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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=KevBone;212180]You're wrong. Sorry. What I believe people, including myself, are saying, is give an ESTIMATE of when it will be done. You know, an approximate judgment or calculation, as of the value, amount, time, size, or weight of something (Credit: Dictionary.com). But, if you'd instead like to continue being vague and flaky as to the state of your mod, then be my guest.[/QUOTE] I think you will find that is you that is the wrong one, i don't HAVE to give an extimate, and i wouldn't say i was being vague about the mod since i've posted regular updates on what was currently being done as well as even a screenshot of whats in a couple of pages ago. I know from Corp-x that you just like to pick fights for the sake of doing so, so i will take this as basically your opinion and no one elses. So no, i will not be estimating any release date and id kindly suggest you stop spamming up the topic or i'll contact adam on the matter
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No no no no no. People at Corp-X pick fights with me just for the hell of it. Get you facts right. And others were asking for estimates as well, not just me. Don't have an estimated release date yet? Fine. Not telling you how to run your mod, but I know that if I was making a mod, I'd give out an estimated release date as soon as I had it. Just a thought.
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But technically with the ever changing wrestling world an estimate is not possible, i could estimate X date, X date comes and i find a promotion has added 15 new workers or something. EDIT: 3490 workers in the data as of present time, just finished up the CMLL and AAA undercards and will soon begin work on Baja Stars, XLAW and IWRG rosters respectively.
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as far as I understand Forlan is doing the vast majority of this mod on his own.. hes added the best part of 4000 workers, on his own - do you realise how long that takes? especially considering you have to research workers you dont know a thing about.. if youre pissed off about it not being released, try and make 4000 workers to a high acurate standard and see how long it takes you.. once youve done that, created everything else needed for a good mod and checked it all thoroughly - you can moan about T-Zone not being released.. until then - shut up moaning, itll be done when its done and Forlan is happy to release it.. @kevbone: i dont see you contributing anything to the TEW community, so you dont have the right to make such statements.. everyone who has ever made a mod to this game is doing so during their free time, and are getting absolutely nothing out of it - they dont owe people anything..
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Surprise, surprise....Bone is on here claiming innocent as he blast other people....*sigh* didn't see that coming. Forlan, thanks for all the hard work you are putting in on it. You need some help getting some info about some indy guys in the midwest etc. let me know.
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[QUOTE=forlan;212188]But technically with the ever changing wrestling world an estimate is not possible, i could estimate X date, X date comes and i find a promotion has added 15 new workers or something. EDIT: [B]3490 workers[/B] in the data as of present time, just finished up the CMLL and AAA undercards and will soon begin work on Baja Stars, XLAW and IWRG rosters respectively.[/QUOTE] Holy Carp! :eek: :eek: :eek:
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[QUOTE=forlan;212342]They have an agreement with PWU and PWU sends people there quite a bit so they must run somewhere[/QUOTE] XLAW had PWU guys in for one tour. Which was like a weekend of shows that also included an Ultimo Dragon show. This was back like a month after the deal was announced. XLAW hasn't run a show since until just a few weeks ago, where their was absolutely no PWU involvement. It was actually ran alongside an Ultimo Dragon show that weekend again that was highlighted by a one night tourney to crown a new NWA International Junior champ. Trust me, they're not a promotion, atleast not a fulltime one.
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[QUOTE=cainekass;212306]Surprise, surprise....Bone is on here claiming innocent as he blast other people....*sigh* didn't see that coming. Forlan, thanks for all the hard work you are putting in on it. You need some help getting some info about some indy guys in the midwest etc. let me know.[/QUOTE] I don't recall "blasting" anyone in this thread. I simply gave my advice that an estimate would be helpful. So, yeah, I am innocent here.
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[QUOTE=KevBone;212375]I don't recall "blasting" anyone in this thread. I simply gave my advice that an estimate would be helpful. So, yeah, I am innocent here.[/QUOTE] Hey wwebone, give it a rest. There's no private warzone here for you to piss and moan about people.
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I wonder how many, in a mod as dynamic as a real world mod, would be feasible? I mean, surely that cap is purely the limit the software can handle taking nothing else into account. I wonder how many you can add while taking into account promotions, titles, teams, stables, etc. and still get a decent load time for a low, a medium, and a high end computer? I've always wondered how "complete" a real world mod one could make at each computer "level".
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Well I see the main reason for not giving an estimated release date is to avoid people moaning more than they already have. Same reason Grey Dog never said the exact date TEW was going to be coming out If Forlan said, it'll be released around 28 Feb, and then 28 Feb comes around and everyone starts posting "So where the hell is my mod?", and then Forlan says "Sorry, some stuff came up with Uni, had some personal stuff to take care of. Mod may get released Mid April" there'd be such a s**tstorm the thread would probably look worse than it already does
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