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T-Zone 2007

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[QUOTE=Corey_Vandal;216712]Id say from personal experience that the current British scene isnt all that different than the US indy scene. Theres about 30 or so full time companies scattered around the place (If you look hard enough theres literaly one in every town) and they draw on average between 100-3000 people per show. We also have a 24 hour wrestling channel on Sky Digital that gives several of these companies national exposure. [/QUOTE] No one is drawing anywhere near 3000 people. Really ROH is the biggest consistent gate in the US on the indies & that maxes at around 1300-1500 And NWA Pro's convention shows in Vegas don't count as: A) tickets were dirt cheap/free if you paid admittance to the fair B) Santito was on the card in a predominantly Hispanic area.
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[QUOTE=flashmagic;216771]No one is drawing anywhere near 3000 people. Really ROH is the biggest consistent gate in the US on the indies & that maxes at around 1300-1500 And NWA Pro's convention shows in Vegas don't count as: A) tickets were dirt cheap/free if you paid admittance to the fair B) Santito was on the card in a predominantly Hispanic area.[/QUOTE] Im pretty sure All Star have drawn that number before. They mostly market to kids so if they put a show on near a couple of schools they draw huge. They're the biggest company in the uk (drawing wise) and probably europe. Edit: I searched for the article about all star drawing 3000 but couldnt find it it, but i did find this quote from Ricky Knight, a promoter and highly respected member of the uk wrestling comuinity (I wouldnt hesitate in calling him the UKs Terry Funk): [QUOTE] In the first Fightmare wrestling spectacle, over 2000 people turned out at the Norwich Sports Village - but the hopes of local organisers is such that this event will attract around 3000 people.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Corey_Vandal;216712] We still have nothing like WWE or TNA, but Im pretty sure you could argue that some companies are as big in Britain as RoH is in the US.[/QUOTE] In my opinion ROH does a better job than the WWE or TNA. It should be about wrestling quality like you said, and not how much money they have behind it. True wrestling fans find real wrestling.
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[QUOTE=thedraem41;216938] True wrestling fans find real wrestling.[/QUOTE] Heh... real wrestling, heh. But I'm glad you know what real wrestling is, so you might as well enlighten the rest of us. I'm as big a RoH fan as anyone out there, but people that put down the WWE saying it's not real wrestling and ROH is the only wrestling... well, that's why alot of people hate fans of ROH. It's different wrestling, not *REAL* wrestling. I'm also glad you know what a true wrestling fan is, since us that like the WWE must not be fans of true wrestling.
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Guest Ransik
Personally I don't think people who like WWE are untrue fans... I just don't see why so many actually find it to be what pro-wrestling is.
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Why would you say they [b]aren't[/b] what pro wrestling is? The WWE defined pro wrestling for the world, after taking down the NWA. They were the first to make it big (along with WCW), and there's a reason they are on top. Pro Wrestling is a business, and there are many definitions. WWE IS Pro Wrestling (on the entertainment side), while ROH is Pro Wrestling in the US (on the more technical side). So someone doesn't like WWE? It's okay they still sell out WrestleMania, and alot of shows. So you don't like ROH? Big deal, they still go on the road and have a loyal fanbase. Pro Wrestling isn't one style. If you want real unscripted matches with true athletes doing real moves, that's amateur. TNA? Not close to pro wrestling ;) At least, not until they can figure out who's in charge of the craptacular booking, and get some real usage out of the true stars in their company (Joe, Styles, Daniels, Lethal, etc.)
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[QUOTE=Jasx12;216942]I'm also glad you know what a true wrestling fan is, since us that like the WWE must not be fans of true wrestling.[/QUOTE] WWE has never been about wrestling.. EVER. Even during the 80's it was gimmicks, storylines, promos and guys loaded with charisma. Vince signs guys with the look. And no matter how much fans **** on it and say this and that about wrestling, deep down they crave it all. They're drawn to characters, which is why the WWE has been so successful. WWE isn't wrestling. It's drama with guys in tights in a ring. Steve Austin, hhh, Rock, Taker, Warrior, Hogan.... Those guys did very little wrestling if any at all. WWE is a soap opera for men. And TNA is a 2nd rate soap opera that isn't even any good. [QUOTE=thedraem41;216938] True wrestling fans find real wrestling.[/QUOTE] true wrestling fans **** on the very product they grew up on because suddenly they think they know talent and know the business when in reality, unless they know someone in the business they don't know **** and are just marks arguing with other marks over who knows more.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;216995]It's drama with guys in tights in a ring. Steve Austin, hhh, Rock, Taker, Warrior, Hogan.... Those guys did very little wrestling if any at all. WWE is a soap opera for men.[/QUOTE]Taker has never been THE franchise player of the WWE. It went Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin/The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, John Cena/Batista. Bret Hart, wrestling. Shawn Michaels, wrestling. Steve Austin, both. Brock Lesnar, both. Triple H, both.
