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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Workers come and go, but my Welcome stays eternal. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. For those who failed their perception check, our last show wasn't from the Simmons Center, it was from the Snake Pit, and pulled in double what we usually pull in for butts in the seats. We'd officially hit Regional size. With a little planning, we could actually consider turning a profit. But first... we'd need more people on the roster... Oh, and Cameron Vessy was on an exclusive PPA contract with us, so we wouldn't have to worry about someone grabbing him from us. He was ours to mold into a flier, perfect for the Coastal Zone. And if he failed... well, more than three hundred people a week would see him. And while we were at it, Matt Sparrow got an offer from TCW. We were being poached... And so, we'd need to re-order the roster. How will things turn out? Let's see... Main Event: Donnie J, James Prudence, Matt Sparrow, and Ultimate Phoenix Upper Midcard: Remmy Skye, Steve Flash, Plague, Fox Mask Midcard: Roderick Remus, Masked Cougar, Insane Machine, Snap Dragon, Cameron Vessey, Citizen X Lower Midcard: Flying Jimmy Foxx, Jeremiah Moose, Marc Speed Opener: Mark Smart, Cal Sanders The new faces: Roderick Remus (Heel ****y Youth) Only 18, but has two years experience teaming with his brother in various independants. His brother wrecked his knee in an accident, so now he's trying to make it on his own. Mark Smart (Heel Obsessive Fan) Former USPW towel boy who actually has some decent skills. Cal Sanders (Heel Lumberjack) Canadian known as the "Leapin' Lumberjack". No charisma, but can go in the ring. Perfect for us! Cameron Vessey (Heel Straight Edge) Son of Larry, nephew of Bryan. Only nineteen, but the heir to the Vessey legacy. "So, your friend Cliff came to see me today." "He did? He's out of the hospital?" "Yes. And I guess one of your new friends told him I haven't been speaking to you." "... oh. Well, they're... guys. They talk. Often harsher than they should..." "Yeah, right. Anyway... he said he's impressed with the job you've been doing. And he said... he's going to pay you more. And he'll help pay moving expenses if we come join you." "I... that's great, hon. Are you sure you want to..." "What, leave my family and everyone I've ever known to join you on the west coast? Yes. Yes I am." February, 2007. Week 3, Thursday "Welcome to the Coastal Zone" Live from the Snake Pit We open with Insane Machine calling out Matt Sparrow, demanding to know what the hell is up with him lately. Matt does nothing but kiss up to Machine, which drives him, well, insane (D-). --Jeremiah Moose def. Cal Sanders in thirteen minutes via pinfall (D-). --Masked Cougar def. Roderick Remus in fifteen minutes via pinfall (D+). --Marc Speed def. Mark Smart in thirteen minutes via pinfall (D-). --Cameron Vessey def. Matt Sparrow in fourteen minutes via pinfall after Insane Machine does a run-in (D+). Interlude: Citizen X tells us that sometimes, to fight the power, you have to work within the system. And that system includes signing on the line for a title match. Once he defeats James Prudence, he'll destroy the Coastal Zone from the inside (D). --Main Event CZCW Title Match: James Prudence(c) def Citizen X in eighteen minutes after a blatant low blow (D+). Show rating: D+. Turns out Jimme P and Citizen X have good chemistry. And we got our goal of introducing all the new faces... which is always good. .... annnd since we were one wrestler short, we've falled back to Small size. Pass me the dammitall, I've got a headache. On the next Coastal Zone: When you fall, you need to pick yourself back up again. So, let's get pickin'.
