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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Where we've been having a really bad week. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. December, 2009. Week 1, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the Snake Pit We start with The Partners in the ring, gloating over their dominance, when out come Plague and Masked Cougar, wanting a match... but not with Fox. They want shots at Nemesis. The Partners respond with a deal: A tag match, tonight. If Plague or Cougar gets the pinfall, they get a shot at Nemesis before Year In Review. (D) Tag Match Los Lunas vs Fast Money Result: The Lunas continue their streak wit the dual moonsault at nine minutes (E+) Afterwards, Los Lunas challenge Air Force 1 to a match (E) Hugh de Aske hypes his match with Jeremiah Moose tonight (E) Random Match Jeremiah Moose vs Hugh de Aske Result: Hugh gets the Plankwalker in ten minutes, embarassing Moose (D-) We announce that, should The Partners win tonight, whoever they don't pin will get a shot at Fox Mask a Year In Review (D) Main Event Tag Match The Partners (Fox Mask & Nemesis II) vs Masked Cougar & Plague Result: Loooooooong match, ending at over twenty-two minutes when Fox Mask hits a Foxhunter on Masked Cougar for the pinfall. (C-) Show rating: D+ That's two matches ready for YIR, and we've checked... no DAVE show that night. We were free and clear... provided the lucha fed didn't do much. Now, what to do with the last three shows... On the next Coastal Zone: Who knows?
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off topic, sorry. i just wondered if you had any plans of ever doing a follow up to the 'welcome to the real world' diary. I truely enjoy the zone. you bring it to life, with out writing a novel. how ever the real world diary was an amazing peace of work, and while i definatly understand the time investment required to write a diary the size of a small novel. I just wanted to let you know thier are fans out here that would love to see another work along those lines. Thank you for your consideration.
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Wow, someone still remembers that. I'm flattered. Welcome to the Real World was... well, it came out of a very unique set of circumstances. I had started out planning to do an 'honest' WWE dynasty, let the sim go for a few days, dealt with some random events, and then got to booking Heat and realized... I didn't enjoy playing the WWE in TEW. And then I got this idea... what if the real world had to deal with the random events that had popped up? Why would they be happening? What sort of thing would be going on? And things just sort of... snowballed from there. I don't know if I'll ever do another thing like that... especially given the amount of free time I have lately. If I do, I know I'll wind up using TEW to help me keep track of match times and segments, it's a great tool for that sort of thing.
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Entering the home stretch for 2009: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! DAVE re-signed Ash to another nine months. So much for our hopes of him leaving them... we were resigned to being second fiddle to them... well, to everyone. But before we did any work on fixing that... well, we had people complaining about not being used, so... December 2009, week 2, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Masked Cougar talking about how he shouldn't've lost last week... and out comes Rod Remus, telling us that at least he got a shot... the audience shouldn't have to listen to hear him complain because he lost. Cougar takes offense at that and the two start brawling to the back (D-) Tag Challenge Match Los Lunas vs Air Force One Result: A fluke win when Jimmy Foxx slips off the turnbuckle and Luna Ligera capitalizes with a springboard moonsault in nine minutes (E+) Tidal Tag Title Match The Latin Kings(c) vs The Mexican Revolution Result: The Kings retain when they get disqualified for double-teaming Angel around the sixteen minute mark (D) Out come Los Lunas for a staredown with The Latin Kings, who mention Los Lunas' winning streak... and say they'll be more than happy to end it at Year In Review. (E+) Main Event Arguement Match Masked Cougar vs Roderick Remus Result: Rod Remus in nineteen minutes with his Remus Clutch (C-) Show rating: D Okay, now that we've got the complainers out of the way, and gotten a midcard match into Year in Review, what else could we do? We figured we had an hour of the show ready as it is... now to figure what else we can load onto the show. And there wasn't a whole lot else going on for us to worry about in the meantime, so... December 2009, week 3, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the Snake Pit Random (???) Tag Match Air Force One vs Masked Cougar & Hugh de Aske Result: Good teamwork allows Snap Dragon to get the pinfall on Masked Cougar (D) Afterwards, Cougar makes a big stink, saying there's no way Dragon could get the win in a one-on-one. Dragon scoffs and says that sounds like a challenge... say, for Year In Review? (D-) Watching the arguement, Hugh and Foxx start laughing... and then look at each other for a moment... and then start throwing punches at each other, needing to be broken up (E-) Warm-Up Match Hector Galindo vs Plague Result: Plague sends a message by landing a Foxhunter at thirteen minues (D+) Hype videos for Plague v Fox and Alicia v Nemesis (D, C-) Main Event Warm-Up Match Rudy Velasquez vs Alicia Strong Result: Alicia has the upper hand when Hector runs in to help his partner, drawing the DQ at sixteen minutes in (C-) Show rating: D+ For the first time in nearly two months, we saw a decrease in attendance. Which meant next week would be somewhere else... and hopefully Year In Review wouldn't have a problem from us pushing our luck... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We can fit one more match onto the show... and in the meantime, let's hype the rest of the card...
