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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Well, the laptop is officially dead. Well, not completely, but when you can only get it to turn on for ten seconds at a time... and it takes fifteen to boot into Windows... The good news is I've obtained a 2.5"-to-USB drive adapter and should be able to retreive the game data files. Once that's done, I'll see what I can do about getting my license manually moved to the next computer without an unlicensing. If I have time between Civ4, CoH, and Halo 3...
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The laptop that held TEW 2007 and Welcome to the Coastal Zone has passed on after a prolonged bout with a short circuit in the power connector. We offer our condolences to it's family. However, we take solace in the fact that the hard drive has been salvaged, and may even be cloned onto a larger, faster hard drive. Provided I can get the damn thing on the network, look for more Welcome to the Coastal Zone to resume in the next week or so.
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Welcome to the Coastal Zone -- Special Recap Edition! The most recent battles in the Coastal Zone, recapped for you, the readers... and also for me, 'cause it's been a while. Our main focus over the last few months has been the battle between CZCW Champion Roderick Remus and CZCW Xtreme Champion Josh Jones. While it may seem strange to have two young champions in an 'old vs new' battle, Remus has been with the Zone for seven years, while Jones is a relative newcomer. Jones lost his title to Angel de Mexico due to Remus interfering, but failed to get revenge and take Remus' title. But at the same time, Remus failed to pin Jones, and neither man has managed to get a decision over the other. Elsehwere, Alicia Strong dealt with a demon from her past as Raku Makuda attempted to carry out some sort of demented justice for some past wrong. This feud recently seemed ot end as Alicia won a cage match by escaping the metaphorical cage Raku has placed around her the last few months. Outside the ring, Javier Brook has won the Zone in a poker game (kayfabe, of course) and taken over the referee duties, as it lets him not worry about a ref screwing up or an owner overruling the ref. He seems to be interested in putting on a good show, not in favoring any one person... but every man must have his price. The Zone currently features the strangest mix of styles in wrestling today. American wrestling is well-represented (Alicia Strong, Josh Jones, Rod Remus), as is Mexican Lucha Libre (Amazing FireFly, Angel de Mexico, Soul Taker, El BEastia Purpura), Japanese Super Junior Puro (Ultimo Soetsu, Burning Exile, Raku Makuda), and even British wrestling (Harry Wilson, Simon Ice), along with the best of backyard spot-monkeying (The XDW crew). With a focus on expansion, the Zone has managed to increase their bank account ten times over in the last year. But facing stiff competition in Mexico as well as the United States may mark rough times ahead as the Zone never seems to be popular enough to keep ahold of their superstars. They have the saving grace of being able to roll with the punches and replace talent as they leave, and the bonus of counting some superstars as refusing to leave; most notably, Alicia Strong (who knows she'll never find a fed willing to let her beat the boys), Javier Brook (who feels a strong loyalty towards head booker William Peers and is the greatest talker ofhis generation) and Soul Taker (who also feels loyal to Peers for givingg him his first long-term job in several years). As we rejoin the Zone, we're at a turning point... or, rather, a lull with a turning point. While Remus and Jones still have unresolved issues, there's several other people who want the CZCW Title. There's also a number of people with no chance at a title, and they know it... and of course, there's the lack of tag teams to fight over the Tidal Tag Titles. Add in an always-exhuberant Lucha faction and the apparent rebuilding of a Puro faction, and things could go in any direction...
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Where we're learning just what TEW is like on a screen larger than 1024x768 (Hint: The damn screen doesn't stay where you put it)... Welcome to the Return of the Coastal Zone! Now, where were we... oh, yes. Hour-long events on Thursday, and we had Battle at the Beach coming up at the beginning of July. The only match planned so far is Marc Speed vs Fearless Blue in a "Tag team splitting up yet again" match. We'll have to populate that a bit. And get back on TV. Eventually. June 2013, week 2, Thursday All Action Thursday Some Sold-Out Gym In Puerto Rico Dark action: Javier recaps current events for the crowd (E+), Raku Makuda def. Too Hot (D) -- oddly enough, they have great chemistry. We open with Rod Remus coming out to celebrate his title retention, only to have his bubble burst by Javier. Tonight, he has a title defense... against Alicia Strong. Remus is furious (E+) Opening Match "Speedball" Marc Speed def. Harry Wilson in twelve minutes, looking to show he's more than just a tag-team wrestler (D+) Backstage, Alicia is warming up for her match when the door opens and someone throws Raku Makuda into the room. She's out cold and has a Japanese Kanji character spraypainted on her back... "Vengance." Alicia is nervous (D-) Filler Match Cal Sanders gets a long-overdue win, over Simon Ice in seven minutes (E+) Back in the ring, Rod is out for his match. He jaws at Javier a bit, but Javier then announces that the winner of this match will have their next title defense at Battle at the Beach... against Josh Jones... in a ladder match. Remus is furious, again (D+) Main Event Championship Match Rod Remus(c) def. Alicia Strong in in nearly twenty minutes. The loudspeakers came on every six-seven minutes to say "Vengance" in Japanese, which distracted Alicia enough for Remus to get the win (C+) Show rating: D+ Well, at least we haven't seemed to miss a step in our extended vacation. Two more weeks until Battle at the Beach... let's see what we can do here... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Alicia escaped Raku... but there's something worse waiting for her. How is Fearless Blue preparing for his match with his former partner? And hey -- what's up with the Xtreme Title?
