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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Where absolutely nothing's happened in the last week. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! October 2010, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the Palacio de Lucha, live on Los Desportes Hoy Dark Match: Luna Obscure def. Alan Ryland (six minutes, E-) Opening Match El Leon vs Rudy Velasquez Result: Leon apparently learned some tricks from Hector, because he's got his former tag partner scouted perfectly. Fifteen minutes in, Rudy falls to the Split Second Justice (D) Fox Mask and Nemesis come out with mics. They say that tonight, here in Mexico, the Mexican Revolution will lose their titles. They're invoking tidal booking... two singles matches, and unless they both lose, a title match right afterwards (D+) Tidal Booking, Part One Fox Mask vs Angel de Mexico Result: Glorified squash, Angel falls to a Fox Hunter just over seven minutes in (D+) Tidal Booking, Part Two Nemesis II vs Amazing Fire Fly Result: Not-so-glorified squash, but a near-fall on a rollup gets the crowd going before Nemesis kills Firefly at the six-minute mark (C-) FireFly and Angel get a mic and go off on a rant on their opponents. It's long and it's in Spanish and it went over okay with the live crowd, but really, we still haven't bothered to learn the lingo. (D-) Tidal Booking, Part Three: The Main Event Mexican Revolution(c) vs The Partners Result: The Revolution tries hard, summoning up some spirit from somewhere, but it's obvious the Partners have them outclassed and are just playing with them. But when Nemesis tries to cover Angel with a Mexican flag, out come... Los Lunas? Here's the cavalry, there goes the cavalry as Los Lunas get tossed from the ri... it was a distraction! El Leon and Hector Galindo are right behind them, and they waylay The Partners while Pee-Wee's making sure Los Lunas aren't hurt. It's four-on-two in the ring! Fox takes a chair to the head! Drop-toe-hold on Nemesis... followed by four moonsaults, one from each side of the ring! Angel lays the flag over Nemesis, and FireFly pins him as Los Lunas tell Pee-Wee to get back in... one, two, three, the champs retain! (D+) Afterwards, the six men celebrate, with Hector being given the mic to declare, "Viva la raza, viva Mexico, viva la Revolution!" Show rating: D+, 0.05 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The Revolution is growing. DAVE is understandably upset. Who will get caught in the crossfire?
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Where we're watching the History Channel's documentary on comic books... You Not Wanted In The Bizzaro Coastal Zone! This no am going to be one of those posts, but that no am okay... it busy week with lots to talk about. TCW not get new TV show, and tons of other stuff happened, which all involved Coastal Zone in great detail. Not November 2010, week 1, Sunday Not Wanted at the Bizarro Coastal Zone Not at San Louis Potosi Hall, taped on Los Desportes Hoy Main Event Interview Masked Cougar and Hugh de Aske Result: Cougar and Hugh do not decide to meet in the opening match, and will not determine which of them is the better wrestler, and wether Lucha LIbre is better than American style. (D-) Mexican Revolution (Los Lunas & Hector Galindo) do not def. Ryland, Williams and Makioka when Galindo does not pin Ryland in ten minutes (E). Mexican Revolution does not celebrate afterwards. (F+) Fast Money do not lose to Tidal Tag Champs Mexican Revolution (Angel and FireFly) in thirteen minutes when FireFly pins Speedball. (D-) Hype Video Mexican Revolution Result: Okay, we no am playing to local crowd here. (E+) Masked Cougar lose to Hugh de Aske in total squash, not even match at all that does not take fifteen minutes and end in I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar, which am not longest finisher name in the Zone. (D+) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV. Last time, on the Coastal Zone: We do this kind of post again, for it is lots of fun and easy to do!
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We promise to never do that again. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! I hope I didn't hurt anyone's brain as much as I hurt my own writing that. It was... yeah, I needed Advil. Anyway, we'd decided things were getting a little stale, so... a new hire. November 2010, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the Snake Pit, Live on Los Desportes Hoy We open with El Leon and Masked Cougar calling out Alicia Strong, both of them want a title shot. Alicia comes out to suggest a way to decide who gets one first, when Nemesis and Fox Mask come out, and they want title shots too. Alicia watches as the two teams begin to brawl, and tells them to stop... she's got a friend in town tonight, and wasn't planning on competing... but tonight, it'll be The Mexican Revolution vs the Partners, vs... Alicia Strong and her friend. And whoever makes the pinfall, gets the title shot. (D+) Xtreme Title Match Snap Dragon(c) vs Plague Result: Nobody really expects Plague to lose... apparently, including Snap Dragon, who finally smacks Plague in the back with a chair in front of Pee-Wee to get DQ'd and keep his title at the fourteen-minute point (D+) Afterwards, Plague is understandably upset, and goes after Dragon, brawling to the back with him. (E+) Three-Team Main Event The Partners vs The Mexican Revolution (Leon & Cougar) vs Alicia Strong &... Bairei Yasujiro??? Result: One of the longest matches in recent history, this one goes twenty-six minutes with several near-falls broken up by the other team. The Partners and Revolution both work great as teams, and Bairei shows up not dressed to compete but does pretty good for himself anyway, saving Alicia a few times himself, until catching Cougar with a roll-up for the victory. (C) Show rating: C-, 0.06 TV Bairei is the oldest member of the Zone roster, at 40 years old. He's fairly known in Japan, and slightly not-as-obscure in Mexico as the rest of the world. But we hired him mainly for his skills. He's got a mastery of the basics, psychology, and is one of the best fliers in the world, nevermind Japan. He doesn't speak English or Spanish, but we didn't bring him in for his mic skills, anyway. On the next Coastal Zone: Alicia's friend thinks he needs to protect her. And nobody seeks revenge like a New Jersian.
