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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Oooooooh, 'Damaja' is pronounced like 'Damager' only gangstarized. I thought it was like some middle-eastern prince gimmick, 'da-MAH-jah'. Like 'ah-LAD-in'. Welcome to the KO-stahl ZON! Dictionary jokes. I've fallen that far. So, one month until the end of the year, and we had... well, trouble. Spanish Superfly wasn't setting the ring on fire. The budget crunch was looming, but if we could just make it though this month we should be okay. And after that stinker of the show, we had some ground to make up -- Oh, look, MPWF liked us. In their main event, Amazing FireFly took their biggest title off of Masked Cougar. That was so a Zone Xtreme match. Of course, theirs was on PPV... but our TV rating was higher than their PPV buyrate, so... yay! INSPIRE was hiring for their new tour... Yasujiro was in on it. Hopefully it wouldn't cause a problem... Yasu was becoming our favorite main-event jobber. December 2011, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the Palacio de Lucha on Los Despotes Hoy We open with Spanish Superfly in the ring, soaking up his return to Mexico, when Phoenix comes in, saying that the Zone doesn't like Luchas when they return to Mexico... he kept getting interrupted... out comes Masked Cougar, saying that tonight, there should be an old-fashioned Lucha match in the main event... out comes Alicia Strong, who disagrees. Tonight, there'll be a tag match. So, Superfly... which of these two do you trust to watch your back? And which one do you think is a loser? (C) Warmup Match Snap Dragon, Insane Machine, and Rod Remus battle to a 20-minute time-limit draw (C+) Spanish Superfly and Alicia Strong cut dueling promos backstage (C+, B-) We announce a triple-threat Tidal Tag Title match for YiR: Blue Shift vs Backyarders vs Los Lunas. Yeah, we were hurting for tag teams. (E) Main Event Tag Spanish Superfly & Pheonix I def. Alicia Strong & Masked Cougar in twenty-two minutes after a Spanish Superfly Splash on Cougar (B-) Show rating: C+, 0.17 TV It's official... we've hit the point where show-suckage or show-rockage was affecting our ratings. Our first and second half-hours were actually different by a hundreth of a point. That's a good sign... when it's in our favor. More blows to our main event. Yasuhiro refused to resign, prefering to go home to tour with INSPIRE. And another... well, another that would really hurt, but we still had them for the rest of the year, at least... December 2011, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Spanish Superfly telling us that he's shown he's got what it takes to put Alicia away, and soon, Lucha will rule again (C) Alicia cuts a promo on Superfly, telling him it's another tag match tonight... but the reason he won last week? Phoenix? Well, he's busy tonight... (C+) Xtreme Title Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Phoenix I in seventeen minutes after a very tired roll-up (C-) FireFly then cuts a promo on his three opponents at YiR (C+) Hype video for the tag match at YiR. Hey, they can't all be winners. (E) Main Event Tag Strong & Remus def. Superfly & Snap Dragon in twenty-three minutes, low blow by Strong / Remus Clutch submission on Snap Dragon (B-) Show rating: C+, 0.22 TV for a new record! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Who's leaving us? Why are they leaving us? And how long can the "All-Main-Eventer All-The-Time" philosophy of booking keep us going?
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The indy with a main event on par with a big promotion's upper-midcard... problem is, the bigger promotions pay more... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Headline of the month: "Lazy Joe Raring To Go". Okay, either it's a lie, or it's a false nickname. Two shows left before Year in Review. We had... two big matches, one bad match, and probably another hour to fill with something, depending on who we still had available by then. It felt like we were dropping people like flies. Insult to injury: Plague has just signed on with INSPIRE for a tour. Turncoat. Hey, wait... if we have YiR on a Sunday again... we lose some money... so... crud. We need to move it to a new day... and it also meant, this was our go-home show, the hard sell... argh. December 2011, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the Palacio de Lucha, on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Marc Speed def. Zenshin Makioka (D) Backstage, Alicia and Superfly get into a brawl, with everyone else pulling them apart. They calm down... then go at it again. Casino and Honeyman get caught up in it and eventually convince the two to a tag match tonight (C+) Xtreme Title Match Amazing FireFly(c) def. Angel de Mexico in seventeen minutes via FireFly Splash, despite being off his game (C-) Hype for the four-way ladder match (C) Hype for Alicia/Superfly at YiR (B... Not B-, B) Main Event Tag Superfly & Honeyman def. Strong & Casino in twenty-two minutes when Superfly finally gets his hands on Alicia and hits the Spanish Superfly Splash on her for the pin, giving him big momentum on his way to the title match (C) Show rating: C, 0.20 TV That's it. We hit D+. Let's do this. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Year In Review 2011!
