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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=TsuMirren;189253]"i'm going to need a pic before i jump on that bandwagon" Such a low level comment to make. I, at least, managed to stop short of it. haha btw, wrestling in Greenock on February 12th... just to return the thread back about 30 pages. :)[/QUOTE] How convenient for me! :D
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[QUOTE=TsuMirren;189253]"i'm going to need a pic before i jump on that bandwagon" Such a low level comment to make. I, at least, managed to stop short of it. haha btw, wrestling in Greenock on February 12th... just to return the thread back about 30 pages. :)[/QUOTE] Funny how it was the Scots who where breaking their fingers to resist asking for a pic lol. But yeah i'm going on the 12th, have to drive though as i stay just outside paisley and i'm going on the 24th <-- which is also the day before my birthday, so beer and merryment for all!
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I'd give you plenty of details, but that would kick this thread one heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell of a way off of topic. The PBW owner was actually a SCW trainee at one stage, very very VERY briefly. Good lad and a lot of the guys on the show are quality workers, by UK standards, looking forward to it as i've not been to a show in Scotland for a while now. I believe Darkside is the current Champ, with Jay "pillow fight boy" Phoenix being his opponent on the 12th.
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[QUOTE=TsuMirren;189253]"i'm going to need a pic before i jump on that bandwagon"[/QUOTE] Well who am I to argue? Got a shot of my boobs looking huuuuuge, bare in mind it was at a rave so I'm a bit sweaty.. but I'm the girl in the middle [url]http://imgfly.com/files/011006_105019/CIMG0044.JPG[/url] Then there's me at Halloween as a dead fairy. Marvel at my Geiger tattoo :) [url]http://imgfly.com/files/031006_084812/CIMG0003.JPG[/url] Now back to T-Zone and arguing! :D
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Ahem can we stay on topic, besides to us that visit Corporation X those pictures are old news, we've seen wedding pictures too. Anyways....to try and get this back on topic, i did some stuff today in between watching the IWA Deep South carnage Cup, arguably best deathmatch tournament from last year even though there were that many lol. So yeah, some things been done..back to T-Zone talk plz
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Hang on, that made it look like I made the request for the boobies! To think, I was going to be more than complimentary...pah, not now! You'll be popular with the Weegie contingent though...didn't I see you in Glasgow Central station? No, ah well...there'd have been a whole gaggle of lifeless wannabe goths and kids "drunk on wine gums" hanging around. Still no, you sure...one of them was no doubt pretending to be really ill so he could snuggle into the chest of his female friends whilst drool (nothing to do with his fake illness) ran down his chin...you sure. Ach, alright, back onto TEW. Just about to start an auto-click fest, as I'm popping out (see what I did there, how seamless was that) to visit the parents and pick up some post.
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[QUOTE=TsuMirren;189329]Hang on, that made it look like I made the request for the boobies! To think, I was going to be more than complimentary...pah, not now! You'll be popular with the Weegie contingent though...didn't I see you in Glasgow Central station? No, ah well...there'd have been a whole gaggle of lifeless wannabe goths and kids "drunk on wine gums" hanging around. Still no, you sure...one of them was no doubt pretending to be really ill so he could snuggle into the chest of his female friends whilst drool (nothing to do with his fake illness) ran down his chin...you sure. Ach, alright, back onto TEW. Just about to start an auto-click fest, as I'm popping out (see what I did there, how seamless was that) to visit the parents and pick up some post.[/QUOTE] Now now Mr. Mirren no need to get touchy i'm neither a goth nor a kid :)
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[QUOTE=CM Punk;189014]Well, since I had already planned on getting it anyway, she never had the chance to. :) But I did get to witness her working on several other people (Including calling an eleven or twelve year old kid a "hump" :) ) and yes, it was funny. And one correction, it was Volume 4 she signed, not 5 (I remember because Jimmy Jacobs would only sign DVDs in which Lacey appeared on :D )[/QUOTE] lol. she is the queen of insults. i've actually seen her try and go into the crowd after a guy who was getting out of line. i'll be in Dayton - they just announced Morishima vs. an as of yet unnamed opponent, so The Oven will definitely be cooking that night! [QUOTE=cyberkitten01;189164]I'd like to clarify my credentials for everyone... I have the boobies.[/QUOTE] finally. you admit it's not the uterus! (and apologies for the creative editing. i couldn't resist)...
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;188959]I think the joke is you. You could've sent this to PM, where I would've deleted it but granted it would've made more sense. By the way, care to clarify your Mongs comment? Are you insinuating something racial? You need to get above using insults to try and get your point (lack thereof) across. I also appreciate Forlan's work too. I just have a disagreement with how he is getting there. I'm not a mindless robot, so I am entitled to my opinion like the next person. He doesn't need cheerleaders like you using insults instead of sound reasoning like the majority of everyone else who has posted a reply to me.[/QUOTE] Haha, you're a joke mate. And no, there was nothing racial about my post whatsoever. Face it, you've completely embarrased yourself in this thread. Good stuff.
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I have goten to August of 2008, and I am convinced that unless Adam Ryland reduces the difficulty, no company is going to be able to go above Cult status after a period of time. I am constantly seeing B and B+ matches by both TNA and WWE but neither company can get above Cult level regardless of what happens. All the Japan companies that were National are now Cult as well, as with Mexico.
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True, but doesn't the game automatically set gimmick rankings after the first appearance of the worker? I know the companies will automatically set their Product after the first show. Edit: Before I forget... forlan I was wondering if you would like me to make a whole ton of New Promotions and do some research to do some New Workers as well.
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Since what i sent i now have Fenolis New Workers file but yeah a new promotions file would be good if you could make one and send it on. Just make whatever names for promotions and such up that you want just try to get a variation in styles, areas etc.
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To Ransik, Have you email Adam Ryland about the difficulty of the game, i am pretty sure you have. I am wondering if that's a problem also with the Cornelverse? Is it that really hard for other premotion to keep themsleves in the game? This needs to be tweaked. Hopefully Adam can do it. Keep up the good job Ransik.
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It's obvious that its since the latest patch as TNA were International then with the application of the latest patch they are cult, its harder to rise in size but seems tremendously easy to fall drastically in size. I don't play cornellverse but can't comment on that but as things stand if the problem cannot be fixed im not sure what can be done as it practically makes everything but the cornellverse unplayable.
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[QUOTE=forlan;189442]It's obvious that its since the latest patch as TNA were International then with the application of the latest patch they are cult, its harder to rise in size but seems tremendously easy to fall drastically in size. I don't play cornellverse but can't comment on that but as things stand if the problem cannot be fixed im not sure what can be done as it practically makes everything but the cornellverse unplayable.[/QUOTE] Or it could me re-evaluating your data and starting again :eek: :confused:
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