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The farm territory for the... well, farm territories. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Hugh was officially done with RIPW, but was still working for SWF. RIPW had apparently decided to replace him with... Masked Cougar. MPWF wanted him too. We... well, he wasn't -vital- to our future plans... but he was good to have around. Financial watch: $91,000 and dropping. We were averaging twenty grand a month. We may have to go back on a budget... but we could get through the rest of the year just fine. November 2010, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the Guitierrez Community Center, live on Los Desportez Hoy Opening Match Luna Obscura vs William Crash Result: We put over the local guy in seven minutes (E) Hype video for Los Lunas (F+) Another Opening Match? Luna Ligera vs Alan Ryland Result: Again, local boy goes over, six minutes (E-) Hype video for Snap Dragon vs Masked Cougar (E) Xtreme Title Match Snap Dragon(c) vs Masked Cougar Result: Starts off as a decent match, but we'll never know as ten minutes in, Plague shows up and starts beating the crap out of Dragon (D), continuing after the bell until pulled away (E+). Hype video for Alicia and Yasujiro's match last week (E+) Main Event Plauge vs Yasujiro Result: Starts off as a good match, considering Yasujiro isn't -really- well known here, and once more we end in a smozz as Snap Dragon comes in for some revenge action and takes Plague's legs out from under him, letting Yasujiro get the win (D+) Show rating: D, 0.05 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: It's time to resign Nemesis. How much more will he want?
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No witty line here. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! November 2010, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out Snake Pit, on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Ben Williams over Alan Ryland, six minutes (E) Opening Match Plague vs Remmy Honeyman Result: Extended squash as Plague gets some violence out of his system in an eight-minute workout (D) Plague then challenges Snap Dragon to a rematch, because there's no way he loses cleanly again (D-) Backstage, Nemesis finds Yasujiro and rants at him about how it's not fair, nd he should have a title shot, so night, he's going to give Yasujiro an introduce to the Zone, DAVE-style. No high-flying crap, just pure PAIN. When he leaves, Yasujiro says, "No speak English." (E) Expensive Midcard Match Yasujiro vs Nemesis II Result: These two have a nice little war, not as good as we were expecting but we can mark that up to Yasujiro not quite being over yet... but that should change as a giant Shooting Star Press gets him the win over one of the Zone's most dominant heels in seventeen minutes. (D+) Hype video of Alicia announcing that she'll face Fox Mask tonight... non-title. And if he wins, he'll get a title shot. (C) Main Event Match Alicia Strong vs Fox Mask Result: Quite a good match between these two, as you'd expect, the two keeping an even pace with each other until Yasujiro comes out and clobbers Fox... but it's in full view of Pee-Wee, who calls for the DQ. Alicia tries to explain to Yasujiro that she doesn't need protection... but he clobbers her as well, proclaiming in very broken English, "I win pinfall. I get title match!" (C) Show rating: D+, 0.06 TV Not quite the blockbuster we were hoping for. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Zoners come and go, but the Zone stays eternal. Who priced themselves out of a job? Who took a better job? And who shows up to replace them?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;232635]Who priced themselves out of a job?[/QUOTE] Nemesis! [QUOTE=infinitywpi;232635]Who took a better job?[/QUOTE] Masked Cougar! [QUOTE=infinitywpi;232635]And who shows up to replace them?[/QUOTE] iono :o
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"The crowd liked the match that much... imagine if he were someone they -knew-." "Yeah... tell me about it." Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We'd decided on a new approach. The end of 2010 was coming, and we were still stuck as a regional, tho we were regaining popularity in Mexico as the industry there turned around. We were going to hold our shows at the Snake Pit until we totally oversaturated the market, and see where that got us. We also lost a short-term Zoner, as KC Glenn headed to RIPW for development. Hugh de Aske was considering a run with DAVE. Rudy signed with MHW. So we were looking for a couple people to replace them... and in the meantime, we failed to reach an agreement on a working price for Nemesis II. Which meant... JOB THE HELL OUT OF HIM!!!! But who would we get for fresh blood? We noticed that Insane Machine had recently left his two Stateside contracts, and his BHOTWG tour had just ended, so we sent him an offer... but he decided to tour with INSPIRE instead. OUr other singing went better, as we selected Nick Randall, a flier who turned pro... well, as soon as we talked to him. This 18-year-old spot monkey was already decent with all the fundamentals and on the mic. Sure, he didn't look like a star... but we had hopes for him. December 2010, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold out Snake Pit, live on Los Desportes Hoy We open with a backstage interview, as Alicia talks about how Yasujiro was one of the people who helped train her in Japan, how he was someone she thought she could trust... but like everyone else, he's just out for himself. If she has to go through her old trainer tonight... so be it. (D+) Opening Match KC Glenn vs Alan Ryland Result: Job someone on their way out, to the greenest rookie we have available? Us? Would we do that? ... yeap. (E+) The Partners come out, and Nemesis claims that the Zone is obviously biased against the DAVE style of wrestling. Look at the main event... two Japanese-style wrestlers. Look at the tag ranks... Luchadores. Tonight, they make a statement... that DAVE-style is better than Japanese-style. (C-) Tag Match The Partners vs Snap Dragon & Rod Remus Result: The two sides wage war for over ten minutes, DAVE-style vs a combination of Japanese and American styles, putting on a decent show... when Fox Mask locks a Japanese-style submission hold on Nemesis, shouting in his ear! Dragon and Rod look at each other and shrug as Fox drags Nemesis to his feet for a Tiger Driver '91, leaving him planted in the middle of the ring. Fox plays to the crowd as Remus gets the pinfall, then continues to beat down Nemesis, telling him he had this coming, that he's sick and tired of denying who he is and how he wrestles, and that next week, The Partnership is officially splitting up... in the House Of Fun (D, D, D, D+) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Bairei Yasujiro Result: Well, we just established how strong Japanese style was... woudl we do an out-of-the-blue title change? For seventeen minutes, people ponder this, as Yasujiro keeps pace with, and outpaces, Alicia, forcing her to resort to slowly mat wrestling, brawling, throwing everything in her playbook at her former trainer. Finally, Alicia manages to lan a Strong Arm Tactics to floor her former trainer and retain her title (C) Show rating: C-, 0.06 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Fox Mask vs Nemesis in the House of Fun! Plus, what's next for Alicia Strong, and what's going to happen at Year In Review?
