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Welcome... to the Coastal Zone!

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Where sometimes we'd swear we were two different people -- one booking, one doing business. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We had forgotten that we had decided to let Angel de Mexico go... which caused the Tidal Tag Titles to be vacated... which kinda ruined our plans for them. Whoopsie. So... time for a new plan. September 2012, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Amazing FireFly challenging Alicia to a title match (what the heck, it worked so well in Puerto Rico, and they're barely over there). (B) Xtreme Ladder Match Josh Jones(c) def. Jeremiah Moose in thirteen minutes, as Moose realizes that, as usual, he's going to our jobber... again. (D) Backstage, Super Sonic is discussing how Angel ran away when he heard the Gilberts were coming and Sonic, well, needs a new partner. It turns out he's talking to Phoenix, who accepts his proposal to team tonight (D-) Tidal Tag Title Match Sonic & Phoenix def. Blue Shift in seven minutes in a quick waste of time (D) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Stong(c) def. Amazing FireFly in ninteen minutes of minor dissapointment. Don't get me wrong, it was okay, but we hoped for at least a c+, if not B-. (C) Show rating: C-, 0.36 TV Sadly, we had to find some way to save money... and we had a chance to do it, but... it meant cutting loose a Zone original. Pee-Wee was costing us over a thousand dollars a show. A replacement ref would save us... well, quite a bit. If we could find someone half the price, that's four grand a month saved. Speaking of money... September 2012, week 2, Thursday Coastal Tour From the sold out National Arena, Tijuana Phoenix I comes out to talk about how he's half of the Tidal Tag Champs now, and how he's not scared of the Gilberts... boom boom clap boom boom clap... Joe is here, and he says tonight he's going to teach Phoenix that he -should- be scared. (E+) Opening Match Soul Taker def. Air Borne in eleven minutes (D) Hype video for Purpura getting a rematch against Josh Jones (D-) Xtreme Title Match Josh Jones(c) def. El Beastia Purpura in fifteen minutes, doing... passably, despite not clicking. We forgot that. (D) Hype for the main event (E) Main Event Joe Gilbert def. Phoenix I in fourteen minutes with a Slap Shot (D) Show rating: D Well... we had been hoping for a bit more than that, given we were in Mexico. Still, with the sellout crowd and keeping worker costs down, we had gone from losing nine grand for the month to making nine grand for the month. So we just had to balance things right... On the next Coastal Zone: ... honestly, I have no idea. I'll work on it. Hey, I've got all of September to figure out something for All Hallow's Zone...
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I disapear for a week - and the Zone's all gone and changed on me! Although with the Gilberts and Moose back, it's got a 2005 feel about it - and you're seven years ahead of that! When I saw the length of Remus's contract, I thought that he was in for a major push and was going to take the title off Idol. He's been winning matches since - but surely he's going to be the one to end Strong's reign?
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Out with the old, in with the new! What do you mean, we're in with the old, too? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Interesting. Apparently we've become friends with Soul Taker. Huh. Don't we get a say in this? No? Oh, well. The man gets a job for life then. Goodbye, Pee-Wee. Take nine months off. We've got someone new as a ref... Welcome to Javier Brooke, who started reffing just last year... but who is not only a competent ref, but his mic skills, acting skills, and natural charisma was off the chizz-arts. So... we had a plan. September 2012, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy We open with no Pee-Wee in the ring, and out comes Javier Brooke, announcing that he's living his dream... he recently won control of the Zone in a poker game with Cliff Anderson (who sells the angle on commentary), so not only is he in charge backstage, he's taking charge in the ring as well (E+) Xtreme Opening Match Josh Jones(c) def. Fearless Blue in eight minutes with the Canadian Backdrop. Which we imagine is something like a reverse Canadian Destroyer. (D+) Out comes Harry Wilson, making an arguement for a title match tonight. Javier stops him, asks him a few pointed questions, and decides to grant him the match (E+) Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) def. Harry Wilson in fifteen minutes in a surprising good match (C) As Alicia is leaving, out comes Snap Dragon, asking the new boss for a shot as well. Alicia protests, but Javier shows he's been a fan of the Zone by citing several of Snap Dragon's acomplishments and says he deserves a shot... is this guy power-mad or a fan? (D+) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) def. Snap Dragon in sixteen minutes via Strong STF (Let's face it, any move is a Strong move if needed) (C+) Final rating: C-, 0.37 TV There's a character not seen lately... a ref who is also owner who is also a fan. And also a gambler. And possibly a psychotic putz. And he saves us seven hundred bucks a show, eight shows a month, that's... over five grand a month saved. Plus he's good for angles. Interesting note: Babes