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When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore. When an eel bites your cheek as you swim up the creek, that's a Moray. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! They can't all be relevant to the dynasty, folks. Some of 'em are just plain kooky. Just as an occasional thing... here's a flashback from the original Welcome to the Coastal Zone from the original TEW for week 3, February, 2007. Or fairly close. The CZCW/USPW war was over, with Fox Mask unifying the two titles. Easy Emma had returned to the commishionership, and forced the former USPW wrestlers into CZCW contracts, holding a battle royal for the #1 contendership, which came down to American Elemental taking advantage of an off-balance Olympic champion Victor St. Hubbins for the win. The show was the last one before the Zone brought in four big names, starting with the Darkness Brothers, and then the angle that cemented their role in history, as Bruce the Giant and Sam Strong came to the Zone. I wonder where USPW got the idea to do that in TEW2k7, eh? :) Anyway, we won't do that very often. Just once every handful of months or so. We're not here to muddle in the past, we're here to write the future. TCW has hiring left and right, and we were worried that they would try to take Matt Sparrow. We asked to negotiate with him... and he had turned us down. So now we'd need to hire yet another worker to replace him. And we'd just gotten up to 20 people, too. Dangit. We wouldn't be able to get back up to size... well, hopefully we wouldn't do this yo-yo thing again. Our new signee was the infamous Air Attack Weasel. February, 2007. Week 3, Thursday "Welcome to the Coastal Zone" Sold Out from the Simmons Center. We open with another Insane Machine / Matt Sparrow confrontation. Sparrow tells Machine the only reason he's champion is because Sparrow's never asked for another title shot. Well, tonight, there'll be one... a ladder match. And if Sparrow wins, he's taking the Xtreme title with him to TCW (D-). --Air Attack Weasel def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in twelve minutes by submission (D+). Afterwards, Snap Dragon comes out to berate his teammate about losing again (D-). --Citizen X def. Roderick Remus in fourteen minutes via pinfall (C-). Afterwards, the two exchange words... and shake hands (E). --CZCW Title Match: James Prudence(c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty minutes via pinfall (D+). Afterwards, James says he's going to go through everyone on his list, beating them al, even Donnie J (D+). --Main Event: CZCW Xtreme Title Lader Match: Insane Machine(c) def. Matt Sparrow in twenty-five minutes (C+). Show rating: C, with a stellar main event (well, for us... hell, for most indys) that capped off a great storyline. Sparrow got a good send-off, that's for sure. And we're back to regional size with a vengeance. Time to hope we sign some people... On the next Coastal Zone: We need one more person on the roster by next week. We're talking to two or three. Who'll join the Coastal Zone... and what'll replace the Machine/Sparrow feud in our list of storylines?
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I could be working on levelling up my rogue right now... but nah. I love you guys too much to stop for the night now. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! It had been a rough week. Getting his family moved to California, signing the job contract with Cliff, giving notice to his old job and wrapping up projects there, losing Matt Sparrow to TCW, and trying to arrange more workers... busy busy busy. But we were doing well, considering the wrestling industry had just dropped to an F+ in the USA and showed no signs of stopping. March, 2007. Week 1, Thursday "Welcome to the Coastal Zone" Live from the Snake Pit (again!) --Roderick Remus def. Ben Williams in ten minutes via pinfall (D-). This was Williams' debut match, and afterwards Citizen X came out and he and Remus discussed something with Williams (E). --Fox Mask def. Plague in twenty-two minutes with the Fox Hunter (C-). Interlude: Cameron Vassey announced he had a friend to introduce to us... Randy Matravers, the cousin (kayfabe, he's really just a randomly-generated wrestler) of UK superstar Adam Matravers. Together, they were the NextGen, the future of wrestling (E-). --Non-Title Match: NextGen (Vessey & Matravers) def. Air Force 1 in nineteen minutes due to use of a foreign object, Vessey pins Foxx (D). The NextGen celebrate in the ring afterwards (F+). --Main Event: CZCW Title Match: James Prudence(c) def. Masked Cougar in twenty-four minutes after chairshot during a ref bump (C-). Afterwards, Fox Mask came out to say that his name was on the list for next week... but he was giving his match to Donnie J! (D-). Show rating: D+. Not as good as last week, but then, we weren't expecting it to be. We had enough people not to sink back into Small, which was good. Last month was even better than January, we'd only lost fifteen thousand instead of twenty, but that was while spending an extra ten grand on talent; in theory, if we played it mega-cheap, we could be breaking even. But where's the fun in that? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Citizen X is up to something. The NextGen think they have reason to celebrate. And Donnie J gets his rematch. At least one of these things will not go according to plan.