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Some things are like putting on your favorite old pair of slippers. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! ... Alicia, Alicia, Alicia. Babe, if you need money, we can float you a loan, or give you more money, or... or something. Y'know? I mean... Sure, I can understand working for AAA, they're goodd girls. But... BSC? Really? Are you sure that's a wise career mo... you'll be the youngest one on the roster? Um... okay, I can sorta see how they're desperate for new talent, then... okay, girl. Go dominate them. A, crap, speaking of contracts, we'd forgotten to see who we needed to talk to... emergency contract talks! July 2013, Week 3, Thursday All Action Thursday Some Gym in Puerto Rico again We open by announcing next week's main event: Alicia Strong vs Raku Makuda again. (E) We then get Daredevil Aero and Super Sonic making an open challenge for someone to try to take their Tidal Tag Titles (E) Tidal Tag Title Match The Backyarders(c) def. Antonio & Too Hot in ten minutes of... well, not as bad as we were expecting action (D-) Hype video for Battle at the Beach: Speed vs Blue (F+) Filler Match El Beastia Purpura def. Raku Makuda in ten minutes when the same Japanese voice saying "Vengance" blared through the loudspeakers to distract her (E+) Hype for BatB: Remus vs Jones (C-) Xtreme Title Lucha Match Angel de Mexico(c) def. Amazing FireFly in twenty mintues, two falls to one. (C-) Show rating: D+. Nice, simple, basic, it works. We re-signed Marc Speed, and not a day too soon... it would have been horrible to lose one of the few planned matches we had for BatB. On the next Coastal Zone: Do we even bother setting up more of the card for Battle at the Beach, or do we rely on tried-and-true thrown-together crap?
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Where we may be the oldest still-active Cverse dynasty still going... well, going again. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, we've got nobody to negotiate with for at least a month. We feel kinda stale... so, given we have the limits of B- Basics and C- Resilience, let's see who we can find. We also want someone who can actually wrestle in the US, and preferably doesn't work for anyone else -- we hate schedule conflicts. Let's see who's on the... wow, short list. And we've got those restrictions for another year and a half? Maybe we shouldn't recruit anyone just yet... July 2013, Week 4, Thursday All Action Thursday National Arena, Tijuana, Northern Mexico Opening Tidal Tag Title Match Backyarders(c) def. Ultimo Soetsu & Harry Wilson in eight minutes as we continue our semi-annual attempt to improve the XDW guys' skills. (D-) The two make another open challenge afterwards (E+) Random Filler Match Josh Jones def. Soul Taker in nineteen minutes in a surprise (well, to the crowd) main-event-quality match (C). Afterwards, Jones reminds everyone of his Xtreme Title reign and how he's the best in the Zone at Ladder Matches. (C) Main Event Alicia Strong draws Raku Makuda in fifteen minutes after the "Vengance" thing happens again, and both women are startled, thinking it's for them. They come to a temporary peace until they can sort things out, and head off to make plans (C, D) Show rating: C, wish we could get those in Puerto Rico. All in due time... we hope... Today's retirements: Steve Flash, who was a part of the Zone early in 2007. The only person still on the roster that he ever faced is Alicia Strong. Long time ago. On the next Coastal Zone: Battle at the Beach! Jones vs Remus, and... well... we don't have anything else set up yet, do we... whoops.
