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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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[QUOTE=Bye1918;214347]Do your fans hate Gallindo, or is that just dave? Well, he's currently a heel, so hate goes with the territory... he's not currently employed by DAVE (and neither is Rudy V, which is why we hired them both) so I can't speak for their feelings on him.
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Uh-oh... out of pre-simmed stuff. Well, the wife's playing 360, so that means it's time to say Welcome to the Coastal Zone! February 2010, week 4, Monday Coastal Tour Club X, Northwest USA We open with Jeremiah Moose in the ring, issuing an open challenge for a title match tonight. Remus comes out to argue with him, but so does Fast Money, and they accept the challenge before Remus can withdraw it (E-) Rare Triple Threat Match Ashley Grover vs Cal Sanders vs Zenshin Makioka Result: Yeah, two we're not pushing and Ashley, an we're in AAA territory. Ashely FTW in ten minutes (E+) with celebration afterwards (F+) Hype video for Alicia vs Leon (E) Xtreme Squash Match Fox Mask(c) vs Luna Obscura Result: Total squash with Fox winning after a Foxhunter in six minutes (D-) Afterwards, Fox accepts Hugh's challenge, saying that he's about to be sunk by the Xtreme Fox. Fast Money make fun of Remus & Moose backstage, saying that with their lack of communiation, they're going to lose the titles tonight... fast. (E-) Tidal Tag Main Event Remus & Moose(c) vs Fast Money Result: Remus and Moose are forced to work together, and Fast Money gets several near-falls. Moose locks in an Antler (Torture) Rack around seventeen minutes in, but Remus gets the blind take and hits a neckbreaker on Speedball while he's still in the hold, then gets the pinfall. (D-) Remus and Moose argue afterwards (E-) Show rating: D-, but keep in mind it's where we're not as well known. Another slow week, but we might be on to something with the Northwest idea. With the country doing as well as it is, we might be able to get over enough there to help score a TV show in the US. Cameron Vessey signed up with XWJ, showing we had more in common than at first glance. And, in what might be a good sign, SOTBPW lost a TV show... which means it'll be easier to compete against them. On the next Coastal Zone: One month to Spring Break Bash, we may want more than two matches on the card...
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The question for the next month: Will this become Welcome to the DAVE Zone? I've now simmed up past Spring Break Bash, and I think we'll be pleasantly surprised at how things turn out... As was usual for the first Monday of the week, we had no Fox, Nemesis, Leon, or one of the Lunas. We really needed either written contracts or some more prestige... March 2010, week 1, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the Ohio Jewish Center, Great Lakes USA Opening Match El Combatiente vs Luna Obscure Result: Obscura shows that the Lunas aren't just a tag team by hitting a moonsault for the pinfall at six minutes (E-) Hugh de Aske and Angel de Mexico get into an arguement over how much influence the Mexicans had over pirates. It degenerates into a brawl and spills out to the ring (E) Resulting Match Result: Hugh de Aske gets a Plankwalker in fourteen minutes (D-) Rudy comes out to talk about how it's only a matter of time until the Latin Kings take back their titles. Snap Dragon comes out saying it's time to step aside and let Air Force One have a crack at the champs. Guess what happens? (E) Main Event Resulting Match Result: Rudy drops Dragon with some brass knucks while Pee-Wee is distracted by the crowd around sixteen minutes in (D) Show rating: E+ Meanwhile, over in DAVE, Fox and Nemesis both picked up wins in the undercard (over Dallas McWade and Jay Darkness), while NOTBPW put on a main event of The Stone Siblings vs Duane Stone and Johnny Bloodstone. We could only imagine the angle going on there... On the next Coastal Zone: The Zone goes into the heart of DAVE territory: Tri-State.