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What is this "Planning ahead" you speak of? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, Year In Review was in a few weeks, and we had nothing planned. We'd have to whip something up, and soon. Let's start, shall we? December 2010, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold-out Snake Pit, live on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Fox Mask in the ring, verbally tearing into Nemesis. How once 'Ash' joined DAVE, he got a swelled head, how he thought he was bigger than the Zone... and Fox was stupid enough to get caught up in it. He forgot who he was, believed he was better than this... but now he remembers, it doesn't matter who you are or what you do... it's how and why you do it. Tonight, for the first time in a long time, Fox Mask is in the ring for the right reasons, to send Nemesis crashing down the ladder and keep him far, far away from any title (D) Xtreme Contendership Match Plague vs El Leon Result: Fourteen minutes of pure high-flying goodness, ending with Plague resorting to a roll-up and pulling the tights to get the pinfall (C) Hype for Year In Review: Snap Dragon vs Plague in a ladder match for the Xtreme Title (D) In a pre-taped interview, Nemesis talks down his old partner, claiming that he was aways the one who carried matches, here and in DAVE. He was always the bigger star, here and in DAVE. And tonight, he deprives the Zone, and DAVE, of some dead weight (D-) Main Event House Of Fun Match Fox Mask vs Nemesis II Result: Looong match, possibly too long for Nemesis, but it serves to make Fox look right at home as the two flip and fly all over the place. In an ending not seen in a long time, Nemesis goes up for a top-rope move but Fox pops up and catches him atop the turnbuckle with the Fox Flipoff DDT for the win in twenty-three minutes (C-) Announced for next week: Fox Mask vs Rod Remus vs Yasujiro for a title shot at Year In Review (D) Show rating: C-, 0.06 TV On the next Coastal Zone: The former contender and the two men to score pinfalls over Nemesis in the last two weeks fight it out for a title shot. And we've got one more match out of Nemesis... who will he job t... I mean, face?
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Out with the young, in with the old? Welcome to the Coastal Zone... now get off my lawn! This week, we said goodbye to Buttercup, who had been serving as our road agent for the last nine months. We were replacing her with someone who cost... well, a hell of a lot more, but would show a great improvement in our matches... the legendary Crippler Ray Kingman, one of the greatest technicians in history... now 63, unable to go in the ring, but with plenty of knowledge to share... December 2010, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the San Louis Potosi Hall, live on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Snap Dragon in the ring, promising Plague that he's not getting the title at Year In Review. And to give Plague a taste of what he's in for, Dragon's going to defend his title... right now (D-) Xtreme Title Match Snap Dragon(c) vs Alan Ryland Result: Total squash, Dragon's Breath in four minutes. (E+) Fox Mask hypes the main event (D) Screen Door Match (aka, don't let it hit you on the way out) Nemesis II vs Nick Randall Result: Amazingly enough, these two have good chemistry... but Randal is an unknown and still somewhat green, so the crowd doesn't take it well when he gets the short pinfall in eight minutes (E) Rod Remus hypes the main event, saying that tonight begins the comeback they'll talk about in the history books (D-) Random Match? Amazing FireFly vs Nathaniel Casino Result: After a closed fist loaded with a roll of quarters, Casino gets the pinfall and immediately states his desire for a tag title match at Year IN Review (D, E) Main Event Triple Threat Contendership Match Fox Mask vs Yasujiro vs Rod Remus Result: These three go eighteen minutes, and somehow, they're just not feeling it... or the crowd just really wanted more lucha-style. Remus and Yasujiro both get near-falls on Fox only for the other to break it up, and they begin arguing between themelves. Fox retreats to a corner to watch and waits until they're both down after a double-clothesline, then drops a moonsault across both of them, pinning Yasujiro for the win (D) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Year In Review 2010! Announced matches: CZCW Championship: Alicia Strong vs Fox Mask Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Snap Dragon vs Plague Tidal Tag Titles: Mexican Revolution vs Fast Money Rod Remus vs Yusajiro And for the first time ever, we have a pre-event TV show! Will we announce another match? Who will be there but not at Year In Review? Will it, to coin a phrase, suck?