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Welcome to CZCW Year In Review 2011! December 2011, week 4, Thursday From the sold-out Grissom Auditorium We open with dueling interviews from Alicia and Superfly, intercut with footage from the last month (C+, C-) Opening Tidal Tag Triple Match Blue Shift(c) def. Backyarders and Los Lunas in eight minutes when Fearless Blue gets a moonsault on Luna Obscura (D-) We get a bit with Phoenix and Masked Cougar in the ring, saying that they're being overlooked... so tonight, they're giving everyone a crash course in what true Lucha is like (C-) Lucha Match Phoenix I def. Masked Cougar in seventeen minutes via Phoenix Down (C) Hype video for the Xtreme match (C+) Four-Way Xtreme Ladder Match Snap Dragon def. Amazing FireFly(c), Rod Remus, and Insane Machine in twenty-two minutes to become the NEW Xtreme Champion after a frantic match (B-) Hype video for the CZCW Title match (C+) Main Event Title Match Spanish Superfly... draws Alicia Strong(c) after a 30-minute time limit passes. And the crowd chants 'bull****... bull****'. (C+) Show rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: The last TV show of 2011, and then we do our yearly recap!
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5 more minutes! 5 more minutes! I honestly thought Superfly was gonna lose cleanly (didnt want him to but I thought he was gonna) so its good to see the TLD. ANd I'm glad you got something out of Amazing Firefly, because in my last game he worked well with absolutely noone. I was upset.
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Wow, this year feels like it's flown by. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Year in Review has risen to Above Average importance. Which meant nothing to us... one of the Summer shows had done that, we hadn't noticed much of a difference. We'd come dangerously close to crossing our budget line, but the benefit of having shows on Sundays is that the last one of the month happens -after- sponsorship cash comes in -- so we didn't have to worry about what we spent. December 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Spanish Superfly wanting a rematch. Insane Machine comes out to complain how he hasn't gotten his rematch, unless you could that stupid three-way that made Plague leave. Alicia comes out and says she doesn't -have- to give rematches... but she'll be generous. Tonight, it'll be Alicia vs Insane Machine... and Superfly vs Insane Machine. If Superfly can beat Machine faster than she can, he'll get a rematch. And if Machine wins either match, he'll get one, too (B-) Opening Non-Title Match Alicia Strong def. Insane Machine in 20:53 via Strong Takedown (C) Main Event Spanish Superfly def. Insane Machine in... 18:52 via Spanish Superfly Splash (C+) We announce and hype Spanish Superfly vs Alicia Strong for the CZCW Title at CZCW Broken in February (B) Show rating: C+, 0.22 TV In case you hadn't guessed, Insane Machine would be leaving us shortly, deciding we weren't big enough for him. He'd be leaving on his back... but he really saved out butts there and basicly ushered in a whole new era for the Zone, so we couldn't hate him too much. We also let Remmy Honeyman go at the end of his contract, because... well, he was an expensive jobber. And now, the year-end awards for 2011! Card of the Year: NOTBPW October Obliteration Match of the Year: Sean McFly def. Jeremy Stone at NOTBPW Full Force (Third time for that pairing) Most Improved Promotion: NOTBPW Promotion of the Year: NOTBPW Female of the Year: Melody Cuthill (Who???) Vet of the Year: Eric Tyler Youngster of the Year: Matt Gauge Wrestler of the Year: Sean McFly CZCW members on the Top 100: None. So, having lost Yasujiro, Honeyman, and Machine, we've had to re-order our roster. Here's how it looks now... Enhancement Talent: Simon Ice. Openers: Zenshin Makioka, Luna Ligera Lower Midcard: Luna Obscure, William Crash, Ben Williams Midcard: XDW. Seriously, all five of them, plus Dharma Gregg, are here. And Marc Speed. Upper Midcard: Phoenix, Angel, FireFly, Snap Dragon. Main Event: Alicia, Superfly, Rod Remus, Cougar, Casino. How the heck did Casino get there? Oh... he's working for DAVE and MPWF, he must be getting popular with them... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: What do the first three months of 2012 hold? Challengers, a new champion, a face you never expected to see in the Zone, an injury to an up-and-coming superstar, a new event, and more!