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Often Imitated, Never Duplicated! Welcome to the granddaddy of them all, the Coastal Zone! Louis Figo Manico became his newest promotion's first champion. Nobody was surprised. And we realized something... OLLIE was working Mondays now. Our #1 Contender was working for them. Hyping the main event was goin to be difficult... March 2010, week 2, Monday Coastal Tour Live from the Weston Gym, Tri-State USA We open with Alicia saying it's been a long time since the Zone was in Tri-State, and she wants to remind everyone here how the Zone does things, so she's like to have a title match tonight. Out comes Plague, who says he'd love to be the one to accept the challenge. (D) "DAVE comes from here, don't they?" Tag Match Air Force One vs The Latin Kings Result: A little more hardcore than usual, AF1 puts up a good fight but in the end the Kings just wear them down, Rudy finished off Foxx with a Street Cutter at fifteen minutes (D) We announce that at Spring Break Bash, the Kings will get their rematch against Moose & Remus (E-) Alicia cuts a promo on Plague telling him that he may be from Jersey, but tonight, she's going to make him consider staying home when the Zone flies back west (D+) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Plague Result: Long match that's quite good, and comes down to... a twenty-minute time limit draw. The crowd wants five more minutes, and Alicia and Plague agree... and at the end of five minutes, it's still a draw, and that's how it ends (C-) Show rating: D+ We spent some time researching, and decided to move Coastal Tour to Thursdays. It would be a nice change of pace. We'd be competing with SWF and NYCW, but none of our boys worked for them. Having OLLIE work Mondays and the occasional DAVE show on Mondays hurt our options. ARGH! RIPW had hit Regional size, and we were wondering how we could be growing so slowly. Of course, they already had Frankie Perez and Calamari Kid, but how they wanted Hugh de Aske, too! Sonnuva... and now our other Luna had an offer from MPWF. Oh, well... it was almost enough to make us consider the head booker spot at Mexican Hardcore Wrestling... but, no. On the next Coastal Zone: The booker runs out of ideas, and someone becomes the highest-paid worker in Zone history...
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Remember when we fired everyone making over a grand a show, because they were too expensive? Yeah... neither do we. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! March 2010, week 3, Thursday Coastal Tour Live from Club X, Northwest USA Nemesis and Masked Cougar.... do something... that leads to them having a match later. I know I'm in trouble when I'm running out of ideas for these things (D-) Opening Match William Crash vs Ben Williams Result: William wins in seven minutes. Not Williams. William. (E) Hype for Fox/Hugh at SBB (E+) Random Match Ashley Grover vs Zenshin Makioka Result: Grrl Power in nine minutes gets Ashley another win and Zenshin another loss (E) Hype for Alicia/Leon and Kings/Remus&Moose @ SBB (E, E-) Main Event Masked Cougar v Nemesis Result: These two go all the way, with Nemesis getting the pinfall seconds before the 20-minute time limit expires (D+) Show rating: D- Eh, we'll take it. And then we'll realize our schedule change means we only have one more match before Spring Break Bash... we'd better think of something, 'cause we were seriously lacking in hype! Ash 'Nemesis II' Campbell would re-sign his contract this week... but not before becoming the highest-paid Zoner in history, with $2,200 a show and a $1,200 downside (yeah, like we'd go a month without using him). It was going to become a race... could we get to a point where we could justify high ticket prices before we bankrupted ourselves? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: One show to go before Spring Break Bash! Will it be the greatest Zone show ever, or will someone not be available next week and ruin the whole build-up?
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No financial goals? Check. No luck with gimmicks or momentum? Check. Welcome to the Coastal Zone? Check! .... DAMMIT, OLLIE was having a show tonight. So, no Leon and I have a main event to pimp... March 2010, week 4, Thursday Coastal Tour Live from Bar Juarez, Northern Mexico We open with Plague requesting a rematch from two weeks ago, and Alicia accepting (D) Opening Match Nathanial Casino vs Rod Remus Result: Remus has things well in hand, dominating the match... but Moose still runs down to help him out, distracting Pee-Wee. Remus protests, but nearly gets rolled up, and Moose dropkicks Casino in the face to break it up. Remus then gets the easy pinfall at ten minutes (E+). Remus and Moose argue afterwards (E) Which Brings Us To... Match Jeremiah Moose vs Hector Galindo Result: Moose and Galindo seem evenly matched, and five minutes in Moose looks to his partner for help... Remus teases getting in the ring, then flips off his partner and leaves. Moose is furious and doesn't see Hector come from behind with a flying bulldog for the pin around eight minutes (D-). Backstage, Moose and Remus argue more, almost getting into a fight (E) Hype video for Fox vs Aske (E) Main Event Championship Rematch Alicia Strong(c) vs Plague Result: Another good match between these two, this time both have the other scouted and can anticipate each others' moves. The threat of another time-limit draw looms, but a Strong Takedown gets the three-count at the eighteen minute mark (C-) Show rating: D Mexico was a really bad place to be right now. We were glad it was just our fall-back area... amazingly, none of the Mexican promotions had falled despite the falling economy and industry there... yet. But now, it was time for the big... Oh, crap, someone's not available, who is i.... Masked Cougar? Oh, good, for a moment I thought it was someone important to our plans. On the next Coastal Zone: A CZCW Spring Break Bash that is not to be missed!
