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T-Zone 2007

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Ok, it went through 8 months while I was at work... cause the loading time is double what TEW 2005 was for this mod. Anyways... 6 promotions have gone out of business, the WWE has dropped down to C+ in popularity across the board and several top names have jumped ship like HBK who is now in DDT and their Champion. The prestige of the WWE is now F. Basically I'm thinking by the end of the year... TNA is going to be more popular because they're putting on a much better product right now. The brand split was dropped in March of 2007 and seemingly the game has put all it's focus on ECW because the WWE and World Titles aren't defended at all. Everyone I believe that was on hiatus is longer... but all remain unemployed, my guess is because no company can afford them. Styles, Daniels, Cage, Samoa Joe, BG James, Senshi, Rhino and Ron Killings are all under the WWE flag, so I think giving written contracts to the top stars in TNA might be a good idea cause the WWE is definitely stealing all top talent, most of which will never be seen on WWE TV like BG and Rhino ever again. TNA does not have anyone currently with WWE on their roster... doesn't even look to me that they signed anyone the entire time. The only problems I can really see so far is that the WWE steals the top TNA talent right off the bat... and that they can't put on a good show to save their asses. Not one show the WWE has put on has gone over B- thus far. I'll give an update sometime tomorrow. EDIT: Okay I just went through the newsticker... might be a good idea to put a ton of TNA guys under written deals... I know they work for other promotions but I don't know what else you cuold do to fix it. Alex Shelly, Kip James, Johnny Devine, Kazarian, Sonjay, Bentley, Raven, and Aries were all stolen from WWE as well. I dunno, isn't there a Loyalty option for wrestlers? Maybe try putting their loyalty to TNA and see what happens from there. Cause man... TNA got raped by the WWE in the first couple months.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;188040]I'm pretty sure nearly all the TNA guys you mentioned are on written deals, their independant bookings are handled by TNA and they even take a cut.[/QUOTE] written deal is more exclusive. i would just put their loyalty to tna 'cause i'm pretty positive that guys like joe, aj, 3d, rhino, cage, angle would not sign with wwe.
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[QUOTE=bjo313;188043]written deal is more exclusive. i would just put their loyalty to tna 'cause i'm pretty positive that guys like joe, aj, 3d, rhino, cage, angle would not sign with wwe.[/QUOTE] Except for Cage I'm pretty sure they all would. Why are you positive none of those guys would sign with WWE?
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;188054]Except for Cage I'm pretty sure they all would. Why are you positive none of those guys would sign with WWE?[/QUOTE] Well, AJ has turned WWE down on various occasions. And not just developmental offers either. It's pretty well known. Same goes for Joe, just maybe not as much as AJ, but he certinally had the opprotunity to go there (OVW) in early 2005, but according to a few radio interviews I heard with him, decided he'd rather not take the chance of being used poorly there.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;188054]Except for Cage I'm pretty sure they all would. Why are you positive none of those guys would sign with WWE?[/QUOTE] Christian Cage seems like the only one who would go back to WWE. He's been used much better in TNA than WWE though. Kurt Angle is rather obvious. Never say never in the wrestling business, but I highly doubt Kurt Angle and Vince McMahon will do business again unless one of them admits they were wrong.
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Rhino: WWE let him go for a reason that when you look at Randy Orton and what he's done... easy to figure out. He also turned down the WWE over the summer when they asked him to go to the new ECW. AJ Styles: Wrestled a couple times in the company... saw his future as a jobber to the bigger wrestlers, and says he's happy making more money on the Indys than he would be in the WWE. BG James: He hates.... HATES the politics of the McMahon family and loves the lighter schedule in TNA. Cage: Was rolling in merchandise revenue with the top players in the WWE... yet was only given 8 victories (counting House Shows) in 2005. He saw the writing on the wall that nothing he could do, even with a huge fanbase would get the WWE to ever give him a chance at anything. Raven: Vince McMahons hates him... he won't be going back to the WWE for any reason. Legend has it that Vince is so oblivious to any storyline going on in the company that doesn't include him... he didn't even know Raven came over as part of the InVasion for months and asked someone who the hell hired Scott Levy back. Kazarian: Was let go for refusing to cut his hair. Now with that kind of childishness on the part of the WWE... why the hell would he go back? Kip James: Same as BG. So yeah, half of what my gam is doing so far couldn't happen unless Vince wasn't running the show.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;188055]Well, AJ has turned WWE down on various occasions. And not just developmental offers either. It's pretty well known. Same goes for Joe, just maybe not as much as AJ, but he certinally had the opprotunity to go there in early 2005, but according to a few radio interviews I heard with him, decided he'd rather not take the chance of being used poorly there.[/QUOTE] I have not heard of either turning down WWE contracts? The last I heard Joe talk about WWE he said he has never been approached even after a high recomendation from Foley. AJ doesn't fit in with what Vince or Johnny Ace look for in talent (size, charisma, look etc.).