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Where we're not above starting a new thread to pimp this one... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Hey, it worked with the original Coastal Zone... why not try it again here? We no longer have the "Fall below $14k and you're fired" restriction on us... so let's see how long we can go before we go bankrupt. January 2012, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Snap Dragon def. Extreme Deluxe in an Xtreme Title Ladder Match (D) We open with four men in the ring... Spanish Superfly, Phoenix I, Angel de Mexico, and Amazing FireFly, declaring that tonight is Lucha Night. Out comes Rod Remus, saying he's better than any Luchadore... Phoenix offers to show him he's wrong. The others try to talk Phoenix out of it, because that ruins the tag match they had planned for the main event... Nathan Casino comes out and offers to take Phoenix's place in the main. (C-) Opening Match Rod Remus def. Phoenix I in nineteen minutes, but only after having to resort to using lucha moves... which Phoenix wasn't expecting, getting rolled up for the pin (C) Hype video for Strong v Superfly II at CZCW Broken (B) Main Event Tag The Mexican Revolution (Angel & FireFly) def. Cougar and Superfly in twenty-three minutes after FireFly hits a FireFly Splash on Cougar (C) Show rating: C, 0.21 TV We thought we were getting good ratings until we realized OLLIE was getting .51's, and MPWF was getting 0.57. We were still the lowest-rated show on TV. Anyway, good show, not what we were hoping for, but still solid. There was no reason not to keep going until the money wore out... January 2012, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Rod Remus getting in Superfly's face, saying that he beat Phoenix, and he can easily beat him... so why doesn't Superfly put his title shot on the line? Superfly's response: "I'm not an idiot. I'll fight you... but if you win, that just means you get first crack at me after I beat Strong." (C+) Xtreme Contendership Match Masked Cougar def. Nathan Casino in seventeen minutes as Casino shows he's good... but not on the level of the main events he's replaced (C-) We hype Cougar v Dragon for CZCW Broken (C-) Spanish Superfly taunts Alicia for a bit, putting over Lucha Libre (C) Main Event Spanish Superfly def. Rod Remus in twenty-two minutes in a good, but not as good as we were hoping, match... it turns out these two just don't click, and that's not a good thing with our main event scene right now (C+) Show rating: C+, 0.21 TV Next time on the Coastal Zone: The push towards Cult continues, but after losing some talent... how expensive a push is it going to be?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;241377]We no longer have the "Fall below $14k and you're fired" restriction on us... so let's see how long we can go before we go bankrupt.[/QUOTE] You wont go bankrupt. You may spend big and lose almost all your money, but you'll be able to rescue it. Admittedly, that might be by going back to all XDW shows, and maybe Simon Price. Might hurt your run to Cult though. Oh, and I hope Zenshin Makioka is dirt cheap. I assume that he isn't still around purely on his chemistry with William Crash. I mean look - he's been with you for aaaaaaaaaages, and he's still an opener? That invisible ceiling is really low in his casw!