of Sin City was selling out the Snake Pit for their monthly show. Good for them. September 2012, week 3, Thursday Coastal Tour... quickie style! Somewhere in Puerto Rico Javier is upset that someone stole his wallet and debates if the Zone will ever come back (E) Geoff Borne def. Ultimo Soetsu in ten minutes (F+) Hype for the Gilberts (E+) William Crash def. Zeshin Makioka in ten minutes (E) Cal Sanders def. Dolphino in ten minutes (E+) Hype for Alicia (D-) Jesse Gilbert def. Antonio with a Slap Shot in ten minutes (D-) Show rating: E+. Well, it'll hold us steady. So much for the idea we can use the new people on the show and still get more popular... So, how did the Zone do at El Dia National De Lucha? Well, we didn't have a show. But how did our alumni do? MPWF: Super Sonic won the opening match, Casino was on the winning side of a six-man, and Fire Fly and Machine were on a team that beat a team with Snap Dragon. OLLIE: El Leon lost the semi-main, Angel de Mexico won the main to retain the Campeon de Universal OLLIE title. SOTBPW: Um... Ultimate Phoenix won a match... otherwise, SOTBPW doesn't have any Zoners on the roster. On the next Coastal Zone: Time to start up some feuds. Who wants to take down the rookie phenom Josh Jones? Who wants the CZCW Title?
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The buildup to All Hallow's Zone begins here! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! September 2012, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold-out Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Dark match: Super Sonic def. Dolphino in six minutes (E+) We open with Spanish Superfly asking for a title match from Javier. Then Rod Remus asks for one. And FireFly is out asking for another. Javier says he's had to promise Alicia that she'll have no more than one defense a show... but as these are some of the Zone's best, well, tonight'll be a three-way contendership match, winner gets Alicia at All Hallow's Zone (C+) Opening Tag Match Daredevil Aero & Extreme Deluxe def. Blue Shift in ten minutes when Aero pins Blue (D) Afterwards, Sonic runs into Aero backstage and comments on his choice of partners. Aero gets in Sonic's face, and we wind up with them meeting next week (D-) Hype interviews from the main eventers: FireFly, Remus, Superfly (B-, B, B). Main Event Triple Threat FireFly, Remus, and SuperFly go to a thirty-minute time limit draw. (C) Show rating: C-, 0.39 TV -- new record! Okay, so, bulldung ending there. We still weren't sure who we wanted to face Alicia. We did sign Marc Speed to a new contract tho. On the next Coastal Zone: We change things up a bit, and do Coastal Tour first in the post, just 'cause it's less anticlimactic that way. Who will face Alicia for the CZCW Title at the end of October? Will Super Sonic be able to concentrate on his upcoming match with the Gilberts, or get distracted by his old partner? And are we forgetting a few matches?
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What do you mean, every other promotion has at least a million bucks in the bank? Crap. We should make some money, huh? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! September 2012, week 4, Thursday Coastal Tour Tiujana, as we need more money... again. Opening ProAm Match Soul Taker & Ultimo Soetsu def. Snap Dragon & Air Borne in ten minutes when Borne taps out to Taker's Life Force Drain (C-). Hype for Sonic vs Aero on Sunday (E) Tidal Booking! Joe Gilbert def. El Beastia Purpura in eight minutes with a Slap Shot (D) Spanish Superfly def. Jessie Gilbert in thirteen minutes with a Spanish Superfly Splash (C-) Announce/hype Sunday's main event: Alicia Strong and Amazing FireFly vs Rod Remus and Spanish Superfly (B+) Tidal Booking Main Event The Gilbert Brothers def. Purpura & Superfly in fourteen minutes after a Slap Shot on Purpura (C) Show rating: C We now had plenty of money -- that last one realy brought in the dough (something like $15k in profit). Tidal booking for a while it would be... and if the gates stayed that good, we could do a Mexican show and three Puerto Rican shows and not have a problem. September 2012, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone From the sold-out Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy Backstage, the participants of our main event mob Javier, asking why they're being forced to team up. Javier says it's simple... whoever gets the pinfall gets the contendership. And if it's Alicia, she gets to pick anyone in the Zone. They all seem happy and scheming about that, until Javier also says that anyone turning on their partner will be suspended. (B-) Opening Match Super Sonic def. Daredevil Aero in eleven minutes with a Redneck Hurricanrana (D-). The two shake hands after (E+) Filler Match Harry Wilson def. Jeremiah Moose in ten minutes via pinfall (D-) Hype for the main event (B) Main Event Tag Remus & Superfly def. FireFly & Strong in twenty-three minutes with Remus getting a huge submission victory over Alicia herself in a omewhat dissapointing match (C) Show rating: C-, 0.36 TV .... oh, c'mon! A C? You guys are the best we have, the heat was strong, and you give us a C? My God, we missed Mayan Idol... Now, we were starting to get worried. Last time we threw our main eventers into a tag match, we got a surprise B- out of it. It would have been nice to have a C+, at least. On the next Coastal Zone: Who's afraid of Canadians? And will we manage a better main event?
