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T-Zone 2007

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Not very good quality but here's a pic of Lambert from a screencap of a Youtube video [URL="http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/3977/screencapfl5.jpg"]http://img122.imageshack.us/img122/3977/screencapfl5.jpg[/URL] Don't know if you an get any better from the vid, but here's the link incase you can [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHwntcnU9V4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHwntcnU9V4[/URL]
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[QUOTE=mason;191995]Is the mod out yet? If not, when will it be out?[/QUOTE] :rolleyes: Forlan, to preserve your sanity, I'd make a new T-Zone thread, and have a newbie-friendly first post saying that the mod is being worked on and will be out when it's out. Should preserve your sanity a little.
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[QUOTE=Horizon;191933]As this release sounds like it's maybe a few weeks away yet, I thought I'd play with a conversion of T-Zone 05 data. Just so i can get some experience with the new game, more than anything. Was just wondering what the downsides (if any) there are with doing so. Do the conversions play well or will some things not make sense or work?[/QUOTE] Well a conversion of the data is what's been worked on right now that Forlan is updating far as I can tell. Which is why WWE and TNA have been so craptacular in this version. Their stats and everything worked fine for TEW2005, but the same stats in TEW2007 just don't work. At least thanks to Adam we know why now But yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing this thread closed and then a new one started up with real updates instead of all the arguments and everything. Maybe restrict the updates to just emails to Forlan too so we're not giving too much away :rolleyes:
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[QUOTE=bigjabbadudley;192363]yo forlan, not being bitchy or pushy but i just got done watching wresling society x, was quite impressive are they gonna be in, gonna be hard to work there promotion stats out. im gonna be watching this show closely[/QUOTE] They won't be in. They aren't a real promotion, they are a television series.
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[QUOTE=bigjabbadudley;192371]for the moment, its a tv series but if they keep going they will eventualy step up,[/QUOTE] No it won't, it's a tv series. It's owner is MTV/Viacom, if ratings slip or anything it'll be cut, there roster consists of indy workers who only come in for a set number of tapings. They don't tour, run shows on multiple days for other fans, the 'fans' in the audience are paid members who look hip and attractice, it's an avenue for music. They don't have any PPV type deals either and the show is 30 minutes long making storylines non-exsistent for the most part, so what they are doing with "exploding cages" or whatever is their only draw. Futhermore, if TZone added this show, the stars couldn't maintain ratings for MTV in the game so it'd fold anyway. It's not a promotion, it won't get much bigger, it really has no future at all.
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So, WSX won't be added because it's a "tv series" (which it is not, try telling Vampiro he's an actor by the way), then why is the WWE included? Wrestling shows as a whole are episodic television. Big Vision might have a different story when it comes to who owns the promotion by the way. I'm surprised there's the urge to have every obscure UK promotion yet there's a bias against an upstart wrestling promotion like WSX which is actually on television and a promotion some users might actually use.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;192377]So, WSX won't be added because it's a "tv series" (which it is not, try telling Vampiro he's an actor by the way), then why is the WWE included? Wrestling shows as a whole are episodic television. Big Vision might have a different story when it comes to who owns the promotion by the way. I'm surprised there's the urge to have every obscure UK promotion yet there's a bias against an upstart wrestling promotion like WSX which is actually on television and a promotion some users might actually use.[/QUOTE] I'll just let forlan explain to you tomorrow, because I have neither the time nor the inclination to continue a debate about the legitamacy of WSX (although Human Torando and Scorpio Sky on TV is awesome).
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I'm just wondering how we're determining what is a wrestling promotion or not. Funny enough WSX has wrestlers, has a television show, wrestles in a four sided ring, has wrestling announcers, etc. WSX just started. Being cynical about something that has just started is not worth it. WSX was more entertaining in a half hour than ECW has been in quite some time. If WSX gets decent ratings, it wouldn't be a surprise if they stop with the tapings months ahead and just start taping weekly in front of real fans. [quote]half the roster is on the verge of being signed by the WWE anyways. They'll be dead soon enough.[/quote] They have exclusive, non-compete contracts. That's not happening. Since you're an insider, why don't you list who the WWE is going to sign from what is nothing more than a "television series." The only name I've heard the WWE has interest in is Teddy Hart.
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WSX is not going to last... and it sure as heck isn't a promotion. It's a TV series because MTV treats it like one. They taped the entire season (and they called it a season) in one week I believe... 3 months of TV. It's far more gimmicked than any promotion in the world (anyone seen the clips of the electrified cage... looks real amateurish to me) and it's just simply not a promotion.
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[QUOTE=Consrvtve;192386]If you want the God damned thing in there then make it yourself when the data comes out. It's not that hard. Create a new promotion, give them a deal with MTV and do put their people under a PPA. It'll take you 20 minutes tops.[/QUOTE] Of course it wouldn't take long. However, it's questionable why a mod that claims to be "complete" is allowing personal biases to determine what is in and what is out of it. If we're going to say WSX doesn't belong, why does CHIKARA belong in it?
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We are not being cynical, we are stating it's not a promotion. It's a television show being produced to be a tv show. After the season is over, you won't see it again till next season. It's a tv show that is there to promote music... [quote]Another notable difference between WSX and other wrestling promotions is that WSX has live bands playing at the start of each episode, with band members joining announcers Kris Kloss and Bret Ernst on commentary each week.[/quote] [quote]Bands * Black Label Society (January 30, 2007) * Three 6 Mafia (February 6, 2007) * Sparta (February 13, 2007) * Clipse (February 20, 2007) * Jibbs (February 27, 2007) * Good Charlotte (March 6, 2007) * Quietdrive (March 13, 2007) * Pitbull (March 20, 2007) * Styles P (March 27, 2007) * New Found Glory (April 3, 2007) [/quote] It's a 30 minute show, about 22 minutes after commercials, throw in 5 for music or so... 17, and while matches are going on the bands will pimp their stuff. You'll get about 15 minutes of actual matches, probably 2 7 minute matches, or 3 five minute matches each show. And as Ransik said "It's far more gimmicked than any promotion in the world". That's because without storylines or anything to tune in for, they have to have a selling point. Edit: I will tune in to hear T6M on commentary as that may be the greatest thing ever, especially if they are watching Human Tornado.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;192388]Of course it wouldn't take long. However, it's questionable why a mod that claims to be "complete" is allowing personal biases to determine what is in and what is out of it. If we're going to say WSX doesn't belong, why does CHIKARA belong in it?[/QUOTE] Well I actually thinks WSX belongs but CHIKARA is an independent promotion that runs local shows and runs on it's own merit. WSX is an MTV created wrestling show, and when the network of MTV pulls the plug on it, so will go "WSX" where as an actual promotion would in most cases either find a new network or just run local shows.
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