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Welcome to CZCW Spring Break Bash! April 2010, Week 1, Wednesday Live from the !!!!!SOLD OUT!!!!! Grissom Arena, Southwest USA! Opening Tidal Tag Title Match Remus & Moose(c) vs The Latin Kings Result: Remus and Moose are obviously not on the same page, but both take the fight to the Kings... until they begin to argue over who should get the pin. The Kings take advantage and knock them both out of the ring. Remus and Moose put aside their differences, kick the crap out of the Kings, and both score a pinfall on a King at the same time at fourteen minutes (D-). Then Remus and Moose go back to arguing (E+) Random Filler Tag Los Lunas vs Fast Money Result: Just a quick match to apologize to Casino for last week, and he gets the pinfall on Luna Ligera in six minutes (E+) Hugh de Aske cuts a semi-longish promo on Fox Mask, telling him that tonight, he's in for an Aske Kicking (D+) Possibly Random Match Angel de Mexico vs Snap Dragon Result: Decent match that surprises the crowd twice... once by going to fifteen minutes, and again when Angel pulls the tights to get a pinfall over the usually-dominant Dragon (D+) Alicia cuts a promo on El Leon, telling him that it takes dedication to be a champion, and if he can't be around all the time, he lacks the dedication needed to be Strong (C) A-Main-Event-In-Some-Feds-But-Not-Here Match Plague vs Nemesis II Result: Not as good as we were expecting, but then these two realized they were on the undercard for the show and phoned it in a little. Nemesis gets the pinfall at the end with his new Bloodline finisher in sixteen minutes(D+) El Leon gets interviewed, and he rants at Alicia in a combination of English and Spanish (D-) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Fox Mask(c) vs Hugh de Aske Result: Hugh has improved since last time he challenged for the title, and Fox has to step up his game to keep up; but it's still too hard for the wrestling pirate to plunder the booty of the belt and Fox gets the win in sixteen minutes (apparently that's the magic number for tonight) (D+) Hype video for the main event (D+) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs El Leon Result: These two go all out in a blend of American, Japanese, and Mexican wrestling styles, easily having the match of the night and both sides knowing they were in a war for the title. But in the end, it's the Strong Takedown that triumphs at the eighteen-minute mark (C). Afterwards, Leon yells at Alicia in Spanish some more. Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: DAVE goes for double-or-nothing.
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Leading the charge of the Little Indy That Could: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Our very first sell-out of a Very Small arena, a full two thousand people! That gave us at least one entry in the user log that wasn't set back in 2007. Heck, we'd do one more show in the Southwest before going on, just to celebrate... and we're going to make it a CZCW vs DAVE show, just to be expensive as hell. April 2010, week 1, Thursday Coastal Tour Live from the... not sold out Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open the show with El Leon saying last night, he gave his best, but it wasn't good enough... but he knows how far he can go now, and he knows it's good enough to beat Fox Mask. Fox comes out and says that if Leon's that confident... he's on! (D-) Tidal Tag Title Rematch Wacky Tag Team Partners Who Hate Each Other (WTTPWHEO is (c) and (tm) Paul Heyman) vs The Latin Kings Result: Remus and Moose decide to work together this time, and Moose gets the submission with an Antler Rack at ten minutes (D) Xtreme Ladder Match Fox Mask(c) vs El Leon Result: Fox Mask's DAVE compatriots are all on this show... and too busy or too confident to lend a hand, as Angel de Mexico makes a surprise appearance to knock Fox off a ladder and let Leon steal the Xtreme Title at thirteen minutes (C) Alicia cuts a promo against Nemesis, saying that he's DAVE's last shot at holding gold in the Zone... and she aims to make sure that doesn't happen again. (C) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Nemesis II Result: Nemesis tries, but his chances of getting the title are about the same as his chances of having a better match than that last one... there, but slim. Strong Takedown in seventeen minutes for the pin (C-) Show result: D+ Not as good as we'd hoped, but it did it's job... on those two shows, we were now officially a D in the Southwest. And that made us happy-happy-happy, as it was an extra buck or two per ticket. Of course, we'd just blow most of our non-existant budget on those two shows, but hey... we didn't care about money this year! Which was good, as we'd sunk below the $200,000 mark. On the next Coastal Zone: We head back to Mexico for yet another Zone first, and introduce the newest member of the Mexican Revolution!
