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T-Zone 2007

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Im in the last week of March right now and so far things seem to be going alright. TNA addedf a new show on Spike to air at midnight on Saturdays, but the shows are sinking in ratings really quickly for both WWE and TNA. I'll let it run while I'm at work, hopefully this time all the shows are still around by summertime. Edit: Oop.... nevermind, WWE just dropped to Cult and released about 20 wrestlers.
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Been deleting some "Fluff" relationships and am down to 1722 from 2048 which by my reckoning (might not be 100% accurate) is around a 16% reduction in the relationships file, but i cant see no more to cut in honesty as i was pretty vigilant
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You might want to tweak some of the belts. I've seen Rated RKO defend the Tag Titles against Maria and Michelle McCool and I just barely saw Yang defend the Cruiserweight against Mickie.
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Just took the time to add Colby Corino to the new workers section since among all his people Fenoli still managed to miss him out and hes already going well in school wrestling and i made a nice backstory for his bio about how Corino trained him then he further trained in Japan under OHtani, pity he wont appear til 2015 :p
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The end of the first week in April... ECW and Smackdown are about to be cancelled by all networks they air on. Very puzzling... there's just no way to keep the WWE afloat.
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I don't think it would make a difference because there would still be three shows for the AI to run. What I don't get is why there will be a B+ match in the undercard and a C- match in the Main Event. We'll see Orton vs. Flair in the first hour... second match... and in the Main Event Batista beating Viscera. Whoo hoo. lol
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I don't think cancelling the brand extension would be a good idea. Honestly, the brand extension is working in ratings and the like anyway, so cancelling it would be dumb. However, if the AI decides to cancel it due to the shows getting dropped, then so be it. I see it as a pretty realistic take on what *could* happen, if things don't change for the WWE.
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I'm just thinking outloud about what could make the networks see the WWE as viable. It's admittedly selfish because I only play as WWE so I'm not concerned about the AI being stupid in booking, I'll be doing those shows myself. I just don't want USA and CW kicking me to the curb because they have some false expectations.
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I assume that the problem with it staying afloat (and from the sounds of the matches that are taking place) is in the booking and not because it's impossible. The AI is probably trying to book similar wrestling styles vs. similar overness ratings and therefore causing the clash when it comes to match ratings.
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so once again we go back to understand that the bug is in the game and not in the mod... but I think that if you make the changes adam recommended (all the changes) the bug factor will be reduced to a tolerable level... AI booking bad matches is a game bug and not a mod glitch (and k-fed should be in the game)
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[QUOTE=The-gamE;190551]AI booking bad matches is a game bug and not a mod glitch (and k-fed should be in the game)[/QUOTE] Good point game, in real life, there's NEVER been any bad matches booked by a wrestling promoter, has there?
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AI booking bad matches is not a game bug, it's simply following the logic that if you put two workers with similar styles in the ring, that they will have a better match than two wrestlers with opposing styles (such as a technical wrestler vs. a garbage wrestler). The WWE having a totally off-balance roster, in terms of in-ring talent, along with the fact that they have probably set it up with match styles such as the real WWE (like, the typical match is 5 minutes long) would mean that the matches suck, in general. Then again, turn on RAW, ECW or Smackdown! and tell me that half of the matches on the shows don't suck for that very reason. Most all wrestling promotions are guilty of this, and it would be especially aimed at the WWE because a majority of their main eventers anymore can't mesh matches together well on the simple basis that they don't have complimentary styles.
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"The Emo Warrior" Jimmy Jacobs was once best known for being the "Huss Man" and thinking he was The Berzerker. Oh how times of changed, now Jimmy can be regularly seen living out his Emo persona by drinking Vodka and Cranberry in the park whilst pining over the one he loves Lacey. Inside of the ring he has taken on a much more nasty streak and recently attempted to break BJ Whitmers ankle with a chair. Teams in MTV Wrestling Society X with Tyler Black as "Do it For Her" the most Emo team on TV.
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Yeah, ditto.... My interest went from neenor/neenor (last week sometime) to very interested in the last few days. It's very eye opening as well. Certain details of this thread has information that could be used over and over again by various other's. Funny, but if nothing happened wrong, I wouldn't have learned nothing from it. PS: For those that obviously want, or wanted to be apart of this mod.. and I mean the one's that seriously wanted to do work, there is a ton of information in here to help with any future projects you might want to do, or be a part of. Take it for what it's worth, but it's like you were involved anyways.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;190453]Sure it will. The ratings are dropping, and there's no interest in the brand from fans or those in WWE. The Sci-Fi contract is the ONLY reason it's still on, and that deal is not for forever, and there are things called buyouts. Their attempt at a PPV was also a total failure. So why would it be so outlandish to assume it is going by the wayside in due time?[/QUOTE] I agree totally, I can remember an '05 mod where someone put ECW as a child promotion of WWE, you could set Shane OMac as owner or something ? You would think that would help out WWE quality a great deal.
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The only thing I think is weird about the AI booking and maybe something Adam could elaborate on is why the opening match of shows will feature Main Eventers... but the Main Event will feature a top guy and a complete jobber. All I'm seeing in WWE Shows are mixes of Rated RKO vs DX opening the shows and Cena or Batista fighting jobbers in the Main Event. TNA isn't so bad when it comes to that but it definitely keeps the companies from maintaining popularity.
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