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T-Zone 2007

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Rockstar, you said a few days ago you were done with this mod and you weren't even going to play it... so please stop criticizing it. You were told if what T-Zone is being made to be to make your own mod and stop complaining about the work forlan is doing. It's free of charge... on his time... and if it bothers you that much wait for another mod to come out or make one yourself. You're disrupting the thread and have done so repeatedly.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;192388]Of course it wouldn't take long. However, it's questionable why a mod that claims to be "complete" is allowing personal biases to determine what is in and what is out of it. [/QUOTE] It's not bias, it's the fact that TEW can't simulate a promotion such as WSX properly. Simple as that.
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Correct. Vampiro would be the only name that casual fans MIGHT recognize but with the ratings in-game that MTV expect for the timeslot and the drawing power of the roster the company would be off TV within a month no matter what you do with it... and if it's not on TV I highly doubt the company would continue. Edit: Oops, forgot about Waltman, but then again... meh.
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;192388]Of course it wouldn't take long. However, it's questionable why a mod that claims to be "complete" is allowing personal biases to determine what is in and what is out of it. If we're going to say WSX doesn't belong, why does CHIKARA belong in it?[/QUOTE] I've never seen Forlan claim that his data mod is "complete". How can it be? There will always be promotions and workers left out of the release's, since there isn't always enough information on the worker/promotion to work with, or you simply know nothing of them, and can't give them the stats that they rightly deserve. Also, I've followed this thread from the start, and it seems that every chance you get, you bash either the mod, Forlan, or his testing team. Now because WSX isn't in the game, you feel the need to argue the point that "obscure" UK promotions and promotions like CHIKARA are in there, but not WSX? In a previous thread, I believe in the Mods section of the forum, WSX had already been addressed. It's not possible to simulate WSX with TEW, and so, it rightly should be left out. Also, I wish you'd stop calling the UK promotions 'obscure'. They may be to you, but to the people that live here, they are not. How would you like it if every chance I got, I called the Mexican promotions 'obscure'? I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate it much. You may, as you claim, know a lot about wrestling, but sir, you lack a lot of respect for anyone, or anything, that you don't agree with. If you wish to gain the respect of fellow members of the community, start showing them some respect, and stop bashing everything that isn't in your favor. RayW.
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Why the heck did you bring CHIKARA into this? It's a normal indy promotion, just like IWA, PWG and ROH. It is family-oriented, with a lot of colorful characters and wacky gimmicks, but to compare it to WSX? Lame. I'm not saying that WSX outright sucks, but it's going to be hard to implement in TEW. Obscure English promotions? There are probably a lot of British players who want to play with local promotions, and as long as forlan has someone doing their stats, it's no problem including them, as they operate precisely like the US indies.
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I agree with everybody that has bought up their points on why WSX should not be included in this mod. As somebody said a few posts above, Wrestling Society X is a fine wrestling show - a [b]show[/b]. It's like saying that SmackDown is it's own promotion just because it's a show. WSX is not a wrestling promotion. It's a show with wrestling on it. Period. And, I agree with putting WSX in Other TV shows. That would be fair.
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Other TV shows is the only place it could go, i was talking about this to ACCBiggz on MSN yesterday and the reasons are evident for all to see. 1) WSX is taped in seasons which is impossible to do in the game. 2) Their roster arent well known enough to hold an MTV slot "in Game" and to put them over enough would make the game somewhat unbalanced. Now onot hugerockstar, is his only defence for anything he doesnt like somethng about British promotions, im sorry but apart from SWA and possibly BCW and 3CW the only British promotions in have been in since 05 and were converted over with the data. Oh except for the promotion of which i shall not speak that scumbag gauntley runs <_<
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Guest Acenate Prophet
[QUOTE=ACCBiggz;192393]It's a tv show that is there to promote music... It's a 30 minute show, about 22 minutes after commercials, throw in 5 for music or so... 17, and while matches are going on the bands will pimp their stuff. You'll get about 15 minutes of actual matches, probably 2 7 minute matches, or 3 five minute matches each show. And as Ransik said "It's far more gimmicked than any promotion in the world". That's because without storylines or anything to tune in for, they have to have a selling point.[/QUOTE] For the record, this seems to be inaccurate. I don't know if you watched the pilot episode the other night but Black Label Society barely played an entire song. Their segment was probably three minutes total. While Zakk Wylde did join the commentary team his band and music were not mentioned a single time after the fact. They may not have storylines now, but the WSXtra stuff online is sure to expand quite a bit on the characters and will likely be the place where feuds are developed. Anyway, I'm guessing all the main players in WSX are already in the mod so I'll be adding the promotion myself just for kicks. Mostly because I think the fact that the Human Tornado is on MTV is the best thing in the universe. It's nice to know that some of your are omniscient enough to be able to predict the cancellation of a show which hasn't even had its official premiere yet, too. The fact that you think anything on MTV is about music is laughable, though. :D
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Just a question, does ANYONE play as IWA Puerto Rico as i have little to no knowledge of them, the guy who was gonna help seems to fof taken the hump earlier in the thread and their site doesnt have a proper roster. In other words, if i delete them , would they be missed by anyone?
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In all honesty, I wouldn't have noticed if you had deleted them and didn't say anything about it. ;) Anyway, ran the new data you sent me last night. I'm not sure why but for the first 2 months it took over 3 minutes for each day to load, and then it finally dropped down to the usual 80-90 seconds... dunno if it was all the TV show slots you added or something else. WWE dropped to Cult again... could just be worker stats, I have no idea.
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Didn't have anything else running at the time except a game of Mahjong, that's why I thought it was so strange that it was taking that long.
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Just curious, but do you have a set time for when this will be coming out, or around? It's so hard to play TEW without real world rosters, my purchase depends on them :p great job you're doing.. it's all very very much appreciated. once these are released, i'll be buying 07.
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Heh, AKA, it's not coming out until at least March, probably. As it's already a good two weeks past his original idea. I think I'm going to get a Wii before I ever get to play this... and that will end my TEW career for quite a while. :(
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[QUOTE=HugeRockStar760;192388]Of course it wouldn't take long. However, it's questionable why a mod that claims to be "complete" is allowing personal biases to determine what is in and what is out of it. If we're going to say WSX doesn't belong, why does CHIKARA belong in it?[/QUOTE] What? I don't really see how you can compare the two federations. CHIKARA runs regular shows, it's owned by wrestling men like Quack, rather than a television company. Vastily different. Sorry, I'm a CHIKARA Mark, I couldn't stand the thought of it not being in the mod!
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[QUOTE=forlan;192571]Just a question, does ANYONE play as IWA Puerto Rico as i have little to no knowledge of them, the guy who was gonna help seems to fof taken the hump earlier in the thread and their site doesnt have a proper roster. In other words, if i delete them , would they be missed by anyone?[/QUOTE] Well, I use to play as them back when they were on TV and followed it frequently. But ever since they got dropped I haven't followed them since so no, I won't really miss them.
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