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Sometimes, the old methods work best. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We were entering into a slow period... no contract renewals for over a month. So there wasn't going to be much news unless we get unlucky... so let's hope it'll be slow. January 2012, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy .... ARRRRRRRGH! It looked like someone... probably MPWF... was having a show tonight. Not available: Luna Obscure, Super Sonic, FireFly, Casino, Cougar, and Snap Dragon. Um... crud. REWRITE! We open the show with Remus demanding a rematch. Out comes Superfly to ask him what losing again is going to acomplish, but Remus says he's not going to lose again. Superfly says okay, and Remus says he'll see him in the main event... and Supefly stops him. "You're not worth the main event, man. Ring the bell." (C) Opening Match Spanish Superfly and Rod Remus go to a double-DQ when Alicia Strong runs around 16 minutes in down to attack Superfly, and Phoenix shows up for the save... and goes after Remus as well (C+) Pee-Wee sighs and tries to get everything sorted out, eventually turning things into a tag (C-) Main Event Tag Strong & Remus draw Superfly & Phoenix at twenty-seven minutes via double-Q as neither side's partner will leave the ring and Pee-Wee loses track of the legal man, just throwing the whole thing out (C+) Show rating: C, 0.21 TV In our head, the main event worked out better. With the likes of Plague and Insane Machine gone, our tag main events just weren't as spectacular anymore... we needed something new. Hopefully our next show won't be sidelined by MPWF holding a show... January 2011, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Backyarders def. Blue Shift(c) and Deluxe & Reckless in a Tidal Tag Triple Match (D-). This marks our first dark match title change. We open with Snap Dragon in the ring hyping his Xtreme match with Cougar at Broken. Out comes Alicia to insist that her match will be the one people come to see. Out come Cougar and Superfly, and after much verbal preening, we settle on a Champs vs Contenders tag match for tonight (C-) Opening Match Amazing FireFly def. Nathan Casino in nineteen minutes with something new: A Burning Fly Driver (C) Snap Dragon gets some camera time to finish his hype interview that got interrupted earlier (C-) Main Event Tag Superfly & Cougar def. Strong & Dragon in twenty-three minutes when Cougar pins Dragon after a I Am Cougar, Here Me Roar, giving him momentum towards his title match (C) Show rating: C, 0.21 TV Retiring this month: Tamara McFly, Vixxen, Eric Tyler. Announcing retirements: Elemental II, Victoria Stone, Mastericco, Geena the Warrior Princess. Guess you need to thin the field out sometimes... On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW BROKEN!
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Welcome to CZCW BROKEN! February 2012, week 1, Wednesday From the sold-out Grissom Auditorium We open with Spanish Superfly. Last time they faced each other was a time-limit draw. Well, Superfly is sure to win this time... because he's pulled some string. Tonight? No time limit. And no lady can outlast the Spanish Superfly. (C+) Opening Match Amazing FireFly def. Fearless Blue in eight minutes in a match showing us Blue didn't learn much teaming with Speedball... but then, they didn't wrestle much, either (D-) Masked Cougar promises us that, just like last Sunday, Dragon is going to learn who the dominant carnivore is around here (C) First Time Ever in the Zone: Submission Match Rod Remus def. Phoenix I in nineteen minutes via Remus Clutch (C) Snap Dragon tells Cougar that the Xtreme Title doesn't go to carnivores... it goes to those willing to put themselves on the line. And while Cougar has commitments to other promotions... Dragon doesn't. The Xtreme Title is his only payday. Is Cougar really willing to risk his other paychecks for it? (C-) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Snap Dragon(c) def. Masked Cougar in twenty-three minutes with a Dragon's Breath off the top of the ladder putting Cougar down for the count (C+) Alicia cuts a promo on Superfly. No time limit? No problem. Tonight, once more, she will show the Zone she truely is the Strongest One There Is. (C+) Main Event Title Match Alicia Strong(c) def. Spanish Superfly in Forty-three minutes (!!!) with a Strong Arm Tactics after both workers kick out of the other's usual finishers in a hard-fought match (B-) Show rating: Only a C? Curse you, Fearless Blue, and whoever booked you on such an important sh... oh, wait, that was us. On the next Coastal Zone: Broken is now an above-average importance event. After a match like that, we would hope so! We now had one month until March To Glory... how were we going to top this?