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For the first time ever: Welcome to CZCW Year In Review's Warmup Show! December 2010, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Year In Review Warmup Show! From the sold out Snake Pit, live on Los Desportes Hoy! We open in the locker room, where Hector Galindo is getting ready for his match, when in comes Rudy Velasquez... looking to bury the hatchet. The two discuss DAVE, Nemesis, and how they're not welcome there anymore... so it's time for the Latino Kings to take CZCW's tag ranks by storm again (E) Tag Match Latino Kings vs Los Lunas Result: Extended squash to showcase the Kings, ending with a Street Cutter in seven minutes (E+) Fast Money hypes their YiR title shot against the Mexican Revolution (E+) Random Match Ben Williams vs Alan Ryland Result: We go eight minutes, and neither one could keep from getting tired... these two still need a lot of work. Williams gets the pinfall with a school boy (E-) Hype video: Alicia vs Fox, YiR (C) Random Match Zenshin Makioka vs Nick Randal Result: Some good chemistry, but not a lot of crowd reaction as they realize this is just the pre-show. Nick gets the pinfall by pulling the tights in seven minutes (E) The Mexican Revolution tell Fast Money they got lucky in a singles match, but everyone knows that Mexicans are more dangerous in groups. (E+) Match announcement for YiR: Hugh de Aske vs El Leon (D) Main Event??? Remmy Honeyman vs William Crash Result: Honeyman gets a win! He goes twelve minutes to do it, against a jobber, but what the heck... he deserves a win. (E) Show rating: E, 0.05 TV CZCW Year In Review 2010! Opening Match Hugh de Aske vs El Leon Result: A hum-dinger of an opener, these two go at it in a carefully-paced match that sees El Leon defeat the pirate after countering a Plankwalker into a Split-Second Justice after sixteen minutes (C) Backstage, Rod Remus and Yasujiro are brawling. It takes a slew of people... including Remmy Remus, Los Lunas, Alicia, Fox, and even Cliff himself to break them up as they're told to save it for later (E) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Snap Dragon(c) vs Plague Result: I didn't tell crippler who should win, so let's see what he did for us. Lots of good action from these two, as you'd expect, ending after seventeen minutes when Snap Dragon is shoved from the ladder and into a large pile of t-shirts at ringside, giving us a new champion! (C) Fox Mask hypes the main event (C) Alicia hypes the main event (C-) Tidal Tag Titles Mexican Revolution(c) vs Fast Money Result: Decent action, a bit of a letdown after the last two, but they do their best, going fifteen minutes before Speedball low-blows Angel de Mexico for the pinfall, and we've got our second title change of the night (D). They celebrate afterwards (E+) Filler Match Rod Remus vs Yasujiro Result: Turns out these two have good chemistry, too... but they've been asked not to do anything that may overshadow the main event, and so we get a good, not great, fourteen minutes of action before Yasujiro taps to the Remus Clutch. (C-) Hype video for the main event (C) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) vs Fox Mask Result: As good or better then our previous matches, these two obviously know each other's styles and use that in a series of counter-wresting... stretching until the twenty-minute time limit. The crowd chants for five more minutes, and Fox is actually shaking his head, but Alicia convinces him to finish the game. Pee-Wee allows it, and we restart the match... ending four minutes later with a Foxhunter, one, two, three, all three titles have changed hands tonight. (C) Show rating: C- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: What does 2011 look like?
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It's a whole new world! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! The Stories of 2010 --XWJ goes out of business. --MOSC, BPW, Hinote Dojo, RIPW and SAISHO all reach Regional size. --Sam Keith retires, takes over booking MHW. Card of the Year: NOTBPW Full Force Match of the Year: Dan Stone Jr. def. Jeremy Stone, NOTBPW Full Force More Improved Promotion: DAVE Promotion of the Year: NOTBPW (2) Female Wrestler of the Year: Emma Bitch(2) Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Dread(2) Young Wrestler of the Year: Gino Montero Wrestler of the Year: Shuji Inukai(2) Top 100 Wrestlers notes: Gino Montero? #2. He -almost- got WotY and Young WotY. The rest of the Top Ten are Dan Stone Jr, Tommy Cornell, Axxis Jr, Big Cat Brandon, Owen Love, Marcos Flores, Steve Frehley, and Hiroaki Nakasawa. CZCW alumni on the Top 100: None. Who's Where in the Other Promotions: USA TCW(Global, A): Joel Bryant, Rick Law, Matt Gauge, Steve Frehley, Troy Tornado, Wrestling Machine #2, Zimmy Bumfhole. Surprisingly, they also employ Christian Faith as a midcarder, on the same level as American Elemental. DAVE(Cult, C+): Greg Gague, Darryle Devine, Chris Caufield, Brett Biggz, Fred Antonio Garcia. Also, CZCW alumni Hugh de Aske, Remmy Skye, Citizen X, Fox Mask, and Ash Campbell. SWF(Cult, C+): Akima Brave, Fed Ant Garcia, Jumbo Shrimp, Darryl Devine, Eric Eisen. Also CZCW Alumni Hugh de Aske, Citizen X, and internet sensation Jim Force. MAW(Regional, C): Jay Darkness, Fumihiro Ota, Bubba Lee West, Grease Hogg. CZCW Alumni Rudy Velasquez and Cammeron Vessey. NYCW(Regional, E): Nate Coleman, Puerto Rican Power, Robbie Retro, Grease Hogg. CZCW Alumni Fumihiro Ota, Snap Dragon, and Kid Toma. RIPW(Regional, C-): Calamari Kid, Des Davids, Bart Biggz. CZCW Alumni Frankie Perez and KC Glenn. USPW(Regional, D+): Warlord Pain, Grandmaster Phunk, Jim Force, Bubba Lee West. CZCW Alumni Ash Campbell, Java and Tribal Warrior. Mexico SOTBPW(National, B): Axxis Jr, Gino Montero, Charron, Tijuana Vampire, Enrique Merino, Marcos Flores, and CZCW Alumni Ultimate Phoenix. OLLIE(Cult, B-): Spanish Superfly, Magnifico, Phoenix II, Atlantis Jr, Mayan Idol. CZCW Alumni Angel de Mexico, El Leon, DeCipher and Luna Ligera. MPWF(Regional, C-): Arthur Dexter Bradley, Cique Jr, El Guardiano Jr, Apprentica Jr. CZCW Alumni Masked Cougar, Amazing Fire Fly, Nathan Casino and Luna Obscura. MHW(Regional, D): Europa, Luis Montero Jr, Mr. Lucha II, Arther Dexter Bradly, Raul Sanz Jr. CZCW Alumni DeCipher, Amazing FireFly and Rudy Velasquez. Coastal Zone Status Bank account: $53,000, more or less. New Goals: Cannot drop below $13,406 in cash at any time. Must be more prestigious two years from now. Cannot sign steroid-users. Cannot sign anyone below a D in Athletics. The 'no hiring people who work elsewhere' rule is gone. Next time on the Coastal Zone: It's a whole new year. Will this be the year we break out of Regional?