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Where we can't believe someone beat us to a Flying Spaghetti Monster reference: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! April 2010, Week 2, Thursday Coastal Tour Palacio del Lucha, Northern Mexico We open with Masked Cougar saying how great it is to be back in the Palacio del Lucha, and how the only thing that could make it better is winning the CZCW Title tonight. Out come Alicia to say she had planned on facing someone else... but if Cougar wants to lose that badly, so be it (D+) Opening Tag Match Fast Money vs The Mexican Revolution (Angel de Mexico and... The Amazing Fire Fly?) Result: Looks like Angel, Leon, and Combatiente brought in a new friend to play with them. Fast Money's not ready for the next twist on the Revolution's strategy, and Fire Fly gets the win with a Spanish Fly in thirteen minutes (D+) Hugh de Aske cuts a promo on Jeremiah Moose, making a joke that the Zone is an Ark with all these animals, but the Ark was just another ship, ripe for the plundering. (E) Random Match Hugh de Aske vs Jeremiah Moose Result: Plankwalker in thirteen minutes prevents Moose from thinking he might be getting a push (D-) We announce a match for CZCW Surf Slam in June: Alicia Strong (or whoever has the title) vs Nemesis II vs Plague in a rare triple-threat match for the CZCW Title. (D) Masked Cougar comes out for the main event and reminds us that Alicia won't be at Surf Slam, he will be (D-) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Masked Cougar Result: Decent but not good match, possibly going on a bit long, with Alicia getting the win after a Strong Right Hand in seventeen minutes (D+) Show rating: D+ We'd broken D- in Northern Mexico, giving us two regions above E+ for the first time. We had a long way to go before reaching Cult status, but with the economy and industry turning around in Mexico, we might be able to ride a TV show to popularity... if we could absorb the loss of ticket sales. But we wouldn't even get that chance for quite some time. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: What do you do when you want a cheap show? Some old-school Tidal Booking!
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Hoping we don't run out of pre-simmed stuff anytime soon: Welcome to the "Lack of Free Time" Zone! Ah, fun with the media. First story: Squeeky McClean leaves SWF because they're too small. Second story: Squeeky McClean joines NOTBPW. Now, to try something a little bit different with the next show... a mix of old-school Tidal Booking and new-school 'throw two guys into a match' booking. April 2010, week 3, Thursday Coastal Tour Club X, Northwest USA We open with Hector Galindo calling out El Leon, demanding a title match so that he can bring the Xtreme Title back to DAVE. Leon comes out and accepts, on one condition... if Hector fails, Hector doesn't get any more shots (E+) TIDAL BOOKING! Luna Obscura vs William Crash Result: Obscura in six minutes with the moonsault (E) TIDAL BOOKING, ROUND TWO Luna Ligera vs Zenshin Makioka Result: Makioka in six minutes by stealing William's Crash Override (E+) TIDAL BOOKING, FINALE Los Lunas vs "You're making us team up????" (Crash & Makioka) Result: Crash Override by Crash on Obscura just after six minutes (E) El Leon hypes the main event (E+) Hector hypes the main event (E) Main Event Xtreme Championship Match El Leon(c) vs Hector Galindo Result: Good match between the two that would've easily been a C- if held someplace they were both over. Leon gets the win after sixteen minutes (D+) Show rating: D- Okay, not our best show, but relatively cheap and in a place where it didn't need to be the best show where it was. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Wrestling reaches a new golden age in the USA. Can the Zone take advantage of it?