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Wait... aren't rats supposed to leave a -sinking- ship? Welcome to the sinking ship! Snap Dragon signed up to tour with GCG. Fox Mask and Plague both signed up for a tour with WLW. Everyone was planning on leaving, at least part time. Not that we could blame them... the wrestling industry in the US was tanking. Japan's industry was second only to the UK... and lightyears ahead of the rest of the world. Maybe we should move to Japa... nope, sorry, wife's looking at me angry. We're not moving any farther than we already have. March, 2007. Week 1, Thursday "Welcome to the Coastal Zone" Live from the Snake Pit --Opening Match: Fox Mask def Mark Smart in six minutes in a squash (D+). --Citizen X and Ben Williams def. Masked Cougar and Marc Speed in sixteen minutes (D). Before the match, Ben Williams and Citizen X discussed something, with Williams apparently saying 'yes' to whatever was going on (E+). Interlude: Fox Mask psyches up Donnie J for his ladder match tonight (D). --CZCW Xtreme Title Match: Insane Machine(c) def. Plague in eighteen minutes by disqualification due to chairshot (C). Interlude: The NextGen come out to celebrate their win last week and talk some smack (F+). However, they get waylaid by Air Force 1 and dummped from the ring (E-). --Main Event CZCW Title Ladder Match: James Prudence(c) def. Donnie J after the usual interference by Fox Mask and Steve Flash making the whole thing somewhat overbooked in twenty-six minutes (C-). Afterwards, the heels beat down the faces (D-). Show rating: D+. We're happy, we're happy, we're still doing okay. Except that Foxx was late to the show and almost missed his run-in. We gave him a warning and assured him that this 'NextGen' feud was going to help put an end to his lowercard status. On the next Coastal Zone: Donnie blew his rematch. So what's next for James Prudence? What the heck is Citizen X up to? And is anyone else going to line up a second job for if something happens to the Zone?
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"Some people would go to the ends of the earth to find real naked girls." Yeah. We call those people 'idiots'. Stupid Girls Gone Wild commercials. Welcome to the Coastal Zone Gone Wild! That's what I get for staying up late to watch The Amazing Jonathan on Comedy Central. Still, there's commercials worse than Girls Gone Wild. And that'd be Guys Gone Wild. Thank god for TiVo to fast-forward... The week's news: Nada. Nothing. Slow news week. Heck, no news week. March, 2007. Week 1, Thursday "Welcome to the Coastal Zone" Live from the Snake Pit --Opening Match: Mark Smart def. Jeremiah Moose in thirteen minutes due to interference by Citizen X, Roderick Remus, and Ben Williams (D-). After the match, Mark shook hands with each of them and said, "Sign me up!" (D-). --"Psyche Out" Remmy Skye def. Plague in nineteen minutes despite being off his game tonight (C-). --Randy Matravers def. Snap Dragon in twelve minutes (D-). Before the match, The NextGen challenged Air Force 1 to put their titles on the line (E-). Interlude: Steve Flash and James Prudence come to the ring, talking about how Donnie won't get another rematch, and Fox gave up his title shot and has to move to the back of the line. And the next name on the list is... Steve Flash, so tonight will be an easy title defense as Steve is planning on tapping to the dreaded pinkie-lock. But here comes Fox and Donnie, claiming that the Coastal Zone is about competition, not being someone's manservant. And if Steve's a man, then he'll put his title shot on the line tonight. Looks like a three-way match, with the winner getting a title shot next week, and the losers never getting a shot at James again (D). --Main Event Triple Threat #1 Contender's Match: Fox Mask def. Steve Flash, Donnie J in twenty-six minutes when James Prudence attacks Donnie J, Steve Flash gets distracted by it, and Fox capitalizes (D+). Show Rating: D. Still acceptable. Let's face it, right now we'll take anything that doesn't have an E or F in it. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: I'll try to have some news for you guys. Otherwise, I might go back to my old 'two shows a post' style to make up for the lack of things going on backstage.
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Where we -really- need to get the hang of changing the week when we copy-and-paste the opening for our cards. We didn't just repeat Week 1, March three times in a row, did we? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! "So... this is where you work? The Snake Pit?" "A-yup." "It's so hot in here... why is there broken glass in that corner?" "Someone busted a case of beer bottles in the brawl last week." "I thought your company didn't do that hardcore crap?" "They don't. The crowd here, tho..." "I thought I left drunken rednecks behind when I left the midwest..." News for the week: Remmy Skye signed a PPA deal with DAVE. I remember when DAVE used to be able to justify written contracts. How the mighty have fallen... March, 2007. Week 4, Thursday "Welcome to the Coastal Zone" Live from the Snake Pit We open the show with an announcement from Fox Mask. He's decided his title shot tonight will take place inside the House of Fun (D+). Afterwards, Citizen X and his rookies come out, with Citizen X telling them that they are not ready yet... only when two of them can defeat him will they be ready to put The Plan(tm) into effect (E). --Citizen X def. Ben Williams and Mark Smart in seventeen minutes (E+). Hype video for NextGen vs Air Force 1 in an Iron Man Tidal Tag Title match (E-). --Iron Man Match: Tidal Tag Titles: NextGen draw AF1(c) in 30 minutes, 2 falls to 2 (D+). Backstage, Fox Mask is attacked from behind by Steve Flash. After a minute of trying to fight back, Donnie J shows up to run Flash off with a chair. He's so pumped up he almost hits Fox as well, but Fox calms him down. Donnie sighs and tells Fox to "Go kick his ass. I don't care which of has the title as long as -he- doesn't." (D-). --Main Event House of Fun CZCW Title match: Fox Mask def. James Prudence(c) in twenty-one minutes to begin his sixth CZCW Title reign (D+). Show rating: D. Well... could've been better. Could've been worse. We're focusing too much on the undercard for the fans' taste, we think. On the next Coastal Zone: Do you really think the whole Donnie/Jimmy/Fox/Flash thing is over?
