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Welcome to CZCW Battle on the Beach! Now celebrating 400 replies! July 2011, week 1, Wednesday From the not-quite-sold-out Grissom Auditorium We open with Insane Machine ranting insanely. "Tonight, all your friends can't help you. You're the last victim left. Tonight, you can slay the maniac... but he'll come back, again and again, and you'll never be rid of him..." (E+) Opening Match XDW (Gregg, Blue, Reckless) vs William Crash, Zeshin Makioka, and Nick Randall Result: Maybe we just felt bad for the rest of the night? So we give these guys a match against three jobbers and don't expect it to be good. Blue drops the Shades of Blue on Randall for the win in ten minutes (E) Alicia hypes the triple threat, which will apparently be the main event (C) Tidal Tag Titles Backyarders(c) def. Fast Money Result: On the low end of what we consider an 'okay' match, we go thirteen minutes before we really get a crowd reaction... and that's from the pinfall, as Super Sonic pins Nathan Casino to retain (D) Extreme Deluxe speaks. "Tonight... yeah, I don't have my friends, who've been with me since before any of us can remember. Yeah, it's me against the psycho. But I'm not running. You may come back again and again... but it'll be in the sequel, 'cause this movie ends with the survivor still holding the belt." (D-) Random Match Masked Cougar v Angel de Mexico Result: Well, someone needed to bring the emergency workrate, just in case. No real meaning ot this, just two guys going at it in a good match. Cougar Pounce FTW in seventeen minutes (C-) Hype video for the title match (D-) CZCW Title Match Extreme Deluxe(c) vs Insane Machine Result: The crowd rejoyces, as Machine totally dominated Deluxe... who still gets a few shots in, but is totally outclassed. Welcome to the Machine ends it in seven, and we have a NEW CZCW Champion (D+) Hype video for the Xtreme match (C) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Plague(c) vs Amazing FireFly Result: Despite not clicking, these two BRING IT and we get some afirmation that FireFly's last good match wasn't a fluke. We even get a good crowd reaction when Plague struggles to get out of the barricade where he's gotten stuck and simply stops squirming, watching FireFly scale the ladder to become the new Xtreme Champion in fourteen minutes (C) Hype for the main event (C) Main Event Triple Threat Match Alicia Strong vs Yasujiro vs Rod Remus Result: The match goes long, over twenty minutes as these three put on a clinic of what the Zone stands for, mixing styles in a constantly-changing flow. The crowd is hot, the action is hot, and when we have a winner, it's the ever-popular Alicia Strong... tapping to the Remus Clutch in what officially becomes the Best. Zone. Match. Ever. (C+) Show rating: C Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW fans plotz at the prospect of Machine vs Remus. We continue to turn a profit. Let the fun begin. Can we still pull off Cult by the end of the year, or did we spend too much time worrying about finances?
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[QUOTE=theoutlaw321;238681]Here here! Great show infinitywpi! Cult here you come! For the record how far away are you from cult?[/QUOTE] Aye, am very curious to know how you have come myself. Something I do, although sometimes it doesn't help if they are working a couple other gigs, but I "hold" down future stars, till I'm big enough to keep them, then "hold" them down again, coming out only once or so a month (I don't know if it actually would work for sure, but I've kept a couple by doing that I think, although it might be sheer coincidence).
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What does the Coastal Zone have in common with reruns of CSI: Miami? They both... *puts on glasses* start with lame puns. Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Miami! I'd kill for a 'Horatio Caine: Supercop' gimmick. Someone who spouts lame one-liners, wears cool glasses, and always saves the day thus making the rest of the cast irrelevant... For the record, our current popularity... we're just over 41% in the Southwest, just over 39% in Northern Mexico, and we were flirting with 30% in the rest of Mexico. In the US... um, well, we were actually less liked in the US than the rest of the world, due to people apparently refusing to watch our Internet show once we held a live show in the area. Which was most likely hurting our chances of getting a US TV show. So, BotB hadn't been as good money-making as Surf Slam had been, but it was still a profit, so we didn't have to worry too much about it. We now needed to decide how we were going to set up Wave of Fury... we had an idea of the matches we wanted to put on, we just needed to get there... July 2011, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from Palacio de Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy Opening Match Ben Williams vs Fearless Blue Result: This is the match that tells us that Williams is not getting pushed... ever. He's exhausted at the end of an eight-minute match. Luckily, we decided ahead of time Blue would get the win with a Shades Of Blue (E+) Hype video: Rod Remus is the #1 Contender, and he'll face Insane Machine at Wave of Fury (D+) Filler Match Yasujiro vs Masked Cougar Result: Good match, as we'd expect, mainly there to build up Yasujiro a little more as he gets the pin with the Elaborate Japanese Pinning Combination in sixteen minutes (C-) Alicia cuts a promo on Angel de Mexico, saying that after Battle on the Beach it's time to start climbing the ladder again, and it starts tonight (D+) Main Event Alicia Strong vs Angel de Mexico Result: Amazingly, these two don't click. Bummer. Still, they try, but put on a dissapointing match until Angel tries to take advantage of a downed Alicia, looking to put her through a table... but Yasujiro comes down for the same and draws the DQ, giving Angel a big win (D) Afterwards, Alicia and Yasujiro argue about if she needed help or not (D-) Show rating: D, 0.06 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: One match set. Will we hear from the champ or contender? And what about our new Extreme Champion?