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Great show, awesome diary. Figured I should stop by since you at least read over mine and posted. Also, how long did it take you before the fans liked to see angles/segments other than wrestling? Or do you still get the "fans came to see in ring action." or something like that?
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[QUOTE=ReapeR;242076]Great show, awesome diary. Figured I should stop by since you at least read over mine and posted. Also, how long did it take you before the fans liked to see angles/segments other than wrestling? Or do you still get the "fans came to see in ring action." or something like that?[/QUOTE] One of my very early changes was to change Match Ratio to 80%. That takes care of that problem. I should post my product here eventually...
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Burnout? We laugh in the face of burnout! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We decided, in an effort to prevent budget problems, to how a second non-televised even in February... only we'd hold this one in Mexico. Thus, CZCW Lucha Libre Live was born. We had a couple shows to build to it, too. February 2012, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Backyarders(c) def. Los Lunas and William & Williams to retain the Tidal Tag Titles (D-) We open with Angel and Phoenix in the ring, announcing Lucha Libre Live and discussing how they want to make it memorable. Out come Rod Remus and Nathan Casino with a suggestion: Tonight, Remus vs Angel, and Casino vs Phoenix. The winners meet in a lucha libre rules match to decide the #1 Contender. The Luchadores like the sound of that. (D+,D) First Match Rod Remus def. Angel de Mexico in nineteen minutes with a Remus Clutch (C-) Casino gets some mic time to hype his match with Phoenix as being the first step on his trip to the top (D+) Main Event Phoenix I def. Nate Casino in twenty-one minutes with a Phoenix Flame (C-) Show rating: D+, a bit of a letdown but we let the less-popular guys have a show... 0.24 TV. Is that a new record? Yeap, it is! So, yeah, we made a few contract offers... if only to break up the slow period when we got to it in another nine months. February 2012, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Bingo Ha... erm, I mean, The Snake Pit, on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Backyarders(c) def. Blue Shift to retain the TTTs (D) We open with FireFly excited about Lucha Libre Live, and he has a huge match he wants to announce... out comes Alicia, saying it doesn't matter hwo huge the match is, it could be better... because she won't be there. FireFly is upset that Alicia is dissin' his country, so she offers him a chance to defend it... and win the CZCW title... tonight (C) Opening Match Masked Cougar def. Nathan Casino in nineteen minutes with Cougar Pounce (C-) We get a hype video for Remus v Phoenix at LLL (C) followed by FireFly's announcement: The Mexican Revolution reunites to face Masked Cougar and Spanish Superfly at LLL! (C+) Main Event Alicia Strong(c) def... Angel de Mexico in twenty-three minutes via Strong Takedown? What happened to Fire Fly? (C+) Show rating: C, 0.26 TV. Another new record! Announcers must be in short supply -- Remmy Remus got offers from DAVE and CGC on the same day. Hopefully he'd stick around with us... On the next Coastal Zone: Lucha Libre Live!
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;242120] Main Event Alicia Strong(c) def... Angel de Mexico in twenty-three minutes via Strong Takedown? What happened to Fire Fly? (C+) Show rating: C, 0.26 TV. Another new record! [/QUOTE] So what did happen to Fire Fly? Congrats on the new record for your show!
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Welcome to CZCW Lucha Libre Live! February, week 3, Wednesday From the dang-near-sold-out National Arena in Tijuana, Mexico Backstage, Angel is trying to convince FireFly to take the night off. It turns out FireFly's back is hurting bad, it hurts him just to walk. Angel swears he can find another partner, but FireFly insists that he can still wrestle. As he heads to the ring, Angel looks on, concerned (C) Opening Lucha Tag Match Cougar & Superfly def. Mexican Revolution in twenty minutes, Superfly Splash on Angel for the win. FireFly spent most of his time on the apron, Angel refusing to tag him in. (C+) Backstage, Rod Remus hypes the main event, saying that after he goes through Phoenix, he can fight a real-rules match for the title (C) Main Event (did we mention it was just a one-hour show?) Phoenix I def. Rod Remus in twenty-two minutes after losing the first fall to the Remus Clutch and coming back with a variety of old moves done in a new style to confuse Remus (C+) It's official: Alicia Strong defends against Phoenix at March To Glory (C+) Show rating: C Next time, on the Coastal Zone: -Another- injury?