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Okay, who the heck decided I should be part of a vote? C'mon, I'm like the Deen Koontz of dynasties... I do the same few stories over and over and just make up for it in volume. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! It's official... the wrestling industry is having a new heyday in the US, hitting an A rating. The only question was, how long would it last? Now, to do one more show in the Southwest, then do some more Mexico, then some more Northwest before becoming back to the Southwest for Surf Slam... or whatever was next... April 2010, week 4, Thursday Coastal Tour Live from the Snake Pit We open with Masked Cougar claiming he should be in the main event at Surf Slam, and demands a match with anyone involved for their spot. Out comes Plague, saying he's more than happy to show Cougar he's not as good as he thinks he is (D-) Opening Tag Match Air Force One vs X-Factor (with new "I'm a moron" gimmick for Ben Williams") Result: Dragon gets the pinfall on Mark Smart when Williams isn't smart enough to go help him. (D+) Hype for the Surf Slam main event (C-) "We want to be paid more often" Match Ashley Grover vs Cal Sanders Result: Grrl Power gets the pin in eight minutes (D-) Plague does a hype interview for Surf Slam (D+) Main Event Plague vs Masked Cougar Result: Good match between these two, and Cougar shows perhaps he -does- deserve to be in the main event... but Plague gets the better of him and hits the New Jersey Turnpick after seventeen minutes for the pin (C-) Show rating: D Okay, we were hoping for slightly better, both in terms of matches and in terms of attendance... maybe we were still slightly burned out there? On the next Coastal Zone: No idea, I'm out of pre-simmed stuff again.
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Where money is not a problem... well, unless Cliff decides it will be. Luckily, he only makes those decisions every-other year. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Here's your new contract! Let's look at the people upset they're not being used.... oy, vey, this was gonna be expensive... May 2010, week 1, Thursday Coastal Tour Ohio Jewish Center, Great Lakes USA We open with a bang as The Partners declare that it's time for them to wear gold again... but not singles titles, tonight, they want the Tidal Tag Titles. Out come Remus and Moose, and it turns into a three-way arguement ad Moose and Remus are bickering again. Eventually, The Partners get tired of watching the other two fight like an old married couple and trounce them from behind, causing Pee-Wee to promise them a tag match if they lay off for now (E+) Xtreme Title Match El Leon(c) vs Rudy Velasquez Result: Same rules as for Hector, if Rudy loses, he doesn't get another shot. The two go nearly twenty minutes... until Fox Mask and Nemesis run out and Leon wins by DQ due to a three-on-one assault (D) The beatdown continues, and when the three are satisfied, Fox tells Leon that at Surf Slam, there's going to be a rematch. And until Surf Slam, Leon is going to suffer every attack DAVE can send his way (E+, D) Main Event Tidal Tag Title Match Remus & Moose(c) vs The Partners Result: Another nearly twenty-minute match as the two teams take it to the limit, only for it to end with El Leon and Rudy Velasquez running down. While Pee-Wee deals with Rudy, Leon chairs Fox and Nemesis in the head, letting the wacky tag team partners who hate each other (actually their name in the database) pick up the pin to retain. (D+) Show rating: D DAVE -had- to try and ruin our plans... Fox Mask had just teamed with Flex to win the DAVE Tag Team Titles. Fox & Flex. Geeze. On the next Coastal Zone: Will one of the Zone's hot new stars leave? And with just a few weeks until Surf Slam, we've dropped back to a D- in the Southwest... can we pull off the big show we need to come back?