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... Slow weeks are hell on the witty sayings. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Um... Yasujiro had been here nine months? Wow. Time to renegotiate... July 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the Snake Pit, live on Los Desportes Hoy We open with a recap of the Alicia/Yasujiro misunderstanding, with comments from Alicia about how she doesn't want to see Yasujiro's face as long as she's in the ring. (D+) Xtreme Ladder Match Amazing FireFly(c) vs Nathan Casino Result: Good match to open the show, nothing extremely innovating but put together well and putting FireFly over for the win in thirteen minutes (C-) Afterwards, FireFly says he's decided who he wants to face at Wave of Fury... and he'd be honored if his old partner, Angel de Mexico, will face him for the Xtreme Title in a Lucha Libre match (D-) Random Match Super Sonic vs Marc Speed Result: What's gotten into the Backyarders? Decent (but not good) matches, they don't suck anymore, and they're winning without interference? It's almost as if we were pushing them. Sonic gets the win in nine minutes (D) We announce Backyarders vs Fast Money at Wave of Fury... in the House Of Fun (E) Rod Remus cuts a promo on his WoF opponent, and tells Machine to watch tonight closely... he's going to make an example of Snap Dragon. (C) Main Event Rod Remus vs Snap Dragon Result: C'mon, Rod, we pay you big bugs to turn in at least C-s. D+ is close, but no cigar. Still, he was off his game and even though he won with the Remus Clutch, he still could've done better (D+) Show rating: D+, 0.06 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Merrily we chug along...
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Where Cult is looking waaaay too far away right now, Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, MHW needed a new booker. They weren't hiring... but their most recent tag team consisted of Kashmir and Velasquez, working under the name of... Kashmir & Velasquez. How... creative. So, a quick look at how some Zone talents are developping. Alicia Strong was now a bigger star in Mexico than she was in Japan, and was argueably the greatest total package on the roster... still. FireFly, due to working between us and two Mexican feds, was getting huge in Mexico, and was also our flashiest worker. Yasujiro was now as big in Mexico as he had been in Japan, but had yet to pick up and English or Spanish. Rod Remus was getting hugely over in the Southwest... but not as over as Plague had gotten on the East Coast. July 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the Palacio de Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy .... hello, what's this? How am I supposed to do Tidal Booking when half of a team misses a show? Dangit. We open with Angel de Mexico in the ring, demanding a rematch against Alicia. When he wins, he wants it to be legit. Out comes Yasujiro, saying that nobody is getting to Alicia unless they go through him. Angel says fine... he'll go through Yasujiro tonight. (E+) Opening Match Extreme Deluxe def. Simon Ice via submission in six minutes (F+). Whoops... we won't let them do that again. Random Match Dharma Gregg def. Zeshin Makioka in seven minutes via pinfall (E-) Hey, Deluxe! Your ex-stripper non-wrestling manager puts on better matches than you! Random Match Fearless Blue def. Remmy Honeyman in six minutes via pinfall (E+). Yeah, the guy went over someone who gets ten times as much per appearance. Hype for Remus vs Machine (D+) Angel de Mexico announces he's accepting FireFly's challenge (D-) Main Event Yasujiro def Angel de Mexico in sixteen minutes via reversed rollup. (D) Show rating: E+, 0.05 TV. Owwwww. Big mistake trying to save money like that. And it turns out Casino had a reason for not showing up... Customs stopped him at the border and randomly detained him, then let him go to late to make the show. So we can't punish him for that... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two weeks to Wave of Fury... can we hype ou matches and not spend a lot of cash?
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This time, on the Coastal Zone: Not much happens. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Verrrrry slow week. July 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit, on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Alicia yelling at Yasujiro, telling him to stay out of her business. He protests that he's just trying to protect her, and she tells him she doesn't need protecting (D+) Opening Match Nathan Casino def. Daredevil Aero via interference by Marc Speed in eight minutes (D) Filler Match Marc Speed def. William Crash via DQ when Daredevil Aero got revenge in eight minutes (E+) Announcement for Wave of Fury: Plague vs Masked Cougar (C) Xtreme Title Match Amazing FireFly def. Yasujiro when Alicia runs down at twelve minutes, apologizes, and takes him out, saying it's the only way to be sure he won't mess up her match... and then she puts in a few kicks to the crotch for good measure (D+) Hype for Remus vs Machine (C+) Main Event Alicia Strong def. Plague in sixteen minutes by, shock of shocks, cheating with a low blow while Pee-Wee's not looking (C+) Show rating: C-, 0.06 TV On the next Coastal Zone: One week left... wait, shouldn't we see something from Remus and Machine besides a hype video?