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Card subject to change? Card subject to change? How about Card subject to being made after the show opens? Welcome to the Coastal Zone: Battle at the Beach 2013! CZCW Battle at the Beach August 2013, week 1, Wednesday Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA We open with a promo from Rod Remus, telling Josh Jones that he got lucky last time when he was able to last until the time limit... tonight, nothing will save him from being beaten by the CZCW Champion. (B-) Opening Five-Man Elimination Match Antonio def. Dolphino, Simon Ice, Ultimo Soetsu, and Extreme Deluxe in eight minutes (E) Backstage, Alicia and Raku fine Rod Remus and Angel de Mexico getting their 'Champions' publicity pictures taken, and interrogate them about the 'Vengance' voice. The champs claim to not know anything, and after some unfriendly banter, the girls believe them (C) Grudge Match Fearless Blue def. Marc Speed in nine minutes with assistance from Extreme Deluxe, Super Sonic, and Daredevil Aero (D). Sonic and Aero then issue their usual open challenge (E+) which leads to... Tidal Tag Title Match The New Mexican Revolution (Amazing FireFly & El Beastia Purpura) def. The Backyarders(c) in a five-minute squash (D-). Wow... we managed to pick partners with no chemistry. Whoops. Backstage, Alicia and Raku continue to interrogate people. Their next picks: Harry Wilson and Too Hot. They refuse to answer any questions, and make multiple lewd remarks, until finally the girls demand to meet them in the ring (D) Impromptu Tag Match Alicia & Raku def. Harry Wilson & Too Hot in seven minutes... mainly to show how bad a squash match the Tidal match was (D+) Josh Jones talks about his chances, calling himself the Champion of the Ladder Zone, and he's going to usher in a new era of Xtreme for the Zone (D+) Xtreme Title Lucha Match Angel de Mexico(c) def. Soul Taker in nineteen minutes, two falls to one. The two shake hands afterwards. (C-) Hype video for the main event (B) CZCW Championship Ladder Match Josh Jones def. Rod Remus(c) in twenty-five minutes of damn good action (B-). Jones celebrates afterwards, having finally won the big one (B-). Show Rating: C. On the next Coastal Zone: New champions means new challengers... well, sort of.
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Entering a bold new era... yet again... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! July 2013, week 1, July All Action Thursday Sold-Out Gym in Puerto Rico We open with Rod Remus backstage, tearing up the backstage area. Finally, he gets his face up in the camera and growls out "Rematch. Tonight. No Time Limit. No Ladders." (C+) The Backyarders come out to talk to Javier. They feel they were robbed... but at the same time, they don't feel they can hold a candle to Amazing FireFly. So they want tidal booking... they're pretty sure either one of them can take El Beastia Purpura. New music plays, and out comes Purpura, with Dolphino the Lucha Jobber in tow, saying if that's the case, they can take on the two New Revolutionaries who lowered themselves to appear in this dirty little town (E-) Tag Match Purpura & Dolphino def. The Backyarders in eight minutes of non-totally-sucky match (D-) Josh Jones comes out with the CZCW Title and accepts Remus' rematch conditions. He's going to be a fighting champion, and he's going to prove that tonight. (D+) CZCW Title No Time Limit Match Josh Jones(c) def. Rod Remus in thirty-one minutes to retain his title with a Canadian Backdrop in a match that's pretty dang good for not having ladders involved (C+). Show Rating: D+. We could've probably gotten a C- if not for that bad segment with the XDW and Luchas. On the next Coastal Zone: Okay, enough stalling. We can't have huge matches every week... can we?
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Some plans just don't work out like you want. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Burning EXILE's short-term contract was coming due for renewal... we'd used him on, what, two shows because INSPIRE and PGHW started touring on the days we had shows? And he'd managed to talk us into a downside, too... figures. If we didn't get at least one more show out of him, he'd be the least-useful guest star to enter the Zone in... ever... SWF hasn't changed a bit. Their most recent World Heavyweight Champion, Joss Thompson, decided he was bigger than they were and refused ot resign his contract. This week, he lost his title... to Eric Eisen. Yeap -- that's SWF for you. Well, we can't blame them... July 2013, week 2, Thursday All Action Thursday National Arena, Tijuana, Northern Mexico We open with Raku backstage, verbally berating Angel de Mexico in our first dual-language-subtitled segment. The gist of it is that Raku thinks Angel and Remus were lying a couple weeks ago when they said they didn't know what was going on, and with the New Mexican Revolution getting so big, it's be easy for them to rig the soundsystem. Angel tells Raku that maybe he does know something, but if she wants to know it, she'll have to beat it out of him in the ring (D+) Opening Match Harry Wilson def. Antonio in a simple match (D-) Fearless Blue talks about how his brothers in the Backyarders got taken by surprise by the Revolution, but he's ready for anything... so tonight, he wants to invoke Tidal Booking. He'll face either member of the Tidal Tag Champions for a shot at the belts (E+) Semi-Tidal Booking Fearless Blue def. El Beastia Purpura in thirteen minutes in a rather good match, considering (D+) Angel cuts a promo on Raku, saying tonight's match is a ladder match... and if she wins, she can pick one: His title, or answers. (D+) Xtreme Title Ladder Match Angel de Mexico def. Raku Makuda in eighteen minutes of surprisingly good match (C+) Show rating: C- ... wow... Fearless Blue nearly gets into the C range, and Angel and Raku threatened to join The B Club? (Okay, Angel's already a member, but it was in a four-way match...) Two better-than-expected matches makes for a good show, I'd say. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Alicia gets some answers, and Fearless Blue picks a partner.