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[QUOTE=Monkeypox;246205]I love that the Gilberts are still around this place in 2012. Have they improved?[/QUOTE] Stats-wise? Not really. They spend the majority of the last six years in CGC, and have gotten quite popular in Canada... but skill-wise, they're about the same place.
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ECW's third draft pick in the supplemental draft: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! October 2012, week 1, Thursday Coastal Tour Puerto Rican gymnasium Daredevil Aero tells us that, unlike tonight's main eventer, Phoenix, he's not afraid of Canadians (E-) Opening Match Daredevil Aero def. Cal Sanders in ten minutes (E+) Hype for the tag match as All Hallow's Zone (E) Tag Match Josh Jones & Simon Ice def. Jeremiah Moose & Antonio in twelve minutes when Jones pins Moose (D-) Hype for Strong v Remus at AHZ (D+) Announcement of TV main event: Strong vs Remus in a tag match, partners TBA (D+) Main Event Jesse Gilbert def. Phoenix I in 18 minutes after psyching him out with a faked Slap Shot and hitting a Stun Gun on the turnbuckle instead (D) Show rating: D AAA needed a head booker. Tempting, buuuuut no. October 2012, week 1, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Alicia Strong chatting up Harry Wilson about how important bloodlines and family is in wrestling, and convinces him to be her partner tonight. (C-) Opening Match Super Sonic def. Air Borne in eight minutes via pinfall (D-) Backstage, Rod Remus is telling someone that he knows what it's like to be a phenom in the Zone, and that this mystery person has a great career ahead of him... and tonight, he can show everyone, not just by being a champ, but by being his partner. Josh Jones accepts. (D+) Grudge Match Daredevil Aero def. Phoenix I via DQ in eleven minutes when Phoenix just begins wailing on him (C-). The beatdown continues a few minutes (D-) until Super Sonic runs out and yells at his partner for treating his old partner this way. Phoenix leaves in a huff (E+) Main Event Tag Remus & Jones def. Strong & Wilson in eighteen minutes when Josh Jones gets the Canadian Backdrop on Harry Wilson (C+) Show rating: C-, 0.37 TV Okay, that's... well, the main event was better. The show as a whole... no. And with only a couple weeks of build to go... it wasn't what we wanted. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Remus and Strong both seek momentum going into AHZ, and just a week before facing the Gilberts, the Tidal Tag Champs have falled apart... which of them will retain custody of the Tidal Tag Titles?
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As some internet fans may be aware, we will be unable to compete tonight... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! October 2012, week 2, Thursday Coastal Tour, Quickies Style! Puerto Rican Gym Um... Soul Taker and Fearless Blue find some reason to have a fight. (E) El Beastia Purpura def. Extreme Deluxe (E) Hype for Tidal Tag Titles at AHZ (E-) Joe Gilbert def. Snap Dragon (D) Hype for Strong v Remus (D+) Soul Taker def. Fearless Blue (D-) Show rating: E+. Dangit, we need to find a way to get popular over there... somehow. We had a hunch, but we couldn't try it right now... so do we keep trying this for a few months, or... what? One change we could make right now... Coastal Tour? Done. Tidal Booking? On. And for a half-hour only. Screw this 'get the new guys trained' thing... we needed popularity if we were going to hit Cult by the end of the year. Which... two and a half months... probably not gonna happen... October 2012, week 2, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy Opening Tag Match -- winners get custody of the Tidal Tag Titles The Backyarders (Sonic & Aero) def. The New Mexican Revolution (Phoenix & Purpura) in ten minutes when a Backyard Recklessness pins Purpura (D) Remus hypes his match at AHZ (C+) Midcard Match Rod Remus def. Amazing FireFly in sixteen minutes with the Remus Clutch (C+) Alicia hypes her match at AHZ (B-) Main Event Non-Title Match Alicia Strong def. Spanish Superfly for the first time in under twenty, needing eighteen minutes to hit the Strong Takedown for the victory before declaring "I AM THE STRONGEST ONE THERE IS!" (B) Show rating: C+, 0.42 TV Now -that's- what we're talking about! On the next Coastal Zone: Alicia's finally defeated Spanish Superfly, but Rod Remus is tearing through everyone in his path. It's a classic Champs vs Challengers tag match, and we learn the reason why the Backyarders think they can beat the Gilberts.