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Where, yeah, it seems the only female heel role we can write is 'man-hater'. Ah, well. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! For the record: At this point, we've simmed up until the end of October. The results are... interesting, to say the least. Retirements of the world this month... Demon Spite, Ed Morton, Nene Ebina, and Tier 1 goes down the tubes. It was that time of year again, so we sent out feelers to all the usual networks. With out 0.06 TV rating, we were pretty sure nobody would talk to us, but maybe we'd find someone we could bribe to give us TV time in the 'states. But, nope. Oh, well. Let's overcompensate by holding a really expensive show! August 2011, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live on Los Desportes Hoy from the Palacio Del Lucha Open Contender vs Contender Match Rod Remus def. Angel de Mexico by submission juuuuust before the twenty-minute time limit expired. Good match from these two, and Angel doesn't look as bad as he should because, well, it'll be Lucha Libre at Wave of Fury... (C) Remus hypes his title match at WoF, reminding Insane Machine that they've fought before... waaay back in 2007, before Machine left, Remus kicked his arse several times, including in title matches. Next week will no be different. (C) Hype video for Cougar v Plague (D) Insane Machine cuts a promo on Remus, telling him that 2007 was a long time ago, and while Remus may have become one of the top dogs around the Zone, the Machine became a legend in Japan, and now he's here to become a legend in Mexico. Remus is about to become just another victim of the Machine. (C-) Hype video for Backyarders vs Fast Money (E) Main Event Tag Match Alicia Strong & Amazing FireFly def. Insane Machine & Yasujiro in twenty-one minutes when Strong sneaks in a Strong Takedown on Yasujiro after a blind tag (C) Show rating: C, ..... ZERO-POINT-ONE TV RATING! A new Zone record! On the next Coastal Zone: Hot off the heals of a great show, it's time for Wave of Fury 2011!
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;239335]Show rating: C, ..... ZERO-POINT-ONE TV RATING! A new Zone record! [/QUOTE] Wow, by far and away your most consistent TV show ever - and it wasn't even in the Soth West! Looking good - although, as you say, Cult's still quite a long while off. Good luck!
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Welcome to CZCW Wave of Fury! August 2011, week 2, Wednesday From the Grissom Auditorium We open with Rod Remus, showing us highlights of past Remus/Machine meetings. "You were good back then... maybe better than me. But I was lucky and young. I'm still lucky and young... but now? I'm good, too. Machine... have you gotten lucky or young in the last three years? I don't think so." (C+) Tidal Tag House of Fun Match Backyarders(c) def. Fast Money in twelve minutes when Aero pins Speed. For some reason, these guys just don't do as wel in teams as they do against each other solo (D-) Hype video for Plague vs Cougar (C) Random Match Plague def. Masked Cougar in sixteen minutes with the New Jersey Turnpike (C-) Backstage, Angel and FireFly provide our Spanish-speaking segment of the night, going over the similarities between lucha libre and the Xtreme Title, and with a handshake declare whoever wins will be the best man to hold the belt (D-) Insane Machine verbally tears into Rod Remus, cutting a half-promo, half-psychotic-threat (C+) Xtreme Title Lucha Libre Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Angel de Mexico in what has to be the dissapointment of the night... it was okay, but not the good match we were hoping for from them, with FireFly hitting a hurricanrana in fourteen minutes for the win. (D+) Alicia Strong cuts a promo on Yasujiro, telling us she doesn't need looking after... but anyone she faces is going to need protection... (C) Grudge Match Alicia Strong def. Yasujiro in eighteen minutes after a Strong Takedown (C-) Hype video for Machine vs Remus (B-... possibly a record) Main Event Championship Match Insane Machine(c) def. Rod Remus in 19:57 using the ropes for leverage after a moonsault. The match was good... but the announce team didn't do it justice, which makes us look bad. (C) Show rating: C-. We are highly dissapointed. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We've got a month and a bit until El Dia National De Lucha... what's our plan? And who's working for the enemy?