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Where some people say we haven't missed a beat... others say we never had the beat to begin with. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Hrm. Not much going on. So, let's do a quick review of the game world... Economy: USA: B- / Rising Canada: B / Rising Mexico: D- / Rising UK: C- / Rising Europe: C+ / Rising Japan: C / Falling Industry: USA: D+ / Rising Canada: B- / Rising Mexico: D- / Rising UK: E+ / Rising Europe: B+ / Rising Japan: C+ / Falling ... well, that ate up some time and post space. Next! July 2013, week 3, Thursday All Action Thursday Puerto Rican Power's "CZCW Gym" in Puerto Rico We open with Alicia Strong cornering Soul Taker. Her reasoning is that Angel does, in fact, know something, and since Soul Taker is part of the Revolution, he probably knows, too. Taker tells Strong he's not talking, so Alicia decides to go through the Revolution one by one until she gets an answer... starting with Taker tonight (D) Semi-Tidal Booking Match Amazing FireFly def. Too Hot in eight minutes (D+). Looks like Hot is Blue's new partner. Music video recap of Alicia vs Raku morphing into a video recap of Alicia and Raku working together (E+) Main Event Alicia Strong def. Soul Taker in thirty-four minutes (C) As Alicia is threatening Taker with more of a beating, out comes... our road agent Crusher Ichihara, clocking Alicia from behind with a chair. But... but Crusher is retired, isn't she? Why could she possibly... (D-) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Crusher Ishihara's revelation and shouldn't we have a title challenger?
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Where making it look like you're booking on the fly isn't just an art form, it's a way of life: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Another slow week. Um... let's take a look at some of our closest American comeptition, shall we? Mid Atlantic Wrestling (Prestige: D), owned by Rip Chord, booked by Mean Jean Cattley. Their main event consists of former Zoners Frankie Perez, Fumihiro Ota, and Cameron Vessey, along with Ernest Youngman. United States Pro Wresting (Prestige: D+), owned by Sam Strong, booked by former Zoner Farrah Hesketh. Main Event includes the previously-mentioned Ernest Youngman, Giant Redwood, Roger Dodger, and... god help them... Jim Force. Rhode Island Pro Wrestling (Prestige: C-), owned by Professor Hero, booked by Wanda Fish. Main Event is made up of Bart Biggz, randmaster Phunk, and Roger Dodger. The Zone goes here (Prestige: C-). Supreme Wrestling Federation (Prestige: C+), owned and booked by Richard and Eric Eisen. Main Event is made up of former Zoner Citizen X, Eric Eisen, Joss Thompson, Nevada Nuclear, and Skull DeBones. Danger And Violence Extreme (Prestige: B-), owned by Phil Vibert, booked by Shawn Gonzalez. Main Event consists of Vin Tanner, Shawn Gonzalez, and former Zoners Ash Campbell, Citizen X, and Kid Toma. July 2013, week 4, Thursday All Action Thursday Back at the Gym, 'cause we wanna make Cult. Tidal Tag Title Match New Mexican Revolution (Amazing FireFly & El Beastia Purpura) def. Fearless Blue & Too Hot in fifteen minutes when FireFly pins Blue (D) Backstage, earlier tonight, Raku cornered Ultimo Soetsu and yells at him, since he's the only other Japanese-style wrestler here so he must have some connection to Crusher. Apparently, Javier's taken the incident and booked a match out of it (F) Investigation Match Ultimo Soetsu def. Raku Makuda in fifteen minutes when Crusher Ichihara interferes and gets Raku hung up in the ropes long enough for Soetsu to choke her out (E). After Soetsu leaves, Crusher begins beating the helpless Raku, and motions for help... and out comes... Amazing FireFly and El Beastia Purpura? The three do the standard beat-down before Crusher raises the mens' hands... WTF? (E+) Main Event Championship Match Josh Jones(c) def. Harry Wilson in thirteen minutes of meh action (D+). Jones then makes an open challenge for anyone who wants to face him at... whatever our next show is (E+). Show rating: I'm expecting low... D-. Whoops. We put storyline ahead of quality, and it bit us. On the next Coastal Zone: One more show before, um... Wave of Fury. Crusher speaks... and is subtitled. And who accepts Josh Jones' challenge?