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The whole world's against us dude, I swear ta god. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Turned down for TV shows again. That was the problem with still being regional in the US... and Mexico's industry in the toilet... .... ARGH!!!!! Hugh de Ask just got another offer... from SWF. There was no way we could compete with that... May 2010, week 2, Thursday Coastal Tour Weston Gymnasium, Tristate USA We open with Hugh de Aske, telling Fox he should let someone else have a shot at the Xtreme title. Fox comes out, saying if Hugh wants anotehr turn, he needs to do something he's never done before... Beat Fox. (D-) Random Match William Crash vs Mark Smart Result: This was a hard one to book. A singles jobber vs a tag-team jobber who hasn't been relevant since we dropped Citizen X years ago. We give them eight minutes, which might've been a bad idea, but they don't -totally- stink up the join on the way to a Crash Overdrive getting the win (E+) Random Match #2 Zenshin Makioka vs Marc Speed Result: Unlike Smart, Speed isn't technically a jobber... at least, he was relevent more recently. We give it seven minutes, let Speedball go over, and the result is actually strangely watchable (D) Fox Mask cuts an interview, not on Hugh, calling him a speedbump, but on Leon, telling him that next week, he's in for a world of hurt (D-) Random Match #3 Ben Williams vs Amazing Fire Fly Result: ... the other half of a jobber tag team vs the new half of a semi-jobber tag team. The new Luchadore in town wins it in nine (D-) Hype video for Alicia vs Nemesis vs Plague (D-) Main Event Hugh de Aske vs Fox Mask Result: Hugh was off his game tonight, perhaps concerned with his future career options, and he's forced to work through fifteen minutes of uncertainty until Fox hits the Foxhunter for the win (D) Show rating: D- Yeah, okay, so he hadn't even signed and we'd decided to bury him. Can you blame us? We had to get as much use out of him as we could. ... oh, wait... SWF is still Cult... so no written contracts. Oopsie, we forgot. Um... can we unbury Hugh now? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: El Leon vs DAVE, and Hugh gets... well, something like a push...
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Now simmed up through Battle at the Beach, and boy... life's a beach. Welcome to the Coastal Zone, beach! May 2010, week 3, Thursday Coastal Tour Club X, Northwest USA We open the show with El Leon, shouting, daring DAVE to come make his life hell. Out come the Latin Kings, saying tonight, he falls prey to his own overconfidence. They don't get a single title match... but the stipulations for their matches said nothing about a triple-threat match, and that'll be tonight. Leon is, understandably, upset (E+) Tag Match Los Lunas vs The Mexican Revolution (Angel & Fire Fly) Result: LUCHADORES COLLIDE!!! The Revolution win when Fire Fly just goes wild on the Lunas and gets the pin at eight minutes (E+) We announce that the Mexican Revolution gets the Tidal Tag Title match at Surf Slam (F+) This Is The Undercard Match? Alicia Strong vs Hugh de Aske Result: For the Internet fans, a video clip reveals that Hugh asked Alicia for a match tonight, not for the title, but for a chance to take her out to dinner. Alicia smirks and agreed. The two fight it out for sixteen minutes, playing things up for comedy, and ending with a Strong Takedown getting the pinfall for Alicia at seventeen minutes (C) Leon rants about Fox's latest attempt to mess with him, and swears he's not letting go of the Xtreme Title (D) Main Event Xtreme Triple Threat Match El Leon(c) vs Hector Galindo vs Rudy Velasquez Result: Leon is double-teamed for most of the match, not getting in much offense but refusing to die. It's mindgames that get him past the fifteen-minute mark, playing off Hector and Rudy so that he can take a breather, and when the two take each other down in a botched Superplex attempt, Leon is there to take advantage to retain at nineteen minutes (D) Show rating: D Hrm. Quiet week. Alicia, Foxx, the Kings, all re-upped their contracts. Nothing major happened. On the next Coastal zone: Tidal Contendership, a Surf Slam preview, and scheduling conflicts, oh my!