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Where a regular schedule has nothing to do with fiber! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, one show left before Year In Review, and we'd be holding it in Mexico? Not a problem. While trying to hype new matches? Not a problem. And with Fox and Nemesis working DAVE that night? .... uh-oh. December, 2009. Week 4, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the sold-out Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico Jobber Match Randy Matravers vs El Combatiente Result: It's been about a month since we decided not to re-sign Randy. Who do you think wins? (F+) Los Lunas cut a promo hyping Year In Review, and when in Mexico their promos only go over slightly better than where nobody speaks Spanish (F+) Hype for YiR's final match: Roderick Remus vs Jeremiah Moose. (E-) Tag Match Los Lunas vs The Mexican Revolution -- no, we're not pandering to the Mexican crowd, not at all... Result: Los Lunas pick up another fluke win at ten minutes with the dual moonsault at Angel de Mexico slips off the apron and El Leon is left to fend for himself (D) Hype for YiR: Flyin' Jimmy Foxx vs Hugh de Aske, Snap Dragon vs Masked Cougar, and The Latin Kings vs Los Lunas (F, E, F+) Main Event Contender vs Contender Match Alicia Strong vs Plague Result: Loooooon match that hits the time limit draw, but Strong and Plague agree to five more minutes... and it turns out Alicia only needed two. Strong Right Hand ends it in twenty-two minutes (C-) Show rating: D Well, that went as well as could be expected. We said goodbye to Randy and suggested he fly to the UK to try and butter up Adam Matravers, even tho they weren't related. Annnnnd.... dammit. We'd been beaten in our attempt to reach Cult level by OLLIE, under the new hand of Cirque Jr. Just what we needed -- more competition for luchadores. They were already trying to get half of Los Lunas... Were we going to have to change our plans for them? On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Year In Review!
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Welcome to CZCW Year In Review 2009! We regret to announce that Masked Cougar will not be in the time zone tonight; however, we promise to find another 'cool cat' to replace him. Live from the Snake Pit, Southwest USA December, 2009. Week 4, Sunday Curtain Jerker Roderick Remus vs Jeremiah Moose Result: Remus shows his superiority with a Remus Clutch forcing a tapout in twelve minutes (D) Nemesis cuts a promo on Alicia. Steel cage or not, he's still the better man... for good reason. (D+) Tidal Tag Titles Match The Latin Kings(c) vs Los Lunas Result: Total squash as Los Lunas' luck runs out in just eight minutes (E+) Hugh de Aske threatens to plunder Jimmy Foxx's booty... then asks if he can do that again because, y'know, that sounds bad. But it's a live interview, so Hugh talks about getting his hands on Foxx's chest... no, wait... arrrrrrrgh, nevermind... (E) Random Match Hugh de Aske vs Flyin' Jimmy Foxx Result: Have we ever given Foxx a push? A Plankwalker ends it in thirteen minutes (D) Replacement Match Snap Dragon vs El Leon Result: Dragon does, indeed, eat kittens for breakfast as El Leon falls to a Dragon's Breath in fifteen (D+) Hype video for Fox vs Plague (D) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Fox Mask(c) vs Plague Result: Good match as usual from these two, but after sixteen minutes, a Fox Flipoff onto the ladder puts Plague out of it long enough for Fox to grab the belt (C-) Alicia responds to Nemesis' promo, saying she doesn't need friends to cheat to win matches, and tonight, she proves that she's the best wrestler in the Zone (C) Main Event Championship Steel Cage/Cell Match Nemesis II(c) vs Alicia Strong Result: Major letdown as these two give it their best but something just doesn't work out between them. Sixteen minutes in, a Nemesis Spear is ducked and turned into a Strong Clothesline, and Alicia picks up her first CZCW Championship, declaring that the Year of the Strong has begun (D+). Show rating: D+ A bit of a major letdown there... oh, well. On the next Coastal Zone: 2009 in review!