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It is the year of redemption. The year of regret. The year of order, and the year of chaos. It was the year of hatred forgiven, and friendships lost. Two dozen workers performing weekly before a crowd of a thousand... wrapped in a half-mile of steel, floating in space. The year is 2011. The name of the place: Babylon Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Argh. DAVE got a new PPV carrier. We swore, by the end of the year, we'd be there on PPV with them and selling out 5000-person arenas. Somehow. Maybe. We hope. 'cause we had to worry about our budget again. Losing $25k a month would mean I'd be fired sometime in February. So, we'd have to keep to a strict budget... call it six grand a show. That would let us bring in two main eventers and a small handful of lower-carders. We think. January, 2011, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold-out Palacio de Lucha, live on Los Desportes Hoy The show opens with Rod Remus coming out to say that he feels he's been on a roll lately, so he's going to do something he hasn't done in a while... challenge the champion to a title match. Out comes Masked Cougar, saying that the CZCW Championship has gone without a good Lucha holder for too long now, and it's not going to be Remus who holds it next... it'll be Cougar. The two look at Pee-Wee, who shrugs, and they decide to a match tonight (E+, D) Opening Match Amazing FireFly vs Nick Randal Result: These two didn't click, but that's okay; Randal's not seeming to click with anyone. It's mainly just a warm-up for later, with FireFly getting a moonsault pin in seven minutes (E+) Hype video for CZCW Tidal Tag Champions Fast Money (E) Random Match Remmy Honeyman vs Nathaniel Casino Result: One's a tag champ, the other's usually a jobber. We give them thirteen minutes despite their not clicking (It's our night for not clicking, it seems) and let Casino remind us what the One-Armed Bandit Bulldog looks like for the pinfall (D-) Announce match for next week: Yasujiro challenges Plague for the Xtreme Title (D-) Main Event Rod Remus vs Masked Cougar Result: Sadly, these two don't deliver nearly as well as we were expecting, despite nearly twenty minutes to work with. The Remus Clutch finished off a dissapointing match (D+) We announce that Fox Mask has been watching from home, and has phoned in his acceptance to face Rod Remus at CZCW Broken at the begining of February. (D) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV This week's news and notes... Roger Rogers has failed a steroid test. This is made especially funny, because this means CGC is drug-testing their announcers... and their announcers seem to feel the need to use steroids... while in a wheelchair. The mind boggles, folks, the mind boggles. Well, despite our trying to keep costs down, we'd lost three grand on that show... partilly from forgetting to factor in cost of the venue, but also because, well, we spend an extra grand on workers. But, if other costs and income worked out... well, we could afford to miss each show by two grand. So if we just pulled spending back a liiiitle bit... we wouldn't have the ability to put on really good shows. Sigh. On the next Coastal Zone: Yasujiro vs Plague in a ladder match, and we wrestle with budget issues... again...