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;216966]C'mon, I'm like the Deen Koontz of dynasties... I do the same few stories over and over and just make up for it in volume.[/QUOTE] That was low. :( 'By The Light of the Moon' was awesome. Wonder how many others caught that obscure, Dennis Miller-like reference? :p
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Good undercard, not-so-good main event? You must have been Welcomed to the Coastal Zone! Seriously, with all the work I've got going on, I'm glad this is all simmed in advance... May 2010, week 4, Thursday Coastal Tour Palacio del Lucha, New Mexico Opening Tag Match Air Force One vs Mexican Revolution Result: Part of a last-ditch 'establish the contenders' routine, Foxx and Dragon phone this one in but it still manages to be far better than expected, with the Revolution landing twin Spanish Superflys for the win at thirteen minutes (C-) Hype video for the Tidal match at Surf Slam (E) Plague hypes the Surf Slam three-way (D) Nemesis does likewise (D) Random Match Fox Mask vs Masked Cougar Result: Cougar once more ends up on the short end of the Push Fox stick, lasting fourteen minutes before falling to the Foxhunter (C-) Fox cuts a promo against El Leon (D+) Main Event Preview Match Plague vs Nemesis Result: Who knows how this'll wind up with Alicia mixed in, but she'll be happy with a replay, as Plague and Nemesis wind up fighting into the stands for a double count-out at nineteen minutes (D+) Show rating: D+ I hate shows where our main event is the weakest link... but then, if I bothered to check match history, I'd probably see that these two don't usually hit C- together. Oh, well. As of the new TV season, here's the show totals: USPW, MPWF and SOTBPW all have one show, BHOTWG, CGC, DAVE, INSPIRE, OLLIE, PGHW, SWF and TCW all have two, and NOTBPW shows their dominance with three. Speaking of shows, it's a good thing we checked... OLLIE was holding a show Monday. We'd have to reschedule Surf Slam... moving it to... hrm. Things were getting crowded when it comes to scheduling events. All week is bad. Check the weekend... yeesh. Sunday. Well... okay. To avoid burnout, we give the guys Thursday off... no Coastal Tour. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Surf Slam!
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Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam! June 2010, week 1, Sunday Live from the SOLD OUT Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with the Mexican Revolution (Angel, Fire Fly, and Leon) in the ring, vowing to begin a new age of Lucha Dominance in the Zone (D-) Ran-out-of-jobbers Match William Crash vs Zenshin Makioka Result: Crash Override puts Zenshin away in eight minutes (D-) Backstage, Hugh de Aske is complaining about now having a match tonight. Snap Dragon walks in and tells him to stop complaining. If he wants to get his arse kicked so much, then Dragon's willing to do so (E+) Tidal Tag Titles Moose & Remus(c) vs Mexican Revolution Result: Thirteen minutes of fun and wackiness as Remus and Moose finally implode, brawling with each other as the Revolution watches and laughs, Fire Fly finishing off Moose to claim the titles (D) Afterwards, Remus and Moose continue to brawl to the back, getting out a load of frustration (E) Hype for Fox vs Leon (D+) Xtreme Title Ladder Match El Leon(c) vs Fox Mask Result: We push the twenty-minute mark with this one as the two go all out, and as the Revolution come out to watch, Fox becomes preoccupied... and three minutes later, Leon kicks him off the ladder for the victory (C) Interviews from Plague (D+), Nemesis (D+), and Alicia (C-) Random Match Hugh de Aske vs Snap Dragon Result: We try to make up for Hugh's loss to Fox by giving him a good win here, and give him fourteen minutes to do so. (D+) Hype video for the main event (C-) Triple Threat Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Nemesis II vs Plague Result: Somewhat of a letdown, but it had to be on the same card as that ladder match. Good fighting back and forth with near falls by and on all three. Finish comes when Plague goes up for a New Jersey Turnpike on Strong, Nemesis delivers a leaping dropkick that knocks him off the turnbuckle out of the ring, and Alicia recovers in time to roll him up (C-) Show rating: D+
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When the writer's lost fifty percent of his vision to an optical migrane, and makes up for it by posting two shows, you know you must've been Welcomed to the Coastal Zone! Thank god I can touch-type. As a side note, the American indies were pulling off a D+ show each month. You'd think we'd figure out a way to be better... but now, scheduling problems were biting us on the arse, as there really wasn't a good weekday to hold a show. We would have to cut out losses somewhere... June 2010, week 2, Thursday Coastal Tour Biker's Paradise, New England We open with something really new for the Zone... a looooong segment with the Mexican Revolution celebrating their win, only to be confronted by Fast Money. Speedball and Casino square