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i would agree: [QUOTE]Taker has never been THE franchise player of the WWE. It went Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin/The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, John Cena/Batista. Bret Hart, wrestling. Shawn Michaels, wrestling. Steve Austin, both. Brock Lesnar, both. Triple H, both.[/QUOTE] but Triple H was more forced down our throats from 2002-2004 than wanting to buy the ppv's cos he was on them.
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;216995]WWE has never been about wrestling.. EVER. Even during the 80's it was gimmicks, storylines, promos and guys loaded with charisma. Vince signs guys with the look. And no matter how much fans **** on it and say this and that about wrestling, deep down they crave it all. They're drawn to characters, which is why the WWE has been so successful. WWE isn't wrestling. It's drama with guys in tights in a ring. Steve Austin, hhh, Rock, Taker, Warrior, Hogan.... [B]Those guys did very little wrestling if any at all. [/B] WWE is a soap opera for men.[/QUOTE] Er, I'm pretty sure I saw these guys doing some wrestling from time-to-time. In fact Austin, HHH and the Rock were pretty good at it. But seriously, thanks for the slightly bitter "We're wrestlers and everyone else who watches has no idea what's going on, cos they've never been in the ring, yadda yadda yadda!" Hey, without people talking about wrestling and paying to see shows, wrestlers would be nothing. Wrestlers owe the fans absolutely everything that they are, so if we decide we don't like something, then we are more than entitled to voice our opinions!
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Guest Ransik
I don't think eliminating angles, storylines and such are the WWE's problem... I think taking guys who can't get over, can't produce in the ring or on the mic or draw a dime ARE the problem along with 20 minute promos. I don't care if it's WWE, TNA, RoH, or the smallest Indy fed around. If you can't focus on wrestling than you're not exactly about professional wrestling. A perfect example is Ashley being given a match at Wrestlemania above Mickie and Victoria. It's not about who can draw or who can wrestle... it's about another blonde bimbo stripping and hoping to make another dollar off of it. They're not trying to reach out to the wrestling fans, they're trying to reach out to the Playboy fans and hope they can get a few of them to tune into Wrestlemania.
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[QUOTE=Ransik;217249]I don't think eliminating angles, storylines and such are the WWE's problem... I think taking guys who can't get over, can't produce in the ring or on the mic or draw a dime ARE the problem along with 20 minute promos. I don't care if it's WWE, TNA, RoH, or the smallest Indy fed around. If you can't focus on wrestling than you're not exactly about professional wrestling. A perfect example is Ashley being given a match at Wrestlemania above Mickie and Victoria. It's not about who can draw or who can wrestle... it's about another blonde bimbo stripping and hoping to make another dollar off of it. They're not trying to reach out to the wrestling fans, they're trying to reach out to the Playboy fans and hope they can get a few of them to tune into Wrestlemania.[/QUOTE] sex sells
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This whole debate is pretty LOL. Pro rasslin started out as a carnival sideshow and simply grew in stature. There has NEVER been any promoter who put on shows out of some aesthetic imperative or need to display "real wrestling." That's laughable. The [B]only [/B]reason promoters put on shows is to make money. Period. A successful promoter is one who creates a product which can appeal to the fans. The more fans you appeal to, the more successful you are. Period. Any kind of desire to see "real wrestling" or discussion about "what real wrestling is" was basically created by the IWC.
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If I post the pictures, would anyone be able to help me out with around 35 picture cuts for the British workers Im doing? Remember, the quicker I'm done, the quicker Forlan's done, the quicker this baby gets released!;) If anyone wants to help me out just shout and I'll start hunting around for the pictures.
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Awesome, thanks guys!:) I'll try and collect them all up and stick them in a photobucket account so they're all in one place. Ive completed 30 british workers and aim to do 10 more (mostly french wrestlers), there'll be one fed, Triple X Wrestling, an adult/comedy/hardcore/cult company that runs in the Midlands, and a few venues.
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[QUOTE=Jasx12;217004]Nobody is saying who knows more. How's the view up there on that high horse though?[/QUOTE] you don't visit wrestling forums much do you? [QUOTE=Jasx12;217004] What is pro wrestling then, if you are so intelligent?[/QUOTE] REAL wrestling is something most "fans" don't bother to follow... amateur wrestling PERIOD! 90% "smarks" are actually marks who just think they know more than everyone else about wrestling, but really they have no clue about the business other than what it's like to be a FAN and remember the past.
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