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Where are we going? *clap* *clap* *clap* Coastal Zone! C'mon, vamanos! Everybody, let's go! C'mon, let's get to it, I know that we can Welcome you to the Coastal Zone! Yeah, I followed a Babylon Five opening with a Dora the Explorer opening. Geek dads... go fig. January 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out Snake Pit, live on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Plague in the ring with a ladder, climbing up to hang his belt for the main event, telling us he'll be taking it down soon... Yasujiro errupts out of the crowd and tosses Plague off the ladder, crashing the ladder onto him and keeping silent through the whole thing (E+) Opening Match Zenshin Makioka vs William Crash Result: Let's see how far these two have come in the last year or so, and give them the aid of the Crippler. Well, the seven minutes they give us are about the same as the other matches they've had, so... not a lot of improvement. Zeshin wins with the "I'm not randomly generated". (D-) Backstage, Plague is raging mad, and takes a few minutes to rant about the attack (D-) Random Match Marc Speed vs Jeremiah Moose Result: Four years ago, we'd've booked this the opposite way. The scary thing is these these two can't say they put on a better match than the opener, and Speed wins it with a Penance Driver in thirteen minutes (D-) Hype video for Fox Mask vs Rod Remus at CZCW Broken (C-) Main Event Xtreme Ladder Match Plague(c) vs Yasujiro Result: Another main event not quite living up to our expectations... but at least it's the match of the night. Seventeen minutes of action, with Plague selling the previous beating and Yasujiro frustrated that he couldn't get the hang of climbing the ladder (Cliff and Remmy sell it as ladders in Japan having rungs at different distances than American ladders). Plague does a spinning heel kick off the ladder to the top of Yasujiro's head to put him down long enough to get his belt back (C-) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV Hector and Rudy's contracts came up for renewal; we decided to see what they wanted. Alicia's did as well, and she spoke to us much faster than the Kings... she didn't want much of a raise, so we figures she could stay with us a while. ... awww, crud. Someone had decided to run a show on Sunday. Cougar, Luna Obscura, Nathan Casino, and FireFly were all unavailable. And we had planned on using one of them. Possibly two. Hrm. January 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out Snake Pit, on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Fox giving us his reasons for accepting Rod's challenge, basicly saying it'll be a nice, easy match to warm himself up with. Backstage, Rod isn't happy with that. (D+) Opening Championship Match Fox Mask(c) vs Jeremiah Moose Result: After a good nine minutes of action, Rod Remus comes out and clobbers Pee-Wee with a chair, then Moose, then Fox. Pee-Wee comes to and throws the match out (D+) Anouncement: CZCW Broken will include an Xtreme Title Match: Plague vs Hugh de Aske. (D) Filler Match Rod Remus vs Alan Ryland Result: Baaaad few minutes of action, but Fox saves us from Alan showing how inexperienced he is by clobbering Rod with a DDT. Pee-Wee sighs and throws the match out. (E) Pee-Wee holds a conference with Fox, Alan, Rod, and Moose. a fight breaks out... twice... until Pee-Wee is able to arrange everyone into teams for a tag match (D-) Main Event Tag Fox Mask & Alan Ryland vs Rod Remus & Jeremiah Moose Result: Despite being saddled with a rookie partner, Fox manages to hold his own, fighting off both Moose and Remus on different occasions. But a blind tag lets Ryland into the match, and after two decent moves, he gets rolled up into a Remus Clutch and taps at the twenty-four minute mark (D) Show rating: D-, 0.05 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: One week left until CZCW Broken! Who's unhappy about not being used enough? And can we afford to make them happy?
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My ability to talk to fish is of no help to us in this situation! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Alternate opening: "You guys want -how- much?" Interesting random news of the week: There's a new friendship in the CZCW... between ref Pee-Wee Germain and... head booker William Peers. Oooooo-kay. Well, good to know. Tier 1 has opened in Japan... and they certainly looked interesting. An MMA/wrestling mixture. We doubted we'd find any high-fliers out of there, but you never know. January 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold-out Palacio de Lucha, live on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Alicia, upset she hasn't had a match yet this year. Out comes El Leon, upset -he- hasn't had a match this year. They argue over who deserves a match more, and decide to share a match tonight. (D+) Opening Match Masked Cougar vs Jeremiah Moose Result: I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar. Could this be the start of a lucha victory night? Moose goes down in ten minutes and shows us he hasn't gotten much improvement during his time away from the Zone. (D-) Hype video: CZCW Broken, Plague vs Hugh de Aske (E+) Match announcement for CZCW Broken: Tag match between The Mexican Revolution and the Latino Kings, winners get a title shot that night. (E) Random Match Snap Dragon vs Angel de Mexico Result: Twelve minutes of decent action from these two, but it all comes down to one question: Who's booked for the next big event, and who isn't? Dragon falls to a Mexican Death (C-) Hype video: CZCW Broken, Fox Mask vs Rod Remus (D) Main Event Alicia Strong vs El Leon Result: This is an expensive main event, and doesn't even have a title or contendership behind it... just two people who wanted a payday. So we make them work eighteen minutes, and they provide us with our best match of the year so far. Multiple near falls on both sides, but a Strong Takedown finishes things, and Alicia pins the lucha star to end the show (C) Show rating: D+, 0.06 TV Well, that was an interesting month... Alicia decided to work occasional shows for AAA. Hugh de Aske was courted by TCW. And we ended the month only four grand down from where we were. We needed to improve that a little, but it shouldn't be too hard... especially since the first week of February included Broken. In fact, we were probably at the point where a monthly 'big event' would be a big help, instead of the seven annual ones we had now. Oddly enough, Alan Ryland even got an offer, from CGC. We encouraged him to take it -- with our budget crunch, we weren't sure we could give him work on a constant basis. And finally, Welcome to the Coastal Zone was renewed for two more seasons. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW Broken, and the pre-show!