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Where mistakes sometimes turn out for the best... or worst... or... ah, nevermind. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! For those who already read YiR... there's been some slight changes to it, as the laptop died after posting the show and before hitting 'finish show'... so we had to go back and do it again. On the plus side, we got a higher rank. On the downside, we forgot to hold it in the Grissom Auditorium and held it at the Snake Pit, costing us over 400 people. Which actually saved us money in the long run, but... eh. Anyway, here's how 2009 came out... CZCW members in the Top 100 Wrestlers Current Roster: None Alumni: None Card of the Year: NOTBPW Retribution Match of the Year: Jeremy Stone vs Dan Stone Jr at NOTBPW Pain Move Improved Promotion: NOTBPW Promotion of the Year: NOTBPW Female Wrestler of the Year: Emma Bitch Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Dread Young Wrestler of the Year: Davis Wayne Newton Wrestler of the Year: Dan Stone Jr Top Stories Of 2009 --Marat Kholkov goes freelance in March, ends his freelance status a month later. Apparently he learned nobody cares. --Plague anounced his engagement to Raven Nightfall. No date has yet been set. --Hardcore Killah retires due to injury --Alicia Strong wins her first title --And a late entrant, being announced a few seconds before the end of 2009: Sam Keith announces he's planning on retiring! And that's about all I've got. It was a fairly uneventful year. Here's hoping 2010 does better...
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Starting the new year off with a whimper, not a bang. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Oh, and if I seem not-all-here for the next couple weeks, it's because I'm competing in this year's Game Chef. Yeah, I'm -that- geeky. As usual, DAVE was running a show on the first Monday of the month, so... it was time to improvise. But we'd been burning out the Southwest, and Mexico's economy and wrestling industry has just dropped to E+... was it worth it focusing there? January, 2010. Week 1, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the sold-out Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico We open with Rudy Velasquez in the ring, gloating about how, despite Nemesis losing the CZCW Title... DAVE still has the majority of the gold. Out comes Rod Remus to say that this is the Zone... titles don't make power. Power makes power. And tonight? He'll prove it to Rudy. (E+) Jobber Exhibition William Crash vs Zeshin Makioka Result: Pinfall after a Crash Override in seven minutes (D-) Masked Cougar apologizes for missing last night, and he promises if he had, Snap Dragon would lose. Out comes Dragon to dispute that fact... (E+) Tape-Delayed Match Masked Cougar vs Snap Dragon Result: Dragon continues to eat kitties for breakfast with a Dragon's Breath in fifteen minutes (D) Dragon claims he's been on a tear recently, and after beating Leon and Cougar, he wants to prove he can eat someone else for breakfast... Alicia Strong. (E-) Main Event Roderick Remus vs Rudy Velasquez Result: Remus reminds us why he was our rookie phenom a year or two ago and forces Velasquez to tap out to the Remus Clutch in seventeen minutes (D) Show rating: D- OLLIE picked up a few new people and a PPV deal. Joy. Our only joy in this was the fact that Mexico was tanking, wrestling-wise. Maybe they'd fall and we'd get a shot at catching up to them. Yeah, and pigs might fly. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Dragon seeks to end the Year of the Strong, and the Latin Kings seek to repair their rep.