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We love tradition... so why not break from it? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, after realizing that both out sings stars were working for lucha feds and putting them above us, we decided to cancel Dia National de Lucha this year. So we now had... no big shows planned until Year In Review. This was going to be rough on the budget, so we decided to schedule CZCW: All Hallow's Zone for late October to give us an influx of cash. If 2011 worked out well, then we decides that 2012 would be the year we move to monthly big events. August 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from... the Merida Resort, on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Plague and Rod Remus backstage, Rod claiming he was robbed and Plague telling him to grow the hell up (D+) Tag Match Reckless & Deluxe def. Los Lunas in seven minutes when Deluxe pins Ligera, and the crowd considers rioting (You finally show up in our part of Mexico, and you give us this???) (E-) Random Match Rod Remus def. Remmy Honeyman in thirteen minutes via Remus Clutch, with Honeyman doing his usual "I can make you look good" deal. (D) We get a pre-taped video from Alicia Strong, challenging Insane Machine at All Hallow's Zone (C-) Main Event Plague def. Snap Dragon in seventeen minutes via pinfall (D) Afterwards, Rod Remus hits the ring and lays out Plague, telling him "Oh, I've grown up..." (C-) Show rating: D, 0.10 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Building up a show two month away must be a new record for us. Hopefully we don't mess it up... Also: At this point, I've simmed and written out to the end of 2011. I will now hold a contest. Whoever can tell me who is involved with the Best Zone Match Ever at the end of 2011 will get... well, something. As a tiebreaker, take a guess at three names who will be gone from the Zone be the end of 2011.
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I'll go for Alicia Strong and Plague. They should tear it up between them. And as for people who will leave - there's plenty of options. I would have gone for Strong, but she's involved in Match of the Year, so I'll go for Ca$ino, Snap Dragon and Angel de Mexico. But I'd love to see Fearless Blue gone.
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Where... okay, after nearly five years of this, -you- come up with witty and/or topical things to say! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! INSPIRE had hit national size, and we were once again feeling small. So hopefully something would to a) fix that or b) give us lots of money so we could fix it. We had proven we could put on dang good shows (into the C-) if we used all our big stars... but that was the problem. Those guys cost money. August 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Tidal Tag Title Match The Backyarders(c) def. Los Lunas in eight minutes, with Super Sonic getting the pinfall (D-). Afterwards, the Backyarders say they're tired of Los Lunas and Fast Money. They want to see some new challengers. (D-) Hype video announcing that Rod Remus and Plague have been told to leave each other alone... until All Hallow's Zone (C+) Championship... Midcard Match? Insane Machine(c) def. Fearless Blue (oh, that's why) in ten minutes in a match that amazingly doesn't suck, and is quite passable... almost good, even! (D+) Machine takes a mic and tells us that he's accepted Alicia Strong's challenge. She's got two months of sanity left before she gets ground up by The Machine (C+) Pretaped segment showing Casino and Speedball arguing over who should challenge FireFly tonight, both of them blaming each other for their failure to win the Tidal Tag Titles. Eventually, FireFly comes in and says he'll take them both on. (D-) Xtreme Title Triple Threat Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Speedball and Casino by pinning Casino in eighteen minutes after Casino and Speedball fought for a while (C-) Show rating: D+, 0.10 TV rating Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Where the heck are we going to find a new tag team that won't overpower the Backyarders? And where does everyone stand after a roster re-ordering? And eayragt: You only got one name right. But I'm not going to say which once.
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Building up a post buffer fatter than the Godfather's hos... and yes, we realize we're years away from that being topical. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, we re-auto-pushed our roster, figuring something had to have changed recently. Oddly, not much had, beyond the XDW boys playing Musical Pushes. We also realized we had two people whose contracts were nearly up... we'd keep one, ditch the other. August 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Lose Desportes Hoy Backstage, Casino and Speedball get into it over what happened last week, and they decide to find out who the weak link really is... tonight, they're both finding another partner (D-) Tag Match Casino & Honneyman def. Speedball & Nick Randall in thirteen minutes when Casino just totally flattens Randall (E+) Filler Match Alicia Strong def. Fearless Blue in eleven minutes via Strong Takedown. (D+) Alicia cuts a promo on Machine, telling him that he's the one with two months of sanity left... he thinks he's insane now, wait until she's done with him. (C+) Masked Cougar comes out for his match, but first challenges FireFly to an Xtreme Title match later on (D) Main Event Letdown Masked Cougar def. Angel de Mexico in fifteen minutes via Cougar Pounce (D) Show rating: D-, 0.09 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Lots of retirements, but none from the Zone.
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This is still going! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, the same week we let Nick Randall's contract expire, we picked up a new name. Well, an old name, but new to us... and also unemployed, so we could rely on him. September 2011, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Yasujiro comes out and, subtitled, once more claims his style is better than Lucha style, and he dares anyone to prove otherwise. Music hits... and out comes a somewhat-legend of the Lucha scene, Phoenix I! He strongly disagrees with Yasujiro's stance, and will prove him wrong tonight (E+) Opening Match Simon Ice def. Remmy Honeyman in eight minutes with a fluke rollup (E) We get a video recap of the issues between Speedball and Casino (E+) Midcard Match Snap Dragon def. Extreme Deluxe in seven minutes with the Dragon's Breath, and the crowd rejoices (D-) Hype video for Machine v Strong (B-) Main Event Phoenix I def. Yasujiro in twenty-two minutes via Phoenix Flame to mark his return to the ring after a year off. (C-) Show rating: D, 0.09 TV On the next Coastal Zone: ... do we really have seven shows before our next big event? How the heck are we going to find things for people to do?