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I do love the Coastal Zone. Unlike my diaries, stuff happens here with some kind of speed :) And you can't beat a bit of tidal booking, its something I've not used for a while myself but whenever I do, I always think back to this. Any chance of you resigning the Gilberts? :D
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Forgetting about scheduled shows since 2005: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! "So, boss, who'm I facing Monday?" "... you mean Thursday, right?" "No, Monday. Spring Break Bash. First Monday in April, every year." "... awwww, crap." Between shows, "The Leapin Lumberjack" Cal Sanders had changed wrestling styles to be more like a Super Junior. We... didn't know that was possible. Cool. Matt Sparrow had shown up at TCW's Just Another Day PPV, losing the curtain-jerker to Corporal Doom in a C- match. Nice to see he was getting some exposure... ooooo, and what was this... that was too good to pass up! Send a request, that'll fit in perfectly... Anyway, we had two hours of show to plan out. Luckily, we had three storylines and three people complaining we hadn't been using them. So two hours should be easy to fill... until we find that Remmy Skye is busy elsewhere... as is our color commentator, Farrah. This... could be bad. April 2007, Week 1, Monday CZCW Spring Break Bash Sold Out from The Snake Pit We open with Citizen X telling his rookies to do better this time (E). --Citizen X def. Roderick Remus and Mark Smart in seventeen minutes (D). Interlude: Randy Matravers wants to say a few things about Air Force One, but before he can say anything, they come out of nowhere and drop him. (E-). --Ultimate Phoenix def. Air Attack Weasel in twenty-two minutes (C-). Backstage, Steve Flash and James Prudence announce that they've combined their title shots for tonight, and they'll get revenge on Donnie J as well, as it's a four way ladder match tonight (D-). --Snap Dragon def. an injured Randy Matravers in three minutes (E). Afterwards, Cameron Vessey comes down and challenges Snap Dragon to face him next week. (E). Backstage, Fox Mask displays the CZCW title belt and tells us all he's not planning on losing it here tonight, not to anyone (D). --"Leapin' Lumberjack" Cal Sanders def. Masked Cougar in seventeen minutes via illegal choke (D+). --Xtreme Title Match: Insane Machine(c) def. Plague in twelve minutes (C) after an open challenge (D-,E). --Main Event Four-Way CZCW Championship Ladder Match: Fox Mask(c) def. Donnie J, James Prudence, Steve Flash in twenty minutes (D+). Show rating: D+. Better than the last couple of shows, still not quite into that C territory we were hoping to build up to. We'd need to get some more overness for the guys first. Still, never complain about any show that sells out. Everything was set for the show next Thursday, probably with a smaller crowd but still fun... until Thursday came around, and Snap Dragon had to be elsewhere. Didn't he have a match with Vessey tonight? Dangit... change in plans, hopefully he'll be available next week... April 2007, Week 1, Thursday CZCW Spring Break Bash Live from The Snake Pit --Opening Match: "Psyche Out" Remmy Skye def. Masked Cougar in eleven minutes (C-). Ultimate Phoenix challenges Insane Machine for the Xtreme Title (D+). --Citizen X def. Plague in fifteen minutes with assistance from Smart, Remus, and Williams (D+). Cameron Vessey cuts a promo insulting Snap Dragon for cutting out on him (E+). --Williams, Remus, and Smart def. Weasel, Speed, and Sanders when Remus pins Speed in twenty-two minutes (D-). Donnie J calls Fox Mask out to the ring, wanting to ask Fox about the title. Fox reminds Donnie that he said he didn't care who had it, as long as James didn't. Donnie has apparently changed his mind. And when Fox tells him there's already a list of people who want title shots, Donnie says "I had a feeling you'd say that." Jimmy P and Steve Flash come form the crowd and all three beat down on Fox (D-). --Main Event Xtreme Title Match: Insane Machine def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-four minutes (C-). Show rating: D+. And the next day... oh, this was going to make some waves in the wrestling world...
