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T-Zone 2007

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Not sure, probs about 15 or so for first release as the game can also generate its own new workers so its not like you could ever run out or anything. New workers are second gen stars and a couple of ameteurs but some of them have interesting little tidbits like one of them i made have a severe drink and drugs problem and one a protege of Kurt Angle, just random things to make them a little different.
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I started playing your T-Zone Mod for 2005 in the meantime while waiting for your new release. Works like a charm so far, first mod with which I am getting somewhat decent (albeit realistic) results not only for my shows with PWG but also across the game world. Can't wait for your work forlan. Kudos.
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[QUOTE=Harmor;174753]I started playing your T-Zone Mod for 2005 in the meantime while waiting for your new release. Works like a charm so far, first mod with which I am getting somewhat decent (albeit realistic) results not only for my shows with PWG but also across the game world. Can't wait for your work forlan. Kudos.[/QUOTE] Aye, it's easily the funnest (is that a word?) mod i've played so far, and its really well thought-out and put together. I liked RaveX, but forlan gets it just right, IMO.
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I really can't wait for this mod to come out, C-Verse is annoying to play after a while, I've been playing since the demo and I think I'm pretty much sick of it but for the real life mods I can play for ages like I did in 05 about 6 months on real life mods. I hope you don't take too much longer
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[QUOTE=The-619;174795]I really can't wait for this mod to come out, C-Verse is annoying to play after a while, I've been playing since the demo and I think I'm pretty much sick of it but for the real life mods I can play for ages like I did in 05 about 6 months on real life mods. I hope you don't take too much longer[/QUOTE] Same here. I'm having a hell of a time in the Cornellverse since there aren't many talented unemployed people (since my owner block says I can't sign anyone already working), and I'm a national promotion with no TV deal, and because of my product (a kind of modern entertainment hardcore thing) I can't seem to land a TV deal anywhere! Bah
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[QUOTE=ACCBiggz;174993]I just hope workers like Kurt Angle (for example) don't have drug issues and what not... only because there has been no solid [B]proof[/B] of their problem. Just hearsay from internet people, not exactly your reliable source.[/QUOTE] Kurt admitted himself he had drug issues mate that isn't heresay. He's over em know depending on who you believe but it was obvious he was abusing thm for a while there.
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[QUOTE=parkerUK;175045]i will send you £5 paypal if its released in the next 2 days[/QUOTE] Dude, it's hardly a matter of him being able to do it but he doesn't want to, he's hardly going to work all day long just because one person is desperate. People need to maintain social lives, plus my brother's been through Uni and I know how important it is.
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