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Okay, do I use dice, cards, coin flips... oh, wait, wrong forum. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Just to be on the safe side, we decided to wait one more week in Mexico before going back to the Southwest USA... just in case we burned them out too much. January 2010, week 2, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the sold-out Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico We open with Alicia in the ring, upset that Snap Dragon isn't here tonight, because she was going to kick his butt in the main event. But she promises those present she'll find a worth opponent for tonight (C-) Tag Match Fast Money vs X-Factor Result: Better than we expected out of guy we haven't seen much from lately, ending with Casino hitting a One-Armed Bandit (springboard wristlock bulldog... or something like that) on Smart for the pin in ten minutes (D-) Backstage, Alicia is looking for an opponent when she finds the Latin Kings. After putting up with some catcalls En Espanol, Alicia challenges one of them to a title match tonight. Hector swears since he's already got a match, but Rudy is happy to accept (D) Random Match Jeremiah Moose vs Hector Galindo Result: It's a hard-fought match as Moose puts up more of a fight than Hector expected, requiring Rudy Velasquez to show up to help him... but Pee-Wee spots the help and DQ's Hector at thirteen minutes (E) Afterwards, the Latin Kings beat Moose down and leave... but Moose pulls himself to his feet and gets a mic. "Two words, hombres... 'Tidal Booking'. I'll see you again..." (E-, E-) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Rudy Vasquez Result: Alicia comes within a hair of losing her title to illegal use of the ropes during a pin, but manages to wiggle out of it. She's starting to get the upper hand when Hector Galindo runs down... only to be followed by Jeremiah Moose, which distracts Rudy enough for Alicia to debut a new finisher: The Strong Takedown (lungbower) for the pin (C-) Show rating: D And that's about it... zero news, as we don't have any contracts renewing this month, and not a lot is going on elsewhere in the world... On the next Coastal Zone: Strong v Dragon, and does the unlikely team of Remus and Moose have what it takes to win the tag titles... or even survive each other?
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Where absolutely nothing of note has happened for a week or so: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! And that about tells you where we are. January 2010, Week 3, Monday Coastal Tour Live from The SOLD OUT!!! Snake Pit, Southwest USA Jobber Match Zeshin Makioka vs William Crash Result: Crash Override in seven minutes (D-). For those wondering, we're not bothering to book winners here, we're letting the kids work it out themselves. Backstage, Jeremiah Moose tries to convince Rod Remus that they two of them should team up to take the Tidal Tag Titles... since, y'know, Tidal Booking says they can since they both hold a victory over half of the tag champs. Remus seems unconvinced, but agrees to a test match tonight (E) Tag Match X-Factor vs Remus & Moose Result: X-Factor falls in seven minutes as Remus locks in a painful Remus Clutch... but Moose gets a blind tag and drops a leg on Smart while he's in the Clutch, then gets the pinfall (E+) Hype video for the next match (D-) Random Xtreme Ladder Match Fox Mask(c) vs Ashley Grover (Not a booking mistake, I swear) Result: Fox retains in ten minutes while controlling most of the match, hopefully convincing Ashley to stop complaining she's not being used enough (D) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Snap Dragon Result: Dragon makes a strong showing, but Alicia's one kitten he's not eating for breakfast, as a Strong Takedown slays the dragon in seventeen minutes (C-) Show rating: D+ Annnnd another slow week... until we realized we had just two more shows before CZCW Broken, and no matches set! Um... whoops. Time ot use the website to advance-book some matches... check and make sure OLLIE and DAVE weren't doing something... nope, they weren't. We should be good to go... On the next Coastal Zone: The build to CZCW Broken only gets two weeks. Can we put together a good show... or is it going to blow like the wind?