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Sometimes, thing just work out the way you want them to. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Worker comes available. CZCW asks for negotiations. Contracts are signed. And a storyline goes perfect. At least, that's our point of view. Cliff's point of view was "Holy ****, boy, how much are we spending here?" April 2007, Week 2, Thursday CZCW Spring Break Bash Live from The Snake Pit --Opening Match: Jeremiah Moose def. Masked Cougar in twelve minutes (C-). Fox Mask reminds Donnie J that this is the Zone, and in the Zone, the Fox isn't hunted... he's the hunter. (C-) --Ben Williams and Mark Smart def. Citizen X in sixteen minutes after Remus interferes (E+). Afterwards, Citizen X celebrates, telling the three that they've finally learned what he's been trying to teach them... and now, their plans can begin (E+). --Snap Dragon def. Camron Vessey in eleven minutes after Flying Jimmy Foxx interferes (D-). Afterwards, the two begin beating down on Vessey, until Matravers runs out to help. (F+). The two sides are evenly matches and face off... until Vessey and Matravers make a 'come on down' motion to the entryway. And music begins playing... "Strongest One There Is"??? It's Alicia Strong! She's siding with the NextGen and running Air Force One out of the area (E). --Main Event: Donnie J, James Prudence, and Steve Flash def. Fox Mask, Insane Machine, and Ultimate Phoenix when Donnie pins Phoenix in twenty-six minutes (D+). Final rating: D. Sam may own USPW... but his daughter chose to sign an exclusive PPA with us. Let's see him explain -that-! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The NextGen have the upper hand. Apparently, so does Donnie J. And what is Citizen X planning?
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Oh, for the love of... Learn to use copy and paste correctly! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Seriously. First I do three 'Week 1's in a row, now apparently the last few shows have all been Spring Break Bash. Argh. Weekly news: Insane Machine was now a dual-title-holder, having won the WLW Show Stealer Title. Good for him! April 2007, Week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from The Snake Pit We open with Citizen X and his three cronies in the ring. X announces that tonight, everyone's well-laid plans will met a bump in the road. Because every plan has one thing that it cannot cope with, an X-Factor that cannot be planned for. Tonight, the X-Factor makes itself known. Remus gets a shot at the Xtreme Title. Smart and Williams face the NextGen for the Tidal #1 Contendership. And Citizen X himself is the first name on the list to face Fox Mask (E-). --Xtreme Title Match: Roderick Remus def. Insane Machine(c) in twenty-one minutes due to interference (C). The NextGen come out, Alicia getting in Citizen X's face, warning him that there had better not be any interference in the contendership match. Citizen X calls her a spoiled brat, just like her father. The two begin brawling until their teams pull them apart, both telling their person to let the team handle it. (E-) --Tidal Contendership Match: NextGen def. Smart & Williams in sixteen minutes after run-ins by Citizen X, Roderick Remus, and Alicia Strong (E). As the NextGen leave, Citizen X tells the X-Factor not to worry. They'll still have two titles at the end of the night... and here comes Steve Flash, James Prudence, and Donnie J. They all warn Citizen X that, should he win, they'll be the first ones there to knock him back down to size. (E+). --Main Event CZCW Championship Match: Fox Mask(c) def. Citizen X in thirty-two minutes after a horribly overbooked scrum involving the X-Factor attacking Fox, the NextGen attacking X, and... well, the other three getting in the ring and basicly hitting anything that moved (D+). Show rating: D. Hey, we'll take it. We had one show left this month, and we'd already blown through more money than any other month. At this rate, we were going to fail those financial goals Cliff had set for us. One more month, and we'd have to start figuring out how we were going to start turning a profit soon. On the next Coastal Zone: The X-Factor has caused new alliances to form. Can Fox Mask trust the NextGen? Or is Alicia Strong just after the same thing everyone else is... the Coastal Zone Title?