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Where we're glad it was just Sims 2 we were playing when the pwoer went out last night and not something important, like Welcome to the Coastal Zone! October 2012, week 3, Thursday Tidal Booking National Arena, Tijuana. Nearly sold out. Just classic Tidal Booking here, as Harry Wilson beats Marc Speed, Josh Jones beats Antonio, the two sides meet up, argue, and have a tag match where Jones and Speed beat Wilson and Antonio, but not before Wilson challenges Jones to an Xtreme Title Match at All Hallow's Zone (D, D+, E, D+) Show rating: D. Well, it paid the bills. Time for the go-home show... October 2012, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live on Los Desportes Hoy from the Snake Pit Opening Tidal Tag Match Backyarders(c) def. Blue Shift in thirteen minutes, showing us that they've got the old teamwork back (D+) The Backyarders then cut a promo on the Gilberts, saying they're not afraid of the big, bad Canadians... because they're old, and the Backyarders combined are almost as old as either of them (D-) Harry Wilson hypes his Xtreme Title Match at All Hallow's Zone (E+) Random filler match Phoenix I def. Jeremiah Moose in five minutes (D) Alicia and Rod cut short interviews hyping the main event for AHZ (B+, B+) Main Event Champs vs Challengers Tag Remus & Wilson def. Strong & Jones in twenty-four minutes when Wilson gets a sneak roll-up on Jones for the pinfall (C) Show rating: C-, 0.37 TV Hrm. Jones and Strong have good chemistry. That's... unexpected. They might make for a powerhouse team in a year or two if Alicia sticks around and Jones continues to deserve pushing. On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW All Hallow's Zone! Announced card: William Crash vs Zenshin Makioka Six Man Tag: Luchadores vs Super Juniors Tidal Tag Titles: Backyarders(c) vs Gilbert Brothers Ladder Match for the Xtreme Title: Josh Jones(c) vs Harry Wilson Triple Threat Luchadore Match: Amazing FireFly vs Phoenix I vs Spanish Superfly CZCW Championship: Alicia Strong(c) vs Roderick Remus
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Welcome to CZCW All Hallow's Zone! October 2012, week 4, Wednesday From the Gorski Ballroom Dark match: William Crash def. Zeshin Makioka (D-) Opening Six-Man Match: Luchas vs Super Juniors Team Lucha (Soul Taker, Dolphino, and El Bestia Purpura) def. Team Super Junior (Snap Dragon, Ultimo Soetsu and Marc Speed) in eleven minutes when Taker forces The Ultimate Ninja to tap out (D+) Alicia hypes the main event (B+) Tidal Tag Titles Backyarders(c) def. The Gilberts in twelve minutes due to interference from Fearless Blue and Extreme Deluxe. XDW is back, baby. (D-) Hype for the Xtreme match (E+) Xtreme Ladder Match Josh Jones(c) def. Harry Wilson in sixteen minutes (D+) Remus hypes the main event (B+) Lucha Three-Way Match Spanish Superfly def. Amazing FireFly and Phoenix I in eighteen minutes by pinning FireFly (C) Hype video for the main event (B+) Main Event Championship Match Alicia Strong(c) draws Rod Remus via double count-out at thirty-four minutes as the two fight all over the new arena and misjudge how far from the ring they've gotten (C) Show rating: C Next time, on the Coastal Zone: One experiment ends and another begins with the final Tidal Booking show, and a zone original gets caught for the unthinkable...