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Where weeks can pass like days... or years... argh. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, we added Phoenix I to our collection of luchadores... FireFly, Angel, Cougar... um... crap, where did they all go? Oh, right, Los Lunas, Daredevil Aero, and Super Sonic did Lucha-style, too. So, we decided to do another one of our expensive-but-good shows. Well, we hoped it'd be good. September 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy Alicia Strong is out to badmouth Insane Machine... but Machine is here, and he's like to rebutt Alicia's statements. The two are on th everge of having their match here tonight... but out come Phoenix and Angel de Mexico, and they say that this is Mexico... why not give save their match for when it was scheduled, and give one of them a shot? Alicia protests, but the luchas say the other one will face her tonight, and eventually, it's settled -- Phoenix gets the shot, Angel gets Alicia (C-) Opening Match Alicia Strong def. Angel de Mexico in nineteen minutes, and we managed to forget these two don't click... whoops. So we don't get anywhere near the match we expected (D) Alicia and Machine cut dueling promos on each other (C+, C) Main Event Championship Match Insane Machine(c) def. Phoenix I in nineteen minutes with a Termination Kick in a very good match that once again highlights our need for better announcers (C) Show rating: C-, 0.10 TV Argh. If only we had remembered that lack of chemistry and put someone else in there instead... oh, well.. Next time on the Coastal Zone: Is this the begining of a string of bad booking decisions? Hell no... it's the middle! And something happens in Mexico that's going to make things difficult for us...
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FOR THE LOVE OF... dammit. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. MPWF has hit Cult size. Dammit. Okay... new plan. We've got $45k in the bank. We figure that gives us $30k we can safely blow. Cry 'Spend!' and let slip the dogs of war! The problem was... most of our guys worked for other promotions, too. At least, our big names did. At El Dia National De Lucha... well, MPWF had a singles main and a six-man sub-main... a full half of those men were Zoners (and three of them won). OLLIE? We had half their main event, too. We did, however, no long have anything in common with the larger SOTBPW. So that was something. September 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit, on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Alicia and Insane Machine picking up their arguement from last week, and once more are about to have their match tonight... when out comes Rod Remus, wanting a rematch. Out comes Plague, saying Remus doesn't deserve it... he does. After much yelling, we settle on a tag match tonight. (C+) Xtreme Title Lucha Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Phoenix I in eighteen minutes as Phoenix begins to realize we brought him in as a high-ranking jobber. But we also learned that maybe FireFly can't quite go that long... oh, well, still a good match (C-) FireFly then cuts a promo on Cougar, telling him that there's no big name in Lucha he can't defeat. (C-) Huge Main Event Tag Alicia Strong & Plague draw Remus & Machine after twenty-two minutes as both sides resort to brawling, weapons, chokes, and Pee-Wee finally just gives up and calls for the bell... IN THE BEST DAMN MATCH IN ZONE HISTORY! (B-) Show rating: C, 0.10 TV. That C? Officially the Best. Show. Ever. On the next Coastal Zone: Well, that was expensive. How much longer can we keep those up?
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We're back, bigger, and blacker! No, wait, that's Chris Rock uncensored on Comedy Central. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Alicia's contract came up, and we decided to give her an extra hundred a show. Hell, she was one of our biggest stars. Super Sonic became the first member of XDW to get an offer from outside the Zone, as MPWF wanted him. And we had our first month without a profit in a long time... although we came damn close. September 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit, on Los Desportes Hoy Dark matches (hey, they were complaining): Xavier Reckless def. Simon Ice (E), Super Sonic def. Marc Speed via DQ (D-) We open the show with the same opening as last week, only this time, no tag match... it's a four-way for the CZCW Title, tonight! (C) Undercard Match Masked Cougar def. Phoenix I in eighteen minutes with I Am Cougar, Hear Me Roar in a minor letdown (D+) Cougar then cuts a promo on FireFly. "You beat Phoenix. Good for you. So did I. At All Hallow's Zone, I beat you too." D+ Main Event Four-Way Title Match Insane Machine(c) def. Alicia Strong, Rod Remus, and Plague in twenty-two minutes when Machine rolls up Strong using the ropes while Remus and Plague are out cold... not quite as good as last week, but still damn good (C+) Show rating: C-, 0.10 TV And since the weeks are slow and the shows are short... what the heck, two shows this post! But first, some news: INSPIRE, CGC, and OLLIE all signed new PPV deals. We... didn't. Cougar and Machine both got offers to tour with PGHW... which toured... Sundays and Wednesdays. If they accepted, we'd be boned for November and December. October 2011, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Extreme Deluxe def. William Crash (E). For once, the crowd didn't boo Deluxe. We open with Alicia out to kvetch about how that four-way doesn't count -- she got hit by two other people before she was rolled up. Out comes Snap Dragon, telling her to shut up, and Alicia demands to have him in the ring tonight (C-) Opening Match Nathan Casino def. Remmy Honeyman in ten minutes via pinfall in a match that probably should've been better (D-) Backstage, Yashujiro finds Plague and tells him that tonight, he'll pay for putting his hands on Alicia last week. (D) Midcard Match Alicia Strong def. Snap Dragon in fourteen minutes via Strong Takedown (C-) Alicia hypes her title match with one foot on Dragon's chest (B+!!!) Plague hypes his match with Rod Remus, saying after the last few weeks, it will officially be a #1 Contender's Match (B-) Main Event Plague def Yasujiro in fourteen minutes... via submission to the Remus Clutch??? (C-) Show rating: D+, 0.09 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two shows left before All Hallow's Zone -- we've had tags and four-ways, what else can happen?