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Are we the only ones with faith in these guys? Welcome to the Coastal Zone... please treat the talent right. -Air Attack Weasel's 4C record: 1-3, the win being as part of a six-man tag. -Fox Mask's WLW record: 0-4, three of them coming from losses to Cyber Fighter. -Insane Machine had a single singles win in WLW, winning the Showstealer Title, only to lose it to Koji Kojima the next next show and lose the rematch the show after that. His PGHW record wasn't much better, being 1-7. -Masked Cougar's PGHW record was 1-6, with that win being one of Machine's losses. -Plague was almost doing the best of the lot, WLW record 5-5. -Remmy Skye has lost his sole DAVE match so far. -Snap Dragon seemed to be feuding with Adam Matravers (What a coincidence) in GCG, going 3-1 against him (and 0-4 against others there). -Steve Flash was the only one with some respect, 3-0 in defense of his NYCW Tri-State Title. -Ultimate Phoenix was 2-2 in MPWF. Sigh. Nobody thinks our guys are any good. April 2007, Week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from The Snake Pit --Opening Match: Plague def. Air Attack Weasel in fifteen minutes (C-). Hype video for NextGen vs AF1. (E-). The NextGen then warn The Flyboys and Steve Flash to stay out of their way. They couldn't hack it in the big leagues... but the big leagues are the NextGen's destiny (E) --Jeremiah Moose def. Ultimate Phoenix in fifteen minutes (C-). --Tidal Booking! Air Attack Weasel & Ultimate Phoenix def. Plague & Jeremiah Moose in twenty minutes (D). Hype video for Strong vs X vs Donnie J (E+) --Main Event #1 Contender's Match: Alicia Strong def. Citizen X and Donnie J in twenty-two minutes (C-). Show rating: D+. Strong was off her game, first-match jitters perhaps. We were fiarly sure she'd get better as she got comfortable with the Zone. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: NexGen vs AF1. And Strong decides to show she deserves her title shot.
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More laughs (and action) than a 'best of' SNL compilation. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! The week's news: Snap Dragon gets two more losses in GCG, including one to Adam Matravers. Plague got three wins in WLW, one in the main event, while Fox Mask lost another tag match and was left off the other two cards. Insane Machine took a loss in PGHW. WEXX and INSPIRE both wanted Cameron Vessey to go on tour with them. Hopefully we could make him a better offer. May 2007, Week 1, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from The Snake Pit --Opening Match: Donnie J def. Marc Speed in ten minutes (D+). --Xtreme Title Ladder Match: Rodrick Remus def. Jeremiah Moose in sixteen minutes (D+). --Alicia Strong def. Steve Flash in twenty-five minutes (C-) Beforehand, Alicia cut an old-school promo on Flash (D-). Afterwards, the NextGen join her and they run down AF1 (E-). --Main Event Tidal Tag Title House of Fun Match: NextGen def. AF1(c) in seventeen minutes (D). Show rating: D. Well, we've almost got that storyline done with. We can begin moving Alicia into the main event... especiall since we've got Fox, Machine, and Plague gone to WLW for most of our shows... On the next Coastal Zone: With so many new names in such prominent places, will the old guard grow resentful?
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Well, of course we're not using you as often as you'd like. We only have one show a week, and you're in Japan that day! Welcome to the Coastal Zone, here's a lesson in time management! The week's news: The overseas report: Insane Machine 1-3, Plague 1-2, Fox Mask 0-1... didn't those first two ask us to go easy on them because they were hurting? Snap Dragon got a win in GCG. Various TV networks turned us down for shows again. And Cameron Vessey, one-half of our new tag champs and part of an up-and-coming stable, was leaving for INSPIRE. Argh. Maybe those exclusive PPA contracts weren't a good idea... Whatever. We'd need to find a replacement for him... May 2007, Week 2, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from The Snake Pit We open with Fox lecturing Alicia on the traditions of the Zone. Alicia stops him in mid-promo, and says she understands tradition. She doesn't want to be the kind who comes in and gets a title shot because she's famous. So she'll prove she deserves a match. She'll wrestle on every show until Surf Slam. If she loses.. she'll give up her title shot. (D) --Xtreme Title Match: Roderick Remus def. Remmy Skye in seventeen minutes after Citizen X interferes (D). --Tidal Tag Titles: Air Force One def. NextGen(c) in twenty-two minutes (D-). Afterwards, Vessey and Matravers get into an arguement over who lost it, Alicia comes out for her match, tries to settle things, and takes Matravers' side. Vessey storms out (E-). --Alicia Strong def. Plague in nineteen minutes (C-). Afterwards, Fox comes down for his match, and he and Alicia have a brief staredown in the aisle (E+). --Main Event Non-Title Match: Fox Mask def. Insane Machine in twelve minutes (C-). Show rating: D+. An improvement... still not the C- we'd like, but better than the Ds we've been getting. Most disturbing tho is that we were dropping into the high-400s for attendance. Hopefully we could convince this wrestling-hating nation to come see us... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Jimmy P and Cougar want more ring time. The NextGen experiment may be over. And who's upset over having to job to a woman?