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The greatest diary in Grey Dog History.. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! :P Honestly, it is fantastic how you do this. The struggles, the challenge to get to Cult and the whole grow or bust phase you're going through is fantastic. It's starting to look up for the Coastal Zone, it only took five years. Haha, keep it up. :)
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Where we're currently avoiding any wrestling sites but this one, 'cause when the wife is sick and wants to rent a movie, dammit, you record Raw... and when she wants to have the remote all night, you let her... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We had been expecting about five hundred more people than actually showed up for All Hallow's Zone... we'd've been better off using the Grissom Ballroom again. Oh, well, it's only money... we can always hold more sub-par shows and hope the TV show keeps us popular enough to do so. How could that possibly go wrong? October 2012, week 4, Thursday Tidal Booking Puerto Rican Gym Aero beats Ice, Sonic gets beaten by Cal Sanders after a pull of the tights, they argue, the Backyarders win the final match to retain their titles (E, E+, F+, E+). Show rating: E+. Well, it didn't hurt us -- that's where we were there right now. October 2012, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Phoenix and Purpura in the ring, declaring a new day for the New Mexican Revolution, and that from now on, they will be the final word on Lucha Libre in the Zone. Apparently, FireFly and Superfly take issue with this, as nobody speaks for them but them. We'll have a match tonight... and yes, we know it's one-sided. (C-) Opening Match Jesse Gilbert def. Air Borne via Slap Shot (E+) Xtreme Match Josh Jones(c) def. Joe Gilbert via his brother's miss-timed interference causing Joe to get hit with a hockey stick at thirteen minutes (C-) Joe and Jesse argue afterwards. (E+) Main Event Tag Team Fly def. New Mexican Revolution in a surprising seventeen minutes, as nobody thought Purpura would go that long before being pinned (C) Show rating: D+, 0.35 TV Shock of shocks... he's a locker room leader... a great flier... a fine wrestler... and apparently, our very own Snap Dragon was... a juicer. He failed a steroid test. We... honestly weren't sure what to do with him. We currently weren't allowed to sign or resign steroid users, but that only applied for the next few months, so his contract should be safe... but should we suspend him? Well, we had fourteen days to decide... So, to recap: We need money. We have a little. We need popularity. We have a little, depending on where you go. So, let's do something completely stupid and hope it's so insane, it's brilliant. On the next Coastal Zone: 14 days. 14 shows. It's CZCW World Tour 2012! Well... the first half of it, anyway.
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Yay! More trials and tribulations! Boo! No Mayan Idol! (Being as this is infinity I fully expect you to hire Brendan Idol and slap a mask on him and call him Maine Idol.) Yay! Another hair-brained concept! Boo! Seriously I think you're the only booker in the world who in 2012 would book a tag team title match involving the Backyarders and the Gilberts. That's... just the sort of match that has wrestlecrap smeared all over it.
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Where we've got Wrestlecrap smeared all over us! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! In our defense tho... the Backyarders have been slowly becoming better and have the potential for more, while the Gilberts got to C+ overness in Canada and spilled into D+ overness in the US, so... for a regional promotion, it's not a bad matchup. Anyway... Welcome to the World Tour. Okay, it's really a USA/Mexico tour, but hey... November 2012, week 1 CZCW World Tour - Monday Ohio Jewish Center, Great Lakes, USA Spanish Superfly makes an open challenge that's accepted by Jesse Gilbert. The two have a match, Superfly wins, and then Superfly says he'll face anyone else the next time he's in town (D, C-, D+), Show rating: C-. An expensive C-, but hey. CZCW World Tour - Tuesday Stanley Hall, Mid-Atlantic USA Same as yesterday, replace Superfly with Rod Remus (D+, C, C), Show rating: C. CZCW World Tour - Wednesday Colorado Springs Bar, Mid-South USA Same as before, only this week, it's Alicia, FireFly, and a successful title defense (C-, C, C+), Show rating: C- CZCW World Tour - Thursday San Louis Potosi Hall, West-Central Mexico Same as before, only with Soul Taker getting the win over Snap Dragon (C-, D+, C-), show rating: C- CZCW World Tour - Friday Hunter's Town Hall, Midwest USA Same old story, Alicia retains over Jesse (D+, D+, C-), show rating: D+. They don't click. Good to know now. CZCW World Tour - Saturday Biker's Paradise, New England USA Same deal, only Jesse and Joe have a blow-up, with Jesse getting the better of it (D-, D-, D), show rating: D-. CZCW World Tour - Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Like from the Snake Pit on Los Desportes Hoy We open with a hype video for Alicia vs Remus. They'll be meeting in a mystery-partner tag match at Thanksgiving, and then a title match at Year In Review (B+) Make-people-happy-we're-using-them 15 man battle royal Soul Taker def... Um... a lot of people in twenty-four minutes, despite the final four behind himself, Daredevil Aero, Extreme Deluxe, and Super Sonic (D-) We announce/hype a match for next week: Josh Jones defends the Xtreme Title against Snap Dragon (D) Main Event Triple-Threat Spanish Superfly def Phoenix & Amazing FireFly in eighteen minutes (C) Show rating: C-, 0.36 TV Yeap, we decided Snap Dragon would get a title defense. But since he'd been caught juicing, the question wasn't if he'd win... it was if we would bury him completely or not. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: World Tour, Week Two! Can the budget survive? Will there be anyone left happy at how often they're being used? The answer to these questions and more, next week... is no.