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Where once more it's late and I've got nothing better to do than build up my post buffer. *glances at the wife* Of course, I couldn't say that two hours ago... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We resigned Simon Ice. Why? No reason. We just didn't want to go through the trouble of finding another jobber who could turn out bad matches. October 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Daredevil Aero def. Ben Williams (D-) We open with... Alicia, Remus, Plague, and Machine doing their arguing and yelling and whatnot. Pee-Wee decides it's time to teach these people teamwork, and makes a 'match vs match' match... Strong and Machine need to team, and Remus and Plague need to team. (C+) Xtreme Title (Re)Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Angel de Mexico in seventeen minutes with nothing really special going on (D+) FireFly hypes his match with Masked Cougar (C-) Hype video to recap Speedball and Casino, and announcing that whoever wins their match at All Hallow's Zone can pick a partner to take on The Backyarders that night. (E+) Main Event Tag Remus & Plague def. Strong & Machine when Strong fakes a tag and delivers a Strong Arm Tactics to the back of Machine's head, then walks away, letting Plague get the big pinfall in twenty-two minutes (C+) Show rating: C, 0.10 TV Another slow week, another two-show post... but next week will be busy, as we have people to resign by the buckets... October 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Depsortes Hoy Dark match: Super Sonic over Zenshin Makioka (E+) We open with a hype video for Alicia/Machine (B-) Xtreme Title Match Plague def. Amazing FireFly(c) via DQ when he's attacked by Rod Remus at the 17-minute mark (C-) Hype for Plague v Remus (B) Hype for FireFly v Cougar... can you tell we're into the hard sell? (C) Main Event Tag Machine & Cougar def. Remus & Strong in twenty-three minutes when Plague sneaks in and gets revenge on Remus for costing him his chance to regain the Xtreme Title, allowing Machine to finish him with a Welcome to the Machine (C+) Show rating: C+, 0.10 TV On the next Coastal Zone: The first-ever CZCW All Hallow's Zone!
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Welcome to CZCW All Hallow's Zone! October 2011, week 4, Wednesday From the sold-out Grissom Auditorium Opening Match Marc Speed def. Nathan Casino in thirteen minutes with a crossface chickenwing. Oddly, it turns out these two don't quite click... huh. (D) Hype for the Xtreme Title match (C) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Masked Cougar in eighteen minutes, cementing FireFly as the Top Luchadore in the Zone (C) Backstage, Marc Speed is asking someone to be his partner for the Tidal Tag Title match, and it's... Fearless Blue??? What's stranger... that Speedball has picked an XDW member as his partner... or that he accepted? (E+) Tidal Tag Title Match Blue Shift (Blue & Speed) def The Backyarders(c) in twelve minutes when Speedball pins Super Sonic (D-) Alicia hypes her title match in the main event (B+) "Tonight, I'll show you who is truely the Strongest One There Is." Hype video for Remus v Plague (B) #1 Contender's Match Plague def. Rod Remus in eighteen minutes when Remus goes for the Remus Clutch, and after a minute in the hold, Plague is able to roll about and reverse it into a New Jersey Crab for the submission (C) Machine hypes the main event. (B-) "Tonight, you will be Welcomed... to the Machine." Hype for the main event (B) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong def. Insane Machine(c) in twenty-four minutes with a kick to the nards followed by a Strong Takedown. (C+) Show rating: C All that, and we still haven't gotten past a D in the Southwest. We may have to keep spending... let's check the budget... hrm. $15k left. Wait... that's before sponsors for the month... we've still got nearly thirty grand to blow! Let's keep going! FULL SPEED TO YEAR IN REVIEW!