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188059]Christian Cage seems like the only one who would go back to WWE. He's been used much better in TNA than WWE though. Kurt Angle is rather obvious. Never say never in the wrestling business, but I highly doubt Kurt Angle and Vince McMahon will do business again unless one of them admits they were wrong.[/QUOTE] You haven't been following the wrestling business long have you?
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[QUOTE=Ransik;188060]Rhino: WWE let him go for a reason that when you look at Randy Orton and what he's done... easy to figure out. He also turned down the WWE over the summer when they asked him to go to the new ECW. AJ Styles: Wrestled a couple times in the company... saw his future as a jobber to the bigger wrestlers, and says he's happy making more money on the Indys than he would be in the WWE. BG James: He hates.... HATES the politics of the McMahon family and loves the lighter schedule in TNA. Cage: Was rolling in merchandise revenue with the top players in the WWE... yet was only given 8 victories (counting House Shows) in 2005. He saw the writing on the wall that nothing he could do, even with a huge fanbase would get the WWE to ever give him a chance at anything. Raven: Vince McMahons hates him... he won't be going back to the WWE for any reason. Legend has it that Vince is so oblivious to any storyline going on in the company that doesn't include him... he didn't even know Raven came over as part of the InVasion for months and asked someone who the hell hired Scott Levy back. Kazarian: Was let go for refusing to cut his hair. Now with that kind of childishness on the part of the WWE... why the hell would he go back? Kip James: Same as BG. So yeah, half of what my gam is doing so far couldn't happen unless Vince wasn't running the show.[/QUOTE] Answer to all of those questions except for Cage....[B]MONEY[/B] The same reason every one of those guys is in the business in the first place
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With what the WWE pays the lower card guys these days, there's no reason to work for the WWE unless you want to be in the #1 promotion and pray you can make it to the Main Event. Styles has publically said his offers from the WWE to work the same schedule he does on the Indys doesn't even come close to what he makes working TNA and other companies... I think they offered him $500 a week the first time. Hell Psychosis was making $500 a week before he was let go and he was in the hunt for the Tag Titles. Even a basic midcarder makes about $50,000 a year before taxes and before hotels, rentals... the works. And even with merhandising they're probably making about half of what their contract is IF that after all the regular daily stuff is subtracted out. A guy like Cage, Styles, Rhino... they can get Indys to pay for airfare, hotels, rental cars, and still get paid $500 or more to wrestle a show. So say the WWE has 3 matches booked for a jobber at $500 a week, which is what Styles would've been. $500 a week for 3 matches or $500 for a TNA appearance, free accomodations from another company and around $500 more and yet again... double to triple what he would've made doing the WWE schedule. Yes it is about making money for their families, and a lot of Indy workers know going to the WWE is a huge financial risk because they're not going to be paid enough starting out to support their families properly. I remember Foley saying on a hundred thousand dollar contract he was bringing home half that by the end of the year... could you imagine a guy making about $25,000 a year?
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Samoa Joe and CM Punk were both offered contracts by TNA and WWE around the same time and Joe went with TNA while Punk signed with WWE. It seems to be working out for both guys. As for AJ he was in WCW awhile back and has been given many chances to go to WWE. I don't know the details about his opportunities or anything. All of this could be rumors though because I never heard them say it from their own mouths and you can't ever trust what people say on message boards or on any "wrestling news site."
