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C-Verse Draft-Your-Rsoter 2007

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Trypio is added to the done list Trypio I added your shows but I realized you just had a month and no day as well as no size and no length. SO FUTURE Wrestling Showcase Size: Medium (biggest for regional) Length: 3hrs (cause it's your big show) Held Annually Saturday week 4 December FUTURE Best of the Best Tournament Size: Medium Length: 2 1/2hrs Held Annualy Saturday Week 4 March Edit: Alec is doen all that is left is Dwight.
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The only person who didn't give me a list of what to do with his FED is the proud owner of FPW. I alreadt set all those workers to their generic gimmicks and I'll figure out some tag teams and titles on my own. Unless of course I missed a post but I don't think I did.
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Ok well I finished most of Dwight's the last fed to do and I went in to the section to adjust title lineages and well it seems some of the titles have been given the lineages of some of the already existing titles and I have to figure out how to fix it. But other than that everything else is done. So here's the deal while I work on that I figure you guys can poke around in the data and figure out if everythign is to your liking. Any changes you like made you can PM, EMail or post here and We will make this thing exactly the way we al want it. Email me at [email]apupunchau@optonline.net[/email] and I'll send out a big email with you all BCC'd so you can play around with what I've got so far. ALso once this is done who ever wants to do a Multiplayer diary with me I think it could be fun.
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I'm gonna email everything out in a minute I figured out the titles and got GC-J's title lineage all done. SO it'll be everythign we got so far. What I want people to do is go through their feds check out what's there and tell me what needs to be added. Here are some things to think about. Events Tag Team Tag Team Finsiher Names Adjust Bios for workers Worker Pushes Worker Gimmicks Adjusted bios for the fed Changes in product Missing announcers Screwed up titles anything else you can think off
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I received an e-mail, but it did not have any files attached. I replied to the e-mail, but apparently it didn't get back to you. Even without testing it, I'm okay with my fed as is. I probably should make events for it, as well as make all the possible tag combinations based on the stables (since the AI basically ignores stables) but I don't know if I really have the time this week to do that and none of this is worth make the scenario wait. And if you need someone to host it, I can do that. Although I'm sure Bobinc and ACCBiggz will probably put it up on their respective TEW sites as well.
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ACCBiggz asked to host it and he asked me if it could be exclusive to his site I didn't know what to say to that and I didn't worry about it cause the data wasn't done but now that it is although I I made the data it is a collabaration of work so it's up to everyone if they mind if it's exclusive to ACC's site.
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I'm completely opposed to the notion of exclusivity that ACCBiggz appears to trying to use to somehow boost his site. It's a joke on it's face anyway, as there is absolutely nothing he or anyone else can do to prevent anyone from taking stuff from his site and rehosting it elsewhere. If a mod maker wants to state that the only version they know to be correct is available on one site, that's one thing; but any attempt to create a false "exclusivity" is pretty much doomed to result in a bunch of petty bickering that will do nothing but make all involved looked childish. But that's just my opinion. So I'd say if ACCBiggz wants to be the "official" site for the mod, that's fine, but I'm opposed to saying no one else can also host it.
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Agreed with those so far. I should also probably have some events to blow off each of my tours... I'll think of something for them later when I have time. But basically it'll be a big event on the last sunday of the months where my tours end, so you can pencil them in with whatever names you want for now and I'll get back to you later. :) (And of course, I have my tournament on one of them already)
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Do either Bobinc or ACCBiggz have a direct upload feature as part of their TEW sites? Otherwise the only solution I can think of is either one of the free sites like Rapidshare, Sendspace, Mega File, etc. which allow for the sharing of files or you could look to get yourself a free server space site. I've got my own server space, but I'm the only one who can upload things. But if you get the file uploaded someplace (or figure out the issue with emailing it), I can host the file from that point on (or until ACCBiggz or Bobinc have it up) so the free site would only need to be working for a couple of days at most.
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Nick, is that because it's a .rar file? Or is there some other problem? I'm download it at the moment and can then make it available on my own server space so people won't need to do the waiting with RapidShare. I can also put up a .zip version of it, as that is a more commonly available compression format. I'll edit this post when the files are available. EDIT: .rar is just a different type of compression format, similar to a .zip in function but requiring a different program to open up. I've put a .zip version on my server space. Here is the direct link: [URL="http://www.s90120014.onlinehome.us/files/tew/Mixedverse.zip"]http://www.s90120014.onlinehome.us/files/tew/Mixedverse.zip[/URL] I haven't tested anything, so if anyone encounters a problem downloading it, let me know.
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Just a few additions and tweaks to be made to IJW to get it just perfect. I know I have posted my IJW logo in this thread somewhere already, about halfway through the draft, but because my internet collection is being dead slow today I can't be bothered to go looking for it. So I'll let you find it instead. :) EVENTS - all to take place on the 4th Sunday of the month, set the size of each event to be PPV (so game will run them by highest it can as default) Jan - IJW Rush of Blood Feb - IJW Duel of Heart Apr - IJW Test of Strength May - IJW Roar of the Tiger Jul - IJW Heat of Battle Aug - IJW Forge of Destiny Oct - IJW Rise to Power Nov - IJW Lord of the Ring Tournament In theory the Lord of the Ring Tournament should be my biggest event of the year since it's for a main event tournament title but in practise that may not be the case. I can't wait to see how that'll work out with the AI. TAG TEAMS - change Joshi DT and Above & Below to full time teams for IJW as they will both be expected to be competing for the tag belts on a frequent basis. LOGO - IJW (attached somewhere in thread, its pretty) TV DEAL - Change to Japanese Sports Network 3 instead of current deal. Seems to make some sense. DATA - GC-J title history needs tweaking, goes a bit off for modern times. And lastly, just a small personal note. Their aren't many logos in the data just now and I feel that makes the data look a bit lesser than it really should. Also, with only 11 promotions at the start of the game the world seems to be a bit empty just now. I know we were originally meant to have more but does anyone think we should add a few very small promotions to the data to start with? I would think a few local promotions with some low level owners (like Leo Davis for example) would make sense since I'm sure some established names in wrestling would also like to try and form promotions. When I ran through the first month 7 new promotions opened up but I still feel that there should be a couple of little ones in there from the start, even if they don't have a roster to start with. Or just a roster of bad workers at the very least so that they have a kind of flavour of their own. Other than that, the data looks pretty damn good over the course of the first month. A few promotions suffer from picking TV deals too big for them (myself included :)) but that can be tweaked to suit the needs of individuals. And now IJW will be more organised too. I'm actually looking forward to playing this properly.
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