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The World Tour continues! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! November 2012, week 2. CZCW World Tour - Monday Club X, Northwest USA Just like last week, only with FireFly over Jesse Gilbert (D+, C-, C-), show rating: D+ CZCW World Tour - Tuesday San Juan High SChool, Puerto Rico The usual, Remus over Jesse (C-, C+, C), show rating: C. Did Jesse Gilbert just have a C+ match? CZCW World Tour - Wednesday Palacio de Lucha, Northern Mexcio Same as above, only with Josh Jones retaining against Phoenix and then a hype video for Jones vs Dragon (D, C, C), show rating: C CZCW World Tour - Thursday Rainbow Bar & Grill, Southeast USA Same thing, only Remus and Superfly go to a 20-minute draw, and Remus asks Superfly to be his partner at Thanksgiving (C-, C, C), show rating: C- CZCW World Tour - Friday Weston Gymnasium, Tristate USA Same deal, but a non-title match between Alicia and Josh Jones, with Alicia winning and offering Jones a spot as her partner. Josh declines as he's expecting a title match that night. (D-, C-, D-), show rating: D+ CZCW World Tour - Saturday The Snake Pit, Southest USA -- please pay us! We hype Jones v Dragon some more, have Soul Taker win a ten-man battle royale, and then hype tomorrow's main event: Alicia v Superfly. (D+, D, B) Show rating: D. But, a sell-out. CZCW World Tour - Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy Opening Match Rod Remus def. Cal Sanders in nine minutes in a warm-up match that is probably the highest-rated match Cal will be in for us (C-) Remus then hypes his upcoming matches with Alicia (B-) Xtreme Ladder Match Josh Jones(c) buries the crap out of Snap Dragon in nine minutes (C-) Alicia hypes her matches with Remus and tonight's main event against long-time rival Spanish Superfly (B) Main Event Champion Match Alicia Strong(c) def. Spanish Superfly in nineteen minutes, showing her previous victory was no fluke (C+). Afterwards, Rod Remus runs down to soften up Alicia in the show before their tag match (B-) Show rating: C+, 0.33 TV. Oh, that's not good. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Hoooboy, are people upset with us...
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It's a comedy of errors... or would be, if it weren't so tragic. Welcome to the Coastal Zone... who's running this place? The decision to not suspend Snap Dragon hadn't been easy... but he was also working for NYCW and MPWF, and neither of them had some anything about it, so we figured we wouldn't get noticed. And so, that brings us to... CZCW Thanksgiving November 2012, week 3, Thursday From the sold-out Grissom Auditorium .... WHAT DO YOU MEAN, IT'S A HALF-HOUR SHOW?????????? Crap. Well, in a way, that's useful... we don't have to fill the rest of the show. So, we keep this slam-bang simple... We open with a Remus/Stone hype video recapping how we got here (B+) Main Event Tag Rod Remus & Spanish Superfly def. Alicia Strong & Harry Wilson in twenty-two minutes. Wilson takes it to Superfly outside the ring with a chair, as he can't be DQ'd since he's not the legal man, but he can't get back to the ring to stop Remus from locking in the Remus Clutch on Strong and getting the tap-out (C) We quickly announce Wilson vs Superfly at Year In Review (D+) Show rating: C+ Sadly, our World Tour failed in it's goal of making us look good enough for an American TV show. Oh, well... On the next Coastal Zone: We build towards Year In Review 2012, which -will- be two hours long, we promise... but what mistake could sabotage the Zone before we get there?