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[QUOTE=juggaloninjalee;188078]Samoa Joe and CM Punk were both offered contracts by TNA and WWE around the same time and Joe went with TNA while Punk signed with WWE. It seems to be working out for both guys. As for AJ he was in WCW awhile back and has been given many chances to go to WWE. I don't know the details about his opportunities or anything. All of this could be rumors though because I never heard them say it from their own mouths and you can't ever trust what people say on message boards or on any "wrestling news site."[/QUOTE] I know when Punk was offered his contract Joe was not, I can remember an interview with foley at the time and he was baffled because he told Vince he should sign both guys after seeing them in ROH. I was baffled too because in my opinion Joe was the better worker of the two and had more size.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;188064]You haven't been following the wrestling business long have you?[/QUOTE] I'm 27...What are you? 16 at most? Please, shut the **** up. For you to think Kurt Angle going back to the WWE is more possible than Christian Cage, who didn't leave that company for personal reason or for differences with the owner of the company, shows me that you are truly a novice to the wrestling business. I truly hope you are NOT helping on this mod and if you are, I want to know what you were involved so I can inspect those stats more closely. [QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;188082]I know when Punk was offered his contract Joe was not, I can remember an interview with foley at the time and he was baffled because he told Vince he should sign both guys after seeing them in ROH. I was baffled too because in my opinion Joe was the better worker of the two and had more size.[/QUOTE] Again, a lack of knowledge of the business. Samoa Joe realizes that Vince likes to stereotype. What you see Umaga dressed as, is what Samoa Joe would've looked like. Instead of being a Samoa Submission Machine, Samoa Joe would've been dressed like a "stereotypical" Samoan. Granted, where Vince got this notion Samoans are savages baffles me. I'm still shocked you think Kurt Angle would ever want to go back to the WWE after the way he was treated on the way out. Just because Goldberg went to the WWE after saying negative things about the company for years, that doesn't mean Kurt Angle's situation is the same. I'm still laughing at you thinking Christopher Daniels would ever leave TNA to be a jobber cruiserweight for the WWE.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188083]I'm 27...What are you? 16 at most? Please, shut the **** up. For you to think Kurt Angle going back to the WWE is more possible than Christian Cage, who didn't leave that company for personal reason or for differences with the owner of the company, shows me that you are truly a novice to the wrestling business. I truly hope you are NOT helping on this mod and if you are, I want to know what you were involved so I can inspect those stats more closely.[/QUOTE] Wow, nice argument with the expletives and all :rolleyes: Angle going back is much more possible for anyone with half a clue as to waht's been going on the last year. Cage left because he's had enough of the schedule he and he wants to get into acting. Angle was [B]released[/B], if you had any clue as to how Vince works you'd know there's a very good chance Angle will end up back in WWE. Obviously you don't :D Test, Matt Hardy, the list goes on, all said far worse things about WWE and Vince personally and were half the stars but bought back.
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[QUOTE=CarlitoCoool;188065]Answer to all of those questions except for Cage....[B]MONEY[/B] The same reason every one of those guys is in the business in the first place[/QUOTE] Kurt Angle walked away from a high paying contract just so he could get away from the WWE. Christian Cage had a cushy contract, it paid him nicely, but he didn't care and he let his contract expire so he could go to TNA. Money is NOT the sole motivator for a professional wrestler nowadays. Just because you love money doesn't mean someone like Kurt Angle, who has already made a substantial amount of money, needs it. AJ Styles would never go to the WWE unless Vince drops the boring, cliche Attitude era storylines that go against his morals. The same goes for Sting. How can anyone not respect someone like Sting for passing on a mega contract from the WWE and actually stayed true to his word. I just love it when people like you, who only know the WWE, try telling me I don't know anything about wrestling when I've seen more styles of wrestling, from different eras to know what is good and what is not.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188083] I'm 27...What are you? 16 at most? Please, shut the **** up. For you to think Kurt Angle going back to the WWE is more possible than Christian Cage, who didn't leave that company for personal reason or for differences with the owner of the company, shows me that you are truly a novice to the wrestling business. I truly hope you are NOT helping on this mod and if you are, I want to know what you were involved so I can inspect those stats more closely. Again, a lack of knowledge of the business. Samoa Joe realizes that Vince likes to stereotype. What you see Umaga dressed as, is what Samoa Joe would've looked like. Instead of being a Samoa Submission Machine, Samoa Joe would've been dressed like a "stereotypical" Samoan. Granted, where Vince got this notion Samoans are savages baffles me. I'm still shocked you think Kurt Angle would ever want to go back to the WWE after the way he was treated on the way out. Just because Goldberg went to the WWE after saying negative things about the company for years, that doesn't mean Kurt Angle's situation is the same. I'm still laughing at you thinking Christopher Daniels would ever leave TNA to be a jobber cruiserweight for the WWE.[/QUOTE] All I caught was.... [QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188083]I'm a smark [/QUOTE]
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