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Welcome to CZCW Broken! And the Pre-Show Episode of Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Welcome to the Coastal Zone February 2011, week 1, Sunday Live on Los Desportes Hoy from the Grissom Arena Short-version results for this one... Jeremiah Moose over Alan Ryland in nine minutes (E) Hype for Mexican Revolution vs Latino Kings (E+) Announcement: Moose vs Honneyman, at Broken (F+) Luna Ligera over William Crash in ten minutes (E) Hype for Plague vs Hugh de Aske (D) Announcement: Yasujiro vs El Leon, at Broken (D-) Announcers wonder why we're announcing this as everyone already has their tickets, it's not like we're on pay-per-view... (N/A) Nick Randal over Luna Obscura by submission, ten minutes (E) Hype for Fox Mask vs Rod Remus (D+) Announcement: Alicia Strong vs Masked Cougar, at Broken (D+) Main Event: Snap Dragon over newcomer Simon Ice in eight minutes (D-) Show rating: E+ (Ow), 0.05 TV CZCW Broken 2011 Opening Match Alicia Strong vs Masked Cougar Result: Mainly a warmup for the crowd, these two hold back a little and just put on a decent opener for twelve minutes, ending with the Strong Takedown, putting Alicia back on a winning streak (D+) Rod Remus hypes the main event (D) Tidal Contendership Match Mexican Revolution (Angel & FireFly) vs The Latino Kings (Rudy & Hector) Result: The Kings are wrestling ugly tonight, the smarks in the crowd figure out what's going halfway through the match. Sure enough, FireFly gets the pin on Rudy after twelve minutes (D-) The Revolution demand their title match NOW (D-) Tidal Tag Title Match Fast Money (Nathan Casino & Marc Speed) (c) vs Mexican Revolution Result: That didn't take long. Ten minutes after the bell, the Revolution land twin moonsaults to regain their Tidal Tag Titles (D+) Hype video for the Xtreme Title Match (D) Filler Match Jeremiah Moose vs Remmy Honeyman Result: We honestly didn't know who to book to win this, so we told the Crippler to do it. Moose got the win in nine minutes with his HVHAH (High Velocity High Altitude Headbut) (E+) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Plague(c) vs Hugh de Aske Result: Large 'TCDub' chant... traitors. Indeed, Hugh is leaving us after this show, so he's got no chance at winning. And he wrestles like it, even half-arsing the bump at the end that lets Plague grab his belt (D+) Fox Mask hypes the main event (D+) Pre-Main Event Yasujiro vs El Leon Result: It's Japanese Flying vs Lucha Flying, and so far it's the match of the night... until Yasujiro gets frustrated and pulls a kendo stick out from under the ring. Pee-Wee takes it away from him, but while the ref's back is turn, YAsujiro uses a set of brass knucks on Leon for the win (C-) Hype video for the main event (D+) Main Event Championship Match Fox Mask(c) vs Rod Remus Result: Didn't we do this a few years ago, a couple times? Well, they're just as good now... possibly a bit better. Longest match of the night, going eighteen minutes, and these two put on a good show (Rumor is that Fox told Rod "We're not letting them show us up" after the pre-main) until the Fox Flipoff rocks Rod for the win (C-) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Well, that wasn't as good as we were hoping... but probably better than we deserved. Let's see if we can improve that... oh, wait, budget. Dangit.
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I'm confused. :confused: [QUOTE=infinitywpi;234286]The Revolution demand their title match NOW (D-) Tidal Tag Title Match [B]Fast Money (Nathan Casino & Marc Speed) (c)[/B] vs Mexican Revolution Result: That didn't take long. Ten minutes after the bell, the Revolution land twin moonsaults [I][B]to retain their Tidal Tag Titles[/B][/I] (D+)[/QUOTE] Might be the Grey Goose talking but, that looks like the luchas won the titles or Fast Money retained or...ow, head hurt. Too much thinkin'. :p You like walking the razor's edge, don't you? With budgetary concerns, you're still using people like Alicia and her high maintenance (cost) ass and I'm sure Fox isn't cheap (as well as Plague).
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*sigh* Typo fixed. That should have been 'regain' not 'retain'. And yeah, I forgot I had to pay for two shows worth of the Auditorium, so I was a bit shocked when I saw the bill. And Alicia's actually one of the cheaper main eventers (She knows nobody but AAA'll use her).
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Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Sorry, the pithy opening has been a victim of budget cuts. We had forgotten that we had to pay the arena fee twice for having a TV show and event on the same night. The result? We were now $22,000 away from being fired. Oddly enough, we were finding ourselves in the same boat we were last time we had a TV show... ticket prices were lower, income was smaller. Perhaps this business was harder than we'd thought. Our one chance: Find a way to put on good shows relatively cheap. Perhaps five grand in worker costs, per show, period. This meant practicly no main-event vs main-event matches, meaning we'd have to egulate who expected to be used every show. This meant letting the Latino Kings' contracts expire. And this meant not spilling any tears over Hugh's move to TCW. Huh. Alan Ryland was working on a Sunday? Odd. February 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Opening Match Angel de Mexico vs Nathan Casino Result: Casino cheats to win by blowing some sort of powder in Angels' face before pulling Angel's mask over his eyes, trapping the powder inside. Whatever it is, it weakens him enough to be pinned. (C-) The Mexican Revolution cut a promo decrying Casino's tactics, and saying if they want a war, then tonight, it's a Tidal War. (D-) Tidal Booking Amazing FireFly vs Marc Speed Result: Another good match, this one sees Speed try for the powder but FireFly ducks and hits a top-rope spin-kick for the finish (C-) Fast Money cuts a promo saying that loss was nothing -- under Tidal Booking, they still get a tag title shot, and it's time to take back the belts that they rightfully took first! (D-) Announcement for next week: Yasujiro vs Masked Cougar (D-) Main Event Tag Title Match Mexican Revolution(c) vs Fast Money Result: For some reason, not as good as the two singles matches, as a dissapointment. The two teams do their best, but something's... off. Damned if we know what. Angel gets the pin on Speedball to retain (D) Show rating: D Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Okay, we made (some... very little) money on a show. Maybe it's time to jettison our greatest asset...