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Throw lots of money at a worker without any specific plans? Heck, that's practicly Rule #1 in Welcome to the Coastal Zone! After all, storylines usually write themselves... and we've got a good one, we think. And it'll justify having Alicia Stone charge lots of money. Heck, we're even looking at brining in some other semi-major names... well, whoever's available. Which means, whoever's been cut loose recently. Yes, that's a clue. The weekly news: Cameron Vessey left, not wanting to work out a new PPA contract. Randy Matravers watches his hope of a push go up in smoke. The overseas report: Masked Cougar 0-1. Insane Machine 2-2. Snap Dragon 1-2. Plague 0-3. Ultimate Phoenix 0-1. Geeze. I'm starting to feel bad for these guys... if I don't give them wins, who will? May 2007, Week 3, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from The Snake Pit We open with Alicia Strong in the ring, ready to find out who her opponent will be tonight... and out comes Donnie J, James Prudence, and Steve Flash. They inform her that, should she lose, Steve Flash will take her place at Surf Slam, where they will become The True Power in CZCW... because at Surf Slam, The Fly Boys will face Air Force One for the Tidal Tag Titles. And also at Surf Slam, Roderick Remus will defend the Xtreme Title in a ladder match against her opponent for tonight... Sam Pratt, THE CALAMARI KID! (D-) --Masked Cougar def. Remmy Skye in eleven minutes (C) --Roderick Remus & Citizen X def. Brian Williams & Mark Smart in an X-Factor Training Match (D-). Afterwards, X pumps up his team, telling them their time is coming, their mission is about to begin (E-). --Steve Flash def. Randy Matravers in a squash (D-). Interlude: Backstage, Fox Mask tells Alicia not to worry. The Zone has a way of looking after those who're worthy. (D-). --Main Event: Alicia Strong def. Sam Pratt in twenty-seven minutes (D+). Afterwards, Steve Flash and the Flyboys hit the ring and note that, even if she doesn't lose a match... she can't get her title shot if she's too injured to perform. The beatdown threatens to begin... and here's Fox Mask to the rescue! Still, two on four is bad odds, and Fox & Strong are being beaten down... "Fight The Power!" It's... Citizen X and the X-Factor? They're coming to the rescue of Fox and Strong? What the hell? (Heels are cleared out of the ring, cursing, to end the show (E+). Final rating: D. We should've given Cougar and Skye more time... but since we can't re-hire Skye anyway, we may as well use him as a stepping stone. Oh, and to answer last post's teaser: Nobody seems to have a problem losing to Alicia yet. But we just noticed something... the D show didn't say it raised our popularity. This... could be a problem. On the next Coastal Zone: The last show before Surf Slam. The True Power will undoubtedly want revenge for what happened this week... but what form will that revenge take?