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Where we're so good, even the Cornellverse emulates us! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! January 2010, week 4, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the SOLD OUT (give or take two people) Snake Pit, Southwest USA Jobber Match Zenshin Makioka vs "Leapin' Lumberjack" Cal Sanders Result: Makioka gets a win in six minutes via roll-up (D-) Hype video for CZCW Broken: Alicia Strong vs Nemesis, Winner Take All (D+) Air Force One prepare backstage, Dragon gets some screen time. He says it was a fluke Alicia beat him last week, and he wants to prove he's the best... this Dragon eats lions and cougars, so now, it's time for him to eat a Fox. At CZCW Broken, he's going to take the Xtreme Title from Fox Mask. (E) Random Match Hugh de Aske vs Mark "I want to be used more" Smart Result: Plankwalker ends this one quickly, in seven minutes (D-) Afterwards, Hugh demands real competition, and challenges the winner of the main event to a match at Broken (E) Triple Tag Match Air Force One vs Mexican Revolution vs Remus & Moose Result: Remus controls most of the match, with Moose occasionally blind-tagging himself in... oddly enough, the same thing happens with Dragon and Foxx, and soon the two teams are arguing amongst themselves. The Revolution try to sneak in a win, but Remus catches Angel de Mexico with a powerbomb, and Moose tags himself in for the pinfall (D-). Afterwards, Moose and Remus argue about what the heck just happened (E) Backstage, The Revolution are having an arguement about the match themselves, when Masked Cougar walks by and laughs at them both, causing El Leon to get up in his face with Spanish. (D-) Main Event Match Masked Cougar vs Plague Result: Twelve minutes of good-not-great action, short for a main event but hey, we were short on time, leading to Plague landing a New Jersey Turnpike for the win (D+) Show rating: D+ Lots of other companies were doing lots of contract renewals around now, but nothing involving us... oh, wait, somewhat CZCW-related news! Our old alumnus Cameron Vessey busted his nose at MAW's Rip Chord Invitational. Oh, and a couple new promotions opened up: Brussels Pro Wrestling, in Europe, and X-Wrestling Japan, in... well, you know. Neither one were really competition... but XWJ was rather like what we were doing, taking one style, transplanting it into another location, and twist it somewhat... where we took Lucha and gave it a SoCal American Indy flair with a little Sports Entertainment, they were taking American Hardcore, bringing it into Puro, and adding a little Zone-style high-flying to the mix. A few years from now, it could be interesting working with them. Oh, and Masked Cougar got an offer from MPWF. Just what we needed... more people using our workers. Oh, and the big news... Sam Keith has now officially retired, and everyone in the wrestling industry is going after him to be their head road agent. You better believe we're going after him, too. Of course, we'd put him in color commentary, too... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: One show left before CZCW Broken. If you think there's clear sailing from here, you haven't been reading long.
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this is still fantastic.. its almost as addictive as the original... but the lack of a Tsunami drops it a peg.. The DAVE thing reminds me of the USPW story you had in the original (if my memory serves me correctly) and is quite the sexy piece of invasion... looking forward to a good reign for Alicia, and all in all KUTGW!