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Proving the AI can make better booking decisions than we could: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! THE HEAD BOOKER OF CGC IS A GENIUS! Bruce the Giant and Jim Force in a tag team? That's a license to print money, baby! Okay, time to go into hard sell mode. Four weeks of shows left, and we had Year In Review to hype the heck out of. And we still had our project of 'get over' in Puerto Rico... so we had to keep doing shows there... maybe we'd use the people upset we hadn't been using them on the World Tour... We should talk to them all and see who wanted to work more. Let's see... Very unhappy: FireFly, Dolphino, Speedball, Taker, Crash Extremely Unhappy: Aero, Blue, Moose, Gilberts, Phoenix, Dragon, Furious: Antonio, Purpura, Deluxe, November 2012, week 3, Saturday CZCW PR From... well, Puerto Rico. We hype Harry Wilson vs Spanish Superfly (E) Battle Royale for an Xtreme Title Shot at Year In Review Soul Taker defeats a bunch of people in yet another Battle Royale to win a title shot (D-) We announce the title shot as official (E-) Show rating: D- November 2012, week 3, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy Opening Tag Match Dolphino & Extreme Deluxe def. Moose & Purpura in eight minutes (E+) Hype for Alicia vs Remus at YIR (B+) Added to YIR (and hyped): Tidal Tag Titles: Backyarders vs The Gilbert Brothers rematch, because nobody demanded it!(E+) Tidal Tag Titles Backyarders(c) def. Blue Shift in twelve minutes when Aero pins Blue (D) Hype for Superfly vs Wilson at YIR (D+) Hype for Jones vs Soul Taker at YIR (C-) Main Event Tag FireFly & Phoenix def. The Gilberts in fifteen minutes when the Backyarders interfere (D+) Show rating: D+, 0.35 TV Former Zoner Jonnie Perez was severely injured. Please send your condolences to... no, wait, he had ear-wax build up. Nevermind. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The entire roster's upset. Will their kvetching cause Peers to make a giant mistake? Or is the bad news something completely unrelated?
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Where we haven't made a mistake this big in a long, long time: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We had settled into a nice routine, building up in Puerto Rico (which made sense, as it was a nice place to blend American and Mexican wrestling, with a crowd that was fairly open to both... but was more American-leaning than the Southwest, so it made a good case towards the rest of the country) and then hyping with our TV show to build up to our big shows. How could we possibly screw this up? November 2012, week 4, Saturday CZCW PR Opening Match Extreme Deluxe def. Antonio in eight minutes (E) Hype for Josh Jones vs Soul Taker (E-) The Gilberts hype their title shot at YIR (E+) Main Event The Gilberts def. Air Borne and Beastia Purpura via Slap Shot (D-) Show rating: D- People currently upset: Alicia, FireFly, Antonio, Blue, Wilson, Moose, Joe, Phoenix, Dragon, Taker, Superfly, Soetsu, Crash. Well, that's getting better. Do we have a shot at making them all happy by the end of the year? November 2012, week 4, Sunday Welcome to the Coastal Zone Live from the Palacio de Lucha on Los Desportes Hoy We open with Soul Taker promising to take the Xtreme Title at Year In Review (C-) Opening Tag Match Blue Shift def. Anotonio & Soetsu in twelve minutes with Blue pinning Soetsu (D-) We get interviews from Superfly, Wilson, Remus, and Strong about YIR (D+, C, B-, B) Main Event Six-Man Strong, Jones & Wilson def. Remus, Taker & Superfly in twenty-five minutes when Wilson pulls the tights on Superfly while everyone else bawls outside the ring (C) Show rating: C-, 0.31 TV??? Uhoh. We decided not to renew William Crash's contract. Zenshin Makioka began to worry. And so did we. Due to a miscalculation, Welcome to the Coastal Zone came to an end at the begining of December, not the end. Um.... whooops. Crud. On the next Coastal Zone: Someone's mimicing the Coastal Zone, and doing better than we were... and, will the search for money cause us to burn out?
