraud the public by using false names and sending out false information regarding The Anarchy Pro Wrestling (UK) Promotion. More on this story as we get it….[/QUOTE] Personally, I laughed... a lot.
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I've not read the entire tread, so I don't know if someone has already posted about it, but if you're interested, in Italy, we have NWE - Nu Wrestling Evolution: Rikishi's touring fed with wrestler like Ultimo Dragon, Rikishi, Vampiro, Juvi Guerrera, Matt Morgan, Orlando Jordan... [url]http://www.nwewrestling.com[/url] They do 3/4 tour every year. The medium crowd is about 600/800 people, but the record of the last tour was about 3000 people If you need some help contact me.
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[QUOTE=theTach;183731]I've not read the entire tread, so I don't know if someone has already posted about it, but if you're interested, in Italy, we have NWE - Nu Wrestling Evolution: Rikishi's touring fed with wrestler like Ultimo Dragon, Rikishi, Vampiro, Juvi Guerrera, Matt Morgan, Orlando Jordan... [url]http://www.nwewrestling.com[/url] They do 3/4 tour every year. The medium crowd is about 600/800 people, but the record of the last tour was about 3000 people If you need some help contact me.[/QUOTE] Delaying it as it might, I think this would be a great promotion to add :) I've heard a nice little buzz about it, and having some more European feds would be awesome
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Right, where to start, so much stuff posted, if people actually took notice they would of seen earlier this week i posted that from Thursday to Saturday i was going to London to see Great Muta on the Friday show, which was last night and was great although the treatment of Cheerldeader Melissa and Ms. Chif was diabolical and Jezebel is a botch job and a half. Right, people asking pretty pointless questions, i understand some of you may be new and are aksing if X fed is in etc. just ask about and if the fed was in the 05 updates it's been ported over already like NWE and such. Now i'm going to level with you i see not much if any progress being made this week since on Thursday i have a history of broadcasting exam, in addition to this i have on Tuesday a Digital Video Effects screening which i have to evaluate for Thursday in 1500 words or so, Wednesday i have Radio practice before thursday morning i have the Radio for real, then the afternoon is the exam and some poiint that day i have to hand in my digital effects evaluation. So all my "free" time i'll be trying to grab as much revision as i can to be honest. Once Friday comes the phase of intense uni work will be over and i'll be able to get on with things. Now i'm not going to say this again "The Update is not being held up because i'm adding uk promotions, im going through all the promotions already in and sorting gimmick rating that got messed up, if needed giving new bios, updating rosters etc" So until Friday by all means discuss but i'm not going to look kindly on anyone posting "when is it out" "progress report" "is it done" or anything of this nature. Hope that makes it clear, now i will end by posting a picture of the signed Kikutaro towel i bought from the man himself at the show [img]http://a414.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/39/l_93fead7593778da42bec98bd6e06d785.jpg[/img]
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Funny thing is, i forgot all abouy paying and went to shake his hand and it got rly confusing cos hands were flying everywhere, got sorted in the end, really cool bloke. Was gonna buy a Cheerleader Melissa shirt but it was Pink, id of bought it if id seen her hanging around to get it signed but she was probably too pissed at JEzebel ruining the womens match.
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Not really thought about it yet, im in first year, after failing engineering course last year, which is fair enough, i was pushed into it and told it was something it wasn't really. Radio and such was good but most of the TV stuff starts with the next semester in Feb. looking forward to that. Loads of great people i get on well with on the course too, considering on the engineering one they were mostly indians, now thats not a racist remark but with it bein mostly indians they sort of stuck together whereas on media everyone gets on for the most part. In fact, if anyone by chance used to watch byker Grove, arguably my best mate at uni starred in it which i find kind of funny, he was on tv etc and he comes asking me for help writing essays, i have the power now :p
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[QUOTE=ACCBiggz;183726]No he shouldn't... EWB broke the story and now it's reported elsewhere... Personally, I laughed... a lot.[/QUOTE] Clearly if he was an actual promoter he'd have been able to buy a .com for a lousy $8 and not have to use google mail. LMFAO.
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