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The more things change, the more things are Welcomed to the Coastal Zone! February 2010, Week 1, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the Palacio del Lucha, Northern Mexico Opening Tag Match Plague & El Leon vs Hugh de Aske & Masked Cougar Result: Remarkably good action that we probably should've used later in the show, going fourteen minutes until Hugh hits a Plankwalker on Plague for the surprise win (C-) Backstage, Zenshin Makioka tries to tell people that CZCW Broken will be the day he defeats William Crash once and for all. But apparently, he hasn't picked up English yet. (F+) Answering the promo, William Crash tells Zenshin that Broken will be their final meeting, as he's going to kick Zenshin back to Japan (E+) Tidal Tag Championship Match Latin Kings(c) vs Fast Money Result: Kings dominate easily, finishing with a shooting star press on Casino in fourteen minutes (D-) Afterwards, they get mics and taunt Moose and Remus, saying the same fate awaits them. (E) Random "Yeah, Fox and Nemesis weren't available" Main Event Tag Match Alicia Strong & Zeshin Makioka vs Snap Dragon vs William Crash Result: Strong pins Crash after a Strong Takedown in ten minutes (D-). The two sides continue fighting, and out run Plague, Leon, Hugh, and Cougar to add to the fun for no apparent reason, a huge brawl closing the show (E-) Show rating: D-. Whoops. We didn't think the main event would be that bad. Apparently, DAVE wasn't happy with us teaming Fox and Ash... Fox was currently teaming with Citizen X on a fairly regular basis, with Nemesis flying solo. Figures. BPW and XWJ were looking for bookers. Boy, that was not tempting at all... and that's not sarcasm. BPW became the latest project of Louis Figo Manico, while The Great Hisato had grabbed XWJ. This week's rejections: Sam Keith and both TV networks that weren't Los Desportes Hoy (who we didn't speak to). OLLIE was picking up a new show. Maybe we really should be running on TV again... after all, we weren't caring about money for a while... and then SOTBPW went and got a PPV deal... we were still a no-name outside the Southwest in the US, and now we were an also-ran in Mexico. To make things worse, Masked Cougar was touring with BHOTWG for a few months... joy. At least they didn't tour Mondays. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Broken
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Welcome to CZCW Broken! CZCW Broken February 2010, Week 1, Sunday Live from the Grissom Arena, Southwest USA Opening Match Zenshin Makioka vs William Crash Result: The two display their chemistry for what will be the last time for quite a while, and we end with William Crash once more getting the Crash Override to end it at eleven minutes (D-) CZCW Champion Alicia Strong cuts a promo, wondering how Nemesis got a rematch so fast after doing so little... but it doesn't matter. Tonight, only the Strong survive (C) Tidal Tag Championships Latin Kings(c) vs Remus and Moose Result: Remus and Moose display their completely opposite in-ring personalities with several near-losses due to miscommunication, but Remus finally locks in the Remus Clutch, and moves away from his corner so Moose can't tag in and steal the pin like he's been doing, getting the submission victory and the Tidal Tag Titles at thirteen minutes... and Moose arguing with him afterwards (D) Plague rants. "Who the hell is Hugh De Aske, and why am I fighting a reject from a Disney ride?" (E) "I'll fight the winner" Match Hugh de Aske vs Plague Result: Hugh surprises everyone by showing he can hang with Plague, even to the point of forcing the veteran to resort to using the ropes to get the pin (C-) Masked Cougar tells us that tonight, he proves who the Zone's Big Cat is. (E+) Surprise Match Of The Night Candidate El Leon vs Masked Cougar Result: One of the best matches in the Zone's last several years, these two give it their all before El Leon gets the Split Second Justice at the eighteen minute mark (C!!!) Fox Mask hypes his match with Dragon, saying it's been a while since they faced each other... but Fox has grown better, while Dragon has just grown older. (D) Nemesis declares that at the end of the night, DAVE will still have two titles, as he'll regain his gold. Strong's win was a fluke, and tonight, he takes back the title for the Campbell bloodline. (C-) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Fox Mask(c) vs Snap Dragon Result: A little confusion about who to root for, the guy who's been tearing through the upper midcard lately, or the evil DAVE turncoat. Dueling chants get going several times during the bout, but they end at fourteen minutes with a mix of cheers and boos for the winner, and still Champion, Fox Mask (C-) Hype video for the main event (D+) Main Event CZCW Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Nemesis II Result: Realizing the last match wasn't their best, and inspired by Leon and Cougar, these two go out there and give it their all, pulling out a couple of new and interesting variations of ring-to-ringside moves (Including a between-the-ropes baseball slide dropkick and a powerbomb-over-ropes-to-apron into a hurricanrana-over-ropes-to-ringside into a powerbomb-from-apron-to-ringside sequence), going sixteen minutes before Nemesis knocks down Strong and goes to the turnbuckle for a moonsault... but Alicia springs up behind him and hits a top-rope Strong Takedown, rolling over Ash for the pin (C!!!) Show rating: C-