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"So... like, is he... black, or.. what?" "I dunno. I can't tell. Ask him." "... you ask him!" Welcome to the Coastal Zone! That's an honest-to-god conversation I had in college with one roommate regarding the other roommate. To this day, we're not sure. Why is this relevant? While wrestling Rod Remus, Phoenix managed to pick up the Nigerian Green Plague. We didn't even know Rod was Nigerian. But this would make Strong/Phoenix hard to hype. So... I had a nightmare last night. That instead of the champ vs challenger for an Xtreme Title match, I had booked one of Los Lunas and the challenger, and the Luna won it in an E- match... when you start dreaming about the game, maybe it's time to slow down. Luckily for you, I've simmed up to Wave of Fury (which should be a good card... possibly the last of the good cards, we'll see), so there's plenty of Coastal Zone to last until I recover from the burnout. February 2012, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the Snake Pit, live on Los Desportes Hoy Dark Match: Double-Double (William & Williams) def. Backyarders XX (eXtreme & Xavier) (E) Amazing FireFly comes down to talk about his injury and the pain it puts him in. Out comes Rod Remus telling him to man up. They have a match tonight, and FireFly's not weasling out of it. FireFly says he's never backed down from anything. Tonight, pain or not, the match happens (C-) Xtreme Ladder Match Snap Dragon(c) def Marc Speed in fifteen minutes (D) WTF???? Match MAYAN IDOL def. Nathan Casino in twelve minutes with an Aztec Lariat (C) Idol then takes a mic and says he's travelled a long, hard road to be in the Zone, and now that he's here, he's not going to waste any time... Snap Dragon, your dance card is empty for March to Glory... out comes Snap Dragon. "Dude, I thought -I- had the worst mask in the world." Dragon/Idol is on for March To Glory! (C-) Main Event Rod Remus def. Amazing FireFly in twelve minutes via Remus Clutch, which really put the pain on FireFly's back -- his pain was more obvious than it was at LLL's tag match (D+) Show rating: D+, 0.24 TV Remmy signed with DAVE. That began to make us worried... he was the only announcer we'd had for a while, and that meant we could no longer risk having a show on the same day as DAVE. February 2012, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Backyarders(c) def. Simon Ice & Zenshin Makioka (D-) We open with Phoenix welcoming Mayan Idol to the Zone. Tho he's not a high-flying luchadore, he's certainly keeping the spirit of Lucha Libre alive. Out come Snap Dragon and Alicia Strong with their titles, and they want the customary champs-vs-contenders match. After it's accepted, the Luchas head backstage, leaving Alicia and Dragon to talk strategy. Dragon's strategy: "I'll let them beat on you. It'll make it easier for me to take your title the show after March To Glory." (C-) Opening Match Spanish Superfly def. Nathan Casino in nineteen minutes of a surprisingly-damn-good match (B-) Hype for the two title matches at MtG (C, C) Main Event Tag Idol & Phoenix def. Strong & Dragon in twenty-two minutes when Phoenix becomes the first person in some time to get a pinfall on Alicia Strong (C) Show rating: C, 0.26 TV Next time, on the Coastal Zone: CZCW March To Glory!
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Welcome to CZCW March to Glo... hey, where is everyone? Turns out, MtG was a small event, not our usual Medium... realizing this, we quickly changed booking plans to be somewhere else... March 2012, week 1, Wednesday From the Snake Pit Opening Match Rod Remus def. Masked Cougar in sixteen minutes with the Remus Clutch in an attempt to set the bar high (B-) Mayan Idol and Snap Dragon cut dueling promos backstage (C, D) Xtreme Ladder Match Mayan Idol def. Snap Dragon(c) in twenty-two minutes after delivering a series of brutal shots with the ladder, showing you don't need to be known as a flier to be Xtreme Champion(C+) Alicia and Phoenix cut dueling promos in the back (C+, C+) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) def. Phoenix I in twenty-three minutes with a Strong Sharpshooter (C+) Show rating: C Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Someone gets a beatdown. And once we find whoever set that event as 'small', someone else will get a beatdown, too...