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Well, what else am I gonna do while my son throws a fit and watches Dora? Welcome to Los Zone Costalmente! The fact we were still a D in the Southwest bothered us... especially since if we kept up this pace we'd be burning out the fans we counted on to show up for Year In Review. We figured if we kept doing C-level shows there, we'd hit Cult faster than if we spread them between the Southwest and Northern Mexico... but again, the burnout was going to be an issue. Last time we tried this, our budget hurt badly because nobody wanted to see more of us in the Southwest and nobody cared enough about us to show up anywhere else. Mexico liked us much better now because of the TV show... so it shouldn't be as bad if we need to switch. But how certain of that were we? October 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desports Hoy Dark Match: The Backyarders def. Los Lunas (E+) We start with Phoenix in the ring, talking about how he's glad to be back in Mexico, and how it's nice to find a company that appreciates his talents. Out comes Insane Machine, telling Phoenix to get lost -- the story here is how he was cheated out of his CZCW Title. Out comes Alicia to offer Machine a rematch, because she knows she can beat him again. Out comes Plague, saying he's the #1 Contender, nobody gets a shot until he does. Yeah, we decide on a tag match for tonight's show. (C-) Xtreme Title Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Snap Dragon in eighteen minutes as we forget yet another "These two don't click" pairing. We need to start remembering those. (D-) Hype for Alicia vs Plague at Year In Review (C-) Main Event Tag Match Alicia Strong & Phoenix I def. Insane Machine & Plague in twenty-two minutes with Strong pinning Machine after a Strong Takedown (C-) Show rating: C-, 0.09 TV Simon Ice sprained his ankle backstage. What a klutz... Retirements: Haruki Kudo, Runaway Train, Corporal Doom, Land Mass, Cat Quinn. Announced for next month: Warlord Pain, Rob Oxford, Randall Hopkirk, Whistler, possibly more. Man, that patch does a number on the older talent... at this rate, USPW's average roster age'll be under 40. Yeah, a USPW age joke. I went there. It's 2011 and they've got nine guys under 35. 20 guys 35 or over. Seven of them 50 or over, tho only one is an active wrestler... and he just announced his retirement. So I guess the active roster is under 40 already. Many resignings this week, as the XDW crew, Los Lunas, the Remus boys all needed new contracts. November 2011, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Fearless Blue over Nathan Casino (D) We start with Phoenix in the ring, wanting to finish what he started saying last week... out comes Machine and Plague to tell him, onc emore, to be quiet. Out comes Masked Cougar to take the side of his fellow Luchadore, and we've got another formulaic... erm, I mean, huge, exciting tag match for the main event! (C-) Our next match is a qualifier for the four-way Xtreme Title Ladder Match at Year In Review (C+) Qualifier match Rod Remus def. Angel de Mexico in seventeen minutes via pinfall, appearing reluctant to use the Remus Clutch (C-) Remus then cuts a promo, saying he's going to be walking into 2012 as the Xtreme Champion (C) Main Event Tag Machine & Plague def. Phoenix & Cougar in twenty-three minutes when Plague hits a New Jersey Turnpike on Cougar in a heck of a match... in fact, a new BEST. MATCH. EVER. (B-) Show rating: C, Zero-Point-SIXTEEN TV! On the next Coastal Zone: We have ignition... begin the ascent of the Coastal Zone!
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My head hurts, my body hurts, my voice hurts... son's being a brat, wife's being a... well, enough about me. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Celebrating 10,000 views! Well, except for the next eight people... One stat I forgot to mention earlier... that show in October that set our record for Best Zone Show? Also set a record for my booking reputation, which hadn't peaked since February of 2007. Who da man? I da man. I'd always suspected. So we resigned the XDW crew, Los Lunas, Los Remuses, all for somewhat more than they had been making... XDW saw the big increases, as Aero and Sonic had been in the spotlight for a while and pretty much tripled their salary. November 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Extreme Deluxe def. William Crash (E) We open backstage with Alicia and Plague arguing over if he deserves a title match tonight or if he should be forced to wait. Alicia says she could kick his butt... Plague says any singles match between them has to be a title match. So Alicia says if Plague can beat her in a tag match, they'll have the title shot next week. And she picks... Phoenix I. Plague is so sure he'll win, he picks Remmy Honeyman. (D+) Qualifying Match Insane Machine def. Yasujiro in nineteen minutes with a Termination Kick. These two throw stiff attacks at each other in between the high flying, and they both refuse to sell for the other... oddly, resulting in one of the best matches we've had (C+) Machine then cuts a promo on FireFly, Remus, and whoever the third person will be (C+) Main Event Tag Strong & Phoenix def. Plague & Honeyman in twenty-one minutes with Phoenix defeating Plague (C-) Show rating: C-, 0.16 TV. It wasn't a fluke! We were doing much stronger than we were expecting, and to be honest... the idea of hitting Cult this year didn't seem as far off as we'd thought. But at the same time, we were still worried about