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Where we laugh in the face of budgets... and then cut talent. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Forgot to mention, last week's show hit a 0.05 for TV rating. So, in the efforts to cut costs, we spoke to Crippler Ray Kingman. He was unwilling to accept less money, so we let him go. We were hopping Remmy Remus could handle road agent work as well as announcing duties... failing that, we'd have people rotate agent duties. With the loss of so many main eventers recently, we had to re-order the roster. Enhancement Talents: Simon Ice and Alan Ryland Openers: Los Lunas Lowercard: William Crash, Zenshin Makioka, Ben Williams Midcard: Remmy Honeyman, Yasujiro, Speedball, Casino, FireFly, Jeremiah Moose, and Nick Randal Uppercard: Snap Dragon, Masked Cougar, Angel de Mexico, Rod Remus Main Event: Fox Mask, Alicia Strong, El Leon, and Plague Of course, this was a bad time to need to renegotiate contracts... and Plague, Cougar, and Casino were all up. Hopefully we wouldn't have to pay -too- much more for them... and two days later, Remmy Remus, Rod Remus, and Fox Mask all came up, too. February 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacia de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy We open with a music video introducing and hyping our undercarders for the night: Jeremiah Moose, Simon Ice, Ben Williams, and Nick Randal. (F) Opening Match Ben Williams vs Simon Ice Result: The new guy vs the jobber... and amazingly, we let the jobber win. Granted, he cheats to win, but in a nine-minute match, Ben Williams gets a win over the new guy... perhaps we'll consider giving him more in the future? (E) Masked Cougar hypes the main event (E+) Midcard match Jeremiah Moose vs Nick Randal Result: These two have good chemistry, but Moose seemed a little 'off his game', if you know what I mean... puff, puff... after eleven minutes, Moose apparently forgets who was supposed to win and fails to kick out of a simple bodyslam (E) Nick Randal decides to cover for the mistake by claiming he's just won over a Zone mainstay... so tonight, he's going to make an official challenge for the Xtreme Title. (E-) Hype video for the main event (D-) Main Event Yasujiro vs Masked Cougar Result: Realizing it's up to them to save the show, Yasujiro and Cougar go out there and give it their best shot. We get a Zone standard, styles-meshing between Japanese and Mexican styles, ending with a plancha rolled into some bizarre submission hold that causes Cougar to pass out aound seventeen minutes. (C-) Show rating: D-, 0.06 TV. Thank the wrestling gods for a good main event to save a crappy show... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We've made another thousand dollars on the show... but is it profit at the expense of popularity?
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Balancing on the fine line between broke and unknown: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Remmy Remus' salary jumped two hundred bucks. Masked Cougar joined the over-a-grand club, jumping three hundred bucks. Casino gained two hundred a show. Rod Remus continued negotiating, and got an extra hundred over what he had before. And the big blow... Fox Mask, the name that was synonymous with the Coastal Zone... decided we weren't big enough for him anymore. We had two shows left... we had to shift the title to someone else. Soon. So we scheduled a show called March of Glory for the first Sunday in March. .... awww, crap. We were going to need more talent. And now El Leon and Los Lunas need renegotiations.... ARGH!!! If Leon wanted more than he was getting now, we were dropping him... February 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the sold-out Palacio de Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy We start out with Rod Remus out to intimate that Fox Mask won't be around long, and he wants to take over as champion. Out comes Snap Dragon, saying that if the torch is to be passed to someone, it should be another Zone mainstay... like him. The two decide to fight tonight, winner gets a shot at Fox (E+) Opening Match Zeshin Makioka vs William Crash Result: Usual match from these two, but in a place they're not as well known, and the two don't do as well without the crowd behind them. Crash uses the ropes for the pinfall in ten minutes (E+) The two argue over how Crash won, and agree to meet again at March to Glory (E-) Midcard Match Ben Williams vs Nick Randal Result: Ug. We're trying to make Nick look good, but he's making it so hard. Randal gets an STF submission in eight minutes (E-) We then announce that Plague has accepted Nick's challenge (E), leading to Nick hyping the match (E+) Main Event Contendership Match Rod Remus vs Snap Dragon Result: Wow, even the main event is sub-par. We give them plenty of time, but on a night like this, not even this pair can wok magic. Remus Clutch finishes in eighteen minutes (D) Show rating: E+, 0.05 TV End of the month, and last-minute income put us almost at $42,000 -- our plan was, financially, working. And it was going to force us to build new stars... but it was slowly costing us some popularity. El Leon wanted a lot more money. We weren't going to renew him. Which meant, we needed someone to job him to. And, in the meantime, we signed... 'some'... 'new'... 'talent'... March to Glory was going to infamous in CZCW History. On the next Coastal Zone: Okay, so, we're recycling angles. Again. But given the circumstances... Fox Mask is leaving, El Leon is overpriced, and we're in such bad shape, Angel de Mexico is considered one of our biggest stars. Well... there's just one cure for this, and that is... a major storyline that nobody'll care about at the end of the year! It all begins at CZCW: March To Glory!
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Ya know infinity... I'm still not really digging the sparse characterization, mainly because the real storylines and drama and interest is in how CZCW somehow manages to limp along yet survive. That's why I read this, I don't feel much for the characters but watching what you're being forced to do and constantly trying to regroom stars is fascinating in a train wreck sort of way. I'd suggest resigning El Leon and then using him as Talent Trade Bait. I'm not sure how that works, or who pays for what, but I'm thinking loaning out some talent might help you with a bit of a popularity boost. I wish I had some useful advice, but I truly don't. I'll say this though... if you want to abandon ship at some point I say go out in a Blaze of Fricken Glory!
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Talent is expensive, it happens. A lot, especailly when you're as small as the Zone. But, to keep the workers that are still cheap enough, you could get a working agreement with anyone big enough to give them a written deal. I dunno, it may not be your style, but it'd solve some of your headaches.
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