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So we took a weekend off. So sue us. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We had competition. INSPIRE was turning into the Zone, only better. Their latest tour included Masked Cougar, Plague, and Insane Machine... and was putting out C/C+ shows on a regular basis. We... weren't. December 2012, week 1, Friday CZCW PR Between hype for Wilson/Superfly and Jones/Taker, (E,E-) we have Alicia retain over Phoenix I in twenty-one minutes (C-). Show rating: C-. We decided we needed to put on a few shows in the meantime, so CZCW 2012 Wrap Up was scheduled for Sundays... we'd use them to burn out Northern Mexico, and run YiR in the Southwest USA to maximize profits. Currently unhappy: FireFly, Aero, Purpura, Moose, Gilberts, Phoenix, Simon, Dragon. The list is getting smaller! And come to think of it, havin gno TV show means we'll be makign more money, so maybe putting ourselves back on the Internet isn't a bad idea... December 2012, week 1, Sunday CZCW 2012 Wrap Up From the sold-out National Arena, Tijuana... live on the Internet! Opening Six-Man Match The Gilberts & Jeremiah Moose def. The Backyarders & Snap Dragon in thirteen minutes when Jesse hits Dragon with a Slap Shot (D+) Remus cuts a scathing promo on Alicia (B-) Filler Match El Beastia Purpura def. Simon Ice in eight minutes (E+) Hype for Wilson vs Superfly and Jones vs Soul Taker (D+, C-) Main Event Rod Remus def. Amazing FireFly in nineteen minutes with the Remus Clutch to keep his momentum going (C+) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: A former Zoner shows a certain promotion how far they've fallen, and Alicia Strong faces Josh Jones in a non-title ten-minute exhibition... will there be a major upset?
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In Mourning. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. I don't know how, when, why it happened. I just know it happened. As a wrestling fan, and as a family man, I don't believe I'll ever understand the 'why'. There but for the grace of god go I, for if even the strongest of us can lose control, what else can we hope for? December 2012, week 2, Friday CZCW PR We open with a hype video for Jones vs Taker (E-) and move into a triple threat match, where Taker defeats FireFly and Phoenix because those two never get on the same page (C-) which leads into announcing FireFly vs Phoenix at YiR (E). Show rating: D+ SWF had fallen on hard times the last few years, sure... but this? This was a slap in the face. They had recently been turned down for negotiations with a man they hoped would help rebuild their image... "Psyche Out" Remmy Skye. When Remmy F'in Skye says he won't take pot money from you because it'll hurt his image working for someone of your size, that's -low-. December 2012, week 2, Sunday CZCW 2012 Wrap Up Live from the sold-out National Arena, Tijuana, on the Internet Opening ProAm Tag Spanish Superfly & Dolphino def. Joe Gilbert & Antonio in twelve minutes with a Superfly Splash on Antonio (D+) Alicia responds to Remus' rant with one of her own (B-) Filler Match Harry Wilson def. Snap Dragon in seventeen minutes (D+) Harry then hypes his match with Superfly, and when he's done, Superfly does the same backstage (C-, D+) Main Event Ten-Minute Exhibition Champions Match Alicia Strong draws Josh Jones (C+) Show rating: C And moving right along, as we continue to blow a wad of cash to try and make a wad of cash, while keeping our workers from revolting... December 2012, week 3, Friday CZCW PR Hype videos for Wilson/Superfly and FireFly/Phoenix (E, E) followed by Alicia retaining over Jesse Gilbert (C-, and yes, we knew they had bad chemistry). Show rating: D+ One last show to mollify the undercard before Year In Reivew... Cal, Aero , Purpura, Deluxe, Blue, Moose, Speed, Dragon December 2012, week 3, Sunday CZCW 2012 Wrap Up From the sold-out National Arena, Tiujana, live on the internet Opening ProAm Tag Snap Dragon & Cal Sanders def. Jeremiah Moose & El Beastia Purpura in ten minutes with a Dragon's Breath (D) Tidal Tag Titles Match Backyarders(c) def. Blue Shift in thirteen minutes (D-) Hype for FireFly vs Phoenix (C-) Main Event Champs vs Challengers Tag Strong & Jones def. Remus & Taker in twenty-two minutes with a Strong Takedown on Soul Taker for the pin (B-... finally!). Taker and Remus do a beatdown afterwards that turns into a brawl to end the show (C-) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Year In Review 2012! CZCW Championship No-Time-Limit, Falls Count Anywhere: Alicia Strong(c) vs Roderick Remus Xtreme Title Lucha Libre Match: Josh Jones(c) vs Soul Taker Tidal Tag Title Ladder Match: The Backyarders(c) vs The Gilbert Brothers Grudge Match: Spanish Superfly vs Harry Wilson Lucha Libre Action: Phoenix I vs Amazing FireFly
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