burnout, and hadn't hit D+ in the Southwest yet... meaning USPW was more popular here than we were. That had to change. So, we made a list of things to do. First... our announcing was being left in the dust by the matches. We could bring in someone... or, we decided to cut Cliff from the announce team, by telling him that soon he'd have a lot more business-end stuff to do, so he should take some time off. Remmington could handle things on his own... we hoped. Then, a distraction... BHOTWG had an opening for Head Booker. That was... tempting... but no. We're Zone for life... well, the Zone's life anyway. If we go out of business, we'll find someplace else to work... But now, disaster. We were spending waaaaaaay too fast. And with no show until Year In Review to bring in money... well, this was going to be painful. So... we cheated. Sort of. A quickie show south of the border, and we announce a special, one-match card: A title match between Strong, Plague, and Machine. Welcome to CZCW Thanksgiving! November 2011, week 3, Thursday From the National Arena in Tijuana We open with the three in the ring, cutting dueling promos on each other... Alicia on keeping the title, Plague on how when he wins here, Year In Review will be without a title match, and Machine on how he's going to become a double-title-champion (C+) Main Event Triple-Threat Title Match Alicia Strong(c) def. Plague and Machine by hitting the Strong Takedown on Machine in twenty minutes (C) Show rating: D+ due to the lack of segments... but still over 1,600 people showing up and paying good money. Knew we should have worked in one more segment... oh, well. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Did we resolve our cash-flow woes? And what happens when one of the Zone's biggest players tells us to take a flying leap... and his contract ends before Year In Review? Heck... it ends before our next show! Are we, in fact, boned?
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We like to think we can cope with anything... but this? This hurts. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Ultimate Phoenix said we were too small? Okay. Nemesis II wante a lot more money? Pffft. Fox Mask wanted something bigger? That stung. But this... when our #1 Contender and the man who was part of so many good matches recently left for bigger things, it hurt. Plague was gone from the Zone, and hadn't bothered to tell us until the last minute. We now had to replan most of Year In Review from scratch. We made up a story about how, after Thanksgiving, Plague was upset with losing and left in a huff, the big crybaby. Luckily, the show had been profitable... the month wasn't, but the show had been enough that we should break even at the end of the month. November 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Blue Shift def. Los Lunas to retain the Tidal Tag Titles (E+) We open with Insane Machine and Rod Remus arguing over who has the advantage in the four-way ladder match, eventually deciding on a single's match tonight to show who's better (B-) Qualifying Match Snap Dragon def. Angel de Mexico in eighteen minutes after Angel slips off the turnbuckle and Dragon capitalizes (D+) Dragon hypes the four-way ladder match. In pre-taped segments, so do Machine and Remus (C+, C+, C) Main Event Insane Machine and Rod Remus go to a 20-minute time limit draw in another great match that gives us a lot of hope for Year In Review. (B-) Show rating: C+, 0.17 TV! Officially our best show yet, also our highest-rated show yet. In other news, Big Smack Scott failed a steroid test. Few people are surprised -- apparently, SWF still likes him. So... we showed we could put on a good match without Plague. Now... we just had to figure out a contender to Alicia's title. But with Remus and Machine in the Xtreme match... and Yasujiro and Cougar on Alicia's list of victories... who did we have left as a legit challenger? We'd have to bring someone in. Odd friendship news: Rod Remus and Luna Ligera. Since when have they even been on the same show? Oh, wait... dark matches. Right. November 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on... wait, that's not the Snake Pit, that's the sold-out Grissom Auditorium? For a TV show? Dark match: We throw all the jobbers into a ten-man battle royale and let Remmington decide who wins. Turns out it's Extreme Deluxe eliminating Ben Williams for the win (D-, surprisingly good) Yasujiro is in the ring, saying that with Plague gone... nobody gets their hands on Alicia. And at Year In Review he'll make sure Alicia can't get hurt any more, by taking her title, and making sure nobody has a reason to go after her. Music starts... and it looks like someone wants to disagree... it's... SPANISH SUPERFLY!!! He says it's time for the Zone to realize that the future of wrestling isn't in Japanese-trained wrestlers like Yasujiro and Strong... it's in the Luchadores, like FireFly... and like himself. So tonight... he'll beat Yasujiro... and at Year In Review... he'll beat Alicia Strong. (D-) Opening Match Nathan Casino def. Remmy Honeyman in a match that goes a way-too-long nineteen minutes (E) Hype video for the Xtreme Ladder Match (C+) Main Event Spanish Superfly def. Yasujiro in twenty-two minutes via Spanish Superfly Splash (D) We make it official: Superfly v Strong at Year In Review (C+) Show rating: D-, 0.15 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Oooooookay, that was an experiment gone wrong. Let's try not to do that again... um... please?
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