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So, has anyone else thought "He should've called them the Upright Citizen X's Brigade" yet? Welcome to the Coastal Zone, home of semi-obscure comedy references! Yes, SWF has dropped Calamari Kid right about the time INSPIRE made a play for Vessey. We decided it was fate and made him an offer, which he jumped at. He provides a good, established name for us to use if we ever try to get out of the Southwest. Unlike the other two people we just signed, who're, well, not very over anywhere. Overseas report: Snap Dragon: 0-2. Plague: 2-1. Insane Machine: 0-3. Masked Cougar: 0-1. Fox Mask: 0-2 (But at least they were title matches). Air Attack Weasel: 0-1. May 2007, Week 4, Thursday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from The Snake Pit We open with Alicia, Fox, and Citizen X, as X tries to explain why he helped last week: He's the only one allowed to destroy the Zone, and 'The True Power' is steppin' on his turf. So until they're broken, he'll side with the lesser of two evils. Out comes Flash and the Fly Boys, insults fly, and a main event is made: A Huge Six-Man Tag (note: Huge Six-Man Tag is (c) and (tm) Jim Ross) (D). --Air Attack Weasel def. Remmy Skye in eleven minutes (C-) Sam Pratt tells Roderick Remus that he was holding back last week, because he doesn't like fighting women... so apparently, he'll have to hold back at Surf Slam, too. (D-) --Masked Cougar def. Ultimate Phoenix in an upset (C) --Sam Pratt def. Ben Williams & Mark Smart in a handicap match (E) Interlude: Alicia Strong is worried about the main event, as she's never teamed with either man before. Fox tells her not to worry and, once more, to trust in the Zone. As he leaves, Alicia ponders ways to get to know Fox better. (D) Interlude 2: The Fly Boys do a verbal rundown on AF1 (D+). --Main Event Six-Man Tag: Team Face def. Team Heel, Fox pins Flash in twenty-five minutes (D). Show rating: D, with a 'raised popularity' note. Goodie! We could use that, as attendance continues to drop, and when it seems wrestling can't get any less popular in the USA, it manages to. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Surf Slam is here! Strong vs Fox, Remus vs Pratt, Flyboys vs AF1... and an undercard yet to be determined, but we'll find something for X-Factor, Steve Flash, and those two guys we mentioned we signed... and probably a few others...
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Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam! June, 2007, Week 1, Monday Live via Internet from Sold-Out The Snake Pit Scheduled card: Fox Mask vs Alicia Strong (CZCW Championship), Air Force One vs The Fly Boys (Tidal Tag Titles), Roderick Remus vs Sam 'Calamari Kid' Pratt (Xtreme Title), 6-Man Ladder Match to determine the #1 Xtreme Contender. --Opening Match: Jeremiah Moose def. "Leapin' Lumberjack" Cal Sanders in nine minutes (D) X-Factor (minus Roderick Remus) comes out and says that since they've been excluded from the ladder match, they want something to do, so there's an open challenge to anyone who feels like forming a tag team for the night... stomp-stomp-clap, stomp-stomp-clap, "We will, we will, rock you." It's the Gilbert Brothers, accepting the challenge! --X-Factor def. Gilbert Brothers in twelve minutes (E+). Backstage, Fox informs Alicia there's a full house tonight, but not to worry, she just needs to do the best she can and... yeap... trust in the Zone. Alicia thanks him for the advice, but he needs to get the hell out of her locker room while she's changing (D). --6 Man #1 Xtreme Contender Ladder Match: Remmy Skye def. Masked Cougar, Ultimate Phoenix, Plague, Air Attack Weasel, and Insane Machine in twenty-one minutes (C-). Backstage, Alicia tries to cut a promo on Fox, but seems distracted (D). --Tidal Tag Titles: The Fly Boys def Air Force One(c) in thirteen minutes (D+). --Xtreme Title Match: Sam Pratt def. Roderick Remus(c) in fourteen minutes with a pair of brass knucks (D). The two begin brawling, Citizen X gets in the ring, the Fly Boys come down, Williams & Smart come down, Flash comes down, things get ugly and the Snake Pit bouncers have to et involved to seperate them all (E+). --Main Event: CZCW Championship Match: Fox Mask(c) def. Alicia Strong in nineteen minutes via Foxhunter (D+). After the match, Alicia offers to shake Fox's hand... then pulls him in for a kiss... then slaps him across the face and leaves, leaving one very confused Fox in the middle of the ring. (D-) Show rating: D. We're begining to think that C- we got was a fluke. Pity that Sparrow's enoying curtain-jerking for TCW PPVs and not doing anything else... And hey, Surf Slam is now of above-average importance! That'll come in handy next year... if I don't drive us bankrupt... May hadn't been as bad as April, we kept it under twenty thousand lost for the month, but it was still our second most-expensive month. We had to stop spending so much on our shows. Hopefully having the Gilberts added to our stable of low-cost jobbers would give us more options... and we were going to have to shift into something more cost-effective. On the next Coastal Zone: The build to Battle at the Beach begins. Fox is confused, The X-Factor wants revenge, and we want profits!
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I like this quick fast paced write up style. Plus I like how you are using your workers and cycling them into each card. Strong should be used more on each card or not used at all. She should get 2 spots plus a match on every card to justify her costs. Just please don't go bankrupt. Your kid will grow up very sad that his dad killed the Zone off and has no job anymore.
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