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Two dynasties, Game Chef, an online HeroClix league, work, family... no wonder I never have any free time! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We weren't expecting to get two C matches out of Broken. Cool. And only 70 people short of setting a Zone record for attendance? Niiiiice. Let's see if we can follow up on that... February 2010, week 2, Monday Coastal Tour Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico We open with Nemesis in the ring, saying that people shouldn't get worried... after all, Alicia's lost to him more than once, but only beaten him... once. And he claims that keeps him the #1 Contender. Out comes El Leon to the cheers of the Mexican crowd, and he says that after proving himself to be the Big Cat, he's the obvious #1 contender. The two argue, and Pee-Wee tells them to settle it later tonight. (D) Xtreme Opener? Fox Mask(c) vs William Crash Result: It goes six minutes. What do you think happens? (D-) Tidal ... well, non-title booking Match? Angel de Mexico vs Flying Jimmy Foxx Result: We're in Mexico, and we never put Jimmy. Angel gets the Mexican Death in twelve minutes (D+) Tidal Tag Title Match Remus & Moose(c) vs Los Lunas Result: Moose refuses to take Remus in for the entire match, so it takes a bit longer to deal with Los Lunas than it should. But he gets the end with a Charging Moose in eight minutes (E+) Main Event Contendership Match Nemesis II vs El Leon Result: Not as good as we were expecting, but then, we overbooked it a bit with Fox Mask running down to help his partner, and Angel showing up to help his, ending with El Leon getting a roll-up in the confusion for the win (D+) We make it official: Alicia Strong vs El Leon at Spring Break Bash in April. (D) Show rating: D Not quite being followed up on, was it? Well, at least we could look forward to our old friends at Los Despotes Hoy giving us another crack at a TV show... ... Wow, even Los Despores Hoy rejected us, due to the sinking wrestling climate in Mexico. Bummer. Hey, look, WXJ wanted Fox Mask on their roster. Joy. Well, no way he'd place the upstart ahead of us... was there? And Plague had joined up with MPWF. Goodie. We were making new stars for Mexico. Could we get some good news, please? On the next Coastal Zone: We're heading to Mexico, so let's put two people who should be popular in Mexico in the main event. How could that possibly not work out?
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Tidal booking is where the members of two tag teams face off in two singles matches. If one team wins both singles matches then the winning team is obviously better than the other team. If they split, they have a tag match to settle the difference. Thus, there's two kinds of tidal booking. One involves a singles match one week, another singles match the next week won by the other team's member, and a tag match afterwards to see which team is better; the other involves just booking a '2/3 falls tag match' with the first two falls as singles matches and the tag titles on the line. So if Angel and Foxx are fighting in 'tidal booking',odds are you'll see Leon and Dragon in a match soon as well.
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Where we hope to last a lot longer than 2025... well, unless TEW2k8 comes out before then! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! No, I'm not above referencing Ryland's threads when I can get away with it. :) February 2010, Week 3, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with El Leon in the ring, proud of his #1 Contendership status, and invites anyone to come down to try their luck. Out comes Hector Galindo, saying that taking Leon down a few pegs will be a nice diversion until the Latin Kings decide to take back their tag titles. (E-) Opening Match Mark Smart vs Ashley Grover Result: Ashley wins it with a Grrl Power in eleven minutes (D-) Hype video for Alicia Strong vs El Leon at Spring Break Bash (D) Ordinary Match Hugh de Aske vs Masked Cougar Result: Another close match sees Hugh de Aske pull off a Plankwalker out of almost nowhere for the win at sixteen minutes (C-) Afterwards, Hugh makes some pirate jokes and challenges Fox Mask for the Xtreme Title. (E+) Main Event Match El Leon vs Hector Galindo Result: Not as good as we were expecting, with Leon getting the pinfall in fourteen minutes (D+) Show rating: D Okay, not as good as we were expecting, and the Southwest was still burned out, so we were going to spend some time in Mexico... possibly all of March so that Spring Break Bash wouldn't suffer from burnout... then again, WERE WE FREAKIN' MENTAL? Economy at C and rising, Wrestling industry at B+ and rising, and we were avoiding the rest of the US??? Let's take advantage! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Back to the USA!
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