off with Angel and Fire Fly, and after a long war of words, the two teams agree to a Tidal Booking match (E-) Tidal Booking! Amazing Fire Fly vs Marc Speed: Fire Fly gets the win after a rana in thirteen (D) Angel de Mexico vs Nathaniel Casino: Casino hits the Cash Out in thirteern to win (D-) Tidal Tag Title Match Mexican Revolution(c) vs Fast Money Result: After the final part of a brutal night, the Revolution end things with an Angel dropkick into a Fire Fly Sunset Flip to retain (D) Show rating: D See? We can still keep costs down... granted, at the cost of quality, but still... June 2010, week 3, Thursday Coastal Tour Weston Gymnasium, Tristate USA We open with Rod Remus challenging Alicia Strong to a title match at Bash at the Beach, saying that now that he's on his own, he's ready to remind people why he is the Zone's Phenom. Alicia seems amused by this, and accepts the challenge (D-) Opening Match Rod Remus vs Hugh de Aske Result: Rod keeps the upper hand despite several Hugh near-comebacks, but it's when Jeremiah Moose runs in to distract him that Rod finds even he isn't invincible, getting hit by the Plankwalker in seventeen minutes (D+) Between matches, Moose goes off on Remus, laying down a barrage of... well, meant-to-be-insulting but just really, horribly bad insults. (E-) Random Match Jeremiah Moose vs Ashley Grover Result: After people laughing at his promo, Moose was thrown off his game, and this match suffered for it... ten minutes in, people were chanting for Remus to show up. It took five minutes for him to do so and by that point even Ashley looked like she couldn't get the sneaky roll-up from behind fast enough (E+) Jeremiah and Rod argue and brawl (E) Main Event Championship... Squash? Alicia Strong(c) vs... Cal Sanders? Result: Total quash, Alicia wins in six minutes (D) Show rating: D- Well, okay, -that- was an expensively bad show... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Tidal contendershi, a roster reshuffle, and waitasec, what do you mean it's just one week until Battle at the Beach?
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I CAN SEE! I'm cured! It's a miracle! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! .... yeah, I made a big deal out of it, but hey... when you can't see anything in half your field of vision for three-quarters of an hour, you make a big deal out of it. Anyway, Gamechef is over, so I'll have more time to devote to the Zone for a while. Which, given nobody mentioned a thing about it, I'm guessing nobody cares how I did. :) Rudy Velasquez got picked up to do MAW shows from time to time. This was starting to get depressing... even the dregs were competing with us now, and our old competition is above us now... June 2010, week 4, Thursday Coastal Tour Palacia de Lucha, Northern Mexico We, honestly, didn't feel like putting much effort into this one. We open with the Latino Kings demanding a tidal tag match. Air Force One comes out and calls the Latino Kings on that, saying that DAVE used to be big stuff, but now... they're yesterday's news. So tonight, they're going to decide who gets the title match at Bash at the Beach (E-) Tidal Booking! Flyin' Jimmy Foxx vs Rudy Velasquez: Rudy hits the Street Cutter in thirteen for the pin (D) Snap Dragon vs Hector Galindo: Wow, these two don't click at all, giving us thirteen minutes of awkwardness before a Dragon's Breath gets the win for AF1 (E+) Main Event Tidal Booking Tag Air Force One vs Latino Kings Result: DAVE does indeed appear to be yesterday's news as Air Force One wins the title match in ten minutes with a flapjack-like move (D+) Show rating: D Whoa... Battle at the Beach was this week? We -really- didn't do any build-up for this... well, here's hoping... RIP: XWJ. Heck, we had enough trouble getting the Zone to work in the Zone, nevermind in Japan... Hinote Dojo was now as big as we were? Oy. ... DAVE Sold out a 10,000-seat arena for both days of the Extreme Double Header. Now -that- was depressing. But amazingly, our low-budget booking managed to turn a small profit for June. We're not sure how. All our big names were in the over-a-grand club... many over fifteen hundred bucks a show. We were paying for their newfound popularity. We decided to do a little re-ordering of the roster and let the auto-pusher tell us who went where. Main Eventers: Alicia, Fox, Hugh, Rudy, Nemesis. Upper Midcard: Leon, Remus, Plague, Angel, Hector Midcard: Dragon, Cougar, Speedball, Moose, Crash (???), Casino, Ashley, Foxx Lower Midcard: Williams, Sanders, Luna Obscura, Mark Smart Openers: Luna Ligera, Zenshin, Fire Fly Enhancement: Combatiente We were obviously going to have to make Fire Fly our pet project... he shouldn't be listed down that low. And in a story to rock the wrestling world, NOTBPW has signed one of their biggest names ever: Sam Keith. The power has definately shifted to NOTBPW as the dominant force in pro wrestling. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Battle at the Beach 2010! Are we really halfway through the year already?
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