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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;214261]You can tell he means business because he said "yo." And you can tell he's a man whose time is very valuable because he doesn't waste time on punctuation or putting the letter "g" at the ends of some words.[/QUOTE] I thought that the lack of puncutation was because he was from Glass Cow.:D
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[QUOTE=jgriff3029;214580]I wonder if EA SPorts and other big companies get e-ails from Pete demanding that games get released. Forlan, you really have a lot of patience, thanks for all your work.[/QUOTE] Well, people CONSTANTLY complain for roster updates for certain games (i.e. NBA Live 07) which is essentially what this is. You can still play the game, but you'll have old (in this case, fake) rosters. So yeah, they do But that doesn't mean I am one to rush Forlan. But to expect people not to is very, very inaccurate.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;214261]You can tell he means business because he said "yo." And you can tell he's a man whose time is very valuable because he doesn't waste time on punctuation or putting the letter "g" at the ends of some words.[/QUOTE] Hey, he put the 'g' at the end of the word "crying". Give the guy a little credit.
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I'm not one to slap relese dates on things as you know by now but as long as TEWFan gets the Puerto Rican title history stuff finished soon and i hear word on Angles etc from Stevie Swing as well as Midlands info from Corey Vandal i'm looking at a release in mid-late April. I finish uni for easter this friday and am off for three weeks, a couple essays to sort out during that time btut apart from that i can devote more time to the data.
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i say keep them in since it just happened. if people want to take them out because of the ipw:uk/fwa show, then that's something that can easily be done with just a click of a mouse. but it would take alot more work to put them back into the game if it's just an angle. but then again, i don't keep up with european wrestling so i have no idea what the angle was all about. actually....don't listen to me at all. i'm dumb.
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[QUOTE=Chriswok;216210]aww man, that's sad news, why is it so hard to maintain a succesful promotion in the uk :([/QUOTE] because the UK is a ****ty place for wrestling, hard to run in, and expensive as hell given the currency there, there isn't as much an interest in wrestling, and the UK sucks. That's why. :P [QUOTE=jayshorny v2;216242]Maybe Wwe Should Base A Brand In The Uk I Think It Would Do Well[/QUOTE] stop...capping...the...first..letter..in..each...word...noob.
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Dude, don't troll. Anyway, mid-april sounds great, give or take a bit, right? I'd vote to leave them in because that JUST happened. And if you already put the work in, like people said it's easy to just click the button and wipe them out if they want to update their promo manually. You could rig it so they have very little money and go out of business soon anyway, then people would get the challenge of trying to save the dying fed.
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[QUOTE]because the UK is a ****ty place for wrestling, hard to run in, and expensive as hell given the currency there, there isn't as much an interest in wrestling, and the UK sucks. That's why. :P[/QUOTE] Im not sure thats really true there are a huge variety of different sized venues in the UK, from football stadia to concert halls. When the WWE tours there shows constantly sell out, wrestling is pretty darn popular over here! I think the problem is that most UK Wrestling fans are casual fans, who really have no interest unless its wrestlers they have heard of. Admitedly FWA had some well known Indy guys on there cards, but that's not going to be enough to sway casual fans. Oh and England doesn't suck! :D
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Id say from personal experience that the current British scene isnt all that different than the US indy scene. Theres about 30 or so full time companies scattered around the place (If you look hard enough theres literaly one in every town) and they draw on average between 100-3000 people per show. We also have a 24 hour wrestling channel on Sky Digital that gives several of these companies national exposure. We still have nothing like WWE or TNA, but Im pretty sure you could argue that some companies are as big in Britain as RoH is in the US.
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[QUOTE=panix04;216638]Im not sure thats really true there are a huge variety of different sized venues in the UK, from football stadia to concert halls. When the WWE tours there shows constantly sell out, wrestling is pretty darn popular over here! I think the problem is that most UK Wrestling fans are casual fans, who really have no interest unless its wrestlers they have heard of. Admitedly FWA had some well known Indy guys on there cards, but that's not going to be enough to sway casual fans. Oh and England doesn't suck! :D[/QUOTE] That's like someone who sells chocolates bringing you the best chocolate candy you've ever tasted, but they only show up at your door once a year. Of course you'll buy a month's supply. It's gonna be a while before you see that candy man again. Same is true with WWE. They come to the UK maybe once a year. It's a special thing.
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