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Rather harsh rating with that C for all matches at C+ or above. And Mayan Idol's mask rules! Snap Dragon really might have the worst mask in the C-Verse... it's like a Venus Flytrap puked up a meal. I still enjoy this diary but it's not nearly as much fun as when you aren't on the razor's edge of poverty, unemployment and impending departures.
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[QUOTE=Beeker;242308]I still enjoy this diary but it's not nearly as much fun as when you aren't on the razor's edge of poverty, unemployment and impending departures.[/QUOTE] Well, as I've said, I've simmed up you Wave of Fury... ... and, dammit, you're going to get at least one month of a lot of fun. Let's just say that the "I want something bigger" curse strikes again... Plus, once I finish this year, I should be given a money goal again. so you can watch me walk the razor's edge again.
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Where my son is being a brat: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Okay, so, we had to recover from a smaller-than-expected show. Still, with the addition of Lucha Libre Live, we made nearly fifteen thousand in profit last month... we would have to consider holding additional little shows like that as we head towards Spring Break Bash March 2012, Sunday, week 1 Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Phoenix def. Fearless Blue in nine minutes (D... man, even Phoenix can't get a good match out of this guy) We open with Mayan Idol celebating his Xtreme Title win in the ring, when out comes Snap Dragon, demanding a rematch. Idol runs down a list of people who deserve matches (all luchas), when Dragon resorts to calling Idol scared he can't beat Dragon twice. That gets a reaction, and the rematch is tonight (C-) Random Match Spanish Superfly def. Masked Cougar in sixteen minutes via pinfall. (B-) Phoenix comes out to talk to Superfly and talk about how they need to make sure the next person who gets a crack at Alicia can take her down. Superfly doesn't like the idea of ganging up, but Phoenix convinces him it'll be more like training together. (C-) Main Event Xtreme Ladder Rematch Mayan Idol(c) def. Snap Dragon in twenty-five minutes, and in no way is this because we forgot to set the match at March to Glory as a title match (C) Show rating: C, 0.26 TV It was about this time we decided that having Remmington work as announcer and road agent wasn't working out for us... we needed someone who had more than a year's experience in the ring putting together out matches. So, we found someone recently retired to fill the position for us. A woman by the name of Crusher Ikagawa. Maybe you've heard of her? March 2012, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Backyarders def. Double-Double-You to retain the Tidal Tag Titles (D-... I guess no matter how good the script is...) We open the show with Alicia Strong saying that she had come to an appreciation of the lucha arts... no, really, she has... seriously... so she has selected a great luchadore to defend her title against tonight. Someone who should be willing to go all out, no matter what, to put on a good match tonight... she has selected... Amazing FireFly (quoth Remmington: Oh, c'mon, the man's barely able to stand without wincing!). Out comes FireFly wearing a back brace of some sort, saying he wishes the circumstances were different... but he'll never turn down a title shot (C+) Opening Match Rod Remus def. Nathan Casino in ninteeen minutes via Remus Clutch (C-) Afterwards, Rod Remus says he's sick of this lucha crap... it's his turn for a title shot, dammit! He's more than earned it! Anyone who thinks differently can face him next week... otherwise, he's claiming Alicia's dance card at Spring Break Bash (C+) Announcement for SBB: Mayan Idol will defend the Xtreme Title in a four-way Lucha Ladder match against Phoenix, Masked Cougar, and Angel de Mexico (C) Main Event Title Match Alicia Stong(c) def. Amazing FireFly after nineteen minutes of cringe-inducing working-over-the-back that showed that despite being in pain, FireFly could still deliver the goods... even if he did get pinned on, of all things, a backbreaker (C+) Show rating: C+, 0.26 TV On the next Coastal Zone: Who thinks they deserve another shot more than Rod Remus?
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