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Where some things are predictable. Others, not so. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. So, we've learned several things so far. First, all the good imported workers are either taken, or don't meet our requirements for hiring. Second, Burning Exile has been a waste of a downside as he works elsewhere pretty much every single show we have, so we're not re-signing him. Third... well, we're not sure, we'll figure it out. We hit a new month, and that brings with it retirements... Big Smack Scott, Giant Redwood, and Puerto Rican Power all hung up their tights. In Alumni news, Citizen X became the DAVE Unified Champion for the first time, defeating another Zone alumnus, Ash Campbell. August 2013, week 1, Thursday All Action Thursday National Arena, Tijuana, Mexico (SOLD OUT) We open with Josh Jones looking for someone to accept his open challenge... and he waits in the ring as Soul Taker does his entry. "Didn't I beat you recently?" Apparently, Taker wants ome-field advantage, so since tonight, it's an all-Lucha night, he wants a shot. Josh accepts (D) Xtreme Title Lucha Match Angel de Mexico (c) def. Marc Speed in ten minutes and two straight falls (C) Tidal Tag Title Lucha Match The Backyarders def. The New Mexican Revolution (c) when Alicia and Raku show up, distract the ref, let the Backyarders do some double-teaming, then when the ref is occupied with the Backyarders, beat the crap out of FireFly and Purpura (D-) The beatdown continues, with Alicia and Raku sending a message to Crusher Ichihara's cronies that revenge works both ways (D) CZCW Championship Lucha Match Josh Jones(c) def. Soul Taker in eighteen minutes and, sadly, play second fiddle to the excellent Marc Speed match (C-) After the main event, Angel de Mexico comes out with the Xtreme title and tells Josh that if the open challenge still stands, he's got a doozy. At Wave of Fury... CZCW Champion Josh Jones vs CZCW Xtreme Champion Angel de Mexico in a Title Unification Match. Josh grins and accepts (B-) Show rating: C- Wow. If we'd know the Xtreme match was going to be that good, we'd've planned better. Anyway, a quick look at the wrestling world on TV. Sundays, NOTBPW: The Stars pulls a 47.27 rating. Monday, BHOTWG Lords of the Ring gets a 15.54. Tuesday, TCW Featured Attraction pulls a whopper 50.42, and they follow that up with Wednesday's TCW Progression, getting a 50.56. Thursday is a virtual 'day off', with CGC the only show on and not breaking a 3. Friday, however, is home ot the Fridya Night Wars. PGHW Showcase gets a 14.75. TCW Throwback (Yeap, they have three shows) gets a 30.69. Why 20 points lower than their other shows? Competion from NOTBPW: Full Force, which gets 48.50. NOTBPW and TCW are easily equals when it comes to ratings... but the show that beats everyone is on Saturdays, because Crime Lab pulls a 60.72 rating. On the next Coastal Zone: Wave of Fury 2013! The card: CZCW Unification Match: Josh Jones vs Angel de Mexico Gauntlet Match: Rod Remus vs Extreme Deluxe, Daredevil Aero, and Fearless Blue Six-Man Tag: Antonio, Dolphino, & Ultimo vs Too Hot, Simon Ice, & Cal Sanders Harry Wilson vs Marc Speed Handicap Match: Alicia Strong & Raku Makuda vs El Beastia Purpura, Soul Taker, & Crusher Ichihara
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CZCW Unification Match: [B]Josh Jones [/B]vs Angel de Mexico Gauntlet Match: [B]Rod Remus [/B]vs Extreme Deluxe, Daredevil Aero, and Fearless Blue Six-Man Tag: Antonio, Dolphino, & Ultimo vs [B]Too Hot, Simon Ice, & Cal Sanders[/B] Harry Wilson vs [B]Marc Speed[/B] Handicap Match: [B]Alicia Strong & Raku Makuda [/B]vs El Beastia Purpura, Soul Taker, & Crusher Ichihara
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